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9845292 No.9845292 [Reply] [Original]

what names do you give characters?

>> No.9845305

Their canon names
If they don't have one then, Mike or Mark if male

>> No.9845314

Noggle (all my male chocobos are named noggle)

>> No.9845326

Me (if it's the player character)
Him (if they're male)
Her (if they're female)
It (otherwise)
Garnet (for Dagger)

>> No.9845363
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>characters have canon names
>want to grab a screenshot from a playthrough
>only fagwad with good quality and no filtershit named the character after his channel or worse himself

>> No.9845374

Sometimes if I think it will make for a better joke I name them something like cunny or 'jailbait' to really piss people off when they are trying to grab screencaps from my uploads.

>> No.9845915

Back when I was an early teen my mates were playing FFVII and called Cid ICanSeeYourMuff.
That was the funniest thing in the world for them.

>> No.9845995

Canon names. If one isn't available, I'll try to give them something thematically fitting.

>> No.9846000


>> No.9846134
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All characters named Hank

>> No.9846149

Canon/default names. If not I’ll name them after the lead artist or something.

>> No.9846153


>> No.9846161

Canon names, otherwise I don't think i'd be playing it lmao

>> No.9846285


>> No.9846312
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>kino tier: you're a kid and you name shit after yourself and people you know
>based tier: default names
>low iq tier: made up names
>autismo tier: anime names pic rel

>> No.9846319

>elder god tier: name you have been using for over a decade but would be too embarrassed to post even anonymously since you need a history lesson to explain the meaning

>> No.9846374
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look at me guys I have no original thoughts in my head at all that makes me a better game you have to do everything developers tell you

>> No.9846446

Back in the late 90s I was at my friend's house and when he went to the bathroom I noticed he had left his FF7 game on. Or maybe he had just left it in that Playstation, I can't remember. Anyway I gave Barrett a name that my friend quickly changed/deleted.

>> No.9847462
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>> No.9848837

Canon names, the only exception being SMT Nocturne where I named my Demi-Fiend "Crunchwrap Supreme"

>> No.9848859
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>> No.9848891

Call the main character "I say" and make everyone talk like Foghorn Leghorn.

>> No.9848893

Same, but Matt.
I used to give them all names of people I knew because I thought it was funny, but now I only do that in Oregon Trail.

>> No.9848894

Now you can call me Ray, and you can call me Jay, and you can call me Ray jay jay, but you doesn't have to call me Johnson

>> No.9848897

I never much liked changing official names. We knew one kid in school who did which is his own business but the thing is whenever we would talk about the games he would always use his own names as if anyone knew/cared what he was on about.

>> No.9848901

name her after my waifu
Don't give him a nickname, but I'll put Janus on that fucker's tombstone

>> No.9848903
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pls tell me the name, anon. I'll tell you my childhood video game name

>> No.9848904

I should try that. I used to use "Dude" as a name if the character didn't have a default, but it gets confusing when you play games set in modern times and can't tell if an NPC is referring to the MC or someone else.

>> No.9848908
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Holy fuck that's good I wish I'd thought of that!

>> No.9848940

For games with no canon character name, I use the name I've been using for 2 decades now, but if I shared it, I wouldn't be very anonymous.

>> No.9848995
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nta but I used bakura for everything from my games to msn messenger and shit for years. loved yugioh. then junior high hit. those years sucked. 90s tweens are mean fucking faggots.

>> No.9848997

On the first playthrough, default names if there are any. After that, whatever seems funny. Tellah in FF4 is named Dinner(so after he dies everyone rushes at him yelling "DINNER!"), Galuf in FF5 is named Torch(so after he dies there's the message "Torch's flame flickered out...", Cyan in FF6 is named Thou or Tardius, Sabin is named Mongo or Saiyan, Locke is named Thief, Celes is named Traitor, Cloud in FF7 is named Mosey, Aeris is named Zombie, Tifa is named Tits or Boobs, and no matter what I MUST name Dagger in FF9 as Garnet when she changes her name because it's hilarious when she changes her name to the same name she had before and everyone goes along with it like they are placating a retard.

>> No.9849039

kek that's cute. I had a weeb friend who always named himself Rei, but pronounced it Ree-ay. As for me, when I was a kid, I asked my brother to put my name as "Hero" cause I was too young to read, but he misspelled it as "Hiro". Been using Hiro since Pokemon Gold

>> No.9849120
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I generally leave them alone except the MC so when I screenshot completion, you know it was me.

>> No.9849285

MC: My name
Other characters: Default name. Sometimes friends on replays
MC is a girl? Don't care, putting my name

>> No.9849303

Default name if possible.

>> No.9849309

The first time I played a pokemon game (round '98) I called Gary "oldshit" and thought it was funny.

>> No.9849335


>> No.9849463

>game gives a name field
canon name
>game asks me to name the character
i will make one up

>> No.9849487
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>Don't give him a nickname, but I'll put Janus on that fucker's tombstone
Templar Anon still going at it.

>> No.9849742
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The only right answer for someone playing it in 1999

> Chrono = Goku
> Marle = Bulma
> Lucca = Arale
> Frog = Picolo
> Robo = A-08
> Ayla = Launch
> Magus = Vegeta

>> No.9849759

Everybody keeps going on about the CT cast resembling the DBZ cast, but Dragon Quest VI was even more blatant about it.

>> No.9849763

V is literally Kid Gohan at the beginning.

>> No.9849771

>Dragon Quest VI
Nigga this is 1999 in the west, no one was playing Dragon Quest games, we were watching Toonami and just getting use to FF7 being a thing

>> No.9849774

>when ff8 was out, just getting used to ff7

>> No.9849779

can you rip yourself off?

>> No.9849782

i had dragon warrior monsters and dragon warrior 3 on GBC wtf u on about?

>> No.9849793

Toriyama wasn't even trying with DQ6. The main party was literally Gohan, Androids 16 and 18, Trunks, and the mandatory Bulma expy.

>> No.9849807
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For my last FFVII playthrough from like ten years ago:
Dr. Dre
>Cait Sith

Some unintended text highlights due to these changes:
>Mr. Dr. Dre? That don't sound right!
>I'm GonnaDie. The least you could do is remember my name.

>> No.9849832

Chrono Trigger:



>> No.9849843

You can't rename Magus afaik or I would name him Vegeta lol

>> No.9849852

My childhood nickname, Mario. (even if the character is a girl)

>> No.9849860
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>Warrior (he's a big guy)
>Black Belt (he's got the flight plan)
>Red Mage (he doesn't get to bring friends)
>Black Mage (the fire rises!)
(Wreckage) Brother

>> No.9850172

i mean lets be real
if you drew something that made you that much fucking money, youd probably just keeping drawing the same exact thing over and over again too

>> No.9850273

Earthbound: Jerry, Elaine, George, and Kramer
FF7: Everyone is named Sephiroth

>> No.9850290

Usually the canon names, from the manual, novels, etc.
If they don't have a canon name usually "Kenji" for males and "Noriko" for females.

>> No.9850317

Usually I do my own name or sit and think for a few hours and then decide to use my name still.

>> No.9850342

FF7 - everyone gets named after the A-Team for obvious reasons. Except for Aeries, her nickname is plot device.

>> No.9850371
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It depends on the game, but the name I use the most is "Red" ever since the first Pokemon game.

>> No.9850395


>> No.9850403

the main character? a short form of my first name

the good thing about this is that i can name it the same wheter it's male or female, altought i highly prefer male main characters

for all the other characters i just leave their default names. If they don't have one (like the dog in Dragon Age: Origins), I invent one on the spot that seems fitting and funny (I named the dog "Marroncito", literally "Little brown dog"

>> No.9850557

You definitely can.

>> No.9850568

>Kenji and Noriko
Somewhere there's a Japanese man playing Western games and naming characters Humphrey and Gertrude.

>> No.9850581

I would assume anyone given those names was born elderly. Can you imagine cumming in a woman named Gertrude and crying out her name in bliss? When you opened your eyes, you'd be sitting next to her at church with one of those wrapped strawberry hard candies in your hand like nothing happened.

>> No.9850614

I use my own name, because that's what I did as a kid. It adds to the nostalgia.

>> No.9850636

I also name female MC's after myself. My name's Alexander, so I'll just name em Alex

>> No.9850652

I'm a Japanese descendant (a nikkei), 3rd generation.
Kenji is my second name, and Noriko is my sister's second name. We both have compound names (Brazilian Name + Japanese Name), which are pretty common for Japanese descendants here in Brazil.

>> No.9850672

Anecdotal evidence, but I live in Japan and have never met anyone named Noriko who is under the age of 70.
'~ko' names are going out of fashion, they say.

>> No.9850685

>have never met anyone named Noriko who is under the age of 70.
Grandma gave us our "Japanese" names. I miss her.

>'~ko' names are going out of fashion, they say.
Is that so? The last time I was in Japan was back in 2005. I was 7 back then and don't remember much. Will live there again next year.

>> No.9850694


>> No.9850820

Hah, my name is Alex actually. Fits perfectly on even the most restrictive 16-bits character naming screen and it's pretty much unisex, so it works for either gender

>> No.9852023


>> No.9852315

I name them after musicians I like, like Ozzy, Zakk, Bruce, Ian, etc.

>> No.9852361
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This, unironically.

>> No.9852378

unfortunately, most games, even offline ones or shit that only you see that you can name, has name filters and that sucks

>> No.9852379
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I always name Link "Faget" in every Zelda game. Not sure why, to be honest. Guess I started doing that when ur a faget was a current meme on /v/ and I just kinda stuck with it as a tradition.

>> No.9852390
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Get creative. I use Nigr, Nigrman, Shithead, etc...

I just find it funny when npcs call you by name, it makes for a laugh.

>> No.9852498


>> No.9854406

I used to name characters after myself and my friends when i was younger, now i just use their canon names.

>> No.9854434

I also use NIGGER, CUNT, PENIS, COCKZ, etc

>> No.9854556
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>> No.9856240

Original names

>> No.9858067
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>> No.9858109
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>> No.9858115
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>> No.9859447

Always went with garnet

>> No.9859495

Titus: ziprtits
valefor: 8ftbird
ifrit: Hotdog
ice lady: Cooltits

thats probly my best

>> No.9859573

>>kino tier: you're a kid and you name shit after yourself and people you know
God, I still remember naming the ff6 cast after my irc friends at the time. Kprj8

>> No.9860970

That's my image, and the name isn't nigger, I just taught him that catchphrase.

>> No.9861010
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Crono = Crono
Marle = Marle
Lucca = Lucca
Frog = Frog
Robo = Robo
Ayla = Ayla
Magus = Magus

>> No.9861030

Canon names, if those don't exist I come up with names that fit the setting, often from pic related

>> No.9861034
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I'm retarded

>> No.9861242
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>> No.9862004

FUCK usually.

>> No.9862172

the canon names, or my name in games like Lufia and the Fortress of Doom where they don't have em

>> No.9862407
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Sneed and Chuck are more often then not mandatory for me these days if I’m not hardcore roleplaying.

>> No.9862519

I use swear words

HAHA, I'm so funny and original

>> No.9863739

I always went with Sarah for Dagger. Imagine my fucking shock when I found out that really was her name.

>> No.9863768


>> No.9865727

Usually canon names. In Chrono Trigger I like doing characters real names.

>> No.9865728

the only correct answers

>> No.9865854

Crono: GokuR
Lucca: Nerd
Marle: Blond
Frog: Mucus
Robo: Rick
Ayla: Sex

>> No.9867965

In FF7, I named all the characters Sephiroth. The game was absolutely unintelligible -- and hilarious. My friend's sister named Aeris and Tifa "My Bitch" and "My Ho". Also very funny.

>> No.9868165

>Pen is
>Ay la
>Mar le
still blows my mind how no one could ever figure out how to program these menus to take variable width fonts.

>> No.9868173
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>> No.9868271

>those names
yep, that's a true gamer

>> No.9868286

I load up the Gundam name generator and let the magic happen.