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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9880287 No.9880287 [Reply] [Original]

>you hear the boss growl from an adjacent room

That's great. So why'd they stop doing this.
They never did it again.
Everyone loved this.
You loved this.
The board contrarians loved this.

So what gives

>> No.9880478

That's one of those cool little touches that seem to have fallen by the wayside in later years.

Zelda wasn't the first game to do this. There were others like Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (Cloudy Mountain) on Intellivision, which had multiple sound mechanics. You could hear certain monsters in unseen adjacent areas, and a flapping bat near you would obscure these sounds and leave you more vulnerable.

>> No.9880484

This always scared the crap out of me as a kid. I loved it.

>> No.9880486

Dungeons of Daggorath (1982) did this. Admittedly this was a corridor game.
I think the first Dead Space might have done this as well.

>> No.9880541

RE4 did this too

>> No.9880547

They stopped making good Zeldas for starters.

>> No.9880568
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>> No.9880578

This is also why Doom is the shit Most enemies have their own growls & you can occasionally hear them through the walls.

>> No.9880582

it still happens anon
OoT = bongos drummin mang

>> No.9880606

I mean if they ALL growl I don't really care because I'm not really anticipating a big'un anymore.

>> No.9880614

Doom kinda does it, you hear Cyberdemon/Mastermind wake-up sounds at full volume no matter how close you are.

>> No.9880620

>So why'd they stop doing this.
I was wondering about this too while I played the NES original after finishing all the later 2D entries (except Zelda II, I saved the best for last so to speak) before the Minish Cap. It was such a neat thing and it made you make a mental note of the room even if you didn't have the map or the compass.

Wolfenstein 3D too. Nothing is tenser than hearing those heavy doors opening and closing in the distance and hoping it's just a simple guard behind one of them instead of a SS officer or a mutant.

It's a bit silly, but the zombies scare me more nowadays than the demons. Well, except the Mastermind. Hitscanners don't fuck around.

>> No.9880637

In 3 they started having a "big" key, and when you got to a door that needed that key, you knew the boss was on the other side.
But seeing the big keyhole is not as cool as the growl. Not even close. Wish they would have kept that.

>> No.9880663


>> No.9880759

cool feature but i also seem to remember hearing it in rooms not next to the boss as well

>> No.9881052

You remember wrong.

>> No.9881053

Actually it happened with the Patras, so I apologize.

>> No.9881058
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*muffled DEUTSCHLAND in the distance*

>> No.9881136

Fun fact, the dungeon theme is actually "Horst-Wessel-Lied" played backwards and slowed down.

>> No.9881225

>You loved this.

You're right. I honestly did

>> No.9881618

OMG! Secret Nazi DUNGEON!!

>> No.9881623

in silent hill 2 you could hear pyramid head dragging his great knife from one of the halls while you were in the staircase

>> No.9883259
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I hate certain kinds of sound!

>> No.9883390


>> No.9883395

>the reason link never talks is to not turn this moment into a plothole

>> No.9883402

i thought it was a fucked up buzzard or something as a kid

i miss pre-internet childhood and innocence existing in any form

>> No.9883405

>Zelda boss then: otherworldly creature that has an eyeball (not the weakness), instead it is weak to sound
>Zelda boss now: wacky silly creature that has huge eyeballs (you have to shoot arrows at these) and giant ears to help you know it's weak to sound (you make sound and it runs where the sound came from and it hits the wall with a silly comical moment)

>> No.9883408
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>> No.9883416

i have a feeling it wasn't first drawn with the sound gimmick in mind

or maybe those spikes are supposed to be vibration antennae or something

>> No.9883434
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Zelda 1's Japanese manual compares Digdogger to the sea urchin enemies from Clu Clu land, and funny enough the arcade version VS Clu Clu Land even has a one eyed variant.

>> No.9883437

neat, another zelda connection in that game besides the rupees. looks like they just straight reused the design but i guess a sentient spikey ball is kinda just babby's first enemy design

>> No.9884080

>>Zelda boss now: wacky silly creature that has huge eyeballs (you have to shoot arrows at these) and giant ears to help you know it's weak to sound (you make sound and it runs where the sound came from and it hits the wall with a silly comical moment)
Nobody tell him about Pol's Voice on the original famicom, his head will explode.

>> No.9884106

Dungeons stopped being nondescript mazes that you had to navigate
They changed the gimmick to boss keys
I will say there was a nod to this in windwaker with valoo

>> No.9884112

Also the sounds were used originally to show off the FDS audio chip

>> No.9884115

True, after NES games they started appealing to women and pretend-women

>> No.9884117

Don't give kudos to your own posts pls.

>> No.9884250

The series peaked with the first game.

>> No.9884351

That's not even a Hakenkreuz (lit. Hooked Cross; what is commonly referred to as the swastika in the west, used by the NSDAP). The Hakenkreuz is right facing. This is left facing, a far East symbol of good luck.

>> No.9884713

Burgers can't tell the difference.

>> No.9884875

Miyamoto is a nazi 卍

>> No.9884878

So you're telling Mayamouto chinchan is not based and redpilled?

>> No.9886445

>muh right vs left facing means this vs that
both styles of manji are used in Japan
come visit sometime, i will take you on a tour of the shrines and temples

>> No.9888036

The joke has been made.
There is no new ground to cover.

>> No.9888143

It's a shame how Zelda is now a glorified Gmod game and /v/tards eat it up

>> No.9888161

Glorified gmod game???
I wasn't gonna buy it before. But now.. Holy shit!
Thanks anon!

>> No.9889095
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>> No.9889195


>> No.9889831
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>> No.9890085

I was actually kind of disappointed that Zelda 3 doesn't do this, since it does have those special floor tiles in front of the door before the boss area

>> No.9890113

This was definitely amazing and soulful. The concept of "boss" enemies alone at the time really amazed me too, a lot of action-oriented games in those days were still based around the concept of fighting the enemies over and over until you stop wanting to put quarters in, or things like the "dragon" in Adventure just chasing you through some rooms and being game over if it gets you. That first time of hearing the roar of an unprecedentedly powerful giant monster in the next room with its own special attack patterns guarding a precious treasure, and wondering what creatures the next dungeon would hold, was really an amazing experience.

>> No.9890119

Self-correction, I guess Adventure did let you continue the game if a dragon got you, though at the cost of also resurrecting all the other dragons.

>> No.9890123

It did but I think it's use was entirely different. Zelda did it before the boss where as ds just used it to scare you before a necro got in your face.