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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9873936 No.9873936 [Reply] [Original]

>grew up with muscular dystophy so I could never play videogames
>had to watch my brothers and friends play while sitting behind them.
>my grip wasn't strong enough to playand I could break my bones.
>one night when everyone was asleep, I snuck into the living to play super mario brothers 3
>I played it for about 45 minutes before my hands were trembling with pain.
>mom finds me playing it because the light of the screen disturbed her.
>I tell her it's fine, no problem, I can play videogames after all.
>she puts my hands under the light and they are trembling and bruised
>she takes me to the ER to make sure I didn't injure myself.
>she forced my brother to give away the system.
>my only interests became in reading.
>but still, I remember that one hour is the best experience of my entire life, even though it came at a great cost to us.

>> No.9873941

There's a lot of options for handicapped controllers. There's one for people paralyzed from the neck down that let them play NES games.

>> No.9873943

You didn't beat the game

>> No.9873949

That's harsh and all, OP, but have you tried gitting gud? Even people with MD play vidya.

>> No.9873991
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Actually, how about a thread about general crippled gaming?

Offers modified Playstation and XBox gamepads. Some people swear by stock PS3 and 360 gamepads for emulating stuff like SNES and Genny, so perhaps a modified one could work very well for you. By default, they can also work really well for first person shooters with the right binds and setup (even old classics like Doom and Duke Nukem 3D), however, I don't know the extent of your MD, so I have no idea to what extent you can manipulate any kind of controller and at what speed, this is something you'll have to gauge yourself.
Some PC games have native support for gamepads, others may require extension programs.

A controller which lets someone with no fucking hands or feet to play videogames, including blow input.
They aren't cheap, but they allow even a nugget to play games. Famous nuggets include the character designer for Rumble Roses 1 & 2, no fucking hands, but he decided "By God, I want to do a wrestling game with hot girls, and they should look like THIS." and he drew them with his mouth.

I said feet earlier because they can do a lot if you train. I've seen a man with no fucking arms load and fire a handgun, and he wasn't a bad shot. I don't know abour you, but I find my thumbs getting sore after refilling a few pistol magazines, meanwhile that guy did it with his feet, without the aid of any loading tools.
Muscle dystrophy is another ballpark of disability, granted, but there's a lot of options and approaches for a lot of things.

>> No.9874025

>I remember that one hour is the best experience of my entire life

Your brother probably remembers hours you took away from him as what could've been his best experience, too.

>> No.9874235

how did you make this post?

>> No.9874281
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No pain no gain

>> No.9874329

Maybe he saved his brother from inceldom

>> No.9874347

>I said feet earlier
no one will resort to such lack of dignity

>> No.9874396

Crippled hands typed this

>> No.9874432
File: 720 KB, 1144x1222, yande.re 68045 kazama_akira ouse_kohime rival_schools wakaba_hinata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually, how about a thread about general crippled gaming?
That'd be cool actually. I have what is essentially really bad carpal tunnel since I was a child due to the fucked up internals in my hands. Meaning if a game ever requires fast button tapping/mashing to progress, the game is over for me. Well, they were until I learned of turbo controllers. Unfortunately, any games that require repeated complex inputs/movements are tough for me to play. I can play maybe one match of KoF2002UM at full power before the pain and fatigue set in. I do wish I knew of a method to diminish that pain and slowed movement when playing fighting games. Using my arcade stick does help, it's better than if I was using a gamepad. As you might expect, I mostly play RPGs these days.

>> No.9874445

could you have platyed turn based rpgs?

>> No.9874454

LOL. Casuals need to GET OUT!

>> No.9874475
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i don't like quitters. no praise for you!

>> No.9874480

top kek

>> No.9874723

Yeah OP I feel ya I once got a blister on my palm playing the original Mario Party

>> No.9874726

How does your brother feel about you because of that?

>> No.9874728

This is the greatest post I've seen on 4chan

>> No.9874843

What's the greater indignity? Learning to shoot a gun with your feet because you have no arms, or losing the draw of weapons to a dude who has no fucking arms? He probably won't be the fastest gun in the west, but there's millions of able bodied people out there who'd have much worse odds.

I assume you've explored other options? I'm thinking maybe a pair of pedals could substitute for a pair of buttons, or any other large kind of button you could tap with your feet or elbows?

Optionally something you can use to "reverse" poke shoulder buttons? Like a pair of rods on something heavy on a table or desk in front of you, and you just bump the gamepad against them to press the shoulder buttons? There do also exist controllers with ligtened buttons exactly for disability purposes, have you tried that? Maybe it's not so bad if you only need a fraction of the force per input.

>> No.9874886

I don't think I have CTS myself, but I stopped playing FPS with WASD many years ago because I found it increasingly uncomfortable and even straining for my fingers. Playing FPS with a DS3 worked, I'd been doing that on the PS3 itself for years, but Quake just isn't the same without a mouse, so I wondered, could I combine the two? Mouse for aiming and shooting, DS3 for moving, weird at first and took accostuming, trying differnt binds, but I felt like I was on to something right away. Has worked well so far.

>> No.9874893

I'm sorry anon

>> No.9874902

Well OP I am sad to hear you say that story, but I suppose it is all a matter of perspective because I used to never read and just game and watch movie. Then I read the Bible and War and Peace and fell in love with reading. It absolutely blows video games out of the water

>> No.9875006

What's ironic is that "button mashing to progress" can give you carpal even if you didn't have it to begin with. I hate when game does that, recently played Sonic Frontiers and first boss battle requires you to do it in a shittiest way possible to avoid insta-death. And I was just like "nope".
There is a game called Zatch Bell: Electric Arena on GBA where you need to do that too in a mini-game and it's fucking brutal. I don't want to break my buttons and my fingers with that shit.

>> No.9875015

carpal tunnel doesn't happen from video games. it's like when you're forced to squeeze a bike wheel for many hours on end, the muscles start to atrophy

mashing is more about tendinitis but it also doesn't happen much unless you seriously strain yourself. most people who get it are genetically prone

>> No.9875018

This, it's more likely tendinitis, rsi or even some type of arthritis. Or just muscle cramps.

>> No.9875181
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Not strictly retro, but I vaguely recall hearing that Matthew Perry said he ruined his hands from obsessively playing Fallout 3 when it was new, and I believe he worded it as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
That's just his words, and I know he had some really serious problems with drugs and alcohol for much of his time on Friends (to the point he doesn't remember years of that show), gaining and losing a lot of weight over time, I have no idea how much that could factor into it something like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but that kind of shit takes a toll on your body.

Can you wreck your hands/fingers from gayming too hard?

>> No.9875227

Well, I sometimes experience short needle-like pain in my thumb's muscles after those button-mashing sessions in video games. Those segments in general tire my thumb really fast, I just can't tap so quick.

Don't know if this is normal, but I don't want to develop any muscle issues because some dev thought it would be very fun and entertaining to press A button 231 times within two seconds

>> No.9875949

Should have played Sonic, fool

>> No.9875954

Very touching story, assuming this is real of course.

>> No.9876151 [DELETED] 

How did you type this?

>> No.9876184

One of the vanilla wow creators back when classic was being released had a discord and was on some podcasts who said he can’t play games anymore due to all his work and playing for Blizzard. I don’t recall the disease but I think it was John Staats. I’d have to check which one it was but it was one of the old school crew.

>> No.9876189

*hand issue

>> No.9876195

What can you do? (I mean as in what can you lift without pain)

>> No.9876418

I'm assuming it's copypasta, but it's a way to get a thread on the subject as a whole off the ground.

>> No.9876441

It's similar to every 4chan's fake story. I immediately assumed it was fake. Specially when typing a post is as stressing to the hands as playing videogames. If it was real and OP wanted e-pity, he would go to Reddit. If he wanted to trend, he'd go to TikTok. That's as it is.

>> No.9876446

>Don't know if this is normal, but I don't want to develop any muscle issues because some dev thought it would be very fun and entertaining to press A button 231 times within two seconds

Not sure what I'm describing, but I remember when I was like, in 4th grade and 5th grade, I would occasionally get this extremely weird feeling in my hands where my fingers, hands, and wrists, felt incredibly weak and very tingly. I could not for the life of me get and maintain a grip on a pencil, and that'd last for like 20-30 minutes.

I have no idea what that shit was, and I haven't experienced it a single time in the 20 years since. I would almost suggest something psychosomatic since it tended to only manifest at school, but I hated school a lot more later on, and I really liked to just draw and doodle a lot, which I'd gladly do instead of writing or doing math.

>> No.9876451

>Specially when typing a post is as stressing to the hands as playing videogames.
i'm not an expert, but there have to be readily available typing solutions for people without full use of their digits.