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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9884768 No.9884768 [Reply] [Original]

I keep seeing so many of these "popular game sucks" threads so I thought I'd make a containment thread for contrarian shitposting and venting.


I'll start;

I think the soundtrack for Earthbound was annoying AF. It sounded like blippy-bloopy shit made on a playskool toy.

I don't care about Chrono Trigger besides the Toriyama character design. The battle system was pointless, they could've just made it an arpg like SOM and be done with it. Kino graphics and OST though

>> No.9884801

Chrono N-Word would have had a great battle system if the position of you and the enemies was constantly changing. Then stuff like hitting enemies in a bunch would make more sense and maybe offer some strategy is positioning yourself/foes. Grandia was closer to that idea.

>> No.9884802
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Shadow of the Colossus?

more like

Shitstain of the Colonmass


>> No.9884820

Secret of Mana is good

>> No.9884821

mega man x4 is probably the best ever, what's impopular about liking it?

>> No.9884823

I think that God of War fucking sucks. How many ''''overrated'''' games are there on the PS2? MGS2, Silent Hill 2, GTA 3, Ico, etc, you know the drill. Well I think that God of War is GENUINELY overrated

>> No.9884827

Like 80% of Nintendo first party games absurdly overrated.

>> No.9884860

turn based role playing games are boring, I can't stand it. oh yeah let me just mash one button all game. The only reason I could see playing it is for the story but they don't interest me at all.

>> No.9884940

PS1 blows and siding with square cringe over n64 was Japanese market biggest blunder

>> No.9884967


I think tbrpg belong on the PC.

>> No.9884973

DK64 is better than SM64.

>> No.9884994 [DELETED] 

This is where the beat-em-up genre peaked

>> No.9884997
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It's bad. Shitty, trite Nintendo IP's, PoundLand versions of SquareSoft titles from before they hit their prime on the PlayStation, and the rest is games that were held back by the horribly bottlenecked hardware. The 16-bit era was one of the finest eras of gaming, and this 2.68 mhz piece of shit had nothing to do with it.
>containment thread
I am going to keep saying it everywhere where it is applicable.

>> No.9885000

I can’t tell if this is just blatant unfiltered tendie cope, or a genuinely interesting take. Is there a reason you think the PSX was a mistake to choose? Including the developers opinions on ease of development and dissatisfaction with Nintendo at the time?

>> No.9885001
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This is where the beat-em-up genre peaked

>> No.9885189

The Bubsy games are not that bad, they are not perfect, but the gliding is a good game mechanic that not many other games seem to have.

>> No.9885192

Zelda series is overrated

>> No.9885223

"Soul" is a nebulous concept and is just a low quality shitpost of for saying "that's not how (((I))) remember it!".

>> No.9885559

It's not, it's very definable

>> No.9885595

Super Mario World is very overrated. That game actively feels bad to play. It's very slippery and it doesn't have the weird charm of games like Mario Land 1-2 and SMB1-3
Also, it has these weird keys you have to get to progress iirc. I'm not a Mario expert but I think someone needs to make a video tearing into this game because it's really not deserving of the praise it gets

>> No.9885602 [DELETED] 

Thank you, anon. I just suggested in another thread that someone make a faggot zoomer thread.

>> No.9885606

Zelda 2 and Castlevania 2 are not at all difficult or obtuse if you have half a brain. They are also good games and anyone who says otherwise is a dumb lazy romhack using piece of shit faggot that will never be loved by anyone.

>> No.9885617

Most video games are hot garbage and maybe 10% of any given system's library is even worth replaying, let alone only once.

>> No.9885623

Hard agree. I just got a handheld emu set up and I'm like "welp, thats the library of everything cool I've yet to play and all my classic favorites"
and then I rub my eyes and it's 10 games per system if that, and I don't wanna play those games because I already beat 'em.

Megaman Battle Network though, boy I was blind there I completely missed that one!

>> No.9885639

most game boy games were mediocre at best time-killers for waiting-rooms and long-trips and only slightly better than tiger hand-helds. Same with Game Gear.

No wonder Pokemon caught on. It was a "big fish in a small pond".

>> No.9885645
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I hate the PlayStation 2. The hardware feels cheap, most games are locked to 480i, and in most cases the blur effect was overused and made games look awful. Every time I play a game on the system, I wish I could be playing it on the DC, Gamecube, Xbox, or the PC. Great game library though.

>> No.9885656 [DELETED] 

We need a american/european retro board, so westfags can fuck off

>> No.9885669

The NES is a lot better than the SNES. I don't know why people memed the SNES as one of the best consoles of all time a decade ago.

>> No.9885672 [DELETED] 

The instant I see Japanese words or anime characters I tune it out like static. I'm not interested in that shit and I have never in 30 years of life played any of them.
Shit I played MonHun.

>> No.9885674

the saturn sucks

>> No.9885696

Pokemon games have had shit graphics compared to other RPGs on the same system since ruby and sapphire. Also three versions of the same game, every 2-3 years, and somehow no one cares.

Its okay when nintendo does it

>> No.9885706

The PS1 and N64 have aged pretty horribly outside of a few choice games. They tend to have clunky early 3D controls and some extremely poorly aged graphics. Old pixel art has some lo-fi aesthetic charm to it but the muddy, blurry visuals of the N64 just look awful to me. I don't really like the jaggier PS1 stuff either.

Plus games really lost their "pick up and play" appeal during this generation. I can put an 8 or 16 bit game in the console and begin playing in 10 seconds. With PS1 games you have several loading and developer screens, memory card checks before the game starts. The PS2 generation is marginally better but I can't see myself going back to those consoles either.

>> No.9885712

All the Pokemon games are pretty much the same and it's baffling that people lose their shit over them. I played and enjoyed the very first gen quite a bit but everything else I've tried bores me by the second gym. I also think the art direction and monster designs past the first generation are really unappealing.

>> No.9885718

SoM is one of my favorite games - people just can't seem to get over the fact that you aren't able to run up and hack enemies to death by mashing the attack button like in a lot of modern action RPGs. The cooldown system gives the combat a sort of rhythm to it that I enjoy.

>> No.9885721

>The battle system was pointless, they could've just made it an arpg like SOM and be done with it

what the fuck kind of retard take is this lmao

>> No.9885860

>Pokemon games have had shit graphics
this is not controversial in the slightest, they have always been half a generation behind but they make up for it with content

>> No.9885890

NES Silver Surfer is an average to above average game. It's not that difficult, and the only reason people shit on it is because of that one AVGN video, where all he did was press one button, and didn't even play the game.

>> No.9885918

It's an amazingly powerful spazz filter

>> No.9885919

>it's very definable
And that about sums it up. Nebulous.

>> No.9885926 [DELETED] 

we need /v2k/ NOW!!!!!!

>> No.9885952

>It's not that difficult
Not technically but there is no auto fire so it's a war of attrition -- whether you don't tire out before finishing the game

>> No.9886128

Doom is a just a reskin of Wolfstein 3D and they're just shitty maze simulators.

>> No.9886187

Megaman X4 was my least favorite ps1 Megaman X game.

>> No.9886190

This is Sturgeon's law and is widely accepted about all media.

>> No.9886201

Symphony of the Night is among the worst Castlevania games.

I really like Castlevania but Metroid (Super and Prime that I've played) sucks.

>> No.9886209

>they have always been half a generation behind
So in keeping with Nintendo's hardware then.

>> No.9886242

Megaman x5 is better than x4

>> No.9886249
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I hate this game. There's nothing wrong with it per se. I just really hate the timing of it

>> No.9886259

All Mario games before SMW suck, and SMW is overrated.

>> No.9886261

Kirby Amazing Mirror and Squeak Squad are the best Kirby platformers, they feel like a better version of Adventure in controls and they're just more fun to screw around in than most of the other ones which feel really slow. The best Kirby games overall are spin-offs like Canvas Curse, Block Ball and Dream Course

>> No.9886305
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I don't consider 6th gen retro, because the games aged far too well and are basically just modern games without DLC or 50GB patches. They clearly have more in common with PS3 and X360 games than with any of the preceding gens, in terms of gameplay depth, graphics and amount of content.
You can show a game like Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden Black, Burnout 3 or Resident Evil 4 to the average young gamer today, even on their default release states, and they'd still think they look and play very nicely, whereas most PS1, DOS, SNES and Game Boy Color titles will be thrown off as "clunky" or having "aged like shit", and just play far too different from most games today, and thus much harder to transition to if you are used to modern games.

I'm not arguing for banning 6th gen discussion from /vr/, just about the semantics of "retro".

>> No.9886310

this but arpg

>> No.9886315

I agree. I’d just had knee surgery when it came out and had a ton of Percocet. If opiates can’t make a game good then nothing can

>> No.9886328

you mean it shouldn't have splitted from fighting in the first place?

>> No.9886329

>maybe 10% of any given system's library is even worth replaying
that's controverisian because that's too big of a number

>> No.9886330

agreed, more precisely the early famicom before mappers.

>> No.9886436

Not really. There are very concrete characteristics that define that term. But this is the dumb takes threads so I'm not gonna try to disprove you

>> No.9886467

In my opinion zelda 2 sucks
t.beat the first dungeon and filtered after being trapped in a passageway unable to jump high enough
(grinded for atleast 30 minutes, probably more and still got terminally buttraped in the first dungeon)

>> No.9886517

probably jrpgfags and people with super metroid as their fav game ever.

>> No.9886640

I only play turn-based rpgs when I'm on an airplane or waiting for the paper shuffle of bureaucracy.

>> No.9886734

Shitmue fucking sucks, it popularized the walking simulator filth and the QTE cancer not to mention it killed the Shitcast (although that was for the best) and ruined SEGA

>> No.9886738

Zelda and Mario games are generally fucking awful and always have been

>> No.9886739

What's awful about them?

>> No.9886758

It doesnt make me cum

>> No.9886761
File: 88 KB, 284x439, 3000119-big_mac (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unoriginal(pic related) cones, released on platforms that were usually underpowered and underspecified compared to alternatives and for the first 20 years of their existence created for and marketed to the kids to stupid to use home computers and as a result meh

>> No.9886771

I don't think that's such a controversial statement since Shenmue 3 came out. Nostalgia glasses were violently ripped off of people and they saw the series for what it was.

>> No.9886773

>Mario's initial design first debuted in Donkey Kong in 1981
>Big Mac came out in 1985
Damn those wacky time travelers at Nintendo.

>> No.9886858

ooof now that's a hot take there kiddo. Mario 3 is the best platformer ever made, and OOT was revolutionary.

>> No.9887089

I find SM64 to be leagues better than any other Mario game. I more or less think they're all shit compared with 64

>> No.9887137

I think platformers are bad games

>> No.9887171

Not that guy but optical media sucks. In fact non-RAM in general at the time... nintendo wanted to make OoT exclusive to the 64DD and chose not to because the loading was too long and animations were too clippy. Imagine where we would be if the PS1 hadn't held gaming back. We might have skipped Gamecube/PS2/Xbox and jumped straight to Wii/PS3/360.

>> No.9887178


Yeah I kind of agree with this, like this anon >>9885706 said, games really slooowed down during the PS1 era and for me at least, lost a bit of their magic because games got so bogged down with loading times.

>> No.9887192

what the fuck is this drivel? Optical was way better than magnetic as was in tape and disk form. Having to load software of packs of floppies was a pain in the ass. CR-ROM was a massive leap and kick started multimedia and soundcards. The nonsensical ravings of cultist lunatics on this board spoil it. The PS1 was great and very popular system for good reasons. You sound clinically retarded to me. Either that or you are some sort of bot by nintendo marketing that has been neglected and developed full retardness.

>> No.9887209

Ted Woosely translations were based and SOVL-pilled.
Most N64 games were pretty shit.
Saturn is overrated by nostalgiafags.
3D graphics on consoles killed gaming.

>> No.9887223

on fighting games:

I think projectile attacks (hadoukens, sonic booms etc.) or "magic missiles" as I like to call them have no place in a fighting game. I mean just give the guy a gun, like they say in boxing.

I think 2d fighters should've died off for good when 3d fighters improved(i.e. became actually 3d). 2ds are too limiting when you can only move left or right or jump at certain angles. Never saw their appeal when I was kid because of this. At least SNK introduced the 3-plane system in FF and KOF.

And the first Virtua Fighter was just a 2d fighter with rendered CG models.

Tobal#1 was underrated. I actually enjoyed the game and dgaf about the
FF7 demo like everyone else. And yes I like Toriyama's character designs, fuck the haters.

All Mortal Kombat games sucked. Their sole appeal was from the shock-value induced by boomer journoscum in the 90s and edgy 13-y/o "rebuhls" who fell for the "outrage" hype.

>> No.9887298

i liked the boobs in mk deadly alliance

>> No.9887330

I know there are a lot of angles. I just look at the facts today the Nintendo 64s indestructible and the PlayStation one is cheap junk. The game's age like crap on PS1 and there's nothing to play on PS1 meanwhile and 64 is thriving in current year and still has amazing replay value.

>> No.9887353

absolutely based
I still like the Saturn because some of my fav games are on there, but the PSX makes it almost irrelevant. But hey, at least you have a bunch of inaccurate arcade ports which would actually be better on MAME, noice.

>> No.9887428

I like Final Fantasy 2 more than Final Fantasy 7

>> No.9887442

I hate Mario. I hate the floaty jumps

>> No.9887446

I'm glad game manuals are dead. Needing to keep a booklet around in combination with a game that doesn't explain its controls or mechanics is gay collector shit. Fifth gen onwards should have controls acdessible in the menu, no question. If anything, I want to be able to print a cheat sheet out without having to wade through a bunch of useless walkthrough, shit concept art, and whatnot. I wonder if anyone has put together a database of player generated succinct cheat sheets

>> No.9887452

final fantasy and zelda are overrated as fuck
the ps2 is miles above the snes in any serious "best console" debates
mgs peaked at 2
sm64 is slip n slide dog shit, i have no fucking clue why everyone likes that game so much

>> No.9887479

Great post except I would replace PS2 with PS1.

>> No.9887557

NTA but both are applicable, because the SNES isn't even good.

>> No.9887559


>> No.9887584

>I'd give you a counter argument, but I don't want to.
And the winner is...

>> No.9887701

No point. You posted in the dumb take thread for a reason

>> No.9887758
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Xbox games in particular aged really well graphically but PS2 looks like dogshit unless its on an emulator

>> No.9887905

That isn't unpopular, it's the norm. It's only in very recent years that people started forgetting about the NES or dismissing it, mostly because e-celebs had started with that and felt like they talked about everything there is to talk about on the subject, and now the average trendy "retro gamer" won't touch the NES in the same manner people don't watch black&white movies and have all kinds of wrong assumptions about it

>> No.9887912

this thread is just dogshit. to have a fun unpopular opinion you must give a good rational explanation rather than just blurt out some turd like "mario le bad"

>> No.9887939


SMB1 and Lost Levels are legitimately funner to play than all of the other 2D Mario titles.

>> No.9887973 [DELETED] 
File: 231 KB, 960x712, 47D4986C-CC13-46DC-AE45-5727E1A8715C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, Twitternigger tourist.

>> No.9887994

Yep. PS1 is fucking dogshit. The true hipster console, since no-one is delusional enough to believe one is worth owning for junk like FF7, Crash Bandicoot (a mediocre Travellers Tales tier platformer unfit for a 3D console), or one of its hilariously inferior racing titles (Sega Rally and F-Zero invalidate the genre on PS1). Therefore you get people insisting you have to respect the PS1 for le untranslated hidden gems. This argument hinges on the average /vr/ enthusiast's ignorance of the Japanese language. Unfortunately for them, I know it, I play PS1 games in it, and I don't like what I see. I just played Next King not too long ago, the kind of untranslated game uninformed observers cream over. It's a sugoroku-like multiplayer ren'ai RPG where you compete with other princes to win over women. My thoughts? It was fucking bad. The game has extremely barebones combat yet decides to force an extremely tedious and uninteractive tournament event on all players over and over again. It's FILLER in a fucking party game. And, judging from what I've seen online, it's fucking bad even when you have 4 people playing it.
The PS2 blows the PS1 out of the goddamn water by actually having games. We Love Katamari is worth more than the PS1's ENTIRE library.

>> No.9888026

PS1 had some interesting and unique games on it like Ape Escape and Silent Bombe, but for the most part yeah, they're not all that fun to go back to aside from the spectacle some of the games provide.

>> No.9888063 [DELETED] 

>he thinks take is a twitter expression
stupid take. but natural since you're the king of stupid takes, we already established this

>> No.9888073

>Unpopular opinions
>It's majority milquetoast statements everyone and their mother has made
The only genuine unpopular opinions I could spot are thus:

>> No.9888083 [DELETED] 

>Gets BTFO'd
>Moves the goalpost
>Doesn't know "take" has been making the rounds with Zoom Zooms
Bruh, no cap? L take. frfr on fleek.

>> No.9888094 [DELETED] 

You seem to know your way around zoomer speak. Explains a lot
Not sure what that has to do with your stupid takes, though

>> No.9888108 [DELETED] 

>Muh Kefkatrap
Only because the Zooms Zooms have to bring their vocabulary with them everywhere they go and that includes here. 4chan is dying a slow death.

>> No.9888114


SOM was my intro into jrpgs because it was an n action-rpg and that's what made it perfect for console play. I agree about the combat-system, it was the best, it meant that you needed to actually think to win a battle and still stay on your toes because the lack of menu-based combat and you still had your rpg elements like exp and level systems and equipment changes.

Not that I have anything against Chrono Trigger or even turn-based RPGs (I love the SNES FFs and CT was fun too) but turn-based works better in PC and CT's combat system was pointless; all that animation and the devs could've just made it an action-rpg.

just my 2-cents

>> No.9888138
File: 119 KB, 640x469, 91206354-8C26-4019-AC80-9FDB238C8A32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone's bored today.

>> No.9888159

I never cared for Super Metroid. The first Metroid was kinda cool as a niche experimental game but most Metroid games were repetitive and bland. Just a side-scrolling sci-fi themed dungeon crawler where you keep shooting flying vagina-dentatas until you find item, go to room to get other item to kill boss in big room.

At least Zelda 2 and Castlevania: Simon's Curse had some dialogue and interesting stage design.

>> No.9888234
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Resident Evil is the most overrated franchise by a country mile. Metal Gear, Zelda, and Final Fantasy should've been taking notes for the past 25+ years, if they haven't already.
They need to figure out what kind of psyop Capcom is conducting to get people invested in survival horror games that are this fucking goofy.
Don't tell me how it was actually Code Veronica or RE5 that turned it into a clown show, RE at it's narrative peak is like an episode of G.I Joe.
For me I get hooked into a Pokemon game I haven't played, then I lose all interest by the last gym badge. Wait 2-4 years then rinse & repeat. I get the appeal, but it's never managed to maintain my interest till the end, even as a kid.

>> No.9888283
File: 185 KB, 677x406, D6ABF67A-FA06-488D-BEF9-2A3F831176F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metroid games need warp points, but a limited amount of them and don't become available until several hours into the game or at least have objects de-spwan when you're progressing or make the shortcuts flow better while traversing. It's a choir to have to bomb the same dozen walls you've passed by just to get to somewhere.

The retro hobby along with CRTs is vastly overrated and only beneficial to people with autism, nostalgiafags and people with expendable cash.

CRTs are outdated equipment that were serviceable at the time and only benefit for their low latency and a handful of games whose visuals relied on pre-rendered assets. Like with the previous point, you'll have to shell out lost of money for the "best" possible image quality between the TVs and equipment. Otherwise you're stuck with a low-res/blurry/pixelated mess.

Don't fall for the meme and stick to emulation instead, but don't you EVER think that's how these games were intended to be played and spout your fucking nonsense like you think you have a say in the matter. Own up to your bullshit first before spewing it.

>> No.9888337

I don't have a problem with emulation but it's proponents tend to get this really huffy entitlement in regards to it that I find very eye rolling.

>> No.9888341

I would assume, given that nostalgia is on a sliding scale that we're dealing with a generation of new e-celebs/content creators/whatever that have zero attachment to the NES because they never grew up with it.

Funny though, I was part of the "NES Scene" in the late 90s and early 2000s and even back then we began to feel we had covered everything there was to say about the system, which obviously wasn't the case. Every Chrontendo episode has at least one weird Famicom game I haven't heard of or an interesting historical tidbit about something I've played 100 times that I've never heard before.

>> No.9888387
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, takeshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your brain rot while you roll around balls of trash. Easily one of the most boring games ever created.

>> No.9888413

This. Like clockwork, emu and mister fags feel the need to make their presence known in all topics in the most obnoxious way possible. Hardware fags at least keep their autism usually contained to topics regarding that type of thing.

>> No.9888417

doshin the giant is a good game

>> No.9888425

Its a good premise for a game I wish was fleshed out. Like really helping a village grow, geoforming terrain to protect them against things like tsunamis, more of the land cultivating for farming, really changing up every aspect of the island for your worshipers to thrive and survive. Just like Cubivore, there is the potential for a good idea there that only comes off as kinda tech-demo-y.

>> No.9888427

Everything before the 6th gen equally aged like ass and cannot be enjoyed without nostalgia.

>> No.9888443

totally agree with you. if they fleshed it out more it couldve been great. such a pity they released almost exactly the same game for the GC and didnt build something more complex upon the N64 version.

>> No.9888493

I think anyone who don't own a MiSTer is absolutely poor!

>> No.9888608

I own all the real systems so I've never felt the need to buy one. If you're new to gaming, I think buying one of those or a PC is a great option. The upfront cost may be a little high, but it is obviously significantly cheaper in the long run and you get a ton of games all on one device.

>> No.9888747

Thanks bruv. I have.

>> No.9888787

But they do move?

>> No.9888870

They dont change positions, at least the heroes dont and if they do, they must do it extremely limited amount of times throughout. Some enemies do wander around.

>> No.9888875

I think Sonic 1 is the best of the 16-bit games and also better than CD. It's something that I can finish in an hour and feel satisfied with, while every sequel bores me by the fifth zone because of how dragged out they get.

>> No.9888932


>Classic-tier: Sonic CD, Original Sonic
>OK-tier: Sonic 2, DC Sonic Adventure
>Shit-tier: All other Sonic games

Sega should've just ditched the franchise and the character after Sonic 3 and let Nintendo have their mascot(Sony did). Never played the GBA Sonics but they look kinda meh to me.

>> No.9888946

most of these can be seen in a more broad generalization but here are mine...

>old games are only hard because you remember playing them when you were a dumb kid or didn't know any better.
>japanese game companies get away with too much of the same scummy practices people would crucify an EA or ubisoft for doing and should also be held accountable for them as western game companies are.
>MMOs will never be "like the good old days" ever again because every aspect of what people like about those old MMOs were effectively made obsolete by either other game genres that do what those MMOs did but better or social media.
>the romanticisms of grognards has lead to alot of misconceptions about different kinds of old games (most notably in the FPS & RPG genres) which has lead to alot of cringy snobbery of the "ideas" of games that might not actually exist in the way they exist in their head.
>horror is an overrated genre and nobody knows how to make anything scary anymore.
>platformers are dogshit games made for children & manchildren.
>youtubers are basically game journalists for zoomers.
>collecting as an investment is stupid.

>> No.9889076

explain in full excruciating detail how silent hill, tenchu 1+2, final fantasy 9, mega man x4, ape escape or dino crisis 2 be bad games

>> No.9889080

That's what save systems are for anon.

>> No.9889497

Sonic 1 also has a SUPER EASY level select code, I kind of consider that a "soft save" feature.

>> No.9889504

>I have all the answers, I just won't share them because I said so hm :^)
Okay, bye faggot

>> No.9889718

>platformers are dogshit games made for children & manchildren.

Scotformers yeah but some can be gold nuggets in a sea of mediocrity like Ghouls n' Ghosts, Ninja Gaiden and Castlevania.

Oh speaking of which I think Megaman 3 was better then MM2. Best OST of the series too.

>> No.9889742

I wouldn't consider MM3 being better than MM2 THAT controversial. I give the edge to 2 personally because I like the music a bit better and the Doc Robot stages in 3 feel like padding to me.

>> No.9889754

>overrated PS2 games
>MGS2 rather than 3

>> No.9889762

Zelda 2 is very beatable.
Castlevania 2 has way too much cryotic stuff to clear without a Nintendo Power or such.

>> No.9889776

Doesn't change the fact that by Zone 5, most Sonic games have already blown their load and I get more enjoyment just starting over at the fun zones.

I only ever used it for the Sound Test.

>> No.9889798

I agree with this. Sonic 2 is a lot of fun but by the time you hit Oil Ocean it becomes kind of a slog. Metropolis Zone being 3 Acts is ridiculous. I like the endgame though.

>> No.9889829

- JRPGs are without exception boring garbage.
- The Castlevania trilogy is some of the very best of what the GBA has to offer. Yes, even CoTM.
- Megaman Zero is the best Megaman series in the franchise.
- Once you're high school age or older, none of the pokemon games are essential

>> No.9890307

Zelda games are extremely boring
ass stories, ass combat, ass puzzles
I tried playing ocarina, majora, wind waker, twilight princes
I got up to the triforce hunt in Wind Waker and about half way through Twilight Princess
and god damn i was so painfully bored trying so hard to like those games

>> No.9890320

>Most N64 games were pretty shit.
i will never understand people that say "most X games were shit"

Like you know 99% of ANY console library is shit right?
Thousands of games, all shit

>> No.9890326

Actually it cost more to collect consoles & games than to buy a MiSTer. Go shill elsewhere.

>> No.9891209


FF8 deserves a lot of credit for being the first Final Fantasy to try to shake up the formula and do things different. Even though it's maligned for starting some of the worst stereotypes of the series, I feel like that's more because they inexplicably decided to mine it for the wrong things.

>> No.9891226

sonic was never good, and yuji naka never made a single good game after the 80s

>> No.9891303

Sony sucks

>> No.9891368 [DELETED] 

/v/ is retro and there should be a retro /v/ board. Discussion on retro /v/ would be bottled 2003-2011, ending right at the start of the eighth console generation beginning with the 3DS. there will be nogaems

>> No.9891372 [DELETED] 

2001 would make more sense as a start date

>> No.9891393


1. I don't think Splatterhouse (1 & 2) are good games, just very mediocre.

2. I don't think the Super Star Wars are good and actually consider them to be borderline kusoge.

3. I like the Super Butōden games, but I consider them bad games and I wouldn't care about them if it weren't for the Dragon Ball license. Super Famicom's Sailor Moon fighting games are objectively better fighting games than Super Butōden.

>> No.9891410

tell that to /vp/ and other pokemon (cults) fandoms

>> No.9891652

What is unpopular depends on the audience. On /vr/ nowadays, it seems like it is common to shit on turn-based games. For me, rpgs that are not turn-based are not fun. I also dislike if it is pseudo turn-based in which I have pick my options quickly before an enemy attacks. Turn-based should be actually turn-based where the enemy will wait as long as I please. I dislike any rpg that strays from this formula.

>> No.9891679

metal gears solid 1, 2 and 3 are BAD. The gameplay in all of them is TERRIBLE and it's barely a game with the amount of cutscenes you're forced to watch.

castlevania SOTN is just an ok game, but fans pretending it's the best metroidvania out there make me dislike it.

FF7 is boring as fuck. FF6 is way better but people went crazy about ff7 just because of FMV.

>> No.9891683

not true, because I did it. if you played Castlevania 1 you'd know you find secrets by kneeling, which you discover on a screen that the fall makes you kneel and you get a crown worth mad points. but I understand the translation made all the villagers useless in Simon's Quest. literally did ruin the game for most people.

>> No.9891684

i always liked both bubsy games on the snes. I only found out it was a disliked game years later due to youtubers making fun of them.

>> No.9891690

Reminded me of this

>> No.9891692

Try playing one that isn't 3D. Might help

>> No.9891719

Kek. It's been a while since I last thought of that show.

>> No.9891740

I'm gonna' go a step further suggest he play the Skyward Sword Remaster instead, if only for the puzzles and Dark Souls for everything else.

>> No.9891750

But the puzzles in that game suck. Like really bad.

>> No.9891863

PS1 is a better console than the PS2, and better library too, and no, the PS2 being backwards compatible with the PS1 doesn't make it better than the PS1.

>> No.9891928

Earthbound is mid. Link's Awakening is not as good as LTTP or the Oracle games. The SMTxFE wasn't what I wanted but was still fun. Beyond the Beyond is actually not that bad.

>> No.9891938 [DELETED] 
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You got some good tastes. Just make sure you leave your new age ebonics at the door next time, Zoom Zoom.
"Mediocre" works just fine as a descriptor.

>> No.9891950

mega man x4 is a fun game but god does it feel cringey to play

>> No.9891951

>FF8 deserves a lot of credit for being the first Final Fantasy to try to shake up the formula and do things different

FF2 was the first.

in b4 there was no formula yet. Yes there were, the DQ1/DQ2 JRPG formula which everyone was using.

FF8 even draws story elements directly from 2, like the story being about teens/early adults caught up in a war that uses magic as a weapon.

>> No.9891952

JRPG gameplay peaked between 87 and 91, and auto targetting was a mistake and the first mechanic that damaged the genre.

And even then, what JRPG did to themselves, braindead casualization, they only did what every other genre did except way before everyone else. They were ahead of their time because they had a wider playerbase before everyone else.

>> No.9891962

I hate minish cap it's the epitome of a kid's game. Anyone who enjoys that crap and is over 10 years old is fooling himself or just retarded.

>> No.9891968
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In all honesty I think the PS2 sucks ass, everytime i see recommendations for games on it its always some GTA clone, a game for annoying teenagers like DMC, KH or GoW, unfun horror games, boring FPS, ghetto shit like sports games or NFS and jrpg shit i will not touch, not to mention that a lot of sequels of games I liked on PS1 were inferior, dissappointing or downright terrible which makes me like the system less.
There's some games I like and I'm glad there's a great selection of arcade and fighting games on it, but I couldn't care less about that console (and no, idc about the gamecube or the xbox either) and I think the PS1 was much better overall.

>> No.9891982

I think retro hipsters have ruined video games for me. You can't like anything around these people, because they will pick it apart and tear it down, and look down their nose at you because it isn't some PC-98 doujin game that two people have played.
They're faggots, and I'm sick of them. That's my controversial opinion.

>> No.9891983

Why would they ruin games for you? Is gaming just about arguments for you or actually playing?
retro hipsters are usually shitters who can't even 1cc anything and are more into collecting and arguing endlessly about games

just tell them to post a replay to back up their claim and they'll be quiet

>> No.9891992

Literally have no idea what you even mean by this. Probably glad I dont know.

>> No.9892065

This. You faggots all type like a bunch of low IQ niggers.

>> No.9892068

Speak for yourself

>> No.9892081

Because you can't enjoy games in any kind of social manner, since these people are going to show up. It's exhausting.
>Oh, you like Half Life 2.... Uh didn't you know, no one thinks THAT game is good anymore...
Just fucking die. I'm done with these people.

>> No.9892102

Non-Nintendo retro consoles are cheap unreliable trash that don't have very many good games. Genesis sucks ass. PS1 has heaps of terrible games and was only redeemed by a select few good games. PS2 is even worse. I won't even give Saturn/Dreamcast a chance because I know there's no good games.
Just say no to sports games, racing games, and J-RPGs. They belong in a landfill.

>> No.9892106

His taste is bad but you're right about the language thing. Mid is a word used by stoners from twenty years ago to describe their weed. The fact it has become a common slang word in everyday usage by zoomers is appalling.

>> No.9892108

Halo 1 is utter trash and Martin O'Donnell is a talentless hack.

>> No.9892112


>> No.9892123

Resident Evil 4 ruined the series and it has never recovered since.

>> No.9892131

DS and GBA have dogshit game libraries which arent worth playing now or ever.

>> No.9892134

Agreed, especially the PC-98 comment. It's worst with JRPGs in particular.

>> No.9892136

GC is the best Nintendo Console, PS1 is the best PS console

>> No.9892632

Mid has been around for a long time. The other colloquial term would be reggie. I'm 29 you dumb ape niggers. At least the second faggot understands that mid has been a regular slang word for a long time.

>> No.9892743

Doom and Goldeneye suck ass

>> No.9892765

Sonic CD was never good. You conned your dad and/or mom into buying Sega CD for you as a kid, there was nothing else worth playing on it, and you got stockholmed into enjoying it.

Admit it.

>> No.9892773

>GC is the best Nintendo Console
This is no longer an unpopular opinion due to zoomies and e-celebs circle-jerking the console over the past 2 years because "It waz teh Nintendo console dat no one loved!1!111!"
Rose colored glasses, a lot of things go through hipster revivals around 20 years later when they become 'cool and retro'
GC was always shit, there are like 5 good games (Paper Mario, xD, Wind Waker, Smash, F-Zero GX)
The rest are mediocre or better on other platforms.

>> No.9892839

And Wind Waker wasn't even good.

>> No.9892867


I discovered the PC/Windows port in a bargain bin in a Babbages or EB (can't remember) and I loved it. Never owned a Sega CD but there were other titles that looked pretty cool to me back then like Final Fight CD , Snatcher and those WD jrpgs(too bad they butchered by shitty translations)

What put me off a little about the SCD was all those cringe FMV turds like Sewer Shark and Night Trap.

>> No.9892923 [DELETED] 

>Mid is a word used by stoners from twenty years ago to describe their weed. The fact it has become a common slang word in everyday usage by zoomers is appalling.
It's ironic because they're the new gen of stoners. It's ridiculous how many teens are into weed these days as if it's considered a hobby. Fuckin' obnoxious.

>I-It's not like I'm using it how Zoomers use it! I-It's been a word for ages!
Caught with your pants saggin', Zoomer. Prison rape's a thing too -- you think exposing your ass is trendy?

>> No.9892961

This post reeks of someone in their early 20s that is a retrofag even though they weren't alive at the time.

>> No.9892964 [DELETED] 

id was never good and the doom general should be deleted

>> No.9892976

Meant for >>9892632

>> No.9892979

>using it how Zoomers use it!
You mean using it the way it's been used since the '90s when zoomers were floating in their parents ballsacks

>> No.9893016

GC has the best tech to library ratio. I dont give two fucks as to what niggers on kotaku or whatever the fuck says, thats just that. Wii has the best library and Switch probably has the best tech. My personal favourite is the snes because it has the best video game art direction and graphics stuff but GC is similar to PSX and PS2, decent tech and a great library, even shit games on the GC are good by modern standards.

>> No.9893018

I don't think Metroid is a great game, merely a good game.

>> No.9893028 [DELETED] 
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Zoomers don't even know the origin of saggy pants or it's implications -- same goes for people in the ghetto.
Like Millennials before them, they just appropriate whatever the inner-city peeps are doing, then follow suite amongst the rest of the wannabe "hood" suburbanites.
t. Grew up around both.
Get learnt, scrub.

>> No.9893048

Gamecube, Xbox and Playstation 2 are not retro
Any console released after the Dreamcast is not retro

>> No.9893068 [DELETED] 

I love when you kids pretend like language you co-opt was as excessively used as is today. It only shows more of your habitual ignorance when combating it otherwise when called out for it.
Take the L.
(Hey, that's actually one used a lot even before you drudged it up!)

>> No.9893084

I think any mario before 64 sucks. 2d platformers in general are boring, go left to right? Oh great, how fun.

>> No.9893123


It's true. The number one reason Japanese games and JRPGs are not as good as they used to be is the Japanese devs who know nothing of English are looking for faithful translations

You can see it creep in around FFX where everyone's dialogue is in this haiku like idiom, and it reaches it's height in FF13.

The Japanese think their writing is so transcendent that you can just translate it literally.

In the past, they had these English Localisers who were making a few hundred bucks and even they knew this stuff wouldn't fly.

It's why the Japanese version of MGS has fortune cookie philosophy in Mei Lings calls, and they were replaced with famous war quotes and Shakespeare.

This is also why Kojima fired the translator when he caught wind.

Look at how the writing is going now. All the charm of FFIIV and MGS is gone now. No localisation is actually going on,
because the Japanese devs don't trust it.

It's not helped by insane people who think a "cleaned up and faithful" translation of something like FFIV DS was an improvement.

Final Fantasy 7 and 8 aswell as MGS have the charm that appeals to us in the West of Murukami novels at times, because even a half botched job was better than this dry and benal writing we get now.

Another example you can see it in, and the lunacey of this approach is when you read the English translations in anime
of Japanese songs. This is what the translator is dealing with, and the devs are like:

No, no you must preserve the poetic meaning of:

The light of our existence is confirmed by our lips
It's dazzling from the emotions that are bottled up inside us

You can't change a single word.

Those early translators of Squaresoft games were able to at least make it relatively relatable to Westerners.

But the anime nerds had to quibble with : Spooney bard.

Thanks to them, we will only have awful literal haiku garbage forever now.

>> No.9893162

I had the same experience with Smash Bros. Brawl, it doesn't seem so bad when both the console and the game came to less than $20.

>> No.9893178

Jap games are inferior

>> No.9893181

Yeah bro FF10 the game that made a party member Jamaican in localization is clearly an example of a localization that's TOO accurate

>> No.9893187

Doom general isn't about Doom it's about Doom mods and they are good

>> No.9893192

they are reason why other superior fps are forgotten

>> No.9893196

Wakka's a stupid Hawaiian ass islander, not Jamaican.

>> No.9893231

>N64 better than PS-X
Nigga you smoking hella crack.

>> No.9893245 [SPOILER] 
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>Wakka's a stupid Hawaiian ass islander
Thought you could slip by without me noticing, heathen?

>> No.9893248

>the Japanese version of MGS has fortune cookie philosophy in Mei Lings calls

>> No.9893256

Thief and Splinter Cell are inferior to MGS

>> No.9893268

>marries his brother's girlfriends after he's dead
Go fuck yourself, ya?

>> No.9893278

Some of us still remember stuff like Strive, a few zoomers might know it because of the Accursed Farms video.

>> No.9893593
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I think Ocarina of Time sucks major ass. But I am from Europe, most people here never cared about that gay shit.

>> No.9893949

The Game Gear version of Gunstar Heroes is better than the original due to not having the RNG heavy stage.

>> No.9893953

DOOM really isn't that good and the fixation on buttockses and buttholes is weird

>> No.9893975


I think this is the worst post itt

>> No.9893981


Haha RE4 and Metroid prime alone shit on the entire ps2 librairy

>> No.9893983 [DELETED] 

Lol jannie got called out and banned me.

>> No.9894012

Spyro 1 gets repetitive by the end of the game and the challenges in 2 and 3 were a good addition to the series

>> No.9894042
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>Pokemon games have had shit graphics compared to other RPGs on the same system since ruby and sapphire
kek look at this retard

>> No.9894129

I like all consoles equally and I feel like participating in console wars or having slapfights over games is a pretty silly endeavor.

>> No.9895656

Game Time Started

>> No.9895663 [DELETED] 




>> No.9895676

>collecting as an investment is stupid.
This. Jesus christ no one cares that you got a 10 rating from wata games or whatever for your super rare game, just play the fucking thing. Thats what they're made for.

>> No.9895679

Zoomers hate DMC because of the camera and RE4 because of tank controls

>> No.9895690

I always considered the budokai games to be more fun, even compared to FighterZ even though thats not /vr/ related.

>> No.9895707

>Metroid games need warp points
Metroid Dread does this, with interconnected teleporters

>> No.9896869

NES games aren’t difficult, people just suck

>> No.9897341

This, and I grew up in a Nintendo household. SNES, n64, GameCube, wii. My first non Nintendo console was the ps3.

>> No.9897359

>>platformers are dogshit games made for children & manchildren.
All video games are for children. Get over yourself.

>> No.9897394

Ironically childish stance

>> No.9899104


>> No.9899113 [DELETED] 




>> No.9899126

Why you feel that was necessary for a bump?

>> No.9899235

Because I still needed the thread.

>> No.9899238


>> No.9899267

None of your business. I'm sorry anon.

>> No.9899278

The N64 Zelda games are the worst entries in the entire Zelda franchise. Not even bait I honestly believe that I fucking hate OOT and MM they're terrible games.

>> No.9899291

Must be a cold feeling being so solitary. Stay strong!

>> No.9899348

most 5th gen games had essentially modern handholding, maps and breadcrumb trails that tell you everything and don't require any thought.

>> No.9899362

>SoM is one of my favorite games - people just can't seem to get over the fact that you aren't able to run up and hack enemies to death by mashing the attack button like in a lot of modern action RPGs

No, that's not the problem at all. The problem is the braindead party member AI and the fact that their shitty pathfinding gets them stuck on walls in areas where it will result in you also getting stuck on a wall, stunlocked by enemy attacks and spammed to death with instant death attacks. You're a fucking retard.

Secret of Evermore and Seiken Densetsu 3 are a million times betters than this shit.

>> No.9899430

Hi, I'm a different guy but I agree with you. The other problem with Secret of Mana is that you have to stop the action in an action RPG every time you cast a spell.

Spells could have at least gotten hotkeys for the shoulder buttons, but instead they just go completely unused.

Also spell animations stunlock the enemies and stop all the action as well. It's a good experiment and great for the time, but man, it's flawed as hell.

>> No.9899462

>I don't think the Super Star Wars are good and actually consider them to be borderline kusoge.
They're like the Battlefront(2015) of platform games

>> No.9899589

Alien Soldier has a lot of soul and figuring it out is fun, but once you get used to killing everything with the dash, it becomes boring. Invincible moves in 2D games in general should be kept to a minimum. Positioning is very intuitive in 2D games and invincible moves kind of negate that. Even more so a fucking full screen dash that also deals a lot of damage.

>> No.9899648
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Mega Man X7 is JUST mediocre.

It is very far from being the worst game ever produced.

>> No.9899974

i don't like the snes soundchip
i prefer the pc engine over the genesis. not saying its better, but id rather boot up a pce game most days

>> No.9900003


>> No.9900297

Noice, this is an extensive list, and most everything on it is at least bretty gud.

>> No.9900313


>> No.9900327

The N64 is probably Nintendo's worst home console yet people keep saying it's the best one.

>> No.9900407

6th gen discussion did used to be banned here though. Back in the glory days.

>> No.9902015

I love retro games.

>> No.9902023 [DELETED] 




>> No.9902248

>The other problem with Secret of Mana is that you have to stop the action in an action RPG every time you cast a spell.

I can see why this would bother people but I'm used to it, since I love Secret of Evermore so much.

>Spells could have at least gotten hotkeys for the shoulder buttons, but instead they just go completely unused.

True, this is stupid.

>Also spell animations stunlock the enemies and stop all the action as well. It's a good experiment and great for the time, but man, it's flawed as hell.

This is also bad, but it can be pretty funny in Secret of Evermore which has the same problem since certain spells can be stacked on top of each other and then all the damage hits at the same time resulting in a huge damage number that's strangely satisfying to see.

>> No.9902286

RPGs are fucking boring overdone shit. Grinding is an unfun zombie activity that rewards wasting time and brainless repetition, any game with more obscure progression than Dragon Warrior can fuck right off, and "role playing game" as a name deserved a better breed of game than the numbers autism and walls of text faggotry it became known for. Four niggas in a row is a well deserved nickname for such frequently aped "gameplay"
Mario and Zelda and Sonic and Makaimura are games where you feel like you're playing a role. What fucking role do you play in the average "RPG", a fucking accountant? D&D powergamer? Shallow dialogue proofreader?
Why would this be anyone's favorite genre? It'd be more intellectually engaging to play slot machines in cosplay. I'd rather play D&D with retirees. I'd sooner work in a sweatshop that played game music in the background.

>> No.9902387
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The Dreamcast is a fifth generation console.
Change my mind.

>> No.9902417

I find most 2D Mario games to be average. They pass the bare minimum, but their controls usually feel wrong (SMB1 had it right with how you have physics, but the swimming in that game is broken) and the level designs are just bland most of the time. Even stuff like Tubular is the bare minimum you can do with gimmick stuff like the P-Balloon and the level ends really quickly. SMW is great in that you can handle the game in many ways due to the secret exits, but going through the levels themselves isn't very fun and bosses were never those games' strong suit. I haven't played much of 3D Mario, but SM64 has way better controls and has pretty unique level design for a 3D platformer. The bosses are still worthless, but it was more fun than almost any 2D Mario to me. Also, the Game Boy Mega Man games are mostly better than their NES counterparts. They add a ton of cool stuff and remove annoying details like glitches, Doc Robots and boss behavior issues (aside from a few) and their fortress stages are also completely new (and usually better). 5 is completely original and I find it really fun, but 1 and 4 are also great. 3 is mediocre, 2 feels wrong.