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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 31 KB, 753x725, hbg_kirbys_adv_puresabe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9853447 No.9853447 [Reply] [Original]

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/?

Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.


IPS/BPS Patcher:

Huge Archives:

Other Archives:

Quality of Life Improvements:

/vr/ Desplash Patches:


SNES (the most powerful console that ever existed) Dev:
















>> No.9853451
File: 542 KB, 792x524, deus_ex_64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is your dream game /vr/ ?

also, what are you working on?

>> No.9853478
File: 109 KB, 398x360, castlevania_adv_dracula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i just love the aesthetic of all you screenshots, really looking forward to this one.
this reminds me of Castlevania Adventure final boss

>> No.9853731
File: 37 KB, 480x320, flying_crutch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet. Here's the devlog: https://c3-project.itch.io/c3/devlog

>> No.9853754

i will pay you money for a copy of this game once youve finished it

>> No.9853769
File: 13 KB, 480x320, chat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As 99.9% of the resources have been stolen, the game will be free.

>> No.9853771

i assumed so but ill still make a donation

>> No.9853775
File: 1.54 MB, 1200x836, 1200px-MP1_Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the love of all that is holy, has/can anyone make a Mario Party 1 hack that exchanges Control Stick rotation with button mashing or something?

It could even be something like pressing A, B, C up (or something) in that order as much as possible. That would approximate the stick rotation without using the stick.

>> No.9853781
File: 230 KB, 1024x1024, zelda4sae-1650647245224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And also, would it be possible to port the CPU code from pic related to the original GBA game (ALttP & Four Swords)? It would be amazing to be able to unlock everything via just single player (and without a bunch of emulator windows being open being necessary, so that you can play this on Wii and such).

Expanding the code to make Blue Link and Purple Link also optional CPUs would be even cooler, of course, but that's getting ahead of the problem/request.

>> No.9853812
File: 72 KB, 905x1034, 1396235028653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe one day.

>> No.9853813
File: 38 KB, 464x279, FTn8ZRUWQAEH3Ln.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm also the original Homebrew Lists & Links anon here.

Please grill me for not getting this shit done "soon", as I said. Lot of crap has been coming up, and that's no excuse, true. Besides this, I also lost motivation for this project update, since I don't what else to put in there (as Archive, No-Intro, places like CDRomance, and absolutely based anons on this board have already provided so many in demand homebrews and such already, that this project now feels obsolete). A lot of crap is still around to get done, outside of this, so I now promise only to get it done eventually (but I'll try to get it done after some other things in my life cool down). Sorry for keeping my bros here waiting!

As suggested here >>9834442, in the mean time, suggest here hacks, pre-patches, yet-unobtained homebrews and anything else you want me to put in the updated document, please! Also suggest ways to clean up the document. I know it looks a little shit and neurotic, so let me know.

This two posts from last thread got the suggestions started: >>9834970 & >>9836654

Anyone else may also take it upon themselves to do this update, as well, of course. That's not me trying to shift the burden, but just trying to let you know tha/ I'm not trying to hoard the project from anyone that really wants to see it done. I still have all the files backed up from my original Christmas 2019 post of the doc, just in case, so let me know if you need them. I will still try to get this done myself, but just know that the project is free for anyone to expand on or improve, himself, all right?

>> No.9853820

These two hack requests >>9853775 & >>9853781 are mine, speaking of which. I'll make a new section for hack requests (and include those two in it), so that we can keep track of them. Maybe I'll add those "dream homebrews" from the last several threads to it as well, in addition.

>> No.9853852

thanks anon

>> No.9853936
File: 22 KB, 769x720, hbg_kirby_halloween.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Please grill me for not getting this shit done "soon"
Ok. You said you were gonna update that list. In October ...It's been 7 months.

>> No.9853961

a Sonic RPG clone of Mario RPG with art similar to 3D Blast

>> No.9853973
File: 25 KB, 491x500, 1592624295782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As suggested here >>9834442
u aren't me... nod bury nice...

Either ways this is the extent I've cleaned it up for you so far, it's far from done, since I want to get all the romhack links and give it a more 'official'-ly name like "hbg_26-04-2023" (or whenever it's done). If you've got your changes, I can throw it in real easy right now, most of the legwork is done in making it damnsite easier to navigate / edit. If anyone else wants to throw in some ideas, be my guest.
Main issue is that desuarchive seems to be fucked as of the last week, when I started cleaning it up, I had all the archived addition suggestions from 2019-2023, but as of a few days ago it's cut down to archives from October 2022. Don't know what's going, hope it fixes itself soon.


>> No.9853980

I'd want hacks for Micro Machines and RC Pro Am on NES that places the car further behind on the screen so that you can see more of the road ahead. This is especially bad in RC Pro Am series in which it's very easy to find yourself almost at the edge of the screen, but the scrolling in that game seems like a mess.

In Micro Machines it seems easier: the car is always more or less in the middle of the screen. There are actually two values for that in the RAM (X and Y) at $0186-7. The game sets those values at the start of a race and then simply reads from them all along, so if you manually change the value, the game quickly scrolls to accomodate.
Of course if you simply change the value once it won't be correct all the time (for instance, change it from 64 to 94 and you'll see more of the road when going upwards, but less of it when going downwards).
Thoughts about changing the value depending on which direction the car is facing? The automatic scrolling when the value is changed is too fast though, so either I'd have to increment the value slowly depending on the drection; or make the scrolling changes slower so it doesn't just constantly jitter all the time.

Am I overlooking something? For the record I don't care if this breaks multiplayer.

>> No.9854029

The google drive link in the OP has been amazing for current homebrew/aftermarket stuff. Had been after non-demo Bone Marrow for Genesis a while. Only pre-patch I've been after lately is F-Zero Final for SNES, which requires a bunch of 'use our unique patcher to combine roms that totally isn't a miner, guyz' wankery I can't be fucked with.

>> No.9854316

Wasn't saying I was you. I was saying you came up with ideas in your post for me (or you) to update the thread with. Your post I referenced is the one that got my attention to focus on this, really.

Looks pretty good, by the way. I'd like to keep my "news" and "rumors" sections I had in the old one, as well as my "misc. sites" thing I had in there, as well. I also want to put a request section (like I mentioned here >>9853820) where we can add and help others to see project ideas from anons.

I also wanted to erase my cringy changelog section and get rid of most of the rules section I made at the top of the old one (I like what you did with it in your new one lol).

Are you going to allow others to edit this document? The idea behind mine was that pretty much anyone can edit the l&l doc, so that it's sure to not go out of date (hence why I added that "rules" section in the first place, so anons can edit clearly).

Overall evaluation of your update, from my persepective: pretty good. The format is a little bit different from mine and maybe a little bit harder to navigate, but that's possibly because I just need to spend some more time exploring your new one. Thanks for working on it, anon.

I have one game to add that I don't think is on that list (anymore) and seems to otherwise be impossible to find, now. I think it was a SFII 3DO port with FM Towns soundtrack hacked in. I'll upload it here for you to add by tomorrow.

>> No.9854352

I'm going through it some more, and I like what you've done with this more than I told you before. The blurbs are a nice touch, and I noticed you didn't remove my "special features" section that I mentioned in my last post.

One question to get your thoughts though: should the changelog section stay (for transparenxy and content-additions updates), or should it be removed as unnecessary bloat (that few will read or care about)?

>> No.9854364

*I'll upload it here by tomorrow, for you to add (back, since the hack's creator took down the link) when you get the chance

>> No.9854372

Cadillac and Dinosaur or Darkstalkers The Night Warriors or Diablo for SNES

>> No.9854384
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1790, 1988 SFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most powerful console that ever existed
>maybe used Sharp X68000 base as standalone console
>around 20 MHz

>> No.9854393

>The google drive link in the OP has been amazing for current homebrew/aftermarket stuff.
Yeah, that's exactly the thing. If archives like that and the Internet Archive exist, it seems excessive to keep links for titles that are already available in places like those.

You think we should comb through the latest no-intro IA page and that Drive's archive and remove links from the doc that are are already in there, or should we just keep the dupes already in the doc for good measure?

>> No.9854442
File: 300 KB, 416x384, nintendo_sixty_fourrrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> PC Engine
Yes, but, is it SUPER?! i don't think so. it is merely an engine.
> x68000
Nintendo Sixty Five See Eight Six Teeeeeennnnnnnn

>> No.9854492

take your gayass console war shit elsewhere, both of you

>> No.9854737
File: 485 KB, 256x224, lolo1 water.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to dissemble and reverse engine the whole damn thing(well the part that deals with this shit anyway) but I did it, now it uses only three palette animation frames and all frames goes at even pace, and it looks a lot better now, I still need to tweak the graphics to look less ass.

>> No.9854751

The console war been thing since 1979.

Keep up zoom zoom

>> No.9854752

Why can't PS2 load PS1 games from HDD? Something something disk controller?

>> No.9854802

if you even up the pixels still water frames so that it looks like the water is gently flowing it should take care of that

>> No.9855158

It's a romhacking general, not a /v/migration console warrior thread.

>> No.9855179

A single chip (PS1 CPU) on the PS2 board can either play PS1 games or handle PS2 parts (like USB ports and HDD/network interfaces), not both at the same time. It's simply too slow for that, but on the 75K and newer models it was replaced by another, much faster chip (DECKARD) which IN THEORY can do both at the same time, problem is that someone has to code a driver for it to use USB/LAN which would run in parallel to the PS1 game.

>> No.9855185
File: 2 KB, 256x240, Eno's Dark World_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is your dream game /vr/ ?
Rondo of Blood for the Mega Drive

>also, what are you working on?
A bizzare SMB1 hack.

>> No.9855187

People who knew noting about programming.

>> No.9855217

Fucking thiiiiiiiiis. I was at the electronic museum of my city a couple of days ago and I saw an N64 joystick with a brand new analog I was so jelly fuuck.
My n64 joysticks got so fucked up because of this game, and it makes me mad because it's such a comfy N64 game.

>> No.9855292

Btw this >>9855179 only applies to running PS1 games natively.
You can run a PS1 emulator (official or not) as if it was a PS2 game and play PS1 games off of a HDD that way, with varying degree of compatibility (as opposed to running them natively on the PS1 CPU aka IOP). Moreover, 75K+ slims emulate PS1 games even in PS1 mode because their IOP is of entirely different architecture (PowerPC vs. PS1's MIPS), which is the reason of their numerous problems with PS1 games.

>> No.9855310

PS2 games use SDK APIs and libraries to access the disc drive, which make easy generic patch targets.
PS1 games regularly use hardware registers directly, which makes generic patches much harder.
The thing about the IOP is a half truth. IOP modules like cdvdman form the API but if EE was responsible there would still be patchable function signatures.

>> No.9855339

Add Super Mario WoERld, which was posted in the last thread

>> No.9855381
File: 2 KB, 256x239, Super_CD-ROM2_System_Ver.3.0_title_(JP).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, but, is it SUPER?!
Yes, it is. Now can you please stop trying to start console wars in every thread you participate in?

>> No.9855715
File: 523 KB, 1127x1280, amazon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wii right port of Golden Axe Beast Rider.

>> No.9856079

I wish only on porting and then composing music to the SPC700.

>> No.9856284


>> No.9857485

Shantae (metroidvania) on TG-16 and 2.5 FMV prequel PC-FX

>> No.9857791

What could had be…vgh

>> No.9858183
File: 455 KB, 2336x1236, super_mario_eclipse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given that I am a sucker for nostalgia I felt like giving this Sunshine romhack a shot and it's just too autistic for me.
>let's shoehorn Mario Kart and Galaxy levels in because we lack the creativity to design levels ourselves
>alter moveset for no reason other than to make it "modern"
>dev doesn't know how to properly loop music (see the hub world)
>two entire levels built around meme aesthetics like vaporwave for the lols

I can't help it, it just reeks of third-world stench. The only Super Mario Sunshine romhack worth playing is arcade.

>> No.9858429

Nice. Saw test results on Ashley hack on Wind Wanker.

>> No.9858582

Check out this page for a primer on composing hardware compatible .spc files:
If you've never done anything chiptune/tracking/digital audio related it'll probably be a bit intimidating but I believe in you anon

Getting new music into hacks is its own challenge - depends on the game and how well documented it is
Thankfully many of the popular titles have at least somewhat user-friendly tools for hacking in new music or utilizing existing .spc files
Some even have midi import tools if you're lazy

>> No.9858661

Toolset for Sony creation

>SNESMOD - .it to .spc conversion tool originally by mukunda and further developed by Augustus Blackheart and KungFuFurby. Contains ample documentation on features + how to use. Original SNESMOD can still be found here.
>XMSNES - .xm to .spc conversion tool by mukunda (with instructions). Alternative link
>C700 VST - VST by osoumen which emulates the SPC700 soundchip. Can create .spc and .smc files! Check the article on C700 to get it set up to use for chiptune output: C700 VST
> C700 Microtunable - doctorn0gloff's fork of C700 VST which can utilize Scala tuning files. (source)
Great sound engine.
>AddMusicK - MML-based Super Mario World music editor made by Kipernal. Supports BRR, echo, gain and ADSR envelopes.
SMW meme
>AddMusicKFF - KungFuFurby's newer fork of AddMusicK.
Multiple custom banger
>SNES Game Sound System - AKA SNESGSS, a standalone tracker by Shiru.
>SNESTracker - still in development
Will be finished?

>> No.9858783

N64 release: Misadventures of Tron Bonnie, Megaman Fighter, Alien vs Predator and Osman

>> No.9858806

Ports, no thanks. Maybe a nice multiplayer on one screen. Or QOL hacks like the guy that keeps promising Super Sim City, mouse edition.

>> No.9858978
File: 1.63 MB, 853x480, simcity_mouse2023-04-28 01-02-10.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9859073

I think I just came a little

>> No.9859076


>> No.9859083
File: 777 KB, 512x446, 1664645362123210.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just need to add a shyguy spawner and she's done

>> No.9859086

damn, it looks great.

>> No.9859089
File: 836 B, 560x180, WbZjzV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that a micro mage in the boat?

>> No.9859135

Subrosian, though that first room is just for warping to various levels for testing

>> No.9859176
File: 154 KB, 241x182, t3_4u8xdt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about to install chilly willy's 32x stuff and try homebrew on what i'm guessing is one of the least tampered platforms around. any tips for the smoothest entry possible into what i'm assuming is going to be complete hell?

>> No.9859218

This seems a good starting point: https://github.com/viciious/yatssd

>> No.9859265

rad. also found https://github.com/GenesisFan64/Marsiano-MARS

think i'll dabble in these demos and shit like yeti3d to see how this shit works. feels like my brain vibes with reverse engineering more than anything else when it comes to learning. i must master the art of the dual sh-2s.

>> No.9859330

Afaik yeti3d for 32x is much older, I would avoid it at first.

>> No.9859967


>> No.9860069

Those hype on Xeno Crisis if get TG-16, SNES, Wondersawn, and PC-FX/Virtual Boy port?


>> No.9860089

I want to train an AI to play Twisted Metal 2. Which emulator will let me inject executables into the game? From what I've read, would Lua be a good language to use? Training the model will take place in python of course but i need something to collect data from the game

>> No.9860349

Ikki Tousen beat ‘em up CPS-III based around Warrior of Fate, Gekido and Undercover Cop

>> No.9860375
File: 161 KB, 310x310, ilya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could try this? i don't think it supports Playstation out of the box, but, you could see what it's about...

>> No.9860723
File: 243 KB, 1015x772, death-mountain-wip-april-2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9860806
File: 6 KB, 256x224, lolo - Copy-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that was simple, seems like lolo 1 & 2 are very similar to each other and I can pretty much copy&paste my edits from 1 to 2, although I just barely have enough unused tiles to work with..

>> No.9860839

I used to think PS2 didn't have a lot of homebrew because it was hard relative to other consoles. I now think it's because it's hard and also it has substantially less soul and therefore there's no desire to even bother.

>> No.9860857
File: 846 KB, 1000x700, von_neumann.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Playstation
Difficult to code for, difficult to make 3d models, loading times suck, no chance of playing such a thing on real hardware without a modified console, and ZERO chance ever selling such a thing without a CD presser that can imitate physical wobble grooves / defeat other copy protections.
> PS2
It's like a modern game, but shittier for no reason, plus some of the above reasons.

>> No.9861348


>> No.9861675

Based af

>> No.9861884


>> No.9861895

those frames
so smooth

>> No.9861991

Absoultely delightful!
I always think it's kinda lame to go through that much to change the character only to have the regular spin jump, but after seeing that animation, I love it.

>> No.9862087

>well that was simple, seems like lolo 1 & 2 are very similar to each other and I can pretty much copy&paste my edits from 1 to 2, although I just barely have enough unused tiles to work with..
Is that an edit that shows the path of water currents? That would improve the game significantly.

>> No.9862137

still eagerly awaiting this, anon
also, has anyone made a map editor?

>> No.9862146
File: 14 KB, 512x448, 1661049651110510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is too cute wow

>> No.9862152

Are you using that patch that lets you ignore paths and walk around the overworld square by square like it's an RPG? I love that shit. A long time ago I did that with the SMB3 disassembly

>> No.9862187

Yeah I am

>> No.9862246

Excellent. How's progression work in this hack, though? Do completed levels look different? (Can you even do that with events?) I'm old and will forget if I take a long break

>> No.9862409
File: 155 KB, 512x448, 00dm9cU[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9862535
File: 2.73 MB, 480x320, english_title_no_sound.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Title and save load WIP scenes (game still doesn't have a definitive title, BTW).

With audio: https://files.catbox.moe/opbi0u.webm

>> No.9862573

i love romhacks and homebrew bros, gives me the feeling of discovering a new game without having to wonder if it's going to run at 5fps or it's 89.99 plus tip and battle pass.

>> No.9862576
File: 9 KB, 480x320, brown_cake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And thanks to emulation it keeps working 20 years later.

>> No.9862659

do xmsnes

>> No.9862702

Imagine the strong smell at hall way

>> No.9862952


>> No.9862990

Any great SMB1 dissambleries?

>> No.9863032
File: 246 KB, 1920x1079, smb_disasm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway, yes, this assembles in ASM6F and you can run it in Mesen with full labeling like so. Enjoy:

>> No.9863050
File: 47 KB, 170x270, dr_wright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This edits SRAM files, not a true map editor, but something along those lines. The actual game data is highly compressed. I found this (incomplete and dead) blog on the topic:
Only the text remains, and his examples are completely wiped from the internet, as far as i can tell.

>> No.9863635

So I'm looking at cheats for Hudson Hawk, for NES. I'm not the coding type...
>Jump in midair - ROM Write (Compare) - If the value at ROM address 0xE88C is ever 0x1D, it changes it to 2.
>Moon jump (keep button pressed and the jump continues) - ROM Write (Compare) - If the value at ROM address 0xF3DB is ever 0x16, it changes it to 0x14.
What do I need to change if I just wanna double the regular jump's height?

>> No.9863650


I don't exactly understand the point of modding SNES Sim City. The original DOS version is open source, so why don't we just put the SNES graphics and music into it?

>> No.9863669


>> No.9863684

My point is, if we essentially make it into open source SNES sim city, wouldn't it basically have the all the soul minus the inconvenience of of having to do cryptic hacking?

>> No.9863691

You'd have to do a ridiculous amount of modding to PC SimCity to make it even remotely like SNES SimCity. The games are very different beasts despite having the same core gameplay.
Also somethingsomething soul.

>> No.9863825
File: 73 KB, 780x752, simcity_mouse_dos_opinion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9863849

I've been getting into SMW kaizo the past week. I just completed Learn2Kaizo, 2Kaizo2Learn, Love Yourself, and Baby Kaizo. Doing Quickie World now.

Having a great time. Though, I'm really struggling with the consistency of my double shell jumps, low-bounce regrabs, and spring midairs. I also have a 5-10% rate of success doing p-switch yumps, which I absolutely hate. The upside is that I'm weirdly good at key jumps.

Anyone else here like kaizo?

>> No.9863869

What input do you use / do you find it's easier with tactile buttons? I've usually been good at difficulty modes in games, but for some reason I cannot crack my head around anything kaizo when it comes to the touchscreen buttons I use for my phone emulators.

>> No.9863892
File: 39 KB, 801x720, 20230429_182334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Game Boy game is nearly done.

>> No.9863902

I use a Sony DualShock 4, which I use for all gaming on a gamepad. I'm used to it, and it works well. A lot of great kaizo players use DS4s and DS5s, they're fine.

Many of the tricks you need to do are literally impossible on a touchscreen, I'd think. You definitely need a gamepad.

What matters a lot more is emulator delay and input lag. That's probably one reason why my p-switch yumps are so spotty. I don't care about 10-15ms of emulator delay and input lag for 99.9% of gaming, but you can really feel it when doing frame-perfect tricks or low bounce regrabs. If I keep doing this I'll eventually need to get a FPGA console and CRT.

>> No.9863903

What are the main differences aside from graphics and bonus buildings?

>> No.9863935


>> No.9863936
File: 3 KB, 256x224, paperboy_knifeboy-GAMP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an entire Scenario system, the UI is different, SFX are different, the generated maps are different, the disasters are different; SNES just feels like a much more polished game.
> just add the music bruh
there is nothing on DOS that sounds nearly as good as the SPC700, even general MIDI would slaughter the soundtrack.
> it's open source bruh just add the stuff
it's never that easy kid...

>> No.9863968

Not to mention things like the seasonal graphics, simple as they may be.

>> No.9863986

Whats it like anon? Got any vids?

>> No.9864012

What happened to Zniggy 2?

>> No.9864058
File: 299 KB, 430x430, jaguar_do_the_math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things like the seasonal graphics
This is a perfect example. On the SNES it's just a simple palette change, just writing a few values to CGRAM, and bam, it just werks.
Ya can't just fuckin do that with bitmap graphics on PC. Have fun taking a day or two rewriting that, and that's just one small example of likely thousands.
> but muh open source codez
older games especially are built for and around the hardware they are on. source code / disassembles mean jack shit if they are utilizing the hardware directly, which most old games do, very heavily.

>> No.9864317

I sleep

>> No.9864543
File: 33 KB, 796x720, 20230429_223657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its a relatively simple platformer that is more adventure/story focused rather than being a frustratingly hard platformer gameplay wise. Its my first rom so I'm trying to keep it simple.

I don't have any vids because I'm a dirty phone poster but I will probably post a download link for a demo here in a week or two when I finish playtesting it.

>> No.9864735
File: 20 KB, 512x448, 1653491572760154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How's progression work in this hack, though?
You have to collect the 4 mcguffins the first 4 bosses hold to reach the final world.
Each world additionally has a required level(That wouyld the bigger level tile).
Technically speaking most levels are optional but I'm fine with that.
>Do completed levels look different?
Yeah they turn blue
Looks neat anon, can't wait to play it.

>> No.9864974
File: 6 KB, 256x224, lolo 3 QoL USA-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally lolo 3, its the same but now theres multiple tilesets and they all have their own table's for tiles and palettes each, so four times more work. And more pain as these games go, theres less and less unused/free space for extra tiles and squishing in extra tiles for lolo 2 was already an headache.

>> No.9865154

Honestly, none of these things sound too difficult when you compare it shoehorning edits on a hacked rom. The DOS code has been converted to C++ a while ago, and there are even free versions of the game with a modern UI circulating around. Modifying the UI and adding the remaining SNES features in the PC version is very likely a cakewalk compared to romhacking.

>> No.9865576

>Yeah they turn blue
>Technically speaking most levels are optional
I really like the Super Mario 64 system where nearly everything is optional but there's occasional gates that expect you to have completed a certain number of them and something shiny if you get 100%. Otherwise beating levels that don't unlock anything feels a little hollow

>> No.9865585

I doubt either of those would help you change the jump height. There is probably a routine that keeps incrementing Y position value up to a certain point, that's what you should be looking for.

>> No.9865809
File: 6 KB, 256x224, nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if...

>> No.9865916

i wanna join

>> No.9866001

Sounds a bit over my head, but thanks for the answer!

>> No.9866002
File: 252 KB, 470x470, bjarne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> just add the features bro in seeplez it's ez
cool. good luck with your new project!

>> No.9866010
File: 103 KB, 405x325, want a beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9866028
File: 7 KB, 116x129, images (54)~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep but... idk how the fuck i gonna be organizing this shit, and i dont even know what would be the rewards

>> No.9866182

Plz keep me posted, Anon. Lolo is my favorite puzzle series and I'd strangle a baby to see a ROM hack that fixes its biggest flaw.

>> No.9866213
File: 153 KB, 1895x659, niggerldc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ehhh... so..... NLDC 2023 when???

>> No.9866335

Whats it called? Got a page for it anywhere?

>> No.9866470

do it on baddesthacks

>> No.9866482

I've never homebrewed but would be willing to learn solely to bring an entry to the NLDC. I do feel it would be a lot of Kaizo shit though.

>> No.9866483

>i dont even know what would be the rewards
Extremely high-quality porn art for free that would cost hundreds of dollars commission?

>> No.9866491

(1x) Free hour of discord ERP with the event organizer.

>> No.9866553 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 480x360, 0(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should post this in their discord to make the tranny jannies seethe

>> No.9866592
File: 25 KB, 143x145, lilly (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the heck—

Yeah... i think it's the closest i can do...
MEH. This sound fun-

>> No.9866608

AAH! i think im retarded, because... first of all:

>how i will choose the judges? I'm going to be the only?
>and how the fuck i gonna get contact with the winner anon?

bruh moment.

>> No.9866642

The DOS version, or even the Amiga or Atari ST versions, are far superior, because they are not running on a 2.68 mhz system. SNES SIM City slowdowns to such an extent that it is nearly unplayable with a sizeable city, and that is not a flaw that can ever be alleviated with the SNES version.

>> No.9866950

Bayonetta Origin (32x/consolizer Mars)
Bayonetta 1 (Saturn/N64/ST-V/Aleck 64)
Bayonetta 2 (GameCube 2x layers disc)
Bayonetta 3 (Wii)

>> No.9867013

Has anyone been able to use the english patch for kingdom hearts final mix? Can't get it to work for the life of me

>> No.9867165
File: 39 KB, 250x280, alex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> SNES SIM City slowdowns to such an extent that it is nearly unplayable with a sizeable city
this isn't true at all. what the fuck are you talking about? have you ever even played it? or are you just reading tech specs and making assumptions ya fuckin dope...
the game maintains a solid 60FPS, and it does this by distributing different calculations through various frames.

>> No.9867213
File: 56 KB, 450x280, duke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> moar megahertz = better game
Also not true. Compare DOS PC platforms and sidescrollers using 486 processors clocked at 66 MhZ from say 1989 to 1993 and you will find that they can't hold a candle to what the SNES was doing at the same time period with a 3.58mhz processor. why?
it's all about the specialized sound and graphics hardware. you're going to spend all of that processing power doing what game consoles of the era do natively in hardware, and not nearly as well.
Before the late 2000s when graphics cards and processor speeds really started taking off, game consoles were far superior to the PC platform. A Voodoo-whatever couldn't match the N64. A GeForce-whatever couldn't touch the Playstation 2. Processor speed isn't everything.

>> No.9867217

Dream ports, you say?
Here are some:
>Black and White 1 and its expansion on the Sega Dreamcast
>System Shock 2 on PS2
>Unreal '98 on N64
>Star Wars: the Arcade game for Sega Saturn
>2D Sonic Xtreme game with maybe some pre-rendered backgrounds
>Max Payne for Dreamcast
>GTA III for Sega Dreamcast
>Quake 2 on Sega Saturn
>Rayman 2 on Sega Saturn
>The Last Starfighter on Atari 5200, ZX Spectrum and C64 (without the rebranding as "Star Raiders 2")
>Elite on the Atari 8-bit and Apple IIGS
>Frontier: Elite 2 on the Amiga CD32, 3DO, Acorn Archimedes, and SNES (the latter version with Super FX 2 chip)
>Maniac Mansion on Atari 8-bit and Apple IIGS
>System Shock 1 on N64 and Sega Saturn
>Blood on PS1, and Sega Saturn.
>Redneck Rampage on PS1, and N64
>Strider on the Atari Lynx
>Star Trek: New Worlds on Dreamcast and PS2
>Star Wars: The Phantom Menace on Sega Saturn.

>> No.9867271

Indeed, at least half true, this statement is. While Processor Speed isn't everything, neither is it a non-issue. Also, IBM PC DOS platforms and their compatible clone systems did not stay at subpar-mediocre sound then suddenly jump up in the tail end of the 1990s. Sound and definitely graphics-wise, they began to seriously play catchup with the Atari ST and the Amiga With newer modes besides Hercules Monochrome, such as EGA, CGA-composite, and VGA. Then there's also the Adlib series, Soundblaster, Soundblaster 2, etc.

>> No.9867280

>running on a 2.68 mhz system
Like the IIGS computer?

>> No.9867286

I've never seen nor heard of Super SimCity suffering slowdowns.

>> No.9867342
File: 137 KB, 640x448, sth2-Cyber city.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon.

>> No.9867750
File: 680 KB, 512x446, 1673660748828741.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final thing to share
I'd love to join this

There will be a 100% bonus

>> No.9867794

based. will the injun woman be a boss?

>> No.9868036

Isn't there an already patched ISO at cdromance?

>> No.9868524

It uses an old buggy patch, not sure why spike hasn't updated it yet he's usually pretty on top of romhacks

>> No.9868531
File: 12 KB, 480x320, english_tomato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blog time: I've just finished the first half of the first dungeon.

>> No.9868549

shoot him an email using the contact form
but idk I asked him to add kurukuru princess and he still hasn't done it yet...

>> No.9868617

Nah, yankee invaders

>> No.9868620

Long list.


>> No.9868817


>> No.9868876

What's the matter?

>> No.9868885

Not a good place for translations.

>> No.9868891
File: 50 KB, 274x240, 025986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what the JUMP team is working on? Hoping they aren't wasting their talent making more kaizo shit

>> No.9868895
File: 10 KB, 256x224, smwOrig001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHERE IS THE THIRD EXIT????? this level pisses me off.

>> No.9868923


>> No.9869101

>enemy spam bosses with a million hitpoints
>slow down up the ass on real hardware
>mario maker tier level design
>based music and credits
peak shitkino

>> No.9869254

Is it OK to hack link to the post and post in online or will lawyers feat fbi bust the door and shoot for 1d6 damage?

Can a company put them in their website for free or very big no?

>> No.9869291

>link to the post

>> No.9869370
File: 7 KB, 1000x1375, ALttP_Bunny_Link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been solved long ago...
Sites like romhacking.net host .IPS / .BPS patches which are completely legal to distribute. These files only contain which bytes are changed from the original ROM. You download one of these patches and use an .IPS / .BPS patcher to change the original ROM into the romhack.
It is up to the person patching to obtain the ROM.

>> No.9869393

NTA but is cdromance still a good site for that?

>> No.9869403


>> No.9869429

where are you going to release the hack? seems kino

>> No.9869498

probably just here, it would surely get taken down from most places

>> No.9869546
File: 767 B, 80x80, kibbi_hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> cdromance
They just host ROMs because they don't give AF
> is cdromance still a good site
As long as it stays up yeah i'd say so.
However, if you are a romhacker, there is no submission form for the site or any official way to get them to host your own romhack.
You can contact them in some shady ass looking google form, or something, but i didn't bother so i don't know how all that goes down... has anyone here ever tried submitting anything?

>> No.9869679

Cool. When snes renaissance?
Thx mate!!

>> No.9869909
File: 61 KB, 300x276, mario_isScrewed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> When snes renaissance?
When people can actually program the goddamn thing. Enjoy:

>> No.9869974
File: 2.96 MB, 256x224, Alevel1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got to work remaking the first level of my hack before I release a demo since the original first level was pretty boring, both in design and aesthetic

>> No.9870019

>When snes renaissance?
Never, because it does not make sense to develop for as a platform. Other 16-bit platforms are much faster, and far less bottlenecked, which means a developer can spend less time and effort to make a game, and end up with a better end result than what he would have achieved on the SNES.

>> No.9870042

why would you develop for any of these ancient consoles when you can just make your thing for the PC and never worry about any of the constraints developers have when targeting SNES, MD or PCE?

I will also offer this to the conversation: From what I've observed thus far, it's not technical ability that hinders game development. For the most part, you've got mediocre artists and people who think programming = game. Game mechanics are to be expressed in code, yes, but as long as you don't have a good sense of what makes a game feel good, you will hopelessly suck without respite, programming skills or not.

>> No.9870062


>> No.9870073

>why would you develop for any of these ancient consoles when you can just make your thing for the PC and never worry about any of the constraints developers have when targeting SNES, MD or PCE?
Because, in the correct context, working within authentic 16-bit constraints can be fun, but the constraints the SNES offers are overbearing compared to other 16-bit hardwares, and, simply, never fun to deal with. This is the essential reason why the Mega Drive appreciates a vast homebrew scene, the PC Engine even has some homebrew releases and demos, which is quite impressive for a console nobody bought, and even the Amiga is starting to see some serious homebrew efforts, yet from the SNES? It is crickets, nobody wants to bother with something so deficient when they could be spending their time developing their game on something far more capable instead.

>> No.9870140
File: 8 KB, 120x140, sonic_hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet from the SNES? It is crickets, nobody wants to bother with something so deficient
I will also offer this to the conversation: The SNES is actually too good. It has reasonable color depth, 16 colors per sprite / tile in most cases, sample based audio, and a perfectly capable amount of sprites.
The Genesis in comparison Looks and Feels like a Genesis game, the distinctive chiptunes, the 512 available colors, it's actually the shitiness that makes it appealing.
The SNES doesn't really have any of those problems, sure, the colors are a little constrained, the samples are a little muffly, the CPU is a little slow, but it could honestly handle most of your modern indie platforms with some clever engineering and not look, sound or feel That much different. Can you say that about the Genesis or PC-Engine? I don't think you can. They would Look and Feel like Genesis or PC-Engine games.
I believe here inlies the problem. What defines the look of an SNES game? Mode 7? Anything besides that doesn't really look distinctive or have that much unique character or charm. It is an extremely capable system, almost to the point i don't think people find it interesting.

>> No.9870218


>> No.9870240

>The SNES is actually too good
Were this the case, the Saturn would not also be appreciating far more homebrew efforts than the SNES.

>> No.9870252
File: 647 KB, 1920x2160, simcity_mouse_bankLoanBullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why there isn't more SNES homebrew. The carts are way easier to make than NES ones with all of their mapper bullshit. Maybe Mesen-S / Mesen 2 will change all of that soon with its wonderful debugging tools. It has been an absolute pleasure to use, and i sure as hell couldn't have done this project without it.

>> No.9870258

Honestly, I'm really scared of doing the SNES homebrew and disassemble actions even with debugging. I know the basis of ASM languages but I don't know the entire explanation of tools. It looks extremely tedious and very "mess up one time, and you gotta start over" moment. I wish to do romhacks on Smash Brawl this and N64 homebrews that but the elitist faggots keep using high-level words that ESL spic like me gets always stuck on. It took me Pikuma to understand so many now.

>> No.9870315
File: 8 KB, 480x320, english_load.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this thread the most popular platform is the SNES by far.
It's just that people prefer to hack SMW instead of making new games from the ground up.

>> No.9870359
File: 33 KB, 802x720, 20230502_010936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whats it called?
"Working Title™" (Still haven't decided).
>Got a page for it anywhere?
Not yet, but I will in a few weeks maybe.

>> No.9870362

cool robot

>> No.9870378
File: 46 KB, 792x720, 20230502_012411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, the game has laser turrets too.

I'm thinking about adding more enemy types, but the rom is already at 1MB in size and GB Studio seems to be kinda limited when it comes to enemy functionality anyways so we'll see what happens. Its mostly an adventure game with enviromental hazards like spikes and fire as opposed to enemies but it still has some enemies as well.

I do like how absurdly easy GB Studio is to use though. I was able to just pick it up and go to work after only half watching a handful of youtube tutorials. I strongly recomend it for anyone who wants to make simple Game Boy games.

>> No.9870420
File: 2.63 MB, 853x480, Simcity_mouse_2023-05-02 01-54-25.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> i don't know the tools
Labels. Labels are the most important tool. I live and die by the Labels. Everything else is secondary. You will get very far if you can set a breakpoint to a label and see what your code is doing step by step.
> i might break some shit
If you're just working in an emulator, yes, it's possible to lose hours of work if you aren't careful.
This is why i'm using WLA-DX to rebuild the hack on top of the base ROM every time i "compile" it. It's easy to go back, fix mistakes and rebuild.
Unfortunately, i'm using a script that i wrote to convert WLA-DX .SYM labels to Mesen .MLB labels, but when i finish this hack, i will include the source code and scripts to build it and explain my workflow and toolset. Hopefully it will help others.

>> No.9870502

Is discussion of retro DOS games that have active modding communities welcome here, or is there some other general for those? Feels kinda weird to me to separate 16-bit console and PC games, as they were all part of the same era.
E.g. pckf.com

>> No.9870514
File: 19 KB, 560x350, check_it_dos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what and interrupt your regularly scheduled console war shitposting?
some dude was here a bit ago trying to mod Frontier 2 using DOSbox and having some decompression program freak out, he probably could have used help from someone with actual experience

>> No.9870574

>some dude was here a bit ago trying to mod Frontier 2 using DOSbox and having some decompression program freak out, he probably could have used help from someone with actual experience
Yeah, there's a number of people there who'd likely be able to help. I think it's the most and/or only only active modding community of any 2D DOS games still around? (Anyone know of any others?) I'm just a fan, myself, though I've contributed a bit of sprite art.
Their best fangames/mods (such as "Atroxian Realm") are some of my favourite games from the last few years.

>> No.9871046

Here is a list of general game hacking and homebrew sites


>> No.9871250

Custer was a Yankee (Ohio).

>> No.9871547

It's all Ohio?

>> No.9871584


>> No.9871590
File: 608 KB, 792x524, _64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fantastic thanks, i'll add it

>> No.9871895
File: 34 KB, 640x360, faith the unholy trinity key.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A port of FAItH to an 8bit micro computer platform. Speech and rotoscope intact.

>> No.9871902

>Deus Ex
nigga PS2 nearly shat its guts out and you want it on N64? Maybe if it had majorly demade assets, guess it could be neat.

>> No.9871927

All those are plausible except Unreal and Quake 2; those would have to be demade to a comical extent. Rayman 2's a stretch too. PS1 version was already rough. Blood's probably a bridge too far for Saturn too.

>> No.9871942

Duke 3D and Exhumed both made it to the Saturn.

>> No.9871961

Are you really going to make me explain that Blood is a much heavier game? We're seeing UE4 games today that would buckbreak 8th gen consoles. What's your point?

>> No.9872002

I’ve never played a rom hack or fan hack in my life and wanted to ask something about them, even if a bit silly. When you reverse engineer or disassemble a game, do you get the source code?

>> No.9872038

>When you reverse engineer or disassemble a game, do you get the source code?
thats sort of the point
though, not THE source code per say (that is, you don't generally get the exact text that was used to compile/assemble the game in question) but if done properly you will get an equivalent source code that will build the exact same game, possibly against a different assembler/compiler than the original

>> No.9872084
File: 60 KB, 650x869, 1663444840976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get the raw code of the compiled product, but you don't get what made that raw code. If you were sewing together a puppet, it'd be like getting each individual piece of material that went into making the puppet, but you wouldn't get the pieces of cloth that were cut off and discarded (which, when you put it together with the pieces you do have, would give you a better image of what went into making it).
It's usually pretty difficult, and is why the source code is still coveted, as it can have loose information and leftover stuff that can make modifying it much easier later on (eg why everybody fucking hates that one ledditor that gave back a source code disk of Starcraft 2 just as it was falling off, for the equivalent of a free donut and a tour around the studios, when if he had just leaked it online, the entire game could have become a FOSS, highly modifiable and improvable juggernaut for decades to come but out of the corporate hands of shitzzard).

>> No.9872190
File: 415 KB, 496x462, hackerbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> When you reverse engineer or disassemble a game
Most romhackers just decide on features they want to change or add, find whatever values / instructions they need to change, and change it; as opposed to doing an entire disassembly, which is a MUCH bigger project.
The process goes something like this:

>> No.9872229
File: 828 KB, 966x621, 1526591259945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultra crossover.

>> No.9872313

Thanks. But it's missing some early DOS related things:
https://keenmodding.org (less active than it used to be)

>> No.9872351
File: 89 KB, 800x800, Futurama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How easy is it to hack N64 roms?

I know people will call me a pleb, but I actually enjoy the South Park FPS for the N64. HOWEVER, the auto look recentering that cant be disabled ruins the entire game. By the time Turok 3 was released, Acclaim was smart enough to give the player the option to disable look auto recentering, but not in the early days of Turok or South Park 64.

If someone could find a way to hack out and disable the look recentering, or give me tips on how to do it myself, I would be very appreciative. The last episode of the game has a lot of elevation and hitscan enemies on ledges and having to fight the camera in order to aim up is a pain.

Its a shame really, because the N64 rom of this game basically emulates perfectly while the pc version is a flaming mess of compatibility issues, but the look centering ruins everything.

>> No.9872353

knock it off schizo, seek some help.

>> No.9872392
File: 675 KB, 327x224, N64_get_N.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't do any N64 hacking specifically, and don't know which emulator or tools to use, but i would approach this by looking at the memory display while the game is running, find memory values that move when you move and look like camera angle coordinates, set a breakpoint to that memory location before the auto look happens, and hopefully the breakpoint activates when the camera is auto-recentering and you will find the code that is writing those values.

>> No.9872520

>a perfectly capable amount of sprites.
On paper sure, but in practice not so much. There's a lot of constraints with how the SNES handles sprites that make it really painful to deal with and can result in it actually being less capable than the Genesis and PC-Engine in certain situations. I'd imagine those annoying constraints are another reason for the general lack of SNES homebrew.

>> No.9872575

Indeed, and that's not to mention the CPU, wholly 3 TIMES slower than those two competitors, which struggles to even move that many sprites with decent performance, an SNES programmer will spend their days struggling continually in an attempt to achieve any semblance of performance, which is a burden that the other platforms simply do not impose.

>> No.9872647
File: 508 KB, 3112x2062, simcity_mouse_an_actual_bug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fixed an actual bug in the vanilla game today; it's the first one i've found. it is the stupidest fucking bug in an extremely obscure part of the game, but it is now fixed properly.

When you get more than 50,000 Simizens, your City gets upgraded to a Capital and you unlock this absolutely useless pseudo 3d view screen called Model View. In order to display the sprites properly in this view, Nintendo threw a bunch of invisible 16x16 bricks everywhere to properly mask sprites scrolling out of the view.
Well, as it turns out, if the name of your city is more than 4 letters, the SNES runs out of sprites and the very bottom pixels of the shadow of the text of the name of your city is cut off. I fixed it by reducing the mask by 2 16x16 blocks while still completely covering and encapsulating the rendered area.
I am an absolute relentless fucking psycho for these ridiculously obscure and minor details and i assure you that SimCity is in good hands =)

>> No.9872652

Just get the mouse support working on real hardware. That's the real prize.

>> No.9872653

PVsneslib seem challenging :)

>> No.9872656
File: 998 KB, 1494x2656, simcity_mouse_20230408_181609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ain't fuckin around =)

>> No.9872659

youre doing great work, anon

>> No.9872660

It leaves a lot to be desired and is very limited in what you can do with it. It's not really on par with SGDK and you're not going to be able to really do anything useful with it. Also it still doesn't fix the hardware limitations with sprites. Regardless of if you're using C or Assembly, those sprite limitations are going to hit you like a brick wall.

>> No.9872669

VRAM not that hard.


>> No.9872672

You only have 16KB of it for sprites.

>> No.9872674

>There's a lot of constraints with how the SNES handles sprites
Like gundam endless duel and ranma 1/2 hard battle do big sprite

>> No.9872686
File: 1 KB, 64x32, Electricblockstest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and a few friends of mine are in the process of mangling SMW to make a dumb game about a Romanian guy getting rich that also looks and feels like something that would've came out back then.
Picrel is some concept designs for a block that requires electricity to be broken.

>> No.9872687
File: 517 KB, 617x495, play_it_loud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> SNES sprite limitations
> 32 8x8 tiles per scanline
> 128 OAM sprite slots of various render sizes
> 512 8x8 tiles in VRAM
> 4 available layers
> 8 available palettes
> 16 available colors
> horizontal and vertical flipping
> DMA directly to OAM table from 64kb of CPU RAM
seems pretty fuckin reasonable

>> No.9872692

Which shows you don't understand the difference between hardware sprites and game sprites. Sure those fighting games have large player objects, but those are the only sprite objects being drawn on screen. Those objects are made of of multiple hardware sprites each. Depending on the sprite sizes used those objects could be as much as 40+ hardware sprites each.

On the Genesis and PC-Engine you have a lot more sprite sizes to choose from and you can use them all freely at once. On SNES though you have less sprite sizes to choose from and you can only use 2 of them at a time. This makes it really challenging to efficiently use sprites as well as efficiently use your already limited 16KB of VRAM for sprite tiles.

So while the SNES may do those basic fighting games with just 2 characters and nothing else, the Genesis and PC-Engine can both do Beat'em ups with far more large characters on screen without an issue.

>> No.9872696

>Beat'em ups with far more large characters on screen without an issue
I think Iron Commando, TMNT IV and recently Final Fight 2 - readjusted year back, playing well.

>> No.9872713

I could see that appeal, even though I'm not a fan of those particular games. I wonder what other games have been made that use rotoscoping?

>> No.9872737

SNES Sprite sizes:

Genesis Sprite Sizes:

PC-Engine Sprite Sizes:

The SNES has the least amount of sizes to choose from. PC-Engine has a few more and can go up to 64 high, but can't go smaller than 16x16. Genesis however has by far the most sizes available to use. The really big issue on SNES though is that you can only use 2 sizes at a time, while on Genesis and PC-Engine you can use any size you want at any time. This makes it really difficult to efficiently use VRAM and hardware sprites. Throw in that you're limited to only 16KB of VRAM for your sprite tiles while the Genesis and PC-Engine can use all of their VRAM freely for sprite or background tiles and you can see where the problem starts to arise.

Those have significant flicker, dropout, and palette errors when played on real hardware. Some also have additional slowdowns

>> No.9872763

Simple. Timing carful, man.

>> No.9872764

this + a patch that makes the game load faster + adding the nes versions of the map themes (as alt songs that would play randomly) would make this the definitive way to play snes simcity
i think vitor vilela (sa1 guy) said at some point that he would like to apply sa1 to the game, and someone else remade the entire nes ost in snes style too which i believe it actually worked in the game too

>> No.9872765
File: 12 KB, 320x224, sonic_waterfall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll take the far superior native color depth, far superior native 3 layers of background, and absolutely blows the competition out of the water native transparencies thank you.
> Those have significant flicker, dropout
It's not significant, it happens once in a while, but it sure as hell ain't significant. The NES? That has significant sprite flicker and dropout.
> palette errors when played on real hardware
...what? i have never experienced a palette error in my life. the hell are you on about?

>> No.9872781

> a patch that makes the game load faster
A FastROM patch exists:
> all that other stuff
i'll release the source code and build scripts when the mouse is done. that's as far as i'm takin'er... maybe someone else will want to pick up where i leave off and add those bells and whistles.

>> No.9872792

Careful timing isn't going to make you magically be able to have more than 16KB of unique tiles at any given moment, nor is it going to save the wasted VRAM space and wasted OAM entries from having only 2 sprite sizes to use at a given moment. And you're extremely limited with what you can DMA into VRAM while the screen is actively being drawn, so trying to swap tiles mid frame isn't really an option most of the time.

>i'll take the far superior native color depth, far superior native 3 layers of background, and absolutely blows the competition out of the water native transparencies thank you.
And those fall more into the gimmick category. You don't really need those to make a good game. You can work around the color issues with good art direction, the third background layer can be worked around with clever tricks, and the transparency is incredibly limited and janky with how it can be used.

Meanwhile actually being able to have more tiles for sprite animations, being able to effectively draw more unique sprite objects on screen because you don't have to waste hardware sprites due to the size limitations are all things that will actually impact your overall game design and gameplay.
>It's not significant!
In the TMNT 4 patch there's points where you can't even see your character because there's so much sprite dropout and flicker happening. Play on real hardware.
>I've never experienced a palette error!
Again, the TMNT 4 patch has instances where foot soldiers become funky colors probably due to some kind of memory or pointer corruption.

>> No.9872801

SNES indeed has smaller available sprite sizes out of the box, that's for sure even when comparing it to a standalone PC-Engine/Turbografx, which is a hybrid between 8-bit and 16-bit console technology. Though the SNES has better sound generation in general than the standalone (without attaching the CD-ROM module and the corresponding CD hucards, depending on the size of certain games) PC Engine as well as the Supergrafx, its failed would-be successor. Plus the console has like 2 or 3 more graphics modes than both the PC Engine and the MD/Genesis, as well as its architecture allowing more leeway for expansion/enhancement chips, like the SA-1, CX4 and Super FX v1 and Super FX v2.The Genesis has better contrast typically than the SNES, and, as you stated, more available built-in sprite sizes.

>> No.9872812

It's not just sprite sizes that the PC-Engine bests the SNES at sprites. It's also a lot more flexible and is able to draw a lot more on screen at any given moment. There's PC-Engine games that mimic entire background layers with sprites alone with little to no issue:


As for expansion chips, there's nothing special the SNES does that makes it better for expansions. All three consoles of that generation have the ability to be expanded upon both through expansion ports and their cartridge ports.

>> No.9872832

>memory, or pointer corruption
Sure thing. NTA, but that's not really a game-breaking bug, let alone a glitchfest in the vein of many bootleg pirate NES, Gameboy, GBC or Game Gear games, let alone some titles from ""Wisdom"" Tree, Original NTSC versions of Impossible Mission on the 7800, nor Action 52 for NES. At most its a peculiarity, like glitch world from the Atari 2600 and 5200 versions of Mountain King.

>> No.9872834
File: 102 KB, 228x271, goldeneye_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had the cart since i was a kid, it runs absolutely fine. Yes in the Technodrome fight with Shredder looking down over you there is some sprite dropout with a ton of enemies, it's not a MAJOR PROBLEM, and i will absolutely play it over Hyperstone Heist any day of the week.
> muh sprites
I can't talk any goddamn sense to you if you think two fixed sprite sizes are a MAJOR PROBLEM and 512 colors isn't. I'm done dude.
> real hardware
Yes, i play my SNES through an S-Video cable which it supports out of the box. The fuck does your Genesis have?

>> No.9872854

Sure, NES games have that kind of stuff too, but this is the SNES. We shouldn't have to deal with that when just trying to draw the same amount of enemies on screen that Genesis beat'em ups do.
>I've had the cart since i was a kid
We're not talking about the stock cartridge. We're talking about a ROM hack where someone increased the amount of enemies which turns it into a flickering mess on real hardware.
>I can't talk any goddamn sense to you if you think two fixed sprite sizes are a MAJOR PROBLEM and 512 colors isn't. I'm done dude.
Do you understand how those 2 fixed sizes impacts your VRAM allocation and what you can actually draw on screen? Sure 512 colors is a limitation, but it's one you can work around with good art direction. You can't work around the SNES's sprite limitations with art direction alone, which makes it a much bigger headache to work with and why it doesn't have nearly the amount of homebrew the other 2 16-bit systems have.
>S-Video. The fuck does your Genesis have?

>> No.9872858

>And those fall more into the gimmick category
this is such a dumb point, and absolute cope. all of the little effects the snes has are useful. especially mode7. it's ok bro, the genesis is still a great console

>> No.9872864

Mode 7 is the only one that's actually necessary from a game design standpoint for games like F-Zero. But with enough CPU brute force you can pull it off without having Mode 7 hardware:


Even the MSX1 can do it:

>> No.9872872

> We're talking about a ROM hack where someone increased the amount of enemies which turns it into a flickering mess on real hardware.
Ok that's just a ROMhacker going nuts. 32 sprites per scanline is pretty fuckin reasonable.
> Do you understand how those 2 fixed sizes impacts your VRAM allocation and what you can actually draw on screen?
Yeah, i'm pretty sure i do, and it's not really an issue if you design your game / scene around whatever hardware mode you are using at the time. You have 128KB (not 64 actually) of WRAM to work with, and you can decompress your sprites into WRAM, arrange them for whatever hardware mode you are currently using, and DMA them into your allocated 16KB of VRAM any which way you like.
> RGB.
It didn't come that way. My SNES did. If i had a display capable of RGB then the SNES would support that too with zero mods.

>> No.9872881

>significant flicker
Megaman get all the praise despite limitation

>> No.9872898

>32 sprites per scanline is pretty fuckin reasonable.
Remember, that's 32 hardware sprites, not game sprite objects. So if we're limited to 2 sizes and go with the two smallest to try and have the most flexiblity and less waste in VRAM we can easily eat through that number and not really have much to show for it.

Secondly the bigger metric to look at here is sprite pixels per scanline, SNES can do 272 sprite pixels for scanline, while the Genesis can do 320 when running in 320 wide mode.
>DMA them into your allocated 16KB of VRAM any which way you like.
You're still limited to 16KB of sprite tiles at any given moment. You can't reuse sprite tiles for background tiles or vice versa. And you're very limited with what you can DMA to VRAM while the screen is actively being drawn. So trying to swap out tiles mid frame isn't really something to just assume you can do.

This is why so many SNES games either have less frames of animation, less unique sprites on screen at a given moment, or both compared to your typical Genesis game. It's also why most Beat'em ups have far less enemies on screen at a given time on the SNES.

But to bring it back to the question of why is there less homebrew for the SNES than the Genesis and PC-Engine, it's because these annoying limitations make it a much bigger pain to work with and most devs don't want to deal with it.
>It didn't come that way
Yes it did. All Genesis systems output RGB through their AV port. If they didn't the 32X wouldn't be able to work.

>> No.9872901

Holy shit this thread is filled with retards lately.
>Sure 512 colors is a limitation, but it's one you can work around with good art direction. You can't work around the SNES's sprite limitations with art direction alone.
Both are huge limitations, and both can be worked around with goord art direction.
If I had to chose I prefer SNES sprites by far. 4 palettes of 16 9bit colors are a fucking pain in the ass.
Have you ever made anything for a 16bit platform (gfx included)?
Comparing that trash to real full res 60fps mode 7 stuff is fucking retarded.
You should rip out your eyes, as they are of no use to you.

>> No.9872906

Megaman can also be played on the Genesis/MD a la Wily Wars

>> No.9872923

If you have to compare to NES games to try and make the SNES's weaknesses not seem so bad, you've already lost the argument.
>Both are huge limitations, and both can be worked around with goord art direction.
Please explain how good art direction is going to give you more VRAM space for more unique sprite tiles and not force you to be wasteful in your sprite budget due to being limited to only two sizes from a smaller overall selection.

There's a reason why most Beat'em ups on the SNES either didn't have 2 player, had far less enemies on screen than their Genesis counter parts, or both. You're not going to see an SNES beat'em up approach the amount of unique on screen enemies that the Streets of Rage games hit on their hardest difficulties.
>Comparing that trash to real full res 60fps mode 7 stuff is fucking retarded.
The point is more that you can still do those kind of games without mode 7. No amount of lean CPU code or art direction is going to magically fix the SNES's sprite issues and it will have an impact on your game design. Which is why we see far less homebrew for the thing. Devs don't want to deal with that.

>> No.9872934

>Please explain how good art direction is going to give you more VRAM space
Please explain how good art direction is going to give you more colors, dumbass.
And stop parroting Sega mantras like a child.
Again, have you ever made anything for a 16bit platform from the ground up (gfx included)?
>The point is more that you can still do those kind of games without mode 7.
The point is you are saying that lack of mode 7 can be overcome with good coding, while SNES sprite limitations can't.
If you don't see the retardation in that, please shut up and get the fuck out, you are destroying the thread.

>> No.9872941

>Please explain how good art direction is going to give you more colors, dumbass.
I didn't say it would give you more colors. I said you can make due with the colors you have to still get something nice looking. You can't do the same to work around the SNES sprite issues.
>And stop parroting Sega mantras like a child.
It also comes from SNES devs if you take the time to talk to them.
>Again, have you ever made anything for a 16bit platform from the ground up (gfx included)?
I've tinkered with them yes. Enough to understand the impact those limitations have.
>The point is you are saying that lack of mode 7 can be overcome with good coding, while SNES sprite limitations can't.
Because they can't. If they could we would have seen it by now. 16KB is pretty hard limitation on sprite tiles and the retarded OAM setup and sprite size limitations make it even worse. It will have an impact on your game design and no amount of clever coding will make it go away. Even the few SNES homebrew devs out there will admit to this when being frank about it. Hell even Nintendo admitted their sprite system was stupid when they tried making an add-on chip to try and fix it.
>you are destroying the thread.
Don't ask why there isn't SNES homebrew if you can't handle the truth.

>> No.9872950

>>Again, have you ever made anything for a 16bit platform from the ground up (gfx included)?
>I've tinkered with them yes. Enough to understand the impact those limitations have.
So you have never made shit.
I shouldn't have wasted my time with you.
Please shut up at once, you're derailing a nice thread.

>> No.9872952

>So you have never made shit.
And what have you made?
>Please shut up at once, you're derailing a nice thread.
Again, don't ask why there's no SNES homebrew if you're going to throw a temper tantrum over the answers given.

>> No.9872962
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> I've tinkered with them yes.
Mother fucker you wouldn't know an accumulator from a stack pointer.
> Don't ask why there isn't SNES homebrew if you can't handle the truth.
If the limitations you mentioned are so crippling, why are people making NES / Master System games? Obviously those limitations are way more imposing than anything the SNES can't do. Why do retro dev at all when you an just use Unity?
If you are doing retro dev, you're obviously going to be dealing with limitations. That's the fun of it. Booting up the CRT and seeing your work come to life on your favorite childhood console. It's absolute magic. I hope you experience it one day, and maybe you will, that is, if you're not too busy having autistic meltdowns nitpicking minor tech specs.

>> No.9872964
File: 2.70 MB, 480x320, driller_no_sound.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And what have you made?
With audio: https://files.catbox.moe/kbtg9u.webm

>> No.9872992

>I've tinkered with them yes. Enough to understand the impact those limitations have.
This has to be a parody. Of course the guy who dumps walls of text full of tech specs is just idea-guy-tier larping as some super expert on all the systems.

>> No.9873007

That's the downside of anonymity, sometimes it takes too long to find out you're arguing with the village idiot.

>> No.9873016

>Mother fucker you wouldn't know an accumulator from a stack pointer.
At a very basic level one is for doing math, the other is for the next address in the stack. Just because I do more 5th gen stuff than 4th gen doesn't mean I don't have to deal with those kinds of things.
>If the limitations you mentioned are so crippling, why are people making NES / Master System games?
With 8-bit systems those kinds of limitations are to be expected. With 16-bit you generally don't expect those kind of limitations. Which is why when it comes to 16-bit homebrew, the SNES scene is pretty small.
>Booting up the CRT and seeing your work come to life on your favorite childhood console. It's absolute magic. I hope you experience it one day, and maybe you will, that is, if you're not too busy having autistic meltdowns nitpicking minor tech specs.
I have had that feeling multiple times, just more so on 5th gen stuff.
And what system is that for?
You can literally ask people in the SNES Homebrew community, they'll tell you the same damn thing.

>> No.9873053

>you're obviously going to be dealing with limitations. That's the fun of it
And that is precisely the problem with the SNES, is that the limitations are severe, seriously hinder the types of games one can produce, as it must be relatively lacking in sprites count and animations, cannot be worked around via softwares, as the CPU is already overburdened and prone to slowdowns, and ultimately more of a hassle to work against than fun, as opposed other 16-bit hardwares with more interesting and fun constraints.
>but fun is subjective!
Enough developers agree that the SNES constraints are not fun and a pain, that none of them have chosen to make an SNES homebrew game, nor will they ever do so. Nobody wants to deal with it.
>And you're extremely limited with what you can DMA into VRAM while the screen is actively being drawn
Not only are you "extremely limited", you are, in fact, completely WALLED OFF ENTIRELY from manipulating VRAM whilst the screen is enabled, this is as opposed the Mega Drive, PC Engine, even the Master System is easily capable of putting data into VRAM during screen draw, this is, in fact, one of the major bottlenecks on the SNES, and is a serious drain on it's VRAM bandwidth compared all it's peers.

>> No.9873069
File: 6 KB, 256x256, your_meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your meds.

>> No.9873071

>none of them have chosen to make an SNES homebrew game, nor will they ever do so. Nobody wants to deal with it.
Well, I wouldn't say nobody. There are a few masochists who work on it. But even they'll be the first to tell you about all the issues. I remember one flat out saying the first thing to discourage developers from continuing to work on their SNES homebrew is the SNES itself.

>> No.9873086
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>There are a few masochists who work on it.
Thus far, the SNES homebrews "library" consists of a handful of very small and very short games, barely qualifying as anything more than a mere minigame tech demo. One of the biggest issues with such flawed, bottlenecked hardware such as the SNES, is that, by nature of it being so much harder to work with, it is, in turn, that much harder to actually produce a finished game, so the misguided souls who illogically decide to try to wrangle a game out of the SNES, end up burning out and giving up long before their game reaches completion. In it's era, SNES games were produced by large studios with huge budgets, so the difficulty factor was largely "paid for", so to speak, but that is no longer the case, and this herculean effort required to make an SNES game compared to the 16-bit alternatives, is the prime reason why SNES games of the same scope and quality as Mega Drive homebrews will never be seen.
Pic related, even during it's time, developers were not shy to let the world know what they thought of working with the SNES. One would be a fool to subject themselves to that experience voluntarily.

>> No.9873125
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holy fuck shut up

>> No.9873130

It's not really off topic. People asked why there's little to no interest in SNES homebrew and people are posting why.

>> No.9873140

The reasons I outlined in >>9873086 is also why the only homebrew development you see on the SNES are simple ROMhacks such as this, which take a small fraction of the effort and skill of the proper homebrew productions seen on the Mega Drive.

>> No.9873160
File: 615 KB, 667x523, hbg_zelda_parallel_worlds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It's not really off topic.
It absolutely is. This is a Homebrew and Romhack General thread to talk about Homebrew and Romhacks.
No Console Wars is getting added to the next thread copypasta.
You are a thoroughly insufferable compulsive lying absolute fucking moron. Good day sir.

>> No.9873165

Please, please, shut up.

>> No.9873168

>No Console Wars is getting added to the next thread copypasta.

>> No.9873173

>This is a Homebrew and Romhack General thread to talk about Homebrew and Romhacks.
And what's being discussed is the answer to the question "Why is there so little interest in SNES homebrew?". Seems to be pretty on topic for a homebrew thread. Just because some SNES fanboys are throwing a temper tantrum because they don't like the brutally honest answers doesn't mean the people posting the actual technical hurdles with SNES homebrew are off topic.

>> No.9873179

Yes and now we are done discussing it. Thank you for your enlightened wisdom. We are all better for it.

>> No.9873180

Make it clear:
>No Console Wars(not even about which is the best console to homebrew for)
We have someone here giving SNES SimCity the mouse support it's always needed as well as doing bugfixes, and it's being drowned out by these two twits trying to out AKCHUALLY one another.

>> No.9873195

Then you may as well just say there can't be any discussions about the hardware whatsoever. As that's generally how this happens in these threads. Someone asks a question about a piece of hardware, or why there's less homebrew for a certain console, or why something is difficult to do, etc. And when developers give honest answers about why you get fanboys coming in and throwing hissy fits and the developers trying to explain the reasoning to them.

>> No.9873207

In that case, you move it to another thread or better, you shut the fuck up.

>> No.9873213

Or better yet, you can direct your anger at the fanboys throwing hissy fits instead of the developers giving technical answers.

>> No.9873215
File: 2.70 MB, 853x480, simcity_mouse2023-05-03 02-49-58.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's comin along

>> No.9873305

this is pretty cool, what is this developed for? Also I dont get what the big deal is if someone wants to talk about why the snes is hard to work with, you could just scroll past the comment

>> No.9873316
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because everyone is tired of the month long flame war. No Console Wars.

>> No.9873326
File: 39 KB, 480x320, chocostia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is this developed for?
>if someone wants to talk about why the snes is hard to work with, you could just scroll past the comment
If people who knew what they were talking about would talk about the difficulties of dealing with X platform, it would be great.
But if fanboys who have never touched a SNES or any other involved platform start another console war, they quickly derail the thread.
>No Console Wars is getting added to the next thread copypasta.

>> No.9873337

This is really neat I hope you post more progress. I personally like reading debates and have no skin in the game, I find having two conflicting opinions really opens up my own ways of thinking.

>> No.9873345
File: 19 KB, 480x320, whorehouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I find having two conflicting opinions really opens up my own ways of thinking.
/vr/ is filled with console war threads, there's no need to turn this thread into another one.

>> No.9873357

This video is so disappointing. There is a lot of interesting points regarding the charge shot in MM4, the way the sound works, the glitches (oversights), or the fact that it works completely differently from 5 and 6. None of which seem to be brought up.

>> No.9873365

I have a question, I want to get into homebrew as a fun hobby and also candidly to make youtube videos about. Im looking to long term develop a psx style RPG game with 2d sprite with a suikoden look to it and monster catching elements. I understand that psx is really hard to homebrew for, what would scene would people recommend? Im leaning towards Genesis because of the detailed tutorials but im not sure it has the firepower for what I need

>> No.9873528

>not retro
It will be by the time you will have completed your game. Unless you use an existing game engine (like EasyRPG, port of RPG Maker)

>> No.9873532

Thats interesting anon, I was thinking about contributing to the easyrpg engine by providing assets. I do traditional art and am learning sprites so maybe thats a good option because the emulation is so good

>> No.9873534
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GBA is faster, easier to program and maximum ROM size without bank switching is much bigger, but you lose Sega fandom.
Pick your poison.

>> No.9873651

is there any kind of robust community for DS homebrew? I played the dragon quest games on a ds emu and I really think the form would be perfect for rpgs

>> No.9873692
File: 3 KB, 480x320, english_slow_cart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there any kind of robust community for DS homebrew?
I don't know.
>I played the dragon quest games on a ds emu and I really think the form would be perfect for rpgs
DS is more annoying, because emulators and tutorials are worse. With GBA emulators you almost don't need to test your game on real hardware.
Also dealing with the second screen is extra work.

>> No.9873701

GBA does seem like its ripe for homebrew based on all the pokemon hacks that exist.

>> No.9873703

>If people who knew what they were talking about would talk about the difficulties of dealing with X platform
Every technical difficulty that's been posted in here comes straight from the mouth of SNES devs, many of whom have had their homebrew and guides posted in these very threads. You can find them regularly in various homebrew dev channels talking about how much of a pain in the ass the SNES is to develop for and how much easier the other two systems are.

>> No.9873776

Daily reminder: 1979 - start of the battle

>> No.9873780

Hello aussie-kun

>> No.9873783

>SNES's weaknesses
Yet run Sonic. You lose argument.

>> No.9873791

>Just because some SNES fanboys are throwing a temper tantrum because they don't like the brutally honest answers (projecting)
>the most powerful console that ever existed
OP is based

>> No.9873809

Should we leave this thread and start a new one with the "No Console Wars" tag?
They're not going to stop:

>> No.9873816

Could there be a separate dev wars thread though, I find this stuff fascinating

>> No.9874094

you really cant get enough of bozos circlejerking about their favorite console? its been going on for thirty years, the most aggressive people usually know the least

>> No.9874109

Console terrorists really wish they could be getting as many homebrew projects as the mighty Speccy.

>> No.9874161

where do i find hacks to play??

>> No.9874182

It's more about what's under the hood and what the consoles are capable of

>> No.9874214
File: 1 KB, 114x114, NESticle_hand2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the thread sticky under Huge Archives and Other Archives for prepatched ROMs, check the Quality Of Life improvements list for QOL improvements, or goto a website like romhacking.net or cdromance.com

>> No.9874217
File: 25 KB, 500x374, olivia_munn_g4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is now a Homebrew Dev War thread. Enjoy:

>> No.9874332

are there any famicom disk system emulators that swap sides automatically?

>> No.9874358

Bro, you got owned by someone who actually knows the hardware. Just take the L and move on.

>> No.9874374

>is there any kind of robust community for DS homebrew?
Pretty sure there is. Ten years ago when I still had a DS and a Cyclo Evolution card or whatever I was playing homebrew ports of Doom on the DS.

I also tinkered with "DS Game Maker" but didnt do anything interesting with it.


Maybe it will help you though.

>> No.9874386

> Homebrew Dev War thread. Enjoy:
Homebrew Dev War thread. Enjoy:

>> No.9874479
File: 286 KB, 2048x1536, image_2010dafb-9449-44ed-be21-0ea5fac8cdd7_1024x1024@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>difficult to code for
Not by much, though, especially when compared to the 3DO and Sega Saturn (pic related)
>often sucky loading times
That is actually true.
Where there's a will there's a way.

>> No.9874526

>especially when compared to the 3DO and Sega Saturn
Watch out, you'll be accused of "console warring" and "being australian". Or, is that only when we speak negatively about the SNES?
The PlayStation is very easy to code for, indeed, it has a reputation of being one of the easier consoles for development, and, while the Saturn is more difficult, it is not as difficult as it is commonly made out to be, with modern tools making it fairly simple, see for example the JO Engine: https://www.jo-engine.org/
I have never used the 3DO.

>> No.9874690

The "Huge Archives" links is down

>> No.9874701

>That's not really the main issues with it. Go ask SNES devs and most will tell you that they'd trade those fancy graphical features for a PPU that handled sprites more like how it's competitors did in a heartbeat.
>Trying to do something like a decent Beat'em up with a lot of large and unique enemies on screen at a given time quickly becomes an exercise in frustration on the SNES simply due to how bad it's sprite system is.

Enjoy? Can’t read level of copium.

>> No.9874703
File: 625 KB, 1484x1824, ps1_laxorz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both work fine for me?

>> No.9874704

>you'll be accused of "console warring" and "being australian".
Typically newfag comments.

>> No.9874710

fucking ps1 laser is a piece of shit
also if that's your pic how did you get that aftermarket spindle on there and how well does it work? mines broken and I'm going to glue it one last time before I put on the replacement I bought

>> No.9874740
File: 633 KB, 1494x2656, xstation_20230321_022324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> also if that's your pic how did you get that aftermarket spindle
That is an original spindle that is no longer in my PS1. The system now contains picrel.

>> No.9874925


>> No.9875406

>Homebrew Dev War thread. Enjoy:

>> No.9875438

The Google drive link still works, but due to people in the group where those roms came from I have reason to believe it may not exist for much longer as they seem to not be big fans of people sharing stuff from that group as far as I can understand, what with the majority of people in that group mostly speaking russian

>> No.9875440

To add on to this, this was a recent thing they brought up in their group chat for the group itself, if however it doesn't get removed, chances are they may remove the person responsible from the group

>> No.9875465
File: 339 KB, 602x529, hbg_moot_point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll check if it still exists for every new thread posted, thanks

>> No.9875709
File: 2.76 MB, 480x320, english_doschorizacos_no_sound.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New skill.

With audio: https://files.catbox.moe/vbkflk.webm

>> No.9875730
File: 421 KB, 476x437, terra_ff6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the status bar damage shakes and red glow, really sells the impact. nice details!

>> No.9875920
File: 23 KB, 480x320, english_sl_level_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot I did that lol

>> No.9876259

Would anyone be interested in a community rom hack for Chrono Trigger? I found this guy on youtube who has a few tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPYrC05rfBw

I dont really have any concept of what kind of hack, I just want to mess around and be social

>> No.9877086

A group of orphans find the entrance to a dungeon behind their orphanage and must reach the bottom and close off the intradimentional rift to save the world.
The rift is bringing in all kinds of creatures from deferent dimentions and distorting the areas. This facilitates the exquisite corpse nature of the collaboration, as does a structure of pick your party then delve into the dungeon.

Also be aware, the project will likely fizzle out or devolve into one person implementing what the crowd is suggesting.

>> No.9877095

I think if the concept was retarded/perverted enough there would be a dedicated team

>> No.9877160

Where does one begin with PS1 dev if they know how to program in C derivative languages already?

>> No.9877315
File: 495 KB, 1584x1308, ps1mod_20230219_194518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could try the official devkit in a Win98 VM, but it's not my thing per-se

>> No.9877482

Oh wow, perhaps I should try something simpler first, like hacking an existing game; I think poking and prodding around might be more manageable for me. Is there a "hello world" initiation / basic thing people just getting into this sort of thing do?

>> No.9877498

Fuck the jannie

>> No.9877748

No problem, I figured since I was in there too I'd let you guys know so that you guys had a chance to have your own backups of the stuff

>> No.9877776
File: 947 KB, 1220x1498, crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time i have dealt with anything PS_ in homebrew / hacking / modding, the tools are janky, the guides are poorly written, and anytime i get anything to work it feels like its held together by duct tape. i'm not sure... good luck lol
sega and nintendo hacking and toolkits seem to be much more fleshed out IMO
maybe fifth gen genius can help you >>9873016
but i doubt his larping ass is able to do a goddamn thing

>> No.9878004

Hey thanks man. Yeah I spent about 30 minutes googling variations of "intro to ps1 hacking" and most of what I found was modding the console itself. I even asked chat gpt for help and it told me it wasn't going to assist in helping me do anything illegal.
I suppose I should start with the nes or a 16 bit system to get the hang of things. My reason for choosing hte PS1 is I have a vendetta against twisted metal, and I want to create an AI that will dominate the bullshit computer. I have been working with someone doing a lot of machine learning projects so I feel confident I can set that up, it's just there is a lot of overhead to overcome in even getting started with game hacks that is holding me back

>> No.9878009

Valis IV CD and Rondo of Blood right version for the Super Nintendo.

>> No.9878081

>I want to create an AI that will dominate the bullshit computer
Ok, what you need is an emulator with Lua scripting (if one exists for PS1) and with that, you should be able to hook it up into whatever you need for ML. i'm going to warn you and say i hope this is something you really want to do, because it's not going to take a day or a weekend and i doubt there is a straightforward solution out of the box to do this.
Here is someone setting up Mar I/O in Bizhawk:
Hope this helps. That's about all i know. Good luck!

>> No.9878083


>> No.9878419

Hey thank you so much anon, that should be plenty to sink my teeth into for now. I'll let you guys know if I make any progress

>> No.9879520

what a lovely thread we are having

>> No.9879571

now that the retards are in their containment thread, it's nice

>> No.9879842

you might even say it's comfy

>> No.9879930
File: 9 KB, 256x224, lolo 3 QoL USA-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And lolo 3 is success too! I had to sacrifice the original empty PWR tiles though.

>> No.9879953

Is there a list of content hacks for games that have multiplayer? As opposed to https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=27495.0 which lists hacks that add multiplayer to games that originally didn't have it.

>> No.9879969

meow - https://youtu.be/0JPk82GqHSo

>> No.9880016

Sounds great.

>> No.9880167

Your idea is right but your timeframe is off. By the time the 5th gen was in full swing, it became clear that specialized hardware came with too many drawbacks in regards to gamedev. Projects were too big and timeframes were too short for devs to try and figure out how to maximize their hardware with whatever shitty documentation they managed to get their hands on. This is part of why the N64 and Saturn had middling 3rd party support, and future consoles were less specialized.

>> No.9880394 [DELETED] 
File: 2.65 MB, 853x480, simcity_mouse_speedMenu2023-05-05 18-05-53.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We now have in-game Mouse Speed option settings, complete with menu. The speed saves directly to battery backed SRAM the moment you check it. complete with fixed checksum which was a fucking pain in the ass lol
> Just get the mouse support working on real hardware.
Gameplay captured from real hardware =)

>> No.9880408
File: 2.65 MB, 853x480, simcity_mouse_speedMenu2023-05-05 18-05-53.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We now have in-game Mouse Speed option settings, complete with menu. The speed saves directly to battery backed SRAM the moment you check it. complete with fixed checksum which was a fucking pain in the ass lol
> Just get the mouse support working on real hardware.
Gameplay captured from real hardware =)

>> No.9880625

Will super nes retromaker resume?


>> No.9880638

nice practice
oh and the mouse stuff is neat too I guess

>> No.9880646

hah thanks, i've been playing alot the last month heh. is it possible to get 100k in practice? that's what i've been shooting for...

>> No.9880657

I honestly have no idea. I've never tried.

>> No.9880719

Nice, I used to play this quite a bit as a kid. Makes me want to get a new SNES mouse.

>> No.9880881

really cool.

>> No.9880897
File: 60 KB, 960x721, UA cbody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working on gold-box Unlimited Adventures
>*.pcx files for standard sprites are 24x24

I'm ashamed, but I forget how the 4:3 stretch works on line-by-line calculation

>> No.9880912
File: 914 B, 58x85, Regular Combat Template + Palette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it interlacing that's stretching my palette?

>> No.9881153

good job, original game should have been released like that.

>> No.9881257
File: 50 KB, 220x225, iwata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> original game should have been released like that.
I would totally agree, however, SimCity was released in 1991 and the SNES mouse was released in 1992. That could have something to do with it. But yes, the game is begging for a mouse.
This whole project started when i went looking for a SimCity SNES mouse romhack only to find that shockingly in 2023 that no one had done it yet.
Welp, guess i'll do it myself, and i'm kind of glad, because i am really taking the time to get the details right. My list of things to do and fix gets shorter every day and it's reasonable to think i'll have it in everyones hands in another couple weeks. So that's exciting. It feels fuckin fantastic.

>> No.9881274

It's not unheard of for a game to release with compatibility with a still in-development peripheral.
That said, who's to say the Mouse and Mario Paint were in development at that time? Games were created much quicker back in the day, after all, compared to now.

>> No.9881297

>Games were created much quicker back in the day
Not only that, SimCity is a port, albeit a heavily modified one, programmed by Nintendo themselves.
I wouldn't be surprised if the idea for the SNES mouse came to them while making SimCity and thinking, hmmm, uh, maybe we should make a mouse...
I'm not sure why they didn't release an official mouse edition or anything, but games weren't really updated back then except to fix bugs.

>> No.9881364

Super Mario 64 and Wave Race 64 were re-released with rumble pak support.
Maybe SNES Sim City sales were not good...

>> No.9881404

>Maybe SNES Sim City sales were not good...
SimCity was one of the million sellers, it sold damn good, people who weren't even into those type of games played it.
I think it was the mouse that didn't sell good. It wasn't supported that well either. People still call it "The Mario Paint Mouse" even though 40 games or so support it.

>> No.9881981

>disability fetish
Really 4chan?

>> No.9882295

Is it really so surprising?

>> No.9883114

To bump the thread I'll list my progress so far (which isn't much). I have an environment set up (went with Bizhawk) and have written a few scripts in Lua to print text to the screen and poke a few memory values. I've also been learning a bit about reinforcement learning, since most of my experience with ML has been classification/regression projects. I've also begun exploring which variables I'm going to use to train the model. At first I was conflicted as to the scope of the project; to be more specific, should I train the model on all useful values in memory to try to make it the best possible, or limiting the training features to those pertaining to what a human player can see on screen given the player character's orientation. It would be neat to see the best human players face off against it after all, and I think it would be a bit unfair if it had awareness impossible for a human to have on top of being a state of the art ML model. After brainstorming a bit about all of the extra work that would go into that would make this already too complicated for me project even more intangible. I will probably ultimately fail hard at this but I will post anything of note or funny thing I come across along the way. I welcome any tips, especially feature selection or model tuning, that any anons have

>> No.9883360
File: 43 KB, 500x375, Conky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are some good steps, i'm proud of you.
> I welcome any tips
Mesen supports LuaSocket out of the box, if BizHawk does, you can get data in and out of the emulator. If you can get it shooting data to localhost, this should give you flexibility later with what models you choose, and also the possibility of using some out of the box ML models locally. If you can get this running now, you will likely save a metric tons of work in the future.
I don't know much about ML, but that would be my advice. ML HF

>> No.9883809
File: 32 KB, 612x434, bar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it look like a small town bar?

>> No.9883852

Well it definitely looks like a small bar, which would be appropriate for a small town.

>> No.9884058

Looks more like a small bar in a medium sized town. Your failure is so complete that you should probably scrap it and start a game gear project.

>> No.9884286

MK hack

>> No.9884498

>no aussie

>> No.9884580
File: 52 KB, 320x240, 7768titlescreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly the greatest romhack of our time
everyone else may as well quit now, they cannot surpass this masterpiece

>> No.9884604
File: 28 KB, 480x320, doschorizacos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scrap it and start a game gear project.
sounds tempting...
What do you think it is better for a JRPG?
- 56 15bit colors per frame and 4 colors per tile? (Game Boy Color)
- 32 12bit colors per frame and 16 colors per tile? (Game Gear)

>> No.9884619
File: 780 KB, 886x442, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty pic related.

>> No.9884669

Looks good but if your game is set in a more contemporary time it would be more complete with a taxidermied animal's head, a poster/picture/replica of a game fish (bass, walleye, sturgeon, or maybe marlin if coastal), and jukebox machine and/or a pool table

>> No.9885289

Plenty surprising

>> No.9885578
File: 9 KB, 480x320, english_fusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is somewhat contemporary, so yeah a slot or tobacco machine would be nice too.

>> No.9886196

More colors per tile seems more useful than the bit-depth would be.

>> No.9886309

But with only one color palette for sprites, all sprites end looking the same if you use too much colors per sprite...

>> No.9886348


>> No.9886569

The opposite of limitations breeding creativity would be relying on limitations for discipline.

>> No.9887035

Too bad we can't rely so much on CRT colors or emulating them. The contrast and blur in them brings some surprising results for NES stuff with the limited palettes.

>> No.9887101

I see the viewing window limitation as part of the challenge and charm of micro machines and similar games. It forces you to memorise the tracks.

>> No.9887823


>> No.9888192
File: 1.77 MB, 854x480, Ow.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dream Game?
Dark Void Zero, but on actual NES hardware
>Working on?
Mario World hack

>> No.9888195
File: 1.26 MB, 1233x1069, peachs_adventure_green_hill2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those animation frames are just lovely. did you have to do anything special to squeeze them in the game?

>> No.9888282

jesus christ leave that poor guy alone he just wants to take a walk

>> No.9888296

I'm working with someone equally insane to overhaul a whole bunch of the base game, so yes.
Though as far as I know, this was much less of an overhaul, so good animations in SMW will probably stem from that more than what we're doing.
Mail delivery is serious business, you won't make it if you can't fall 5 stories or touch a weird glitched =( thing

>> No.9888559

Capcom wannabe OC

>> No.9889114
File: 467 KB, 3016x2195, diversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No racial diversity...

>> No.9890553


>> No.9890914
File: 90 KB, 200x200, 1671398290296359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9891947
File: 1 KB, 114x114, NESticle_hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new bread

>> No.9892512

holy basado