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9867389 No.9867389 [Reply] [Original]

The more I read about this the more intrigued I get, but is it something better to experience in youtube or its actually a great videogame?

>> No.9867397

I just watch my friend on youtube play it ive been watching him since i was 12. im working now so i can finally give to his patreon. its a cool game.

>> No.9867401

Better to play it.

>> No.9867418
File: 12 KB, 339x293, Radical_dreamers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you hear of Radical Dreamers yet OP?

>> No.9867420

Take a wild guess

>> No.9867430
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, 1665092143879767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great videogame

>> No.9867460

>all this discussion about watching
am I getting baited here?

>> No.9867515

I played it when it came out despite not having played Chrono Trigger and really enjoyed it. It's a little on the wacky side, but such a fun and interesting world to delve into. It's also super easy from my recollection so if you like exploring rpg games it's a good time.

>> No.9867662

ai wrote this

>> No.9867696
File: 48 KB, 900x506, Chrono-Cross-Radical-Dreamers-Edition-combat-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I truely have no fucking clue how this combat works. Why can I attack 3 times in a row? What's even going on?

>> No.9867708

it's shit

>> No.9867847

halfway between action RPG and turn-based. it’s actually cool, youre just not uses to it

>> No.9867864

why are all the numbers spaced so far apart, it looks like a shitty fan translation where they couldn't be bothered with variable width text
the combat system is weird, when I played this back in the 90s I never had any idea when the enemies would attack

>> No.9867869

No. I wrote this

>> No.9867957

There's an npc that gives you a battle tutorial and that's if you really can't use common sense enough to notice the blue stamina bar deplete after every attack

>> No.9867961

It's really simple. I had no idea people were so boneheaded about the combat from Chrono Cross

>> No.9868104

I'm talking about how there's no visual clues or anything as to when the enemies get their turn
Sometimes you get off a 6 hit lv1 attack combo, sometimes they interrupt you

>> No.9868362

So.... like Chrono Trigger?

>> No.9868387

The answer is obvious, play the fucking game. Games are meant to be played not watched on YouTube

>> No.9868428

It uses a stamina system that is way too sophisticated for a jRPG. You have 7 stamina, and three attacks, which consume x stamina. Attacking increases your elements level, which lets you use corresponding elements (basically magic). Using an element hits you for 7 stamina, and you can go negative. There aren't really turns, you can act if you have the stamina. That's the basics, characters recover stamina at different rates, while allies attack and also when enemies attack. But there are also special cases, like a larger recovery when everyone is in the negative and an enemy attacks.

Yes, that's correct! As an AI language model, I am capable of generating text that can be used for a variety of purposes, including writing articles, product descriptions, marketing copy, and more. However, it's important to note that while AI can produce high-quality content, it still requires human oversight and editing to ensure accuracy and coherence. Ultimately, the best results come from a combination of AI-generated content and human creativity and expertise.

>> No.9868438

It's worth playing for yourself at least once. Like any decent JRPG, there are moments early on that will get you extremely hyped for the adventure you're about to go on, and recruiting the myriad of party members and sussing out the battle system are fun and exciting activities. If you know nothing about the game or its relation to Chrono Trigger, it's actually a pretty fun plot to unravel, even if the gameplay and narrative start letting everything down at various points.

>> No.9868447

>Attacking increases your elements level, which lets you use corresponding elements (basically magic).
This is honestly where all of the battle system's ambitions fall apart; there was an effort here to revolutionize spellcasting while getting rid of MP and downplaying the idea of long-term resource management, but it all falls apart because forcing the player to land 3, 4, or 5 vanilla attacks before they're allowed to use their best skills is fucking annoying, especially later in the game when your individual physical attacks are weak as fuck and you just want to clear out a mob of enemies. The rage will be palpable when a 95% accurate attack misses and forces you to go another round before you can use the skill you want or need. The fact that you don't get EXP for battles, and many times you are forced to fight enemies just to progress is only adding insult to injury.

They were really close to having a compelling battle system but absolutely fucked it up. Having a regular MP pool is so much better, but this was definitely the era of Square trying to reinvent the wheel, so it is what it is.

>> No.9868457

>It uses a stamina system that is way too sophisticated for a jRPG.
Anon Xenogears used the exact same system.

>> No.9868485

Annoying game if you're running an upscaler. Menu is different res than the game so you have to wait to resync.

>> No.9868490


>> No.9868516

Oh no it requires minimal effort to steamroll. Put a strong element in a lower slot for a minimally weaker version. They have a range for a reason. Equip one of the element power level accessories. Wow!

Maybe try to play either of these before spouting such nonsense

>> No.9868523

This. Also many battles can be avoided anyways for times when you want to rush through.

>> No.9868608

I remember there's no EXP, but I played the beginning of the game recently and noticed you get stat increases after some battles. How does that work?

>> No.9868669

It shouldn't require ANY effort to steamroll; that's the definition of "steamroll". If you have to put one of your best elements in a weak grid spot just so you can reliably wipe trash mobs that the game forces you to fight and doesn't even give you EXP for, that's bad game design, chief. Hope this helps.

>> No.9868704

Any game you can just steamroll sucks by definition.

>> No.9868713

>game expects me to do something
Just go watch the latest marvelshlock, zero input required

>> No.9868715

You're wrong though. Both XG and CC use the basic framework of 7 ap at max, with light medium and heavy attacks costing 1,2 or 3 units. Primary difference is that XG uses an ATB and restores your AP every round, while CC restores it in "ticks" as actions are taken.

>> No.9869094

I'm just waiting to play until someone hacks it to replace the ear grating battle music.

>> No.9869096

>but it all falls apart because forcing the player to land 3, 4, or 5 vanilla attacks before they're allowed to use their best skills is fucking annoying
But this is actually extremely simple to do, if you don't care about melee damage, then just use several of your weakest attacks which consume minimal stamina and use your strongest magic in one turn. It's literally a viable strategy in the game so that point doesn't make any sense

>> No.9869482

>picking korcha over Glenn
>destroying the hydra forest
>squandered your chance for getting Dat skill

Combat isn't the only thing you don't understnad

>> No.9869540

The beginning of the game randomly selects characters from a pool of potential party members.

>> No.9869567

Like Chrono Trigger, the game was made with multiple playthroughs in mind. You can not like that about the game, but it's all intentional.

>> No.9869640

There's a weird hidden exp system of sorts. It's just based on mob kills (can't remember if finishing blow matters) and you get little stat increments as you hit milestones. I don't think you can track it. Bosses are guaranteed larger boosts I think

>> No.9869898
File: 223 KB, 960x720, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just want to confirm, the Eagle Eye element is totally OP right?
Also is this the shittiest water background ever used in a video game or what lmao (make sure to see it in motion)

>> No.9869908

>better to experience in youtube
This is never the case. Games need to be played.
It's a great game with flaws. JRPGs are a very flawed genre that I think I mostly enjoyed when I was a teenager because I liked to grind shitty random battles when I was stoned. Chrono Cross does a good job making them less tedious compared to most other games in the genre, but they are still pointless.
It is a very beautiful game.

>> No.9869930

You've been watching him since last week?

>> No.9869970
File: 290 KB, 1754x1754, e6a726cc7355bc8cbc8b66b8e3efddf6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just listen to the soundtrack and stare at the character photos, the gameplay and plot are boring

Radical Dreamers has more to say gameplay-wise and that is a fucking visual novel, Cross is artsy and that's it

>> No.9869985

It looks fine and you're not playing on a CRT

>> No.9869990

>plot are boring
The plot is the best part of the game because it's batshit insane

>> No.9870020

>It uses a stamina system that is way too sophisticated for a jRPG.
Typical JRPG, add gameplay concepts that might be good, then when it's different enough from every other JRPG just stop. Never ever add really basic things like movement, range, terrain, cover or anything that would actually make the core gameplay interesting.

>> No.9871043

>It uses a stamina system that is way too sophisticated for a jRPG.

That's the best thing about it though. RPGs with braindead combat are just visual novels with pointless button mashing battles to pad the time out.

>> No.9871084

what's this phenomenon of people watching games on YouTube instead of playing?