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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9886831 No.9886831 [Reply] [Original]

I've started to realize that having limited space was a feature, developers had to find creative ways to make the games fit there, an put only the neccesary stuff and optimize them, Eventually with stuff lice CD's, developers didn't know what to do with that much space, so they just filled them with FMV and uncompressed audio, but things didn't really go sour until the digital only games came around and got games with several gigs of space, that just hoard your hard drive and SSD's.

>> No.9886839

That is correct. Also higher tech only meant wasting more time on non-ludo aspects, like rendering movies, recording (and paying for) voice actors, etc, etc.
Video games peaked during 4th gen.

>> No.9886848

Does this thread have a point other than "I realized something other people have known"?

>> No.9886860

The best creative work always comes from heavy constraints; total freedom as a conduit of artistic excellence is a very common conceit for some reason even though the context for art-for-the-sake-of-art is a relatively modern invention.

>> No.9886861

>Please limit discussion in my personal board to scalper hate and CRT circlejerking

>> No.9886886

Nintendo fucked up bad sticking with cartridges. FMV hell came before the N64 and it mislead them about the potential of CD so your theory doesn't really make sense for the late 90s. The limited space gimped them.

>> No.9886915

Nah there's nothing on PS1 that compares to n64 replay value

>> No.9886925

tendie cope. the most mindblowing moment in video games for me was in 2000-2001 playing Diablo 2 and FFX and seeing the insane FMV, audio and VO quality that made games more immersive than they had ever been up to that point

>> No.9886967

I still say the whole "multimedia" craze in the early 90's poisoned the well for how developers thought about the massive storage space CD's offered them.
>Look, you can put poorly compressed grainy video in your games, and CD-quality audio in standard audio-CD format!"
And so the Sega CD and PC Engine CD-addon ended up with a bunch of FMV "games" and some stuff that could have probably been Genesis/HuCard games if they dropped the CD audio or FMV cutscenes. Was a real shame NEC/Hudson and Sega didn't push console devs to do something better with the space CD offered. Imagine if this was the message they pushed instead:
>Remember how you have to re-color enemies to save space? Forget all that. You can have unique enemies for every level, unique projectiles for every enemy with ranged attacks, and as many levels as you want. Not enough room on the CD? We'll make it 2 CD's. You can have as much unique graphics and sound as you want. Sky's the limit."
Games like Castlevania Symphony of the Night could have been done back in the early 90's(minus some of the graphical effects) had they focused on using what they had instead of jumping to gimmicks. Rondo of Blood could have been a lot longer if they didn't waste so much space on the anime FMV's. Instead devs just made gimmick games or 16-bit games +FMV cutscenes and/or CD audio.

>> No.9887031

Still outsold them and they lost several 3rd party games.

>> No.9887040
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You've never followed the development of an N64 game in any meaningful way. You never worked on a game yourself so you have no frame of reference to begin with, and you don't even have so much as a quote from an actual game dev from the period that supports your claim.
You just made this shit up out of thin air to cope.

>> No.9887056

correct, limitation breeds creativity, which is why majora is still king

>> No.9887096


>> No.9887121

The most important thing is that the games HAD to work. There was no chance to update the game after release.

>> No.9887263
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Most likely an unintended feature, but a feature all the same.

>> No.9887306

>new N60fag cope dropped

>> No.9887309

this is your brain on nintendo. OP's post is funnier than any joke I can make at his expense.

>> No.9887321

>SSD technology comes out
>have to shuffle games around from an ssd to a hard drive because every AAA release is 150gigs of uncompressed files and takes up 1/6th of my ssd

I love the future...

>> No.9888330

>it's not a bug it's a feature
>no one will ever need more than 640k
t. babysoft

>> No.9888361
File: 262 KB, 766x720, 1681530094823775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you actually finished at least 3 PS1 games? I feel like every time I see someone shit on a console here, they've never actually took time to explore the console's library. PS1 has tons of great games.

>> No.9888371

They Spyro there is odd.

>> No.9888480

>purple scale
Foreshadowing project dolphin.

>> No.9888675

The crazy part is that in hindsight Nintendo was gimped by limited cartridge space but they WERE right about FMV hell, not one fucking 1990s two minute cinematic holds up

>> No.9889056

This. PSX has great games, but it created a monster. Thankfully, nearly all games released in the past 5 years or more are not worth playing at all.