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File: 5 KB, 256x240, 18056_1056ce038ade9646406b076fcc3f63320ce46a49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9875792 No.9875792 [Reply] [Original]

What are examples of good games with bad or mediocre graphics? I think the original DQ1-5 take the cake for me. DQ1-4 use these puke green / purple colors for everything and in general all look like they came out in 1985. DQ5 is a bit better, but it still falls into this weird territory between 8 and 16-bit look, like PC-Engine.
Now that I think of it, DQ6 was looking alright, but then 7 wasn't really impressive at all. I think 8 was the first mainline DQ that actually looked great and impressive.

>> No.9875820

>DQ1-4 use these puke green
I think you mean SOVL GREEN.

>> No.9875825
File: 54 KB, 639x361, Ultima 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because of the hardware limitations you fucking zoomer. PC RPGs at that time looked even worse.

>> No.9875837
File: 8 KB, 256x240, Dragon Warrior III (U) [!]_103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have tried another palette before making a zoom zoom post. It never looked so bright on CRT TVs. This is similar to GBA games.

>> No.9875838
File: 8 KB, 256x240, Dragon Warrior III (U) [!]_104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9875841
File: 223 KB, 768x1920, Dragon Warrior IV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DQ games look great, the real downer is the lack of black outlines around characters, which is a choice made so they could use more colours and have different characters use different colours.

>> No.9875859

You're an idiot, U3-5's graphics are fucking classic and gorgeous
>b-b-b-but i-it needs hd texture packs and 6565816 colors...
Nah, fuck off, you don't appreciate aesthetics.

>> No.9875867
File: 57 KB, 800x800, shirt-1533363801-b39176eeca2fcca3f377c2b2401262b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may agree, but they looked bad nevertheless. Compare it to any popular NES title like Mega Man 2, for example. The latter still looks nice despite all limitations.
>you could try a different shade of puke green
don't get me wrong, but the colors are just too out there. it looks like picrel.
(I may only exaggerate a little, because sometimes the game has more muted colors and it looks passable. but I maintain that the floor should not be fucking bright purple, and half the colors in the game make me think that Toriyama is colorblind)

>> No.9875895
File: 1.70 MB, 1575x1080, ultima 4 apple ii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a later PC port of Ultima 4. The original Apple II version looked even worse. Pic related.

>> No.9875914


>> No.9875961
File: 24 KB, 768x672, recca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love garish NES palettes. Very soulful and aesthetic.

>> No.9875974
File: 75 KB, 517x522, ur1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree bright palettes can look cool, and btw—this one isn't that bad, violet and red are complimentary colors and are very often paired in Japan.
Also, Recca has very good 2D for NES. It has this pseudo 3D look, a background in the dark, etc. It pushed the system almost to the limit.
DQ simply has outrageous colors everywhere, in part because Toriyama, and looks stupidly basic. And I'd get this for DQ1, but DQ4 came out in 1990.
Compare it to FF3. Far more normal colors, way less "blocky" look. It's more neat compared to DQ.

>> No.9875987
File: 177 KB, 768x1440, Dragon Warrior III.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squaresoft was always at the top technically speaking, even on NES. The DQ devs never were, even DQ8 looks great mainly thanks to its art direction, nots its technical prowess.

With that said the DQ monsters always looked better, FF had great looking monsters too but they're more generic. DQ ones are more unique, and full of life, they leap off the screen.
Considering monsters is what you spend the most time looking at in those games I feel it's the most important.

>> No.9876006

>The DQ devs never were, even DQ8 looks great mainly thanks to its art direction, nots its technical prowess.
well, I didn't mean tech, I just said it looked good. but even then, I think it looks better than most cel-shaded games of its day. IMO, most PS2 games' graphics aged way, way worse than DQ8. that alone is an achievement.
When it comes to NES DQ, it's hard to compare. But I just think that if the graphics aged like shit, then they have always been shit. I don't need to find excuses for DQ6, because it looks good. Even DQ5 isn't eyerapey, at least.
and I'll agree DQ monsters were better than FF. But half the time their palettes are pure eyerape. Like, in your image:
>bone dragons—look awesome
>boss troll—awesome
in >>9875841 :
>tigers and imps—eyerape
>flies and less so ogre—eyerape
overworld chars have white skin… just to fit more colors I guess? still weird.

>> No.9876072

I like DQ colors.
NES has technical limitations for RPGs. All NES RPGs have some issues. DQ isn't the outlier here as same arguments can also be made for FF or other NES RPGs. Also using puke and rape again and again doesn't strengthen your point. It makes you look retarded.

>> No.9876102
File: 4 KB, 256x224, 2033095-metal-max-nes-your-home-town.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NES has technical limitations for RPGs. All NES RPGs have some issues.
>DQ isn't the outlier here as same arguments can also be made for FF or other NES RPGs.
They all look less garish and just more natural to the eye though. Even FF1. Here's Metal Max, it came out in 1991 though. DQ looks pretty unimpressive today, IMO. Most NES RPGs do, but DQ especially so.
>Also using puke and rape again and again doesn't strengthen your point.
it's just a common slang now, I'm not doing an AVGN expression. just read "garish" and "oversaturated".

>> No.9876116 [DELETED] 

Considering Pokemon GSC looks good, it should be possible to create better looking RPGs on NES, yet they all feel off somehow. Than again that was released in 2000. I don't think NES had proper hardware for that.
I wonder whether Enix also felt like you considering remakes of DQ remakes.

>> No.9876130

I wonder whether Enix also felt like you considering DQ had remakes shortly after original.
I think 8bit isn't enough for good looking RPGs. One of main draws of genre is the world they take place in yet they all look very basic.
Even GBC RPGs don't look all that impressive and look similar to each other and despite being released at 2000s.

>> No.9876143

Metal Max uses the exact same green as DQ3 for the grass, pal number 29. That screnshot just uses another emulator palette.

Proof that you're full of shit.

>> No.9876150
File: 53 KB, 912x688, wallet-scenario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wonder whether Enix also felt like you considering DQ had remakes shortly after original.
actually I love the look of the SNES remakes. they look amazing, like the most late RPGs on the system, close to 32-bit ones.
>I think 8bit isn't enough for good looking RPGs.
yeah, sadly this seems to be the case. though it's weird that action games managed to look impressive on NES, way more so than RPGs. even Crystalis looks reasonably good.
that said, Pokemon always looked good to me. no garish colors, pleasant muted palettes. it can be comfy too.

>> No.9876158
File: 7 KB, 256x240, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because there's less grass in the screenshot and more sand. I'll admit though that when the whole screen is full of grass, it doesn't look much better than DQ.

>> No.9876210
File: 21 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are examples of good games with bad or mediocre graphics?
Chaos Battle of Wizzards on the spectrum is a fantastic game and the graphics are..crude...

>> No.9876214

>Chaos Battle of Wizzards on the spectrum

>> No.9876223

All dragon quests look like shit until 8. Maybe for its time 1-3 was good, but they all get mogged by other games in their genre in the same era. DQ V looks like asscheeks compared to other games of its era. DQ6 looks like a poor man's chrono trigger. I actually think the dq3 remake looks cool, so thats the exception that proves the rule. All the ds remakes deUgly those games though

>> No.9876232

>Squaresoft was always at the top technically speaking
KEK no they weren't. Final Fantasy 1 is completely unassuming and doesn't have particularly interesting graphics for the time. The monster sprites are nothing to write home about. The overworld stuff is totally bland. The game itself is also extremely buggy and outright doesn't work in certain areas.

>> No.9876263

Do show me a console RPG released before FF1 which looks and sounds as good, and which has as many mechanics and contents, and which is just as fast as well.

There isn't one, and the only that came close is DQ3 which came out afterwards. Momotaro Densetsu did look good but the mechanics and the amount of content is barely more than DQ1, Megami Tensei does have a lot of content but it looks bad in comparison (both the world and the enemies) and it's much easier to create content in first person dungeons where every screen looks the same.

Also all RPGs have bugs and the ones in FF1 are nothing compared to the ones in DQ2, 3 or even 4, some of which can outright break the game like stat manipulation in 2, creating too many party members in DQ3 or using the invisible balloon in DQ4, there is nothing quite like that in FF1, not even close.

Squaresoft wasn't just on top with RPGs as well, their faux 3D games were technically the best. There isn't a single racing game on the system with road effect as smooth, fast and convincing as Rad Racer.

>> No.9876280

Based game. The sequels, Lords of Chaos and Magic & Mayem were good too.

>> No.9876496

DQ3 literally uses the same graphics as DQ6.

>> No.9876507

I know, dq3 on snes is simplified and looks like a nes game on steroids while dq6 is OK looking, but its contemporary competition looks better

>> No.9876510

>puke green / purple
If your puke looks like anything you see in Dragon Warrior, you need to see a doctor.

>> No.9876513

Shut the fuck up, nigger, FF1 is known for having spells that literally do jack shit, they are far from being the technical master pieces you brag about, specially FF2 where the game barely works as it should, fucking faggot go kys.

>> No.9876521
File: 58 KB, 320x277, 1.jpg.c09f279b9fcfaa61343726e5ddda7af4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related and not to mention the monsters moving while fighting.

>> No.9876569

I said I liked dq3 tho. But take dq6 and compare it to the big boys that came out around that time

>> No.9876589

Like what?
Bahamut Lagoon looks like FF6 which looks good, but not better than DQ6, CT is a given yes, but outside of that I don't recall anything like DQ6 or FF6.

>> No.9876606

Those games all look better than dq6. Enix was lazy and knew anything dq would sell crazy copies. Visually the high end rpgs of the era smoke dq6

>> No.9876625

Seiken Densetsu 3

>> No.9876628

That might be an unfair comp tho because mana3 might be the best looking game on the console

>> No.9876629

Tales of Phantasia

>> No.9876643

Compare phantasis to dq6 and you see how trash dq is by comparison.

>> No.9876650
File: 45 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Paradroid_GNU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9876671
File: 42 KB, 1089x747, Nethack-dragons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nethack. ascii graphics, deepest game mechanics.

>> No.9877058

Yhea, true.
They look better but it doesn't mean the DQ6 looks bad, you semen slurper.

>> No.9877062

I said by comparison retard

>> No.9877070

it's objectively less graphically advanced, you triggered bitch

>> No.9877071
File: 33 KB, 256x224, dq6-sfc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad, semen slurper.
No they don't.

>> No.9877075

This looks like a really well made rpgmaker game ... you fag

>> No.9877091

>I am a fag and you a semen slurper.

>> No.9877163

I agree. I’ve thought about editing it to have sprites from the GBC remake of DQ3, but it would be a pain in the ass due to how the game’s sprites are compressed.

Also wish the game had a single action button.

>> No.9878639

>take dq6 and compare it to the big boys that came out around that time
>Enix was lazy and knew anything dq would sell crazy copies.
>Compare phantasis to dq6 and you see how trash dq is by comparison.
OP here. I'll agree look Tales of Phantasia, CT and SD3 look a bit better. But DQ6 still has great graphics. It doesn't _push_ the console to the limits like the aforementioned games, but it still looks excellent. Hell, people praise FF6 for its graphics, but IMO DQ6 looks better.
1995 was near the end of SNES and we're literally talking THE best-looking games on the system. DQ6 being slightly behind is nothing. It's like saying some game had mediocre graphics because it didn't look like DKC or Yoshi's Island.
It's miles better than DQ5 that is obviously an early game. By comparison, DQ4 looked only marginally better than 1, and compared to other NES games that came out by 1990, it was just very, very unimpressive IMO.

>> No.9878664

Dq6 is a nice looking game anon, but considering the mountains of cash coming in for it, I just think they could have added in a little more. No one ever talks about dq6 when they discuss the great rpgs of the 16 bit era. Which is kind of insane when you consider the killer stuff that was coming out at around the same time.

>> No.9878673
File: 14 KB, 100x100, mario white space gif 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the real downer is the lack of black outlines around characters
actually never could point my finger on it. "no outlines" look appears like a very early NES game. if you look at SMB, Zelda 1, Urban Champion and so on, they all have this look. but when you look at SMB3 or Punch-Out, they have black outlines.
I think in the end most companies settles on having outlines, because this had tons of advantages. First and foremost, sprites didn't blend with the background like in picrel (note how early NES games mostly had solid color for BGs). Second, black is perhaps the most versatile color you can have, and when you have just 3 colors limit for a sprite, black is great for outlines, pupils, open mouth, hair and so on. Third, it is almost guaranteed to be on screen.
DQ's lack of outlines had advantages, yes, but it resulted in weird look like purple pupils / white skin, and it was double weird because the monsters and a few overworld tiles DID have outlines, which wasn't terribly consistent.
With all that said, 3 colors per sprite limit was a real bitch.

>> No.9878682

>I just think they could have added in a little more
I don't know. Square was always ahead of the game, and Tales of Phantasia only has cool battle sprites, the overworld is same or worse than DQ6. Even then, Chrono Trigger is about same level as DQ6, I prefer DQ6 sprites more because they have soft outlines.
>No one ever talks about dq6 when they discuss the great rpgs of the 16 bit era.
because they haven't played it. back in the day people wanted more Square stuff. you already need fan patch for Seiken Densetsu 3 and FFV, an DQ is even less known.
and… DQ6 is just not the best DQ. it's alright, not bad at all, I just don't think anyone will say it's the best one.

>> No.9878683
File: 15 KB, 326x295, Image99.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Pokemon Gold / Silver / Crystal somehow looks better than NES DQ. Having outlines and skin tone instead of white helps too

>> No.9878698

i understand having a personal preference, but I think if you were to really analyze dq6 vs chrono side by side it wouldnt even be close. Everything about chrono is better, from the art direction, to the animated sprites, interesting innovative techniques etc. Im not even talking about the story, combat mechanics etc which Im pretty sure you'd agree would go in chrono's favor. I know dq wants to maintain traditions and be comfy, but 6 feels like such a lazy cash grab

>> No.9878737

>animated sprites
just because they're animated doesn't make them better.
>Im not even talking about the story, combat mechanics etc which Im pretty sure you'd agree would go in chrono's favor.
I never talked about that. To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of either DQ6 or CT, though CT has impressive plot and concept.
>I know dq wants to maintain traditions and be comfy
You're missing the point by comparing it to CT. DQ is MEANT to be the most traditional, "vanilla" RPG series, period, because it started it all. It didn't switch to real time combat in DQ8 or even DQ11, when FF had long done so, and after action RPGs in general have become much more common.
>6 feels like such a lazy cash grab
I don't know which part looks like it. I think it looks better than any RPG released on SNES in 1991-1994. That alone is enough to say it's not a lazy cash grab.
your point is retarded.

>> No.9878748

Im starting to think you're arguing just for the sake of human contact, but for anyone reading this thread watch a long play video of DQ6 then compare it to other major jrpgs from the mid 90s. It almost feels like there was more care put into the dq3 remake for the snes.

>> No.9878815

>but 6 feels like such a lazy cash grab
Lel, now you are just being a faggot.
The game has a crap of content, quite big for an SNES game.
>extra dungeon
>monster arena
>monster recruitment
>fashion contest
>mini medals
>the casino
Only problem is that the game is very open ended and doesn't tells you where to go once you kill Murdaw.

>> No.9878838

not him, but when do classes appear? I dropped the game around the time when the purple mohawk guy realized he was a carpenter and built a house

>> No.9878849

Based. FFI was great at the time. Yeah, some spells didn't work, but there was so much cool stuff in the game that worked fine.

>> No.9878854

When you defeat the main boss, who you will defeat again later on because the game is fucking lazy
All of that is low effort slop that a smooth brain like you would appreciate. At least dq7 was 100 hours so it had an excuse for looking like ass. So you're saying there is a major incident that takes place at about the halfway point of the game and then it opens up? You're basically acknowledging it has a plot structure like ff6 but done lazier.

>> No.9878891

Super Mario Bros, anything on Game Boy or Game Boy Color, most pre-90's NES games

>> No.9879558

That looks fine. Being turned off to a game by the way it looks is pretty juvenile.

>> No.9879562

It looks good.