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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9880001 No.9880001 [Reply] [Original]

>Nintendo handhelds are….LE BAD!
>because they emphasized battery life and portability which, while admittedly came at the cost of performance and graphical fidelity meant they were actually fucking portable
>and they still have a rich library of games that are fondly remembered today
>but because they don’t require a nuclear power plant (and it’s totally not primarily because it’s nintendo) they’re le bad…….

Fascinating take please elaborate

>> No.9880004

90% of the GBA library

>SNES ports
>sequels of sequels
>licensed sholverware

>> No.9880013

>90% of the GBA library
>SNES ports
>sequels of sequels
>licensed sholverware
Truly the Switch of the past.
>90% of the Switch library
>Wii U ports
>sequels of sequels
>licensed shovelware

>> No.9880018

Ok how about other handhelds (besides the neo Geo based pocket)

>> No.9880096
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>having imaginary arguments in your own head
>makes thread

no one says gameboy or gba is bad
look at every single handheld general ever made
they all are actively TRYING to have the specs you listed
>good batteries
>nice quality screen\resolution
>good form factor (work in progress still it seems)

you think the analogue pocket would exist if the gameboy "sucked"?

delete this thread

>> No.9880115

There’s been a shit load of posts on here talking about how tendie handhelds “single handedly held back handheld development by years” lmao

>> No.9880118

yes retards are allowed to post too
ignore them
or link them to wikipedia and sales numbers

by that logic:
>nintendo has been holding back gaming since the 80s!!!!

>> No.9880324

I wish Gunpei Yokoi didn't get yakuza'd after he left Nintendo because that man truly had the right idea about handhelds.
I mean, yeah, the Wonderswan failed, but I think it would've fared far better if it had had a killer app like Pokémon to go with it. Or, hell, anything.

GBA was pretty rough. The OG despite being very comfy had the darkest screens known to mankind and SP was alright aside from the lack of a headphone jack and being made for baby hands. I don't trust that hinge either because it WILL wear itself down.

>tendie handhelds “single handedly held back handheld development by years”
I honestly liked handhelds more when they were just doing their own thing. Nintendo lost the ball when they started doing straight ports and remakes of SNES and N64 games for their handhelds.
And look at Gamefreak after they went 3D, just outright unfinished games which run like shit and pretty much need day 1 patches just to ensure they don't crash during normal play. RBY look like the most thoughtfully crafted pieces of software compare to that.

>> No.9880465

Who says this unironically

>> No.9880567

Don't look up who was handling the wonderswan in America, don't.

>> No.9880594

>Nintendo handhelds are….LE BAD!
Literally who are you quoting? Nintendo's handhelds have always been the absolute gold standard for the industry and the bar every other handheld manufacturer sought to meet.

>> No.9880681
File: 238 KB, 612x546, wario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/ is the sony and sega coping hotline available 24/7. Always has been, always will be. They hate us cuz they ain't us.
Spare me your seething replies, sonichandlers.

>> No.9880694

I have a vague memory of reading about it maybe around here, but I feel like I have some kind of self-defence mechanism telling me to not revisit that memory. Like I know it wasn't a big hit in Japan either, but thinking about the western release just makes me feel sad. And I usually don't feel sad for companies.

>> No.9880860
File: 12 KB, 300x300, s-l300 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nintendo handhelds are….LE BAD!
Said no one ever. If anything it's their strong suit outside of the SNES

Yes these are Famiclones

>> No.9881151
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, sup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9881649 [DELETED] 

Segapedes and Snoylets just can't compete.

>> No.9881651

Based Wario poster as usual

>> No.9881661

Stupid dumb phoneposter scum

>> No.9881667


>> No.9881724

It's because they milked the Gameboy for too long to the point that the GBC was under-powered compared to the Game Gear. You can actually see them doing the same thing with the Switch right now. They'd probably be still pushing the GBA in 2008 if Sony hadn't come out with the PSP.

>> No.9881747

So why doesn’t someone compete and beat them? You make it sound like they should stop out of some altruistic sense of duty to the gaming industry. There’s a hint of “Sega should have won if things were really fair and people weren’t such SHEEP” but that’s not how shit works in the real world. People don’t want a battery guzzler in a portable.

>> No.9881761
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair the GBA is a little more powerful than we originally thought. It's capable of full-scale 3D games as seen with games like Crazy Taxi, Super Monkey Bal Jr, and Driv3r. The DS obviously handles 3D better, but they could've kept the GBA going for a little longer if they wanted to. Iirc they were both around concurrently for a decent amount of time before GBA support was officially discontinued.

>> No.9881953

PSP got pretty close, but Nintendo went after the mom crowd so I guess they inched that one out sadly. PSP did outsell the 3DS at least.

>People don’t want a battery guzzler in a portable.

Well they still bought 70 million 3DS'es so don't know about that. Not like the Switch is that great either.

>> No.9882583
File: 17 KB, 373x239, Gp32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related launched the same year as the GBA.
>GBA: 16 mhz CPU, 384 kbs RAM
>GP32: 133 mhz CPU, 8 mbs RAM
Nintendo's monopoly on handhelds held back development by nearly a decade. That is why the PSP is a generational leap above the DS.

>> No.9882605
File: 843 KB, 1482x2048, Boktai_Manga_magazine_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, don't diss Django like that, it's not his fault people were lazy to play a handheld next to a window to slay vampires and zombies.

>> No.9882617

wow, that's really powerful, I bet it had a lot of impressive games

>> No.9882628

Of course it did'nt fucking have games you invalid, that is what "Nintendo held back handhelds" means.

>> No.9882761

Literally the first post in this thread

>> No.9883872

>Nintendo handhelds
Nintendo handhelds are better than nintendo home consoles.

>> No.9883947

Agreed, also people that talk about how advanced the psp is compared to the ds I think don’t understand the appealing pick up and play simple nature of handheld titles and I don’t need or want to play gta on the bus

>> No.9884110

Yes, Nintendo handhelds lacked color for way too long, and lacked a backlight for even longer, I'll never forget how frustrating it was when I got the GBA as a kid and felt so happy only for that awful screen to make it all barely playable, even though the Game Gear and Lynx came out over a decade earlier and had backlight, even Nintendo's own Game Boy Light did... releasing a handheld in 1989 without it? Fine, in 2001 though? Stop defending Nintendo so religiously for once.

>> No.9885118

>>SNES ports

People like to say this, but given that the GBA has a library of over 1500 games worldwide, only a small percentage of them are actually SNES ports. The system also has quite a few genesis/ MD ports as well.


>> No.9885126

and yet i still have a collection of over 200 games i enjoy playing and fucking around with
cope and seethe

>> No.9885128

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xurqNOafU6Y [Embed]

And even this list here... Doom GBA is not a port of Doom SNES. It's just another port of Doom. Wolf 3D, not the SNES port. Final Fight One is not really a port of the SNES game.

>> No.9885159

Why didn’t people buy the clearly superior product then? Could it be that focusing on battery life and cheap costs was the right move at the time? Heaven forbid

>> No.9885168

I just don’t understand the argument that Nintendo was holding the space back when you had a good amount of powerful competing hardware that all failed for the exact same reasons. It seems like consumer interest held it back more than anything