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/vr/ - Retro Games

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984156 No.984156[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys deal with steep retro gaming pickup competition in your area? I know of at least 3 or 4 people who scour Facebook buy/sell/trade groups and buy up games from people. All of them have resale shops at a few of my local flea markets.

>> No.984178

I emulate. I don't even have a car so I know I'm not going to beat anybody to anything worth getting.

>> No.984202

beat the shit out of those faggets OP

>> No.984201
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I'm a collector, but I emulate most of the games I'm interested in. If you're trying to find retro consoles in retro game stores and well-known shops, expect to pay for it. Most of my gear is from places that I don't expect to find anything in.

Don't go to the games, Anon. Let the games come to you.

>> No.984205

I gave up. I live in a city of retirees so picking are already very slim. There are 3 flippers here that have inside people at GW/SA and are constantly on craiglist on their smartphone looking for deals.

I've been collecting for 15 years and have most of the stuff I want. But it sucks to see these parasites operate. It's just as bad seeing nostalgiafags paying the expensive price giving them incentive to keep flipping.

>> No.984227
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Well, take it from an old pro there are a few ways to skin a cat but they all involve beating dudes at their own game and I'm not talking about that guy running train on The World Warrior at the arcade in the mall.

>Always be closing
Watch those Facebook groups and Craigslist like a hawk and get a reputation. If you're "the man" people will bring their shit to you over a big fat neckbeard every time
>The early bird gets the vidya
Get the fuck out of bed, you lazy shit. If you can't do that, then stay up all night.
>Try taking a job at Gamestop
Do you have any idea how many people come into Gamestop trying to sell retro vidya only to get turned away? Be the guy that buys that shit for his personal collection
>Know your shit
If you're not looking at eBay on your phone while you're dealing then you can expect the guy you're dealing with not to either. If he seriously wants eBay prices he should sell that shit on eBay and stop wasting your time
>Spot trends and don't be afraid to get into stuff that's not (yet) retro.
You can leverage your collection to get sick deals. If your name is golden enough you can even create markets for shit that might not have otherwise existed like imports or obscure systems. Even be willing to take non-vidya related items in trade when someone wants your stuff bad enough. Guns, cars, jewelry, old AV equipment - all that kind of stuff can be flipped fast and often for big big gains to put back in your real hobby.

And the most important part? Remember to enjoy your games. If you start focusing only on swelling your collection or making money you'll lose your soul and a nerd without a soul is basically a pariah. If you start going there with it just switch to something you can actually get rich doing because collecting video games ain't it.

>> No.984228

I keep at it. I got five big scores this year, plus several small good finds. I pretty much gave up on buying from local classifieds since every ad wants big buck$ for garbage, but I use it to get out trade offers which led me to getting two of my big scores. Don't be afraid to make trade offers, if you find a person with the right interest in it they'll go for it

>> No.984262
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I fucked up a good deal for myself and another person. Here's how it goes:
>be at work
>can't have my phone on the work floor
>go to lunch and browse FB b/s/t groups
>see pic related
>2 people already jump on it
>first person said she wanted it
>next lady, who looks like she has no interest in video games and always has an opinion on everything chimes in with "I call seconds"
>I call thirds
>then I post that I'll go higher than asking price
>really want this fucking lot and say that Super C is rare
>opinionated lady "person who's selling this lot, I messaged you :D"
>I message original seller saying I'll go $40
>shit, she was only wanting $5, but I came in late in the game
>opinionated lady then says that she messaged lady who had first dibs
>I also message her, saying I'll buy the lot from her for $40
>later tell her that I'd go as high as $60 cause fuck it
>while all of this is going on, never hear ANYTHING from the seller
>get home from work and look up games
>see that lady with first dibs really just wanted to play them
>I do too, but I've bought some things from her before and she seems like a nice lady
>withdraw from the whole thing
>come to find out, opinionated lady ended up getting them
>I don't know how the fuck she did though
>have conversation with first dibber and tell her about it
>meanwhile get a message from opinionated lady

>> No.984286
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>hey man....tell ya what, im getting these games, if you would like them ill sell them to you for $40 or ill sell them for $35 + super Mario 2 and you have to meet me early in *My town* tomorrow probably about 730am will that work? or you are welcome to meet me in *Her town* tomorrow
>tell her no, I fucked up and am trying to make it right
>message first dibber about what opinionated lady said
>we both can't figure out how the fuck she got the lot unless she was friends with original seller
>tell first dibber I'm sorry and that I'll give her extras from a lot I was picking up the next morning
>she says that it's ok, don't have to, ect
>be a few days later, been busy with newly found dreamcast games
>message her the extra games I have and that I'll sell them to her for $5
>pic of games plus 2 others not pictured, Popeye and Tetris
>She says no you don't have to, no hard feelings ect
>I feel obligated to give her these though
>tell her it's not a problem, I can meet Sunday
>no response
I feel like a douche because I fucked her out of a great deal. I got greedy /vr/.

>> No.984312

I don't have much local competition because I primarily collect old PC shit.

Most people just throw out Pentium or older machines, and nobody seems to want Commodore shit.

>> No.984383

I usually have no problem using my local retro game stores. I pick up consoles and controllers at my local Savers and Goodwill, though they are getting rougher to find in these places.

Usually my local sellers are pretty up front and honest about prices. They tend to price based on what the lowest price available on Amazon is. Same deal for selling and trading, they'll store credit for 3/4ths the lowest Amazon price and cash for 1/2.

>> No.984394

I live in a big city T_T and dont have that much space, time, and money.

>> No.984450

My game resellercunts have a literal gang of people who do their fetching for them. You can't beat nine people singlehandedly.

Unless you carry a semi-automatic pistol like I do. Ho ho.

>> No.984502
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Or you just get up really fucking early.

I picked this up for a dollar, case is cracked but both discs are in great shape.

The lady said that she had over 30 good ps1 games for sale, all for a dollar, none of the sports or kids crap. But had I been there early enough I may have been able snatch it all.

So as far as garage sales go, just get up really fucking early.

>> No.984520

Personally I would never sell any of my games. But had I sold anything at all video game related. If they looked like the re-sale type I would not even sell to them. Because I don't want my games in the hands of some conniving re-seller.