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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9841061 No.9841061 [Reply] [Original]

If they had switched the EXP-based upgrades with regular pickups to give it a better flow this could have been a true classic. It could even have even persisted as the template for the rest of the series rather than getting shelved as a failed experiment.

>> No.9841113

>failed experiment

It was a best-seller and well rated by critics.
It also remained in Nintendo Power's top games for a very long time.

It inspired many clones: Battle of Olympus, Castlevania 2, Gargoyle's Quest, Cosmo Police Galivan, Zeliard, just to name a few

It was the first console game to mix in RPG elements with action elements in such a way, and the first to do it that was known by everyone and that wasn't an obscure computer game nobody played. Arguably, all action games that have RPG elements owe something to it.

The only failure here is (You)

>> No.9841127

Sure it was a successful enough product, but how would you account for Nintendo themselves basically never touching the template again (or even the "RPG" elements, i.e. exp grinding)?

>> No.9841265

Just play the Redux romhack. It fixes most of the game's issues and is a lot more enjoyable as a result.

>> No.9841481

Don't forget Castle of Heart.

But they did retouch it again and you all hated it. It was Super Paper Mario

Although it was their own fault for hiding the run button as a aftergame bonus. What in sam heaven and I gonna do with a run feature AFTER I'VE BEATEN THE GAME?

>> No.9841508

>need 1 xp to level up
>get 10,000 xp
>level up once then lose the remaining 9,999 xp
i hate this game so much its unreal

>> No.9841525

> could have been a true classic
This game is generally considered a true classic though. It's not perfect but then again, no game is objectively perfect. I like Zelda 2 the way it is

>> No.9841527
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That can't happen. I dare you to say that lie to my face and not online and see what happens.

>> No.9841554

>another zelda 2 apologist who doesnt actually play the game

>> No.9841570

Why are you going into the boss right with 1 exp left to gain?

>> No.9841572

>another apologist
at least this one understands the point im making, even if he does ignore the terrible game design

>> No.9841584

Considering your point is basically
>oh no the game has different rules! This isn't right, everything must play exactly the same!
you're the one that should be apologizing

>> No.9841589

You are only getting a level up for finishing a dungeon, you should just grind to get the remaining XP before you do so. It can be tedious but what can you do, shit like this happens only once or twice during a playthrough, it's fine. Otherwise even the bosses don't give you that much, if I recall correctly you can get 500 XP max from a dungeon boss

>> No.9841639

Sounds like he didn't play the game. Must have watched a U-toob playthrew.

>> No.9841710

>Just play the Redux romhack. It casualizes the entire game.

>> No.9841742

Stick to your phone games, young man.

>> No.9841747
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>> No.9841754

>muh QoL!!!!
>It's what the developer intended! I saw an interview!
>it's not cheating!!!
>I freakin love retro games!!!!!

>> No.9841761

>terrible game design
It's not the game's fault that you suck at a child's game and don't have the ability to learn and improve.

>> No.9841769

the criticism doesnt have anything to do with difficulty, its a literal programming error that makes you lose xp. seethe harder

>> No.9841774

>could have been a true classic
it's one of the best games on NES hands-down. I spent years wondering how Nintendo blew it so hard with this sequel until I actually sat down and played through it. It's great.

>> No.9841781
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>noooo stop improving old games, everyone must suffer because I did!

>> No.9841790


>> No.9841795

No one had a problem beating this in the past with your alleged programming error. You are the problem.

>> No.9841804

We didn't suffer because we enjoyed playing old games. You don't enjoy them.

>> No.9841820

I can pick this game up right now and beat it. You have to apply your cheat hacks and look up maps. I know the game. You will never know it because you gave up. I will always enjoy it and it will always be a struggle to you that you just wanted to check off a list. Fuck anyone who ever recommends a rom hack and ruins the experience for another person. If you want to use them, keep your shame to yourself. You pussies are like drug addicts who need a junkie partner to feel better about their filthy habit.

>> No.9841824

Just discovered another game obviously inspired by Zelda 2: Chester Field - Ankoku Shin e no Chousen

Looks neat and it has a translation, gonna play it soon.

>> No.9841870

Then work past it like everyone else did.

>> No.9841880

Romhacks aren't retro.

>> No.9841897

>programming error

Considering the amount of stuff that was changed or fixed for the western versions, including things related to experience, and that this remained the same, I very much doubt that.

>> No.9842046 [DELETED] 

no one is complaining about the difficulty, just pointing out the issue. youre a fag who is upset about people criticizing zelduh
youre a fag too

>> No.9842127

But that doesn't happen. Experience gained from defeated monsters rolls over after a level up, and you can even cancel a level up and keep earning points to the next exp level. The only exception to this is placing the gem in a palace which automatically caps you to your current level and no higher.

>> No.9842201

>just pointing out the issue
Disingenuous faggot. Fuck off to /v/ if you want to troll.

>> No.9843684

>restarts you in the same room even after a game over
They were so close and they fucked it up

>> No.9843851

Most romhackers in the past 2-3 years have been incapable of making genuinely "improvement" romhacks. Ever since modern re-releases added shit like that, it's like they realized "wait, I can do that too and therefore pretend I have game design standards!"

except doing shit like that is the lazy way of "fixing" a game's balance and in most cases is just the equivalent of builting in a couple of gameshark codes. Which is also why these types of hacks are flourishing, anyone can do it

>> No.9844307

>he doesnt use the original game over, enemy stats/drops/xp, and mp cost sub-patches
all the gameplay changes in redux are stupid dogshit, but the rest is pretty good

>> No.9844536

>If they had switched the EXP-based upgrades with regular pickups to give it a better flow this could have been a true classic.
This is an incredibly stupid post because the game is ALREADY a true classic. It's one of the best selling NES games of all time. It doesn't need to change to suit some noskill zoomer's whims.

God, how'd you get so dumb? Serious, actual question. Did you sleep in school a lot? Public school? They didn't teach you how to think critically? Seriously what went wrong in your life, I genuinely want to know. You don't act like a normal healthy person.

>> No.9845458

>It inspired many clones: Battle of Olympus, Castlevania 2, Gargoyle's Quest, Cosmo Police Galivan, Zeliard, just to name a few
I think Falcom has more responsibility for this. Zelda II itself is probably inspired by Xanadu.

>> No.9845465

Christ not even that anon but you people are literally defending bad game design just because

>> No.9845572

But there is no programming error and you don't lose exp. You made up a lie.

>> No.9846515

Nobody cared about this subgenre untile Zelda came along and made a best seller out of it.

That and all those games adopt the sidescrolling perspective for combat

>> No.9847041

There were almost 5 years between Zelda 2 and 3, Zelda 3 is basically a reboot.

>> No.9847170

retards, if you need 1 XP to level up, and put a crystal in a statue, it will give you 1 XP.
Alternatively, if you need 8000 XP to level up, and put a crystal in a statue, it will give you 8000 XP.
It just levels you up to the next level. So you have to plan around that if you are close to getting a level already.
It's not that fucking hard.

>> No.9847195 [DELETED] 

Thanks for your input, Nintendie.

>> No.9847237


>> No.9847349

It wasn't made yesterday. No one listens to Billie Holliday and complains about pops and crackling on the track. You don't watch a Bogart movie and say the film grain is bad movie design. Stop being a drama queen. If you think this is bad game design, then you have to think all nintendo games are badly designed. There was a world that existed before you that had to get us here. Try to be less self centered with your criticism.

>> No.9847359

Exp does overflow. Crystals just let you level up for free.

To your credit you need quite a big IQ to understand that.

>> No.9847408

Not to start anything, but there's a REASON why all Zelda games after Z2 were made increasingly easier. They found out that people don't want a challenge; they just want to win.

>> No.9847418

Nintendo didn't need to make their own RPGs because the best selling JRPGs period were on their console and were genuine system sellers. Why bother making Zelda 3 a big RPG series when you know that people will by the Super Famicom JUST to play Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy?

>> No.9847427

This it's only a "failure". If your standards say Zelda 2 is a failure than a bunch of other supposedly good games are failures too. Shatter hand didn't inspire a single game to copy it while Zelda 2 had several. So if Zelda 2 is a failure Shatter Hand is a thousand times worse. In fact so is every NES game that isn't FF,DQ,MM,CV,Mario, or Zelda 1. Since those are the only games that have more influence than Zelda 2.

>> No.9847724
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>> No.9848049

>basically never touching the template again
Link's Awakening has several sidescrolling segments, clearly inspired by AoL.

>> No.9848065

The first game had sidescrolling segments too and they're much more similar to the LA ones.

>> No.9848649


>> No.9848654

fact of the matter is wonder boy 3 did it all so, so so so so so so much better.

>> No.9848820

The CD-i games did it better.