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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 74 KB, 1200x800, snes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9891002 No.9891002 [Reply] [Original]

We were robbed, /vr/!

>> No.9891004

what do you mean, you can still buy the thing. it exists

>> No.9891028

It would've sucked. Given the SNES was already capable of producing sample based music, it would have been pretty pointless. And don't get me started on FMV horseshit.

>> No.9891114

is it true that this thing not getting made is the reason Chrono Trigger exists?

>> No.9891123

Thank fuck. I can't imagine playing Resident Evil with a SNES controller.

>> No.9891137

The fact of the matter is that developers weren't happy with Nintendo's unfair policies and taxes anymore. And they especially weren't happy with the idea of cartridges and their prices/limitation. Sony's PlayStation wasn't a problem, it was a solution. It's a worthwhile wakeup call.

>> No.9891191

Would have been amazing to play RE1 on the Nintendo Playstation.

>> No.9891198

>it gave us the PS1 instead
No, we were blessed beyond our wildest dreams.

>> No.9891493

Not sure about how I feel about playing Resident Evil on a Nintendo Super Nintendo with a controller

>> No.9891498

It may be true but at the same time it's all conjecture. It's not that the thing got canceled and then Squaresoft consciously decided to make Chrono Trigger because of that. It's more like Chrono Trigger was a product of a series of events that may have involved Squaresoft deviating from a prior plan. Maybe it happened because of the cancellation but maybe it would have happened regardless.

>> No.9891507

The PS1 very likely would have happened regardless. Sony was primed to enter the market like their partner in the CD format, Philips, had attempted earlier with the CD-i. In fact the SNES CD was probably Sony trying to use Nintendo as a stepping stone to make the transition easier.

>> No.9891579
File: 18 KB, 433x500, CCCF0451-3CF3-4FC7-9328-1D016E96242B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is peak vidya aesthetics. Right next to the PSOne IMO

>> No.9891580

it's so beautiful

>> No.9891586

>Thank fuck. I can't imagine playing Resident Evil with a SNES controller.

It would be like the Playstation OG game pad minus two extra shoulder buttons?

>> No.9891597


>> No.9891604

I want a pillow of this.

>> No.9891615

Very mid console it's not a earth breaker like xbox was. Yes I had every console growing up so hush.

>> No.9891626
File: 153 KB, 380x304, 1672421379708959.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomer speak

>> No.9891643

Because it would be a cool new experience that has never been seen before in the 16 bit era. It would have been a game changer & made the Nintendo Playstation successful. People would flock to this console add-on/hybrid because of Resident Evil.

>> No.9891658

Cope. You will never experience xbox live when it was fresh.

>> No.9892217

I wouldn't know how I felt about it til after I did it

>> No.9892226

Between that and the PlayStation, I'll just take the PS1

>> No.9892329

Why would this have been better than the PS1? It’d have been some 32x Esque abomination bottlenecked by the SNES hardware, and probably led to what we’re seeing with modern Nintendo where they drag a console out way longer than it should have been dragged out.

>> No.9892335

Would've been a piece of shit, just look at the sega cd library and install base

>> No.9892339

But then he'd miss his precious triangle and square buttons. People can fag about anything I guess

>> No.9892535


>> No.9892618

Ps1 was fucking excellent if you were alive at the time.

>> No.9892637

>not NEC
>Kojima cringe fest movie
No thank

>> No.9892693

online connectivity killed videogames
on what fucking board do you think you are?

>> No.9892729
File: 213 KB, 1280x1280, Sorry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, I will create an alternative timeline post where this would have happened: As the Sega Genesis is launched, the pin to connect the Sega Power Base Converter with the Genesis is never built meaning that there is more space in the Genesis for more simultaneous addons along with the Master System 2 never being released as they are working for an portable Master System to be launched instead of the Game Gear, in 1991/1992 they release a less expensive Sega CD with the same price as the Genesis without the chip enhancements that would have make it more powerful than the SNES along with releasing other addons and devices like the Telegenesis, Sega Karaoke, the portable Master System and custom expansion cartridges to accompany the Sega CD. Seeing the alternative bigger success of the Sega CD due to lower prices, Sony and Nintendo are forced to reach a deal where they would create a SNES CD addon using CD-ROM technology while splitting the licensing fees for themselves, the addon is released in 1992/1993 along with a custom SFX expansion cartridge, seeing this Sega releases a custom SVP expansion cartridge in 1993 and a new type of console war is ignited. I will stop this AU here for now but remember that I am making this just for fun.

>> No.9892931
File: 3.73 MB, 498x424, 1682720420106855.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no, we were robbed of a bunch of shitty FMV games

>> No.9893113

PSX was a glorify junk CD player

>> No.9893448

Nah. Nintendo would have still charged for disc pressing/licensing somehow and scared off devs from making many of the experimental and multi disc games we love today. It’s better we got the PlayStation.

>> No.9893465
File: 241 KB, 1280x720, 22 - C09vjSu - Fireworks Factory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay zoomie

>> No.9893479
File: 64 KB, 657x800, 869CD3BA-292F-4CCB-9B48-14F9C0170911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time gal, deathswitch, Sewer Shark, Afterburner III, Space Ace, Dragon’s Lair series, 7th guest, and Soul Star would like to have a word with you.

>> No.9893515


>> No.9893620

I once own one, you newfags

>> No.9893641

Zoomie PS1 Question: How are PS1 games copy protected? Aren't they just regular CD's with black ink?

>> No.9893651

Imagine being so much of a tard that you go here and not the snes inferior dpad

>> No.9893656

Between the Satellaview, the SuperFX, and the PlayStation you still got to play most of the games that would have been released for the SNES CD.

There's also the MSU-1 available now. Take a game like Donkey Kong Country 2 that would have assuredly been a CD game if possible and hack the official arranged soundtrack in and you've got your SNES CD game.

Watch the cartoons on youtube.

>> No.9893658

>Aren't they just regular CD's with black ink?
They have a special track pressed into inner ring that you can't replicate with a CD-R.

>> No.9893660

The ink is just a branding thing so you know its legit. It's the same tint used on the plastic covering a remote control IR sensor. Blocks visible light while letting infrared pass unobstructed. The copy protection is baked into the disc in a way that can't be replicated by CD-R.


>> No.9893849

>Sewer Shark

Night Trap and Sewer Shark were also planned for the SNES add-on. The founder of Digital Pictures actually said that they were disappointed that they never got to release those games on the SNES Playstation, because they wanted to take advantage of the superior colour palette of the SNES. They were never happy with the limited colour palette of the Sega CD. Sony Published Sewer Shark for the Sega CD.


>> No.9893860

SEGA could have been the one but they have to put their money on the fart that was FMVullshit.

>> No.9893863

Sega was too busy fighting with itself to get anything done.

>> No.9893873

Really bitches, you pretend to care about FMVullshit? With NoA we would NEVER had RE or Sillent Hill

>> No.9893876

> Sewer Shark, Afterburner III, , and Soul Star would like to have a word with you.

Neither of these games are FMV. They both use the Sega CD's hardware scaling:

Maybe you are thinking of Tomcat Alley:

and maybe Silpheed?

And even then, Silpheed only uses FMV for the background layer. The game uses a mix of sprites and polygon objects.

>> No.9893907

>SEGA could have been the one but they have to put their money on the fart that was FMVullshit.

In all fairness, in the early 90's when CD-ROM technology was still new, a lot of companies were investing in FMV. It was common on the PC, and 3DO also focused a lot on FMV too. Night Trap and Sewer Shark were funded by Hasbro. Sega of America did think that FMV would be a go direction to go in for the Sega CD and even formed their own production studio. They made games like this:


>> No.9893912


>> No.9893937

The hell? It's Secret of Mana I heard that was being developed for this thing.

>> No.9893979

Nintendo dabbing on PlayStation was ultimately the best thing to happen in gaming history right next to Atari failing. Imagine a Nintendo monopoly in this current gaming age

>> No.9894298

oh cool thank you! I always thought it was weird to see knockoff carts, but never any knockoff cds.

>> No.9894319

Not really but another 2D centric gen may have been pretty cool. Besides the 16-bit gen and the 8-bit gen which really was just NES pretty much competing against nobody the only other pixel centered gen would have been before NES. So consoles like Magnovox, Colleco Vision, Atari, etc. SNK was making super expensive arcade perfect consoles that nobody but the rich would buy so they cannot count. NEC tried competing against Genesis and SNES with their 8-bit console that was marketed like it was 16-bit. Literally everything else was just a joke that flopped hard like the fucking Towns Marty.

>> No.9894336

Very likely.
Secret of Mana was supposed to be this huge-big-deal game for the addon that had to cut a lot of its content once the deal fell through (which you can see ingame both visually and the weird non-intuitive gameplay).

CT was probably in the works but probably benefitted from said cut content. no coincidence its mc looks similar to Rand too.

>> No.9894353

>thinking Nintendo doesn't currently have some kind of monopoly in the industry

if only you fuckers knew.

>> No.9894359

I do, though it varies somewhat by what part of the world as to how strong the monopoly is.

>> No.9894365

Everything gone

>> No.9894381

Its basically the pc engine cd, it had a few rpg's with voice acting. Snes just had more background layers but rpg's didn't use them much.

How about sega released the saturn based on system 32 with launch game outrunners and we get to enjoy another 5 years of gloriace 2D innovation.

As far as fmv is concerned farenheight is one of the better ones.

>> No.9894414

thats true, although, the worst part of it is that it can spill over into other places. and they revel in that fact, moreso because their army of consoomers are quick to cut anyone down.

>> No.9894442

even though it came out in 2000, a design like this just never starts feeling dated to me. it looks even more modern than the original Xbox.

>> No.9894930

>As far as fmv is concerned farenheight is one of the better ones.

They filmed in a it in a 'training house' (I don;t know what it's actually called) where firefighters learn how to put out a house that is on fire in a controlled environment. It's not badly made for what it is. Clearly inspired by the movie Backdraft. I rmeber renting this game for the Sega CD, and it also came with a second disc for the 32x CD-ROM version. 32x looks a lot better:


>> No.9894937

I just call those people freaks now including IRL got no patience for corporate cocksuckers anymore

>> No.9894963

Yeah, this. Though a degenerate like me loves the idea of playing a SNES game with CD audio and some fancy added effects, it would have flopped and been filled with shit FMV games. Developers really had no idea how to take advantage of the CD medium until the PS1 and Saturn came along.

>> No.9895815

>modern Nintendo
2015 GPU still sold well