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9874016 No.9874016 [Reply] [Original]

Why did they remove USB mouse and keyboard support on console games?
Many PS2 titles had it such as Half-Life, but then they were completely absent in subsequent generations…

>> No.9874049

gamepad controls got ironed out and played fine unless you're mentally handicapped, would make balancing around kbm annoying and retarded. sp games would be cool but honestly kbm is for nerds

>> No.9874054

Very seldom actually utilized, so I assume they figured it wasn't worth bothering. If you wanna play with mouse and keyboard you may as well use a computer anyway.

>> No.9874090

Implementing keyboard and mouse controls doesn't require a whole fucking team of software engineers to implement. My guess it was likely abandoned as a result of the boom in online gameplay and they wanted to maintain consistency across the playerbase and possibly limit exploitation.

>> No.9874101

Because some players would have found controllers lacking. And that must not be allowed.

>> No.9874120

because of online multiplayer that became omnipresent in 7th gen. If you allow people to hook up KB/M for console shooters then they're going to absolutely annihilate the normies using dual analogue controllers. Around this time you also saw stuff like the cross-compatible PC versions of Halo 2 and Gears cucking KB/M controls with ridiculous amounts of bullet spread and recoil in an attempt to "balance" out the fact that mouse aiming isn't shit like with an analogue stick.

>> No.9874187

real answer here

>> No.9874236

Some modern games still do this. Every Call of Duty game since MW2019 and the 2021 Quake remaster have mouse and keyboard support on consoles, mainly as a necessity for leveling the perceived playing field for crossplatform play.

>> No.9874267

The Sims 4 on consoles also supports mouse and keyboard, since it was a quick and dirty PC port that was criticized for controlling poorly on a gamepad.

>> No.9874272

that's a great reason to take away options, let's stop supporting arcade sticks for fighting games as well

>> No.9874307

No need to, fight sticks are simple button and directional inputs that translate 1:1 that a digital pointer and board with 100 buttons on it does not.

>> No.9874316

Boards with 100 buttons are simple buttons and directional inputs that translate 1:1.

>> No.9874325

OK, we'll be sure to tell every developer during the 360 generation that they should have supported keyboard controls only.

>> No.9874371

I've always wondered why most (none?) console makers didn't simply lock KBM support to official keyboards and mouses. There was a ton of money to be made there, not to mention that KBM support didn't need to be included in every game.
These days, it's even more baffling as most games are released on both consoles and PC at the same time.

>> No.9874390

Halo 2 for GFWL and Gears of War for GFWL were not actually cross platform though.

>> No.9874403

Controllers have crazy margin. I work in finance for a console maker and the profit margin for controllers are 1000%.
People who want keyboard and mouse probably have some preferred customized setup and tuning involved as well (claw/palm/tip styled mouse, custom keyboard switches, etc), so an official KBM set wouldn't have much appeal. Doubly so when most games are released on both consoles and PC, they'd just buy it on PC.

>> No.9874406
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KBM for nerds?

You console fags are a joke

>> No.9874412

Yeah, controller prices are absolute bullshit. It was understandable back in the early/mid 2000s when you could get controllers for about 20 bucks or so. But now they want 70+ for basic shit, and god forbid you want extra back buttons to make games like elden ring playable, then you gotta shell out for some 200 dollar piece of garbage.
Meanwhile a solid keyboard and mouse still costs like 10 dollars each

>> No.9874421

Write me an essay explaining why kbm isn't for nerds

>> No.9874465

Use ChatGPT for that

>> No.9874476 [DELETED] 

>reddit dog

>> No.9874486

>Doubly so when most games are released on both consoles and PC, they'd just buy it on PC.
I don't know. I can buy something like 10 PS5s for the price of a good PC today. I know a lot of people that have notebooks for work related stuff and only consoles for gaming, at the same time these same people would like to play some games with KBM.
So even with expensive official keyboards and mouses, it would still be a lot cheaper than having a current PC.

>> No.9874514

I always wrote messages on PS3 and 360 using a USB keyboard I hooked up, so idk. Hell, Skullgirls has a special mode if you hook up a keyboard called Typing of the Skullgirl that works on consoles.

>> No.9874574

>why most (none?) console makers didn't simply lock KBM support to official keyboards and mouses
While MS and Nintendo have awful third party controller support due to specifically locking everything down, Sony allows even non-licensed third party controllers, as long as the game devs provide their own drivers anything USB is supported.
Some PS4 games support all sorts of weird shit other than standard DualShocks and USB keyboards. Some fighting games like Mortal Kombat X can be played entirely with a generic DualShock 1/2 to USB adapter and a PS1 fightstick or controller. I tested this years back after first hearing about it and remember finding a couple other random games as well that supported my DualShock adapter.
There's also a few PS4 games with debug functionality locked behind keyboard shortcuts in the retail version of the game. I guess the devs just never expected anyone to try it.

>> No.9874962 [DELETED] 


>> No.9876048

Had any Nintendo console ever got mouse support since 64DD tho?

>> No.9876132

I was always a console kid. We never had a PC in the house growing up, but my parents always made sure to get us at least one current-gen console, from the 3rd console generation up to the 6th. But when a classmate installed Half-Life on all of the PCs in the computer lab at my high-school, I quickly realised how much better mouse and keyboard was for FPS, and was soon dominating everyone at Half-Life Deathmatch except the kid who owned and installed it. The Dreamcast had just come out, and I was on board. Despite us not having a PC in the house, I convinced my mom to get us a Dreamcast keyboard and sign us up for dial-up internet. I picked up a mouse to go with it, and enjoyed the hell out FPS' like Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament. Almost every Dreamcast FPS I tried supported mouse and keyboard. I just assumed KBM support on consoles was going to be the standard from here on out. I remember the launch of the Xbox, and the hype surrounding Halo. My mom's best-friend's son, who was like a younger cousin to me, was particularly into it, and knowing how I enjoyed console FPS', showed it off when I visited one day. I was hyped too. I remember telling him "This game is great! I'm gonna go do odd jobs for the neighbours, save up enough money to get an Xbox, an Xbox keyboard, an Xbox mouse, and then we can go online together and wreak havoc!" Then I, of course, discovered that Halo had no mouse support, no keyboard support, and no online play. I was absolutely baffled as to why everyone was so hyped for this game when it lacked such key features that were standard on Dreamcast FPS titles. I was a console war tard at this time, and I joined team "Xbox is for fags". I had a PS2 and a Gamecube that gen. I felt that Xbox had killed off MKB support for consoles, and I HATED Xbox with a passion because of it. I never had the money for PC gaming, but I wanted those superior controls.

>> No.9876136

When I finally got a cheap 2nd-hand Xbox at the end of the console's lifespan, it was for Ninja Gaiden, not Halo.
I'm glad KBM support on consoles is becoming a thing again, but there's still a long way to go. I don't have a good PC, so I ended up settling for the PS4 version of Doom Eternal. But it has no KBM support, and that's a game that would benefit greatly from mouse aim.

>> No.9876630

Please answer me

>> No.9877948


>> No.9877956

>cross-compatible PC versions of Halo 2
Only MCC is cross platform

>> No.9878797


>> No.9878885 [DELETED] 

KBM is for shitters who need to rely purely on point and click to win. Controllers take far more skill.

>> No.9878923

PSO on Gamecube supports PS/2 keyboards (via 3rd party adaptor). Wii supports USB keyboard and mouse natively but idk any games using it, just applications like the Internet Channel

>> No.9878949

I played the Quake remaster on Switch with MKB using a USB-C to 3xA adapter. First time it worked but was janky, more like they left it in than they meant to have it in. Then a patch dropped and you could customise the controls properly with key legends.

>> No.9878962

I miss Mario Paint's native support...

>> No.9879672

What are you on about? Every playstation since the ps2 has had some form of KBM support, last 2 gens have had more games supported than the PS2 did(around 30-40). 360 didn't support it but the 2 Xboxs after it support at least 100 games.

>> No.9880203


>> No.9880338

PS3 had the least support but some unreal engine games, some source engine games, a final fantasy game and allegedly PS2 games that supported kbm also work. If I still had my ps2 copies of Half Life and Deus Ex I might try it. PS2 didn't have that large of a support for it either.

>> No.9880341
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>via 3rd party adaptor
Seems pointless and stupid when you could just buy this.

>> No.9881893

What the fuck is this abomination?

>> No.9882179

A gamecube controller, Nintendo forgot how to make controllers after the SNES up until the Switch.