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9847653 No.9847653 [Reply] [Original]

People say you can do the dungeons in any order but I don't see how that's possible?

>> No.9847657

You have to get the mallet before you do anything else but you don't need to beat the first boss to get the mallet (you can just leave dungeon #1 unfinished), but then you can go straight to #4 underneath the town.

With the big glove you can go anywhere.

>> No.9847667

was this intended or just a sloppy job?

>> No.9847675

As in you can start a dungeon, get the item then use it to access another dungeon. In later games they gate this with story beats

>> No.9847679

You also need the Hookshot and the Cane of Somaria to access the 6th and 7th dungeons.

To answer your question, there's really no removable obstacle between the stakeposts and the dark rocks so once you have the ability to pass through stakepost tiles with the mallet, the player has to have access to the big glove in order for the game to progress.

I wish they had included more places where you needed to set things on fire besides burning the bones to get into the forest boss's lair.

>> No.9847721

starting a dungeon and getting the item isn't the same as 'going where you want'.

>> No.9847726

The OP didn't ask about 'going where you want'

>> No.9847736

Those people are probably talking about the sequel, A Link Between Worlds.
A Link to the Past does allow for some freedom in the dungeon order but it's not completely open like that.

>> No.9847773

yes I did because starting in any order implies going wherever you want. It's not a big mystery that you can just grab the dungeon item then leave to do something else. You still have to finish the dungeon anyways and the boss is usually close to the item box so it doesn't make sense to leave early.

>> No.9847784

Point is, you can go straight from boss #1 to #4 to #6 to #7.

>> No.9847794

>With the big glove you can go anywhere.
"Moblins could be here," he thought.

>> No.9847802

i think it was intended indirectly
if you only gatekeep each dungeon with one, or very few, items at a time you can make a far more open map, which is why i think they designed it that way
the side-effect is that the actual intended order gets blurry

the alternative wouldve been to make a much more segmented map, that would open up alongside dungeons as you got items. and thatd kinda kill most of the zelda out of the zelda desu

>> No.9847818

Nigger, they literally number the dungeons. You leaving halfway through after receiving the item doesn't make the game open-ended.

>> No.9847829
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>> No.9847840

>the side-effect is that the actual intended order gets blurry
anon, the dungeons are literally numbered on the map

>> No.9847879

but you being able to ignore that entirely and still do most of the dark world dungeons in almost any order and explore most of the world once you get the pearl at least DOES make the back half of the game very open-ended
its the same shit they did with Z1, then later OoT
they knew people liked replaying their games so made them so you could play them differently on repeat playthroughs

>> No.9847906

I don't understand this fetishization of open-world and doing things out of order. Zelda makes a very clear progression of difficulty in its dungeons. So basically, you want to do the hardest shit first and then have a victory lap on the easiest shit? Seems pointless. Open-world fags are retards.

>> No.9847960

I pretty sure the devs never thought that someone would enter a dungeon and leave it unfinished after getting the dungeon item. The captured girls always tell the Dark World's history in the same order as the dungeons order, iirc.
The mirror wasn't made for the purpose of leaving a dungeon to finish another either, it was made so players could leave to refill on items or if they somehow got softlocked.
At best it was an oversight on their part, even more considering that you can cheese Ice Palace by doing the marsh first.

>> No.9847996

There's flexibility in how you approach the dungeons.

If delving deeper into a particular dungeon or the dungeon boss is proving too difficult, you have the means to go elsewhere and see what else you can collect to become stronger.

Aside from that point, the actual progression of clearing dungeons is pretty open compared to later Zelda games.

Light World dungeons are pretty linear.
Dungeon 2 access requires Book of Mudora, which requires Pegasus Boots from finishing Dungeon 1.
Dungeon 3 access requires Power Glove, which is found in Dungeon 2.
Hyrule Castle requires Master Sword, which requires beating the first three dungeon.

It's Dark World where dungeons become much less linear.
Dungeon 1 is always your first dungeon, nothing else is accessible.
Magic Hammer from Dungeon 1 makes Dungeons 2, 3, and 4 accessible. All of these dungeons can be completed independently on each other, e.g. you don't need the Hookshot from Dungeon 2, Fire Rod from Dungeon 3, Titan's Mitt from Dungeon 4.
Completing Dungeon 4 earlier is rewarding, because Titan's Mitt opens up nearly all of the map, and makes the Tempered Sword available.

>> No.9848008

Nothing different happens with the dialogue text with the maidens if you do it out of order, does it?

>> No.9848010

Dungeon's 5, 6 and 7 require Titan's Mitt to access, and each have their own additional requirement.
5 requires fire magic, which can be either Fire Rod from Dungeon 3, or Bombos from an overworld mirror puzzle. It also requires the hammer and the hookshot from dungeons 1 and 2. This dungeon has no progression item, instead it gives you the blue mail.
6 requires the Flute from somewhere in the overworld, and having used it to revive the flying bird. In the dungeon itself, you actually don't need the hookshot to get inside, and you don't need the fire rod for any puzzles. The hookshot makes it easier to get the cane of somaria from the big chest, but it's not strictly necessary.
7 requires the cane of somaria from dungeon 6, and in lieu of no progression item from dungeon 5, it requires the ice rod which can be obtained before even entering the very first dungeon. Fire rod is also required both for puzzles and the boss.

It boils down to simple grouping.
2/3/4 require beating 1.
5/6 require beating 4, are easier if you beat 2/3.
7 requires beating all 3, 4, 6
I say "beating", but the whole "leave with progression item" thing applies.

Additionally, beating dungeons 5 and 6 unlocks the big bomb from the dark world bomb shop.
That lets you access the golden pyramid great fairy, which upgrades your arrows to silver arrows, and your tempered sword to the gold sword.
Under normal play, you need the silver arrows to finish off Ganon, but you can actually bypass this with well timed spin attacks.

A great deal of the flexibility also comes from players knowing how to get out of bounds and do glitches, but that's not intended. It does however exemplify how relaxed the progression checks are, and as a result can make the game a great deal more open to both creative play, and randomizers.

>> No.9848014

No, each maiden just has their own thing to say regardless of order encountered.

I think the only thing the game expects is that you will probably do Turtle Rock last, thus have Zelda in the 7th crystal tell you to go face Ganon in his lair atop Death Mountain.
Even though it's technically possible to ignore Ice Palace and do that one last if you want.

The thing with the ice rod being in the light world instead of the ice palace, makes me think that at one point in development they considered putting the blue mail in the light world, but decided to swap the two items around because:
>Blue mail at the beginning of the game is too much of an advantage
>Ice rod has no special purpose outside of being the only way to kill Trinex's fire head, it's not used for any puzzles or progression checks in the way that the fire rod is
>Ice rod is a pretty useful magic weapon and a good reward for players who explored the map early on

>> No.9848139

You have to visit each dungeon in order so anyone saying the game is open is blowing smoke up your ass

>> No.9848157

Randomizers blow a hole through that retarded logic.

>> No.9848180

Ice Rod + Mallet is a terrific way to cheese the game but when you can freeze the entire room at once and recover all your MP it stops having any utility.

>> No.9848205

If you don't mind glitching the game, you can just run to the end in 5 minutes without picking much of anything, IF anything up.

>> No.9848216

Thats a retarded definition of "open world". By getting the dungeon item and leaving youre only slowing your own progress, since youll have to go back to that dungeon. So the answer to OP is no, you cant do the dungeons in any order, unless youre retarded.

>> No.9848289

>you actually don't need the hookshot to get inside
You do, there's a gap at the very start which requires the hookshot to crossover.

>> No.9848321

If you mean Misery Mire, you can jump over the gap by running into the block.