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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9897964 No.9897964 [Reply] [Original]

>the wii came out 15 years ago
>it will be 16 years old in november
>the wii is "retro" now
I refuse to accept this information

>> No.9897967

>the wii is as old as the SNES was when the wii came out

>> No.9897970

It certainly works as a retro console.
>outputs in 240p
>the classic controller pro is godly
>can play all NES/NES/GC games
Can the Wii emulate N64 games well yet, or is that still a total crapshoot?

>> No.9897973

Retro is anything still on composite or earlier, or composite-era. So yes the Wii is unfortunately retro, though 360 and PS3 aren't. It's right at the end there.

>> No.9898005

I thought some 360s shipped with composite cables?

>> No.9898014

He's a zoomer. Both the 360 and PS3 could use composite.

>> No.9898016

Both PS3 and 360 had composite at launch, they knew not everyone had HD yet

>> No.9898032

The Xbox 360 Core was an entry level Xbox 360 which was later replaced with the "Arcade". Although available at launch in other regions, it was not available in Japan until November 2, 2006.The Core system came bundled with a composite video cable, capable of only SDTV resolutions. The console was however capable of the same HDTV resolutions (up to 1080i) as the other models when connected to a separately sold component/d-terminal cable. In October 2006, 1080p support was added for all models in a system update,including the "Core" using either the component/d-terminal cable, or the new VGA cable (although 1080p via component was not widely supported by televisions). It also has a white disc tray that matches the console, while it may also utilize a separately sold Xbox 360 hard disk drive. Unlike all other SKUs, it shipped with a wired version of the Xbox 360 controller, instead of the wireless version found in other SKUs.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Xbox_360_retail_configurations

>> No.9898037
File: 173 KB, 1100x1100, 1623621482279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7th gen was the end of retro era for me. It's not just about age; it's about the zeitgeist.
7th gen introduced a lot of things that are still very current year—AAA games, online gaming, casual games, indie, mobile games, DLCs, focus on open world and "cinematic" games, rise of the console FPS, handholding, QTEs, and such. In fact, gaming didn't move forward much past that—these are still the conventions of gaming more than 15 years later.
On the other hand, 7th gen did away with so many things that were truly "retro". It finalized the death of arcades, saw the decline of Japanese devs, irrelevance of platformers and JRPGs, the general switch from bright games to gritty look and brown & bloom. So many smaller devs, series and genres were killed because they weren't big enough for AAA, forced to switch to mobile, or indie, or making endless "retro collections", or even pachinko.
It's not retro because it's not an era that is over. We still live in AAA era. If you see an arcade, it's largely a thing from a bygone era; same can be said about platformers, 2D games, and such. But 7th gen was almost same crap as 8th gen, which in turn is the same as 9th gen will be.

>> No.9898041


>> No.9898043

Zoom zoom.

>> No.9898052

>7th gen was the end of retro era for me. It's not just about age; it's about the zeitgeist.
>7th gen introduced a lot of things that are still very current year—AAA games, online gaming, casual games, indie, mobile games, DLCs, focus on open world and "cinematic" games, rise of the console FPS, handholding, QTEs, and such. In fact, gaming didn't move forward much past that—these are still the conventions of gaming more than 15 years later.
Yup. Also the essence is still single player and fine offline as well. I loose interest in gaming after 7th completely, although I think it was the 360 ( and xbox in general that Microsoft self shanked PC gaming with).

>> No.9898054

>He's a zoomer. Both the 360 and PS3 could use composite.
Yup, he's also a tard who should shush and learn. The first 360s did not ship with HDMI, the elite shipped with both.

>> No.9898058

ok zoomer.

>> No.9898067

Read the sticky OP

Also >>>/v/

>> No.9898078
File: 38 KB, 640x503, 1682545178244278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>describes 6th gen
>calls it 7th
Popcap games, Halo, Oblivion. This shit has been going on long before 7th gen.
captcha Y2K2Y

>> No.9898091

Half the things you listed started before the 7th gen. QTEs were a big deal in Shenmue and RE4, casual games like Diner Dash and Peggle were already a thing, console FPSes were popularized with Halo in 2001, the Dreamcast supported online gaming, etc.

>> No.9898095

You're right that Halo 1/2 and GTA trilogy were the seeds that would define gaming later. But the rest—are you kidding me?
>6th gen
>AAA games, online gaming, indie, mobile games, DLCs, focus on open world and "cinematic" games, rise of the console FPS, handholding, QTEs
all of that became big later, not in 7th gen. as for casual—shareware-type games have always existed, but I meant stuff like Wii Play, Guitar Hero, Kinect, Candy Crush and such.

>> No.9898108

Not that anon but GameCube and especially GBA had an abundance of party/minigames games like Wii Play and Candy Crush. Halo is what kicked off the whole FPS thing with "mature action games" following soon after

>> No.9898134

see >>9898095 . I acknowledge all these things were invented before 7th gen, but they only went BIG during 7th gen. that's the difference.
as for stuff not covered in that post:
>QTEs were a big deal in Shenmue and RE4
2 games. became way bigger in 7th gen when everyone did those.
>Dreamcast supported online gaming
it SUPPORTED it, but it died too fast, and console online never became truly big until XBL. especially since broadband era only hit around 2004-2005 when it overtook dial-up.

>> No.9898139

Fair enough, I can see your point even though I think the Wii would fit in more on this board than /v/ nowadays.

>> No.9898143

Well buddy time passes, you'll have to come to grips with that some day buddy.

>> No.9898158

I don't know where my base is, It seems I lost it, at least I always use it horizontally now but it sucks it dissappeared

>> No.9898168
File: 614 KB, 1552x1292, x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not that anon but GameCube and especially GBA had an abundance of party/minigames games like Wii Play and Candy Crush.
true, but that didn't really make them casual consoles though. Wii on the other hand was built on casual gameplay, and Kinect was the best-selling X360 game. also, mobile gaming made GBA look hardcore in comparison.
>Halo is what kicked off the whole FPS thing with "mature action games" following soon after
I just said this. It was what laid the foundation of 7th gen dudebro shooter era. However, during 6th gen, how many other big console shooters can you name, especially with online? SOCOM, maybe?… 6th gen was mostly about Halo and just Halo. 7th gen was about CoD, Halo, GoW and a plenty other online shooters.

>> No.9898174

Finally someone who gets it
Although personally I'd pin it at the middle of the 6th gen

>> No.9898180

true and kek underrated post

>> No.9898192

I kinda feel like it's not so obvious where Wii belongs. I definitely think that Mario Galaxy, Zelda TP, Metroid and such were not so far from N64 and GC era, so it's not like they feel UN-retro. And Wii still only had 480p.
But then you look at its controller. You see Wii Fit, Wii Play, all the heaps of casual shovelware. And then there are "half-casual" games like MK Wii and NSMB Wii. And also Nintendo's retro newfound pandering, virtual console and such, and games like MM9 which were deliberately "retro". None of those things are retro in my book.
DS at least had way more than just touchscreen gimmick, and had enough games that felt like a pocket N64 / PSX / SNES. Though it had tonnes of casual games too, obviously.

>> No.9898194

>I refuse to accept this information
You should, because its not and never will be
Only brainlets think retro is about muh age
Hell I don't even consider 6th gen consoles (eith the exception of the Dreamcast) as retro, but I'm willing to shut the fuck up because the real enemy are the incoming wave of zoomers nostalgiaposting about fucking GTA V and Halo (which are the brainlets who think being retro is judt about muh age)

>> No.9898232

Those threads need to be gorespammed until they’re removed, we can’t trust the jannies and mods to keep the spirit of the board. Hate to say it but a line needs to be drawn can’t have this faggy constantly moving scale.

>> No.9898238

>Although personally I'd pin it at the middle of the 6th gen
I know where you're coming from. Early 6th gen was very much retro to me.
>Sega skies
>arcade games still being half-relevant
>GC launch titles
except towards 2005 it was definitely going in the direction of "more Halo and more GTA", brown & bloom, and Western devs taking over. Platformers lost steam rather quickly; and Square Enix took a long time until they finally released KH2, FFXII and DQVIII very late in PS2 era (with only FFXI in between). GC was slowly dying. 2005 saw games like Guitar Hero and GoW. XBL was a thing. it was around the time DS and PSP launched, too. it was only a matter of time at that point that retro era would be over.

>> No.9898416

The xbox 360 released before the wii, it should be more "retro" than it.
But people that think "old = retro" are absolute idiots (i even remember some fags calling the 3DS a retro console).

>> No.9898436
File: 165 KB, 680x693, 1_Kmd2j_y80B45B2wv4buzKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oblivion Horse Armor DLC. Everquest. Half Life. Alien Hominid. Palm pilot games like Drug Wars and Lemonade Tycoon. Call of Fucking Duty. It started in 6th gen, not 7th.

>> No.9898456

And to further reiterate, the "retro era" ended during 6th gen, where these new ideas for the future of gaming began, not 7th, when they were well established. It ended during 6th, and was completely dead for 7th.

>> No.9898471

>It started in 6th gen, not 7th.
that's what I meant
>It ended during 6th, and was completely dead for 7th.
that's what I meant

>> No.9898490

>7th gen was
>of retro era for me. It's not just about age; it's about the zeitgeist. 7th gen
>a lot of things that are still very current year
Sure you did

>> No.9898495

The wii is just a gamecube in a different case, it objectively should be allowed if gamecube is allowed. Just ban gamecube if you want niggers like OP gone.

>> No.9898504

ok then I should've put it differently. retro era ended during 6th gen. 7th gen didn't introduce a few of the things I list, but it certainly made them massively popular. happy now?

>> No.9898604 [DELETED] 
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