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9851542 No.9851542 [Reply] [Original]

Now how do we go from picrel to "scary furfag monster screamer and take your penis"

>> No.9851550
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Brookhaven and the chapel were the most uncomfortable area in SH3, I had to take a break from the game because of them.

>> No.9851556

>Now how do we go from picrel to "scary furfag monster screamer and take your penis"
let's elect not do that

>> No.9851585

Looks like my house

>> No.9851614
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I've played through the series for the first time recently and when I was just getting started I thought to myself
>Yeah I mean it's the most mainstream horror video game franchise after RE, it will be kinda spooky I guess? It certainly won't be as scary as Fatal Frame. People most likely overexaggerate as usual, like with RE7, Outlast and all that shit.
I was scared shitless by SH1 but SH3 made me question if I even want to keep playing at times even though I was enjoying the game A LOT. This game is straight up anxiety inducing. Especially considering the fact that SH3 on normal is probably more difficult than 1 and 2 on hard, makes this game even more tense

>> No.9851670

Yeah, the sound design in this game went from spooky to outright hostile. The environments feel like they're attacking you.

>> No.9851676

I will never understand how SH games are scary, maybe it's a woman thing

>> No.9851681

Women actually fucking love these games for some reason but don't find them scary
>I will never understand how SH games are scary
So yeah, it's a brainlet thing if you are not a woman

>> No.9851730

If it was only scary to women, it would be about (You) trying to flirt with the player. So that's definitely not the reason.

>> No.9851741
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What makes you think I'm not in the game?

>> No.9851774

It's more of a you having autism and no imagination thing.

>> No.9851786

Do I need imagination to find mannequins and blood covered walls scary? Because the only thing that separates SH from a bad creepypasta is age

>> No.9851792

The only thing that separates your mother from a whore is nothing

>> No.9851829

Tell me about it

>> No.9852174

Waw... Red rusty rooms... Super...... Scary........

>> No.9853228

Ya, it's very easy to deconstruct horror games so that they don't seem scary to you. Good job big boy.

>> No.9853407

You... Cocks... Super...... Gay.......

>> No.9854041

I think Team Silent really nailed the atmosphere in Silent Hill 3. I feel like it's similar to Silent Hill 1's atmosphere but much more aggressive somehow.

>> No.9854050

there is no "Team Silent"

>> No.9854053

When the penis ripper showed up in SH3 it was terrifying

>> No.9854054

Same, honestly. I like them - the atmosphere and plenty of the ideas are great and some of the designs are very disturbing. But both SH 1 and 2 ceased to be scary the second I understood that I can just beat the shit out of any monster on my path with a pipe or plank, and it's not even particularly hard of risky to do so. And if I do get hit, I can just pause the game and heal myself at any second.
The atmosphere and designs needed to make it terrifying are absolutely there, but it just doesn't work when the player is too much in control and doesn't feel genuinely threatened. At least it's that way for me.
Haven't played SH3 or anything after that yet

>> No.9854057
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This thing?

>> No.9854061

The horror in Silent Hill is much more psychological. It'll never be shit-your-pants scary but more like this-feels-wrong scary.

>> No.9854070

I can appreciate this sort of horror and I do enjoy it in terms of writing, but unless there is some risk involved that makes me feel that I can genuinely fail and face the consequences, it doesn't really make me, you know, afraid. Sad, disgusted, melancholic, disturbed, thoughtful - sure, at times. But not scared.

>> No.9854076

Yeah, I agree. Silent Hill 1 is probably my favorite horror game but you are correct that being able to hop into the pause menu devalues it a little bit.

>> No.9854085

Silent Hill is an allegory for giving birth, menstruation, rape and abortion, things that are just everyday life to women but scary to men.

>> No.9854095

Sh1 School is the scariest shit I experienced in a vidya at the time, I even didn't want to be near the disc or see it around and It wasn't until years later that I found the courage to complete the game.

And on top of that this motherfuckers put an ufo ending which made me glad I was older me who saw it and not younger me who was terrified of the typical big-eyes gray looking alien.

since then there hasn't been another game that scared me, not even the Sh sequels

>PS: fuck the school piano, had to look up a guide to do it

>> No.9854107
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The piano filtered me too lol, even on a second playthrough.

>> No.9854118
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Not the school itself but its otherworld counterpart when you exit the clock tower and this shit starts playing
But then the scariest overall part for me is probably when you leave the antiques shop and have to go to the hospital again. That whole trip through the nightmare version of Silent Hill took me by surprise, I didn't expect the whole town to change

>> No.9854130

>Not the school itself but its otherworld counterpart when you exit the clock tower and this shit starts playing

>when you leave the antiques shop and have to go to the hospital again
for me, the sudden change to darkness after crossing the house (before reaching the school) prepared me for that

I remember vividly how I didn't want to walk into the darkness but since I had to "finish" the game I ran like a maniac in circles, I don't know how I reached the fucking school

seriously fuck that game hahahaha

>> No.9854141

The thing I remember most vividly from SH1 is that transition at the hospital
>get in the elevator
>check all the available floors, no way to progress or even really explore any of them
>kinda confused
>oh, wait, there is one more floor to check
>press button
>wait a second, that floor wasn't on the building plan
>also pretty sure the button wasn't there earlier
>realise I got played and I'm fucked
>the elevator opens to a fucking hellscape
>the doors lock behind me
I really love how they did that one, worked marvellously. Used that trick in a few RPG horror scenarios I ran and it never fails

>> No.9854143

I played SH1 again after a decade. Each time I thought the puzzle was about the placement of the blood on the keys.

>> No.9854148


>> No.9854161

Sometimes I think it's just there to confuse players.

>> No.9854178

SH3 enemies are stronger but you can run past almost all of them

>> No.9854248

I played it for the first time in 2020. Beat games like dead space, Alan wake, fear, condemned, stalker, the suffering, re2 before sh1. They were all scary or at least unsettling, but sh1 is a completely different animal. It goes without saying why the school might be the scariest place and moment in all horror vidya. Sound and art design are unbelievable, truly terrifying. The only games that can even hold a candle to that level of terror now are hide n seek sims, and thats mostly because you’re unarmed, which is gimmicky imo.

>> No.9854268

The weirdest part is how it has like no intro compared to SH1 or 2. It just starts. And it kind of does that twice. Fake out intro stage, then just immediately into the mall. Despite how cool and spooky the mall was, the lack of story made it less engaging.

>> No.9854315

The music drew me in


>> No.9854401

I replayed the intro to Silent Hill recently. Just the beginning is really spooky. You're standing in this unknown town, you're all alone and it's foggy as shit. The music and everything about that scene is just really unsettling.

>> No.9854416

The first 1,5 minutes are somehow the scariest part

>> No.9854427

Yeah, that's the track! The atmosphere in those first few minutes is impeccable.

>> No.9854437
File: 55 KB, 640x480, shpaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always found the school painting to be extremely unsettling

Back in the day I thought SH was the coolest and most mind-grabbing game around, but would only play it with my survival horror buddies.

Coming out of the clocktower, the 4th floor at the hospital, the town transformation, reaching the final area and saving the game to find out is "NOWHERE"...

the ayy lmaos ending is supposed to be funny but it's uncanny and evil af. That's the final impression one's got from the game, a really doomy aftertaste

>> No.9854441

Masahiro Ito was not the lead art designer in the first game (in fact, Keiichiro Toyama himself designed most of the creatures and environments iirc) but that painting in particular was done by him

>> No.9854468 [SPOILER] 
File: 85 KB, 1360x768, silenthill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really cool that the scene of this painting actually becomes real later on in the Otherworld.

>> No.9854487

Now try going out of bounds

>> No.9854493

I didn't even know that was possible in SH.

>> No.9854649
File: 23 KB, 640x480, 1414007866958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played through 1 and 2 recently, going through 3 now I have to say it's the scariest for me. It's too uncanny valley in the "good" areas and the sound design really is anxiety inducing in the otherworld.
For the people not feeling any impact from the sound, try it with good headphones, it adds a lot to the tension hearing clearly all the sounds, even a door creaking open can be spooky when it happens in what feels like a wrong or dangerous time

>> No.9854736

Literal hell
J Horror set in America

>> No.9855485
File: 2.22 MB, 250x233, Doorghostps2_02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are all very spot-on but
>J Horror set in America
That's probably the best description of SH4 I've ever heard lol.

>> No.9856378

Old horrors were usually about unpleasant, disturbing themes, like atonement for sins, rapes, bullying, etc. But they simply died on ps360 because 100k-800k sold copies were too low numbers for new AAA budgets.
Nu-horrors were born after streaming became a thing, they made for backseat gaming. So they are all about screamers and other cheap tricks to make your favorite streamer shout

>> No.9856737
File: 26 KB, 468x287, sh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so true. I love how mysterious the vibe is in Silent Hill 1.

>> No.9856779

I still think SH 1-3 were so good and still to this day have the best horror atmosphere of any game ever. It was a combination of the horrific imagery, music, scary sounds and environments that did it. The monsters themselves probably wouldn't even be as scary or at least most of them if they were planted in other games. Silent Hill almost feels like when you are having an alright or decent dream and then suddenly for whatever reason the dream becomes spooky with everything going wrong and you wake up frightened by the quick randomness of it all. Silent Hill is like that for basically an entire game. They gave a surreal feeling I've never seen duplicated as well in any other game. Just about every other game makes you feel too much you are either in a game world or you are in a world that attempts to simulate realism too much. Silent Hill didn't ever feel like either to me. It felt like someone's nightmare or a dream going bad. SH1 to a large extent is that and SH3 starts off with a nightmare.

>> No.9856815

In case you didn't know or anyone else itt, SH3 was a rushed game that was actually intended to be a rail shooter at first.

>> No.9856838

>Silent Hill almost feels like when you are having an alright or decent dream and then suddenly for whatever reason the dream becomes spooky
SH1 fucking nailed this. One reason why I think the game is so good.

>> No.9856839

one of the easiest puzzles in the franchise (and the funnest) you couldn't just get out a paper and pencil and sketch out the sequence?

>> No.9856841

this and the cat in the locker made me whisper kino under my breath

>> No.9856860

The cat was really unexpected. I was expecting a monster or something then it's just a regular cat lol.

>> No.9857126
File: 515 KB, 1648x1244, 026-027_sh1_creature_commentary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ito did design monsters for SH1, just not all of them. The twinfeeler, floatstinger, and puppet nurse and doctor were designed by Naoko Sato while Toyama designed the groaner and air screamer.


>> No.9857904

SH wiki says that the nurses and floatstinger were designed by Toyama, interesting

>> No.9858050

Did anyone who first played the game as an adult get filtered by the piano puzzle? There are puzzles I found hard in SH1 but the piano puzzle isn't one of them, it's really straightforward. Makes me think people only find it hard because they were kids when they played it.

>> No.9858642

Probably a combination of being kids and english not being native language for many players. Maybe also giving up without actually testing the keys and seeing that only some of them work.

>> No.9858653

>Imaginary monsters

>> No.9858708
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Today I will remind them.

>> No.9858808

Its not a "shit your pants" scary, more of a "make you feel very uncomfortable and anxious all the fucking time" kind of scary.

>> No.9858905
File: 273 KB, 1920x1080, cesar-soria-sq-extra-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With SH wikis you got tonkind of take info with a grain of salt. Because people's interpretations vary so much so you get a lit of explanations with no actual proof to reference.

It's autism but I just fucking hate how so much of the community gas adopted "The Order" as an official name for the cult. The cult is so much weirder and cryptic when even its own name is unknown. Then they of course had to pick the most generic name possible for a cult too. Ut just makes them sound silo much more like a bunch of weirdos in spooky robes chanting all day.

>> No.9859038

Why did they create Claudia when Leonard was obviously the cooler and more original bad guy? Did we really need a recycled version of Dahlia?

>> No.9859178

Beside being priestesses they're nothing alike. Dahlia was well aware of her misdeeds, she knew what she was doing was for her own gain. Claudia is more tragic, she genuinely believes that whatvshe us doing is for the betterment of mankind. She herself says she doesn't even believe she is worthy of salvation for the suffering she has caused. She also acts as a better foil to Heather, similar to Dahlia to Harry in SH1.

>> No.9859219

Well I didn't get that either, first one was at least mysterious and it was interesting to follow where the game leads you. 2 and 3 trivialise all the paranormal things of the first game and are pretty much walking sims with monsters posing no threat. And 3 in particular is a self-parody, so much so it's hard to take whatever it's telling seriously. For all the shit 4 gets at least its difficulty created tension to fit its atmosphere.

>> No.9859220

I've played through SH3 enough that I kinda find it relaxing now. Just something to put on a semi-speedrun when I feel bored.

>> No.9859221

Did you play 4 yet? Apartment later in game is rather scary in my opinion.

>> No.9859389

Clearly a penis.
Sh is maybe the best psychoanalytical series ever. Shame there was no Sh after sh3.

>> No.9859402

Feels less rushed than almost all newer games

>> No.9859405
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>> No.9859414

There's much more to split head. That official material? There's a reason fire is in the middle of the arena.

>> No.9859423

It is a penis, I'm not even joking. SH3 deals with pregnancy and all that shit

>> No.9859625

Yup. Sh3 has outstanding monster design. The big guys with huge arms? Degenerated shoppers. Those arms are shoppingbags.

>> No.9859698

I have a very hard time believing that.

>> No.9859738

It's also pretty obvious considering the monster thrusts in and out of holes throughout the boss fight.

>> No.9859745

Don't forget, Slurpers wear designer jeans.

>> No.9859821
File: 1.32 MB, 1180x862, 1666215244376199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played SH3 for the first time last year and the hospital was fucking terryfing, I was so tense, I hadn't been so scared playing a videogame in a very long time

>> No.9860007

What do you think they symbolize?

>> No.9860018

Are women really afraid of penises?

>> No.9860516

Yeah it's symbolic of Heather being impregnated by God against her will and her unconscious fears of it. That boss pops off right at the beginning of the game, when the Otherworld first starts to manifest and when the Numb Bodies are still in an early embryonic stage.

>> No.9860520

Rape, most likely.

>> No.9860591

play that game with reshade's superdpth 3d vr with a vr headset's 240'' virtual screen. I dare you.

>> No.9860669
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Did Lisa really derserve this?

>> No.9861005

not lisa

>> No.9861012

>Fatal Frame
lol. I guess if crappy blurry aftereffect photos and random Japanese moaning scares you.

>> No.9861019

SH3 makes the monsters a LOT more threatening physically. They will kick your ass if you're not careful

>> No.9861025

>They will kick your ass if you're not careful
fucking slurpers

>> No.9861028

Alessia was metaphysically (maybe even literally) raped as an eight year old and impregnated with a demon god. If anyone should fear dicks or having a kid I'd say it's her

>> No.9861045

I had a very hard time with those flying buzz saw creatures.

>> No.9861048

>run past everything
>save up the shotgun ammo
>otherworld hospital time, a herd of ugly fuckin slurpers are rushing at you like it's Left 4 Dead, don't even know why they'd put so many enemies in this dungeon
>completely obliterate them
>run past everything again until the credits roll
This is what my SH3 experience is usually like