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9857598 No.9857598 [Reply] [Original]

Which retro fps has the best custom content? Do you have favorites?

>> No.9857757
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>> No.9857813

Half-Life, then Unreal Tournament 2004, then Quake 1.

>> No.9857817

I think the HL mods have spawned more series but doom has a longevity and volume I don’t think has been matched

>> No.9857884

Easily Doom 2. No contest whatsoever.

>> No.9858185

Is that CrashBandicoot?

>> No.9858187

as much as I find doom boring, there's an infinite amount of WADs and game mods and nothing comes close to the customization that game has

>> No.9858351

I'm excited to see the future of modding for the Halo collection. The amount of new content in Cursed Halo is impressive, and reminds me of some of those wacky mods for Half-Life 1

>> No.9858353

Half Life for me, by far.

>> No.9859263

doom. Thanks to the beginner-friendly toolkit and extremely low entry threshold, doom has become a playground for creativity and people still make maps, mods, ports, etc. for it.

>> No.9859310

Is there honestly any other answer than this? I don't even want to sound bias here I like Duke Nukem a lot. There are plenty of great FPS from the past but as far as custom content goes none come close to the absurd amount of content available for Doom. There are even whole games converted over to Doom its nuts.

>inb4 muh quality arguments
Only a troll would say this when Doom clearly has tons of quality content in addition to its quantity.

>> No.9859320

This is almost the correct answer. Just replace Quake with all ID Tech engine games.

>> No.9859795 [DELETED] 

doom, quake, duke 3d, and blood
half life sucks

>> No.9859895
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Where can I find mods for DF2 Jedi Knight? I was watching Vinny play some the other day and thought pic-related looked kino (they probably made this mod right around the time Episode I came out).

>> No.9859904

doom or thief

>> No.9859918

ModDB and JKHub are my guess

>> No.9860012 [DELETED] 

Duke and Blood mods are a joke compared to goldsrc ones.
Eat shit.
Build is a terrible engine and the games suck too.
Eternally forgotten to valve shit.

>> No.9860139 [DELETED] 

silence valve dickrider, go play death wish and THEN we can talk

>> No.9860183

It was really hard to choose between Quake 1 and Quake 3, I tell you. I only chose the former for Malice and the recent renaissance,
And then there's the fact that Q2 modding scene was pretty fucking good once too.
It's not Doom though. Content tailored to Doom+ experience is all over the place in quality and what is considered to be the best usually requires you to be into specific way to play. ZDoom-based stuff might as well be called Hexen mods instead, if not custom games in general.

>> No.9860201 [DELETED] 

inferior to any goldscr mod

>> No.9860204

>ut2004 modding is fucking dead because reasons
hold me bros

>> No.9860212 [DELETED] 

I swear to god, Valve and GoldSRC/Source has a fucking cult around it.

>> No.9860215 [DELETED] 

>says the one who gets triggered when half life is mentioned >>9859795

>> No.9860227 [DELETED] 

Im not that guy.
Just saying i find the cult-like following around Valve games strange.

>> No.9860230 [DELETED] 

not as much as quake or doom worshippers

>> No.9860234 [DELETED] 

The new doom games have some mental retards around them, But the old community is chill from my experience. No idea about quake tho.

>> No.9860242 [DELETED] 

>uh-u--hh- well you guyys are big and fat and dumb and half life is better, we arent weird but you guys are, we have better mods guys come on trust me i jack off to skeletal animations
can you just shut the fuck up?

>> No.9860247 [DELETED] 

>hl mods are bad because im a build and id fanboy

>> No.9860252 [DELETED] 

dn3d, doom, sw, blood, rott, and quake will always be more fun than half life, mediocre mods from 20 years ago wont change that

>> No.9860257 [DELETED] 

whatever you say schizo
shit games

>> No.9860312 [DELETED] 

nu doom "fan" base is absolutely insufferable

>> No.9860319 [DELETED] 

so many 14 year olds who vomit out the same 6 jokes every 10 seconds, also new games ost is hella overrated

>> No.9860324

zdoom only mods for doom is my pet peeve too because i personally prefer playing doom in dosbox, vanilla if possible, but otherwise boom source port. and many many many mods go overboard with what they do, so they only tailor to zdoom, and those wads i now like to call zoomerwads as they dont work anywhere else
even sigil and romero somewhat guilty of that, because romero promised that sigil would work on vanilla doom yet he noob'd out and hit visplane limit, so it only works on boom as a result

>> No.9860331 [DELETED] 

quake niggers are the worst retro fps fanbase

>> No.9860345

from a dev perspective, i hate zdoom and zscript
i always make my stuff compatible for boom atleast
there are some good zdoom mods tho, for example: doom delta, nobody told me about id, and bloom are really good

>> No.9860354
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I used to play Duke 3D a lot in the past. My favorite map was It Lives but yeah, there aren't a lot of projects for classic Doom compared to Doom.

>> No.9860390

>nobody told me about id
Pretty much the only reason I got ZDoom installed.

>> No.9860507

Are we counting sourceports? A lot of Doom mods that turn heads nowadays aren't compatible with vanilla Doom.
Based UT2k4 appreciator. That was the last game where modders could somewhat keep up with actual game devs.

>> No.9860647

Doom mods are irrelevant, but the community map content is godlike.