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9883515 No.9883515 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Mario own a castle and giant mechanized version of himself? I thought he was a humble dude.
also holy fuck this game is ridiculously easy

>> No.9883539

I don't view the Game Boy games as being canon Mario. They're too weird, and they aren't made by EAD. Mario 2 can be canon, but this isn't. Deal with it.

>> No.9883552

In that case, can we stop considering Sunshine canon as well? perhaps pretend it never existed?
That game is so fucking weird and off-putting.

>> No.9883553
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>boss said you can't use bowser and princess, portable game must have different storyline
>ok last level is mario's castle now also it would be fun if the mechanic levels we made happened inside a giant mario it's his land after all
>yeah the kids will love it. tiny mario inside giant mario inside tiny game boy screen lol.
30 years later
>dude what is mario land 2's forbidden LORE
>is that pile of debris in galaxy actually mechamario's remains
>in my copy it was luigi's castle
>it gives me an uneasy feeling i cant explain
>slurp slurp slurp

>> No.9883568

Because you can visit the worlds in any order, the difficulty curve is absolutely fucked. Everything's easy as hell until you get to Wario's Castle, which is a massive difficulty spike, and then the game ends.

>> No.9883615

Mario is an entrepreneur.
He took the reward coins he got from rescuing both of the princesses to start building an amusement park.
Literally "Mario Land".

>> No.9883616

>boss said you can't use bowser and princess, portable game must have different storyline
That's blatantly false. It was the team that decided they wanted to make everything different.

>> No.9883651

So the designer is talking about the producer

>> No.9883745

He didn't, it was made like that to mock him.

>> No.9883757

>Why did Mario own a castle and giant mechanized version of himself?

He clearly wanted a golem of himself.

>> No.9883762
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If a blonde, blue-eyed princess gave you a castle and a giant mechanical golem of yourself, would you decline it?

>> No.9883764

That was made by EAD.

>> No.9884012

>>kek at the theme of the level in the crotch

Those cheeky japs

>> No.9884065

they have to be canon since wario and daisy are still series mainstays

>> No.9884118

>They're too weird, and they aren't made by EAD.
What do you mean, the Mario Land games were made by R&D1

>> No.9886437

Just because it's called Mario Zone doesn't mean Mario owns it. If you're at all familiar with Mario lore you should be aware there is plenty of Mario fanboyism and cultural worship going on across the various kingdoms he's saved.

>> No.9886552

What canon? Is there that much of a connected story aside from the little video clips when FLUDD scans you in Sunshine?

>> No.9886561 [DELETED] 

>this game is ridiculously easy
Its meant for small children. mario was always an unoriginal side scrolling platformer primarily marketed at young children running on generally weak hardware with a good profit margin

>> No.9886593

Mario canon stops after Cement Factory

>> No.9886597

>Wario isn't canon
Retard alert

>> No.9886602 [DELETED] 

>Mario was always unoriginal

>> No.9886715

>implying it wasn't a satanic ritual thing of a body being a machine wherein you enter and conquer it

>> No.9886718

R&D3 was EAD, not R&D1.

>> No.9886743
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>Why did Mario own a castle and giant mechanized version of himself?
Probably copying someone he admired again.

>> No.9887313

>I don't view the Game Boy games as being canon Mario. They're too weird, and they aren't made by EAD. Mario 2 can be canon, but this isn't. Deal with it.
>t. Shigeru Miyamoto

>> No.9887361
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>Mario becomes Wario because a bucket falls on his head because of a Japanese pun

I agree with him. It's clear that Miyamoto doesn't consider them canon. To be honest, Wario was only created as an in-universe rival to Mario to assuage comparisons from Sonic. Once Sega was soundly defeated there was no reason to dignify the existence of Wario anymore. It's just that Wario happened to garner some good ideas in his short lease on life, like the Ware series. But left to their own devices Nintendo would expunge him from existence.

>> No.9888004
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Why hasn't Lego made a big ass mechanical Mario yet?

>> No.9888180

This is nothing but a bizarre headcanon. Wario is used in all the spin-offs and in Warioware. He isn't used in the main games because he's not a Miyamoto/EAD character.

>> No.9890103
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They did, unfortunately.

>> No.9890136
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The balls level is in the balls

>> No.9890156

Mario looted dozens of castle, it's not out-of-the-field to assume he kept one.

>> No.9890725

Pee is stored in the balls

>> No.9891746

But it's in his stomach, not his groin. Maybe he has bile buildup issues.

>> No.9891781

Better question: why the fuck is the Mario Zone the only world in SML2 with no hidden exits or secret levels? Pissed me off to no end as a kid that I could never find a secret level here when every other zone had at least one.

>> No.9891805

>these games are too weird
>the other ones aren't weird though

>> No.9892540

Mario own's the entire island that Mario Land 2 is set on, according to canonical lore. That's why it's called "Mario Land", because it is literally set on Mario's land.

>> No.9893098

Well the mainline series (mario bros 1, 2,3,world, yi, 64,sunshine,galaxy 1 and 2, 3d land/world, odyssey) never aknowleged wario and daisy. They might be not canon from mainline while canon in spinoff

>> No.9893151
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Stop hanging out at the shitty FANDOM.