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File: 76 KB, 500x500, medievil_psone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9898240 No.9898240 [Reply] [Original]

Co-creator of MediEvil Jay Gunn (and voice of Dan) is selling off his complete art/design bible (full of his original artwork) as a result of not being able to procure any work in the industry;


Doubt there's anyone here flush enough to buy it for archival's sake but thought I'd at least mention it and share some of his pics of it below before some gaming e-celeb cunt buys it and hoards it all for himself

>> No.9898245
File: 841 KB, 2048x1536, Fv7Q03rXwAEnLSy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And before anyone asks, publishing it as a book/pdf isn't an option since Sony owns the property (and don't wanna do anything with it)

>> No.9898251
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>> No.9898257
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I presume the wireframe here is printed but still insane how much shit was worked out on paper back in the day

>> No.9898261

>as a result of not being able to procure any work in the industry
How sad. I suppose things like Medievil are too gamey for modern "game" industry

>> No.9898275
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>> No.9898283
File: 514 KB, 1498x2048, Fv7T8k2WcAAuRiV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and he's more than qualified (though he posits maybe over-qualified for the monkeywork positions the industry currently offers in spades)

>> No.9898310

Waaay too much level design for modern games as well. If he was still trying to make stuff like this today then it's no wonder he's not finding success; games should either have sterile open worlds with quest arrows or be linear corridor theme park rides to each successive non-interactive setpiece. Level hazards, platforming, puzzles and hidden areas are too hard and unfair

>> No.9898379

Never heard of Jay Gunn. Is this shit from the remake?
Original Medievil was lead by Chris Sorrell and Jason Wilson because I remember the Making of video on a demo.
Chris Sorrell was the James Pond guy, and Wilson looked like a ponce.

>> No.9898389

This is just fucking depressing Jesus, it feels like the total dissolution of your life’s work.

>> No.9898412

Jay Gunn is Jason's author nom de plume

>> No.9898430

This hellworld makes me want to kill myself everyday. Shame he has to sell this. Very soulful journal though, glad it came to light at least. One last hurrah for this pathetic masquerade of life.

>> No.9898452
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That's life I guess.

>> No.9898475

That's so sad

>> No.9898574
File: 164 KB, 1278x715, 1366_2000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always sad to see shit like this, but if the dude has to pay his bills than he has to pay his bills. I can't imagine it feels good to have to sell something like that though.

Medievil was a pretty cool series (I liked the original, the sequel, and the PSP remake of the original, I haven't played the second remake of the original though, I've heard a lot of mixed reviews/that its 'soulless' etc, so I'm content to play the original). Fun, soulful shit just can't exist outside of indie projects that take five years to make and have a 1/1000 chance of ever actually being profitable I guess.

If he wanted to do a spiritual sequel with a new character/setting using a similar dark/gothic/horror lite aesthetic and use patreon (or whatever devs are using these days) he could probably get a lot of mileage/support out of "The co-creator of Medievil" label.

>> No.9898704 [DELETED] 

another bites the AI dust and get deprecated

>> No.9898710

he should just make doom wads for funding

>> No.9898829

Looks incredibly cool, are there more character sheets ?

>> No.9899120
File: 2.83 MB, 282x212, 1373516908401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the people making AI that will make millions lose their jobs and completely eliminate some careers, are all being paid big money for it
>the companies making lazy remasters/remakes instead of making new games are getting rich off of all the graphics-fags
>even scam artists are getting rich off of Patreon and Kickstarter by doing as little as possible to collect money
>the devs and designers of the majority your favorite childhood games are going broke and selling off souvenirs of their careers in order to pay the bills

>> No.9899125

Has nothing to do with AI and everything to do with the job market along with big publishers like Sony

>> No.9899140

I never said AI was responsible, only that the people making that shit are getting rich. Reading comprehension dude.

>> No.9899141

sovl overload

>> No.9899149

Thats' fucking tragic.
This was one of my favorite PS1 games.

>> No.9899153

You know the worst part is that some fag "CoLlEcToR" will put it in a vault to languish for 50 years until anyone alive who ever cared about it is dead and his shithead children sell it for crack money

>> No.9899159

It really is the worst timeline isn't it

In 10 years we won't have design bibles like this anymore because all the work will be done inside of a machine and any design docs will be in Hindi on the back of a cocktail napkin

>> No.9899161 [DELETED] 

>another bites the AI dust
Jesus, shut the fuck up and get out.

>> No.9899162

Why mention it in this context, then? Get it together.

>> No.9899196

I mentioned three groups getting rich by doing crappy things, and one group going broke who did good things. You don't even need college-level reading comprehension to understand this.

>> No.9899224

are the underwater elephants in there?

>> No.9899229

>all this shit is just gonna wide up in some clown's private collection and never get shared


>> No.9899237
File: 47 KB, 533x385, 497EBC08-2F28-4277-AEAE-F126A211BB49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't mean the topic, just in general!

>> No.9899242

that's really the worst part
it'll go for sale again after that collector is long since dead, and by then no one will know who a Sir Daniel even is

>> No.9899248

Is that a good game?

>> No.9899252 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 500x532, 3EBC3ACA-8D8C-4AFB-9DA2-45791ECC02B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism will destroy everything you love.

>> No.9899256

Holy fuck I just remembered those RETARDS at Snoy never bothered to port the PS4 remake to PC. I remember playing that on Halloween 2019 and thinking I'll wait till next year for it to get ported with 60 fps and then it just never happened. Never even finished the game and by now it's completely forgotten by everyone

>> No.9899271

When will you /v/ tourists realize you're not in good company here when you spout your buzzords?

>> No.9899273

shut the fuck up retard I created like half the threads this year, all 5 of them

>> No.9899302

That was an unnecessarily hurtful thing to say

>> No.9899313

I don't pay attention to sony PC ports anymore, they were an exciting thought for maybe all of one year before it just became blatant that they were only going to port their normalfag games and nothing from their catalogue of actual good games.

>> No.9899343

It's ok. Not bad, nor amazing either.
Has a good Halloween-like atmosphere and strangely campy yet unique voice acting. The adventure elements when going back to previous stages is neat and makes exploration throughout just a bit more fun. Personally feel the game starts to lose it's charm close to the end, from what I remember, the latter levels were a castle and a couple caves.
Animations are a choppy, coupled with the jittery movement while in combat's rough to look at and feels off, but you get use to it. Can't remember if it controlled better or worse between d-pad vs analog.

Can't really comment on the 2nd game since I only ever played the demo at a neighbor friend's house ages ago, but I remember liking the updated graphics.

>> No.9899359

It doesn't matter, the PC port would be completely assfucked anyway.

Nobody releases finished games anymore because stupid fucking retards still line up to pay $59.99 (soon $69.99) +tax +tip for a busted piece of shit.

>> No.9899370

Yeah it's a pretty fun action game with light platforming and puzzle solving. Decent level variety, it's well structured with some minor nonlinearity built in, enough to feel like you have some agency in routing your way through some of the levels and what order to do them in. Simple combat, unengaging but doesn't get in the way of the fun stuff, like the puzzle solving and good level design. Good sense of progression too, you unlock quite a few weapons and such for Dan along the way. If you like the spooky backdrop and humor you can't go wrong, it's really quite good.

>> No.9899393

Fuck Sony for letting this IP rot while Horizon gets 3 dogshit games and a fuckin statue.

>> No.9899420

That is a shame. Medievil is a damn fine game and one of the best PS1 games. What has he done since then though?

>> No.9899427

Jason Wilson it's a s o y b o y though, in an interview about his new comic he said the phrase "toxic masculinity" and I stopped watching.

His comic must've sold like garbage. Get woke go broke I guess.

A shame

>> No.9899470

I'm guessing the remake didn't sell well then. If he was even involved.

>> No.9899494

>as a result of not being able to procure any work in the industry
Why didn’t he go indie then? Something about this smells off.

>> No.9899496

I wonder if Sony has legal precedent to prevent him from selling it off and then subsequently seizing the bible along with anything else Gunn had squirreled away, it could count as being part of their property that they still keep active what with the recent PS4 remake of the first game.

>> No.9899515

He's just an art person, he can't make games all by himself, and he doesn't seem to have any money to start his own studio.

He really likes movies and recently released a comic. He probably refuses to apply for a lower position, and just wants to be an art director. Hubris.

>> No.9899549

>refuses to apply for a lower position
Can you blame him? I mean, I guess if you’re desperate for a job then letting your pride take a hit isn’t an unreasonable thing to do, but the guy isn’t exactly a newbie at this.

>> No.9899565

AI will probably help people like him, the computer can deal with the souless programming and he can design the art and game.

>> No.9899587

I don't blame him, but if he really needs money there are many things he can do.

If he opened online commissions for art he'd get some bucks. There are people who suck at art, but get money from things like patreon and the such.

>> No.9899591

Maybe he as a bad reputation? Maybe it sucks to work with him.
Just a hunch.

>> No.9899607

He's old now, he wants to make intellectual art with a message like the movies he likes.
If he made something now it wouldn't be fun oriented. Plus he's a lefty.

He probably hopes to go from art director to movie director, nothing wrong with it, but begging on twitter for a position looks small time.

>> No.9899643

The PS4 remake is very good. If you managed to like Resurrection, you have to at least respect what they did with the newest one.

>> No.9899689

I didn't like some of the art direction decisions, in general I think its animation is less charming. It plays marginally better than the original though. It's a little more controllable. This is a case where you're not really missing anything by playing one or the other, aside from the obvious visual changes. There was like a weird scavenger hunt post game thing added to the remake? IIRC you revisit areas solely to unlock the original game, which is a good unlockable.

>> No.9899701

nta but i hated how they made the enemies strobe when you hit them

>> No.9899704 [DELETED] 
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>Stop badmouthing

>> No.9899716

Back in the day when he started game dev was not as common as it is now.
Now there's millions of people wanting to get into it in all kinds of position.

Why would people hire someone on the older side that they don't know, when they have a young person who maybe they know for some time that's gonna get better eventually and they have an established working relationship with?

Also experienced people might try to impose their art views and insights instead of doing what they're told like a new employee would.

>> No.9899724

>why would they hire some who is experienced in the industry and they worked with before over someone new with no experience whom they never worked with before?


>> No.9899730 [DELETED] 

>schizo is now raging against an AI while shitting himself
you can't make this shit up.

>> No.9899745

tldr version:
You can mold someone not so experienced. Someone experienced is already molded.

>> No.9899751

To hire people with a lot of experience but you don't know them, you'd have to build a relationship.

If you have an amateur, but you know that he'll just do what you say, it's easier and you don't have to pay him as much.

>> No.9899761

Ah, that makes sense.

>> No.9899765

>I didn't like some of the art direction decisions
I agree. Mostly in that some zombies were too cartoony. I think it was overall very faithful to the art, if not to the original game, though. The game definitely suffers without the pure black and strong saturation of the PS1. My point was more that PS4 is more faithful than Resurrection, so it's worth playing if you like it all.

>> No.9899773
File: 1.43 MB, 1503x1125, 9-27-22_antidote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collectors are proof that you don't need to be a pureblood Jew to be a total kike.
Waking up to this news this morning really soured my day. I hope either Jason or whoever buys it all ends up scanning and uploading it to Internet Archive or somewhere else beyond Sony's reach.

>> No.9900129 [DELETED] 

>can't make this shit up
but you did exactly that, stop gaslighting me you fucking retard

>> No.9900203

Amazingly fucking cool artwork. Rammed with soul. God, I love this game so much.

>> No.9900261 [DELETED] 

Did you just admit that you don't have to be a Jew to do the things that you associate with Jews?

You're getting there fella. So close.

I'll help ya. Maybe, just maybe, the traits you think are Jewish actually have nothing to do with being Jewish.

>> No.9900392

I loved medievil, even 2.

>> No.9900402 [DELETED] 

Are you just now realizing this? Ffs, even Evola said the jews were just a scapegoat. Nazis know the jew hatred is arbitrary and irrational, they do it because it's funny.

>> No.9900442

>Also experienced people might try to impose their art views and insights instead of doing what they're told like a new employee would.
wasnt there a thread here about it in duke nukem forever thread and how trannies pushed out actual devs? how is this good thing again?

>> No.9900454

that artwork is dope as shit

>> No.9900479 [DELETED] 

The ADF has deposited $0.02 into your bank account

>> No.9900497 [DELETED] 

I love when people think a planned central economy has room in the budget to sit on their ass and pay vidya all day

>> No.9900562
File: 2.50 MB, 2908x2920, 1453677092812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't stand the remake honestly. The new music was great, and I was relieved that they left the original voice acting in. But as the other anon said, the game's graphics really suffers without the pure blacks and strong color saturation of the original. I hate how games these days, even the colorful ones, are afraid of using pure black and everything is just drenched in fog and filters to where color never pops. I truly hate it, and its shit like that which makes me prefer the way old games look. Just so much more visual clarity and bold use of contrast.

I actually found the gameplay to be a lot worse too. Enemies no longer stun when you hit them and as a result zombies just charge through your hits which is no fun at all and feels totally off. Hammers and clubs take longer to swing too which also feels awful. Much like the Crash N Sane Trilogy I feel like MediEvil PS4 was one of those cases where the fucked up physics and controls of the remake actually gave a false impression of how difficult the original actually was. Which is to say, not very difficult at all.

Couldn't find the MediEvil version of this image but this is basically what happened with the remake's visuals.

>> No.9900586
File: 3.46 MB, 1344x2218, zarokcomparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree 100% with everything here. And it's more of a design than lighting issue (though the lacklustre lighting certainly doesn't help), but Zarok completely got shortchanged in the PS4 iteration

>> No.9900625 [DELETED] 

Did anyone say it would?

>> No.9900639
File: 40 KB, 853x339, MediEvil 3 Fate's Arrow PS2 - Cancelled Pitch - Unseen64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When they didn't remake 2 along with 1 for the PS4 this series was doomed.

Maximilian Dood talking about remasters once said something like "re-releasing an old game to measure sales and see if people care will not mean a new game. It's better if they just release a new game of it."

>> No.9900680

>Maximilian Dood
Once again a Zoomer thinks they're in good company that we're supposed to KNOW who these people are.
Take your pick.

>> No.9900683
File: 632 KB, 1662x932, manufacturing consent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diversity hires.
Games are and have been propaganda in the west for some time now, especially since around the PS4 came out.

>> No.9900695
File: 109 KB, 500x463, Dont Ask Questions Just Consume Product And Get Excited for New Product.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the most popular fighting game content creator/influencer on Youtube.
But now he seems just like a corporate puppet full of sponsors.

>> No.9900702

Don't bring /vpol/ shit here because
A.) It turns into off-topic shitposting and infighting
B.) Isn't on-topic and is only ever tangentially related to vidya
C.) Politics are for gay retarded faggots

>> No.9900703 [DELETED] 

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it?

>> No.9900716

Didn't ask. His point about remasters is retarded anyway. Zoom along.

>> No.9900771
File: 540 KB, 1017x450, Reading the MediEvil Digital Comic Book Spooky Bones Round Let's Play.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To come back to topic, look at Kiya's face from the official Medievil comic released along the PS4 remake.
The art was made by Jason Wilson/ Jay Gunn the guy selling the design bible

>> No.9900774
File: 839 KB, 527x923, KiyaFatesArrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9900781

Yeah I'm still not sure why he made her a Bratz doll and so far from the in-game model

>> No.9900787

Some years ago he was giving away some things, I guess no one wanted it?


>> No.9900820

If you mean all those MediEvil promos like the cardboard cutout, he sold them on Twitter

>> No.9900875

Who gives a fucking shit

>> No.9900983

The way he draws people now compared to back then is so jarringly different. That comic felt like a huge sign that he lost his touch.

>> No.9900997

there always were propaganda in games anon, hell just remember the insane amount of military fps games in the 2000's. all dueled by the Pentagon. just how many games there were where you shot at ''terrorists''?

>> No.9901005

Is this the comic where they made Canny Tim a woman?

>> No.9901019

they made him a little boy, that looks like a girl

>> No.9901043

According to Jason Wilson, the Heroes were designed very quickly for MediEvil with some of them being based on the original team members.[3] It is unknown if Canny Tim was based on a team member or not. In a Q&A about the MediEvil: Fate's Arrow comic, Chris Sorrell explained his reasoning for reconceptualising Canny Tim as a female character:
“ Well obviously the idea is that she always was, but was just hiding the fact in order to fight alongside her male peers. Ok, I admit we never really thought of her that way originally, but to be quite honest none of those guys ever had much depth. I loved some of them nevertheless, and I wanted to give one of my favorites a little more back-story. I liked the idea of doing something a little surprising, of adding another much needed female into the MediEvil world, and, like I say, of fleshing out the character a bit!

>> No.9901059


oh, what a garbage retcon. No wonder the Medievil series is dead.


>> No.9901095

Sony really fell from their grace; once a juggernaut with a wide catalogue of fun games and interesting ips to a literal Nogames & allmovies simulator. It doesn’t make any sense that they don’t want to sell their dormant properties either, considering the current administration hates them (Medieval, Blasto, ApeEscape, etc)

>> No.9901118

Sony as a company made many bad decisions throughout the 2000s. The Playstation brand was enough to carry them, until their hubris with PS3's hardware and the general horrible shit that was game development for the 7th gen got them somewhat close to bankruptcy. They had to downsize the company, and eventually gave up and sold out to jews somewhere between the end of 7th gen and beginning of the 8th and that was that. Sony itself has been dead for well over a decade, nothing remains other than the name.

>> No.9901136

>They had to downsize the company, and eventually gave up and sold out to jews somewhere between the end of 7th gen and beginning of the 8th and that was that.
While I know the story and don’t doubt this tidbit, I’ll still never understand the logic to move operations to California; Tokyo is considerably cheaper than California and they’ve done nothing but garbage work since then. Some blame Kaz but I really don’t see who is to blame and who made these decisions

>> No.9901161

Anon, political agenda comes first for kikes, profit comes second, because that's their bread and butter and they know how to make shekels. Moving to California was essential for the golemfication of the company, not to mention expelling everything Japanese from the company was probably directive 1 once it changed hands.

>> No.9901263 [DELETED] 

>implying soibois like ai

>> No.9901454


>> No.9901695

The original PS1 version has far superior tone and atmosphere; as can be compared with these two videos. The PS4 remake, despite using the apparently the same voice recordings, unnecessarily condenses the amount of silence in the conversation and adds cuts and camera flourishes that serve only to diminish the tone and atmosphere of the game.

>> No.9901701

Played it abit in my teens.

Used to love halloweem themes before my depression.

>> No.9901739

Too bad Jason Wilson's career focused on being an ideas guy.

>> No.9901745

Big studios use 3-d graphics and materials instead of hand dawn 2-D textures. Maybe he could apply for senior concept artist.

Indie people go mostly pixel art instead of regular sprite 2-D, and if you have the guy who can do pixel art, maybe you don't need an ideas/concept art guy.

>> No.9901897

He probably could make some pretty neat ones. Wouldn't help him pay the bill though, unfortunately

>> No.9901919

>most popular
no idea who the literal who faggot is

>> No.9902216

So, if you were a creative and you don't stay in the same company working forever like Miyamoto,
or if you didn't make enough money to make your own studio,
you can end up with little to no job prospects for games in your 40s or 50s.

Be careful with the path you choose younger guys.

>> No.9902230

What are some other PS1 games with modern(ish) melee combat?

>> No.9902231
File: 31 KB, 300x300, T’ai_Fu_Wrath_of_the_Tiger_NTSC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know if it's what you're looking for, and when emulating it there's no music

>> No.9902456

interesting little factoid here, tom baker (4th doctor actor) actually voiced death in medievil resurrection

>> No.9902619

>Artists begging their e-friends to buy their works
Why is this a thing?

>> No.9902625

>before some gaming e-celeb cunt buys it
The artist is also an e-celeb, with all his twitter and journalists friends begging people to buy his drawings

>> No.9902682

>But if it helps me continue to look for full time work and keep a roof over my head (and not put my cat into a shelter) then it'll help
That actually got to me, especially seeing how much giving away his cat has been tearing at Airsoft Fatty on Fishtank. It's a real shame that a true talent can't find any work in the industry but Sony will gladly let Neil Druckmann indefinitely shit out mediocre Last of Us products.

>> No.9902698

>games about current event or the main default rogue actor of the times = literally propaganda

>> No.9902824

Nightmare Creatures but it doesn't have the charm Medieval has.


>> No.9902990

>. I hate how games these days, even the colorful ones, are afraid of using pure black and everything is just drenched in fog and filters to where color never pops
This is really because of the advent of "I'll do it in post" mentality, it teaches you to never use black because 0 times anything is always zero, then there's also the advent of gamma 2.0 where all the production monitors are calibrated to it but to be honest it looks bland as fuck, I've known this shit since like 2004 watching pirated gnomon tutorials and now its moved onto gaymes since the ps3/xbox360 days.

>> No.9903385
File: 1.35 MB, 1744x975, medieval color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a pro but I used to hang out with pros and sponged some information off of them. Artists avoid black because in the real world light bounces off of the things surrounding it, so the shadows will end up being the color of whatever opposite surface is closest to the shadow. Also using proper color theory generally looks more appealing at a glance than going straight into darkness, so they'll opt to shift the hue to an adjacent color or go to a compliment. You can actually see this in the remake with the fog. In the original there is no fog but the scene just cuts to black while in the remake it transitions from green grass, to blue fog/buildings, to purple sky.

I despise this look but I have to admit the one on the right is much easier to rest my eyes on.

>> No.9903387

why do the colors on the right look... idk, flat, compared to those on the left?

>> No.9903469

at least if the kids sell it, they pay no attention to the value, and the one that buys it at a portion of the price is the one that dumps it

>> No.9903517


>> No.9903648


most PS1 games used hand painted 2d textures.

modern games use 3d materials and shaders plus fog, instead of hand made 2d textures.


The darkness was the whole point of the atmosphere and ambience.
Like the black and white german expressionism movies of the 1920s that inspired Tim Burton.
And the Tim Burton movies inspired the art style of Medievil.

>> No.9903657
File: 476 KB, 500x335, tumblr_mm92rpp57Z1rw38cjo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9903663

>most PS1 games used hand painted 2d textures.
>modern games use 3d materials and shaders plus fog, instead of hand made 2d textures.
lol you have no idea what you're talking about. "3D materials" is not a thing retard. both games use textures mapped to polygons. the reason the original game has better color and contrast is because it was made by more talented people who understood composition and tone instead of diversity hires who make everything in unity and layer it with 100 post processing effects.

>> No.9903690
File: 446 KB, 603x607, NewCanvas1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love good 2D hand painted textures on 3-D models.
I hate the modern 3-D graphics used in triple A games nowadays.

>> No.9903695

those balls were creating with textured polygons you dipshit

>> No.9903706
File: 173 KB, 625x373, ps1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a random stock image or photo you take it's not the same as hand painted

>> No.9904387

Way less contrast

>The darkness was the whole point of the atmosphere and ambience.
>Like the black and white german expressionism movies of the 1920s that inspired Tim Burton.
>And the Tim Burton movies inspired the art style of Medievil.
Yeah but if you talk to pro-artists they the fundamentals like it's a laws of physics. That's why everything looks so soulless now. It's designed to cast as wide of a net as possible. These people trained their skills to get a job.

>> No.9904434

there are generic concept artists and illustrators who do that, that's when the director, art direction or the lead artists should come into play.
Someone more experienced to tell them how best to use their skills for the project at hand.

If you have the fundamentals, then any art style shouldn't be a problem

But big companies and studios who are developing for the latest console or hardware are going to use the latest tech to justify buying the console.
The PS1 had to do 3-D or there wouldn't be a reason to buy it over an old console, in terms of tech.

Fun and the experience should be the priority, not graphics or tech. A game with the latest tech is not guaranteed to be fun, or something you'll remember for years.

>> No.9904439

good thing that from time to time, new good games come out.

>> No.9904478

People sometimes post that Renoir meme in old good new bad threads but he's unironically 100% correct.

>> No.9904636 [DELETED] 

You mean, greedy people will. "Capitalism" can't do anything, it's just an idea.

>> No.9904662

>that's when the director, art direction or the lead artists should come into play.
>Someone more experienced to tell them how best to use their skills for the project at hand.
The art directors have an optimized pipeline to produce a product. Everything they do makes sense and any artist will say they're right, but the end result is always generic. Corporations generally are risk adverse, so they don't stray too far out of the box.

>If you have the fundamentals, then any art style shouldn't be a problem
You can imitate a style to a point but your fingerprints will still be on it. All these artists grinded the corporate style for years so their resume had what the game studios were looking for, and as a result the generic art style is part of the DNA now.

>But big companies and studios who are developing for the latest console or hardware are going to use the latest tech to justify buying the console.
>The PS1 had to do 3-D or there wouldn't be a reason to buy it over an old console, in terms of tech.
>Fun and the experience should be the priority, not graphics or tech. A game with the latest tech is not guaranteed to be fun, or something you'll remember for years.
It's mostly an art direction issue rather than a tech issue if that's what you're getting at. Sure it would look different than the PS1 version, but their concept art probably had similar hue shifts and shape theory that made it less spooky and more generic.

>> No.9904676

why dont they make games like this but for really big adults like me? im a grown up but i wanna play something with the gameplay like this that we left behind like this and ape escape and crash and all that stuff but i wanna tackle really big adult themes really big and adult because i cant play stuff for kids anymore

>> No.9905804

I mean who do you think is buying it besides man children? Kids are playing Minecraft and Fortnite.

>> No.9906087

>"Sadly, I do not own the MediEvil IP would fall foul of Sony’s legal department."

>"And if Sony were to publish such a work/book remastered from my original work, I would receive no royalties."

Proof Sony of America are fucking cunts. I can't believe this guy is getting shafted so hard. He doesn't deserve this kind of treatment from the industry when Daniel was such an icon for the PS1.
Can't believe he doesn't even own the IP either. Then again, I'm not surprised since ""journalist"" shills shat all over the remaster on the PS4 despite it being very well made. Probably for the best I stay away from gamedev if these kinds of people are getting fucked over despite the huge successes they've had.

>> No.9906123

Sony deliberately shafted the PS4 remake while pouring all their money into TLOU2. Fuck them and fuck Druckmann.

>> No.9906132

Its entirely the American branch that's at fault here. Even in the EU rn Sony's weight is barely even felt anymore and you can really feel it when they used to be so well liked.
Their visual style and unique looking technology has just evaporated completely. I don't know what the fuck happened. If they want to make coomsoomer slop at LEAST try and make it 'look' cool. They have all of this money and they use it for fucking nothing but to make everyone miserable. I'm so fucking sick of it.

>> No.9906938

He may or may not have found a buyer who is willing to archive and upload everything after the purchase goes through. Fingers crossed.

>> No.9906979
File: 92 KB, 1020x904, jw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jason Wilson has worked on a lot of stuff, but out of everything Medievil seems to be the biggest. And even then Medievil is not as popular as Crash or Spyro.
Popularity doesn't mean quality of course. That also doesn't mean Crash or Spyro are bad, just more popular.

>> No.9907072 [DELETED] 

this, keep remind those to underage people calling out "capitalism" when it's just people

>> No.9907084 [DELETED] 

also when people blame the bible or Christianity for something, when it's certain people who use it as an excuse for their behavior.

>> No.9907085

>Co-creator of MediEvil Jay Gunn (and voice of Dan) is selling off his complete art/design bible (full of his original artwork) as a result of not being able to procure any work in the industry;

What went wrong with the modern game industry

>> No.9907092
File: 48 KB, 600x600, 71vgsh5iQcL._AC_UL600_SR600,600_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have hopes for the people upset with the current state that will try to make the best games they can do

>> No.9907169
File: 84 KB, 723x424, return-of-the-living-dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>430,000+ views!
Okay, I made a decision. The work will be restored and archived. I cannot say anything more right now.
Thank you for all the kind words (there were tears).
And most importantly… I am open for work with any adventurous indie studios. :)

>> No.9907191
File: 526 KB, 753x544, uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they open to remake 2?
or make Medievil 3?

>> No.9907198

maybe he has somehow acquired the rights to the character

>> No.9907208

Almost every person on the planet has to learn when to suck it up and accept how humbling life can be.

>> No.9907476

I think the remake was doomed from the beginning since it was literally MediEvil on the PS1 with high-def textures and wonky controls rather than a reimagining akin to Resident Evil 2 Remake where they actually modernised the game.

>> No.9907509

makes no sense when everyone complains jobs want you trained already in everything with experience

>> No.9907692

Autism, they're both fine

>> No.9907761

>I have hopes for the people upset with the current state that will try to make the best games they can do
There's a ton of people making retro style video games its just nobody wants to play them.

>> No.9907921
File: 79 KB, 1200x675, QnxCUL56oNcwCvBzU4KxMd-1200-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For one or more of the following reasons
1. It is the length of a demo you'd see in target
2. It's a PS1 horror imitation with shit gameplay
3. It has levels/enemies/etc blatantly copied from a better game for nastolgia points
4. The game looks and sound like shit

The last one is not about graphic fidelity. Retro games were pro artists working with what they had, but their design shows through their limitations. These retro throwback games have next to no design or it's just stolen. Everything comes off as really inauthentic and soulless. The retro indie community has it's own look separate from the games they copy and I hate it.

>> No.9908550

So it wasn't homogenized into one of the 3 various videogame products allowed on the market... I'd say that is something it had going for it quality-wise but I suppose if your goal is to strictly make as much money as possible then yeah you will need to standardize it for the shit eating masses.

>> No.9908765 [DELETED] 

A greedy idea.

>> No.9908850

Employers tend to also not want to hire people who think they're over qualified for a job, since that just means they're investing in an employee that will bail at a moments notice the second they find the position and pay they actually want.

>> No.9908891

Not retro, but the only good modern PS1 inspired aesthetic game to ever release in today's age is Signalis. The Lunar Effect would've been a close second, but that game's well beyond vaperware.

>> No.9909042
File: 105 KB, 640x448, 8B320BFF-F755-4674-B631-C092ACDC3E58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I got a temp ban because of >>9908891 then you can suck a fat one, you anal hall monitor, because the other post is just as guilty, if not more so, of not being retro either.
Fuck sake -- what a drastic measure over something harmless as well as INTENTIONAL. A warning would've sufficed.

>> No.9910442

What I mean is; if I want to play MediEvil, I'd play MediEvil on PS1 as that is the original and the one I have nostalgia for. I love Resident Evil 2 on the PS1 as well, but the remake is worth playing since it is a reimagining more than a standard remake. MediEvil needed something like that since it had already been remade for the PSP. It would have been a better way of getting a new audience and hopefully leading to an actual MediEvil 3, even if it wouldn't be made by the guys from SCE Cambridge. I agree that most games have that awful Unreal engine asset-flip feel to them these days, though.

>> No.9911226

You're absolutely right anon, but I can't help giving the remake credit for being one of the better executions of faithfully remaking a 5th gen title. It got some things wrong, but it kept the broad aesthetic and charm generally intact, with only a few missteps like the ones you addressed.

>> No.9911358

That's a fair point

>> No.9911423

Great little game that

>> No.9911432

All remakes are fucking cancer but that applies to games and films. Whether its Resident Evil or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the remake/reboot industry is lazy soul crushing unoriginal vandalism

>> No.9912062

Beetlejuice 2 is gonna suck so hard.
It'll probably be a commercial success, but Tim Burton is a Hollywood cash cow now.

When something goes on for too long, it becomes almost unrecognizable from how it started. That's what happened to games.
I think it'd take a total collapse of the video games industry for it to be amazing again.

>> No.9912535

That's your excuse for fucking everything. Never corporate greed, never higher-up incompetence, never a market that literally eats shit. It's always your victim complex and why no gf.
Even a child has better reasoning skills than this.

>> No.9912559

>corporate greed
>higher-up incompetence
>a market that eats shit

those are problems that create more problems.
If trash games were the cause of a single problem it would've been solved already.

>> No.9912672

What he said isn't wrong in light of what you claim. In fact it logically follows that greedy corporations are going to hire inept minorities for the cheap labor and (((goodboy points))) at the expense of a creative, quality product

>> No.9913578

There are some remakes that are very good; like the Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4 remakes, but they do not make the originals redundant. I still prefer the originals, but the remakes are worth playing. I played the Final Fantasy 7 remake a few years ago, and while there were things I liked about it; the original game on PS1 is far superior, and a complete experience. There is the rare remake like Resident Evil 1 on the GameCube that is arguably superior to the original. I think MediEvil, having been dormant as an IP for more than a decade, needed to shake things up rather than go for a another bog-standard remake.

>> No.9913597

>Beetlejuice 2
Dear God they really are out of ideas

>> No.9914059

Damn, that sucks. I remember him showcasing all the stuff behind Medievil production in one of his videos - guess all the stuff he has shown there is being sold:
Unless, of course, >>9907169 is actually gonna happen and everyone will get access to it.

>> No.9914643 [DELETED] 

Before someone asks, this is from a comic called New Adventures of Hitler. It was written by Grant Morrison. Unflattering!

>> No.9915986

Michael Mann is even making a sequel to Heat (1995).

>> No.9917692

>those are problems that create more problems.
>If trash games were the cause of a single problem it would've been solved already.
Yeah pretty much

>> No.9919745

Good to see he got a buyer

>> No.9920727

Cool wire frame

>> No.9922613

Bump, Medievil 2 was the shit.

>> No.9922614

>There are some remakes that are very good; like the Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4 remakes
Total dogshit taste. You are an NPC.

>> No.9922642

>it can't be both

>> No.9922963

The second-to-last level of that game heavily hinted the original pitch of MediEvil 3 was going to take place in outer space in a Buck Rogers-style setting. Would've been batshit if that initial idea went through.

>> No.9923028

I plan to buy it for myself as an investment and house it in safe. I have zero intentions of giving back to the retro gaming community by having it scanned so it be put on archive.org. I do hope it doesn't get thrown out by relative when I die alone in the future. I don't even know who is Jay Gunn. It just rings of money to my ears.

>> No.9923253

I love Medievil 2, but I consider more of a spinoff than a sequel somehow.

Both are whimisical horror fantasy but the mood in 1 is more medieval, and gothic.
Two is more gothic, Victorian, and sci-fi.

Nice combo of mood tone and theme. Plus the good music in both.

>> No.9923768

Does anyone know how much he's asking for?

>> No.9923834

>IM SO POOR, uhmmm Also The cost of such a collection will **NOT*** be cheap. Serious consideration. ONLY. Haha I totally am in financial trouble guys!

>> No.9923845
File: 477 KB, 1625x2048, Fv7XyNpXsAEkWVw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Install Gentoo

>> No.9924026

>and don't wanna do anything with it)
How many more chances and remakes does this game need? I can't recall a game that was republished and re-made as many times as Medievil.

>> No.9924117

holy fucking shit the nostalgia

>> No.9924139
File: 78 KB, 360x232, c15aca0a6a50927675cef9f16c171c64e4aca3a107933aa1df66cad2cdcdfd4b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't recall a game that was republished and re-made as many times as Medievil.

>> No.9924248

Modern sony is trash, they let all their good IPs rot and die over the years by playing musical chairs with "mascot of the week" bullshit.
Go away zoomer.

>> No.9924267

sell those shitty blu rays.

Wouldn't surprise me if OP was Jason Wilson himself

>> No.9924405

How the fuck has he not been fastracked for a position at Microsoft for Fable?

>> No.9925179
File: 53 KB, 366x381, 1668385947474961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those Twitter collectors who show off their obscure PC games to a following of 60 max
>get ferocious when you suggest for them to dump the files on an archive
I wonder what creates this sort of mentality

>> No.9925196

I see you've never heard of Rayman 2

>> No.9926353

the thing is gallowmere is obviously not our world. Makes no sense for it to be. Its been retconned as being Britain later (lol).