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9891150 No.9891150 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any clone consoles worth getting?

>> No.9891159

I'm still looking for a Saturn clone. Where I live, Saturns are hard to come by and the local shop asks $250 for them.

>> No.9891183

No, the controllers are always pure shit.

>> No.9891185

You're gonna be waiting a while

>> No.9891206

Why? There's clones for the 1st-to-4th Generation machines, but why not the 3DO? Jaguar? N64? Playstation? Saturn? Why absolutely nothing for the 5th Generation?

>> No.9891353

not him but i think there's a pretty significant jump in the complexity of design between those generations. Saturn emulation alone only barley just started getting decent

>> No.9891356

Yes. Many. Even the worst ones are worth it for the lulz.

>> No.9891482

Always wanted one of those polystations. I'm not a collector though so I never sought one out. Still think it's really neat.

>> No.9891668
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The Treamcast. It's basically just a Dreamcast with a built in monitor, but it's fucking expensive iirc

>> No.9891803

Not a clone. Last one I got cost me about 30 bucks. Was a few years ago though.

>> No.9891806

>Saturn emulation alone only barley just started getting decent
It was decent a decade ago.

>> No.9891807

You have multiple?

>> No.9891809

Yes, I got a FC Twin and it runs like a champ. Better than a real NES ever did, but it does get some sounds wrong. No big deal since it does most games perfectly.

>> No.9891869

2nd Hand Embarrassment

>> No.9891873

It wasn't.

>> No.9892060

I have two right now. I've bought and sold many over the years. Also have at least one treamstation laying around somewhere. I have a buttload of old chinkshit.

>> No.9892295

Anything that has a Mister core essentially has open source schematics to build a functional clone. I expect PS1 clones to start popping up once the chip shortage is solved.

>> No.9892446

Kek. Post pic

>> No.9893763

I swaped the BIOS of my Twin Famicom with one of an OG Famicom and It fixed many issues that I had with it

>> No.9894808
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Here's some interesting clones

>> No.9895081
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Where can I buy the infamous Famiclone penguin? That's the only famiclone I want.

>> No.9895618
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The handheld ones are really cute and usually have some good games on them. Plus they are cheap

>> No.9895628


>> No.9895797
File: 33 KB, 800x450, v64s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a bunch of these. Kinda obsolete now, but for many years they were the best way to play backups on an N64.

>> No.9895809

I got one of these as a present. It randomly powers off. I think it is because when I press a button too hard I move the battery enough to kill the power for a second. Obviously that has never happened to me on a non-chink handheld.

>> No.9895818
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And more bootlegs than you can shake a stick at.

>> No.9895825

Several sticks even. I don't even know how many boxes of this shit I have.

>> No.9895828
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>> No.9896136

SSF has been fast and played most games fine for many years now

>> No.9896550


Just get whatever your favorite was in the past (since they only make 1 good game now) and go from there

Here's my recommendations

Sega Genesis

>> No.9896556

( I know you dnt care but those do have good libraries at least )

Also xbox original

>> No.9897021
File: 990 KB, 2184x1529, Master_System_3_Tectoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still buy Master Systems in Brazil.

>> No.9897090

How badly do you want one?

>> No.9897228

bootleg anon, why don't you just make a channel of you going through those games? it would be really interesting stuff.

>> No.9897317

Buy a Japanese one and mod an action replay.

>> No.9897321

These were dirt cheap back in the 2010s. No clue why I never picked one up. Guess I didn’t see a point when I already had a Dreamcast.

>> No.9897336

the earlier micro genius units with proper IC clones (not NOAC) are a decent choice

>> No.9898526

>why don't you
I have a modicum of self respect and despise attention whores. Happy to share with worthy anons though.

>> No.9898535

you don't even have to make a channel for attention whoring. you can just use it as an archive for yourself in the future.
maybe you could even self-host? its an option, but if you dont wanna, i can perfectly understand why you wouldnt.

>> No.9898771

>>9895618 Do they last long?

>> No.9900169

Did I mention I'me incredibly lazy?

>> No.9900187
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I've always wanted an Opera ever since I first found out about it sometime in the early 2000's
It's not actually a clone console but rather a VideoCD player that also has PS1 emulation software
Apparently it's quite a shit experience, it is software emulation on supremely underpowered hardware after all. But there's fuck all documentation online about what chip it's running on or what emulator it actually has.

>> No.9901967

The Samsung SATURN

>> No.9903064
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This is cursed...

>> No.9903380


>> No.9903397

>Dreamcast with a built in monitor
just buy steam deck

>> No.9903491

Why do they have 6B controllers if Master System only ever used 2.

>> No.9903527

No, they're pure chink shit, the controllers suck, the materials are cheap as fuck, there's really no point unless you're dirt poor.
Just get an NES 2 off ebay and pin converter, maybe the later model Famicoms (basically NES 2, but Famicom) if you want that shit. There's really no point other than bootleg lulz, but Jontron and Vinny already covered that shit.

>> No.9904761

i wanna buy a treamcast off you, so fucking badly.
i've been learning to solder and fix game consoles the past couple of years, sheer autistic curiosity has me wanting to take apart a treamcast and document the fucker. Make that youtube, i'll hit you up there when i can get the chance, i really wanna buy one.

>> No.9904779

On a scale of 1-to-10? A good 6.5, mostly because I wish to collect all the Sega consoles to chronicle their rise and fall.

>> No.9904783

What about for 3DO, Jaguar and the like? Saturn I imagine would be tricky on a technical level, and N64 had that patent renewed.

>> No.9904797

clone systems worth owning:
>retron 5
save dumping/writing from cart features
>analog pocket
cart support +fpga nonsense (additional arcade cores run well)
>hyperkin snes/nes/genesis HD
hdmi and serviceable
comically cheap price
+runs off portable batteries for doomsday scenarios(camping)

all of the clone everdrives were 100% fine
i prefer to hoard the real versions for resale reasons though
(prices spike randomly to ridiculous levels)

>> No.9905360

My sister used to delete my save files all the time, so when I forbid her from touching my consoles my parents bought her one of these. I was actually seething at the bizzarro 8-bit clones she was playing, ended up playing them too.

>> No.9906112

Micro Genius iq-501 - the best famiclone

>> No.9906263
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>> No.9906285

Imagine being a Japanese businessman being shuttled around while your driver uses the GPS on this thing