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File: 81 KB, 500x448, ducktales-nes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
985796 No.985796 [Reply] [Original]

>Ducktales remake is bad for doing to hard.
We can all agree this could be the worst review of a faithful retro game remake ever? Or just one of more shitty gamespot reviews. What is /vr/ stances on Retro game remakes?

>> No.985812

i play the shit out of duck tales2 but never the first one, should i start now with this remake?

>> No.985814

Go for the original, then the remake.

>> No.985815

>Trusting Gamespot

They're the only people who's review scores are much different from other sites. And not in an honest way, more of a "you forgot to pay us" way.

>> No.985819

Interesting review. I agree with him that story and cutscenes are completely un-necessary in a game like this.

However he blames the game for being too close to the source material gameplay-wise. If the game is really that close I think that's a good point, we wouldn't expect or want anything else from a new Duck Tales. We want it to play just like 1 and 2.
He blames the easy difficulty and the "dated" mechanic in which you have to go through the whole level again if you lose all your lives on a boss.... Not only that's contradictory, but again we wouldn't want anything else because that's how the two original duck tales were and worked: they were easy overall with slightly harder bosses.

He claims that the pacing isn't as good, we can't know that for sure ourselves until we try it. I hope he's wrong.

and finally he wonders why one would be nostalgic over DT1 in the first place. I think it's because he's stuck in today's high budget games standard and can't understand what made the original good : he DOES mention the cool moves Duck Tales can do and also the "unlinearility" of the game , and that (plus the secrets to find) were what made DT1 stand out.

Sounds like this remake is overall faithful to the original, we shall see (i'm still doubtful, but we'll know tomorrow). It's just not his cup of tea.

>> No.985817

>>Ducktales remake is bad for doing to hard.
Go back to school and learn some grammar. I have no idea what you are trying to tell me. Is it too hard? Is it trying to hard? Is it dumbed down?

>I don't watch video reviews, went to the written review.
No mention of hardness whatsoever. Just standard complaints of an old nes game played today which is nothing less than predictable.

sage goes in all fields

>> No.985818

Why not play them both?

>> No.985823

Gamespot is my first source for reviews, simply by the structure. They start every review with a point by point pro and con. Then I skip to the conclusion if I want it fleshed out more. I read the whole thing if I don't believe them

And they also provide a user score, which is generally higher than the reviewer score.

>> No.985824

That's what I thought too, maybe they didn't recieve their copy of "VERY LIMITED SPECIAL SPRAY PAINTED DUCK TALES CART" contrary to other review sites >>983909

>> No.985826

The first one isn't as good as 2. 2 improved it in every single way Still a good game though and you should finish it in under 1 hour so go ahead, and then play the remake.

>> No.985832

>Gamespot is my first source for reviews, simply by the structure.
Kane and Lynch giving us a lot of ads. Fires guy for giving a honest review of a shitty game.

>> No.985839

he is 100% right about the stupid cutscenes but I cringed pretty fucking badly when he started complaining about finite lives

>> No.985848

Y'know, that DID happen. But look at the scores anyways: reviewer vs. Metacritic.



Of course, they could be screening the user reviews, but I doubt it for some reason.

>> No.985850

I don't trust *any* "professional" review these days.

And then goes on to make a massive shithole of a website, with an even worse userbase.

>> No.985870

Users: Yeah hi. Erm, you should rethink your life.

Tom: What's that?

Users: I said, "you should rethink your life." What you said is, sort of, unjustifiable. And you know it's unjustifiable. And you don't care. You're the definition of casual. You don't deserve your position.

Tom: Okay, we're gonna rate this game just 5.0 How's that?

Users: I just read that game reviewers often get payed off to give allot of AAA games high scores. End your career.

Tom: All right, well, you shouldn't say things like that, 'cause game reviewer sure might up and do it. Then you'd feel really bad.

Users: No, I wouldn't.

Tom: Yes, you would.

Users: No, because I really want you to stop reviewing games yourself.

Tom: All right, well how about this? If a game reviewer goes to his boss and signs in his resignation, you might be liable. That's a over 10,000 scores in reviews down the drain. How's that sound?

Users: I don't care what happens to Gamespot. I care about my friends, you morally empty, corrupted maggot.


Tom: All right, I'll tell you what. I'll bring the score up to 5.0, 6.0...

Users: No, no, it doesn't matter what score you put on anything. Your only chance to right the wrongs you've done and repay all the young people whose hopes you've destroyed, is to end your career.


Tom: [clears his throat] Well, you think it's funny, but that's, that's typing up and telling someone to quit their job themselves. That's not a joke.

Users: I'm not joking.


Users: Do it faget.

>> No.985873

>2 improved it in every single way
Except music. Duck Tales 2 is absolutely forgettable in the music department. Whereas every single track in 1 is solid gold.

>> No.985879 [DELETED] 

Yeah, guy's a moron.

"Dated gameplay"? What, not enough QTEs and checkpoints for you?

>> No.985892

>Where are muh QTEs? Chest-high walls? Chekpoints? Why do I have to not suck at this, at the penalty of having to do shit over again?

You, sir, are the reason videogames fucking suck today.

>> No.985897

holy shit what the fuck does that first sentence even mean i cant even read that what language is that i

>> No.985915

Musics in DT1 are more kickass, but in DT2 each music fits the level and its graphic perfectly and adds to the atmosphere.
You could totally put the moon stage sound in himalaya and vice versa and it would work (and DT1 would be remembered for its classic "himalaya stage theme"), while in DT2 you couldn't switch any music.

>> No.985932

That Ducktales remake looks awful. Let's take a classic retro game and add the irrelevant shit you hate about modern games in it.
Man, K&L2 was great. Fuck all the retards who shat on it because the first one was mediocre.

>> No.985961

I just don't understand why they decided to remake Ducktales in the first place.

It's a very short game, it has what? 5 levels? You can beat he game under 1 hour.

I'm not saying it's a bad game, just not worthy a remake. They should've remade Darkwing Duck for the NES instead, now that's a much better game.

>> No.985974

Darkwing Duck is hardly any longer though and was far from being as successful as duck tales.

>> No.986009

The only thing he mentioned about it possibly being too hard was failing on a boss and having to do the level over again. Which, I seem to recall quite a few older platformers having you respawn at the boss, and also having checkpoints.

That kinda doesn't matter, since he mostly criticized the game for being too easy. The original was certainly easy, so it stayed true to the source material. But, If you were to compare it against other modern platformers, lacking challenge can certainly make it a bit less appealing.

I do think he kinda missed the point of the game though. It's not meant to be challenging, it's just meant to be a charming adventure, like the original was. 4.5 definitely seems like a way lower score than what he should have given it. I mean, look at the Mario games. They're not really known for their challenge, and every game gets showered with praise.

Personally, I think I'll just stick with the original if the gameplay is exactly the same.

>> No.986790
File: 69 KB, 650x396, ducktales-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW Have anyone heard the remastered Moon them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwbMkIROOGU

>> No.986874

You know that's not the music used in the game, right? That's just a fan-mix.

>> No.987057

Music is largely interchangeable in the NES era. I think "The Moon" track about as perfectly suited to the moon as it could be, but maybe that's just me.

>> No.987090

Are they adding lots of new stages in the remake? Because DuckTales is pretty short, and gets easy once you get the hang of the controls.

>> No.987102

If the game for the most part is so easy why complain about starting the whole level over if you lose all your lives?

If it is that easy why are you losing lives anyway?

This whole review seems sketchy. I do agree on the cutscenes being really slow though.

>> No.987112

ducktales was one of the most infuriating games i ever played as a kid. bugs bunny something or other is another that i remember

>> No.987117

not in DT2

2 new stages and the 5 remade ones are longer

>> No.987148
File: 181 KB, 500x378, hongkongphooey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with the level design being kind of dull (DuckTales is a pretty easy game), but I think he was being so negative to get attention. That's what popular reviewers do: act really snotty and mean to get people pissed off so that they talk about it, because no publicity is bad publicity. Roger Ebert made serious bank off of that gimmick.

DuckTales is one of the most beloved titles in the NES library so it's not very hard to anger people by insulting it. He knew that, and he also knew people would do exactly what OP did: share the video.

Good job, OP. You did exactly what that faggot wanted you to do.

>> No.987154

I find it funny they talk about the lives thing but never talk about that for any of the mario games.

>> No.987170

I still value good, really catchy music over something that is "only appropriate for one level." And really, there are games that manage both.

NES is not the console generation of complete immersion in an environment anyways.

>> No.987171

I already preordered mine.
No regrets.

>> No.987173

The lives thing is something I totally agree with. I find that being forced to redo something easy under any circumstance is infuriating. I mean, if it's not challenging at all, why am I being asked to do it again?

>> No.987174

>hey should've remade Darkwing Duck for the NES instead, now that's a much better game.
Apparently if Ducktales does well, Wayforward and Capcom want to do more Remastered Disney titles.

Rescue Rangers and Darkwing Duck are the highest on the list.

>> No.987178

I love DT and DT2 on NES, but I have zero intentions of ever playing this remake.

>> No.987179

Ah well that makes sense.

>> No.987182
File: 92 KB, 512x448, chip_.n_dale_rescue_rangers-139871-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rescue Rangers would be fantastic, but I would hope they would rework the basic dynamics to be more involved. It is such a spammy game about chucking everything on screen, and collecting flower icons is so tiresome and unrewarding. There really could be more to the game if they wanted.

For example, what motivation do you have to pick up apples over something smaller like crates (which are everywhere)? None.

>> No.987189


Same here. I'm going to wallow in nostalgia and not even give a shit. Plus, they got the original voice actors together and everything - that at least shows commitment to the license.

>> No.987192

Fuckin' Alan Young, back as Scrooge. No way I wasn't going to go for that. Even June Foray as Magica.

I think the guy who did Huey, Dewey, and Louie died, though.

>> No.987201

Too bad he sounds like he's about to drop dead at any minute.

>> No.987196


Not sure who exactly the original voice was, but the original DuckTales voice actress for the triplets is back too: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0853122/?ref_=tt_cl_t2

>> No.987197

I have to disagree.

Transylvania's music is spooky. The Moon's song is spacey and the beeping brings to mind a technological feel of space travel. And the African Mines sound very echoey and mysterious like an underground cavern might evoke. The only very interchangeable music would be Amazon and Himilayas. Perhaps someone more versed in music theory could justify those too, if they really tried.

>> No.987209

Well he is 93. I'm betting we won't see any of the McDuck temper in the game, his heart probably can't take it.

>> No.987220

Not who you linked.

I understand and happy he is the voice of Scrooge. Just feel weird hearing his voice sounding so tired. But they got his voice which is a plus in my eyes.

>> No.987235

Same here. Hope it's available at midnight.

>> No.987758

>The only thing he mentioned about it possibly being too hard was failing on a boss and having to do the level over again.

Geez, you crytitty little kids today think that's hard? What about losing all your lives and starting over from the beginning of the game. That was that standard for games back in my day. Little mollycoddled worthless shits, you wouldn't last 5 seconds on the Atari 2600!

>> No.987763


I thought Russi Taylor did the nephews.

>> No.987772

Yeah, June Foray herself confirmed the entire original cast is returning for the game.

>> No.987774

>For example, what motivation do you have to pick up apples over something smaller like crates (which are everywhere)?

Because they're twice as big as you and it looks fucking awesome to throw something huge.

>> No.987775

I don't like the way the reviewer talks. He talks like he's advertising a game, despite not liking it.

Still, it's not that terrible of a review. Also, damn, this game looks really good.

>> No.987776
File: 34 KB, 452x563, 933973_10151641059329011_1758002350_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any links around? I'd like to try before I plunge

>> No.987780

How's /v/ treatin' you?

>> No.987794

>Complains about being too close to the original game
/vr/'s stance is that this is good, not bad.

>> No.988185

Yes, but there's virtually no intrinsically game function to throwing them. There's even an item that makes carrying (or was it tossing?) them easier. That's extra pointless.

>> No.988661

Apples kill big guys in a single hit even though they take 2 hits with smaller crates. Appels also "go through" small guys meaning you can kill several in a row.

CnD is fantastic as it is there is nothing to imrpove. They tried "improving" the controls in CnD2 and CnD2 is notably worse than 1.
I love CnD, played it to death as akid and later on with a bro as well and we beat it countless times in coop without losing a single life. Tons of fun.

>> No.988780

Unfortunately all the fun comes from the coop. The game itself is remarkably unfun to solo.

>> No.989334

So, game got released 40 mins ago. Anybody else playing it as we speak?

Thing didn't detect my pad for some reasons so I had to use xpadder...

>> No.989340

>secrets inside secrets

it's like i'm really playing duck tales 2!

>> No.989374

whoever wrote the review has overused his/her thesaurus & probably didn't complete the original on NES, since they don't mention it whatsoever, which is strange since this is a remake and should warrant some form of comparison right?

>complains that he has to repeat the level after dying to the boss

the pleb is strong with this one

>> No.989389
File: 162 KB, 1332x921, warrengonline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy

>> No.989425

The voice acting. Such a welcome surprise. It's like getting a bunch of new Ducktales episodes.

In the Duckumentery they said originally they didn't have much writing at all but Disney said "Hey we can get you the voice actors" and who the fuck says no to that?

>> No.989442

If I never watched the original cartoon, should I get the remake?

>> No.989446

I'm playing it as we speak and it's really really good. Even if you never watched the cartoons, read the comics, or played the 2 original Duck Tales game, this is still worth playing. And it's relatively cheap (14bucks). Considering Wario Land Shake Dimension was 60 bucks...

>> No.989472

That was a completely new game though.

>> No.989551

>having a finite amount of lives is a cheap way to make a game more difficult
I lost it at this point. The reviewer obviously does not play enough video games to have a valid opinion.

>> No.989559

Yeah also I've completed 3 stages so far and I have yet to lose all my lives, let alone lose a single life against a boss. It's really not a hard game. That reviewer was either a casual or was trying as hard as possible to find negative points because he didn't get paid enough (or probably both).

>> No.989705

This thread made me so mad I almost took a dump on my phone

>> No.989823

Just beat the game on Normal in less than 2 hours. Great game, though. It's essentially what a remaster should be - the graphics, sound and general presentation are tarted up, some things are expanded (most notably the bosses, most have a lot more to them now - for instance Magica De Spell now has like four different attacks as opposed to one in the original), and it even adds two new levels.

I'll soon play it through on Hard and then I'll try Extreme.

>> No.989835

I had never been any good at NES Ducktales in the day and always died out very quickly.
Should I give Remastered a more dedicated shot.

>> No.989838


There's an Easy mode which makes it easier to get into it, Normal is still easier compared to the original (you don't find hidden treasures, instead you find extra hearts for your life). Probably worth a shot.

>> No.990028

Just beat it on normal as well. In game play time said 2h46 but it actually took me 4hours. Only had 1 game over and that was against the final boss; and that wouldn't have happened if my kitten hadn't made me lose a life by bothering me trying to catch Scrooge on the screen.

I was very doubtful about this game when seeing footage and hearing the musics, I thought the art style and the musics weren't so good.
But I have to say that once playing it I wasn't disappointed it at all. Everything is great: the art looks wonderful (everything from sprite and their animations and the backgrounds) and most of the musics are really good too. The only music which wasn't so good was the Himalaya one because they added too much stuff to it with different new rythm and meldoies which completely hide the original melody and make it sound like it's 2 musics in one.
So the game has the 5 original stages but re-vamped with new areas to make them longer as well as a new intro and final stage. The new intro stage hardly matters though because it's very short and straightforward.
Gameplay is perfect Duck Tales fun and I liked how they kept the pogo mechanic from DT2 (you don't have to press Down to perform a pogo jump).

Contrary to what that gamestop reviewer said the cutscenes are no problem. On the contrary they are fun and even funny and it's a pleasure to hear the original VA. Plus they're all skipable anyway. The only moment which bothered me a little was in the Amazon stage because you have to pick 8 different items throughout the stage and there is a small cutscene for each of them which is a bit too much (but again, you can skip that).

Great game really, everything we'd want from a remake.
But that's the only problem for me: I wouldn't have wanted a remake of DT1. I would have prefered a remake of DT2, or even better, a whole new DT game. I guess I'll have to content myself with the couple of DT2 references thrown in...

>> No.990030

Boycott Gamespot. And Polygon while you're at it.

>> No.990032

Also, contrary to Wario Land Shake it (both games are very comparable in terms of style and both being "throwbacks") is it much more rewarding to beat the game 100% because you can unlock tons of cool artwork, unlike Wario Land in which you'd only unlock the musics.

The relative shortness of the game is justified by its price as well.

It's notably easier than the original imo and there is a hidden additional heart contener in every of the 5 main stages You should try it, on normal.

>> No.990053

WayForward did that with A Boy and his Blob. And I enjoyed that game too. I might try it out. Sadly never played the NES version but from what you said it's still a nice "update." Maybe that will remake the other Disney games which would be awesome. Thanks for the review.

>> No.990058

having a blast playing this. dat music.

i have this and bionic commando rearmed.

any others besides the ones wayforward are doing?

>> No.990070

Just got done with an hour-long play session.

I was grinning like an idiot the whole time. Hearing Alan Young again, diving in Scrooge's Money Bin... they didn't have to add the money bin! That was a friggin' labor of love!

>> No.990143

Having actually played a few stages, despite might coming off as a fanboy defense force, gamespot, polygon, and edge (and other smaller haters) are fucking retarded.

The only legitimate criticism that they have is that the pogo stops if you don't land it on surface (as in scrooges body hits a ledge instead of the stick). Not that they actually specifically say this, they just say it controls like crap (which it doesn't).

It's like they're either doing it as a stunt to get more hits, or ducktales raped their mom or something. It is perfect for what it is, though yes, it's not a perfect game. Their criticism of the game is grossly unjust.

>> No.990161

>The only legitimate criticism that they have is that the pogo stops if you don't land it on surface

This acts exactly like the in the original game though. They did a pretty good job at recreating the perfect physics of Duck Tales, while keeping the improvment from DT2 (not having to hold down and better hit detection than in 1)

There is however one move that got... removed: you know how you can hit stuff with your cane if you're close to hit? Well, in DT1 and 2 you could do that while jumping. It was only ever useful in DT2 to find a secret place in the Niagara stage and to make your through all the blocks you have to break in the underground passage of the island stage. So, considering that in the remake they made a level design that didn't need this move, it made sense not to have it (and I bet most people won't even notice you can't do it anymore)

>> No.990170

I actually don't remember the pogo working like that. I haven't played the original in a while. I was wondering about the hitting enemies though, since I did recall being able to do that.

There were a few places where it would have been useful.

>> No.990217

So here's the million dollar question:

Darkwing Duck Remastered or Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers Remastered?

>> No.990228

chip and dale for co-op

>> No.990229

I like CnD more but Darkwing Duck would be more fun. It's Mega Man after all and Mega Man level design is more interesting and more fun.

The problem with a CnD remastered and that I wouldn't be able to co-op with the person I have co-op and mastered the original to death.

But if anything, please no more "remastered" and have instead a sequel in the same style. Whole new levels.

>> No.990250

Maye instead of Darkwing Duck Remastered, we could get Darkwing Duck Reloaded, with all the original levels and bosses and the ones from the show that didn't make it in.

>> No.990291

>if it's not challenging at all, why am I being asked to do it again?

If it's not challenging at all, you would have beaten it and wouldn't be redoing anything.

>> No.990418

Metacritic is garbage. The only thing worse than faggots who hate video games reviewing them is an aggregate of faggots who hate video games reviewing them in a gigantic consensus fallacy circlejerk.

This guy gets it.

About the only thing you can do is look at reviews and see how a game looks through pictures and videos and determine if you want to try it so you can review it yourself to find out how shitty it may be.

>> No.990501

Well those games came out 20 years ago. So it might be cheaper just remaking it and just add small things like unlockable art styles and other things. And if they do become popular then they might try to make a whole new game. I'm not against the whole remake if they shown to put some effort. And having the original voices (even if they sounds really tired) is a nice step. And from what people here said for a cheap $15 it plays really nice and they done a good job.

>> No.990543


That's not from the game. Read the video description.

>> No.990564

>Interesting review. I agree with him that story and cutscenes are completely un-necessary in a game like this.
Fuck you, I loved the fact that they explained everything. I mean in the original it was just DAH MOON, oxygen, what's that?

Here they explain everything.

>> No.990568

And you can skip the cutscenes so saying that the cutscenes doesn't add to anything isn't really a bad thing. If you don't want to watch the scene then just skip it. Seem like most of the cutscenes is just at the beginning and a few small scene randomly around. So it's not like it takes up the whole game.

>> No.990573

>the cool moves Duck Tales can do


>> No.990581

Oh neat, I just beat DuckTales HD.

I actually really liked the cutscenes, but that may be because I'm a fan of Ducktales as a whole, not just the games, but all of them could be skipped, so I really don't see how that could be a serious complaint.

The controls/gameplay were almost identical to the NES, with the exception of the hard/soft pogo setting, and I for one really appreciated the soft setting, I used it for the majority of the game.

The music is great, the graphics were great, I really enjoyed the remixed levels, I have no idea how someone could give this game a 4/10. I must admit, Mt. Vesuvius was pretty tough, but not enough to dock 6 points for.

>> No.990595

>alan young still working


>> No.990607

Maybe you should read the entire thread before spouting insults so quickly >>990028
This isn't /v/, it's a slower board. You have time to read everything (and should do so) before posting a reply (or even two posts in a row like it seems you just did)

But if you wanna bring up the matter of the oxygen cutscene... It was un-necessary. It's a video game based on a cartoon. They don't need to explain rules of physics for "realism sake". It's also stupid because if they explain oxygen it makes one wonder, why gravity is the same on on earth? They try to explain that with the gravity machine inside the spaceship but that only makes sense INSIDE the spaceship, not on the rest of the stage.
For that matter, maybe they can breathe, but how comes they can talk and there is sound too?

My point is, there is no point in explaining those things in a game (especially a game based on a cartoon); not only it's pointless but it shouldn't even be brought up because if they start explaining one thing and go with the principle that things like IRL; they'd also need to explain all the other things.
That oxygen thing was just a stupid move from them; but it was the only bit of dialogue which sucked, everything else was really good.

The "soft" settings comes from Duck Tales 2. You should play it, imo it's better than 1 in every single way.

>> No.990614

>The "soft" settings comes from Duck Tales 2. You should play it, imo it's better than 1 in every single way.

Oh really? Neat. I have been meaning to play Ducktales 2 for a while now, I guess I'll give it a go tomorrow.

>> No.990652
File: 19 KB, 692x524, vlcsnap-2013-08-13-21h07m04s5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.990679

The game is fantastic for just how well it nailed The Moon's theme


>> No.990746

That's pretty fucken awesome

>> No.992012

So if you beat the game once you can unlock 8-bit music and replay the game with 8-bit music INCLUDING the new cutscenes and new stages in 8 bit which are completely new!

Pretty fucking cool!

>> No.992087

B-but it has no quickscope headshots like COD!

>> No.992117

>the gamespot review
It's already been confirmed that the reviewer don't know shit

>> No.992130

What this guy said. Each track fits a stage perfectly. Unless you're just not paying attention to the music whatsoever, they're definitely not interchangeable.