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File: 58 KB, 576x461, nesticle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9874017 No.9874017 [Reply] [Original]

emulator nostalgia thread

>> No.9874039

ZSNES, that snow..
Also Snes9x, Gens, but what took the cake was most of the NES ROMs on a burned CD to play on a Dreamcast. That blew my mind. For extra fun I'd load a game, then open the Dreamcast and take out the CD to demonstrate that the game was being played in RAM.

>> No.9874041
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>> No.9874043
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What was the first game you emulated? For me, it was DBZ Super Butoden 2. This was probably using ZSNES circa 1997 on a 200MHz Pentium, using one of the earliest command-line versions of it prior to the iconic GUI. IIRC the title music didn't work at this point, but I think the in-game music did, and of course shit was all in moon runes so going through the story mode was pretty confusing, but it was too fucking cool not to slog through it anyway.

>> No.9874045


>> No.9874048

absolute sovl kino ludo

>> No.9874050

>What was the first game you emulated?
Super Mario Bros. (NES) I just could not believe that it would work or work well at least, so I loaded up what I thought would be something that would probably work since it's so famous and to my shock it did work perfectly, or perfectly enough. It was on FCEU.

>This was probably using ZSNES circa 1997 on a 200MHz Pentium
heh smoke was threatening to come out, but you somehow did it.

Ah now I see how. Well done, rarely do I have the patience to make that ancient stuff work.

>the title music didn't work at this point, but I think the in-game music did, and of course shit was all in moon runes so going through the story mode was pretty confusing, but it was too fucking cool not to slog through it anyway.
That is real gaming spirit. I salute thee.

>> No.9874062
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I first emulated using Nesticle in 1998 using the pad that came out with Street Racer which you can see at the bottom here. On a 486 in my parents basement (while the newer computer was upstairs), it was super comfy.

>> No.9874067

I remember seeing an SNES emulator (ZSNES, I think) at the net cafe section of the mall arcade and being surprised that such a thing was possible. I didn't get my first PC until 2000 despite being born in 1985 since my parents never had the money to buy me one before then.

>> No.9874068

ZSNES was largely written in assembly language. Even the last version of it can run full speed on a Pentium II IIRC, or a low-end Pentium 3 at worst.

>> No.9874075

>or a low-end Pentium 3 at worst.
That's what I had (a 450) and still have although I haven't used it in a few years. I had some fun going into the systray and de-checking nearly everything and if I re-loaded certain games in MAME they'd then emulate perfectly or close enough. It made me feel like Scotty boosting the engines with all his might. Even running Shinobi without stuttering in the sound dept with just 128mb of RAM astounds me to this day.

>> No.9874096


>> No.9874116

yep its sovl

>> No.9874138

Super Mario Bros.
I was so excited about getting it to play on our PC that I called my parents in and showed it off. Played a bunch of NES and Game Boy games to start, main reason I figured out how to use emulators was to play Pokemon Gold early.

>> No.9874225
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Nesticle, Genecyst, and ZSNES were amazing back in 1997...

...then Bleem and UltraHLE were absolutely fucking mindblowing in 1999. Closest we've come to that quick of a turnaround on an emulator would be the Switch I guess but it barely counts since it's low-powered handheld tech.

There was also a GBA emulator that predates the console itself, since so much hardware documentation and shit leaked from smaller developers producing games for it at the time.


>> No.9874243

Also DBZ, but it was DBZ Hyper Dimension. Told my friends I had a DBZ fighting game on my computer and they rushed over to play. One of us on the keyboard and one using the Gravis Gamepad Pro.

>> No.9874268

It was mind blowing to me that I was able to perfectly emulated gba games as soon as they came out on a week ass toaster of a computer at that. What a wonderful time it was.

>> No.9874312
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The GBA had very meager hardware for the time, rumor has it that not a lot changed from the original "Project Atlantis" design from 1996 aside from the hardware size shrinking considerably, becoming more power-efficient, and much cheaper to produce by 2001.

It was originally meant to ship in 1998 but was delayed while the GameBoy Color took its place temporarily since older GameBoy units were still flying off the shelf because of Pokemon.

>> No.9874621

So was the fecal lord a man made out of poop or a guy who eats poop? This was never clear to me

>> No.9874643

I miss when emulators were about having fun and personality rather than some pissing contest between twitter trannies for muh accuracy.

>> No.9874658

I was in college and wanted to play it again. I didn't have an n64 anymore so I randomly googled how to pay OoT on PC and just followed directions.

>> No.9874662

Has any other emulator achieved the same "cycle accuracy" that bsnes claimed?
I remember that it was a big deal back in the day, but I haven't heard anything similar for any other emulator.

>> No.9874667

Every NES emulator worth its salt is cycle accurate. Exodus and BlastEm for Genesis are also CA. And IIRC Atari 2600 and C64 emulators more or less have to be for them to work properly at all.

>> No.9874670

So you care more about menus and shit like that than how the game plays? Wow ZSNES has SNOW! Amazing.

bsnes might have been made by a lolcow who pretended to kill himself, but atleast the games run, look, and sound the way they should on it.

>> No.9876267

finding out about emulation in the late 90s was the kid equivalent to winning the lottery. i couldnt believe it was real. good roms were hard to find back then...i remember having to click thru a bunch of bullshit and wild goose chases to find working roms. i also remember laughing my ass off downloading mods for mario 1. the only one i specifically remember was super kkk brothers

>> No.9876279

I miss ZSNES

>> No.9876292

Most likely Rock N' Roll Racing on Genecyst or whatever it was called

>> No.9876306
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It's weird being old enough to not only have nostalgia for the original games when they came out on console, but also the emulators I played them on after.

>> No.9876312
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>Had no idea of emulation as a kid until 2nd grade
>Learned about it through a transfer student that joined my class and who I became friends with
>Went to his house and showed me he could play SNES games on his computer with ZSNES, specifically Kirby Super Star, which blew my mind
>He told me the sites to go to get started
>Been emulating ever since
Thanks dude.

>> No.9876314

discovering this shit must have been how the cavemen felt discovering fire

>> No.9876315

Both. He needs poop to recostitute his poop body, so he east poop.

>> No.9876318

It was pretty fucking cool. Plus a bit after that I got a CD from a friend of my dad's that had MAME32 plus shit tons of arcade roms. Man, good times.

>> No.9876364

All I know is that I'm sad that we never saw a picture of his beloved shitty kitty.
god I miss this stuff, the creator of that stuff is still making games and I think he's on Steam.

>> No.9876373
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He also recently released a transistor-accurate NES emulator that is so slow it runs in literal frames per minute even on the fastest CPUs.

>> No.9876421

You could fit nesticle and a few roms on a floppy disk. I would be playing Nintendo in keyboarding class in 98. Blew the other kids minds. Good times.

>> No.9876429

Yes! Super kkk Bros was based. The Koopa were little negros and their shells were big buckets of chicken on their backs.

>> No.9876464
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look what emulators need to mimic a fraction of his power

>> No.9876515
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I used ZNES even few years ago and then internet told me it's no good!

It worked fine. Well .. I am no expert on input lag.

I liked the presentation very much.
Reminded me of MS-DOS

>> No.9876519

Pokémon Red... On like a pentium800mhz
3 friends watching this simple game being played drinking coca cola....

>> No.9876564

>heh smoke was threatening to come out, but you somehow did it.
games were running perfectly on my P133 with 16mo of RAM

>> No.9876565

Either FF5 or SMW. I forget. A friend of mine introduced me to emulation in 1998 and either showed me the fledgling FF5 translation that still referred to dragons as hiryuu and time magic as jikuu and used some Nip characters for item names and other shit like that or just showed me SMW and later introduced me to FF5. Don't recall. I do recall meeting Zophar himself through this friend. We hit it off over our shared love of Lunar.
He worked at a kiosk in... I wanna say Neshaminy Mall? Could've been Oxford Valley. Forgot which. One of those two.

>> No.9876741

1. I was talking about hellbent and his cool creations
2. neat! didn't know Icer was coding emulators again, wish he'd release his old snesticle builds (there was a story about that being actually real, there was some data found in a compilation he did years ago)

>> No.9876754

Here you go senpai:

>> No.9876763

Playing random arcade games via MAME after school in the early 2000s was a highlight of my late middle school and early high school days. Splatterhouse, Demon's World/Horror Story, WonderBoy in Monster Land, and Naughty Boy were a few notable experiences, especially since they were games I'd never played prior to MAME. I think there's also a brief moment of me playing Somari on an emulator as part of a high school Spanish video project.

Other than that, I have vague memories of briefly playing a Zelda 1 ROMhack in either the late 90s or early 2000s.

>> No.9876764
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surprised that i have to save this thread with autentic sovl

>> No.9876781

Anybody else of the age to remember playing or having friends who played a fan translation ROM of Pokémon Gold and Silver before their US releases? Funny how it felt like there was so much time between the JP and US release date, when in reality it was just shy of a year.

>> No.9876826

My friend introduced me to all this in 1998 and installed NESticle on the computer in my family home's den. I think the first game I played was Mega Man 1 just to test it out and make sure it worked but for some reason I didn't like being on computers at that point so I neglected it for a couple years. Then summer of 2000 I was compelled for some reason to get back on that computer one night and mess around with chatrooms and then get back on the emulator and have been hooked ever since. That night in particular I was going crazy over Final Fantasy 1 and Legacy of the Wizard.

>> No.9876878
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>transistor accurate

>> No.9877046

it's an FPGA, so yes

>> No.9877079
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>> No.9877090

Thanks Shitman!
No, but seriously, this is just unnecessary autism.

>> No.9877101

Nah, the Shitman comes from the olden days, when emudevs were more akin to demoscene dudes who pushed the envelope just to see if they could. So most likely he just thought it'd be a neat experiment, took it as far as he wanted to take it, then moved onto other things.

>> No.9877125

That's fair enough.

>> No.9877149

Omg omg omg someone slap a grey nesticle gui on top of that and release it for msdos!

>> No.9877317

It's funny that you think this is even remotely true.

>> No.9877339
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That moment when a friend of a friend had downloaded the complete neogeo collection over his fast internet for me.

>> No.9877404

For me, it was a car boot sale CD-ROM pre-loaded with a SNES emulator and a whole bunch of SNES ROMs.
Can't remember what the emulator was exactly, I don't think it was ZSNES, and I can't remember if it was in DOS or in Windows, but young me discovered and played through the whole of E.V.O. Search for Eden and Earthbound that way.
Both games that skipped an EU release and I would've never played otherwise.

>> No.9877417

Try ZMZ. It combines the GUI of ZSNES with modern emulator guts.

>> No.9877478
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I think RockNesX was my introduction to emulation, that was like the first one I used before VirtuaNES and FCEUx. No fancy interface, but the nostalgia is real

Also, I just found that some fag was trying to sell it on local e-market, luckily the mods have suspended him.

>> No.9878268

In high school niggas would sneak games onto the computers with usb drives. Someone installed HALO CE on all the computers and we'd fuck around.

As for emulation. Niggas would also install ZSNES on the computers. Bomberman.

It would be 4 of us hovered around 1 keyboard playing against each other.

>player 1 - WASD
>player 2 - KL,.
>player 3 - 5123
And the 4th would just be the CPU. Fun times.

>> No.9878271
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Forgot to post my image.

>> No.9878351

first game I emulated was Lufia II snes on VSMC and it was the shareware version so the colors were all fucked and it only played the intro

i think snes9x was just recently getting better and then i started playing lufia 2 on snes9x, i beat the entire game on frame skip 6 because my shitty p166 could get nowhere near fullspeed and zsnes didnt exist yet

i think this was 97 or 98

>> No.9878434

Action 52
I heard about how shitty it was in high school, got curious and one thing led to another.

>> No.9878558

same but in 2000 and i was the friend that rushed over

>> No.9878650

Some dos based GB emulator sometime in the mid to late 90's probably NO$GMB. Tried Revenge of the Gator first of all and it was awesome.

>> No.9878654

that's beautiful man wtf

>> No.9879474
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>> No.9879559
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>> No.9879685

There were probably many others before it, but Chrono Trigger on ZSNES is the only one I can remember somewhat distinctly. It was sometime around mid to late 90s and I think I had just about learned to read, but since I didn't understand English aside from a few words, I just liked to watch the opening and wander around the starting areas a bit before quitting.
I kind of forgot about the game until around the early 2000s when I finally figured out how to get to 600AD and beat the game. Then I got into Final Fantasy (mainly V) and Tales of Phantasia and it was all just so damn amazing.

>> No.9879697

>unnecessary autism
Nah, that's good kind of autism. The unnecessary kind makes fanfiction and shit.

>> No.9879705

>not booting up Windows 98 within DOSBox to then load another instance of DOSBox to boot Windows 95 to then load Nesticle
cum on step it up famallama

>> No.9879718
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the purple hue and snow always made zsnes synonymous with SH1 in my mind when I was younger

>> No.9879758

>then internet told me it's no good!
What do you even care? Just use what works for you.
Hell, I'm using a version of Kawaks from 10 years ago with some crummy keyboard from the 90s and still having fun playing Street Fighter Alpha 3 and King of Fighters '98.

>> No.9879795

I think I played Chrono Trigger cause I had started playing jrpgs on playstation and I remembered it being rated #1 for months in Nintendo Power

>> No.9880327

He eats poop
He poops poop
He IS the poop!

Shame that hellbent (or whatever he goes by these days) never made an Executioners II in openbor or something, I really like the way his graphical style evolved. And seeing Shitman as a boss would have rocked.

>> No.9880432

>What was the first game you emulated?
Super Metroid in 2007. But the first ones I fully beat for the first time through emulation were Star Fox 2 and EarthBound that same year.

>> No.9880440

Whoa, that wobbliness is something I really remember about NES that isn't usually captured in emulators.

>> No.9880503
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Recently totally ditched retroarch and went back to standalone emulators, and noticed snes9x now has a cute little star field screensaver animation before you've loaded any games. Neat.

>> No.9880517
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Nostalgia washes over me with this one. Reminds me of that warm summer I spent fucking around with this on my Dreamcast, it's how I discovered Soul Blazer, Demon's Crest, and E.V.O: Search for Eden. Does anyone know what music played in this menu?

>> No.9881478

>Windows 95 button
>Motif-esque windows
You upset me greatly, anon.

>> No.9881486


>> No.9881506

Some bootleg Pokemon games after reading about them on TRsRockin. I don't think it was until a few years later that I actually started emulating games with the intent of playing through them

>> No.9881535
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A friend of mine bought an ASUS netbook in 2008 and he had an NES emulator on it. He put a copy of it with Super Mario 3 on my Windows XP emachine I had at the time so I could play it and the rest is history. I quickly lost interest in the NES too once I learned project 64 was a thing lol

>> No.9881537

Yeah. It even worked on my 486 DX4/100, though not at full speed and without sound (didn't have a sound card at the time anyway). It must also have been a version that didn't handle transparency as I had to disable some layers in games like FF IV (mist cave)

Not as good as Nesticle, Genecyst or Massage that did run pretty smoothly. But RPGs were playable.

>> No.9881541
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I just like both, and haven't found another menu icon I'd rather use yet. I also use the SE98 icon theme because I haven't found a retro UNIX icon theme that's as comprehensive. That said, man, retro UNIX desktops are honestly even more comfy to me than old Windows ever was. Of the ones that are still usable today, FVWM and Icewm are both great though I prefer the latter for how sane and polished it feels. E16 is quite cool too, but it's not really my thing. Check out NSCDE if you haven't already.

>> No.9881545

Anon was cool.
I use classic bars, too.

>> No.9881646

Randomly chose Kirby, on some crappy NES emulator that ran too fast, both from the same website. As an added bonus it unlocked hidden memories of me having seen it played before, as a mysterious game with wierd shit that could've been a dream but it turned out to have been real for the whole time.

>> No.9882378

What's the internet buttan do

>> No.9882381

I don't fucking remember, probably Contra or some other NES game.

>> No.9882421

I went to a school that was like 95% black, some kid had a computer at home and brought in a floppy that had some genesis emulator and Michael Jackson's Moonwalker on it. First time I hear the word emulator. Had to have been between September 96 and June 97. Sometime around 1999 or 2000 I downloaded Zsnes on my grandmother's computer to play Mega Man X3 because a copy at Funcoland was like $100 or more. I don't remember having fun with it, could be the game was hard or it didn't emulate well
/run well on her computer or I couldn't figure out the keyboard controls but I gave up after a little bit.

>> No.9882546

Mario Advance 4 on the VBAdvance IIRC - also there was some shitty multicart full of 50~100 best classic NES games in a terrible resolution that i remember downloading once for it, which was the first way I beat first 3 Megaman Games and Kid Icarus for reasons I cannot explain to this day - since the emulation accuracy was utter ass from emulating shit on an another emulator

>> No.9883893

epsxe, adripsx, snes9x, gens, mame2003 and emurayden were my home back then.

>> No.9883917 [DELETED] 

>nes roms burned to disc played on Dreamcast
My friend showed me this in the mid 2000s and I was blown away. It was SNES iirc though and not NES. Most of the games ran super slow but mindblowing to see in action.

>> No.9884798

Worst thing about early ZSNES way back when I first tried it is how fucked the music was in some games. Some of them weren't too bad (Mario World was alright save for a couple of sound effects), but Square games were just fucked:
FF6 especially drove me up a wall when I first played it on ZSNES, having played my brother's friend's SNES copy some years before. So much was wrongly emulated that I ended up getting the PS1 version and enduring the loading times just to see the Atma Weapon actually be rendered and the music actually sound correct.

>> No.9884831

This motherfucker right here. Straight into the feels.

>> No.9885013

based this was my first emu and i dl it solely because it was named after testicle and i was like 10 and thought that shit was hilarious

wasnt that bad an emu all things considered

>> No.9885167

One of my older bro's friends put some GBA emulator and a rompack on our family PC when I was like 10. I really liked Bomberman Tournament but whatever shitty emulator it was it was incapable of saving to memory or savestating, so I ended up buying a copy of the game instead for my GBA.

>> No.9885526

to this day some of the songs in FF5 sound weird as hell to me because I first played it using Zsnes back in 1998 when the first fan translation was done

>> No.9885556

Holy shit I haven't seen that bloody hand in over 20 years

>> No.9885685
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Shitman? I haven't heard that name in years..

>> No.9885691
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>> No.9885694

I remember this is where I usually went to download the latest version of an emulator. I wanna say it stayed relevant well into the late 2000's, until about 2011 or so, which is when I remember bsnes was on the up and up and they were still recommending ZSNES as the best SNES emulator.

>> No.9885701
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It's where I found out about emulation around 2005 or so. Also may explain the popularity of ZSNES.

>> No.9885703

really gonna show my age here,
Emulated Pokemon Emerald on VBA round 2009. My childhood friend and I had no clue what emulation truly was beyond free gba games.

>> No.9885842

Final Fantasy III on NESticle on my old-ass Hewlett Packard in the early 2000s. I remember maybe getting to the Sealed Cave.

>> No.9885859

I also played FFIII on my cousin's shitty HP Celeron desktop around that time. The funny thing is, when you beat the first boss and see the initial credits scene, the translators added a message saying to NOT use Nesticle. Naturally, I didn't heed the message and kept on playing until I beat it, being none the wiser as to why I shouldn't use it. Only recently did I realize Nesticle didn't properly emulate some things, such as the battle transitions.

>> No.9886605

TMNT Hyperstone Heist.
It was years after my console died, I was a stupid kid and I never thought I'd get to play again. Then I found out about emulation and shit myself when I got it running. Good times.

>> No.9886620
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I remember going to a Computer Fair in Tottenham Court Rd, London and buying a CD that promised 'Hundreds of playable arcade games' - had screenshots of Double Dragon, Pacman, Donkey Kong on the cover. It was only £2. Thought itd just be a bunch of poorly made clones of arcade games but when i booted it up on my PC and clicked on a few of the games i couldnt believe that they were the actual games that i used to play in arcades years before - OutRun, Rolling Thunder. Id never heard of MAME before owning this CD. It was just the entire MAME rom dump on a CD. Think this was back in like 2000 or something. Pic not the actual CD.

>> No.9886673

I'm honestly surprised that actual work on SNES9x has suddenly started back up again. It's pretty cool.

>> No.9888501

>muh useless features and shitty 2000's UIs in emulators are soul!!
Emulators are simply tools to play the games. If you actually feel nostalgia for an emulator you're retarded and should go back to original hardware.

>> No.9888525

Pokemon Silver

>> No.9888542
File: 166 KB, 562x603, Screenshot 2023-05-08 at 21-33-07 https __floating.muncher.se.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're allowed to use ZSNES if you want, just be aware that some games don't emulate properly:

>> No.9888584

wasn't there a skin or something of zsnes for bsnes?

>> No.9888592

You say snow, I say dandruff.

>> No.9888601

To be fair, the transparency issues can be resolved in ZSNES by switching to the old graphics engine, or by using version 1.42, which by some accounts was the best version. But yeah, you'd kinda be dumb to be using such an old emulator as a daily driver.

>> No.9888813
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It was this bootleg Pokemon game ran through VisualBoy Advance. There were some random looking monsters that used phones, but they fought like Pokemon so it was all good.

>> No.9888869

Any other programs with an UI like that?

>> No.9888898


>> No.9888957

Same. The rpg dbz that goes up to the og end on namek was also a fun find.

>> No.9888971

this cracka know what's up

>> No.9889007

>transistor accurate
>trying to software render a FPGA


>> No.9889009


>> No.9889041

NeorageX was the shit. Like an idiot I played exclusively with the lookin good filter on. It wasn't too bad as filters went in those days though, I guess.

>> No.9889086

97 is a bit early.

This blew my mind. I had used emulators for years, but when I came over to my friends house to play his newly purchased Dreamcast, I was blown away by a console on another console. And his stack of burnt games that didn't need a modchip.

>> No.9889087

ZMZ (uses Snes9x's libretro core by default, but you can easily replace it with bsnes)

>> No.9889472

Go away kid. You're sucking the life out it.

>> No.9889526
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it was a magical summer

>> No.9889539
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>> No.9889548

Sonic or Contra on the genesis.

>> No.9889575
File: 40 KB, 640x472, 1662872389296615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Super Mario World on my machine though I've had been emulating many games on other computers since the 90's until we got our home PC. Our school lab circa 1998 had dozens of SNES and Genesis games and my dad's work place ancient machines had Atari 2600 and boy I grew up playing a lof ot Pitfall, Enduro and River Raid for someone my age.

>> No.9889583
File: 186 KB, 1255x1403, 1500595477192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZSNES had all games that mattered running like they should on Windows 95 potato based machines

>> No.9889592

>What was the first game you emulated?
Probably Chrono Trigger on one of those very early Snes emulators around.. 96? so NLKSnes and Esnes and Snes96 and Virtual Super Wildcard.
back in 96 it was pretty amazing that I could even get the game running on a 100mhz pc. then I later found Snes9x (according to file dates that must have been late 97) and Zsnes (but that one had a stupid GUI and wasn't as good as Snes9x)
lol, i still remember talking to a friend of a friend and he was like "Zsnes is the best emulator now!" and I'm like no, it doesnt run the games very well and has a poop brown gui!" and he was like "no man, they got waaay better and changed the gui!" so I looked into Zsnes again and used that for yeaaaaaaaaaars.

>> No.9889602
File: 105 KB, 800x800, lans-were-the-best-v0-4j5aghencn6a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The consoles, controllers, TV's, instruction booklets, box art, game mgazines are all just tools too.
That's like saying your house is just a tool for sleeping and wasting free time. And that's not how the human brain works. Familiarity is supposed to give you a warm feeling. Imagine seeing this screen every day for years and years right before fun time begins. Even fiddling around in it from time to time when you're bored.
That's why people spend so much time ricing their rooms, their cars, their PC setups, their desktops, their fucking keyboards and so on.
And that's why modern empty flat design with "focus on content" sucks.

>> No.9889648

It's a HK pirate translated of Telefang with a new title screen.

>> No.9889836

Nobody fucking wants the top image. Nobody who's a regular in this place, anyway...

>> No.9889865
File: 46 KB, 640x400, 1477912011613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good times.

>> No.9890132

I miss that GUI that they had going, the current nesticle like menu for the dos build just isn't the same!

>> No.9891539


Looked it up and apparently it didn't run full speed. Never saw any but picrel in person, a friend had it on a disc. I skipped it because I had a PC as well and found the idea redundant. Anyway, that shit is still pretty cool.

>> No.9891542
File: 31 KB, 357x267, IMG_8426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course I forgot the fucking pic

>> No.9892181

i loved when emulators simulated tv snow, i don't remember which ones did it though, gens had some ugly effect.

>> No.9892184

probably, ayrton senna's super monaco gp 2, the same as the first game i owned.

>> No.9892419

Someday Steve Snake will release a sweet looking Sega Genesis emulator again, with a sweet GUI that has soul and a lot of neat crt filters build in.
fuck emulators as they are today, fuck them and the zoomers who use them up the ass.

>> No.9892971

>Our school lab circa 1998 had dozens of SNES and Genesis games

>> No.9892978

>it didn't run full speed.
It runs at good enough speed and oozes soul. I think I need to make another disc though it either got lost or destroyed.

>> No.9893471

how do you use emulators up the ass?

>> No.9893474

He downloaded them?

>> No.9893506

>Anonymous 05/03/23(Wed)11:27:59 No.987
any emulators that play switch games?

>> No.9893529

netplaying columns iii on kega fusion with my friends 10+ years ago, among other games, but i can't remember them at all. i think i got most of the roms off of coolroms.com
holy shit i remember this!

>> No.9893638

Awwww this brings me back to my old forum days, every day there was some 10 year old kid asking about what the best gameboy emulator was and where to download the latest pokemon for free.
good times, good times.

>> No.9894186

two of them
splatoon and crash team racing nitro refueled

>> No.9895387

I have a lot of fond memories playing a shit ton of roms back in 1999 on my Petium 200mhz
Thank you dial up!

>> No.9895396

Kega Fusion has the tv static/snow effect.