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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9865543 No.9865543 [Reply] [Original]

Before you import that obscure 90s moonland only title, please think of the local collectors!

>> No.9865547

still looks like a shit ton of inventory to me

>> No.9865552

that's a worrisome amount of emoticons, I think he's serious.

>> No.9865558
File: 587 KB, 2048x1536, Fu3brAxaIAA6-T2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wasn't kidding about the inflated prices

>> No.9865574 [DELETED] 

I could flag this for racism you know

>> No.9865580

im importing games from japan and resell them to western cucklectors haha

>> No.9865582

The most insane argument for importing games is… oh no what will the seller do. Wtf is wrong w u people? If I’m a seller, who owns a business, I want to sell. More people buy higher prices more profit. Now if he’s banking on being the local GameStop and charging 400-1000 percent what he pays in whatever it is he does (store credit?) then yeah, he can’t keep the cycle going of buying low and reselling high, then he’s just a rental store.

>> No.9865583 [DELETED] 

This is our revenge for them never releasing anything in the west

>> No.9865635

sorry, am i supposed to give a fuck about a bunch of crybaby japs that they're getting economically mogged

Im an emulatorfag anyways but this just seems like pathetic groveling. they didn't mind torpedoing americans whenever it suited them (hey SOJ).

>> No.9865656

Brainless whales keep consooming. The people who buy these things never even play the games. They just display them on their shelves.

>> No.9865673

What's the issue, exactly? Shop owners are earning money? The horror!

>> No.9865726

These dopes act like they are dealing in antique paintings. They could reprint, seal, and sell the packaging and no one would know the difference because most of this stuff gets traded and collects dust on a bookshelf.

>blames gaijin for dwindling stock
>still sells to gaijin

You can legally be racist in japan without consequence so these yellow niggers have no excuse

>> No.9865729

euro fags going to japan as tourists to raid retro stores so they can put their $3 famicom cart in a shitty clear case and shelf it is a eurofag past time

>> No.9865731

>What's the issue, exactly? Shop owners are earning money? The horror!
You literally copied and pasted a tweet from a jap quoting this tweet. Assuming you aren’t trolling, the bulk of people buying games from japan are the very same turbo faggots that are “grading them” to sell them at high prices.

>You can legally be racist in japan without consequence so these yellow niggers have no excuse
The law protects refusing selling to anyone you deem unfit but I assume they’re trying to keep up their appearance and be “nice”

>> No.9865750

I'm not paying US Saturn prices, even shit like controllers are expensive comparatively.

>> No.9865751
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>inventory sits for 20 years and more because no one cares about it
>suddenly it's a problem when people are taking interest
Bro had YEARS to pick up cheap games to play but neglected to do so. Can't be mad if you decided to sleep on it.

>> No.9865765

Are you so dense you think people are just now buying this shit retard? It's not like this suddenly started happening, it's been going on for years.

>> No.9865768

Aren't these stores intentionally set up to be tourist traps? You see it in New York, too. Retro game stores that don't REALLY feel the same as a local mom and pop. They have a vibe.

>> No.9865770

Millennials are getting middle-aged and buying old games they will never play is a way of coping for many.

>> No.9865771

I don't think the cheap mom n pops exist anymore. Your best bet to score a deal is at a thrift store or rummage sale.

>> No.9865779

>You literally copied and pasted a tweet from a jap quoting this tweet.
I literally didn’t, those were my own thoughts. Did you know that two people can say the same things independently?

>> No.9865786

This might come as a shock to you but some cultures outside of America give a shit about customers and not just number go up.
Some major webstores even stopped selling Gunpla to foreigners because of the uptick in hobbyists buying out all the shit during covid.

>> No.9865790

What I mean is that these metropolitan retro stores were never cheap. Mom and pops have gone up in price, too, but the type of store this tweet is complaining about was always an overpriced scam.

>> No.9865795

>the bulk of people buying games from japan are the very same turbo faggots that are “grading them” to sell them at high prices.
This. It's not people who want to play and appreciate old games. It's fat Americans with Funko Pop walls in their houses that only see retro games as stocks and boutique display pieces.

>> No.9865798

LOL, it's eurofags retard

>> No.9865801

You're not Japanese.

>> No.9865802

It is. If this nip wants to be pissed, tell his own people to stop selling to foreigners. Truth is that there is an immense glut that they still sell for practically nothing.

>> No.9865803


>> No.9865817

>Truth is that there is an immense glut that they still sell for practically nothing.
And a lot of the stuff that they sell as junk on ebay still works.
A few years back I bought a nip only PSP slim that just had a sticky power switch. Cost me $25.

>> No.9865829

You're going to have to explain this because that reads like a total non sequitur. You have to be Japanese to know a tourist trap when you see one?

>> No.9865853 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9865856 [DELETED] 


>> No.9865859

damn foreigners coming here, taking all our games

>> No.9865862

It's very strange to see westerners who don't speak a lick of Jap buying NTSC-J games which require you to speak moon. Some famicom games which are don't require any reading or are entirely in hiragana? Fair enough man, no problem. But I've known people who don't speak ANY Japanese buying visual novels and RPG's in moon just so they can have a cheaper version of the game on the shelf. And it'll be games they haven't even played yet! At that point you should just buy a repro if you're so anal about having a physical representation of a game on your shelf. Coomlecting is going insane.

>> No.9865887

This thread is about Japanese stores. You're clearly only talking about American stores. Either missing the point or pretending you know the Japanese retro game market.

>> No.9865890

>It's very strange to see westerners who don't speak a lick of Jap buying NTSC-J games which require you to speak moon.
This was already explained:

>> No.9865896
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A lot of the jap sellers on ebay that I used to frequent sell shit in bulk. I'm talking lots of 10-20 random saturn games at a time, all with case & manual in good condition. Back when I used to collect they'd be in lots of 50-60.

If I were a nip, I would be asking why these shops have been selling their stock in bulk to online bidders for years.

>> No.9865907

I was buying lots like this of Gameboy games. Now I have a baggie full of RPGs that I can't play because I can't decipher moon

>> No.9865931

>Bro had YEARS to pick up cheap games to play but neglected to do so. Can't be mad if you decided to sleep on it.

>> No.9865932
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super potato, two weeks ago.

>> No.9865936

Neogeo games cost a fortune before collectorfags became a problem

>> No.9865945

Check ebay listings and from where most of this stuff is being sold. French and italian fags are the cancer selling up large amounts of stock of japanese games. Dunno why. As a yuropoor, I have no interest in picking up a collection of games I can't read or understand. Would make sense if we had a large japanese population here but that's not the case. No idea who they are trying to sell to.

>> No.9865954

Are there any games where this situation is reversed, where the Japanese really want Western releases of games, for whatever reason?

>> No.9865960

Gives a shit about customers…

Complains when his customer base shifts and starts selling all his product.

Nooooo u aren’t my REAL customers! I used to have a store full of crap now I sell everything!!

>> No.9865962
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>You became financially independent too late to snap up used Japanese games for $5-10 dollars per game back in 2000-2015

>> No.9865973

Everything except for Saturn and Neogeo games were cheap back then, not just moon stuff.

>> No.9865974

>Millennials are getting middle-aged and buying old games they will never play is a way of coping for many
It’s true. I’m mid-30s and a few guys I work with are exactly this. They waste hundreds of dollars on late 80s and 90s stuff, not just games. One guy has a shrine like every YouTuber nowadays. Each has independently told me being an adult sucks so they have carved out a room or part of their existence where they “get to go back” and forget.

>> No.9866013

These are called man caves and they're not new

>> No.9866014

Nothing new. The negative influence of coomlectors has been growing during the last 15 years, and japs are only starting to notice, but it's too late.
Now we've got to wait and see if they'll turn to emulation and piracy like in the West, and just let retrogaming to die.

>> No.9866073

They used to contain billiards tables and liquor cabinets and people referred to them as dens.

>> No.9866215

collectors are sick, at least buy games you can understand.

>> No.9866235

Man caves are a gay marketing term, but they were never about retreating into your real or imagined childhood.

>> No.9866258
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, metaljew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody would need to buy games from japan if faggot resellers in america didnt upsell every import game like its a holy grail for clickbait views.

>> No.9866339

>fuck your neighbor that nigga poor
Great mentality idiot.

>> No.9866346

We have something like that in our house, but we use it. Play games with our kids. It's not a huge collection and most of it is shit we kept from our childhood.
I dunno, I don't see a problem with a game room.
How is billiards any better? It's still just a game.

>> No.9866376

There’s no problem with a game room. These guys aren’t building game rooms so much as they are shrines, from how they talked about it.

>> No.9866379

Yeah, that's no good. Like people who collect cars but never drive them.

>> No.9866381

Why are foreigners buying it if they can't understand the language? You're all locusts.

>> No.9866384

I hate this faggot so much it’s hard to put into words, and his fans are even bigger faggots and contribute to his faggot coomlector bubble he’s created.

>> No.9866389

Super Potato also has some of the worst prices for retro games because they're a well-known tourist spot. I've been multiple times but never end up buying anything because I know I could get it cheaper elsewhere.

>> No.9866393

Some of us can read and understand the language just fine, and a very large number of retro games can be enjoyed without needing to read anything at all. I don't need to read to play fighting games, shmups, platformers, racing games, etc.

>> No.9866395

Fucking this. Blame your own corporate overlords for not releasing the stuff i wanted in my country, or for not producing enough copies or for trying to pass off a butchered localization. You nips are all more then welcome to buy up our thrift store windows 98 games.

>> No.9866398





>> No.9866402

It's gotten even worse, guess it was covid idk. But yeah, the guy I used to buy from basically priced me out on his store. Simple stuff like say bonk hu cards went from like $15 to close $30 now and saturn while always high has just gone to the moon. Even psp games are drastically higher.

>> No.9866416

Im still surprised that not a single company will pick up Game Center CX for western distribution after all this interest

>> No.9866461

>still surprised that not a single company will pick up Game Center CX for western distribution after all this interest
What’s stopping the west from imitating the show?

>> No.9866474

Nobody can imitate it. The temptation for any YouTuber with that kind of money is too great to be some irritating asshole constantly mugging for the camera instead of someone fun to watch like Arino.

>> No.9866480

>Nobody can imitate it.
There's one guy: DarksydePhil

>> No.9866484

If you think Japanese retro game stores can't be tourist traps you're pretty naive. The situation over there isn't much different from in the west. You'll have "normal" shops and then you'll have the famous ones in the middle of the most expensive parts of the city where all the tourists are. The super famous Japanese game stores, famous enough to get international attention? Those are absolutely tourist traps.

>> No.9866508

Beyond just collectorfags and resellers, things have kicked into overdrive lately for an unrelated reason - the Yen has tanked in the foreign exchange market and the USD is fairly strong. Not only would some of the games be relatively "cheap" using the normal 105-112JPY/USD exchange rate, you now compound it with the average US buyer is experiencing what is effectively a ~20%+ mark down on everything compared to a more normal exchange rate. It must suck balls to compete on auction sites against US bidders who can effectively throw down an extra 10,000 Yen over market on something expensive just to reach their usual back of the envelope budgeting tactics.

>> No.9866587

I've bought a ton of shit off yahoo japan, get fucked.

>> No.9866763

i know this store. $3 would be like for something that's absolute shit and you'd be embarrassed to display it. that place has always been a massive ripoff because they take advantage of retarded foreigners. these same faggots also sell on e-bay btw so this twitter shit is nothing but advertising and disturbing flex.

early on this was true but they all have ebay stores now and well aware of what they can get out of retards.

the prices in japan were already extremely inflated by well over 20%. you're not saving any money.

>> No.9866840

good. soon the japs will have no choice but to emulate if they want to play their favorite childhood games. soon they will finally be liberated

>> No.9866850

heres the thing, in japan that shop owner will sell the same cart in japan multiple times. japanese dont hoard games. they buy it, play it, trade it in for a new game.

all those carts and consoles headed out of japan aint coming back, and they arent making any more.

as a buziness owner, see how that might bs a plobrem?

>> No.9866862

>The law protects refusing selling to anyone you deem unfit
based. no kēki for faggots

>> No.9866867

This used to be how the American market worked, too, until about 15 years ago.

>> No.9866871

>please think of the local collectors!
lol first those fags said "did you ask permission of the copyright holders"

and now this too?

kiss my ass japan, globalization is here for everybody, you're getting screwed over just like the rest of the world

>> No.9866885

This wouldn't be a problem if the Western market wasn't getting ass fucked by rampant speculation and collusion. A lot of people are taking their collecting bug out on Japan because they've been priced out of the hobby here.

>> No.9866889

no, these are manchild caves

>> No.9866903

holy shit that would be a good fucking show

>> No.9866924

Thanks Metal Jewsus for making my 10€ Chaos Break worth 20 times that.

>> No.9866940

Not originally. I was going to Super Potato in the early 2000s in the old location in Osaka (when they didn't have a separate store devoted to retro). Before the gaijin started fagging it up you could buy an original Famicom for like 1100 yen. Games that are like super rare now went for low prices, maybe between 500-1000 yen. Then a few entrepreneurs, JETs and other dipshits who worked as English teachers mostly, grabbed the stuff up en masse to sell online once the western retro collector market opened up. It got really bad when Youtube came around and these collectors started showing their collections online.

>> No.9866953

Basically, the ultimate culprit of the shit situation we are in, are people wanting to brag about the shit they own. Thats all that youtube is. Or trying to show off "hidden gems" in the form of bragging about things that they think they are unique for knowing about. You could also just say the "trending" aspect of the hobby to people who didnt have enough of an interest to pursue it on their own. Someone who grew up with this stuff can watch AVGN and think "haha, yea thats how it was alright" while the trending algorithm watcher thinks "HAHA HE SAID FUCK!! THIS GUY IS COOL SO OLD GAMES MUST BE COOL TOO, I SHOULD BUY THEM". General nostalgia shit of those who didnt give a shit about these games for 20 years and now suddenly long for them. In the case of the nips, it was easier and cheaper to just buy and resell and the retro hype never inflated from a low to critical mass state.

YouTube in particular fucked shit up.

>> No.9866963

the hidden gems shit has gotten so fucking bad. people holding up and critically praising complete and utter mediocrity or even bad games so they can try to stand out.
the benefit of /vr/ is that the good games are largely known. you dont have to dive into a bunch of total bullshit forgettable games like you do if you want to keep abreast of modern games

>> No.9866980

Exactly. I just want to play the games. Don't care about the original hardware. I'm happy to emulate them.

>> No.9866989

I don't give a rat's ass about Japan. There's barely any continuity with the Japan that made quality stuff in the past with today's Japan.

>> No.9866992
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I get cheaper gear for the price it fucking should be, western ebay listers get fucked. I win. I don't care if Tojo loses stock.

>> No.9866995

then wtf are you doing here

>> No.9867007

luckily I live in a smaller town and there's maybe 3 or 4 mom and pop stores.
For whatever reason all of them price things completely differently.
For instance 1 prices sony shit up the ass but doesn't price nintendo shit correctly, Like I regularly find chrono triggers on ds cib for $20.
Mom and Pop shops can be good just gotta keep your eyes open

>> No.9867015

I can't imagine it's just Millennials who grew up with this stuff doing all this to the market. Back in the day you saw a trend where Atari prices spiked because the people who grew up with it took interest but then that flattened out and NES spiked and then SNES and so on. That's normal and you'd expect it. But anyone who grew up with the NES is at minimum 35 years old now. And I'm seeing younger people into collecting retro.

>> No.9867023

It's also zoomers who spent their teen years following surrogate big brother Millennials on YouTube and the like. Maybe they didn't grow up playing NES, but they did grow up watching GameGrumps and AVGN playing NES games and talking about their game collecting habits.

>> No.9867031

So he’s GameStop…

>> No.9867037

Adapt or die.

>> No.9867084
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>me who bought everything I could possibly want back in 2016 from Hard Off and Hobby Off (and occasionally Off House)

>> No.9867107

Imagine paying actual money for used goods which can be replicated 100% digitally for free.

>> No.9867128
File: 178 KB, 904x904, bokuno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was probably the best option, but even eBay was pretty good for imports before the 'vid if you had patience. You'd find small JP sellers putting up auctions with no minimum probably cheap Off stuff, shipping from Japan was still dirt cheap, eBay bucks and discounts were plentiful, and a certain seller who gets a lot of good stuff wouldn't rubber band his prices up to ridiculous levels after he'd dropped them too many times. If the prices really have ballooned I'll probably unload and just stick to ODEs and flash carts.

>> No.9867152

It's really funny seeing bandwagoners bitch about inflated prices after trying to get stuff only after some youtuber made it trendy.

>> No.9867168

I’m going to Japan next month. Tokyo to Kyoto. Where should I go with my american dollars to ruin local japanese used game stores?

>> No.9867493

I've been saying this for a while, including on this board.

>> No.9867497

>You can be legally racist in Japan
No you can't.
t. Japanese in Japan.

>> No.9867507

I kind of agree but these stores sell online because no one is buying them locally anymore. I had planned to take my games I bought back to Japan some day but now I just don't care. They can buy them back online if they really want them and share the suffering.

>> No.9867559

coomlectors should all be fed into a woodchipper

>> No.9867562

this post best post

>> No.9867568

This, but just retro games in general.

>> No.9867571

You have access to technology that converts raw data into physical tangible objects? Impressive!

>> No.9867578 [DELETED] 

I literally don't care about you stupid coomlector faggots. Your hobby is retarded and none of this shit matters.
I literally don't care about you stupid coomlector faggots. Your hobby is retarded and none of this shit matters.
I literally don't care about you stupid coomlector faggots. Your hobby is retarded and none of this shit matters.
I literally don't care about you stupid coomlector faggots. Your hobby is retarded and none of this shit matters.

>> No.9867579

Then let me into your whore houses.

>> No.9867581

Imagine having a hobby so stupid that you need to act intentionally obtuse online to protect your feelings.

>> No.9867582

meanwhile: I've made smalltalk with a couple of Japanese people I've bought games from and had shipped to the US, and we got along pretty well. this is just a fake and gay advertisement for this guy's ebay store

>> No.9867591

Let me see that folder with all your digital controllers and light guns.

>> No.9867596


>> No.9867601

There's never been a "light gun" game good enough to be worth the ignominy of being an infantile faggot who collects "light guns".

>> No.9867602

Sorry you couldnt find a CRT on the street corner.

>> No.9867603

now THIS is the real redpill

>> No.9867607

between ya mom and a tv it's not a tough choice
ha gottem

>> No.9867608

This is the nip in OPs image.

>> No.9867620

>heres the thing, in japan that shop owner will sell the same cart in japan multiple times. japanese dont hoard games. they buy it, play it, trade it in for a new game.
I used to do that until the market got fucked here about 8 or 9 years ago. It just took longer for the Japanese to feel the Retro bubble. And even then, it's comparatively not bad (yet). Famicom shit got kinda bad, but most Super Famicom doesn't get higher than $15-$30USD. I've quit importing 8bit/16bit myself just because the cost is about equal to making my own repros at this point, but I had no problem getting the Smash/Mario Kart/F-Zero/Mario 64 to save myself some money.
>all those carts and consoles headed out of japan aint coming back, and they arent making any more.
And US prices aren't going down as long as games are in a speculative bubble. Which is why a lot of us started importing. The Japanese exporters share equal blame.

>> No.9867738
File: 1.97 MB, 1208x1160, nipstore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont recall what I bought from them, but this was a note that was included with a package I got.

>> No.9867743

Post origami

>> No.9867767

>crying emoji
>Laughing crying emoji
This website has ruined me.

>> No.9867769

I got almost the same note including an Origami when I bought a PSX DVR like 5 years ago.

>> No.9867850

A lot of Japanese sellers do this type of stuff. It's really cute. They go out of their way too give a good buying experience. Cute little notes and origami are pretty "standard". I do the same when I sell on /toy/.

>> No.9868010

Repent of your sins and trust in Jesus.

>> No.9868012

They're selling to those who don't want to play in 50hz and also don't want to overpay for NTSC-U copies. They do have a lot of junk though, no idea about that.

>> No.9868013

>most Super Famicom doesn't get higher than $15-$30USD
Most of the Super Famicom games I buy these days are 3000 yen or more and I'm in Japan. The only stuff that costs less than that isn't really worth buying in 2023.
>The Japanese exporters share equal blame.
Most of the exporters aren't even Japanese.

>> No.9868031

I got an origami swan and a cute note when i bought a controller from japan once.
Was cute

>> No.9868408

Planning a trip to Japan next year, curious what the prices are like for "casual" collectors? I just like collecting random figures, Godzilla merch, retro handheld games/devices, etc. I'm not really collecting anything specifically, I just like cheap retro memorabilia. Don't care about finding specific titles. A bargain bin of $5 Gameboy games would send me through the roof. I just want a Gameboy Micro, doesn't have to be some insane hard to find version. A cheap Game and Watch to play on the subway. Simple shit like that, is there still a market for us or is it all overpriced for retarded collectors who don't play their games?

>> No.9868442

>A cheap Game and Watch
No such thing. They're all super expensive. The cheapest units you can find are going to run you at least $100 unless you want a broken unit. Most of them sell for at least a few hundred dollars a piece.

>> No.9868480

I miss AssemblerGames like you wouldn't believe

>> No.9868534

Do you ever stop seething and coping about people who collect old games? Its fucking boring. People like shit you don't. In fact no one gave a fuck what you think. Collecting did not start with youtube for an thing, people collect everything from coins to baseball cards to old swords to model train . None of that began with youtube. Games went from something less than 100 million did to something 3.2 biillion did. prices went up.As regards cuntery endless whining about people who collect old games is just as bad as even the most tedious retard on youtube. If you missed out no one gives a shit. Old games have been around for decades when you could have picked them up for a few bucks but never bothered to. But NOW you seethe

>> No.9868537

No one gives a shit about moon runes or weebs. If you think boards are all weeb havens fapping to aweeb scribbles you must be fucking new.

>> No.9868540

>It's really funny seeing bandwagoners bitch about inflated prices after trying to get stuff only after some youtuber made it trendy.
This. The vast bulk of my shit was bought in the 90s. Therefore I have nice things. However using the knowledge of what happened I do wonder how long it will be until we see more latecomers heaving and crying about PS2 and 360 game prices

>> No.9868772

Im not seething, i got my shit before this started and it was a simple, obvious observation for anyone into it at the time. When "retro" started getting presented to those who had no initial interest in it, everything started becoming harder to find and prices went up and that same mindset eventually brought about the grading crowds. You have people getting into it that were not the ones who grew up with these games, and thats not to say younger folks cant be into older games, but its not a crowd of those with the same type of curiosity in them that would have sought them out without a talking head marketing them to them as trendy. You can also roll in the shelf collector crowd into that bunch as well who didn't start until they saw others recording their own hovels.

>> No.9868781

Wtf would the 360 even have that is wortg anything? I can only think of those jap shmups and that 50cent game.

>> No.9868802
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Atari spiked and flattened but the other consoles didn't really flatten after spiking and just kept getting worse over the last 10+ years. Not only is there the normal increase in price due to people who grew up with something getting old and nostalgic and having money, you also have YouTubers playing or collecting games pushing prices up, covid pushing prices up, the death of physical modern games media which makes old physical media more desirable, Tik Tok resellers pushing this shit to a new generation, and eBay and game stores steadily pushing prices up with each new listing. One of the most annoying side effects is thrifting is pretty much dead. Last time I went to a thrift store it was busier than a gay bar during shore leave, and that's with employees still stealing most of the good stuff and the rest of the good stuff being auctioned online.

>> No.9868825

I think your posts are nonsense and I'm bored of reading them. You say you have your collection and got it cheap, then your venting that prices went up and going off on some fucking rant about youube like youtube started collecting. All shit.
It sold 84million easily 60 million more than a lot of bullshit that is spammed on /vr/ constantly. It and the PS2 with in the end be just as collectable as the snes or ps1 or dc or whatever. Just sit back and watch.
gaming went from sub 100 million to over 3 billion. stop fucking whinging and enjoy the fact that most of us actually have 20 grands worth of shit that we thought was pretty worthless and if you are not someone who was picking up stuff from thrift and having fun when it was being thrown away for free, well tough shit and get fucked.

>> No.9868831

Old games are now a collecting category. They always were in a way. Anyone into TRPGs is use to this as well. White box D&d is a grand. All this bullshit about muh youtube and muh prices is fucking nonsense. Gaming is a popular hobby has been fo0r decades no surprise it has become collectable. .

>> No.9868838

I wasn't whinging I was explaining. I stopped thrifting years ago but I have a friend who does it every day after dropping his kids off at school and he's always complaining about how cutthroat a cheap fun hobby has become.

>> No.9868842

You have some type of reading comprehension disability. Do you need to be swimming to understand water is wet? Anyone who was actively into old games at the time obviously saw this uptick when things like retro gaming youtubers started getting big. Obviously it didn't create collecting as a concept, thats a retarded thing to even state, but it obviously impacted who was getting into it as opposed to who was before. Are you an assmad eCeleb or something that you feel the need to refute this easily traceable fact?

>> No.9868865

To me you seem like a retarded zoomer. I did not notice any fucking uptick because I had a load of games and hardware from the 90s and had been buying in thrift stories for fun for decades. I don;t give a fuck about youtube or your inarticulate seething at people who collect things. Youtube did not invent collecting things. I don't even know which ecelebs you are talking about, the only youtubers I watch talk about old guns. People collect stuff. Fucking deal with it for fuck sake. It used get thrown in landfill before.

>> No.9868875

>i didn't pay attention so its not true

>> No.9868887

>I stopped thrifting years ago but I have a friend who does it every day after dropping his kids off at school and he's always complaining about how cutthroat a cheap fun hobby has become.
He raids charity store to see if he can get something that is underpriced and he's talking about cutthroat? HA! You need to stop posting about your issues with collectors. Its bad for the board. ALl boards hjave collectors, from /toy/ to /lit/ to /k/ even /biz/ collects coins. No one fucking seathes about it and the only reason someone might is that they were a lazy dumb fuck who did not bother to pick it all up cheap and is now whining. Why the fuck would you whine if you had it all and it because valuable. This is just like milsurp guns or anything else. Prices rise, firstly with monetray supply which is 5x since 2000 then with inflation above monetary supply and then with demand. Gaming is 3 billion+ now. Most consoles sold either side of 100M. Most games sold far less than consoles. If even 1% of gamers have an interest in owning a 'first edition' of something like resident evil, silent hill, mario whatever then that is demand and you can be fucking certain they will. Ultimately it will result in more retro systems and games being preserved instead of going to landfill.

>> No.9868894
File: 13 KB, 434x434, DPStUx0XkAIhCnQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP btfo.
But seriously, I'd be pissed if I was japanese too but this is not a new phenomenon, French people were notorious for plundering vidya shit in bulk in the 2000's much like what they did with Ukiyo-e many moons ago. They can at least rest easy for text-heavy games, most of them waito piggu doesn't want.
With websites like Nintendo/AtariAge this was clear to anyone with half a brain at the time. Good thing console prices aren't too crazy and one everdrive/ode kills the need for buying games from the eternal reseller

>> No.9868896

Your boring spew about game collecting is retarded and that is obvious. You can't even wrap your head around that fact that your fucking obsession with youtube is not necessarily shared. I have very little interest in youtube beyond people reloading rare ammunition which has largely been removed. I like old games, I used write very old games, I know people who made these consoles you sweat about. Your bullshit about collectors is just that...bullshit.

>> No.9868904

He is a rental store, yes. This has been going on in Japan forever because rental stores are actually illegal over there, so like how gambling is also illegal, but you take your pachinko balls across the street where a different store likes to buy small metal balls for "reasons", video game shops sell low, customers play the game, then sell it back and get something else and everyone just understands that you need to bring the game back in a reasonable amount of time so other people can also play it.

>> No.9868912

>Good thing console prices aren't too crazy
Console prices will always be lower than titles became there will be numerically far far more consoles than any given title. See?

>> No.9868913

It was never as bad is it was in early 2021 because everyone had like $2500 in stimulus checks, everything shot up like 100%. It's settled down a little now, though. PS2 games that had shot up to like $70 are now sitting around $35.

>> No.9868914

Finally ET is selling for Atari. Thank Goodness.

>> No.9868918
File: 282 KB, 484x543, dafook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, are you retarded or something? That nigga isnt anywhere saying youtube invented collecting or some shit, where are you even getting that from? Is it not obvious that some million sub grinning tard with a million kiddies and manchildren who watch him and a huge chunk who are going to emulate him are going to over time make something more popular? I guarantee whatever fag hobby you are into has been impacted by easily shared videos and opinion pieces passed around online unless you are into some kind of fucked shit like collecting aborted fetuses or something.

>> No.9868921

Who is whining here? Please post another paragraph of nonsense explaining your projections.

>> No.9868930
File: 109 KB, 225x223, fffr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know people who made these consoles you sweat about.

>> No.9868936
File: 54 KB, 311x500, bigsleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want people to think you're a native English speaker you should try reading more, anon.

>> No.9868975

yes you are permanently online and don;t realise that auction houses have been running auctions for vintage games and computing from (obviously) before you were born. The retard is (you). In fact you are so fucking retarded and obsessed with you tube, I'm assuming samefag
Absolte wall of coping and seething MUH YOUTUBE MUH COLLECTORS. Fuck off.
Yup, 40 years working in consumer electronics design does that you zoomer stream obsessed vegetable.

>> No.9868980

Honestly don't really give a shit what a bunch not seething zoomer retards who think collecting started with whatever zoomer moron they gawp at on youtube think beyond pointing out they are obviously brainlets

>> No.9868989

blame youtubers like Metal jesus and his group of retrofag arseholes.

>> No.9869003

You want to run that through Google Translate first?

>> No.9869017

>Yup, 40 years working in consumer electronics design does that you zoomer stream obsessed vegetable.
Damn, you worked on the R-Zone?

>> No.9869020

Zoomers are seething retards

>> No.9869029
File: 292 KB, 1370x1000, elmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the first game you should add to your imaginary collection, just make sure you actually play it.

>> No.9869036
File: 106 KB, 838x734, ZOOMER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe and cope harder. Trying new angles to cope with the fact that collectors were right and now you are locked outside what you love because your a cheap dumb retard

>> No.9869080

It doesn't seem like you even know what you are arguing about anymore, nor to whom. If you are as old as you claim to be, it might be time to consider checking yourself into a care home.

>> No.9869202

>$2500 in stimulus
It was more like the literal $40K people without a real job got to stay home for 18 months.

>> No.9869342 [SPOILER] 
File: 17 KB, 427x400, 1682827518192809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, it is quite apparent that most of you are the unfortunate souls who never managed to graduate from your high school sweatpants phase, with unsightly stains indicative of your lack of self-care. And yet, now you strive to obtain what you never had before, in a desperate attempt to become the illustrious SEGA CHAD. You cling to the latest YouTube sensations like a shipwreck survivor grasping onto driftwood, completely oblivious to the wondrous Japanese treasures that have existed for centuries, for deep down you lack any form of true authenticity or refinement. Perhaps it was the likes of Metal Jesus, or some other pitiable fool, who granted you the permission to think outside the box (only because their original ideas had been exhausted), and yet you still flounder about, trying to capture the essence of a bygone era, shamelessly altering your own personal histories in the process, all for the sake of being deemed a "cool SEGA CHAD." As for me, I didn't require the guidance of MY LIFE IN GAMING to comprehend the obvious advantages of purchasing from Japan. Alas, it was a good run, but just like all good things, the lame-os inevitably come in and take charge. How utterly cringe-worthy.

>> No.9869371

is that actually yugioh's catchphrase in japanese too? I always figured they just made that up for the english version.

>> No.9869385

>I do wonder how long it will be until we see more latecomers heaving and crying about PS2 and 360 game prices
They already are for PS2 even though stuff like Echo Night Beyond was available for like $24 CIB for years.

>> No.9869471

>most of us actually have 20 grands worth of shit that we thought was pretty worthless and if you are not someone who was picking up stuff from thrift and having fun when it was being thrown away for free, well tough shit and get fucked.
Just because you have a lot doesn't necessarily mean you got EVERYTHING you ever wanted, especially if you were into stuff which already had expensive items even back in the day (like arcade games). Like I have a fuckton of arcade PCBs which I could never afford with today's prices, but there were still a few that I didn't manage to get, and which now I will never get because I can't justify paying hundreds/thousand+ for a single game. I got Nemesis, Salamander, Gradius II, and Gradius III a decade ago, but didn't manage to grab GIV or S2, and now they're stupidly priced.

>> No.9869474

Not everyone is a hoarder like you and are perfectly content with what they got.

>> No.9869478

And not everybody is an investor posing as a gamer or collector who sits around and jerks off to how expensive their shit is.

>> No.9869698

I remember playing this on a PSX demo disc, shit was cash money

>> No.9869707

post the oragami?

>> No.9869771 [DELETED] 


>> No.9869773


>> No.9869817

The goods are the games, not the physical mediums they come on. Are you a game player or a plastic collector?

>> No.9869823

My RetroArch config folder has mappings for a dozen different systems to use my same Hori controller.

>> No.9869835

A game player who cares enough about the games that he wants a copy that will out last crashing hard drives and needing to rely on rom hosting sites.

>> No.9869836

I hope they find a way to make it cost like 50x for shelfie american people.

>> No.9869838

Even Saturn and Neo Geo wasn't nearly as bad as it is now. I still laugh at Jim shitting on Spax3 for buying a bunch of Saturn and Neo Geo shit, saying him spending $400 is too much

>> No.9869840

You're stupid.
You're an idiot.
An imbecile even.

>> No.9869841

Fantastic argument.

>> No.9869845

So you throw your money away on expensive plastic instead of downloading your ROMs one time from archive.org and burning them onto long-life data discs?

>> No.9869846

A lot of the japanese games I own are playable without knowing the language (say for some Famicom RPGs I found super cheap). Also I just associate anything American before the PS2 with onions retro coomlectors on YouTube and the like.

>> No.9869871

I think this is pretty common. I asked one of my japanese mutuals on twitter how he felt about Amerifats such as myself buying games from Japan and he said he would buy American Master System and Genesis games. Still though you can't help but feel a little bad when there's 10k Americans all buying Japanese Nintendo games at once as opposed to 1000 hardcore Sega collectors in Japan buying our stuff.

>> No.9869872

No, I bought cheap plastic long ago and still do, but if you are asking if I would spend money on something actually expensive now, if it was a game that I had enough of an interest in that I want a game to play + the longevity of an original medium its on + neat extras like a box and manual, then yes I would.

As for consumer quality disc burning, unless its Mdisc, no im not going to bother doing that. I do have old pc games i have to keep transferring between drives and the burned discs ive used have been shit. I also have no need for literally an entire consoles library that I will likely never touch 60% of.

>> No.9869873

So then why are they selling online and on eBay to foreigners? Sounds like they’re breaking the law and then complaining about a portion of their customers that are buying More in line w their own law then their own locals do. Also, they absolutely do not have to sell to foreigners but do anyway lamenting their failing illegal business based on a societal contract on goods that are on a time clock, while also sending thank you notes and origami creations to the terrible gajin when they do buy their products. I’m just trying to keep up.

>> No.9869882

He is totally justified. Just how we got screwed out of many exclusives or low prints, Mega Drive owners over there got similarly fucked. Wasnt aware about Master System for them though being the same way. I guess sushi and burgers both steal from the euros stock.

>> No.9869901

yeah, no Japanese person I've actually spoken to has voiced any serious displeasure about foreigners buying their games. and then once the stuff actually gets here it invariably comes with a handwritten thank-you note (something I do now myself whenever I sell stuff to people) and a small gift, like a paper crane or some matcha. one woman even gave me a discount for just having a pleasant conversation with her and told me she'd show me around Nagoya if I happen to be in town.

>> No.9870050

>As for consumer quality disc burning, unless its Mdisc, no im not going to bother doing that
Then use Mdisc, dummy.

>> No.9870064

I'm glad I don't care about coomlecting retro games anymore, already got all the games I wanted. I'm staying ahead of the curve too, already collecting the 360/PS3 games I want before the prices explode.

>> No.9870068

Even some of that shit is already getting kinda expensive. And of course, the 360 games I want the most are the ones that are all absurdly expensive already.

>> No.9870095

Just out of morbid curiosity, what 360 game is expensive? I’m seeing some special editions go for over 100 but even the halo consoles seem pretty cheap but are around 200.

On topic, it really seems like a select few or one on this board really hates the idea of anyone importing from Japan. Like, I seriously doubt there are enough people on this board to where it could possibly effect your purchases.

>> No.9870173

Not him, but only legit hard to find 360 games im aware of, are the gold edition of marvel ultimate alliance that has the dlc on the disc and that 50 cent game for whatever reason. I think Fear Files is also up there which was 2 dlc packs sold as individual playable releases. Beyond that, im only aware of the jap exclusive shmups, but they have always been over 100.

>> No.9870185

I forgot fear files was in the 30s. Ultimate alliance makes a lot of sense since that dlc or completely pulled iirc so only the gold edition has the content accessible at all anymore.

I don’t see games going for crazy amounts on 360 and ps3(this one for more obvious reasons), because it was the start of the digital era. Could be wrong, I just don’t see it beyond the ps2/cube/Xbox era.

>> No.9870190

The stupidly expensive ones I have my eyes on are some of Cave's shooting games, DoDonpPachi SaiDaiOuJou and Muchi Muchi Pork & Pink Sweets. I'd also love to own a physical copy of Eschatos, but that's another DVD in a green case that's apparently worth over $100; even more if I were to get the version that also includes another game I like, Ginga Force. Thankfully it's not very hard to play pirated games on a 360.

And yes, it's really just a vocal minority on this board that considers this a serious problem. I find it especially amusing whenever one of them tries to say that the extremely enlightened and superior Japanese don't hoard their games and always resell them after they play them.

>> No.9870209

> but you take your pachinko balls across the street where a different store likes to buy small metal balls for "reasons"
Ok now the game corner and prize area in Pokémon being separated makes sense

>> No.9870214

Just because something is an antique doesn't mean its worth much, I've seen antique chairs struggle to sell for $20

they sold for cheap because no one wanted it

stuff that I could never afford as a kid or teen I can get with 1 or 2 days worth of pay. I paid a lot for an msx 2 but I think its cool

What about the guy who brought a bunch of cars in 80s and stored them in a shed when they were worthless but not they are highly valued, it has happened

I didn't grow up with c64, it was a fair few years before my time but I'm really getting into it. The whole making games and playing them is a whole different ball game to what console people experienced.

They are the one who dump stacks of consoles and games in the garbage as soon as they are slightly old.

>> No.9870251

>Blame everyone else
>Refuses to check ebay/Y-auctions for his own kind. Hundreds JP accounts with 5-10k items for sale

>> No.9870365


>> No.9870709

What I don't get is the complaints from locals I guess.
Oh no, the stock is selling through because it was a somewhat limited resource in our country gathering dust and nobody bought it for 30 years and if they keep buying stock we might sell through our limited resource that hasn't sold through in 30 years and everyone local had the chance to buy the stock for 30 years......?

but somehow the evil foreigners are bad for buying a game they like or want to collect, for the same reasons a nip does but what, they're evil 'cause....the shop owner sells online and the locals didn't bother to buy it in the last 30 years and they're mad they've missed their chance which implies they're zoomer faggots or crybabies joining late.

I legitimately do not understand the complaint. I need someone to explain it to me.
Would these people shoot me for owning a JP xbox 360 in 2008? for importing copies of NieR gestalt etc? I imported games for years, was that okay? I'm so confused.

>> No.9870740

Funny, the reason for that is now gone. I’m guessing the value of those games won’t go down but after all the big fuss, they can just slap a logo and pay each conference for the rights to a player now?

>> No.9870745

>However using the knowledge of what happened I do wonder how long it will be until we see more latecomers heaving and crying about PS2 and 360 game prices
Anon. I hate to tell you this but this isn't even a new thing. Low print games even in Western regions have had whiners.
DS games, PS2 games, gamecube games and even 360 games....before the xbox one was announced.
People straight up complaining about low print stock being too expensive and honestly at least they had a point back then. Those games weren't available digitally and not all of it could be pirated or pirated easily or in line with the cost of modding the system.
I remember seeing people complain about the price of fucking Drakengard back in 2010 when NieR came out 'cause they didn't play it and it was only being sold for RRP back then; while now it 's had a bunch of collectors & nu-fans hoard it after years of Automata dominance.

That whining exists, currently exists, has existed in the past and will continue into the future.
I guarantee you that right now there's at least 3-5 somewhat underprinted PS4/Switch games that have fallen into this category already too.
They aren't complaining about the prices of FIFA 18, they're complaining about the future price gougers fantasies like deception IV or natural doctrine that'll vanish from sale. Though modern games are kept artificially low atm by digital sales, wait until you can't buy 'em anymore and watch that price ramp up.
Speaking of Drakengard, NieR can be bought on 360 digitally if you want, or on disc for less, if the title gets delisted but retains backwards compat, that game'll shoot up in price beyond drakengard despite having the replicant version released a couple years ago.

>> No.9870749

>Still though you can't help but feel a little bad when there's 10k Americans all buying Japanese Nintendo games at once as opposed to 1000 hardcore Sega collectors in Japan buying our stuff.
No. I don't feel bad at all.
We're all humans, born on the same planet, it's not their stuff at all. Why if it was their stuff then they'd have ownership over it. If they choose to part with it or part with their property because they are dead then get this: SUCKS TO SUCK NIGGA

>> No.9870774

>Just because something is an antique doesn't mean its worth much, I've seen antique chairs struggle to sell for $20
This is completely true. In fact good antique furniture has been in a rut for a decade and if you look you can see why, social changes that resulted in lower home ownership, increased property taxes, lower knowledge base etc. In the same way you can see that gaming is in the opposite momentum, a huge increase in interest plus 500 or so games are relatively small and light and fill one bookcase. The film may have been shit but ready player one was a bestselling book on the back of gaming nostalgia there is a lot of fascination.

>> No.9870786

Very true. Ps4 version of godzilla is a 100 bucks game

>> No.9870791

>Just out of morbid curiosity, what 360 game is expensive?
Just go look at sold lots filter by 360 on ebay and sort by price anon high->low.

>> No.9870793

I don't want to. A single scenario disk of a game that came in a pack with 3 scenarios for 4000 yen is now 5000 yen solo and marked as junk on a buyout (you need the system disk). It isn't rare either.
It isn't the mythical western audience buying it all up either as they literally don't know it exists and I don't think the Japanese are buying it as well as it is literally downloadable for free legally as the devs released their older titles for free.

>> No.9870797

Retro game nostalgia and desirability has been around for a while and it is not just ready player one, there were a spate of kids movies like Wreck-It Ralph, The King of Kong etc etc. Gaming has been shaped up to be a physical collectable category for a long time really. Hard for it to have been a collectable in the 70s/80s/90s really as it had just come into existence. There is a lot more going on with this than youtube and the fact that physical media is going to become a limited supply is adding impetus.

>> No.9870816

They used be called smoking rooms and have souvenirs of travel or service and your library in them, you are going back to the late 19th century there. basically a cool shit room. I can't see a thing wrong with having a room and setting it up- for gaming. People have whole rooms dedicated to guns, books, model trains, coins etc etc. It's all cool. Or is everyone supposed to own nothing and live in a pod and eat bugs on emulation or something?
>being an adult sucks so they have carved out a room or part of their existence where they “get to go back” and forget.
People have always enjoyed hobbies, model rockets, model planes, model railways, wargaming and table top, TRPGS, antiquarian books, collecting model cars, lead soldiers, chess sets, pens, watches. Generally collectors act as a reservoir of deep knowledge on the subject as well, they are the ones that write books about it and setup clubs and societies. In time all your video games will be discarded, just like you ignore your grandfathers tinplate toys and lead soldiers and your fathers model cars and trains( about 50-100 years). In the meantime the games will go up in price.

>> No.9870829

i mean hes right,we can also see the effect youtube video about guitar pedals has on the price on the market its not just happening to games.

>> No.9870889

The number of gamers has gone from 200 million to over 3 billion in the last 15 years

>> No.9870923
File: 3.83 MB, 498x278, 78EDC8F1-88D2-4648-B638-593868CB1235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one bats an eye when I say I’d pay 2500 for a first edition print of the Great Gatsby, but if I say I’ll spend 100 dollars in a copy of dual hearts, suddenly everyone loses their mind!

>> No.9870931

>Generally collectors act as a reservoir of deep knowledge on the subject as well, they are the ones that write books about it and setup clubs and societies.

That doesn't apply so much in the world of video games. Most the video game knowledge online comes from emulation and ROM dumps. There isn't a single website that doesn't use emulation for documentation. Meanwhile, what's often missing and harder to come by? Scans of physical stuff: manuals, boxes, magazines. What you can't emulate.

In fact, I'd go as far as saying half of the games those collectors spend hundreds of bucks on, wouldn't be nearly as known without emulation. Nobody would spend 1000 bucks on "Mr. Gimmick" had the game not been rediscovered as a hidden gem through emulation in the 00's.
I'd even claim that, out of all the "I swear only by real hardware" collectors, a great portion of them wouldn't even do this stuff had emulation not kept interest for it all along.

>> No.9870946
File: 7 KB, 259x194, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never hear people complaining about the price of stupid shit like the Pikachu tumor N64, but they come crawling out of the woodwork to complain about paying the same amount for a PVM that can handle every console I own.
I find it hilarious.

>> No.9871000

That thing is so ugly too. But yeah, your point stands.

Also I’m really lazy but maybe I’ll post some pics in here of my recent buys from thrift eBay etc, the good to great deals exist, u just have to be consistent in searching and either buy bundles or just peak in 2-3 times a week online and in stores. I’ve gotten several GameCube games recently (Mario sunshine) for a dollar or 10. I got iron cross on Saturn for free w a snes (just a bunch of random games and cases w the purchase off fb) And a seller listed mgs ps3 hd collection as used I offered 15 they sent me a brand new copy.

>> No.9871365

These days Japan has access to online retailers, but everyone in that country refuses change while also being the country that has the most change and fleeting things happening. Their culture has always been full of contradictions, this is just how it is. They do one thing so they can save face in society while doing what they actually want anyway.

The best way to see how Japanese people work is look at how they treat religion. Once a year they go throw a few coins in a box, get a luck stick, make a prayer and then go back to their every day lives and don't think about it until the next year. They pray as a "just in case there's a God, I'll cover all my bases" kind of thing. But no one really gives a shit. Being a Shinto shrine maiden is just a fun summer job for young girls to cosplay.

>> No.9871387

Moms playing Candy Crush dont care about Vectrex.

>> No.9871396

Except literally 99% of whats available as downloaded roms was because the physical copy existed in the first place and had people dumping them from cart/cd/disk/cassette in the first place. Archivers would buy stuff up just to dump it, atleast if they were not a scumbag proto hoarder or something like that Ultima on vic 20 fiasco.

>> No.9871416

Wow it's almost like there's a high demand for a finite supply of items.

>> No.9871618

that's why I'll never understand people who fuckin open up stores exclusivesly for shit like retro games or old unopened pokemon card packs like jesus christ man there's only so many of that shit left and they aren't making more of them

>> No.9871624

Yeah I guess they had in their mind's eye a much more robust view of the hobby, that well, stock just *has to* show up because millions of copies were once brand new, but it doesn't quite work out that way.

>> No.9871651

Projection, games like XenoGears and Burning Rangers are much cheaper compared to there American counterparts.

>> No.9873185

>Being a Shinto shrine maiden is just a fun summer job for young girls to cosplay.
>tfw no shinto miko gf

>> No.9874135
File: 986 KB, 500x275, 1503916586312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learned Japanese just so I could import games for the original hardware experience but cheaper
>prices are literally the same as the west now

time to mod that ps2 I guess

>> No.9874264

Japan and other Asian nations don't believe in the concept of racism. They could care less about stupid western shit like this. Japan has been shitting on chinks and Koreans for centuries. They even have a shrine filled with noses taken from conquered Koreans. The Korean gov has been asking for the noses back but Japan told them to fuck off. Glorious.

>> No.9874439

Western resellers and investors on their way to ruin another second hand market.
I can't wait for the bubble to burst and all those suckers to keep sitting on their 500 japanese crono trigger modules they overpaid for that nobody needs or wants.

>> No.9874450

The retro game market in Japan was fucking stable for 30 years, constant cyvle of buying and reselling for basically the same price. Hardly anything over 10 bucks. People bought stuff to play, sold when they finished.
Now you got all those greedy western "toy Investors" buying up all stock to grade and encase in plastics hard shells so they can create scarcity and demand.
Worked with the western second hand market.
Used to be a open secret for real retro gamers. But these days you see tons of greedy euros walking through the retro shops, checking ebay on their smart phones and buying up all stock of "valuable" games (based on the prices other greedy resellers put on ebay)

>> No.9875759

>Moms playing Candy Crush dont care about Vectrex.
They don't have to. Only % of people who take up gaming have to have an interest in the 1.0s and first releases of their favourites or older console and there is more demand than supply (and there is baseline demand form people who had them as kids or in their early 20s and want them back again)
>The number of gamers has gone from 200 million to over 3 billion in the last 15 years
I have seen this again and again. People take something old with limited supply and steady demand for granted and then get butthurt when excess supply is taken up and prices increase. You just sound dumb.

>> No.9875843

Fuck. I've kinda been noticing something changing in the past half year or year now. This genuinely has me concerned.

>> No.9876056

Retro gaming used to be a cheap way to get into the hobby. Now the only shit thats cheap is last gen stuff

>> No.9876064

Based funko enjoyers dabbing on anti-emulation morons.

>> No.9876068

>games that are like super rare now went for low prices
It's almost like time has advanced and those games have become more rare. That's all it is. The supply has dried up even as more people game or collect.

>> No.9876073

The cheapest way is now to just buy it digitially or emulate. But purists hate that idea, but also hate that other purists also hate it so they buy up the stock and increase prices.

>> No.9876075

>They could reprint, seal, and sell the packaging and no one would know the difference
I wish. I tried to do this one time. I had a good copy of echo night and the manual, but no case. I bought reprinted front and back art and just put it all in another game's case, sold it on ebay but I managed to sell to the one fucking sperg who actually took all the shit out and inspected it.

>> No.9876728

A Western Game Centre CX just needs a charming, semi-well-known comedian that is at least passively interested in and semi-competent at retro vidya to work. Once you sub that guy in for Arino, the show basically writes itself. The problem is that I really can't think of anyone who could fill that role.

>> No.9876794

That’s pretty funny. You deserved it, honestly.

>> No.9876821

Collecting digital media is just nonsense.

>> No.9876845

>So then why are they selling online and on eBay to foreigners?
Not that there aren't Japanese stores selling direct, but eBay is full of gaijin flippers.

>> No.9876894

No, the Japanese catchphrase is デュエルスタンバイ! "Duel Standby". Those words in English.

>> No.9876958
File: 85 KB, 1601x1601, 61Iv-HkR4xL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They first saw commercial use in the mid 90s, and have since been rendered incredibly cheap. Personally I'd just advise getting a couple big hard drives, or grabbing a bunch off busted computers at a yard sale.

>> No.9876963

Jack Black likes these games and he's pretty popular. Maybe he can do it.

>> No.9876971

I dislike how viable this is. No way he'd do it though.

>> No.9877234

For sure but those usually state it w pride that they are importers. The Japanese sellers are usually more distinct. Like many have said, you usually get little gifts when u purchase from them. One eBay store that is definitely based in Japan since I messaged them has a ton of positive reviews where most of the reviewers stated they got free n64 games and all sorts of stuff extra that surprised them after a purchase. I don’t think the us flippers are sending out copies of super Mario 64 and Mario kart w purchases.

>> No.9877261

When I say gaijins I mean foreign residents in Japan, for clarity.

>> No.9877334 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 1300x1300, Poke-Walker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confession time, I single handedly killed the Pokéwalker prices in Japan, bought every single one online for 6-7$ and resold them for for 50-60$.

>> No.9877337

Lol, eat shit.

>> No.9877342

Robin Williams could have done something like that. Like as a passion project because he probably would have been too expensive if someone approached him to do it as a series.

>> No.9877364

Under no circumstances should Robin Williams have ever been allowed to just riff, anyway.

>> No.9877379
File: 639 KB, 900x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, yes I do.

>> No.9877490

This is beyond retarded

>> No.9877516

Not my fault you are too retarded for some easy soldering job. You can easily reproduce any game on cartridge.

Kids these days

>> No.9877548

>goods which can be replicated 100% digitally for free.

I think your generation is going senile.

>> No.9877598

? It’s fun to build your own snes Pcb and write the data on then romstick, you should try it.

The quote was
> You have access to technology that converts raw data into physical tangible objects?

The answer is yes, yes you can, with soldering you morons.