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/vr/ - Retro Games

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982624 No.982624 [Reply] [Original]

I've seen some shit

>> No.982638



>> No.982645


>> No.982653

Can we all take a moment to appreciate how utterly ridiculous tails looks on this?

>> No.982661

My favorite film as a child. I feel like I should watch it again, but I'm afraid it won't stand the test of time.

>> No.982663


No, it's still a pretty good cartoon.

>> No.982665
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>> No.982685

Why does Knuckles have a hat? Was he too bland without it for the movie?

>> No.982692

Hey fuck you dude knuckles's hat is totally the most plot relevant thing in the whole movie.

>> No.982754

I own this on VHS, I wish I still had the sleeve for it,

>> No.983042
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You mean like this ?

>> No.983060

Oh man, they were selling GBA Sonic with the VHS attached at K-Mart.

>> No.983062

Oh, that nostalgia.
One of these days we have to do a "/vr/ movie night".

>> No.983072

Guess we can make a list of old game movies. Hell we can add tv shows to the list.

>> No.983093

>TV Shows

Oh man can we watch Mortal Kombat? What a god damn mess of a cartoon.

>> No.983094

There was a live action tv show as well that didn't make a whole lot of sense.

>> No.983097

Let's take these brutal fighters, that must Kill The Fuck out of each other to reach the end of the tournament, and turn them into freedom fighters because that was vaguely the plot of the second movie?

What was the live action one even about?

>> No.983105

I barely really remember. It came out in the late 90's so I was about 14 at the time. It only lasted 1 season from what wikipedia says.

>> No.983107

A blessing for the human race, I'm sure.

>> No.983115

I'm honestly loving the idea of a /vr/ night of old 80's/90's retro gaming movies and tv.

>> No.983119

Man what else would even qualify? I mean Captain N is the only other one that springs immediately to mind, for TV shows I mean.

Movies we got, like. Super Mario Brothers, clearly. Wing Commander. Mortal Kombat.

Help me out here.

>> No.983126

There are the super mario bros. super show. and the super mario bros. 3 and world cartoon. Darkstalkers cartoon

>> No.983131

Fatal fury
samurai shodown
street fighter 2 the movie
sonic the tv series

>> No.983156

Battletoads & Bubsy

>> No.983167

There were a fuckton of shit-stain-tier vidya cartoons. Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Battle Toads, Donkey Kong, Pacman... shit. The list goes on.

You have to sift through the anime though,

>> No.983176

>Forgetting Street Fighter II Victory

>> No.983209


Double Dragon.

>> No.983225
File: 81 KB, 550x358, double-dragon-movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live action Mortal Kombat TV show? How was it called? Any link?

I had the Double Dragon movie on VHS as a kid. I actually liked it a lot back then.

I watched it again years later. It's pretty bad really, but for a video game movie, the story itself isn't too bad.

>> No.983231

There's Mortal Kombat: K(C)onquest.

More recently, there's Mortal Kombat: Legacy, but that's web only.

>> No.983232

Mortal Kombat Konquest
It only aired on TNT for one season

It was also done by the same people who did the first two movies and was treated as a prequel

>> No.983236

Also, if we're going to be doing the Super Mario Bros., Double Dragon, and Mortal Kombat movies, I insist we use the Podtoid commentary




>> No.983239

Omg my childhood... You found it

>> No.983242

Holy shit. I totally forgot about that thing.

>> No.983250

Good God it's on Netflix. This is going to be a great day

>> No.983252



Well, this doesn't look too bad? The costumes aren't too bad, the set is good, the fight is good (mostly), there is even taunts before they start fighting... The SFX are meh but at least faithful to the original material.

>> No.983260


>> No.983285


Yeah, the Japanese opening however was pretty gay.....


>> No.983296


>> No.983295
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"I wear a sheriff hat now. Sheriff hats are cool."

>> No.983301

>No mention of nick arcade


>> No.983348

I felt we were mostly talking about tv shows based on the video games not video game game shows. But that's just me

>> No.983417

Yeah, SFIIV was pretty gay.


>> No.983420

>scrape your knuckles
okay haha
>catch some tails
what are you even trying to say?

>> No.983423

The cover is shit indeed but the movie is cool. One of the best anime based on video games. Such a shame that Sonic X is not as good as Sonic The Hedgehog movie (more like an OVA actually).

>> No.983448

Kirby Right Back At Yeah! was pretty hit or miss too and I don't really remember watching a lot of F-Zero GP Legend

Did love me some Viewtiful Joe though

>> No.983526

>This came on after Nitro

Good job, TNT.

>> No.983593

Your cassette's different from mine. My case was a cardboard sleeve too, not a plastic clamshell.

>> No.983595
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>> No.983602


I have this on VHS and DVD, no regrets. Apparently the DVD is worth some dosh now so cool

Shame the OST was never officially released

>> No.983609

>white VHS tape
It's little things like this which made ADV kind of cooler than all the other anime companies. That "coolness" would eventually lead to their demise, but still.

>> No.983657
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I loved how Nickelodeon VHS tapes were bright ass orange

Also the DVD version of Sonic The Hedgehog The Movie is supposedly incredibly rare and I think it has the Japanese version of it on it too

>> No.983720

>dat sax loop

Who else watched the trailer from Sonic Jam over and over just to listen to that small loop

>> No.983742

It was pretty fucking shitty and all the kids were terrible at the games, and they always played fucking sonic or some other shitty game

>> No.983793

Another thing that I loved about it was Martin Burke voicing Sonic with almost kind of a pseudo british accent

He's know how I picture Sonic's voice as being, regardless of whatever game he's in. Same with Toby Longworth when he voiced Judge Dredd in the Big Finish Radio Plays

>> No.983867
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I don't suppose I could get you to scan the DVD cover for me? Mine's an ex-rental and pretty heavily damaged.

>> No.983902
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Best video game cartoon out there

>> No.983975

Agreed, love me some Earthworm Jim

>> No.983973
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>> No.983982
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kirby was ok

>> No.984000

Is it me or does it look like Tails and Knuckles' feet are cut off?

>> No.984031

Without a doubt, that shit was hilarious a shame it had to end so early.

>> No.984130
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Funny, none of Doug's cartoon and film projects really got much of a break. Especially Project G.E.E.K.E.R. and Go Sukashi!

But, to be fair, everything he creates goes onto become a cult hit in some form or fashion

>> No.984142



>> No.984314

From a game shop that bought out an older shop's stock, all the DVD's still had the old stickers but were marked down to $4.99 a pop.

Not a bad price for a $50 DVD, even with a bad cover. The disc itself is damn near minty fresh.

>> No.984340


>> No.984359
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Watching it right now.

>> No.984360

The Final Fantasy OVA was pretty excellent awesome. Legend of the Crystals, that is. I have no idea what they were thinking with "Unlimited"

>> No.984369
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Nobody told me this was "that" kind of anime.

>> No.984397

Gotta love how they do more damage to that bridge that is supposedly crucial to the structural integrity of the whole planet, than they were trying to avoid.

>> No.984398

Isn't there a scene where she breastfeeds kids or something? Haven't watched it myself, just what I heard.

>> No.984442
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I'll be the first to know.

>> No.984458
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>> No.984478
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>> No.984479

You're getting close to the breastfeeding scene, I think.

>> No.984483

There's a scene towards the end where Tails falls ontop of Sarah and then Knuckles starts shouting at Tails for absolutely no reason

It confused the shit out of me for years until I found out that ADV had edited a part out where Tails grabbed Sarah's breast by accident

>> No.984486
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>> No.984493
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This isn't as sexy as I wanted it to be.

>> No.984498
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Dude. This is a good Christian blue board.

>> No.984523
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Wut u gun do butch niqqa

>> No.984538
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Found it.

>> No.984542

I thought FFU was an ok as anime... though it didn't really feel like final fantasy at all..

>> No.984543
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>> No.984546

Oh innocent youth. I was about 8 when Sailor Moon came to the US and was always confused about the cousins. Uranus and Neptune if I remember right. Then I realized MUCH later they were just gay.

>> No.984550

So Spirits Within?

>> No.984549

And I thought Code LYOKO pushed the envelope pretty damn far. Then again it was made by the French.

>> No.984553
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>> No.984568
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"Sonic will never again be a pain in my eeeegg!"

>> No.984574

I have the VHS version.

>> No.984578
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The End.
By the way, the soundtrack to this movie is excellent. Go check it out.

>> No.984605

How old is she supposed to be?

>> No.984613

I havent seen it in awhile but a preteen, like 11-13 something like that.

If I remember right, could be wrong.

>> No.984616


It's actually a really good show. Used to stay up extra late to catch this shit when the reruns were airing at like 2 in the morning. Not sure if it had a proper ending or not though, it's been a LONG time.

>> No.985225 [DELETED] 

I only have the English dub where they edit it, but there's a scene where Robotnik say's to Sarah "We'll get married, and live out the rest of out happy lives together!" Then Sarah has a fantasy flash of the two of them surrounded by their children, one of whom she's holding. I assume in the original you can see she's breastfeeding, but in the dub she's only holding the baby.

>> No.985238

I have the white cassette here:
It has the scene where Tails rolls into a snowball and crashes into Sarah, showing him in the pose of this picture:
Was the scene with this picture edited out? The context was always clear to me.

>> No.985282 [DELETED] 

Again, I have the white cassette and this scene was in it.

According to Wikipedia...

>Due to the number of scenes that would be offensive to Western audiences, the following scenes were edited or removed from the 1999 VHS release of the film:
>In a daydream when Doctor Robotnik proposes to Sara, she is shown pregnant and breastfeeding one of their future children.
Robotnik groping Sara.
>Sonic giving Metal Eggman the middle finger, which was edited to look like an index finger in the VHS version.
>Metal Sonic accidentally looking up Sara's dress when he crashes through the bottom of Eggman's ship, resulting in Sara repeatedly kicking his head, calling him a pervert. In the same sequence, Sonic also appears to injure himself after falling onto the ship, landing on his groin. Also, Sonic is synched with Metal Sonic and essentially feels what he feels; he even blushes.
>During the second fight against Metal Sonic, Tails, after the Tornado is shot out of the sky, falls down a hill and starts to roll into a snowball and crashes into Sara and Knuckles. When the snowball clears, Tails is revealed to be holding on to Sara's breasts. Knuckles notices this, and is heard to mention that he "Never thought he'd stoop that low".[1]
>Both DVD releases include all the above scenes and are regarded as fully uncut.

I remember seeing all of these scenes on my white VHS cassette. Is mine an uncut dub?

>> No.985292

Again, I have the white cassette and this scene was in it.

According to Wikipedia...

>Due to the number of scenes that would be offensive to Western audiences, the following scenes were edited or removed from the 1999 VHS release of the film:
>In a daydream when Doctor Robotnik proposes to Sara, she is shown pregnant and breastfeeding one of their future children.
>Robotnik groping Sara.
>Sonic giving Metal Eggman the middle finger, which was edited to look like an index finger in the VHS version.
>Metal Sonic accidentally looking up Sara's dress when he crashes through the bottom of Eggman's ship, resulting in Sara repeatedly kicking his head, calling him a pervert. In the same sequence, Sonic also appears to injure himself after falling onto the ship, landing on his groin. Also, Sonic is synched with Metal Sonic and essentially feels what he feels; he even blushes.
>During the second fight against Metal Sonic, Tails, after the Tornado is shot out of the sky, falls down a hill and starts to roll into a snowball and crashes into Sara and Knuckles. When the snowball clears, Tails is revealed to be holding on to Sara's breasts. Knuckles notices this, and is heard to mention that he "Never thought he'd stoop that low".
>Both DVD releases include all the above scenes and are regarded as fully uncut.

I recall seeing all these scenes on my white VHS. Is mine an uncut dub? I don't recall any one scene of Robotnik groping Sarah, he was all over her throughout the movie.

>> No.985310

God I love this movie's soundtrack. It's a better representation of 90s dance music than even the Sonic CD soundtracks.

How about The Last Starfighter? Also maybe Escape From New York, since it is pretty much Metal Gear minus Robocop. There's also Nick Arcade, which has shown on old TV nights in the past here, and perhaps also that one weird show where a guy pretends to be a fantasy adventurer and takes any instructions given by a phone-in 'player'?

I'm just trying to suggest stuff htat might be interesting, vidya-related, retro, and not complete shit, as most video game movies and such are total ass, especially with retro stuff.

>> No.985320

I gotta see this absurd uncut version, if only to see Sonic tell eggums to go fuck himself.

>> No.985321

I've been meaning to watch Cloak & Dagger sometime, I've just learned of it recently.


>> No.985324

It's really cool that Atari got it's own The Wizard before Nintendo even came on the scene.

>> No.985339
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>> No.985363
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>> No.986220
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Let's play Count-the-eggmen!

>> No.988171

I got 15, not counting papa.

>> No.988427

I never understood why instead of having amy rose, they had some human girl instead.