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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 960 KB, 787x1208, sonic_x-treme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9908003 No.9908003 [Reply] [Original]

Would it have saved the Saturn?

>> No.9908005

yes, it also wouldve saved the 32x, virtual boy, dreamcast, jaguar, 3do, and cdi

>> No.9908008

it would have harmed it and the sonic brand. sonic xtreme had even less vision behind it than sonic adventure

>> No.9908012

If that fisheye shit had come out it would have been a laughing stock and given people headaches. Everyone would have called it a shittier version of Bug!

>> No.9908035

It couldn't have hurt.

>> No.9908039

What they probably should have done is scrapped the Sonic R concept and just directed Traveller's Tales to make a real Sonic game instead. They had already ported 3D Blast to Saturn and trusted TT enough with the Sonic license so once X-Treme fell through there was no reason not to let them go ham. It probably would have turned out pretty good.

>> No.9908041

Sonic on saturn could've worked if it was similar to crash

>> No.9908053

I legit think Sonic R has the good bones of a Sonic 3D collecathon. Refine the controls and give Sonic and friends a space to run around and complete missions.

Multiple playable characters could have set it apart from the pack at the time.

>> No.9908065

Nope. The Saturn was already too fargone by the time it was supposed to come out and the version shown at E3 1996 would not have compared favorably to either Super Mario 64 or Crash Bandicoot.

Think of how much damage Sonic 06 did to the IP, but imagine if it happened 10 years earlier while Sega was still making their own consoles and I think you get the general idea of how well it would have been received.

>> No.9908069

Yeah, I kind of imagine it would be like a Tony Hawk game. The stages would be like a giant skate park with different objectives. Traveller's Tales never got enough credit in it's day. They were pretty much a Naughty Dog that never got it's Crash Bandicoot. Sonic could have been TT's Crash had Sega not locked them to B-tier side games.

>> No.9908143

I definitely don't think it could've "saved" anything in a meaningful way. The Dreamcast had Sonic and it still bit the dirt. Sonic was only extremely trendy for about 2 or 3 years in the early 90s. No game dev in 1999 was saying "Yes, Sonic the Hedgehog, THAT'S the game we need to be like". Nobody said this. This never happened. There were more appealing and interesting games by that point. This is just a fact. Even by 1994 you can see that there is a dropoff in people caring about Sonic 3 which was the biggest and best game in the series. Frankly it's almost absurd to think lousy a 3D game (the demo footage doesn't look great) with a fisheye lens in 1996 or 1997 would not have tipped the scales against the PlayStation or Nintendo 64, which objectively just had much better, more modern, and more appealing games.

>> No.9908158

It definitely would have gotten more Saturns sold, but the existence of the ps1 and segas fumbling ensured the system was doomed regardless.

>> No.9908165

the Saturn was simply a bad console

they knew the industry was heading for 3D but they treated it as an afterthought anyway, and they paid the price for it

>> No.9908170

Why do western nintendo fans only care about mascot games?

>> No.9908171

This. Drop the racing element and rework the courses as linear stages, sort of like a Crash or Adventure style, maybe even as a bit of a auto runner like deal. You could still do the "racing" as rival/boss stages like the final Sonic vs Shadow fight in Adventure 2.

>> No.9908174

is that why it sold so well in japan?

>> No.9908181

X-treme was never even finished

>> No.9908183

"Well" is relative. It sold adequately in Japan. Just a few hundred thousand more than the N64 did.

>> No.9908186

The Saturn's architecture wasn't the problem. What hurt it was it's many chips not being easily consolidated. It kept getting undercut by both the PS1 and then N64 since the number of components is way more important to price than the power of them. But Sega was dealing with the rapid technological advance that happened right in the middle of the Saturn's engineering. The thing was being designed in 1993 when the original Virtua Fighter was the hottest game. They didn't have the time or resources to start from scratch once they realized they needed more horsepower.

>> No.9908191

The game wasn't finished because everyone knew it played like shit. Sonic simply moved way too fast to be put in true 3D game in the 5th gen.
Their best shot would've been to make a simple Doom-like renderer, where all the characters were represented as 2D sprites and the geometry that makes up the stage was easy to render. Sonic Robo Blast 2 did this and would've been a perfectly fine AAA game had it released in 1995.

>> No.9908198

"Well it worked here, it will work everywhere" is the same line of reasoning that led to EuroDisneyland. It's the height of arrogance to assume that what works outside your window will work halfway across the world, and just Like Disney, Sega of Japan paid for assuming they didn't need outside help.

>> No.9908206

3D on the Saturn was not an afterthought, this is a myth.

>> No.9908207

In two years fewer, yes.

>> No.9908223

It had a two year head start, yes. Both consoles had the same total lifespan though.

>> No.9908227

I think this game made a lot of sense for the Saturn from a tech perspective. Lots of background stuff and a small amount of 3d up front. But as a game, no I dont think it would have great. You can just tell it looks awkward slow and gimmicky compared to the games people liked. The sonic adventure jam thing, I think that could have been a bigger deal. But even then I think Saturn was cooked

>> No.9908228

Virtua Fighter is what sold Saturns out of the gate before the PS1's launch. The Saturn didn't have that luxury in the west. Virtua Fighter didn't have quite the same clout outside of Japan. Sega would have been better off trying to get timed Mortal Kombat 3 exclusivity in North America, which is exactly what Sony did. The PS1 got a huge burst of early adoption thanks to that one game.

>> No.9908235

Mathlet can't count

>> No.9908264 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 366x488, c2f873f5cc183eabd957f6735a95bc6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturn: 1994-2000
N64: 1996-2002

Seven. Seven years. Bahahaha.

>> No.9908282

Saturn: 1994-2000
N64: 1996-2002

>> No.9908361

>western garbage

>> No.9908426

Shouldn't you be in prison?

>> No.9908432

No prison can hold me.

>> No.9908437

>The game wasn't finished because everyone knew it played like shit.
it wasn't finished because it was a money laundering scheme which is really funny and why soa is hated

>> No.9908438

then why it uses quads like a sprite scaler board instead of triangles like everybody else including Sega themselves?

>> No.9908441
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Based and /thread

>> No.9908442


>> No.9908819

Sonic x-crement couldn't even save itself.

>> No.9908835

Sonic Pro Skater... I like it. I'm glad however that Sonic's 3D debut was on the Dreamcast

>> No.9908841

Not a high bar since the N64 was a major fall in Nintendo's marketshare globally

>> No.9908843

Do you have a rebuttal

>> No.9908873

Fucking knock it off with these threads, one shitty game wouldn't have saved the Saturn or the Dreamcast or the FM Towns Marty.

>> No.9908917

Quads were a perfectly valid way to do 3D back then. You really think Sega just made that up for the Saturn?

>> No.9908924

Yes, he is a retard after all

>> No.9908993

Probably not it would've played like ass if the promotional material and fan recreations are anything to go off of though we would probably still post about it because the backdrops and music would have been kino

>> No.9909192

True, but "Sega only threw in 3D capabilities on the Saturn at the last second, it was designed for 2D" is endlessly repeated by retarded youtubers, so it gets endlessly repeated by retarded secondaries on /vr/ as a result.

People somehow believe that the company that made a bajillion dollars off of Virtua Fighter in the arcades somehow didn't know that 3D gaming was popular, even though the Saturn had 6 launch games in the US and all but one of them were in 3D.

>> No.9909290

It doesn't even make sense that they could throw 3D capabilities on at the last second. An architecture that was literally incapable of 3D wouldn't be able to suddenly be able to do it well with a haphazard addition. The way that people talk about how limited the 32X was because it couldn't properly communicate with the Genesis? That's what would be going on inside the Saturn if those rumors were true.

>> No.9909291
File: 51 KB, 500x500, 10-metal-sonic-a-sonic-boom-rare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem with Saturn was not lack of mascot games, but lack of a Sonic platformer specifically. NiGHTS is only fun for so long and Clockwork Knight is just okay. I've never heard anyone say anything good about the Bug! games and I'm convinced Mr. Bones is just a meme at this point

What if I don't want to play arcade ports, though?

>> No.9909296
File: 81 KB, 609x413, Sonicmars (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was no way we were getting a proper Sonic game on Saturn, not with SoJ in charge at the time. X-Treme had a better chance of releasing as Sonic Mars on 32X or an exclusive PC game than it did on Saturn. In fact it was very close to becoming both of these before being completely canceled.

>> No.9909321

No, even if it was a 10/10 game it would not have saved the console. The in-fighting between SoA and SoJ and all the disastrous decisions both sides made would have still doomed the console and company.

>> No.9909330

Would it have saved the Pippin?

>> No.9909332

Then play RPGs, FPS, Strategy, VNs, puzzle games. I'm not you.

>> No.9909346

I'm sure it would have turned out ok if the devs were given the time and resources they needed and Sega wasn't such a dysfunctional mess at the time.

But if my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike.

>> No.9909375

The fucked up thing is that the 32X on its own was the cleaner system, being just 2 CPUs, a framebuffer and the PWM channels. Saturn had every bit of itself fighting for buses or memory access and the DSP was bugged to the point of near uselessness by anyone not Jon Burton (to where the overhead on feeding 3D transformations for the DSP to process can be a bigger bottleneck than just letting the SH-2s handle it). What arguably made the Saturn fucked up was the way everything was connected more than what was in it.

>> No.9909394

No, but I would still want it to come out, it would have been terrible, but some people would say they liked it, just like Sonic R

>> No.9909403
File: 244 KB, 1280x800, EAZeaKgXoAIaJXS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should've have gone back in time and given Sega the sonic Doom WAD and given John Carmack a million dollars to port the engine over properly.

>> No.9909492

Fuck outta here with this idiotic forced meme revisionist history you keep trying to push

>> No.9909501

Quads vs. Tris was still an open question at the time. Think VHS vs. Betamax, and Sega bet on Betamax

>> No.9909521

we use quads today btw

>> No.9909904

You post the blasphemous ruined modern version of the game.

>> No.9909937

Which are still broken down into triangles on the GPU end.

>> No.9911493

Why was that fisheye shit even on the table in the first place? Sega's arcade division was at the cutting edge of 3D. You'd think they'd have gotten there before Nintendo did based on the history.

>> No.9911982

Their cutting edge 3D at the time was using literal military-grade hardware, something that's nearly impossible to cut down cut down for the general consumer.

>> No.9912525
File: 1.97 MB, 320x240, tumblr_odhvifuBon1sg3g3so1_400[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they had just done a proto-Sonic Adventure similar to the Sonic World section of Sonic Jam instead of SoA and SoJ forgetting that they were two parts of the same company and constantly fighting one another while wasting endless amounts of time and resources on retarded fisheye bullshit.

Shit, segafags would have been happy with a high quality 2.5D Sonic game. The N64 had Mario 64 ready from the get go and Nintenyearolds were creaming their jeans, meanwhile the only Sonic releases we got on the Saturn were a compilation disc, a weird racing game that is technically impressive but borderline impossible to control, and an isometric view turd that was basically just an upscaled Genesis game.

>> No.9913420

Not with whatever the fuck Senn had in mind

>> No.9913504

Sonic R is better than Sonic World. Not really hard to control either if you just treat it like a regular racing game with jumping in it. There's even an accel button and hard turn buttons

>> No.9913543
File: 316 KB, 1280x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the fact that sonic controls like a bar of soap and the fact that you constantly have to pan the camera up, I can pain through it.
But I dare you to defend this segment in Arid Canyon Act 1.
Version is 2.0.6 btw (~2013 build)

>> No.9913553

>basically just an upscaled Genesis game
Same resolution

>> No.9913559

> 2.0.6
Never play it. I had already considered the game to have been ruined by then.

>> No.9913563

Ok fair enough, since every stage before that is decent. I guess we've come to a compromise.

>> No.9913594

>What hurt it was it's many chips not being easily consolidated.

It could've been significantly consolidated, if they bothered with it, but they never did anything beyond what Yamaha and Hitachi could give them at no extra cost (like putting a buggy 68k in the sound chip, some way how they put a buggy 68k on the Genesis 3 single chip).

>> No.9913610

yes. the casio loopy, game.com and n-gage too while we're at it

>> No.9913674

Bigger chance it would've killed Sonic with the Saturn, that game was never gonna come out good.

>> No.9913701 [DELETED] 
File: 237 KB, 1031x1160, Chris Senn wanna Pend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr.Fo'free doesn't want you talking about Tiara's creator, despite being on topic to Sonic Xtreme's development.

So much they deleted any posts talking about it in the following up thread....
...Despite being normally discussed in a previous Xtreme thread.

Either the janny is a Sonic CuLT goon or got his feefees hurt.

>> No.9913705

Is this real?

>> No.9913721

>Either the janny is a Sonic CuLT goon or got his feefees hurt.

Former sonic cult admin here. The mods we had would've never bothered to delete something like this. I think you mean either SSRG by Andy Wolan or Area 51 by Jan Abaza, I forgot which, where they had dumb rules like talking shit about Yuji Naka got you banned. One of those guys even claimed that the sonic cult hurt his feelings so much that he got rectal bleeding (not making this up, there was even a fan video made of this).

>> No.9913770


>> No.9913772

is Sonic CuLT even still around?

>> No.9913781

Hidden Palace and TCRF grew out of the Sonic Cult. The former admins run 7chan and plus4chan.

>> No.9913784

I assume he's thinking of SSRG, I remember lots of dumb drama there and more than a few defensive lolcows. Doesn't seem like a cult move at all, they were shitposters from the ground up.

>> No.9913807

He is probably one of those butthurt guys from SSRG or Area 51, given that they were the only people who'd do something dumb as trying to spread lies about the Cult. They were the only ones to consistently miscapitalize the title, which was a dead giveaway.

>> No.9914087

Saz if I ping you in the HP server with "benis" will you post here to confirm

>> No.9914174

>7chan and plus4chan
Those oldfag sites exist?
I remember going on there for pirated shit

>> No.9914175

I remember downloading furry bomb as a fragile child from that website, lol

>> No.9914181

Can someone explain this?

>> No.9914185
File: 324 KB, 870x658, rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Furry Bomb
I wonder where the bombermanfag went

>> No.9914373

I'm not saz lol.

yeah, they have a dedicated small user base. it's also mostly for stuff that jannies don't allow here (like fun).

>> No.9914405

lol Sonic Xtreme was supposed to come out for Christmas '96? that shit would have looked comically outdated compared with SM64.

>> No.9915471

Huh. Thanks for this.

>> No.9915728

This truly is the worst timeline.

>> No.9915779

Saturn was already on death's door and more or less was dead on arrival, so no, it would have not.

From the videos I saw the gameplay looked confusing. The fish-eye lens and stages rotating like that, why do such weird shit when they already had TWO examples of what was a decent tech demo of Sonic in 3D on the Saturn with both Christmas NiGHTS and Sonic Jam. I don't think had Sonic X come out it would have been well received, and not just because it would be on the Saturn.

Also, what version would we even get? From my understanding the game was basically scrapped and restarted several times, I recall one of the restarts was when the execs completely hated what they saw... except for a 3D boss battle that they loved and demanded the rest of the game be like that. I don't even recall if that's what the final attempt was like before it was canned or if even that idea was canned and then restarted as something completely different before being cancelled.

I would have loved to see all these prototype tech demos that they basically scrapped and started over, all we have is basically the final build of the final attempt before it was cancelled, and even that is just a single barely playable level.... they sure had a lot of sprite-work complete for something so early in development though. Reminds me of all the concepts and tech demos we saw from Nintendo in the Gigaleak that nobody knew about or had seen, such as Super Donkey.

>> No.9916226
File: 155 KB, 650x663, pachukacultinterview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic X-Treme would not have saved the Saturn...
It would have saved Sega's PC division...

>> No.9916347
File: 3.18 MB, 4770x2261, sonic waterfall comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the waterfalls are correct
holy shit, why didn't they do more of this?

>> No.9916447

They didn't have Christmas NiGHTS and Sonic Jam as a reference for a 3D Sonic at that point, since the former didn't release until late 1996 and the latter until 1997. Not to mention Yuji Naka threatened to leave Sega if Bernie Stolar had let the X-treme developers keep using the NiGHTS engine.

>> No.9916463

no it looked like shit

>> No.9916493

No because saturn didn't need any saving in Japan and it was too far a lost cause outside japan

>> No.9916521

The CDi didn't need saving. It was the most legendary console of all time.

>> No.9916808

in 1994 yes, in 1996 NO

>> No.9916814

>N64: 1996-2002
nobody in Europe, Japan or NorthAmerica cared about n64 after majoras mask, banjo-tooie and pokemon stadium 2 got released.

it was almost like 1996-late 2000.

>> No.9916823

That applies to every console. Which ones had appeal up until it was discontinued? I guess the Dreamcast did but...

>> No.9916857

psone and gameboycolor still sold like cakes after 2001-2002

>> No.9916858

Notice that the person you responded to said western fans. There is truth to this, that the Sonic phenomenon was mostly a western one. Sonic was not popular in Japan, he was not a "system seller" for the megadrive over there like he was for the genesis here. Saturn was a much bigger hit in Japan than the megadrive; when NiGHTs came out and people saw the sonic team logo, pepple wrote to them and asked who sonic was. It's all a weird historical accident that it worked out that way. There was no rush for a Sonic game on Saturn from the Japanese side, while the American side was desperate for something to continue the craze he started on the genesis.

>> No.9916961

Sonic just sucks.
More Sonic in any form was not the answer for Sega.

>> No.9917470

Or backing their own hyper violent fighting game that was already being made for the Saturn, Eternal Champions

>> No.9917576

This was the fundamental issue Sega faced. Unlike Nintendo which reliably had similar results worldwide, Sega had completely different fortunes on opposite ends of the Pacific. What worked in Japan failed in America and vice versa. So SoA and SoJ weren't able to agree on anything because they had completely different needs. There was no one size fits all.

>> No.9917613

Anything outside of a 2d playing Sonic 4 in 3d environment game at launch wouldn't have saved the Saturn. They majorly dropped the ball.

>> No.9917772

the dreamcasts failure is in part due to the saturn. companies like EA refused to publish games on the dreamcast.

>> No.9917774

>weird historical accident
it really couldnt have gone any other way. japan doesnt care about furries. sonic was designed to appeal to the west, in japan he was literally marketed as an "american super hero". its no surprise that he flopped hard in japan.

>> No.9917942

in the state that most of the builds we have are in? fuck no, it wouldve killed sonic and the dreamcast.
if they had turned it into a fully 3d game like the plan was before it got cancelled? maybe. really they shouldve had the japanese work on a sonic game instead of outsourcing it to SoJ, bit weird how both sonic games on the saturn are made by the west. and both are weird niche games that kinda suck.

>> No.9917945

meant to say SoA, obviously

>> No.9917971

NO, the Saturn needed the Ram cart expansion built in and more time in the oven to improve 3d performance to gain a bigger audience in the west, SoA and SoJ needed to stop fighting each other.

>> No.9917986

Not saved, but it would have helped.

>> No.9918596

Improving 3D performance would've required a complete redesign. Something that would've taken a good 2~3 years to deal with. You can't just fix a fundamental problem (2D system pretending to be 3D) by just throwing more CPU power at it.

>> No.9918987

People were still buying GBC in 2002? Why when the GBA is right there and only $100?

>> No.9919035
File: 58 KB, 413x700, 48257_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEGA CD is the western version of Saturn. It's the true successor to Genesis, even if it's just an add-on. It got tons of solid games made specifically for Genesis fans, including Sonic CD. More people in the west were still playing Genesis and SEGA CD by 1996, so there was no need for Sonic X-Treme in the first place. What they could've done was release another Sonic game on the SEGA CD, like Sonic-16 or Treasure Tails.

>> No.9919171
File: 517 KB, 1920x1080, COpic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9919196

nice chart thanks for posting

>> No.9919210

So this means that Sonic R is the only sonic sequel that the entire original team worked on?

>> No.9919230

Something feels off. Sonic R was made by Traveler's Tales, not Sonic Team. Arrow should be black and not colored. The rest seem correct though

>> No.9919341
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, ohshimabomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sonic Adventure DX: "Director's Cut"
>loses a director
What the FUCK did Sega mean by this, and why are Japanese so much worse than Westerners at giving their creatives proper credit?!

>> No.9919450

The RAM expansion was pretty much exclusively used for 2D games

>> No.9919758

That's because the Saturn was pretty much exclusively used for 2d games.

>> No.9919847

>What the FUCK did Sega mean by this
Are you retarded? They "cut out" a director which is why its called the "directors cut"

>> No.9919851

>Sonic R was made by Traveler's Tales, not Sonic Team.
I won't speak on that chart's accuracy, but Yasuhara did get involved with R partway into the project's development. The game didn't preview very well so Sega asked him to help the TT improve the final product.

>> No.9919882

Errr, no.

Burning Rangers
Virtual On
Sega Rally
Die Hard Arcade
Virtua Fighter 2
Virtua Cop
Fighters Megamix
Fighting Vipers
All three Panzer Dragoon games

And that's just the notable ones

>> No.9919884
File: 405 KB, 1023x727, golly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe the game would have been better if they hired Traveller's Sonic instead

>> No.9919889

and the saturn is the worst way to play most of these games

>> No.9919893

You're autistic

>> No.9919902

I mean I would assume that's already what it's saying, given the black arrow leading from 3D Blast (TT) to Sonic R.

>> No.9919968
File: 112 KB, 680x680, c55636b7a0075a057925ef44e7e60aa0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, that's pretty good.

>> No.9919971

Yeah and for every one of those you have two or three 2d only games. I mean just Capcoms games alone equal nearly all 3d games released by Sega.

>> No.9920013

The Saturn is the only way to play most of those games outside of emulation, and Saturn emulation is not that great.

Also, cry some more Nintendrone.

>> No.9920017

>Would a mainline Sonic coming out on Saturn have saved it?
Almost assuredly no, unless it was a launch/year 1 title. Lacking a Sonic title was just one bullet point in a long list of things that sunk the console. It would have helped weather the storm but it'd need to be the killer app to end all killer apps to actually turn their fortunes around.

>Would Sonic X-Treme specifically have saved the Saturn?
Oh god absolutely not. If anything, it would have harmed both Sega and the Sonic brand.

>> No.9920303

>and Saturn emulation is not that great.

Horse shit, I could emulate nearly every Saturn game in like 2008 on my core 2 duo.

>> No.9920527

>Oh god absolutely not. If anything, it would have harmed both Sega and the Sonic brand.
bullshit, it would have been better than Sonic R, no version of Sonic Xtreme hurts the saturn or sonic brand

>> No.9920873

It would have been a garbage game as well.

>> No.9920920

You are trying way too hard to troll

>> No.9920925

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 are among the top selling Dreamcast games you fucking idiot. Dreamcast only lived for like 2 years I think. It didn't even have time to truly mature. For the short time it did live it was actually a pretty damn good and successful console.

>> No.9921089
File: 35 KB, 574x420, save files.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, you might be right, I checked the time stamps in my old emulator folder and turns out I mostly used it in 2006, not 2008. So it was probably running on my Athlon 64 X2 at the time, not the core 2 I got later.

>> No.9921130

Like I said, trying way too hard to troll. I bet you think N64 emulators ran just fine back then too.

>> No.9921147

right; and I bet you think SNES emulation is still not perfect because there is some Satellaview title where one of the sprites renders at the wrong priority.

and no, N64 emulation was never good and never will be good. You try playing anything outside the Nintendo titles and you'll get a hundred bugs if the game even boots, and that's after trying 4 different emulators with a dozen different plugins each.

>> No.9921336
File: 115 KB, 640x1104, 8701_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually kind of agree with this anon. Many tout the Saturn as the perfect 2D console, but some of its best games are still 3D.

>> No.9921356

No because Sega was already imploding by the Saturn's launch because Sega was fighting itself more then Nintendo or Sony by this point, they thought being first on the market would make them number one but the truth is they would have been better off waiting, making the Saturn the best system it could be and supporting the Genesis/Mega Drive until they were ready, instead they launched with the excellent Panzer Dragoon and botched ports of VF and Daytona with no third party titles ready since they wanted to beat the PlayStation to market. Sony launched the PS1 a hundred USD cheaper with Battle Arena Toshinden, Rayman and Ridge Racer providing a real next gen experience and NBA Jam appealing to the sports crowd Sega dominated in the 16 bit era.

>> No.9921692

>lol Sonic Xtreme was supposed to come out for Christmas '96? that shit would have looked comically outdated compared with SM64.

Sega made claims that it would be out by Christmas '96. They may have been saying that to investors. But clearly, they were no where near hitting that target. This segment from an old canadian/ US TV show The Anti-Gravity Room which aired on YTV Canada and Sci-Fi in the US, showed the host at a Sega event that showed off various Saturn games for the holiday '96 season, and the PR lady said that Sega was targeting Sonic Xtreme for Christmas 1996. But look at that incomplete demo.... This episode aired in August of 1996, and is probably made up of footage filmed in July. Also, the same episode has the same host at a Mario 64/ N64 event with a nearly complete localization of Mario 64. That Sonic Xtreme demo looked sketchy as fuck. Like sega was trying to say "Don't worry, the game is on track".


>> No.9921763

>Quads were a perfectly valid way to do 3D back then. You really think Sega just made that up for the Saturn?

The Saturn 3D hardware was based on Yu Suzuki's Super Scalier hardware. But using 3D vertices to display 2D sprites in 3D locations. The Saturn could only do triangles through software rendering. The founder/ former owner of Travellers Tales showed how they had to make a software triangle renderer just to do these reflective surfaces. Jon Burton didn't write the renderer himself, though:


The Saturn 3D hardware was pretty unique. I think the 3DO used its's own quadrilateral polygon rendering. The PS1 uses a triangle rendered that came from MIPS? The N64 was a micro SGI workstation made by MIPS. Sonic 3D Blast on the Saturn was such a poorly timed game. I like the Genesis/ MD game, and I feel like the Saturn was a good port, and contained 3D bonus stages that were actually made by Sonic Team:
But Sonic 3D Blast looked kinda bad up against Crash Bandicoot and Super Mario 64. If you were a average consumer looking for a new game console for a holiday gift, and saw this as the latest 'Sonic game' on the latest Sega hardware:
And then saw the latest Mario game on the latest Nintendo hardware:

The 'new competitor' platformer on the new alternative to Sega hardware:

The Saturn would be out. You would either be going for the PS1, cause of the competitively lower price and fast growing library of third parties. Or Nintendo's 'no games, but they are coming' N64, which is still cheaper than a saturn, even though you gotta pay $60 for SM64.

>> No.9922031

>right; and I bet you think SNES emulation is still not perfect because there is some Satellaview title where one of the sprites renders at the wrong priority.

SNES has been pretty perfect for years now, so no. But I definitely remember when it was still a mess. Not just the inaccuracies of ZSNES that still lasted well into the later 00s but many games flat out not working because expansion chips such as the Cx4 in Megaman X2/3, SPC7110, and several others not being supported until the mid/late 00s. You're trying to tell me that SNES was in that early a state and yet Saturn emulation was just fine back then? Bitch, I remember when SEGA licensed an old copy of SSF for a Saturn game download service they ran in Japan for a shirt time in the mid 00s, and the games still did not run well.

>You try playing anything outside the Nintendo titles and you'll get a hundred bugs if the game even boots, and that's after trying 4 different emulators with a dozen different plugins each.

So you not only know jackshit about emulation history, and lie like an idiot about it, but you are also a retard when it comes to trying to configure an emulator. Sounds about right coming from statements that stupid.

>> No.9922171

Saturn died when FFVII came out in 1997.

>> No.9922214

No Sonic LAUNCH TITLE is what killed the Saturn. This wouldn't have saved it even if it was a 10/10.

>> No.9922249

>The Saturn 3D hardware was based on Yu Suzuki's Super Scalier hardware.

according to people who reverse engineered it to make emulators, it was more like the system 32.
and it could do triangles in hardware by collapsing two vertices to one point, but this made texturing harder. not to mention that it couldn't do uv texturing, and shading was very limited too. it basically only worked in the lowest resolution and most wasteful texturing mode, that locked you out from using the VDP2 anywhere but in 1 position of the 3d scene (you couldn't use it for both background and foreground for example). For anything else, you had to dick around setting colors individually in the palette ram, which also made 3d transparency unusable.

it was a seriously dumb setup. They should've made the two VDPs work together properly.

>> No.9922276

>You're trying to tell me that SNES was in that early a state and yet Saturn emulation was just fine back then?
No, you are twisting out my words.
Saturn emulation circa 2006 was as good as SNES emulation; you could play all the good games with minimal to no bugs, and only a few esoteric titles and romhacks had problems, like Saturn Doom or SNES Street Fighter Alpha 2 (and the latter was still playable with decompression packs).

>Bitch, I remember when SEGA licensed an old copy of SSF for a Saturn game download service they ran in Japan for a shirt time in the mid 00s, and the games still did not run well.
You are mistaken. SSF was only ever licensed by whoever did those Switch ports of Cotton. Sega licensed Girigiri, and only released it for games it ran well enough. It was the hacked versions of it that ran everything like crap because people put random stuff in the compatibility ini file.
see: https://segaretro.org/GiriGiri

>So you not only know jackshit about emulation history, and lie like an idiot about it, but you are also a retard when it comes to trying to configure an emulator. Sounds about right coming from statements that stupid.
I already proved you wrong, and you already jumped to the end point of any argument: the point where you throw insults. Not much else to be said here. Go home, zyrobs.

>> No.9922321

>Saturn emulation circa 2006 was as good as SNES emulation; you could play all the good games with minimal to no bugs

Not all, no. SNES emulation was barely at the level of running all of it's games, many of the good Saturn games were still utterly broken if they ran at all, and many smaller games were broken even as recent as 3-4 years ago.

>You are mistaken. SSF was only ever licensed by whoever did those Switch ports of Cotton. Sega licensed Girigiri, and only released it for games it ran well enough.

Right, I got the two mixed up, but the games that ran "well enough" were a tiny handful, and still weren't running that well. I am not talking about hacked versions.

>I already proved you wrong

You proved yourself wrong with your insanity of claiming Saturn emulation was fine 15 years ago. I didn't even need to reply, SNES emulation was still having issues with some expansion chip games back then.

>> No.9922361

What is this $0¥filled revision?

>> No.9923924

It has always been true that Saturn was so-so in Japan and a bomb everywhere else.