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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 856 KB, 1710x762, psp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9833408 No.9833408 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have a favourite machine to play /vr/ games on?


>> No.9833415

Damn, that's a sleek looking UI.

>> No.9833428

Off the top of my head, I think that system was the first portable console that let you use custom images for the user interface. With modding you can change the icons and so on too.

>> No.9833432
File: 62 KB, 1100x1100, 51q+a4QUABL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much should I be paying for this?

>> No.9833453

ahh right, I keep forgetting about that.

>> No.9833458

It's just the standard PSP one with a custom background. Nothing to see here.
Third birthday is the reason why the financial crisis happened. .

>> No.9833540

MSRP. No more.
>Third birthday
My secondary friend, that art is not from Third Birthday.

>> No.9833567

sisters, our guy posted a review


I'm somewhat tempted by this 3:2

>> No.9833576

is this one of those stupid monitors that uses fuckin crt shaders in order to make games look halfway decent? lame

>> No.9833578

4:3 content on my 16:9 22" monitor is already too fucking big.

>> No.9833580

What, no, it doesn't have any by default, he just flips them on in retroarch for a bit. That's actually a thing lmao?

>> No.9833583

lmao lol lmao?

>> No.9833586 [DELETED] 


>> No.9833589


>> No.9833604
File: 247 KB, 480x430, 13q5hn3w67.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It still must be said. Mitochondria from the IRL world caused 2008 because of 3rd Birthday.

>> No.9833609

you say our guy facetiously but he's easily the best of the bunch
unless you want to listen to The guy Who types like This in all his. Descriptions
Or Taki ''I designed the Retroid Pocket 3+ and I also invented the internet'' Udon

>> No.9833616

No I actually wasn't being facetious, but that's the fun of calling everyone our guy. Taki needs to delete his account he's a sperg queer, and not the good kind that work on emulators 23 hours a day

>> No.9833624
File: 39 KB, 508x260, oh my fuck 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the retrododo guy that everyone fucking hates is probably going to have the first flip review

>> No.9833626

Is the RG35XX significantly worse than this? I know the RG35XX has worse battery life. But the 5XX is actually available for me to purchase and receive in a reasonable time frame.

>> No.9833627

>Taki ''I designed the Retroid Pocket 3+ and I also invented the internet'' Udon
I hate that lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.9833628

Taki is an arrogant autist confirmed

>> No.9833632

The battery life is bad despite chang cope that it's "not that bad lol just have to plug it in a few times!". I bought a 3500mah off ali and swapped it which improved it. That combined with underclocking via Garlic helps a lot.

>> No.9833712

>retrododo guy
the funniest thing that guy ever did was seeing the pornhub logo used as the banner for the media player app on a powkiddy console, and he started acting like he found child porn on the console

>> No.9833814
File: 1.46 MB, 1021x787, dangerous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whelp, I just ordered a Miyoo Mini Plus. Never owned one of these third party game devices before, but my GBA SP 001 is begging for retirement at this point. The fact that the MM+ can play anything other than GB/GBC/GBA games is just a nice bonus to me.

>> No.9833826

wow that is a really nice looking sp

>> No.9833842

Perks of growing up in a lower middle class family. You treated everything like gold because the odds of getting it replaced was next to 0%.

>> No.9833960


>> No.9833973

think you have to copy paste this url into your browser for the timestamp to work but here
the reaction is less animated than my memory remembered

>> No.9833992

>Has chance to make a humorous review
>Blows it by sperging out

>> No.9834040

No. I play games on the system they were designed to be played on.

>> No.9834247

>The guy Who types like This in all his. Descriptions

>> No.9834253

I got mine for $69.99, 64GB micro SD card included, free shipping. I'm not sure if you're going to be able to beat that deal.

>> No.9834559

Which one is the John Wick looking guy? I kinda like him. He always seems like one bad day away from no longer giving a fuck and blaming everything on jews

>> No.9834562

MSRP. You get 2 tries every month. Follow the Twitter account (Google something like miyoo mini restock Twitter and it should pop up) he'll give you plenty of heads up time. Last restock lasted a while now that people know that the miyoo isnt special so you'll get one if you stay up.

>> No.9834578

He is a basedboy bro. He is one tweet away from supporting BLM pacific riots.

>> No.9834629

Hope you enjoy it

>> No.9834684

Ordered a Miyoo Plus for 102€, have the chinks fleeced me? The RG35xx was only 50€, but someone said the battery was bad.

>> No.9834716

I am using MinUI on my 35xx and the deep suspend really helps with battery life, think how much you'll notice the poor battery is going to depend heavily on your use case, I use mine in 10-15 min bursts while on breaks and have no problems but if you are going to be taking long train rides or something if might be problematic.

I think if you're going to be playing tons on one of these consoles it makes sense to spend more money and get something in a more comfortable form factor like rp3+, or at least spend the $10 for a bigger battery for the 35xx

>> No.9834725
File: 128 KB, 461x402, kingcobrajfs-4ypz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You chinked yourself

>> No.9834749
File: 585 KB, 363x233, 1653138262551351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't say that, it makes me feel bad to be honest with you.

>> No.9834768

Anyone else got a shipping email from Retroid for their flip yet?

>> No.9834785

Yeah you overpaid a bit, too bad, so sad, if you enjoy the device when it gets to you why do you care? It's not that much money, just be more careful next time

>> No.9834797
File: 103 KB, 1500x1173, LJT8ObY3caTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still the best for everything up to and including PSX
>240p IPS screen with built-in scanlines
>stellar build quality, made of Nintendium
>natively plays GBA, DS, 3DS games (latter two not retro, sue me)

>they hated him because he told the truth

>> No.9834801

The 3DS sold poorly compared to the DS, and the New models sold even worse, so how the fuck are we supposed to buy it for cheap?

>> No.9834802

You should have not fucked up and bought it in 2016 like me

>> No.9834803

Gee, thanks for the obvious answer. Except I could only afford a shitty 2DS back then

>> No.9834809

If you're in Europe, you can get one from Refurbed for around €180
I'm sure there's similar shit in the US or wherever the fuck you are

>> No.9834859

>Miyoo Plus for 102€
Bro what the fuck would compel you to do that?

>> No.9834863
File: 26 KB, 500x414, 41X3B28XR7L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9834924

The AGS101 is pretty much perfect, except for the low, mono audio.

>> No.9835204 [DELETED] 

What? Someone in this thread just said they got one for a fraction of what you paid >>9834559, why would you pay that much?

>> No.9835209

What? Someone in this thread just said they got one for a fraction of what you paid >>9834253, why would you pay that much?

>> No.9835218 [DELETED] 

Nihao fellow wumao operatives, our latest anti capitalist capitalist venture has been a great success, many bing bang wohoos sold to greasy american slop animals.

What shall our next product/sleeper agent incendiary device be? I am thinking of N64 controller with screen that only plays tamagotchi

>> No.9835223 [DELETED] 

Great idea! You get 10000 social credits

>> No.9835240 [DELETED] 

You're right. We should all be paying $100 for Aria of Sorrow to play on our soulful and heckin' wholesome original GBA systems. Keep Nintendo going strong!

>> No.9835251 [DELETED] 

Kek, this is always what it amounts to. Paying out the ass to ebay flippers for no reason other than to CONSOOOM.

>> No.9835253 [DELETED] 

Imagine falling victim to FOMO and scalping

>> No.9835270

2DS is fucking based

>> No.9835325 [DELETED] 

Chinkhelds are fascism mixed with systematic racism, not kinotalism.
>Bing bing wahoos
Proper term is chink chink, bugman.
Social credits leh good
A phone with 7 proxies is all you need.
Don't compare the gba to kektendo's other nigbominations of sneedhelds. And circle of the moon, order of ecclesia, and that shitty wiiware game are the only half decent sneedlevanias post 3.
>Both posts funny as fuck, but ruined by reddit spacing.

>> No.9835346
File: 1.43 MB, 4032x2268, qL5wsYpdBwfDusadE3Rp4L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one portable console worth considering. plays everything up to Switch

>> No.9835404
File: 55 KB, 1530x466, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh, ktbros? I'm thinking we're getting videos this weekend after all unless nil's being overly optimistic and something goes wrong again

>> No.9835471

>the stripe payment is almost the same
True, it's both based on the internet and HTML, amirite?

>> No.9835490

I've never known Nil to underestimate how long it actually takes to do something.
On another note, what's up with the JelOS dev having a spack attack over that youtube guy? Anyone know what the beef is?

>> No.9835492

when you get right down to it, it's all just all 0s and 1s egghead BULLSHIT

>> No.9835501

I don't know but that was hilarious. JELOS guy was actually acting uncharacteristically normal in there until that bong retard showed up. The bong is a retard don't get me wrong, but JELOSman was clearly in the wrong here.

>> No.9835843

apparently there's a shipping delay for people that ordered one of the red flips. retroid currently committing sudoku and planning to send a free carrying case to those affected as an apology.

>> No.9835852
File: 279 KB, 634x612, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also /our guy/ eta prime got this watermelon unit, review of this emulation BEAST soon

>> No.9835865

They're all emulation BEASTS...until they all start showing their limitations in regards to power

>> No.9835869

*until they have a framedip running bloody roar 2

>> No.9835881

JELOS guy absolutely SEETHING in his cuckcord over being called immature. is now sending his dev unit back to nil declaring he's not going to put jello on it anymore. some random tranny dev said he's still working to get linux on it tho.

>> No.9835898
File: 307 KB, 2732x1852, IMG_0765[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently going mental for no obvious reason and then pulling an OS out of pure spite for absolutely everyone qualifies as 'standing up for what's right.' Apparently it's over some open source bullshit. But who the fuck simps for an emulation handheld linux dev? This is a new low for society.

>> No.9835907

This looks really uncomfortable, which is jarring considering how comfortable the original RP3+ is.

>> No.9835914

How come the PSP isn't allowed as retro with all its classic ports and remakes but these chink emulation machines from 2023 are?

>> No.9835924

>Third birthday is the reason why the financial crisis happened. .
Getting your dates a bit mixed up there

>> No.9835928

Discussing the PSP for the purposes of emulating retro games is allowed. Discussing it for the purposes of playing PSP games is not. Same goes for Vita. Them's the rules until eventually they aren't and PS3 is considered retro. Which will be a dark, dark day.

>> No.9835932

My Flip will never ship

>> No.9835934

>our guy
Who? He speaks like he frequents the Castro district in SF

>> No.9835937

Why did OP screw up the naming of this general?

Because the PSP has its own library of games and that library does not meet the classification of /vr/

>> No.9835939

The rules on this board can be really confusing.

>> No.9835953

people talk about psp, vita, ds, and 3ds in here all the time anon. no one cares. if you want to be autistic, the distinction is talking about them as emulation devices for /vr/ content vs their actual library, but in reality you can talk about running/emulating their library in here too and no one will care.

>> No.9835961

There's probably not enough interest in an emulation board, so this ends up being the best place for it. I don't see why there isn't a dedicated handheld board, though, when there's a sodding mobile games one.

>> No.9835971

4chan already loses money. Probably doesn't want to split the place in to even more dead boards. However we could replace an existing board with a handheld one, I propose we get rid of /lgbt/

>> No.9835990

>Why did OP screw up the naming of this general?
My newfaggot friend, generals are not allowed on this board. The last thread fucked up with that title and it's a surprise it wasn't deleted.

>> No.9836003

This is exactly why I don't care about Linux handhelds and their custom firmwares. I don't want my OS to be at the whim of whether some autist got up on the right side of the bed or not. At least with Android I know I can just set up Retroarch, standalones, and Daijisho and not have to worry about it ever getting discontinued or unsupported due to stupid drama.

>> No.9836149
File: 195 KB, 800x707, 1654662102518030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eta prime is who Madlittlepixel talks about when he says that he saw the numbers that he gets for favorable reviews by chinese companies

ETA is not our guy.

>> No.9836171

very unbeastly comment tbqh...

>> No.9836181
File: 3.69 MB, 482x640, 1667554109953070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck these paid advertisers, these dudes are not our friends, they get paid to talk about product, that is all that is.

>> No.9836192

THIS affordable mini PC is a BEAST!!!!

>puts $4-500 in worth of RAM and SSD upgrades as well as a dedicated GPU

uh yeah, this $200 office PC turned $700 gaming PC is an emulation beast isn't it

>> No.9836456
File: 1.35 MB, 2868x1612, IMG_20230419_200609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, got myself the meme Data Frog handheld. For £20 it's absolutely the handheld I ever bought.
>The screen is actually fantastic. 320x240 but bright and sharp and clear.
>It's seriously comfortable to hold. Not even joking, it's more comfy than the Vita.
>I lucked out with the buttons. They don't stick or go inside the unit. Very responsive, but loud.
>Dpad is good. No issues with diagonals. Very springy and snappy. If you've ever used a cheap SNES pad you'll know what I mean.
>The speaker is really good.
Now the bad.
>The screen refresh rate is nowhere near 60Hz. The screen tearing is constant and judder is unavoidable, even when the game is running properly. Anything fast moving is not pleasant to look at.
>Performance on higher systems is predictably crap
>Button mappings are weird and unchangeable. For example, the Game Boy games have the buttons inverted.
>Many of the included ROMs are straight up broken. Of the seven games I tried, three failed to load properly.
>The sound does this weird thing where it will occasionally repeat things. This happened across all systems, so it's not emulation related.
Overall, this is a handheld alright. For my purposes (leaving it in the car as an emergency Tetris machine), it's worth the money. If it's ever figured out how to make custom firmware, it could be great.

>> No.9836457

I commented in his video why the 3:2 is not working correctly for the GBA core. It is obvious he is a retard and also it was a "non" sponsored video.

The same kind of retard like MKBHD that only reads specs and do "tests" to comply with the sponsors

>> No.9836468
File: 1.97 MB, 2925x2194, IMG_20230419_200344~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the screen

>> No.9836473

Why wasn't it working?

>> No.9836478

At least dudes like Retrododo are slightly less bootlickers

>> No.9836495

Even though it is 3:2 as the GBA, the resolution is 10.5x of the GBA which is not integer scaled.

Same as the retards that told me to buy a iPad screen for a MisterFPGA because it is 4:3. If I want integer scale, there will be black spaces

>> No.9836532

The KTR1 is going to be the same. It's 3:2 but it will only be able to go up to a 6.75x scale if full screened. At high resolutions, it should look fine with some assistance from shaders though, right?

>> No.9836551

so basically he was complaining about the image not filling the entire screen or something? that seems bizarre considering he's had entire autistic monologues about the effect of turning integer scaling on and off in previous videos.

>> No.9836558
File: 284 KB, 636x444, Screenshot_20230419-211517~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It fills the screen vertically but not horizontally, though, so that doesn't explain it.

>> No.9836569

We have to keep saying it but these guys don’t even play games and they’re starting to lose their knowledge of how to even set shit up because all of their time is pre-occupied as a glorified marketing agent. They spend their full time coordinating/shooting/editing videos, talking to vendors, getting “leaks,” etc.

Their original channels were likely born out of it being a hobby/having that level of knowledge, but now it’s become an income stream and they treat it like a job, and there’s plenty of people at a job who don’t really know what they’re doing but could fool you all the same.

>> No.9836610

does the video show him verifying that the core aspect ratio is actually set to 3:2? that kinda looks like it somehow got set to 4:3 but I'm not a tv doctor.

>> No.9836615

It’s been like this for months.

>> No.9836618


I put together lists of the PS2 and Gamecube games that ONLY have a compatibility of "Great" on T618 devices. So you can be certain these games will be perfect if you don't want to waste any time on anything imperfect.

T618 devices include: Anbernic 405m, RP3+, Retro Pocket Flip.

>> No.9836621

Because the word general isn't used. Look at the doom/retro FPS thread. They NEVER use the term general for that reason. That's why the anon whining about why the thread doesn't have the word general in it outed himself as a newfag. The last thread got lucky.

>> No.9836630

Yeah I always just say "Handheld thread" as my title and leave it at that.

>> No.9836631

Nice, thanks anon.

>> No.9836657

It is stretched vertically but not horizontal, some weird config but yes, the screen is not for retrofagging.

>> No.9836683

Thank you anon, for anyone else just keep in mind these “Greats” might involve about 20 settings/hacks toggled to get it to be playable. The community spreadsheets tend to be extremely optimistic, not that anyone on here is a stranger to configuring emulators but don’t assume Great means out of the box Great, or even anything approaching great.

>> No.9836690

Yeah, he tries manually putting it to Full and it's fine, but on PAR and Core Provided it isn't. It's also on Integer Scaling the whole time, so it shouldn't even fill the screen vertically, but it does (that could be that the black borders are so small that they don't show up on video). Retroarch just being Retroarch, probably.

>> No.9836692

Yeah, which sucks. Are there even any modern 4:3 monitors? I know there’s some 2:3 (I think) made for productivity which are also pretty damn expensive.

>> No.9836702
File: 178 KB, 960x720, Fusion 04_05_2021 22_09_25 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>World Cup Italia '90 on Mega Drive
Ah, I see you're a man of culture aswell.

>> No.9836707

tree fiddy

>> No.9836941
File: 21 KB, 1336x244, thanks powkiddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

powkiddy is DONE taking the abuse of his evil twin

>> No.9836949

pocket flip plus when?

>> No.9836989

I paid 62 monetary units for mine.

>> No.9836992


>> No.9837056

heard keepretro was shit but they shipped my order out less than 24 hours

>> No.9837349

so about those retro flip reviews

>> No.9837430
File: 720 KB, 960x1280, P4190914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in one-handed gaming heaven

>> No.9837431

I don't get it. You're complaining about a guy not doing free work because he doesn't want to do it, I don't see what the objection is except for the fact you want it done. It's not like that prevents anyone else from doing it. Shit is open source. This is the same complaint used to say AetherSX2 development being discontinued is petty. You can't expect people to do stuff they don't want to do or hate for free for your benefit.

You have to write in the support to support a device in an aftermarket OS. It's not like the functionality of the device hinges by default on aftermarket solutions working or you have a brick in your hands. You would be stuck in the same situation with Android too with regards to aftermarket options.

I mean, that would be fine given the settings and tweaks are all listed but they are not and there is no reason people testing can't list them especially when the sheet lists it. As a result, it's more wasted time you have to redo the testing to find the perfect settings on your own if you can't find out how to do it with a quick Google search.

>> No.9837450

I like using a 3ds
Gb/c emulation is a bit slow, I don't want to use gameyob because it saves after I close the game, something I forget to do often
Gba games run perfectly

>> No.9837451 [DELETED] 

No one cares faggot, if you want to have an autistic meltdown and go dilate in your programmer socks at least post the source code and fuck off, the morons like talreth/Stanzek who freak the fuck out, post fake quitting manifestos, trash their own code, seethe and have sperg meltdowns etc should be institutionalized and hold entire communities at hostage who are then forced to play court jester to make sure Chris Chan with a CS degree is having a good day and feels loved and doesn’t nuke his code

>> No.9837460

And yet I don't see monkey niggers like you doing anything about it via fixing the situation yourself or getting well adjusted non-mentally ill white male middle aged programmers to do it. Talk is cheap, and your lack of action is deafening.

>> No.9837463 [DELETED] 

Sure thing talreth, if you want to carebear for emulation devs having hourly emotional meltdowns fuck off to leddit, this whole I don’t see you doing better nigger excuse has never been a valid deflection, it’s the playground equivalent of I have an an invincibility shield you can’t do that

>> No.9837474

I'm not whatever your imaginary boogeyman is and thinking that is even the case makes you as mentally ill as the people you complain about. Even thinking not doing anything and complaining on a Mongolian basketweaving forum gives you any argument high ground or does anything but shit up these threads is laughable enough.

>> No.9837743

I love my 3DS but it kinda sucks as a dedicated emulation machine. It's a pain in the ass to install new roms compared to most other machines, and while the injects are nice you can't use any features like shaders, fast forward, rewind, scaling options, etc.
It's even worse specifically for GBA since you can't access the home menu nor use sleep mode, and the games have this really disgusting filter over them. You're better off just buying an actual SP or micro model.

>> No.9837763

Use FTP to transfer your games
Use open agb firm for less terrible scaling with GBA, or play 1x, it might look small but on a N3DS XL it is actually very slightly larger than the OG GBA screen so it should be fine
Use RetroArch for fast forward and shit
And yeah with GBA you don't have zoomer shit like save states but on the flip side it's not emulated but running natively on the hardware

>> No.9837914 [DELETED] 

I'm not complaining that he isn't doing work for free. I'm claiming that acting like a child and then withdrawing a product with the explicit, stated intention of spiting people who don't already like him, then getting an army of literal pronouns-in-the-bio trannies to simp for him is the kind of behaviour that will result in the collapse of society.
I don't want to put JELOS on anything, it generally has worse performance than stock Android.

>> No.9838202

Question for T618 chads:

What arcade setup do you use? Mame 2003, 2003 plus, 2010, 2016, Final Burn Neo? I can't really find performance comparisons or even general guidance other than older version is faster, newer version better emulation/more games. Anyone here running 2016 with no issues on something like an rp3+ or anbernig 405?

>> No.9838208

>puts $4-500 in worth of RAM and SSD upgrades as well as a dedicated GPU
where the fuck do you live for basic computer hardware to cost that fucking much

>> No.9838221

None of these devices are perfect but they really nailed the aesthetics with this one.

>> No.9838330

I don't care who he is or what he does, he's acting like an autistic child.

>> No.9838403

I like how it looks more than the rg35xx at least, and the transparent black color completely BTFOs any of anbernig's color offerings.

>> No.9838453

That's an excellent question and one I never really figured out the answer to before switching over to my Powkiddy A12 for arcade stuff. For Neo-Geo in particular I liked using Final Burn Neo since it had had some assignable multibutton macros in the Controls section.

>> No.9838504

Yeah, I also struggled to find the equivalent of a “major change log” between those versions of MAME that listed, for example, here’s all the games you can’t play on 03 you can on 10. I think I’m gonna try both final burn neo and MAME 2016 and see if anything is slow on both, if so I may need to drop down to 2010

>> No.9838543

/our guy/ is BACK with another retro emulation BEAST


>> No.9838549

Oh shit it’s the full thing, absolute beast incoming

>> No.9838559

Also you have to think this thing is a beta model for an OC’d version or something with that fan, I cannot imagine buying this run unless you’re thirsty for a clamshell

>> No.9838637

What does ETA even stand for anyway? Estimated time of arrival? Elvis tribute act? Ethiopian trombone association?

>> No.9838642

Emulation something something? I don’t want to get banned for the T lmao!

>> No.9838675

I hate ETA prime. Annoying voice, shitty production, clickbait titles, undeniably shamelessly a Chinese shill, never taxes the handhelds he gets only plays lightweight games that a fucking 2005 Motorola razr could play then proceeds to suck off the company and handheld

I know in the end, they are all shills but he is by far the worst.

>> No.9838685

When’s the last time he’s beat a game, starting bayonetta in Cemu 47 times doesn’t count

>> No.9838793


>> No.9838797

what is this supposed to be, juiced up 353p?

>> No.9838798

Linux only, no touch screen, same power.

>> No.9838804

eh, cool I guess but not enough for me to drop any money. I actually really like the size and shape of those though, if they release a better chipset version in a year or two I could see me getting one, seems like they have great ergonomics and people on here love them.

>> No.9838830
File: 115 KB, 802x582, 75912334_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is retarded

>> No.9838834

i agree, miku fans are insufferable

>> No.9838912

They are not, they just pick the boots to lick.

This can't be overstated. The only exception i know is MLP, he hinted at us about ETA getting paid for reviews, he actually plays games and is a deep well of information about all kinds of games, and he despises most device that get sent to him. ;-)
I spent time online with MLP in the piracy days before arcade punk, he is a real sweet dude, sent a fellow pirate some money when he couldn't make rent. Took money when he was in a pickle and made sure to repay more than he got.

>> No.9838946

eta is notorious for accepting payment for favorable reviews
steer clear

>> No.9838950
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>> No.9838965

So the only upsides of the Flip are the analogue triggers? Seems pointless when most GameCube games don't run well on it anyway. I guess the fan is kind of nice, but the RP3+ didn't really have heat issues unless you left it running a PS2/GC/DC game for three hours straight.

>> No.9838980

>analog triggers
I'm interested for stuff like Crazy Taxi 2, Red Dog, etc on Dreamcast, but not at the expense of analog sticks, lighter weight, and imo a superior form-factor on the RP3+. I might spring for the RP4 with those triggers if it's more along the lines of the RP3. I don't know why it wouldn't be.

>> No.9839025

forgot to mention brother zhou is what they call the anbernic boss

>> No.9839189

who is MLP

>> No.9839203

but does the 3+ say LIMITED on the back? Didn't think so

>> No.9839237


This dude paints a bleak picture. Hinge doesn't open enough, shitty to hold, touch screen placement blows, fan is loud but not very good, not an upgrade to the RP3+ in any sense, sliders work but they're still sliders

Feel bad for anyone who bought the hype

>> No.9839254

The clamshellbros are desperate anon.

>> No.9839256

I think it's best for everyone if you didn't know.

>> No.9839261

That is why you don't preorder shit that nobody has ever seen.
He fucked around and found out.

>> No.9839272

rp3+ and rg35xx/miyoo bros we continue to win on an hourly basis

>> No.9839303
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Bought for $10 at Five Below and comes with Gun Nac, Parodius, Twinbee, and a bunch of other NES shmups built in. No SD card slot or other emulators, but it gets the job done for a quick five minute gaming session

Depends on what games you want to play, for something basic like NES, Genesis, or GBA there are other generic handhelds you can buy for cheaper like the M3S or AN08.

>> No.9839312

Meant to say Gradius*

I tend to take these with a grain of salt, from my experience people seem to be overly critical with these handhelds including the good ones. It's always weird to me when they put fans in them, though

>> No.9839316

Five Below just sells blatant roms? lmao thats interesting

>> No.9839342

>16 bit
shit taste, deserves to get memed on.
>Hinge doesn't open enough
we knew like a week after unveil the max opening amount
>touch screen placement blows
touching your screen is gross to begin with and you should be using the cursor for anything that requires it. this also should've been obvious the moment the design was revealed considering you hands are on a completely separate half of the device.
>I'm missing the android home button.
What the FUCK, there's no home button?
>Can't tell the difference in performance with the rp3+.
>the difference
>implying there is a difference
holy fucking shit redditors are literally braindead

not defending the flop btw if that wasn't obvious, the rp3+ looks way better.

>> No.9839349

I think the OP thought the fan was going to somehow allow the chip to run more ps2 games or something

>> No.9839358
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They have been at FYE for a while (w/inflated price tag + different games) and you can find them at the Walmart checkout aisle nowadays. They usually go for like $15 on eBay so it's actually not that bad

>> No.9839359
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Yes I think so, but... It's been said and repeated about a billion times to people inquiring about this that the rp3+ doesn't get hot enough to throttle performance to begin with. Also the fact he says "the difference" instead of "a difference" makes it sound like he's still under the impression a difference exists and he simply hasn't observed it yet.

>> No.9839364

the flop is just a beta for the flop 2 which I'm guessing will have a bigger chip that might actually necessitate active cooling, but the flop is an abomination lmao I cannot imagine buying this fucking thing.

>> No.9839370

It's weird to me that the fan is simultaneously loud yet still doesn't blow much air if he's to be believed. He also says it still gets warm, so it basically fails at everything kek. I was at least thinking that if they were gonna put a fan on a fucking t618, it would at least be inaudible and result in zero warmth.

>> No.9839372

I wonder if it's loud from the frequency it spins at or something? Like coil whine but for a fan? Or maybe they didn't lubricate it properly? It's hilarious I'm just morbidly curious at why the fan is so fucked

>> No.9839373

They legitimately think adding a fan will somehow draw new potential out of the same chip in the 3+
New form factor means more power, of course

>> No.9839378

I hope custom firmware is created but I don't see anyone talking about this thing on le reddit discords

>> No.9839397

Yeah it has to be something stupid like that if it's not even really pushing air. ETA said it has a "whine to it" in performance mode so that lines up.

>> No.9839403

3 cents worth of grease isn't in our budget, prease understand

>> No.9839408

The processor was already discovered. I don't remember what its called, but its revealed to be a clone. Data frog also got the guys who created the firmware make an ad dump to someone who asked.

>> No.9839569

I'm not a fan of the flop but I don't know why everyone did such a hard 180 on the watermelon color after we got non-render pics. The more transparent appearance in the renders was better, but it still looks sexy af to me and easily the best of the color options. If that was an option for the RP3+ I probably would've went for that. I feel like everyone shitting on it has ruined my chances of being able to get that color on the RP4.

>> No.9839585
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vita, 3ds, psp-3000, dmg-01, gcb, etc
no need for chinese hot garbage

i dont understand why you guys insist on using those underpowered shitmon.
my tablet and ACTUAL controllers work much better
bigger screen
better specs
actual controllers (replaceable\changeable per system)

you are shills
or you have buyers remorse (aka like a redditor seeking validation from strangers online)

>> No.9839653

Shut up, attention seeking faggot

>> No.9839659

neck yourself faggot

>bigger screen
>better specs

>> No.9839672 [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 1200x1600, xn7EZB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NigS-Shita and kektendoCheeses
Give them to me so I can sell them at a bullshit price on ebay.
>Reddit spacing
>Chilling gookblets with chinktrollers. >Either cuckclamps or autismgrips
At least use the razer kinoshi for your larp.
>Big screen Goyming on a fucking Gookblet when he can just connect a android tv box to his Gook-V
Anyone else noticed how mice and men promote white genocide? Movie would've been realistic if it was women or browns, but they used whites for spreading their agenda.

Gookblets do have biggers screens, but nigdroid is useless without the performence governor

>> No.9839681

Well, if it's shit then i guess I'll get my tools and work on it.

>> No.9839686 [DELETED] 

the delusion is strong with this one
unless you have a laptop\steamdeck
you are using ancient outdated tech anon
they seethed because he told the truth
these threads are all chinese IP selling garbage to retards

>> No.9839689 [DELETED] 

i wish the mods would move ALL these threads of NON-RETRO handhelds to fucking \g\ where they belong

dumpster fire

>> No.9839694 [DELETED] 

leave the thread faggot, no one's forcing you to be here, but you're having such an estrogen driven emotional meltdown you're literally shaking unless you come into this thread and try to "own" people

>> No.9839707 [DELETED] 

imagine being so assblasted by basic common sense

tablets > chinkhandhelds

>> No.9839710 [DELETED] 

sure thing wine mom, go ahead and ack yourself after playing candy crush tonight

>> No.9839715 [DELETED] 

>Getting buttmad he couldnt shill playing his chink chink dumplings on his gookblet is leh seething
>Goyslopsp and GOymeds are retro even though they're 7th gen devices
>Being so much of a sneedle cattle, he bends down on his knees and BEGS forum mods to hide threads for him.
>When any mobile chan app can do that but better.

>> No.9839723 [DELETED] 

Lets not get hasty now.Match 3's and mobile games in general can be ludo /lit/ kino opposite of sneedle cattle. But we alll know the only thi g he emulates is DONKey Kangs we wuz country on the pissboy

>> No.9839727 [DELETED] 

>original hardware becomes hated
>only shill devices are allowed to be discussed
>using a tablet or retired smartphone (better specs) is frowned upon

you are absolutely retarded
or a chinese paid shill

>> No.9839734 [DELETED] 

No one's saying original cant be discussed, not once did I say that you delusional faggot. Everyone was fine in here talking until you barged in and started having a sperg meltdown. I genuinely enjoy both and I have a fucking 3ds and a psp you moron. I'm not the one who made a faggot troll post farming (you)s.

>> No.9839743 [DELETED] 

>Still doesnt name at least one of the kinoid phone goymes and admits he uses his gookblet Pooksmith for retroarch and ligmatok.
At least download j2me loader, yeesh.

>> No.9839753 [DELETED] 

Sorry, still getting a chinkheld.

>> No.9839808 [DELETED] 

Holy shit I hate zoomers

>> No.9839898 [DELETED] 

>shilling sidewinder of all things
kys chinkoid

>> No.9840041

this is the same as talking about emulation and shit like that has threads all the time

>> No.9840057

I still use a PSP 1K

I've got a 3K but I like the 1K more becauuse it's bigger and more comfortable

The screen is aids though, one of these days I need to try a screen mod.

>> No.9840336
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sometimes I look at or hold my deck and think "holy FUCK why are you so fucking massive" and other times think "oh this actually isn't that big". not sure what that's about DESU.

>> No.9840350

Is that controller any good? Smartphones seem like the best way to emulate ds games.

>> No.9840361

Screen is bad and DS and GBA don't scale well on it.
Controls don't feel good to use, and it doesn't feel comfy to hold.
I really wanted to like it, but none of the versions I tried felt good to me.
I loved my DS though. Kinda tempted to get a DSi XL, but I doubt I'd use it enough.

>> No.9840423
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>the ban on Youtubers will be launched
holy fucking BASED nil is going to genocide all the faggot jewtubers once and for all

>> No.9840430

>Do you have a favourite machine to play /vr/ games on?
Boring answer, just a steam deck. havent played much /vr/ recently though cause ive been nolifing the yakuza series. most often the /vr/ i play on it is a boring animal crossing: population growing, so maybe its time to hop back on jt

>> No.9840434

Indescribably based, is eta prime going to ack himself after being denied access to an emulation beast?

>> No.9840520

it seems comically large anon
hows it for longer sessions? 2 hours?
you holding that fuckin massive inbred baby lookin micro pc for two fuckin hours?

>> No.9840549

>didnt know i needed one of these
>similar devices use asymetric stick/button layout

>> No.9840563

>dropped my vita and the screen got a scratch/chip
>PSP still fine
Kinda upset but PSP games look better on the 3001 PSP anyway.

>> No.9840635

Different poster, but the flydigi wee2t feels much better for ds than the ipega 9087s. Both have worse input lag than usual since they're Bluetooth and their chips worse than 7th gen and up console controllers. But their fine if you'll use them for drastic only. Both will also feel cheap and there's a chance the ribbon cable will break with repeat use if your phone's too big. The flydigi can also be used for gyro aiming in games like metroid hunters, but I don't see the appeal. Also, there's an actual use-c vertical controller, but it only has two buttons and covers half the phone since it's meant for gb.

>> No.9840639

There are tons of various homebrew scalers for DS and GBA, have you tried any of those?
DSi XL wouldn't play GBA games, except through GBARunner, which is fine for a few games, but glitchy for most.

>> No.9840641

I never liked the feel of vita. It feels more premium in a way that makes it feel worse in hand, I have a hard time explaining it.

Like the heavy ass frame and glass front panel is nice but if you get anxiety holding it because if you like drop it on your desk it'll fucking explode. Meanwhile a PSP is just some plastic fucking toy but like a plastic fucking toy I can throw it at a wall and it still looks and works like new.

>> No.9840760

>There are tons of various homebrew scalers for DS and GBA
NTA but where can I read more about this? hacked my 3DS a while back due to the eShop closing

>> No.9840786

Use TWpatcher for DS scaling modes. Maybe I'm retarded but it took me ages to figure out how it works so I'll tell you. TWpatcher is a .CIA or .3DSX or whatever the fuck, so in other words a homebrew app for 3DS. You install it like any other, start it up, and select the options you want. I suggest either Linear Sharp 1 or GPU scaling (that one is a separate toggle in the options menu). I think GPU scaling looks the best although retards complain it's blurry. Once you set your options you push start or select I don't remember, then TWpatcher takes like 5 minutes to patch the DS back compat firmware on your 3DS with the filter (make sure your 3DS is fucking charged). After that, any DS homebrew or actual DS cart that you start up will use the filter.

As for GBA, there's a project called open agb firm, it's a reverse engineering of Nintendo's own back compat firmware with a ton of improvements. You can just put rom files on your SD for example, no need to VC inject anymore. Make sure you download the latest build from gbatemp that is marked with green (not the one from GitHub). Read the read me for shortcuts like screen brightness. To change scaling filter you need to edit some options file on your SD card. Option 0 is no scaling, 1 is bilinear, 2 is an improved version of the built in one. Use either 1 or 2.

>> No.9840805

very nice, thank you for the detailed post!

>> No.9840842

No problem

>> No.9840848
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There's also another controller for cheap called the m1/daqi m100 with a worse analog deadzones and more latency. The weet2 has 50-63ms and daqi is 90-115

>Speaks not on front
>V90 somehow the best feeling modern clamshell
Worst part is, Powkiddy will feel no reason to update the v90 since this doesn't threaten them. Best they'll do is release another successor to the x18

>> No.9840850

>sometimes I look at or hold my deck and think "holy FUCK why are you so fucking massive" and other times think "oh this actually isn't that big". not sure what that's about DESU.
probably because while in physical size it is indeed pretty huge, it's surprisingly light and the ergonomics are actually pretty good so it's also pretty comfortable to hold

>> No.9840909
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Picrel is 500 games for less.
You have been chinked.

>> No.9840967

yo i been workin out bro

>> No.9841787

I've tried TWPatcher for DS and didn't like it. I'll try the scalers recommended in >>9840786 to see if that makes more of a difference though.
Hadn't bothered with OPEN_AGB_FIRM since I didn't like the results I saw with TWPatch, but I might give it a shot.
>DSi XL wouldn't play GBA games
Yeah, it'd be just for DS stuff if I got one, so I'm not sure how much use I'd get out of it. I have my old GBA I've considered ITA modding for GBA games, but haven't gotten around to that for the same reason.

>> No.9841884
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the duality of chinks.

>> No.9841993

opinion on OLED / AMOLED screens for handheld gaming? aren't they supposed to be better, due to response times / deeper black / better brightness & saturation?

>> No.9841998

yup. a good ips is fine though and a lot cheaper.

>> No.9842036

new flop slop just dropped
[YouTube] Retroid Pocket Flip Unboxing & First Impressions | Retro | Android | Emulation

at the timestamp he mentions the texture of the plastic actually feels more similar to the plastic on transparent RP3s than the non-transparent models, which DESU if you never had one of the transparent models is actually a big fucking deal imo. eta of course made no mention of the texture on his watermelon unit because his scarred BEASTly mitts cannot feel much of anything.

>> No.9842039

please be patient i have autism

>> No.9842043

>Have desktop + RG35xx, don't like desktop, looking maybe to get rid of it if I can find a suitable replacement
Do I
>Buy a steam deck
>Buy a retroid pocket
>Just keep my 35xx and pay for a little grip thingy

I want to consoom but I'm not sure what I would actually be gaining by doing that, other than more power. If the RP3+ was a saner price I would just go for it but by the time you get it into the UK its close to $200 for a device that can't even do PS2 properly.

Whereas the Steam Deck has power out the ass but is fuck huge and more expensive too. It's got a big screen though which would be nice for using it as a media device in bed

35xx is cheap, I already have it and its cute and really fun but its not very comfortable for games that require you to use lots of shoulder buttons and the screen is a bit small for some games

Or should I just buy a fucking laptop and be done with it? Why is the Hedonic treadmill so strong bros?

>> No.9842059

My opinion is that everyone should have a Deck regardless of what other smaller handheld they have as a companion. I love my RP3+, but since it sounds like not being able to play PS2 on it is a big deal to you, I'd just spring for the Deck now and call it a day. It'll essentially fill the role of a laptop anyways.

>> No.9842069

A deck might be a pretty powerful portable computer but a 7" 800p screen and a 14" 1080p screen for media and work stuff is no contest, the deck doesn't have any I/O either and has no keyboard etc.

A 5th gen Ryzen laptop is cheaper used than the Deck is new too.
I know that 5th gen Ryzen mobile can do PS2 at 720p consistently and 1080p in lighter stuff
But the Deck is cooler and is better for muh videogames.

>> No.9842076

Of course if you want the laptop more then you should go for that, that was just my take based on what you've said. If you're going to need to use it for work, then yeah, definitely get the laptop. If it's really just for play, then PERSONALLY I'd go for the Deck due to the handheld formfactor.

>> No.9842101

It looks like a plastic mockup of a console, it looks so cheap lmao

I'm leaning towards the laptop because I want to watch stuff on whatever I get too, and a laptop is obviously better for that, but the deck is cool, but is that a good enough reason to buy it when there's nothing in particular it does I can't do already? I think I'm just going to wait about a week and see if the lost for new plastic crap fades

>> No.9842102
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ktwarriors... have we been tricked after all...?

>> No.9842236

No you fucking retard.

>> No.9842258

Having two devices for this seem like an overkill frfr.
Do you really, really need a laptop? Those two devices are oriented for different things even if it's a gaming laptop so you should weight-in which would be better for you. A laptop is a bad idea for coomsooming media in bed or outside the house but it also includes a vast pc game library excluding emulation.
So far the only decent alternatives to the Deck are the GPD Win 4 and that Asus device so you could wait for those too.

>> No.9842264

I'm lowkey considering getting rid of my laptop. I just use my deck hooked up to the screen nowadays.

I'm still rocking RP2+. If those sliders are as bad as RP2+ are then consider them unusable.

>> No.9842275

I really like the size and shape of the Win 4, and the Asus sounds like it's going to be a great value, but I just can't accept d-pad on bottom.

Yeah I have a newish laptop I haven't touched in well over a year, and barely used it even before getting my Deck. Feels bad man, I need to start getting rid of shit.

>> No.9842337

Is there a stepup to the Miyoo Mini in terms of games and price? Something that can do gamecube, DS and etc without being overly expensive.

>> No.9842351

retroid pocket 3+ not the flip version is the most well designed bang for your buck there

>> No.9842379
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What went wrong bros? Why did we lose the war?

>> No.9842526

Did you mean the deck is bad for consuming media or that the deck is?

I just want something that's good for watching stuff and for playing games that doesn't require me sitting at a desk, I'm not sure what the hell to get, I thought about a tablet with a controller but trying to find a worthwhile android tablet is a nightmare, so laptop or deck it is.

Is there a non terrible way to watch stuff on the deck that doesn't require me to be in desktop mode all the time?

>> No.9842693
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muh build quality.

>> No.9842701

Lower priced?

>> No.9842751


>> No.9842773
File: 75 KB, 564x612, scratch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The self-scratching buttons also look kinda gross. I can sorta understand, just BARELY, why they seem to be having issues with the screen. It barely has any bezel, it's running right up to the top and bottom edges of the device, and it's their first time using this screen. But why the FUCK are they having issues with these buttons that are the exact same size as literally every face button on every device they've ever made? Is it just because they made them glossy, which btw is an ugly choice anyways? Either way it's baffling.

>> No.9842774
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Debloated two LG LTE premiers to run retroarch and epsxe. Also have a debloated zte, lg stylo 5, and a samsungbA03s. Can emulate up to psp,ds, and few ps2, and gamecube games.

>> No.9842778

>the deblooter is back

>> No.9842780

I love my debloated phones. <3

>> No.9842785

Got an older android phone laying around? Something with 2gb of ram at least? Preferably android 6.0+ os.

You can take that phone. Strip a lot of the stock firmware out of it: google play, youtube, facebook, carrier apps, samsung/lg/sprint/account... can all be uninstaled.

Universal Android Debloater.
Before you use this, you want to install the aurora store apk(lets you download google apps with no google account or your google account if you want.)
F-droid/droid-ify: these will let you download apps to replace whatever spy/stock firmware that you will remove.

Take your time
example if youre gonna replace your launcher? Do so BEFORE you uninstall/debloat the stockware. Do this with anything you're gonna replace first.

Grab retroarch from the droidify repositories or from aurora store along with any emulators desired. Customize your shit. Then plug in your phone with usb and fire up the universal android after installing it on windows or linux or whatever.

You will notice a tab that says recommended. These are all safe to debloat. Click this tab and you can choose advanced,expert, unsafe. These are the levels of safe to debloat apps and firmware. Click each package and it will give you details on what youre uninstalling. Go through this and strip out all that you dont want. This will pump your battery life UP and reduce cpu/gpu loads.(we wanna focus that on gaming after all) and once youre all finished. Hit reboot in the debloater gui and unplug your phone. Thia is great for making a game centric device as well as everyday phone use if youre simply inclined to increase the life and customization of your phone.

>> No.9842793

Depending on the phone, using a custom rom or custom debloat made for your phone/Jxd hansheld is the better option. That way, you get to use kernal auditer to edit your cpu mode. Reduces input lag that way, even with usb. I used to think usb-c gave none until I played rhythm games.

>> No.9842794

oh god i'm gonna... i-i'm gonna... DEBLOOOOOOOOOOOT

>> No.9843069
File: 1015 KB, 1024x1024, 1680667847089947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching jewtuber I actually like so will not name and shame him
>runs sonic adventure 2 averaging 33 - 45fps
>says it "benefits from LIGHT frameskipping but it does play well"
>literally skipping 25% to 50% of its frames
>light frameskipping
why are ecelebs so fucking braindead when it comes to performance holy shit

>> No.9843127

Will check this out! Thanks anon!

>> No.9843137


These guys don't play games, they don't even like games anymore, they cannot be trusted

>> No.9843163

It's not exactly 100% portable, but I love being able to plug my Wii U in anywhere, even without a TV, then sit around or lay in bed or whatever and play stuff on the gamepad screen.

>> No.9843545

>want to get the RG35XX
>52 eur
>"damn that's incredibly cheap and i don't really need more"
>shipping from china + estimated taxes = 82 eur, it'll take 2 months to be delivered
>shipping from spain + estimated taxes = 115 eur, it'll arrive in 2 weeks
how am i supposed buy this at MSRP if i either have to wait 2 months(and by then something better at a similar price will be out) or pay more than fucking double to have it delivered in reasonable time
and that's the ESTIMATED taxes, i've talked to some people who live here and a couple of them had to pay double than the estimated, which means i'd have to pay a total of 135 eur for a 52 eur console, wtf

>> No.9843551

yuropoor tax, deserved

>> No.9843607

i'd get it if it was from who knows what, but it's literally from my own country? i live in spain, and somehow the shipping from fucking spain costs more than the one from china, and i also have to pay import taxes? import from where, it's already in my own country

>> No.9843696

So, Ive had my RG35XX for a few days and I can say I'm glad I didn't brought anything smaller, because it makes it uncomfortable to play. It actually needs to be a little bit larger. I'm gonna map the buttons a = to h, b = to y.

>> No.9843701

based debloater

>> No.9843710

Unless you live in the Canary island or Ceuta you can find a seller who ships from France, very cheap.

>> No.9843715

>I'm gonna put it in my BAG
You should not trust any male that has a bag

>> No.9843887


>> No.9843904

>you can find a seller who ships from France, very cheap.

>Disponibilidad: Agotado
>Availability: Sold Out
also it's 89 eur before shipping costs, so it's just as expensive as getting it from their site
and even if it was with shipping included, that's more than 30 eur to ship a small package within the same country, way too much and at that price is no longer convenient

>> No.9843909

>screen less than 5 inches and less 360p
>but it's IPS


>> No.9843951

Why I have to spoonfeed you anon, this is supposed to be 4chan (mine arrived well, one day earlier)

>> No.9843976

>why are ecelebs so fucking braindead when it comes to performance holy shit
He gets money if he gives a sales pitch, that is how it works. That then is incentive to just ignore problems like the one you mentioned.
How new are you?

>> No.9843994
File: 186 KB, 1500x808, 1662487352780150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shipping to Germany was free.

>> No.9844003
File: 2.00 MB, 3072x4080, 1676328055755488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no import tax on these devices. There is VAT you have to pay, but your VAT is as large/small as mine in Germany.
Stop the whining, you give yuropoors a bad rep.
See this? >>9843551 This is because you whine. Now there is one more mutt out there despising yuropoors. Thanks a lot, faggot.
Geez, we should really kick the Spaniards out of the union, this is a German Europe and you will play by German rules.

>> No.9844009
File: 627 KB, 1243x771, 1676671906335978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel these prices might not be sustainable.

>> No.9844024

KTR1 ordering is back up, videos go up after the 24th.

>> No.9844025

I mean, it's on a limited promotional price but the regular product at 20 some euros is basically the epiptomy of ewaste products? You can get stuff made and sold this cheap in Shenzhen if you use trash tier quality parts some Chinaman grandpa dug out for chips and etc. which would be the most expensive part of these portable consoles.

>> No.9844034

sadly you can't save in those devices. If not I'd probably own a dozen.

>> No.9844072

>There is no import tax on these devices. There is VAT you have to pay, but your VAT is as large/small as mine in Germany.
then explain why 5 out of 6 people from here(spain) i talked to who ordered from their site had to pay 30+ eur of import taxes on top of the 20+ shipping

>> No.9844074

This "import tax" is VAT. Import taxes are usually on goods to protect local markets. For example, EU has import tax on meat products from certain countries to protect against price dumping, this is then added on top of VAT.
VAT should be handled by Aliexpress transparently now.

>> No.9844079

>quotes post number and the entire post with it
superfluous jsyk

>> No.9844083

>>quotes post number and the entire post with it
>superfluous jsyk
totes man

>> No.9844091

Just pay more to get something nicer second hand from Ebay
Don't cheap out, buy once cry once

Factor in the 15 or so euro you are going to pay for someone to make a grip and better shoulder buttons for it as well because if you're anything like me the 35xx is going to be right on the border of discomfort a lot of the time if you're playing anything more complex than GBA, its too small for extended play requiring the shoulder buttons, I wish I had bought the 351v or something instead.

>> No.9844104

The one in the pic is mine, because i'm not retarded. I bought it for 53€ incl tax and that is that.

>> No.9844107

I replied to the wrong post

>> No.9844108

PSX emulation on it is pretty bad. I tried Dino Crisis and it’s unplayable, too choppy.

I bought a 351v for that reason

>> No.9844158

KTR1 preorders are back.

>> No.9844165

Checking baidu, it seems the fan is for hdmi out since it can get hot when using it that way.

>> No.9844240

Could the RP3 non plus do Sega Saturn and Dreamcast well?

Looking at a tablet with similar specs, primarily for movies but might do some gaming on it as well

>> No.9844321

You probably forgot to set up some setting, it should be full speed if you do it properly (on a new 3DS of course, not the original)

>> No.9844473

It's pretty decent for Saturn and Dreamcast, but you'll still have to use frameskip for a lot of titles and a few won't run fullspeed even with it on.

>> No.9844479

So it's awful but people are coping about it, got it, thanks

>> No.9844516
File: 39 KB, 1031x198, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if there are no major problems
>However, to be on the safe side
holy shit he's actually learning

>> No.9844539


>> No.9844562
File: 167 KB, 1024x572, translated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plastic chads prefer d-pad on top
>m*tal niggers prefer the wrong orientation

>> No.9844569

Kek, this should be the headline for community compatability spreadsheets.

>> No.9844572

Thanks, but I’ll let someone else beta test it and deal with scraping buttons, screens falling out, etc that comes with a new chink handheld

>> No.9844591

it's not VAT, cause VAT in spain is currently at 5.5%, and new laws made it so it can't be higher than 10%
that means that on a 52 Eur product, like the RG35XX, it's less than 3 Eur, or a maximum of 5.20 Eur
And even if it was 20% as it was before the recent changes, that'd still be 10.40 Eur.
Way less than the over 30 Eur they had to pay.

Now tell me again it's VAT.

>> No.9844594
File: 72 KB, 1024x572, translated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edit since not all the colors on the bottom translated.

>> No.9844631
File: 87 KB, 900x600, 1660923077134984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only idiots preorder. Is that really so hard to understand?

I stand corrected then. It's not VAT.

>> No.9844641

Not that anon but you lazy Spaniards deserve it, shouldn’t you be taking a siesta in the middle of your shift ?

>> No.9844657

We don’t work on Saturday.

>> No.9844683

you bum cunts never work.

>> No.9844702

You mean every day that ends in y?

>> No.9844712

Saturn no. Dreamcast yes. If you struggle to find performance reviews look for RP2+ as they are much closer to each other than RP3 and RP3+.

>> No.9844727

We enjoy life and pirate your stuff. What’s the point when China and Silicon Valley do everything?

>> No.9844730

Useless channel.
All of his content is either
>take a look at this development sample that does not represent the final design
>I demand credit for thing

He's clearly got connections, and I think he's let them go to his head.

>> No.9845578

What Youtubers ban? Nil doesn't work at Youtuber at all. Really, what is going on?

>> No.9845587

>Taki Udon is a usless channel run by a mindbroken fucktard.
>China and the West's Silicon valley.
How about South Korea, and Taiwan? They make stuff involving technology and software, too.

>> No.9845637

It just means that Nil told reviewers not to upload their impressions videos until a specific date.

>> No.9845668

You mean Wulff Den

>> No.9846353

the audio on my RG353P suddenly stopped working(both speaker and headphone jack), using JELOS, anyone have any idea what the problem could be?

>> No.9846641

Reset firmware to see if it's hardware or software.
If it's hardware, check the connection from speaker to the mainboard.
Also check the headphone port.

>> No.9846819
File: 105 KB, 1235x789, FoK0GmDaUAMFqRI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I received the rg405m a few days ago and my impression of the dpad/stick placement is that yes the dpad is uncomfortable down there, but I imagine the stick would be uncomfortable down there as well. Which leads to the question of why they did this in the first place - I think it's because they prioritized putting the stick in the more comfortable place. And so this means this device is intended more for 3D games rather than 2D games.

>> No.9846913

the retroid pocket flip is bad innit

>> No.9846915

I’ll let you know when mine shows up

>> No.9847385
File: 43 KB, 550x550, 1651065736485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well maybe all the parts won't be welded together and we can upgrade it?

>> No.9847409
File: 326 KB, 944x611, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some mad lad fucking snipped through part of the hinge with a pair of pliers to increase the angle it opens at

>> No.9847428

God that’s an ugly shade of red

>> No.9847487

all the colors look terrible and cheap
I know it's chinesium plastic but a matte finish would have been better

>> No.9847498

My favorite also happens to be the best. A controller plus android phone. Chink devices need not post ITT. Thread is a waste of space.

>> No.9847505

>Bitch about chinese shills.
>In a literal thread that is kept running and open by chinese to get you wanting these cheap junk overpriced devices

>> No.9847512

>Our Guy
>Literally clickbait title with no information on product to get you to click
You fucking chink cucks need to stop posting to vr and wasting thread space

>> No.9847514

>A controller
What you recommend?

>> No.9847543

That is not the bright, vibrant red they showed off.
Good God they cheaped out HARD.

>> No.9847576
File: 2.84 MB, 4096x2304, b86bf7xfm9va1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purple looks okay, shame about the actual design though

>> No.9847580

Nah that looks even cheaper.

>> No.9847586
File: 453 KB, 890x1386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About This Project

Once I was looking for a handheld that I want, but unfortunately, the machines on the market, either the performance too bad, or the screen was too small, or the machine was too big and not portable, and also no system specially designed for handhelds, no online play, no social. And need complicated settings before play. So, I decided to make one that i want, a perfect handheld to me and others people that love play games.

>> No.9847602

If nothing else, I respect Nil for saying "fuck it, I'll do it myself"

>> No.9847626
File: 32 KB, 302x411, 1628016573100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't use a file or dremel
Was the angle so bad that it required a chunk?

>> No.9847662

>Reset firmware to see if it's hardware or software.
yeah reflashing JELOS did the trick, knew it was a software problem(as the sound was working on the Android side), slightly annoying I had to do that though since it meant I had to fix my settings in JELOS all over again, thankfully game saves are kept on the card that has all my games on it so I didn't lose those

>> No.9847737

>A CHINKtroller plus Sneedput lag, the device.

>> No.9847741

>youtube has been reccomended me modded 3ds videos
It's it worth it?

>> No.9847743

of course not.

>> No.9847745

Do you like 3ds, ds, and gba (No save states) games? Assuming you already have one, go for it. Don't bother unless you can find one in decent condition for cheap.

>> No.9847747

At current prices no, once prices settle down, for 3ds games? Yes, the 3ds has a great library

>> No.9847751 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 542x540, 1487096278625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the 3ds has a great library

>> No.9847752

Why are none of these Chinese companies stapling controllers to tablets yet?

I would kill for something with a 10 inch screen that runs android and had hardware controls built in. All I want is a device that can handle up to PSX and can give me a not awful tv and movie experience

>> No.9847760

They have before, but mostly no name companies so they release every 5 years. Jxd was the most notable, but they’re dead.

>> No.9847763
File: 2.28 MB, 4000x3000, 1661005525622681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best i can offer is a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7+ playing GB on that high res oled screen with a nice shader.

>> No.9847767

powkiddy made a couple 7" screen devices. I imagine they're shit, but they did do it.

>> No.9847786

My iPhone with a Backbone. In RetroArch and Dolphin.

>> No.9847793

I want to get my niece one of these so she can play Pokemon. I'd load 50 games at most onto it. How cheap can I go for something a 8-9 year old can play GBA and below pokemon games on, with some SNES stuff thrown in?

>> No.9847795

Which ones?

>> No.9847804

Depending on if you can wait a while, you can probably get a PowKiddy V90 for about $30.

>> No.9847808

35xx, plays GBA and SNES perfectly and is always in stock
Budget another 5-10 bucks for a non shit SD card
Install MinUI or GarlicOS, stock image is fucking garbage

I've played through 4 GBA games and 3 SNES games on mine on MinUI, no complaints other than it being a bit hard to deal with with adult sized hands

>> No.9847809

The Powkiddy X12, X16, X17, x19, x21, and x70 that I know of. They're actually still selling the x17 and x70.

>> No.9847873

Miyoo Mini+ or the RG35XX are the perfect gba machines.

>> No.9847929

Didn’t know uncle anon browses /vr/

>> No.9847954
File: 188 KB, 2560x1241, 2560px-Dreamcast-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i put unreal tournament and quake 3 arena dreamcast roms on my 405m. what a mistake.
what the actual fuck is wrong with console fags attempting to play FPS like this? these games should've reviewed as 0/10 for their control scheme.

the dreamcast controller only had one analog stick...

>> No.9847969

from my recollection both games supported using a Dreamcast compatible Mouse & Keyboard, probably a way to mimic that in an emulator so you can use both sticks on the 405M

>> No.9847989 [DELETED] 

>t.Vita warrior fanatic

>> No.9848020

For some reason, emulating games on a handheld seems like a better experience than emulating on PC or home console.

>> No.9848025

You were supposed to use m&k like >>9847969 said, but left analog as aim and the 4 facebuttons as WASD worked okay after I got used to it.

>> No.9848234

uncle anon wants to make sure his niece's taste in vidya doesn't fucking suck because her mother is a normalfag to her core

>> No.9848339

BASED uncle anon, but Pokemon/GBA/SNES is sounding pretty normalfag tbqh.

>> No.9848352

Pokemon is her obsession at the moment. SNES is my favorite console. I'll gateway her to the good shit I promise anon

>> No.9848457

>all that empty space and yet the RP Flip REMOVES the home button

>> No.9848472

seriously what in the every loving fuck did they mean by that

>> No.9848476
File: 330 KB, 1376x838, 1682301368411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dare I? The 35xx seems like such a downgrade in comaprison.

>> No.9848489

$150 for a rk3566 seems like a massive ripoff at this point imo.

>> No.9848551

I agree, my PC files always feel like a mess, emulators scattered everywhere, rom folders scattered everywhere, buried within multiple hard drives.
But on this android device with a 256gb microsd, and setup with Daijisho it's all so neat and accessible, I'll always know where things are.

>> No.9848565

You know emulator frontends like that exist for PC too, right? You can make it just as neat on PC if you really want to.

>> No.9848568

I'm shitposting, really. More interested in determining what's better between RP3+ and Anbernics alternatives like the RG552.

>> No.9848612 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 493x402, 4C018FEB-51B3-496B-95CD-80A18B6CAB87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF are you talking about, dear elitist fuckwit cunt!? This is a handheld thread, NOT a political discourse or tirade thread.
>heheaheheha Imma call those handheld gaming devices the NigS-Shita and the kektendoCheeses that’ll show them how lesser they are compared to me!
>Mice and men promotes WHITE GENOCIDE, guys!!
>implying there are no women who are White
Race and sex are two different things dipshit! Prove your point on the book in question promoting destruction of White people or lay off the meth joint or pipe!

>> No.9848632 [DELETED] 

Make her play the spinoffs. You can ease her into snes better that way.
>Offical Sneedheld waring in a chinkKINO thread
Goyslop3ds and NigShitda's liberies were shit compared to the previous handhelds. BRICKds was the last time metroidlikes were decent and Pussypopsp was the last time sneedhelds had decent action games.
Id reccomend thr v90, but to many gba games rub like shit and if adults dont do the safe shutdoen sometimes, im not sure how an 8 year old could.

>> No.9848652

don't forget
>start and select on the bottom
>speaker on the back

>> No.9848656

>start and select on the bottom
Better than the RP3's placement at least.

>> No.9848658

it's still strange to me considering all the empty space in the middle. but i agree.

>> No.9848673

Make her play the spinoffs. You can ease her into snes better that way.
That said, I cant say I reccomend the v90, but she'd like the clamshell formfactor, but to many gba games rub like shit and if adults dont do the safe shutdoen sometimes, im not sure how an 8 year old could.

>> No.9849072
File: 266 KB, 640x360, IMG_0635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird they didn’t go with this layout

>> No.9849213
File: 31 KB, 370x269, DK_Country_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tempted to get one of these for the price for SNES games, according to Taki it can barely run SNES, but from my experience with these lower end devices it probably won't really bother me. I'm used to lag and stuttering, and honestly the screen tearing has never been a serious issue for me. Mainly just want it to play pic related and some other low end (non-chip) SNES games on the go

>> No.9849229

There is talk of patching the firmware with an older version of Snex9x to improve performance, so it may improve. But at the moment it's pretty bad. Also a lot of the ROMs don't even work, although you can build your own romlists now.

>> No.9849259
File: 125 KB, 750x750, coolbaby-RS-69-3inch-handheld-game-console-8GB-built-in-2000-classic-game-console-Retro-games (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on what you're trying to emulate. If you like the vertical form factor, 353VS is slightly cheaper than 353V with I think less RAM or something, 351V is an earlier model but still more powerful than 35XX. The 35XX if you still want should be good for everything up to PS1 at least. There's also Miyoo Mini Plus and PowKiddy's RGB20S. Honestly there is nothing wrong with picking up a few low end handhelds here and there as well. I have a bunch of these at this point, most of them can't go beyond SNES and GBA and two are straight of Famiclones, but it gets the job done for a quick retro gaming fix, and they do look neat on a shelf when displayed on a shelf. Original Game Boy wasn't really that complex anyway lol

>> No.9849501

first review for ktr1 is out in HUEHUE

>> No.9849517

also kino dementia moment from sonic love in his retroid flop video where he seems to mistake his rg505 for an rp3+ (timestamped)

>> No.9849530

>I REEEALLY really like it
>but it hurts my wrists and cramps my hands
>and sliders still suck ass even if these are the best sliders ever made
>and the fan doesn't fucking work
>and really you're better off just getting the RP3+
Thank you Sonic-sama I kneel.

>> No.9849603
File: 440 KB, 1032x565, 1667379485384247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they really cheaped out on the plastic huh

>> No.9849613


>> No.9849681

>45 minutes
But why.

>> No.9849746

grab a drink and your favorite snack faggot we're strapping in

>> No.9849769
File: 1.49 MB, 2048x1536, F5A26696-A41F-4FE8-9530-B36705B028D2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9849776

Hi, I am new. Reading this threads seems like those 3 are the top 3 most recommended emulators

Retroid Pocket 3+

Is this correct?

>> No.9849801
File: 69 KB, 800x600, 800px-PSone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the only reason why people don't love it more is because of the stupid memory sticks.

>> No.9849808

Maybe only load around 10 games on it to start. There comes a point where people see too many options and end up picking none.

>> No.9849816
File: 26 KB, 587x447, powkiddy dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said the build quality felt like the cheaper Powkiddy devices fucking KEK. I think it's pretty obvious he doesn't like the thing. That said I'm hoping the consumer units have much softer pads for the d-pad and face buttons if they're as tough as Russ makes them sound. Lei says the pads on the units sent out were modified Anbernic pads while the ones in the production units are going to be completely original ones.


>> No.9849854

>No headphone jack
>No SD card slot
Unacceptable. Tempted to get a tablet though, Lenovo make some very interesting ones and there's a Galaxy A8 on sale for about 150 near me

>> No.9849879

>Russ didn't like the build quality and buttons
inb4 Nil delays it for another 6 months now

>> No.9849881

It has headphone jack with a dongle, costs 10€ from Apple or Samsung.
It has a SD-Card slot, i run it with a 1TB Sandisk, which shouldn't work as the manual says 256GB max, but it does work fine.

The only problem i have is that it doesn't really fit in my pockets ;-)

Emulation and the screen and advanced shaders are superb. Not sure what the screen is, but it's far more than 1080p, i can't even see single pixels. Also it's 11 or 12".

>> No.9849909

I could unironically see him delaying launch next week because of this kek although honestly it's hard to believe he was going to make the deadline for shipping this month anyways

>> No.9849914

>With a dongle
The coward's solution, mSD slot does make it more appealing though.

Aren't Android tablets kind of shitty? Like the software experience, this thing isn't getting updates for much longer either right?

>> No.9850160

I don't know, get their newest modes and you get 5 or 7 years. I think i have two left, after that comes LineageOS.
The software works great, the destop mode and all that, it's cool. But i don't use it.
I use it to game and watch movies in bed.

>> No.9850190
File: 26 KB, 1105x88, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

odin fangirls SEETHING over based nil refusing to accept the limitations of his device

>> No.9850259

KTSisters…our response?

>> No.9850305

Someone needs to stage an intervention for Sonic Love, cunt's wearing fingerless gloves in his recent videos he's going to freeze to death in his freezing bonghovel surrounded by mountains of mid plastic

>> No.9850331

If you're just using a tablet as a retro game machine you don't need the OS update treadmill. Just make sure your emulators are up to date and you're good to go

>> No.9850349

The toxic fumes coming off of all the Chinese plastic is destroying his mind. Just a few days ago he was confusing his RG505 for his RP3+.

>> No.9850356

kek, that chemical stink you get when you first open an aliexpress bag. Reminds me of when my chainsmoker aunt would send me christmas gifts and I'd get a cig burst when I first opened the box.

>> No.9850376
File: 1.20 MB, 1336x752, RP3+ Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One nice thing about a 16:9 screen on the RP3+ is that it lets you place touch buttons around the game which can fix some of the issues with the button placements. I really like having that Power button too, have it set to quit Retroarch and go back to Daijisho while also autosaving so you can jump back into your game anytime. Can't do that with the home button.

>> No.9850383

are you me I was just playing AW1 on the plane on an rp3+, also against olaf

>> No.9850393

Seeing the Reboot Camp made me itch to go back and play it with actual good pixel art.

>> No.9850417

100% the soul vs soulless meme and I rarely unironically use that, what the fuck were they thinking, just keeping the old graphics and maybe upscaling them for modern resolutions and leaving it alone would have been better. Is it meant to bait art zoomers into making fan art or something? There must be some sort of malicious intent.

>> No.9850419
File: 35 KB, 459x612, IMG_2829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your premium metal handheld gweilo

>> No.9850439

kek is this anber-"build quality over retroid"-nig

>> No.9850458

It's the 405m, yes.

>> No.9850462

Gotta say, I'm a bit disappointed with Russ' KT-R1 review. He seemed to spend a lot of time focusing on things that he knew would be changed in retail units (like the build quality) and some of the things he was complaining about were his fault (like the Home button closing Retroarch, he could have just turned that feature off in Daijisho). He even brought up the not having a wifi antenna installed thing. Even the circular stick input thing is apparently because of an outdated gamepad tester (although that one is on Nil, he installed it).
But he barely mentioned anything at all about how the screen worked for scaling and filtering. No filters, no shaders, no mention of integer overscale for 240p systems, nothing. He spent more time setting up shaders for the 405m than for the device he was actually reviewing. Bizarre.

>> No.9850463

just sit further away ya dingus

>> No.9850497

>He spent more time setting up shaders for the 405m than for the device he was actually reviewing
KEK that's actually true. I don't know why, but I just sorta got the impression he didn't want to the like the handheld to begin with. Nothing really wrong with that I suppose, at the end of the day these are all dumb chinese toys. I also found it kind of baffling that the review was 45 minutes long, but he didn't speak about the general ergonomics the entire time.

>> No.9850507

Fine, you've convinced me, now convince me this thing is worth spending twice as much second hand as a lenovo tablet is new

>> No.9850519

Maybe he was sick of people hyping it and just wanted to get the review over and done with. He didn't even get his callipers out.
Hopefully he'll give it another go when the retail units ship this month. Or next month. Or sometime this year.

>> No.9850520

Why do you guys give so much of a shit about this one particular handheld? You are going to play the same 10 GBA and PSX games on it as you do on all the rest of them anyway

>> No.9850545

No I'm nor. I'm going to play the *one* game I always play, which is sorting out the artwork for my massive rom library, configuring shaders and scaling for every system so they look just right, and then never playing anything.

>> No.9850546

That was definitely part of it, he even mentioned near the end that he thought too many people were putting the device on a pedastal.

t. russ

>> No.9850549

You will play Castlevania: SOTN, the two GBA Metroid games, the 3 main SNES games, some Jarpig on PS1, and some random middleware game from your childhood in an endless recurrence of low power ARM handhelds and forum posts

>> No.9850551

Oh I'm not the samsung anon, was just talking about tablets in general. I'd go for the lenovo since you're mainly playing PS1 and below

>> No.9850552

i havent played any of those

>> No.9850558

The GBA metroid and Castlevania games are legitimately some of the best games ever made, certainly the top of their genre anyway

>> No.9850560

I lost my RG35XX and my saves werent backed up. Do I just have to cope and replay my RPGs again?

>> No.9850584

you sneed also

>> No.9850590

Not only is that not true but the "genre" is fucking ASS. Actionvania is waaaaaaay more kino and bespoke.

>> No.9850602

You didn't even add in hunting down translations, speed/color/arcade restoration/etc. romhacks, trying to get artwork for those, and then never playing those either you casual

>> No.9850608

This is a joke right, you do actually play the games?

I've put in at least 25 hours on my 35xx in the two weeks I've had it, played more on it in the last fortnight than I have on my PC this year

>> No.9850619

It's a joke. I will do all that, sure, but then I'll load up NHL 96 and play that continuously, while changing the CRT shader every period.

>> No.9850625

>no mention of testing and tinkering with games on a system that is "borderline" on the device for hours only to not play any of the games that ran well anyways
damn it's like im on the normalfag subreddit right now or something

>> No.9850630

>17 speed hacks, extreme frame skipping on, 300% CPU speed, .5 resolution, PAL rom

Spreadsheet: Great compatibility

>> No.9850827
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>> No.9850894

New boards are traffic control. /vmg/ was to help keep /v/ from getting completely clogged full of gacha threads. We don’t have a problem of too many threads about handhelds at one time.

>> No.9850964

And yet /vmg/ does nothing to keep /vg/ from being clogged with gacha generals. Doesn't seem like it was worth it to me.

>> No.9851026

I whole heartedly agree.
2 lg premier pro ltes
zte blade max
lg stylo 5
All the gaming power I need after debloating. Plus an 8bitdo controller. I like seeing what comes out. Closest I got to buying somethijg was the rp3+ but nahhhh

>> No.9851198

Rp3+ should have somewhat better performance than your stylo 5, but I say keep waiting for something better.
Why not one of the telescopic controllers? They feel like shit, but not that shit.

>> No.9851270

I have a razer kishi and am probably gonna get a gamesir or a backbone or something later.

>> No.9851275

I also have two Samsung A03s
those are probably comparable to rp3 with the 3 gb of ram

>> No.9851321

>quotes old thread
>calls it "portable consoles" instead of "handhelds" and uses some pic where you see nothing
You're a goddamn moron, OP.

>> No.9851329

on an android phone, if im using a usb to hdmi to video out, will retroarch recognize it as two screens, and only have the control overlay on the phone screen?

>> No.9851392
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Do you game your handheld in public places?

>> No.9851401

This thread has more success than most of the handheld generals where all that's being talked about are NEW AYANEO 14 PRO IS HERE, GRAB NEW RG1231239X for just 999$.

>> No.9851403

I travel a lot, usually with my RP2+. I play on trains, planes, buses. I also bicycle travel during the summer a lot and a handheld is my main way to chill out in the evenings.

When I'm home and outside I usually don't take it with me at all.

>> No.9851408


>> No.9851414

Your point being?

>> No.9851417

35xx or mini plus?
For gba snes nes gbc

>> No.9851419

Ah, apologies, I should have put this into words for your clarity. Perhaps OP is not the moron, but you are. Keep defending the shill threads.

>> No.9851424
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>convince me to
Don't care about you.
Never have.

>> No.9851429
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>> No.9851484
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Where are these boobas from what game?

>> No.9851573
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Still waiting for a super cheap shitheld that can play ps3 games.

>> No.9851603

you'll be waiting 5+ years. we've only got 50% of the PS2 library on the latest Anbernic/Retroid handhelds.

>> No.9851706

Not retro.

>> No.9851947

>he's not paid by the CCP to post here
lol, seethe

>> No.9852102

Eh, I'm not greedy. I don't need to play every single game ever made on my handheld. Once something comes out that is both pocketable and can max out on GC/PS2, I'll be set for life.

>> No.9852495

Is a 128GB card overkill for the miyoo mini plus? Considering I'm going to be putting a healthy number of PC Engine CD, Mega CD, and PS games on it.

>> No.9852569

Isn't the Vita the best portable for retro emulation?

>> No.9852574

Oh hell no. I don't think it can even play the SNES library without struggling on some games.

>> No.9852672
File: 417 KB, 2038x2716, dhJC4irrwIKk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DSi XL is the best hardware for GBA games
>only runs them through a buggy hypervisor
Life is suffering

>> No.9852676

Steam Deck? Hello

>> No.9852730

>he can fit a steam deck in his pocket
Based 10 foot tall anon

>> No.9852821

>can't fit Steam Deck in his pocket
Skill issue

>> No.9852847
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Wait a few more years for AMD to put out a few revisions of their handheld chips. It may be the case the Z1 will be able to "max out" PS3 since it has Zen 4's AVX512 which accelerates emulation on RPCS3. But really, the issue with PS3 is software.

>> No.9852946

If you're doing a lot of CD games, 256gb might be better

>> No.9852973
File: 72 KB, 1000x922, 61mKcOUM3dL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally the perfect portable emulator
>no one talks about it because it's not shaped like a Gameboy

>> No.9853001

No one talks about it because it's outdated and hard to get a hold of now. But I used this thing a ton back in the day and loved it.

>> No.9853072
File: 1.29 MB, 1008x756, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is Anbernig going to release a true successor to the RG351P? The P line is now the larger SNES shaped one and all the candybars coming out are overpriced metal shit.

>> No.9853167

If you want a separated screen that badly just take a crowbar to your current anbernig

>> No.9853172

There are tons on ebay that around the same price as most of the modern 3rd party portable systems. If anything, the real reason why no-one does anything with them is the proprietary memory cards it used.

>> No.9853195

It can't run SNES well. Can't run N64 well.

>> No.9853197

It ran SNES perfectly fine from what I remember.
n64 was a hot mess, but I assume that had more to do with how awful n64 emulators were at the time.

>> No.9853201

PSP never ran SNES well. There are a lot of games that just run like shit on it

>> No.9853225

Out of curiosity, is there a better emulation machine than the steam deck yet or is it still tops?

>> No.9853516

It’s not great for anything that needs L2/R2 L3/R3

>> No.9853704

researching ebin game controllers for phones it seems that best options are the razer kishin and... the razer kishin v2
it seems that segment is still barren which is weird since phone game seems to be very popular

>> No.9853730

steam deck has the best price/performance so far, it can even emulate the hardest to emulate systems like PS3 and etc. There are other handhelds far more powerful but that would require you to spend $1000 and tether yourself to a power socket too. At this point it's smarter to get a steam deck for high end emulation and then wait for a successor a few years later that will run things even better.

>> No.9853745

Which Anbernic can play PSP games? Can any play DS and if so, how are the screen handled?

>> No.9853823

Depends on what you're looking for. If you want to emulate mostly Game Boy for example, you'd be much happier with a smaller, cheaper device that has a 320x240 screen

>> No.9853835

For android, you're better off with the backbone than the kishi v2 unless the v2 fits your device perfectly. Ios at least has gamevice and newdery.

>> No.9853918

>Game Boy
>320x240 screen
Nigger please

>> No.9853923
File: 10 KB, 768x672, q259QMmPfDPG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying, retard?

>> No.9853945

The Miyoo Mini + has been in stock the entire day on their Aliexpress page btw
There's 300 of the grey ones wtf

>> No.9853950


>> No.9853954

Your incorrectly scaled 768x672 image of your Elton John game in a Super Game Boy border proves what, exactly?

>> No.9853967

Google is shit and can't search for a specific resolution, but it clearly represents a 320x240 screen with a border around an unscaled GB picture
Since you can't find an emulation device with a 160x144 screen, this is the best you can do.

>> No.9853969

It's a 3x integer scale of 256x224. That border would take up 70% of the screen on a 320x240 screen.

>> No.9853970

Well then use your pea brain and imagine that the border is cropped in a way that it fills the blank space on a 320x240 screen around the 160x144 picture
Integer scaling of handhelds is for subhumans

>> No.9853971

How do you crop a 256x224 image to be 320x240?

>> No.9853972

Then get a different fucking border, I just tried to Google something relevant

>> No.9853981

All Super Game Boy borders are the same size. That's how scaling works. You either use a border, which at 320x240 ends up being huge, or you have to use nearest neighbour, non-integer scaling, which looks awful, or you use bilinear scaling, which makes it look blurry. There's no way to fit a Game Boy game onto a 320x240 screen without major compromises.
640x480 is a different story. The border then only takes up 32.5% of the screen (with a 3x integer scale of the Game Boy image), or you can do the 3x or 4x integer scale and then bilinear scale that to 640x480, which significantly reduces the blur.
In terms of form factor these devices are good for Game Boy, but the screens aren't. Except the Analogue Pocket, but that's meme tier pricing.

>> No.9854036

You don't understand.
>Have device with 320x240 screen
>Download any acceptable-looking border that is fucking 320x240 in size with a 160x144 hole in the centre, nobody is talking about sticking with SGB borders, fuck off with that autism
>Use that border with your unscaled 1x GB game on your 320x240 screen

>> No.9854102

I got a dsi xl earlier this month and it's kino

>> No.9854138

If you do that you get a tiny window in the middle of the screen about the size of a postage stamp. That's the stupidest way of scaling and most cheap handhelds with that sort of screen won't let you do that anyway.

>> No.9854151

The point is to get a low DPI screen. Most devices will give you the size equivalent of an actual GBC screen if you do like I described. But for example on a DSi XL it would be considerably larger than an actual GBC all the while looking great.
With integer scaling you lose the screen door effect and it looks like shit. You need either an ultra low DPI screen at 1x or an ultra high DPI with some dot matrix shader.

>> No.9854156
File: 229 KB, 1200x889, JXowTiaNns8V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Example of a result that is the same size as a real GBC screen down to the millimetre.

>> No.9854173
File: 677 KB, 630x630, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of screens, there's an updated gpsp for the v90 that makes gba games look slightly less awful. Gba still kinda sucks on v90. Shame powkiddy won't make or order an updated version that keeps the small form factor.

Show me how ds games look on it.

>> No.9854176
File: 1.89 MB, 4032x3024, 7DFVlwDgkH5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My preferred setup with DSi XL, way larger than a real GBC screen and excellent quality

>> No.9854184
File: 30 KB, 480x360, Fm9jCtoRnLPv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but fuck you mean? There's tons of photos and videos of DSi XL running DS games

>> No.9854240

that's literally default. not even cxmb

>> No.9854270

If you turn the 3D slider up it recesses the screen back a little, like it would be a on a real Game Boy. Pretty nifty. Shame you have to put up with holding a 3DS XL.

>> No.9854279

What about Gamesir

>> No.9854296
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Make way for the only actual portable device in this entire thread

>> No.9854347
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I prefer the DSi XL

>> No.9854842
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Bros, when are they going to release this shit? The RGB 10 MAX 2 was kino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6Nm3a8tPL8

>> No.9854854

hes probably one of those people that can't handle the screen door effect. its sad

>> No.9854856

How's GBArunner these days? was pretty shaky last I tried it

>> No.9854863

Still bad, and a dead project. 3ds homebrew is much better

>> No.9854905
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Super Game Boy didn't output at 320x240.
The Gameboy Player didn't output at 320x240 OR 640x480.
The 3DS outputs 240p, but at 400x240.
The GB Tower through Pokemon Stadiums 1 and 2 DO output 640 x 480, but as a 512 x 448 image with significant black bars. And even then, only for Pokemon games.

No official solution for playing Game Boy supported 320x240. Not one.

>> No.9854920
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>taki uploads a video about the ROG Ally
oh hey, finally some coverage instead of specula-
>he just slapped a voiceover on top of a slideshow of press images
>no actual footage
>just a big advertisement
ETA does this shit too. Why even bother uploading at all?

>> No.9854956

You can order one now on POWkiddy's site, shipping starts on something like May 10 or w/e.

>> No.9854961

disgusting, but the m*cro more so. i even bought one of those terrible pieces of shit on launch day because i was a massive tendie back then.

>> No.9854984

>still giving jewdon turki youtube (You)s

>> No.9855015

I’d rather wait the reviews.

>> No.9855021
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New flop slop just dropped curtesy of /our guy/ Brandon at Retrododo™. Quite possibly the most kino chinkheld review I've ever seen, he just snaps the thing right back without giving a single fuck.


>> No.9855024

it does the needful

>> No.9855046

"it's a great product"

>> No.9855059

Ignore the shill, it's pretty good, most games only have minor audio glitches.

>> No.9855061

Who the fuck is talking about official 320x240 solutions? We're talking about emulation handhelds with a 320x240 screen.

>> No.9855065

He's a braindead nintendo fanboy just ignore him.

>> No.9855069
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>literally the same chip
holy KEK I love this lad

>> No.9855072
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Based honestly.

>> No.9855093

just ignore this poorfag

>> No.9855163

I have a fully upgraded Steam Deck, retard, and I own every console in the 3/DS line, my absolute favourite way to play GBA games is still my DSi XL with GBARunner, now neck yourself out of shame

>> No.9855205

Which plays snes games better, the n3ds or the vita?

>> No.9855236

If you ignore the 5+ posts arguing about just that, nobody.
Of course you'd have to be a braindead cocksucker jump into a discussion and ignore everything up to that point.

>> No.9855276

sunspot sisters... im starting to worry the ktr1 will actually come out...

>> No.9855280
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>> No.9855285
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gamevice has android controllers too

>> No.9855354

n3DS in my experience

>> No.9855391

>shaders, fast forward, rewind
I don't like these options
>It's a pain in the ass to install new roms compared to most other machine
It's easy for me
>the games have this really disgusting filter over them
don't install virtual console titles, use emulators instead

>> No.9855392

It's going to come out but it's going to be Powkiddy build quality.

>> No.9855394

thanks russ.

>> No.9855413

They look better on the Vita but they run better on the New 3DS.

>> No.9855545

Steam deck is an overblown piece of shit. Way too big to actually be a handheld/portable

>> No.9855634

whens sub $150 full gamecube compatibility? Retroid Pocket 4+?

>> No.9855689

Their helds are only going up in price with each iteration.

>> No.9855691

Can pc dolphin do that?

>> No.9855727

How do you get that default GBC border? For me if games aren't using their super game boy border then they're using none at all

>> No.9855780

Kishi V2 has that gloriously tactile D-pad.

>> No.9855851

So I heard modded Vitas and 3DS have homebrew programs that let you download games and roms with just a click, anyone have experience with them?

>> No.9855893

I read reviews that the sticks are worse, so a lot consider it a downgrade.

>> No.9855894

I’ve used the 3ds hshop and ghost eshop (for ds) and it’s okay. Might be because I’m using an original 3ds but the download speeds are pretty slow, some of the bigger games can take over an hour and it’s probably faster to download on a PC and transfer directly through an SD card. I don’t know of anything that can let you download roms besides 3ds and ds, though you could probably transfer them to from a computer using some ftp app. I’m honestly not a fan of 3ds for anything besides 3ds and ds games though.

>> No.9855896

Don’t they have the same chipset?

>> No.9855915

can someone post a reference picture of a game running on a real GBC screen?
i'm trying to see which retroarch shader emulates the screen the best, but there aren't that many good reference photos and i don't have my GBC anymore

>> No.9855924

i've tried it all dude and nothing beats using an SFTP on PC and a homebrew SFTP application on the device. everything else is a pain in the ass or doesn't have what i want.

>> No.9855927
File: 1010 KB, 3024x4032, gbc screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me 10 seconds to find a good image on google anon.

>> No.9855932

thanks, i have no idea how i missed that
lcd_v2 shader seems to do the subpixels pretty accurately, but it has very harsh whites, so i'll have to look into how to get it to not burn my retinas

>> No.9856043

I'm one of the people in that discussion moron, I was never talking about SGB borders, I was talking about any border made for emulators and 320x240 in size, they are mostly a border that looks like a Game Boy unit and nothing to do with an SGB border, like >>9854176

Google for gameyob borders, there's a zip with a bunch of them, you set it with Custom Borders in the settings

>> No.9856113

For the next thread please put the world "handheld" in the thread title.

searching for "portable" is retarded

>> No.9856408

What's buggy about it?

>> No.9856412


Most games have occasional audio glitches
Some have occasional visual glitches
And a very small amount are too broken to play
Still it's "fine" for most games

>> No.9856895

Yes, at the gym during breaks. And for some reason people really do end up looking over your shoulder to watch you play.