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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9898336 No.9898336 [Reply] [Original]

What is the Evangelion of retro vidya?

>> No.9898339
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>> No.9898341


>> No.9898347

This or zone of enders

>> No.9898348

Metal Gear Solid
>Impossibly overrated
>Ruined the genre for a decade straight
>The creator hates it but is literally incapable of making anything else

>> No.9898351

Imagine being incapable of understanding Eva or MGS. Oof, yikes!

>> No.9898361
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image related

>> No.9898367

Evangelion is nothing more than a glorified therapy session for its creator.

>> No.9898370

That's what I like about it. It's kind of annoying that people pretend it's anything more than that, but I like it for what it is.

>> No.9898371

At this point anything with the word Earthbound..

>> No.9898378

MGS1+2, think about it. Last few hours of MGS2=EoE/Ep.25, 26. Every MGS game that came after MGS2=the Rebuilds.

>> No.9898382

Hey, sometimes it's a fun mecha show

>> No.9898386

MSX ones are Gunbuster without tits

>> No.9898394

Yep, good action, fun characters, great music, an interesting setting and inventive animation. It's a good time.

>> No.9898417

not even, this shit sucked

>> No.9898427

this game rules but i dont think it really fits the bill here, it never really goes meta or gets weird and sinister and never has any drastic tonal changes

>> No.9898460


>> No.9898483


>> No.9898519

.hack or metal gear.

more like...
>MGS1 & 2 = evangelion
>MGS4 = end of evangelion
>MGR = panty & stocking
>the big boss games (except MGPW) = rebuilds

>> No.9898529

It's Snake Tales lol

>> No.9898532

EVA is overrated, I only really like Rei

>> No.9898536

I don't think there's been a game that reaches Eva's heights, at least not that I've played (retro or not). My vote for approximation would be Silent Hill 2 though:
>highly polarizing, though on the whole critically acclaimed
>filters some people, despite being quite open about core ideas
>cast of memorable characters (SH2 they are far more shallow, however)
>arguable waifu competition dynamic in SH2, including a sexually repressed lead
>story twists its focus midway through (though not as significantly in SH2)
>emphasises internal psychology and the risk/reward dynamic of human interaction
>guy violates a woman in a bed
>tons of symbolism and visual motifs
>avant garde, unconventional, and genre-advancing elements and story-telling techniques
>many questions raised about the setting, few major ones are answered
>fertile ground for fan theories
>good standalone OSTs (especially Eva)
>multiple endings, a strange mix of optimism with negative tones
>wide inspiration for later works (I think for SH2 this is true? Examples aren't coming to mind)
>good animation/graphics for the time
Eva is more of an auteur work though, and its messages are more sharply pointed at the audience, whereas SH2 is mostly a self-contained story. I think the average person finds James more relatable as a protagonist than Shinji.

>> No.9898548

Why are SH2fags always so gay?

>> No.9898601
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Did anyone ever have the Evangelion Saturn games back in the day? If so, how did you afford them?

>> No.9898607
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>> No.9898650
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Orbital frames are male EVA units
Cockpit is in the cock instead of the womb

>> No.9898725

FF7 probably
More like Gundam of retro games. It's either Xenogears or FE4.

>> No.9898728

MGS 2 for the 2deep4u factor that wows teenagers

Final Fantasy VII for the waifu battles that last an eternity

>> No.9898764

Except Fei learns to suck it up and got the pussy he longed for eons.

>> No.9898767
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Silvergun, both in story and insufferable fanbase aspects.

>> No.9898928
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get good

>> No.9898931
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>> No.9899221
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>Industry-defining but has a hatedom because teenagers that never directly experienced the original work fellate it using regurgitated opinions
>Inspired by Otakushit that the creative team grew up on between the '60s and '80s
>Creatively led by a once-celebrated auteur that has since fallen from grace due to overpublicity and lackluster recent works
>About a highly militarized law enforcement organization designed to combat a futuristic, sci-fi threat
>'90s anime art style
>Highly celebrated soundtrack
>Dark and depressing plot juxtaposed with exciting robot vs. robot action
>Humanity suffers mass casualties numerous times, but this is largely glossed over as a background detail
>Protagonist is a young man for the audience to self-insert into
>Protagonist is a pacifist that is nevertheless destined to fight due to circumstances beyond their control
>Protagonist obtains their weapon from a scientist that is also their estranged father
>Protagonist's weapon is a physical and metaphorical extension of himself
>Protagonist is criticized both in and outside of the work for being too emotional and inactive relative to their supporting cast
>Perceived homoeroticism between the protagonist and their mentor best friend
>Protagonist has to kill their mentor best friend as a key plot point
>Protagonists must destroy an arbitrary number of members of a force of antagonists invading humanity
>Antagonists are referred to by a term that is initially clearly defined but becomes muddled due to the labeling of ambiguous actors with this term by the organization that the protagonists work for
>Themes include the cost of violence, how war steals innocence, and whether artificial lifeforms can ever be fully human
>Popular opinion is the earlier entries are quite good, while the later ones are of a dubious quality
>Franchise is mostly alive through rereleases, nostalgia, and selling waifus

>> No.9899227


>> No.9899653
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Space Invaders. For the first time there was abstraction with design and character in video games, instead of replicating a sport. Having a parallel with invaders fits your motif as well.

My man, same. Ayanami is the key factor, but if there was more Kirishima she may overtake the angel.

>> No.9899662

It's the only good NGE game, sadly

>> No.9899706

Only complaint with that game is Motoko's voice, thats it.

>> No.9899710

>Watch sumo animation
>Press punch
>Watch punch
>Listen to the exact same fucking character voice lines

>> No.9899874

Is this actually good? Cuz you are really selling it. Good post in general.

>> No.9900082
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Get your card ass out of here.

>> No.9900123

This anime is very similar to Tomino's original Gundam quadrilogy (0079+Zeta+ZZ+CCA) yet for some reason no one ever mentions how Gundam has tons of mindfuck and psychological shit too. They only treat it as a vanilla mecha franchise but Eva gets all the praise for elevating the genre. I'm a fan of both but I think it's pretty unfair

>> No.9900127

Mega Man X is good but Legends is the actual MM series that feels like Evangelion. X is more like classic toku stuff

>> No.9900201

>This anime is very similar to Tomino's original Gundam quadrilogy
absolutely not

>> No.9901958


>> No.9902370


>> No.9902397

>What is the Evangelion of retro vidya?
What teh fuck do you mean by that? EVA has plenty of retro videogames already.

>> No.9902739 [DELETED] 

How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?

>> No.9902742

I'd be very hungry by lunch

>> No.9902942

Just started playing this and it is 1000 percent eva

>> No.9902945

What do you mean? I had breakfast this morning? what kind of question is this

>> No.9902950

ok guys it's official, the AI is acting up again

>> No.9902968

Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask

>> No.9905063
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>> No.9905079
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>> No.9905134

am i stupid if i replied "hungry"?

>> No.9905147
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>> No.9905242
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Not him but general consensus is that Mega Man X has higher highs but lower lows than the more quality-consistent classic series. Unironically the only good ones were the ones Inafune was involved in, which are X1-X4+X8.

>> No.9905254

more like
>MGS1 & 2 = evangelion
>MGS4 = end of evangelion
>Twin Snakes = Rebuild 1-2
>MGR = Rebuild 3-4

>> No.9905696

No it means you aren't an npc and can imagine hypothetical scenarios which is a mark of an above room temp iq

>> No.9905715

>that packaging, that manual, that cart label sticker

>> No.9905852
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>the part in the middle about anachronisms
That explains the wikifights I see all the time where one side (typically the literal no-lifer who clearly can't function normally in the outside world but somehow has more authority on the site solely due to being a no-lifer) can't process being told that their bullshit is full of anachronisms for the life of them.

>> No.9905860

MGR is Gurren Lagann
P.T./Silent Hills is the Zero Century trilogy

>> No.9905862

Peace Walker = Iron Maiden

>> No.9905867

I only had the Digital Card Library, I loved the shit out of it honestly, it was like, playing mini games to unlock short FMV movies of the show. Back then, digital videos were a huge novelty so I watched them a lot to see different scenes, instead of rewatching from the VHSs I had.
It also had a ton of extra stuff, like merchandise catalogue, comics, etc.
I remember it wasn't so expensive, got it from a video game store that imported stuff from Japan. The N64 game was super prohibitively expensive as I remember, but I think I got digital card library for around $50 (Eva 64 was like $300 lmao)

>> No.9905923

>nigga what
The ironing is delicious, considering this meme started from a story about a criminal investigator interviewing niggers.

>> No.9906203

This is bullshit, but I (want to) believe it. The first example alone is so staggering that I find this hard to accept without some sort of scientific primary literature. I would have heard something about this before now, even without having taken any psychology/development courses.

>> No.9906209

Anon, 80 IQ is functionally retarded, basically an upright talking chimp. It's not even remotely surprising.

>> No.9906212

>>9898348 Why does Kijima hate MGS1?

>> No.9906217

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Race and IQ realism studies are suppressed and badmouthed as much as possible.

>> No.9906230

The image is talking about an IQ of < 90, not < 80. 1/6 of the population has an IQ below 85. That's not a small amount. And an IQ of between 70 and 85 makes you "borderline intellectually functional" and just a slow learner that otherwise functions fine in society. Retardation generally is not considered applicable until below 70 (2.5% of the population).
I would be more inclined to believe it if the poster had chosen a number lower than 90, but that seems far too high a cutoff for the kind of mental incapacity the post is discussing.
There is no way 95% of 1/6 of the population can't understand a hypothetical.

>> No.9906232

i enjoy MGS and Eva but i doubt we'll come up with a better answer than this. cheers anon

>> No.9906259

You enjoyed both yet are too retarded to comprehend their simple storylines? Okay, bro.

>> No.9906280

I didn't say < 80, retard, I said 80, which is less than 90. Anon, how would you feel if you hadn't eaten lunch yesterday?

>> No.9906290

Holy fucking shit I'm not even memeing right now that breakfast and lunch conversation reminds me so much of having a discussion with some of the shitposters on this board, I fucking knew some people here were genuinely retarded. People here always position 4chan as a website for the 'smart and cynical' internet elite but this is absolutely NOT the case

>> No.9906303

It was at some point. But like everything that stops gatekeeping itself, it has been assimilated.

>> No.9906306

The irony being you're reading an assessment done on this website.

>> No.9906381

yea idgi
i watched eva when i was like 12 and the only things, in retrospect, i totally seemed to miss/misunderstand was shinji jerking off on asukas comatose mug and a lot of the oblique biblical references since i never went to church

>> No.9906430 [DELETED] 
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>problems with basic reading comprehension
My condolences to your parents.

>> No.9906558 [DELETED] 

best part of 4cucks was that it could be very insightful occasionally, but more often than not was just unrestrained shitpostery, sometimes while still being rather insightful
the best thing it had going for it was that, unlike leddit or basically any other socmedia site, everyone didnt take everything so fucking seriously all the time. and the people that did would get collectively dunked on by muh leejun of autistic hiveminds
nowadays internet is so entrenched in everyones day to day that everyone cant NOT take it seriously all the time, and thats seeped into imageboards

i blame the stormfags, who spent years pretending to be jews and shadowboxing with /pol/. totally drove them all off the deep-end. once that started leaking to every other board it was no fun allowed anywhere

>> No.9906563

>doubling down
Just kill yourself.

>> No.9906573
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Go back to ERPing on your IRC containment or do your fucking job and clean up the board, tranny jannies.

>> No.9906580 [DELETED] 
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No, deal with it.

>> No.9906587 [DELETED] 

It really is telling when they step outside their ivory tower to use boards as their personal Discords away from home. Now watch as we both get banned and our posts removed for pointing this out out while the rest of the their posts remain.

>> No.9906605

Nice projection, transsexual.

>> No.9906613
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>pls save me jannys
didnt need an example really, but yea, thats exactly what i was talkin about

>> No.9906626
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Persona 3

>> No.9906646 [DELETED] 
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yea pretty telling when only everyone else gets b& and deleted except for you whiny faggots
you literally ARE the tranny jannys, my guys, you just dont know it