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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 348 KB, 640x361, media_FSkZOfOWYAIkGbh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9888641 No.9888641 [Reply] [Original]

Doom 3 Cheeseburger.

>> No.9888643

clever bump mapping

>> No.9888645

doom 3 always looked bad

>> No.9888651

I see their burger joint DOES cut corners, huh...

>> No.9888672 [DELETED] 

It was literally the best looking game in the world when it came out

Also I'm infuriated to see it on /vr/

>> No.9888673 [DELETED] 

It's 20 years old, anon.

>> No.9888683 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 376x369, 1663555851057984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also I'm infuriated to see it on /vr/
Can't wait to see Anons seethe when 360/PS3/Wii games are allowed on /vr/ in 2026

>> No.9888684 [DELETED] 

DOOM 3 isnt so much a game as a satire of the FPS genre. the gameplay consists of walking through endless identical metal corridors, shooting a small variety of identical enemies, talking to identical NPCs (who all happen to be some derivation of a bald guy with green eyes or a half asian dude in a yellow jump suit with a Wally Cleaver hairdo), listening to some faggot on a radio tell you where to go next while you happen upon "audio logs" filled with meaningless purile dialogue that serve as a weak attempt to fill in backstory, and occasionally you'll be tasked with doing random dumb unfun shit like picking up toxic waste barrels with a claw machine like you're a fucking waste management technician. add to this the game's notoriously shit weapons, B movie monster closet jump scares (if you can even call a dead Howie Mandell lurching at you from around a corner "scary"), retarded enemy designs such as a flying bald woman's head with pirhana teeth, a fucking sprint meter, a flashlight that you had to toggle because the Xbox version couldn't handle gunfire and dynamic lighting at the same time so they gimped both versions (because, big surprise, DOOM 3 is a console shooter and a bad one at that), reddit-tier references and in-jokes like the heckin' wacky turkey puncher arcade machine, and of course, the "plot" which is akin to an especially bad vin diesel movie and -- despite a 5min+ long unskippable intro sequence and multiple cutscenes -- somehow manages to be less enthralling than the original game's story which barely existed at all. DOOM 3 is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever made.

>> No.9888687 [DELETED] 

This copy pasta always makes me laugh. Still my favorite doom but man, cannot believe it’s retro. Those lighting effects are sexy

>> No.9888693 [DELETED] 

I'm a newfag who came here after the rule change. What was the original cutoff point?

>> No.9888696 [DELETED] 


>> No.9888698 [DELETED] 

somebody made this the description of doom 3 on encyclopediadramatica, kek

>> No.9888740 [DELETED] 

Its just wrong to see someone post "why didn't they make ET2 on the Colecovision?" next to a "aah Halo 3, back when videogames were ugly and had soul!" thread.

>> No.9888793
File: 188 KB, 455x250, 1671772897268194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so fucking soulful, hooly shit, AAACK

>> No.9888796 [DELETED] 

>if you can even call a dead Howie Mandell lurching at you from around a corner "scary"
I just shit myself imagining this

>> No.9888805

Where's the God damn onion? You tellin me whe can get a fucking space tomato but not no onion? This whole outfit is turning to shit, it's only a matter of time till they cut corners elsewhere and end up fucking us all.

>> No.9888807 [DELETED] 

Dreamcast wasn't allowed originally. Well, actually I think it was. They wanted nothing after 1999, but really they wanted no 6th gen so they quickly changed it to exclude the Dreamcast. I think it was less than a year later they changed the rule to allow Dreamcast.

>> No.9888824 [DELETED] 

It's a coming. I can't wait for console wars on /vr about xb360 vs wii. LOL.

>> No.9888841 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 437x598, show_them_online1682275075135306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg I can't wait...

>> No.9888863 [DELETED] 

On the topic that took over this thread: /v2k/ would have prevented this problem.

>> No.9888897

>american game
>has burgers

>> No.9888924

i'd buy that

>> No.9888928

for a dollar?

>> No.9888934

HA! The cheese should be on the opposite side of the lettuce and tomato

Shows what they know

>> No.9888937

Kind of agree. It was still fun to play back then

>> No.9888948

You mean on top? No, it shouldn't. Shut up.

>> No.9889043

What, no fries?

I am disappoint

>> No.9889053

The fuck you talkin bout bro? That burger is full of corners! Now shut up and eat it we only get half an hour for lunch and a dimensional cascade disaster is scheduled for this afternoon.

>> No.9889160
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>> No.9889193

>no onion
>but tomatpoo

>> No.9889206
File: 1.84 MB, 2000x2667, ru9datsksa461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's a burger in Cyberpunk 2077

>> No.9889210

well of course it looks like that, it's a onions green bug burger

>> No.9889218
File: 28 KB, 251x396, censored_green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew about the wordfilter but forgot just how accurate this movie was. It's the year 2022! Gotta combine all the warnings of dystopian horrors into our real life.

>> No.9889250

lol'd, hivemind

>> No.9889251

So how much do the settings affect things like that? I mean is that a ray traced burger?

>> No.9889273

Doom 3 and Doom Eternal were the worst of the series.
I got a refund 30 minutes after buying eternal.

>> No.9889276
File: 27 KB, 427x382, EtpWuJ9XYAIntqb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doom 3 and Doom Eternal were the worst of the series.
Doom 3 is better than Doom 64, Final Doom, Doom 2016, and Eternal.

>I got a refund 30 minutes after buying eternal
what could you possibly have inferred about the game within 30 minutes of buying it that would warrant a refund? Your 3rd world ass toaster couldn't run it?

>> No.9889357

Game ran fine. It just had a really childish plot.

>> No.9889370
File: 259 KB, 640x778, hyycecy4k4e31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game ran fine. It just had a really childish plot.
You returned a Doom game because of the plot?

>> No.9889372

Correct. Not only was it too much plot for a Doom game, but it was badly written and seemingly written for children.

>> No.9889606

>John "Curved surfaces are the future!" Carmack released this

guess you had to be there

>> No.9889847

This is my problem with all Dooms since 3. THERE IS NO FICKING INTRUSIVE NARRATIVE! Just battle demons full stop. The isolation in the OGs went a hell of a long way, but that kind of thing is like vinegar to oily AAA devs because they think the people who buy their shit wouldn't stand for it. At this point ALL fictional narratives are nothing but retellings of all the shit we've all seen rehashed and regurgitated. Like Carmack says: Plot in a game is like plot in a porno or whatever. Pure gameplay is secondary in the mainstream vidya playground and the same shit happened to every other medium the more popular it got. This is why indie creators always have been and always will be nothing but heart.

>> No.9889853

what's wrong with the gameplay? it's literally Quake on steroids

>> No.9889858

>intrusive narrative
i dont think dialogue that occurs during gameplay is intrusive. just mute the voices

>> No.9889860

Indie can't compare with the classics

>> No.9889863

No I think he means underneath the burger so it's not exposed to any of the cold parts and melts

>> No.9889868

>but forgot just how accurate this movie was
I don't think you've ever seen the movie if you think it's accurate, it's based on the 50s idea that birth control would never come into existence and every city would have like 50 million people. Also all life in the ocean is dead.
It also has some real fucking wierd ideas about what society would be like.

>> No.9889878

Also people comparing it to "eat the bugs" miss the entire point. The entire reason "eat the bugs" is a meme is because of the implication that there's still plenty of food to go around and the rich all way to keep the best shit for themselves. In Onions Green, even the rich are completely fucked, there genuinely is only the tiniest bit of real food left, we've gone to the point of processing our dead into food because of how desperate we've become to survive, and the reason Thorn is killed to protect the secret is because they don't want the world to know humanity only has like a decade left.

>> No.9890063

>Doom 3 is better than Doom 64, Final Doom, Doom 2016, and Eternal.

>> No.9890109


Modern classics were designed by true enthusiast creators and that is exactly what indie devs are.

>> No.9890129
File: 96 KB, 1852x1136, burg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>released before Doom 3
>console exclusive
And yet somehow has a better looking and more interactive burger than the PC graphics benchmark that is Doom 3

>> No.9890138

Old games are better

>> No.9890139

Because it was a Doom game that played like Quake? Look I know Champions basically killed any chance of us ever getting a proper Quake game again, but the solution was not slapping the mechanics into Doom.

>> No.9890141
File: 96 KB, 1200x675, C87306B3-4B40-4316-979D-62DFEB7EF063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> So how much do the settings affect things like that?

It doesn’t, burgers will always look like that regardless of your video settings. Doom 3 burger is hands down superior.

>doom 3 always looked bad
It still looks good. it looked better than Half Life 2 back in the day and it still does despite all the upgrades HL2 got throughout the years. The problem is BFG edition is a massive downgrade and texture resolution is broken in vanilla on modern machines.

>> No.9890176
File: 71 KB, 640x480, 0DBCD5CF-A931-4242-99FF-CEB1F11A2B81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> but the solution was not slapping the mechanics into Doom

The problem with your reasoning is that nearly all id software games outside of Rage and Doom III are homogenized in design and are pretty much direct sequels to one another. Quake is just 3D Doom and its mechanics reflect it. It’s the Mario 64 of Doom.

>> No.9890180

>Quake is just 3D Doom and its mechanics reflect it.
Absolutely not. Only from the most clodbrained, surface-level interpretation of video games. To an actual FPS player, Quake and Doom are miles apart.

>> No.9890192

They aren't and sadly quakes similarities reveal how limited ids direction was at the time.

>> No.9890194

> To an actual FPS player, Quake and Doom are miles apart.

of course, just like how Super Mario World and Mario 64 are completely different games that play nothing alike. id Software made 3D Doom, the mechanics changed from the move to full 3D, but it was still Doom. It’s a direct sequel in everything but name. Not sure why you’re being so autistic about this.

>> No.9890206

Time to admit id was never good and play better fps

>> No.9890286 [DELETED] 

Halo invented FPS you snoyger.

>> No.9890306

>it looked better than Half Life 2
The better art direction of hl2 combined with higher res textures and superior models makes it look much better. Doom 3 has this problem with its industrial futurism that most things don't look like what they actually are. The shotgun in the BFG edition (with enhancements) you posted there doesn't look like a shotgun at all, it doesn't even look like a gun. It's a misshapen blob of plasticky looking black and grey

>> No.9890323

You're the one being autistic. The gameplay of doom and quake are very different.

>b-but both have guns and you run around and shoot things

>> No.9891521

Come on bro, the gameplay differences between a classic game such as Wolfenstein 3D and something new like Redfall are negligable. I admit I'm biased; fps' are played the fuck out. Doom and Quake are giants for sure that laid the foundations for all the first person shit to this day. Doom, even if not truly 3D still plays like Quake does. I'm just disappointed that such a genre has dominated a medium that has infinitely more potential than playing as a fucking gun.

>> No.9891804

what game is this?

>> No.9891812

I don't remember Quake being that slow or giving the player an overabundance of ammo and useless armor. Doom 3 has shitall for verticality too.

>> No.9891814

Breakdown. That burger is drugged and paralyzes the protag, then a woman shows up and jams her fingers down his throat for some first person burger vomiting action.

>> No.9891817

>intentionally retarded zooming post
I just don't understand, were you sexually assault by your father growing up or what?

>> No.9891818

He's definitely baiting at this point.

>> No.9891824

>That burger is drugged and paralyzes the protag, then a woman shows up and jams her fingers down his throat for some first person burger vomiting action.
This is a JAV title.

>> No.9891829

thanks boss this looks cool as fuck

>> No.9891832

Fair warning, the game is a ballache at the start because you don't have the cool glowy fist so you have to run away from the big scary mutant dudes who can kill you in two punches, and I recall trying to evade them being a pain in the ass.
Once you get the glowy fist and you can properly start kicking ass, the game is awesome. I loved chaining the backfist combo.

>> No.9891842

Yes, particular food item is popular in country that popularized particular food item.
Pure Comedy Gold

>> No.9891850


One of OG XBox's draws for me back in the day. I managed to play it once briefly but never again. Def gonna see if it can be played via emu when I can. I mean - an interactive vidya burger? Holy fucking shit man, that's all you had to say to this american consumer zombie!

>> No.9891854

exactly. that's why i had to know what that game was! the burger enticed me lol

>> No.9891861

Namco published I recall, who was the dev tho?

>> No.9891916

All Namco production. I just realized that XBox 'Play Anywhere' is not fulfilling its full potential by not offering good games like this to current players. Yeah its backcompat but I guess I'm just complaining about not being able to play it easily on PC...anyway.

>> No.9893029

This. Everything in Doom 3 looks like Fisher-Price plastic, I never liked it.

>> No.9893115

Doom 3 is boring and easy, you barely fight anything, god forbid you fight more than 6 things at once.

>> No.9893897

even dumber, he bought a doom game for the plot, and was shocked when it wasn't good

>> No.9894029

Nah, you weren't there. I remember booting this up for the first game and thinking

>holy shit, peoples' heads are ROUND like in real life!

>> No.9894145

You were there and I was there too, it was my 12th birthday gift. Dazzling shadows aside it sure looked ugly as hell, speaking of the only parts that have held up are some of the earlier Hell stages with all the animated bricks folding in and out of the level geometry. We're 20 years removed from Doom 3, we don't need to pretend it's some great looker when we can look back and comfortably point out the flaws compared to other games of the year.

I remember finding it terrifying at first, I progressed bit by bit, but as fear left I kept finding myself picking the game up only to put it down again after a level or two. It didn't hook me. I never wanted to admit the truth, it just wasn't fun.

>> No.9894157

It's not better looking, it's blurry and terrible.

>> No.9894158

>held up
Games do not age.

>we don't need to pretend it's some great looker when we can look back and comfortably point out the flaws compared to other games of the year
I genuinely cannot think of a single game from that time period that looked that good. It blew my mind when it came out.

>It didn't hook me. I never wanted to admit the truth, it just wasn't fun.
I can't relate, I've beaten it several times over and spent a ton of time messing around with mods. I think it's a phenomenal game with some of the best atmosphere I've ever experienced.

>> No.9894178

>Games do not age.
It's a cute tagline but what impresses us today may not be as easy to appreciate when looking back.
>a single game from that time period that looked that good
I can think of a few, not many did the stencil lighting and Doom 3 certainly did a nice job of it but those plastic models and stilted animations weren't the right move.
>I can't relate
I struggled my way through it on PC, beat it with a friend on Xbox, gained a new appreciation for RoE, and dropped Quake 4 before long. I'm no fan of HL2 but it's at least a more inventive game.

>> No.9894182
File: 89 KB, 1024x768, hl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh realism

It's actually hilarious how much better id games hold up because of art direction compared to the ugly garish texturework and flat boring architecture of HL2. It's just drab boring and unartistic. It reminds me of GTA III or something.

>> No.9894184
File: 2.94 MB, 640x480, gta3cruise.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also think GTA3 looks more appealing

>> No.9894232

>It's a cute tagline but what impresses us today may not be as easy to appreciate when looking back.

Your inability to appreciate what people accomplished on older harder is your fault, not that of the game or the people who made it. I have no issue appreciating and enjoying stuff made years prior to my birth.

>> No.9894235

>Your inability to appreciate what people accomplished
I have no problem doing this, other games were doing stencil lighting before and after doom 3, doom 3's lack of a decent art style is what sells it so short while more modest games like Riddick completely destroy it visually.

>> No.9894240
File: 428 KB, 1498x1080, space ghost wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doom 3's lack of a decent art style
I cannot comprehend this. I absolutely love the way Doom 3 looks, all of the smooth piping everywhere always reminded me of Giger. The Hell loading screens, the entirety of Hell especially that black pit with screaming souls pouring out of it, the way the redone Lost Souls look, the new Pinkies, the guns, everything about it is awesome. I thought Butcher Bay was pretty forgettable in that regard, nothing about it really stands out visually.

>> No.9894258
File: 385 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I cannot comprehend this.
Maybe I can help
>all of the smooth piping everywhere always reminded me of Giger
It gives me an impression of quake 3 characters with a bit more fidelity and a lot more litter. The spider eye imps? The spiky teeth lost souls? It's so unimaginative compared to the old Doom designs. It looks awful. RoE did what it could to fix this but it was clearly overburdened with Doom 3's baggage.

>> No.9894264

I do prefer the more traditional fire & brimstone feel of the classic demons but I really liked the D3 ones as well. They managed to be creepy and intimidating.

>that image
I fucking love the way marine armor looks in this. Swan looks pretty bland but eh, he's a civilian.

>> No.9894275
File: 71 KB, 232x167, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad RoE started fixing them

>> No.9894282

Shame the fire looks bad in this compared to classic Doom. I love the screaming sharp toothed female head ones in D3.

>> No.9894285

the awkward era of particles on any platform but PS2

>> No.9894407
File: 3.89 MB, 2560x1312, Screenshot 2023-05-10 204352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What HL2 looks like now is not representative of how it looked when it released. The changes are subtle enough to trick people into thinking this is how it's always looked... but no. On the opposite end, BFG is mostly a downgrade on everything except face textures.