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/vr/ - Retro Games

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988924 No.988924 [Reply] [Original]

does /vr ever fast forward when emulating JRPG's? caught myself doing it a few times, but I try not to.

>> No.988942

If you're already emulating then why the fuck not?

>> No.988945

I can't play Pokemon at the original speed anymore. It's just too slow.

>> No.988947

Why would you ever not fast forward if you can do so? Especially when killing random shitty enemies over and over and going through dungeons, why do you wanna make it last longer?

>> No.988951

It breaks the experience. You are not really playing the game which was released, you are experiencing something completely different to when people first played the game. A lot of people would want to maintain that experience, I imagine.

>> No.988954

Only on those unskippable custscenes or with characters that walk way too slow. That's totally understandable.

Otherwise, I prefer it close to the real thing, with no save states either.

>> No.988953


Uh I imagine it also breaks the experience if you're playing it on a fucking emulator as well. I never understood that argument.

>> No.988974

Let anon pretend he's getting the actual experience.

>> No.988976

I always fast forward turn-based bullshit when I can. Well, except maybe for hard bosses.

>> No.988979


What's wrong with emulating? As long as there aren't any noticeable issues and you don't use save states, it's an identical experience.

>> No.988980
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>does /vr ever fast forward when emulating JRPG's?

I swore to myself never do it again after I came across this : a few years a go I had a friend who liked Final Fantasy and also shitty Korean free mmorp, so I recommended him Chrono Trigger.
Here is how he played it :
>on a laptop, playing on keyboard
>windowed, smallest window res possible
>with the worst filters turned on
>music turned off
>while constantly switching to at the same time browse the internet, chat to people, check on his Bot program grinding for himself in his shitty korean mmorpg
>while abusing the speed button
>while abusing the savestate/loadstate buttons especially because he'd die to do abusing the speed button
>all that with the TV turned on in front of him

my fucking face when

>> No.989008

do you even multitask, jeez you sure are retro

>> No.989109

No. I try not to emulate anything at all. I play everything on their intended hardware, and in the case that I do emulate, I never use saves states or alter speeds.

>> No.989127

Sure, sometimes jRPGs are just boringly slow.
I can't imagine getting through DQ1 without speeding it up.
I set limits for myself, though.

>> No.989130
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>As long as you don't use savestates

Another prerequisite that people put on themselves and other people. Play the game however you want to, but I'm a grown-ass man who barely has time to game anymore, let alone play a 70+ hour JPG. If I'm playing DQVII on my tablet, and I need to stop thirty minutes in, then damnit, I'm stopping thirty minutes in.

I don't care what a bunch of adolescent NEETS who weren't old enough (or even alive) when a lot of these consoles were introduced think about MUH ACTUAL EXPERIENCE.

Also: you can keep your crappy original controllers and 120 lbs. CRTs, too.

>> No.989136
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>> No.989139

Hell yes I do. Usually when I'm just traveling from one place to the next with nothing interesting going on.

>> No.989141

sounds like your apm is too low for your baller friend

>> No.989151

Of course, I also savestate, cheat myself some extra money so I can buy everything even if I don't need it and give ultra-rares the gameshark middlefinger.

>> No.989187

>Shin Megami Tensei on SNES without fast forwarding
Man, that walking speed! Man, that menu! I bet the game would end up lasting longer than 50 hours.
>Shin Megami Tensei on SNES without fast forwarding and save states before talking with demons
Holy shiet, I bet the game would end up lasting longer than 100 hours!

>> No.989189


I didn't say to not use them, I said IF you don't use them it's virtually identical to the experience you get from an actual console. The guy I quoted was arguing that by being on an emulator it's inherently not a genuine experience.

I don't understand why you're acting as if you're offended.

>> No.989195


>uses an emulator
>looks for th "real experience"
>muh authenticity

>> No.989304

You're an idiot.
The only differences between playing on a console and an accurate emulator are superficial, like the "feeling" of it.

>> No.989318


Superficial effects still make a Downe psychologically, and truly can change how you view the experience. I understand people who prefer hardware to an emulator... Don't get it myself. But if I'm playing a console game, emulated or not, I much prefer a controller and a tv.

>> No.989328
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Lurk more.

>> No.989362

That's disgusting.

>> No.989371

You are playing something better. I usually avoid emulating, but when it comes to RPGs with grinding, I can not play on the original hardware.

>> No.989376

I always fast forward my visual novels to get to the sex scenes. I guess that's pretty similar.

>> No.989380
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When I was in high school I worked as a TA in the main office and had access to the main computer/servers that all the computers in the school were synced with. I managed to hide an EMU folder in the system folder that could be accessed from any computer in the school and word got around quick. At first I was pleased, never taking credit and just smiling when I saw kids I'd never talked to playing n64 in class, and for a time it was good. Eventually it got to the point where everyone was playing firered or leafgreen, with the speed at max. It just looked like it sapped all the joy and wonder from pokemon, and took away the fun of actually playing it. They were burning through it like it was a chore! What is the fucking point.

>> No.989424

Personally I play Pokemon with the fastforward button nearly constantly pressed.
After beating Red, Blue, Yellow, and Fire Red multiple times each (never played Leaf Green but I'm sure I'm not missing much) I have no interest in listening to Oak tell me about Pokemon. Read the same confrontation with your rival. Grind in real time.
I'd much rather get the Pokemon I want and do it all faster. No reason for it to last as long as it had.

Maybe if it were my first time playing I wouldn't, but I stopped caring about Pokemon after Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.

And I'm not going for a "real" experience either.
Currently playing Fire Red Omega and chose my starter to be Misdreavus.

>> No.989435

I very very rarely fast forward. The only time I can remember is a recent playthrough of FF6. I didn't use it at all until I was grinding up extra characters for Kefka's wild ride. I also never use savestates.

>> No.989434

But that's just for Pokemon and some games with random encounters. Medabots RPG is a game I abuse the fast forward button for, but only for battles. It takes nothing away for them to be faster in my opinion.
The vast majority of the time I try to play a game without abusing save states or the fast forward button especially if it's my first time playing through it.

>> No.989463

No, the differences are everywhere: you are playing "an emulated version on game X from system Y on a system Z" and not "a port of game X from system Y on system Z".

No matter how good the emulator is, emulation IS a different thing: you are not plugging a cartdrige, you are launching an emulator and selecting a file. But from there on, yes, you have the core of the thing: the Game. And it's really all that should matter: why else would you be PLAYING for otherwise?

>> No.989624

I generally don't. If the JRPG bores me I just drop it.

The instant I would think about needing to speed the game up with a fast forward button should be a good indication to me that there is something wrong with the game.

>> No.989669

Pokemon Stadium had an option to play your inserted Pokemon RBY at 2x speed. It's canon in the Official Nintendo/Gamefreak experience to speed up the dull bits in an RPG.

The worse thing ever is the unskippable opening dialogue/cut-scene in Valkyrie Profile. It is LITERALLY 30 minutes of backstory (not even a primary plot line!) before you can actually play the damn game. Whenever I recommend this game to someone, they usually end up telling me the game sucks because it takes forever to get to the actual fun.

Play Valkyrie Profile, but for the love of god, increase the game speed until you get to fly around and do dungeons and play the game.

>> No.989696

I'm a moderate purist but I think certain modifications are acceptable

>Hex codes to INCREASE difficulty
>Save states to SUSPEND play (quicksave on exit, quickload on startup)
>Fast Forward through boring grinds

Here's some things I'm willing to shamefully and anonymously admit to having done before
>Hex editing to save muh waifu Nei
>Hex editing to rebuild a character that was lost from a memory card
>Hex editing to get an item I missed

And here's some shit that tons of people do that pisses me off to a surprising degree
>Playing emulators with a keyboard
>Exploiting glitches to the point of actually destroying the flavor of the game
>Getting super fat

>> No.989712

I'm not offended at all. I was just speaking in general, and yours was the last post I read.

We seem to have two camps here on /vr/:

1. Original console, controller and cartridge/disc only. Or retro-hardware PC.

2. Emulate, but only with CRTs and original controllers w/ adapters and the most bleeding-edge SVN emu available. (MUH ACCURACY). No filters, no savestates, no HDTV, no 360/PS3 controller, NO FUN.

3. Retroconsole/flashcart (still better be a CRT!)

I'm in the little-known fourth camp: Can I just play the damn game, please? I'll send in a bug report. I'll play it on a toaster, just as long as I can enjoy the game.

>> No.989713

When Im replaying a game Ill fast forward through cutscenes/dialogue. Like when replaying Zelda I'm definitely fast forwarding through all that text. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.989719
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*three camps. Sorry.

>> No.989728


That's pretty narrow. I don't think there's a need to categorize that type of thing.

Filter users are definitely shitheads who don't understand the charm of retro games, though.

>> No.989740

only on certain games, never in dragon quest specifically, for some reason.

i would fast forward through battles and traveling and such and get totally sick of playing the game. i would play for maybe 15 minutes and then shut it off. then i decided to play for a while without fast forward because DQ has pretty quick battles anyway and i was suddenly having a lot more fun, thinking through the battles, listening to the music, sinking a couple hours in whenever.

i'm not a purist by any means but for me playing jrpgs at normal speed makes them more fun, and if i'm not fast forwarding then it lasts longer. that's how you enjoy games, right?

>> No.989767

Yep, I don't know why but over the years I've really lost my patience with the dialogue in JRPG's. They just seem to go on and on for ages without actually saying anything. So yeah, I proudly fast forward

>> No.989785

This 1000x.

Like some rpg with random battles every 5 seconds(I am looking at you SoArcadia) if I can will fast-forward.

This is almost the same thing some of us did or do when fast-forward movies to see again THAT part, specially on vrcs.

>> No.989901

I used to fast forward through the battles.
Than I realized I was fastforwarding through 80% of the game.

Than I decided that if a game has some parts of it that I want to skip I should start playing better games

>> No.989906

"im a grown up so I have to save state and fast foward"

Do you also put your movies on fast forward so you can watch them twice as fast so you have twice as many movies to see? Do you listen to music at increased speed so you can hear more albums.

You play games for the experience of it. A well desigend game should be enjoyable at nearly all points of it and there should be no desire to skip over parts of it.

If you find yourself wanting to skip over large segments of a game thats your brain telling you that the experience is boring and you should probably find something more entertaining.

>> No.989908

I fast forward through battles only when I want to grind for a bit. In fact, fast forward grinding in FF5 is helping me a lot with the job systems by breaking them

>> No.989913

Well, that doesn't mean you have to make it even less like the real thing. Obviously, you'd want to get as close as you can to the original experience, even when using an emulator.

>> No.990296

>Do you also put your movies on fast forward so you can watch them twice as fast
I do that.

>> No.990684
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Someone's mad

>> No.990713

Why would you fast-forward a game on an emulator? If it's too slow that you can't handle it then don't play it.

>> No.990730

Why can't I just play it with fastforward?

>> No.990749

I have all the time in the world and I can't take it easy trying to fast forward, so no.

>> No.990758

This story frightens me because I think I know the same guy or someone very similar to him. If I were to recommend a retro RPG to him I'm 95% sure he would just try to find a way to AFK-grind it.

I think there are people who truly do not understand how to enjoy an RPG.

>> No.990762

If it's any comfort, I emulate everything on an LCD monitor and use a 360 controller. I still don't use savestates, though.

>> No.990771

I try my best not to touch the Fast Forward unless the walking speed is almost painfully slow. DQ1 overworld speed falls into this group. And I use Save States only when I get to a new area and there's no way of actually saving (Mario 3 is too long of a game without saves). But outside that tend to run the game normally.

>> No.990826

You can't really compare skipping cinematic attack animations to skipping the scenes of a movie, it's comparable to skipping the intro credits and not watching the ending credits of a movie or a long sex scene that you know is coming .