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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 26 KB, 500x372, RgbZWFZvrncZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9837667 No.9837667 [Reply] [Original]

What did it feel like to own one of these when they were new? When did it sink in that it's going to die?
I'm 40 yo but I totally ignored the DC as a kid, had PSX and was pining for the PS2.

>> No.9837674

It was doing fine until the PS2 came out and completely killed it. For the first few years it seemed like Sega was gonna make it but the PS2 came out able to do everything Dreamcast could and more, and it became clear Dreamcast couldnt compete.

>> No.9837720

To be honest DC and PS2 seem to be equally shit in comparison with GC and Xbox so it seems strange the DC couldn't compete.

>> No.9837721
File: 449 KB, 1000x1394, dreamcast_9_9_99_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What did it feel like to own one of these when they were new?

I rented it before it came out with Sonic Adventure. Me and my brother barely slept all that weekend playing Sanic. It was keno as fuck. I'll never forget it. I was obsessed, subscribed to Saturn / Dreamcast magazine to read about all the games, I'd go to the local import shop every weekend to watch the employees play Virtua Fighter. It was a pretty big deal.

We camped out at Circuit City for it on release day. That first year and a half with the Dreamcast was the best time I've ever had with video games. Even the fucking sports games were amazing. My dad would challenge us to games of NFL 2K... I'd take it in my backpack so after school I could play Power Stone and Marvel vs Capcom 2 with my friends. Everything was awesome. Tennis? Fucking great. Fishing? I'll play it for hours. Le Mans? I don't speak french but this game is fucking fun.

When games stopped coming out for the DC and I got bored of digging through the bargain bin, I bought a Gamecube Metroid Prime bundle and, while I had some great times with that one, it never peaked as high as the DC did.

>> No.9837730

Dreamcast was the patrician's choice, PS2 was for normies who wanted to watch DVDs or adolescents and adults who wanted to try to legitimize their children's pastime with the veil of maturity since that was the console with all the grimdark and gratuitously violent garbage like Max Payne and Grand Theft Auto, games that appealed to aspiring wannabe drug-dealers still in high school. DC was the first significant leap in terms of graphics from the previous generation and in a lot of cases there are high profile, well regarded PS2 games that actually look worse than games on a console that came out a couple years before it and by comparison is underpowered. I played Virtua Fighter 3tb, Sega Rally and Sonic Adventure for weeks when I first got one and couldn't get enough, by the time the PS2 had come out there was no way Sony could match the hype I felt with the Dreamcast and then we got Phantasy Star Online which was the deciding factor in terms of what I'd be dedicating all of my gaming time to.

>> No.9837734

The Dreamcast couldn't also play DVDs. The PS2 wasn't much more expensive than a regular DVD player at the time.

>> No.9837751


>> No.9837753
File: 42 KB, 829x573, DsnkzYAX4AERY5Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like the PS1 as an audiophile CD player and PS3 as a blueray player. Trojan horse to take over and ruin gaming.

>> No.9837754

>people bought PS2 as DVD players!
This is such a zoomer meme.

>> No.9837759

i watched dvd's on my ps2

>> No.9837765

I don't know anyone whose parents bought a PS2 explicitly for DVD and didn't also have another DVD player at home

>> No.9837774

My parents did.

>> No.9837780
File: 173 KB, 500x684, dinos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know anyone whose parents bought a PS2 explicitly for DVD and didn't also have another DVD player at home

I remember as a kid most of my friends not having DVD players, and it being a big deal that you could watch DVDs on the PS2. I'm not sure if that was already known when the Dreamcast was launching, not that I really cared at that point. I had cancelled my PSM magazine for the Dreamcast one, after all.

>> No.9837781

i remember that ad campaign. i bought it and got sonic adventure, nfl blitz, nfl 2k1, code veronica. sega mailed me a copy of nba 2k for some reason. i rented toy commander and had a great time with it. jet grind radio was also an excellent rental. i still feel regret buying it, somehow. makes me feel like a loser to own a failed console, especially since literally all of those games eventually got ported to ps2 and game cube. which i also own.

>> No.9837783

i didn't get to watch dvds until i got a ps2. my parents weren't into movies so we just never had a regular dvd player.

>> No.9837786

It felt like you had a cool new piece of gaming technology. Then you played Crazy Taxi for 3 hours, put in Ready 2 Rumble Boxing because it had no other games, and after 1 hour of that switched back to Crazy Taxi.

>> No.9837795
File: 30 KB, 283x750, 54801E0E-E9EB-4815-8248-B5189DFA0ACF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember selling my snes and all of my games for a dc, sa1 and sonic shuffle. I never beat either of them and traded them for an n64 with hella games. I loved sonic up until that point. Never played another 3d sonic game since (besides 3d blast and blue sphere) it actually left a really bad taste in my mouth when it came to dc. I just recently bought one, hoping it’ll be great, it’s got quite a lot of “hidden gems”, though I feel it will be lackluster…

>> No.9837806
File: 133 KB, 600x771, ad_F355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i still feel regret buying it, somehow. makes me feel like a loser to own a failed console

Do you look at Amazon rankings to determine what you're going to wear or listen to? Who the fuck thinks like this?

>> No.9837810

>n64 with hella games
That's a funny joke, anon.

>> No.9837812

That's interesting. Everyone seems to have loved SA1 when it came out. What made you hate it?

>> No.9837821

Having one in '99 was pretty insane. We even had a decent PC at the time, but the Dreamcast had very good 3D graphics performance for the time. My parents were oddly into Sega so I grew up having a Genesis, Saturn, and Dreamcast. I remember having kids over from school all the time because they wanted to play the Saturn or Dreamcast games that they couldn't get. It was kind of seen as this weird exotic thing, I guess.

I did play mine quite a bit through 2000, but once I got a PS2 my Dreamcast mostly became a dedicated PSO machine. And that eventually fell off in a few years when I switched to the Gamecube version of PSO.

>> No.9837824

When you put 2 Benjamins on the store counter and the damn piece of shit was discontinued after 2 years, you'd think like that. Everyone thought like that when they bought the 32X and the Saturn.

>> No.9837828

Based, SEGAfags deserve the rope

>> No.9837829

Look at this bourgeoisie with a PC and Three Consoles.

>> No.9837839

>piece of shit

Decades after their demise and console warriors are still seething.

>> No.9837845

My step dad was a network engineer in the 90's so we always had pretty good PC's growing up since he needed one for work, and my real dad was a die-hard Sega fan at the time. My mom liked RPGs and puzzle games. I had it pretty sweet as a kid, honestly.

>> No.9837846

Mine did this, and I knew at least two other kids whose first DVD player was a PS2.

>> No.9837854

Kek, must’ve been a Freudian slip
I was 12 and I thought sonic looked dumb. Some of my earliest memories are of playing sonic on genesis. The whole aesthetic of the game and characters changed and I was very upset.

>> No.9837893

What I find funny about audiophile shit is that it's all about the way it looks

>> No.9837897

You'll always be your stepdad's wife's son

>> No.9837912
File: 711 KB, 1024x683, JAM_Custom_Shop_1411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What I find funny about audiophile shit is that it's all about the way it looks

I work at a guitar shop and I was just blown away why someone would spend $400 on a fucking overdrive pedal and my co worker turned to me and siad "tone is in the aesthetics, man". I think it was a joke but he accidentally touched upon how most people's monkey brains work.

>> No.9837920
File: 86 KB, 1024x658, b314ee62ec4a5d14e6927f62cf60b0a711b2a501v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty amazing. Sonic Adventure, Power Stone, and MvC all blew my mind. Even Sonic Shuffle was a lot of fun (with VMUs) despite its numerous problems. The VMU minigames, in general (including Chao Adventure 1-2 and various unlockable ones), are still beyond kino and I don't even know if you can emulate downloading and interacting with them on current DC emulators.

Though I feel bad for Euros, who got cucked with that pedo-blue-swirl branding.

>> No.9837948

only schizos care about that shit anon

>> No.9837952

Having two loving households with stable income was sick. Double birthdays and holidays.

>> No.9837963

>The PS2 wasn't much more expensive than a regular DVD player at the time.
It was less expensive than most of them when it first came out.

>> No.9837991
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>> No.9837996
File: 24 KB, 336x296, F5F3A288-D92B-4D6A-BC14-991AFB5BD9A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had one on launch day and loved it till the dying end. Still play it to this day, it's one of my favorite gaming libraries of all time. I really went all in on it, fully decked out with all the accessories, online connection, and would regularly seek out ways to import the Japanese and European games we didn't get. Sonic Adventure, Shenmue, Phantasy Star Online, Crazy Taxi, Space Channel 5, and for the first time ever arcade perfect versions of so many fighting games. I was also a PC gamer at the time and seeing the system attempt to bridge the gap between PC and console was so cool, I had mine set up as a secondary mini PC in my bedroom for a long time. I was devastated when Sega announced it was being discontinued, but I couldn't be too upset because of all the amazing games we got along the way far better than anything the following consoles had to offer in my opinion. I ended the console with Sonic Adventure 2 and Shenmue 2, the latter of which is still my favorite game of all time to this day, and it's level of granular detail is still unrivaled. I wish the console hung in for just one or two more years, what Sega ended up putting out for the rest of the generation was still really good and those games would have been all the more special if they were on the Dreamcast instead, at least in my opinion.

Long live the Dreamcast.

>> No.9838014

Men have an instinct to kill other men's sons, like lions. Your stepdad hated you.

>> No.9838017

>quits reading discs within a year
it was fun while it lasted

>> No.9838023

Time to embrace the GDEMU

>> No.9838042 [DELETED] 

I have two Dreamcasts that work perfectly. Must suck being a nigger and treating your stuff like shit.

>> No.9838056 [DELETED] 

Racism isn't allowed outside /b/

>> No.9838057
File: 124 KB, 1024x768, nba2k1-screen2-1200x900-1-1024x768[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought one at Toys R' Us when they marked them all down at a clearance price of $49.99 (and a ton of games and VMUs that were marked down to $4.99 each).

It felt really fucking good, because for like $120 (in money I had saved up from mowing neighborhood lawns/washing cars/shit like that) I got the console, 4 VMUs, and 10 games. It was a Thursday and I pretended to be sick on Friday so I could stay home from school, then I played Dreamcast games for three days straight. We were pretty poor so the newest console I had was a Genesis. I had played games on friend's PS1s and N64s, but personally going from Genesis games to the Dreamcast was a huge fucking leap for me.

I was really confused as to why the thing was failing commercially, it seemed like the exclusives were great, the multiplats looked and played way better than the PS1/N64 versions, and the VMU was a cool addon. One of my friends had already had a Dreamcast, and when they were marked down a bunch of my other friends got one too. We used to do cool shit like build parks with the create a park feature in THPS 2, then take our VMUs to school and transfer them to each other so we could go home and check out each other's parks (complete with gaps with names like "You're gay" and "You smell like poop", etc etc). We even all made ourselves as created players in NBA 2k1 and had our own team.

Those were good times. I miss them.

>> No.9838071

Awesome story thanks anon, hope you're not poor anymore

>> No.9838095
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Thank you. I made a lot of money for a while, now not so much. It's enough to keep a roof over my head, food in my belly, and to let me buy warhammer shit and vidya if I want though, so I can't complain too much.

Honestly the only real downside to the whole thing is that over time we all drifted apart and now I haven't talked to any of those guys in probably 20 years. That's just part of growing up though I guess.

>> No.9838315

Gamecube had a pathetic launch lineup, a shitty mini disc format that limited its 3rd party support, couldnt play dvds or cds, and also terrible marketing behind it. Its pretty obvious why it failed.

Xbox suffered from being late to the competition, it was fine but feature wise it basically matched the PS2. Brand loyalty to Sony was also at an all time high due to the PS1 so people werent ready to switch over. Plus the PS2 had better exclusives for most people: getting Final Fantasy especially was a huge deal to people at the time.

>> No.9838323

Xbox was a LOT more powerful than the PS2 lmao

>> No.9838326

Too bad it has no games

>> No.9838331

This doesnt matter to people anywhere near as much as you think.

>> No.9838335

PS2 games looked like vomit while Xbox games looked almost like 360 games.

>> No.9838348 [DELETED] 

Dvds were the nail in the coffin.

>> No.9838350

Blatant fanboyism aside this doesnt matter to people, weaker hardware has won console wars consistently. The NES was competing directly with the genesis and still winning until like right before the snes launch. Wii decimated the competition in 7th gen despite having 6th gen power.

The average consumer that their tv box could play GTA, whatever sports games are popular in their country, and DVDs. They dont care which one plays it with a smoother framerate.

>> No.9838352 [DELETED] 

It allowed a 11 year old like me to play morrowind, kotor, chaos theory. And I still go back and play these on my pc today. Ps2 only had weebpgs in comparison to halo and splinter cell 3.

>> No.9838356 [DELETED] 

Wii was $200 and advertised to grandmas. It was the poverty system. It's gimmick was shit then and is dead now.

>> No.9838380

Your chronology is a bit confusing. You rented it out (from a video rental shop I assume) but then you camped out to get it on release day? How could you rent it if the DC hadn't been released yet?

But yes, like the other guy said, wholesome.

>> No.9838386

>It's gimmick was shit then and is dead now.
Switch still has it. VR uses it
I'm glad companies knows it's not a replacement for traditional controls but an option for variety

>> No.9838391 [DELETED] 

Vr has failed to launch even with quest 2 making it affordable. No switch games use it. All people use vr for is cooming.

>> No.9838418 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 581x985, nintendo-switch-sports-english-709509.7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you say so

>> No.9838421 [DELETED] 

>itt butthurt xbox fanboy has a schizo meltdown

>> No.9838436 [DELETED] 

No one has ever played this.

>> No.9838471
File: 865 KB, 800x600, pso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that short time, they released more than a normal console lifespan's worth of good games. I was bummed they canceled it, but with a shelf full of games I didn't feel cheated.

>> No.9838483

Not that anon, but Hollywood Video had them for rent in the US before release. IIRC, you had to put a big deposit down on a credit card in case you didn't return it.

>> No.9838501

Hey look it's Seth Rogan.

Also, I have absolutely no use or space for it but I want that DVD carousel bad.

>> No.9838508

How does your DC still work after all these years of usage?

>> No.9838513
File: 76 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I first knew the Dreamcast existed thanks to Mike Matei's girlfriend desu

>> No.9838528
File: 204 KB, 660x330, dreamcast kit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, never heard of that. I guess it would theoretically be a good promotional marketing tool because people who rented it could spread the word and the hype to sell more units come release day. Boomer rant but marketing was so much cooler and creative back in the day.

Also, I always liked the Dreamcast branded footie kit. Now we have shitstagramgaytubetweaktch 'influencers'. Bah!

>> No.9838529
File: 397 KB, 1080x978, Screenshot_20230420_092414_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you gonna keep going?

>> No.9838538

Yes, nobody has ever played this. Nobody has ever talked about it.

>> No.9838545

Wow great argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot opinions

>> No.9838556

The switch has 3 games: zelda, mario, and animal crossing

>> No.9838624

>What did it feel like to own one of these when they were new?
It was beautiful. For those first few years the possibilities seemed endless. Then I found out the console had zero piracy protection and played an absoloute shitload of great games. >When did it sink in that it's going to die?
Moment it got discontinued. 2001 was a great year for games though. Still, consoles die, you move on. I got a PS2 not long after.

>> No.9838640

unboxing it felt amazing - it seemed ahead of its time. i loved the vmu and the whole thing felt futuristic. i really liked the dreamcast despite being pretty underwhelmed by sega's previous consoles.

>> No.9838647

Board should have been frozen at this console, second best option is remove OG Xbox add wii freeze the board there forever and then we’re good, neither will

>> No.9838724

There is some merit to Audiophile equipment, but you're right. It really is mostly about selling shiny snake oil. They even have audiophile network equipment which I'm sure these people fall for too.

>> No.9838730

to back up this anon, the PS2 came out March 4, 2000. This magazine lists "love and basketball" as a new DVD release, which would have been on October 10, 2000.


>> No.9838739

I'm a Latino & Asian-African American and I approve this message:
This goes for white trash too that spike their controllers or chimp out just as violently when losing. Happened a lot with the arcade perfect ports on DC.

>> No.9838747

You moron.

>> No.9838751

>spike their controllers
Uh, put poison on their controllers?

>> No.9838760

My dad got me one pretty close to launch. First and only SEGA console I ever owned.
>Blue Stinger came with it
Thought the graphics were mindblowing so it was a refreshing experience back then, but nothing major like playing Mario 64 for the first time.
>Sonic Adventure
Played the fucking shit out of that one
>Playing Unreal Tournament and Quake III online
Now THAT was a different experience
>Arcade-perfect fighting game ports
Pretty cool too, also racing games felt amazing to play on that thing

>> No.9838765

PS2 was more powerful but not as much as the ads made it seem. It also had DVDs and duo analog. The difference didn't seem that major at first because the DC is better at processing textures. I think it was clear when titles like mgs2 and FF10 came out though

>> No.9838791

Kind of racist of you to assume that being a nigger can only be applied to black people. Whites, Mexicans, and even Asians can be niggers too, bigot.

>> No.9838806

Spike means throw the controller on the the ground in this case

>> No.9838816
File: 58 KB, 1120x504, dcpalshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did it feel like to own one of these when they were new?
I felt a deep and intense shame owning a palshit when it was new. Even today I keep it hidden and locked away in storage while my NTSC units roam free in my setups.
>When did it sink in that it's going to die?
Long before it was released, even to devs. It was actually conversations with devs pre release that confirmed what was obviously inevitable to any rational person.
>I'm 40 yo but I totally ignored the DC as a kid
If true, then you were in your mid 20's when the DC was released. It's nice to see someone from your degeneration finally acknowledge that you're perpetual children.

>> No.9838837

y-you too...

>> No.9838857
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>> No.9838867

You don't really see people complaining about it which is interesting. Feels like other console in the same boat got their asses reamed for one reason or another. Stuff like Saturn and non vr consoles that shall not be named

>> No.9838868

People who do that shit should be locked away for life. Especially the people who spiked my controllers.

>> No.9838880

There was actually some authentic hope that SEGA was gonna recover from the Saturn fumble but the PS2 curb stomped the entire market. The PS2 was an absolute bombshell on the hardware market. The Dreamcast wasnt a bad console by any measure, pretty great for the time and price actually, the PS2 just took no prisoners.

>> No.9838885

took no prisoners twice in a row, two industry reshaping releases. People always talk about what if Sega survived/won, but equally as interesting to me is what if Sony failed, or was at a minimum mediocre with the PS1/PS2?

>> No.9839035

I had it for about a year before the news came of the console being cancelled. It sucked but I didn't care much because I was still able to play PSO. Then the new version came out on Gamecube anyway.

I loved the Dreamcast and honestly, it didn't have that many good games. But the games that were good were REALLY fucking good. PSO, Shenmue, Sonic Adventure, Power Stone etc.

Based PSO enjoyer.

>> No.9839227

Xbox was specifically set up not to win, but to build the brand. That's why it was basically a marketing point that every console is sold at a loss of $100. It gave people the illusion that they are buying a console that has $100 higher tier hardware inside, and built up Microsoft as the console brand that can afford selling you crazy good shit at lower prices.
It's also why they decided to tank something like 1 billion dollars after the 360 red ring fiasco. Meanwhile Sony in 2006 was busy making PS3s that yellow lighted out, installing rootkits on your PC that opened it up to malware, selling laptops with exploding batteries, etc...

It was all about building the brand, and it worked, they are now one of the biggest players on the market.

>> No.9839251

that was after the Dreamcast died. Back in 2000, watching the E3 shows and such, it was looking like a gigantic war was looming on the horizon between the DC and PS2.

Then the DC got axed next year and that was that.
By the time the Gamecube and Xbox came out, PS2 already had over a year lead, plus it could play DVDs and everyones existing PS1 library, and it was also cheaper than the gamecube/xbox. That's why it had such a big lead - 360 got a giant lead over the PS3 for a similar reason (and then they fumbled it spectacularly by focusing on the Kinect).

>> No.9839274

>one of the biggest player in the market
>in third place... By Default
It's really not the accomplishment you think it is.

>> No.9839281 [DELETED] 

The friend I had with a dreamcast got more and more defensive and console warrior about it as time went on. He became a PC gamer exclusively and his social media is constantly shitting on 'snoy' and microcuck.

He probably posts on /v/

>> No.9839284

He is still a console warrior.
Sega abandoned him

>> No.9839290

How do people do the console war thing all day on there, 5 minutes of reading it feels like MKUltra level brain melting. We joke around on here but it's not even 5% of the insane speed, spam, and vitriol on there. I genuinely cannot fathom that humans subject themselves to that all day.

>> No.9839295

I should say "constantly" is not like an all day thing. Looking at his facebook he hasn't posted anything gaming related since March and there's plenty of normal shit mixed in like Edmonton Oilers in the playoffs.

But all gaming related stuff is shitting on consoles.

>> No.9839298

I spent a couple days on /v/ last month and felt legitimately exhausted by the time I was done. Those guys sure are mad!

>> No.9839306

>the last time the oilers won the genesis had just released

i can vr and sp shitpost

>> No.9839318

which is funny since we grew up in Calgary. I guess he will bandwagon Connor McDavid but he wouldn't bandwagon a console.

>> No.9839381

Im talking about 6th gen not anything past that

>> No.9839387
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Yeah its nonsense to me and most places on the internet are like that. On forums you used to get banned for that shit but since social media has no moderation other than "no potty words pls" its just a constant shitstorm of bickering and different groups of fanboys tearing into each other. Online gaming discussion is awful nearly everwhere you go.

Thats part of why I like /vr/ the console war shit isnt as bad here since we dont talk about relevant consoles, although you do see the wild fanboy here and there who never let go 20 years later.

>> No.9839439
File: 341 KB, 1206x1532, d41Miq0TeLL7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad since 2008 and counting

>> No.9839684
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>You rented it out (from a video rental shop I assume) but then you camped out to get it on release day?

Correct. You were able to rent it before it came out for sale. The exact timeline is fuzzy as far as how long between when we rented it and when we bought it was, but give me a break I was like 12.

Years later during the XB360 era I still had the Dreamcast in my room for emulators. My brother and I would play Blades of Steel and Rampart on it all the time. He passed away a couple years ago, whenever the DC comes up I think of him.

>> No.9839951

Ohh, :(. I'm sorry about your bro, bro.

>> No.9839994

I mean the series is only like 4M units away from selling the lifetime sales of the OG xbox which is not that bad for an emulation box with no exclusives.

>> No.9840061
File: 197 KB, 801x800, 5368558-sword-of-the-berserk-guts-rage-dreamcast-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm trying to download Sword of Berserk: Guts' Rage to play in Flycast, emuparadise has a US version and a UK version, are there any differences? also each page has a GDI and a CDI file which one should I download?

>> No.9840230

GDI for PC/emulaatiion/GDemu hardmod
CDI if you're burning it on a CD for the actual hardware

>> No.9840292

game doesn't load

>> No.9840320

It's not a meme, though. In my town, PS2's were sold out everywhere and there were news stories about it. People were buying them because they were actually cheaper than dvd players. The narrative may have changed over the years, but I distinctly remember people going batshit at walmart and target over this stuff, people getting trampled at christmas and whatnot.

>> No.9840323

I dunno, tough call... someone under 25 said it was a zoomer meme.

>> No.9840382

I legit tried finding SEGA and Dreamcast games while living in Ireland not long after they discontinued it. Its like it was erased from history over there. Nobody remembered it or talked about it and the line of games were replaced with literal GTA games and shooters for a while. Freaky shit.

>> No.9840405
File: 1014 KB, 700x545, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only had sonic adventure, crazy taxi and the demo discs got from magazines when I had my dreamcast. I had no idea about graphics or anything, I didn't even know it existed when it came out but my dad did. It was a total surprise as a gift. Everything felt so fucking realistic and high tech compared to the n64 and the ps1. I felt like we had entered a super cool future where anything was possible and the hype for new interesting games was just dripping from those Dreamcast magazines. At the time I didn't realize I was into weird japanese shit. I just gravitated to those sorts of games.

As for its death? I think my dad told me they stopped making them and I didn't really understand. I was like well I got mine so who cares? I still had hope there would be more new games or maybe all the games I wanted would be bargain bin accessible so I could get them all. Never ended up happening and my dad made me give my dreamcast to my younger siblings in exchange for buying me a gamecube but I didnt really have a choice. I ended up buying one again much later as an adult. It's weird to play through my old saves. I cant get that feeling back from back then.

>> No.9840426

Which script are you using? The one I have to download from there isn't working anymore. I'll be happy to try it out myself, otherwise try cdromance.

Quick history:
When the Dreamcast got the kernel hack, it would allow people to burn regular ass CDs to play DC games. The DC users GDROM disks (aka gigabyte sized disks) and your typical, commercial, burnable CD is at most 700 MB. To make GDROM games fit on a CD, people had to reduce the filesize of larger games and also use the CDI extension to make it burnable on a CD. GDI's are untouched DC ROM files (I refuse to call them ISOs because they're not following an ISO standard).

>> No.9840506

> It's weird to play through my old saves. I cant get that feeling back from back then.

Before anyone tries demoralising you, its nothing to do with you getting older.
Its more to do with the world not delivering on its promises, and the games themselves as a result, coming across as extremely detached from the current zeitgeist.

Then again...I'm not sure if that is really helping either. Futuristic optimism seems to be on hold at the moment. Its definitely lingering in the world somewhere, not gone, but not within reach for now.

>> No.9840514

It's lingering in the guy replying to your post right now. I've got plenty of optimism to spare if you want any. I'm genuinely still very hopeful for the future. The 2020s will end eventually.

>> No.9840539

> I'm genuinely still very hopeful for the future. The 2020s will end eventually.

We said the same thing back in 2016, so..

I get what you mean though. That optimism I feel is kind of there in people now more than usual. I just think people aren't sure how to channel it due to all the bs rn and are waiting for the right time.

>> No.9840547

The presentation layer of life has been reduced to bare minimums. It'll come back one day, and better than ever. You can help fight the problem by investing time and money in decorating for your own living area to match or surpass what we thought the future would look like.


>> No.9840564

Yeah, we've all been through some pretty insane shit in the last 25 years. I'd like to think that we're all stronger for it. And even if some individual people are weaker for it, the strong can compensate for it. I still have a lot of faith in my fellow man.
That's some very reverently shot footage of the video game aisle, wow. Seeing a mountain of video game consoles outside of a glass case really threw me for a loop.

>> No.9840567

Problem there is that people (and the market) is still uncomfortable with the idea of resolving the problems of the current economy to really go forward with a kind of recovery, despite the solutions and evidence slowly appearing that we're at a point in time where we can actually give it another shot.

Problem is, the people in charge benefit from the chaos at the moment, but even that isn't going to last either. People can tell this current model doesn't work anymore. We're definitely getting there.mnaxys

>> No.9840645

>Ireland in the 90s
You're lucky you didn't get blown up

>> No.9840779
File: 630 KB, 1641x2200, 369784084_NextGenIssue60(December1999).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What did it feel like to own one of these when they were new?

Having one at launch was fantastic. It had superior arcade ports, fantastic sports game, a ton of niche games, superior graphics w/ superior frame rates and display options. The PS2's first year was dog shit. From launch until mid 2001 DC was the "next-gen" console to have if you had the extra cash to burn, but at the end of the day most families are only going to get one or two consoles so it was seen as a bad buy from the outset. The average normie response was if you didn't wait for the psdouble or the dolphin or project X you were just wasting you're money.

>When did it sink in that it's going to die?

There was always a degree of fatalism with the Dreamcast. It was released so early that it was apparent even at its launch that it would be long in the tooth by 2001. Despite the DCs stellar launch, the narrative was already "Playstation has won" even before the PS2's made it to Japan. Add in that Nintendo and Microsoft were lurking in the background ready to release hardware that was 3 years newer than the DC's. The 2000 holiday season was the final nail in the coffin.

>> No.9840789

The problem is the federal government. If the federal government would stop causing problems the economy would fix it self. They started the problem. They're continuing the problem with the rate hikes and attacking our own energy infrastructure that's also directly attached to our economy and currency.

>> No.9840792

The PS3 was a SACD Player when it came out.

>> No.9840809

It was awesome. Arcade quality graphics and superior Sega gameplay in my living room. Was a short lived ride that I'm still annoyed at Sega over. I guess years of pirateing roms has made up for that.

>> No.9841272
File: 35 KB, 800x257, dolphin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can it hold until Dolphin arrives
She did just fine.

>> No.9841273

Just the phat though. However, all models play DSD

>> No.9841314

Man, I enjoyed the hell out of my Dreamcast back when it came out and I have so many fond memories of it, playing it with friends and family too. I worked an entire summer just so I could afford the system and some games on launch, picked up Sonic Adventure of course and Power Stone! It really sucked when they discontinued it but I had a pretty decent library at that point so I was content, I ended up getting a PS2 shortly after and moving more and more into PC gaming. Gave away my Dreamcast and it's games to my nephew a year before the pandemic and now he's been enjoying as much as I did back in '99.

>> No.9841505

Is that two different movies called "Shaft" in the same ad?

>> No.9841514

Yeah. The one at the bottom is the first film from the 70s and the one up top is the sequel from the 2000s. The third movie that came out a few years is also just called "Shaft".

>> No.9841532

i'm only 29 and have almost exclusively owned sony consoles for nearly my entire life so ive nothing to contribute but lots of cool stories itt. thanks anons.

>> No.9841539

Definitely. Fell victim to capitalism pretty badly after things calmed down, unfortunately.

>> No.9841582

that's pretty wholesome anon. My uncle gave me his N64 games back when they were still new and I am still grateful. He passed away last year, but even up until recently, he was still discovering classics and being a whiz at finding things out, without a solid Internet connection too. You've done good by your nephew and sibling/in-law.

>> No.9841654

Same anon here Thank you! Yeah I figured I would pass it down to him since he was always interested in my older games when they would come over for visits, better than it sitting in a box untouched. Also sorry to hear about your Uncle man, sounds like he was a really cool dude.

>> No.9841834
File: 534 KB, 823x618, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta love how this image pretty much summarizes the main audiences for each of these consoles. Big kid playing the OG xbox while the toddler playing the gamecube.
Almost poetic really.

>> No.9841839
File: 427 KB, 749x352, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit what is this xbox lmao. The fucking controller is basically the saturn one

>> No.9841851

Could be wrong, but I think that's a sidewinder controller, and its design would have come on or following nearly after the Saturn's debut. No clue if that DVD player is just a speculative device for what the XBOX could have looked like.


>> No.9842559

Whoever instructed the engineer that designed the display thought the main audience for every console was full-grown adults.

>> No.9842579

There was a crawlspace just around the corner for toddlers who wanted to demo the Gamecube kiosk

>> No.9842630

>the meme's weren't meme's after all

wonder what type of kid would have been at a DreamCast kiosk if it was there?

>> No.9842670

The only merit I can think of is shielding wire and making wires a certain gauge

>> No.9842709

American here, I like the blue swirl, it fits the Dreamcast more.

>> No.9843108

it felt really really bad, man.
they hyped the shit out of it on launch and I got one for Sonic Adventure, which I honestly didn't like that much... but I knew they'd make more games so it was worth it.
Slowly but surely it seemed like fewer and fewer games were coming out and then the inevitable happened.
Crushing for a kid, especially when you can't just beg parents for another console since this one was only a couple of years old when they axed it.

>> No.9843301

Was exciting. Like having a model 3 board at home. I got my DC early december 98. When sega said its over it felt like treason. And in retrospective i enjoyed my Saturn far more during the 90s.

>> No.9843823
File: 58 KB, 640x486, Shoryuken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the biggest feelings of jumping into the future that I've ever had. A legitimate sense of the arcade experience in the home for the first time (unless you count Neo Geo). For me it stole a lot of PS2's thunder to the point that I didn't even bother with PS2 when it released.

>> No.9843824
File: 91 KB, 800x1156, 107109-the-sopranos-road-to-respect-playstation-2-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>games that appealed to aspiring wannabe drug-dealers still in high school

Intensely accurate summary sadly

>> No.9843842

Didn't own it on release but I did get one before it was discontinued. It felt like summer whenever I booted it.

>> No.9843860

What makes the dc special is it lived and died in that special space of time before 9/11 sucked all the light and color out of life. Post 911 marked the transition to dark grittiness. My only wish was that system shock 2 was developed and released on the console. Still, it accomplished a lot and was a swan song of the late 90s/2000...that hopeful fusion of colorfulness, light hearted entertainment, arcade quality.

>> No.9843867

Although Xbox suffered going in late it did very, very well establishing a dedicated following and foundation. Anyone who played og xbox live can attest just how much superior it was to the ps2. My ps2 collected dust after I got live.

>> No.9843870

Xbox had better online and hardware but it couldnt compare to the ps2's library. I got one instead of the ps2 since it had shenmue 2 and jsrf but as a jrpg fan it was really lacking.

>> No.9843874
File: 1.44 MB, 286x154, 10ek8xs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When did it sink in that it's going to die?

It was basically a stillborn death. As impressive as DC was for its time, the mere knowledge of the PS2's impending release was enough to kill it. Pretty much the entirety of gaming's collective player base was waiting for PS2.

>> No.9843881


That game was so comfy. Excellent soundtrack as well. Fuck I should check out the PC version.

If I remember right the original dev boxes for the Xbox used Sidewinders before they built the original Duke controller. The Xbox was literally Microsoft's attempt at building a set top box that would run PC games (or games easily ported from the PC) by supporting DirectX (it was a "DirectX Box", which is where the name Xbox came from).

This is also why the original Xbox used mostly modified standard PC hardware. For example, the CPU was a modified Intel Celeron (with some Pentium III features) running at 733MHz, it used a standard IDE hard drive, and used DDR RAM.

The original Xbox controller is basically just a ripoff of the Dreamcast controller with another analog stick, but going with a 2x2 diamond face button pattern made sense since the other two main competitors for 2nd place had it as well, meaning it would be easier to port games and have a standardized control scheme.

>> No.9843883

Sure, for weebs it was a wasteland but for turbo violent autists such as myself it was heaven. Multiports looked best and it had a terrific action library. Riddick, Far cry, halo, doom 3, half life 2, counter strike, republic commando, ninja Gaiden..

>> No.9843889

Happened to my cousin. Felt terrible for him. We were blown away by shenmue, but I knew something was wrong when few newer titles were appearing in rental stores. But I’ll never forget shenmue, it was my first next gen experience.

>> No.9843892
File: 280 KB, 640x360, sonic[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What makes the dc special is it lived and died in that special space of time before 9/11 sucked all the light and color out of life. Post 911 marked the transition to dark grittiness. My only wish was that system shock 2 was developed and released on the console. Still, it accomplished a lot and was a swan song of the late 90s/2000...that hopeful fusion of colorfulness, light hearted entertainment, arcade quality.

A perfect description. The DC was the last (non-Nintendo) console to push arcade games with fact gameplay, brightly colored environments, and (most importantly) blue skies.

After that gaming got darker and grittier until we eventually hit peak grunge with the insane brown 'n bloom period when the PS3 and 360 launched. It was never the same after 9/11.

>> No.9843897

Halo and Half Life 2 really completely destroyed the competition, that's true. It's a shame it never got MGS3 despite getting 2.

>> No.9843910
File: 1.86 MB, 1863x1080, 117fds8geix81[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MGS3 was impressive enough on the PS2, but when Subsistence came out and had the new adjustable Splinter Cell style camera that let you look all around into the surrounding jungle it blew my mind.

An Xbox port would probably have just been the same exact game with slightly better looking graphics/progressive scan support, but it would have been interesting to see running on the hardware.

>> No.9844042

To this day I still have way more fun with my dreamcast than my ps2

>> No.9844045

Poor kid with divorced parents

>> No.9844053

My dreamcast story from back in the day.

>A local importer had one of these on release day from Japan. Had it to demo.
>They had it for sale for a grand and a half to put anyone off buying it as they were getting more stock in 2 days.
>some kid comes in and buys it. The owner even stated that if he would wait for 2 days he can get one cheaper.
>2 days later they had load of them for 300 quid with sonic bundled.

Imagine being that kid.
I miss the old grey market importing days.

>> No.9844058

>mega cd

Nah I just enjoyed playing the best versions of Space Harrier and Final Fight at the time.
As for the Saturn. It had the best capcom beat em up conversions. Ps fags couldn't even come near at the time.
I still own a Neo Geo. Only faggots care about popularity.

>> No.9844067

My Dreamcast was collecting dust while I was playing Majora's Mask, Perfect Dark, Pokemon Stadium and WWF No Mercy.

If my parents gave actually knew my expensive console I got wasn't even being used they'd probably have been pissed lol

>> No.9844317

that's kind of the tragedy of the console. So many amazing arcade perfect games like Ikarugu and Soul Calibur and they were JUST getting into really high quality narrative titles like Shenmue and Nomad Soul. I really do wish it had a full life just to see what could have happened

>> No.9844325

Favela anon?

>> No.9844337

You didn't like SA1/2 or Shenmue?

>> No.9844342

When I see thirdies comment on emulators, emulation/ retro forums, etc. my blood pressure spikes, I actually don’t know how third world anons don’t kill themselves, it’s incredible how impatient and obnoxious ESLs are. WHY FLYCAST NOT RUN??????

How the fuck do you stand it all day holy shit

>> No.9844346

At least we Slavs got better since the 90s but wetbacks are still fucking annoying

>> No.9844363

I just feel bad for the anons on here more than anything cause that crabs in the bucket mentality has got to get old, my wife is half Panamanian so we go to SA a few times a year. At least getting shipping containers worth of ceviche and booze for next to nothing USD is nice, I should really look for used game stores next time I go, never thought to, Maybe I’ll
Find a dreamcast.

>> No.9844376
File: 1.46 MB, 2289x1701, 1611312397491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What did it feel like to own one of these when they were new?
Many people think the opportunity to experience that is gone forever, but that is not the case because NDEs are real and prove that there is an afterlife and that we are eternal and will go to heaven unconditionally when we die. And NDErs talk about how life is like a video game or a simulation and you actually chose to come here, and that life never ends and all timelines exist. So we can reincarnate into any era we want unlimited times.

Here is a very persuasive argument for why NDEs are real:


It emphasizes that NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:


>"Among those with the deepest experiences 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. When you dream and wake up, you instantly realize that life is more real than your dreams. When you have an NDE, the same thing is happening, but on a higher level, as you immediately realize that life is the deep dream and the NDE world is the undeniably real world by comparison.

Or as one person quoted in pic related summarized their NDE:

>"I felt indescribable happiness. I remembered everything about eternity - knowing, that we had always existed, and that all of us are family. Then old friends and loved ones surrounded me, and I knew without a doubt I was home, and that I was so loved."

Needless to say, even ultraskeptical neuroscientists are convinced by really deep NDEs.

>> No.9844381


Burning cd's was getting popular around that time. It was the same years where DSL and Cable internet modems were becoming the norm. At some point someone figured out all the first generation systems could play burned CDs of their roms. Which basically killed it.

Fun fact you could play VCD's on it too. (an older version of the dvd)

>> No.9844830

Year 2000 with a Dreamcast was the most fun I have ever had with gaming. I was so fucking pissed when I found out that it was over that I sold my console with 10+ games for $50 just to get rid of it. I took gaming way too seriously at that time and felt betrayed.

>> No.9844857
File: 1.48 MB, 4032x2268, 20230408_153125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99,00,and 01 was what I considered the pinnacle of gaming for me and it was the most straight up FUN I ever had with title after title. DC was a machine that was great with friends and nothing was gay like Wii.

I still play the games every now and then and I will never ever get rid of mine. One drive is broken, the other is fine.

>> No.9844872

Amazing. Bought it on 9/9/99 and felt like a whole new world was opened to me.
PS2 was a huge letdown when I bought it on launch day.

>> No.9844886

Most of my best memories of playing games come from the times I spent playing them with other people. The more I play games solo the more I realize this. It's just not the same and I don't enjoy them as much as I did.

>> No.9844905
File: 105 KB, 960x544, 4t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet another person absolutely entranced by the DC. It really was a magical machine.

>> No.9844920

That "some point" was late 2000, the Dreamcast was already one foot in the grave, piracy didn't do shit.

>> No.9845525

What a prick.

>> No.9845704

Dreamcast days: great times playing fighting games with the guys
PS2 days: half the guys have girlfriends now and the other half are getting into drugs, things are kind of starting to suck

>> No.9845753

anon, the og Xbox already filled that niche market.

>> No.9845759

I'd argue that the hate with bloom in games is unwarranted and actually brought life to games, despite the grimdark stuff. But outside of that, yeah.

>> No.9845769

why does this post looks familiar..
also, do your /x stuff in another thread. we're talking about the dc here, anon.
but then again, there's a high chance you're a bot so idk

>> No.9845778 [SPOILER] 
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, mgo9SQ1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few games used it appropriately, but 90% of them just went apeshit with it because they thought lightbloom = next gen.

There are countless screenshots of games that did it horribly, but this is a pretty good example of a comparison between how graphics looked before and after the bloom phase set in.

>> No.9845821

still, i think there's a charm to the image on the right with the bloom. i'd actually go out of my way playing something like that now over modern stuff. adds a strangely autistic quality that the image on the left doesnt have, good as the textures might be. but then again, they probably just erased most of 'said' textures for the 'next-gen' version anyway.

>> No.9846513
File: 334 KB, 640x360, lrpe48wzhak91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a dying console, who only has arcade ports. My right hand to god, that is all that I am.

>> No.9846653

Never got sh3 too for whatever reason.

>> No.9846658


Best glimpse of what was potentially in store. Not enough to save it in my opinion, but I’m asshurt over Jurassic park arcade and system shock 2.

>> No.9846682
File: 3.30 MB, 3576x2235, dreamcast 4chan anon thanks 6th gen games unreleased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9846764

It was awesome. My parents got it for me with sonic adventure for Christmas. Literally my favorite Christmas presenr i ever got. It was iust mine too since it was going to die and was on sale extra cheap. All the other systems we got were both me and my little brother's but not this.
I was 9 or 10 when i got it. Life was grand. Also DoA2 on the demo disc, my young libido could not handle those sexy girls.i know it had its flaws; only onw joy stick but i really lives the dpad on it. Rjgvg

>> No.9846791

>What did it feel like to own one of these when they were new?

The console had a vibe that was unique to any console I've ever owned. I always felt like the DC had more freedom to be more experimental with their games. Games like Jet Set Radio alone carried the vibe of that console still has a cult following to this day.

>When did it sink in that it's going to die?

Shortly after hearing about it on G4. It felt bad, but not too surprising. Games like Halo were console sellers for the Xbox. The Dreamcast never really had a console seller game that was at that level. And as much as I enjoyed how experimental the DC was, I think at times it was too experimental for American audiences.

>> No.9846796
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1200, y2k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What makes the dc special is it lived and died in that special space of time before 9/11 sucked all the light and color out of life.

I really did love that whole Y2K aesthetic that was popular around that time. The art style reflected how much hope and excitement people had about the future of technology. But with 9/11 and what most giant tech companies have done with technology and how it's used, that excitement has died.

>> No.9848252

Xbox was for rich kids with divorced parents

>> No.9848287

never even owned a DC and this image hurts. we were fucking robbed man.

>> No.9848293

more like school shooters, as an anon above mentioned;

>Sure, for weebs it was a wasteland but for turbo violent autists such as myself it was heaven.

>> No.9848297

funny that, if you were over here in Europe back in the day, that Y2K vibe lasted all the ways to 2010 because we didn't really get too badly affected by what happened in the US.

plenty of commercials, shopping malls and stuff still felt like they were looking forward to the future for a really long time, but the ones that got demoralised and dropped it first were the places that were getting Americanised.

>> No.9848318
File: 3.05 MB, 1600x1618, 1654194921785273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9848345

great multiplayer game

>> No.9848358

>convinced my childhood friend to buy a dreamcast instead of a PS2

We played through dead or alive, tech romancer, virtual on, sonic adventure, power stone and all the other fun games so it was worth it. Though it was funny to pick the "losing" console when dreamcast folded up a few years later.

>> No.9848438

Ok, upset "fellow American".

>> No.9849490
File: 1.70 MB, 2016x1512, We_await_your_return_warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I was still a fan of the Saturn which gave me so many great memories and I still preferred it, which was why I opted to wait for the Saturn release of Alpha 3, I understood the Dreamcast was the primary focus of Sega when it released. A lot of games on the system appealed to me, and it seemed like people really were digging games like MVC2 but they all were waiting for the PS2 and PS2 version instead. Despite all the free games we all copied for one another to promote, people at the time would rather wait for the next Sony console and expected popular games like MVC2 to be ported to that system, and I knew that Dreamcast was meant to die. It is fated that Sega and failure is forever linked, but I was so glad to have the Dreamcast since it had so many games I liked on it, met so many good people on PSO, had pleasant surprises of unexpected great games, and kept things interesting with experiments worth checking out. I am older, and did not ignore the DC since it had a lot of what I wanted, but it just continued to demonstrate how my taste in games were vastly different than what people really wanted.

>> No.9849505

>no component cables

>> No.9849595
File: 1.26 MB, 2000x1152, 2006_battlestation_feat_Ayanami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back then I used JP21 and VGA. I did not have any means to hook up component to my monitor. Component did not matter to me since I had quit video games around the time the Dreamcast died. It was only later did I get a PS2 and Gamecube that I would use component, since all I did with those systems was play GBA games and watch movies.

>> No.9849615

I remember seeing someone play Sonic Adventure 2 when I was like 4 being blown away by it, only known Sonic from like cartoon and 2D games also bought one when I was in like 6th grade because thought it was neat and watch Classic Game Room talk about it but sold it because I couldn't find games (I didn't know about burn disc stuff), years later in my 20's got one again.

>> No.9849638

This is a perfect description. I've heard people say the 50s were the peak for America, but imo the 90s were. So much hope and technological innovation. Then 911 happened and changed a lot of things. I wish I had been a 90s kid instead of being born in 2000. Everything I've read makes the 90s seem a lot better than now.

>> No.9849719

>I remember seeing someone play Sonic Adventure 2 when I was like 4
You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.9849797

Anon Sonic Adventure 2 came out was 22 years ago.

>> No.9849802

No it is forever 2008 in my mind

>> No.9850095

>Everything I've read makes the 90s seem a lot better than now.

America was probably the only decent place to live in around that time. A lot of parts of the world were pretty unstable during that decade, with Europe having issues of its own.
But, it was all balanced out with really great games, movies and TV shows so it wasn't all bad in other areas.

>> No.9851364

Ps2 destroyed everything else back then

Gamecube had fzero and some star wars games. That was about it

>> No.9851450
File: 167 KB, 1284x595, 2KD1S4jHA2mU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also looked like shit. It looked like literal diarrhoea compared to GC and Xbox and even most DC games.

>> No.9851454
File: 218 KB, 2276x772, TyI57n3K58dz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9851523

>and even most DC games.
some games definitely, Halo looks great
same as Xbox but metroid prime
Like most systems, games look better when they're made for that system

>> No.9851536

PS2 had a bigger library, or it felt like it did. Xbox had the 'cool' games like Halo, GC mostly had mario and brawl so I skipped it and ended up getting to play all of the first party games on a friends GC and then never bought it. Even better, when the Wii came out I just grabbed all the GC titles I had cared about for pennies.

>> No.9851546

I remember my friend taking me to a game store and buying a Dreamcast + 2 controllers + 2 VMUs for literally 18.99+tax when stores were dumping it. Then he burned every game I'd ever want for the DC on to discs and gave it to me. I still have it.
Anyway I really liked fighting games on it, it felt good. I really think the only mistake was the single stick.

>> No.9851567

i picked one up brand new in 2002 for $50 at Kmart. i knew then the Dreamcast was a dying console. Still one of my favorite consoles of all time

>> No.9851568

I knew I hated the PS2 but damn this thread made me hate it more

>> No.9851761
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I was a genesis to ps1 kid and didn't own one, but I remember playing sonic adventure at the toys r us play booth and it blew my mind. the graphics were so good coming from 5th gen console graphics... but then again I felt the same thing seeing the saturn and playing the nights into dreams demo when that game out.

>> No.9852572

I'm glad someone around here knows their comet pizza

>> No.9852624

Best console imo
Sonys marketing killed it, sadly.

>> No.9852848

>Grandia 2
>Skies of Arcadia
>MK Gold
instabuy imo

>> No.9852940

My old Dreamcast is an HKT-3000 model system. I wonder if it can receive the GDEMU mod. Writings online are mixed on this.

>> No.9852951

There are three known Dreamcast variants:
>VA0 – early production
>VA1 – ~99% of all consoles
>VA2.1 – late production
VA0 and VA2.1 are NOT compatible with GDEMU. While it can be installed inside VA0 model and will appear to work, it is not safe and will eventually result in damage to the device and/or console itself. Unfortunately for JP region consoles there isn’t any easy way to tell these differences apart unless you open the console and look inside. You should do it anyway in case the internals have been swapped due to repair for example.

>> No.9852974


probably could rent jap systems

>> No.9852987
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>> No.9852992
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>> No.9852995
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>> No.9853035
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Thanks. Just opened mine, it is a launch model system - no GDEMU for me. Very visually appealing internal design.

>> No.9853048

And? Add more.

>> No.9853059

Anyway. Also Isabelle Belato is disgusting useless mod too

>> No.9853080

oh wow, you have one of the dreamcasts with the completely metal fan

>> No.9853091

Remember, Rouge the Bat is knock off of Carrera and Shadow Lady.

>> No.9853181

Are you an asia man?

>> No.9853198

I got one the same year it was discontinued. I was only 9 at the time and had an N64 and PS1 with 5x as many games, and I played all three regularly, but that console was special. I loved Rayman 2 and Sonic Adventure. I had only a couple games beyond those that I rarely played, but the fun of those games alone, combined with the general feel of the console left a big impression on me.

>> No.9854410
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I just started playing PSO again on Ephinea. How am I doing so far? PSO is definitely one of the major games that inspires Dreamcast nostalgia for me.

>> No.9854423
File: 5 KB, 640x400, drugwars.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer here. Get on my level

>> No.9854672

That's a pretty clean dreamcast given it's a launch model and has never been opened before

>> No.9854678

>over 10 times more expensive than Heroin
Lol, sure game.

>> No.9854935

those were the times

>> No.9855614


>> No.9855695

It felt like the future was in my hands, my first game was Sonic Adventure & I loved it. The day I knew it was going to die was when my friends discovered a way to pirate the games & burn it on CD-R. They were trying to sell it to me for $5 a piece. This was 8 or 10 months before the launch of the PS2 by the way. I refused to buy pirated copies because I wanted to support Sega & buy real games. But the Dream was over, piracy killed the Dream.

>> No.9855703

You can just not lie, you know. You couldn't even pirate on the Dreamcast until after the PS2 was already released.

>> No.9855724

False. I have a good memory of what happened & the PS2 did not release until October of 2000. I would know because I stood in line to buy the PS2.

>> No.9855765

For how short lived Dreamcast was it sure had a lot of iconic games. People talk about Sonic Adventure every day and JSR remained enough of a cult following that they're making a new one. Similar story with how Shenmue continued and got an anime too. It's weird to think it was only around for 3 years which isn't even half of modern console lifespans. PS5 is nearing that and doesn't have any games

>> No.9855840

It only took me like 23 years, but the dreamcast controller recently clicked for me. The controller feels like ass playing games like Sonic Adventure 1/2, but it's perfect for games like Shenmue.

>> No.9855916

>I just started playing PSO again on Ephinea.
where did you just start with all that gear and leveling? your stuff is looking good enough. certainly is better gear and other shit you will run into later on as you work towards 200.

>> No.9855993
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It was a good tech baseline to be released in. The tech was fresh but the scale and complexity hadn't gotten out of hand yet. A dev could turn around a very good game in a 18 months in those days with moderate budget and staff.

Take for instance CODE: Veronica, developed out of house by Nex Entertainment which was primarily a company that did port jobs. They managed to slap together a decent RE game in less than 18 months on a next gen console.

>> No.9856095

You're right, I remember that piracy was a problem back then & the PS2 wasn't even out yet.

>> No.9856601

>PS2 Release: March 2000
>Utopia Boot Disc (NOT the self-booting CD-ROM, which would come even later): June 2000
This is why people with Alzheimer's aren't allowed to write history books.

>> No.9857003

Well, I've been playing for about a month, so me saying that I "just started" might be somewhat inaccurate. This isn't my first rodeo either. I'm not the most hardcore player (I've never hit Lv 200), but I've been playing online since day 1 on Dreamcast, so I have some idea as to what I'm doing. I've played every version except Xbox. I didn't find any of that gear on my own other than the Ranger Wall; everything else I got by trading Photon Drops with other players, or was gifted to me. As for my level, you level up quite a bit faster on Ephinea since you no longer need to "tag" enemies before they die to get exp from them. I've also done many TTF runs.

Dreamcast was the golden age of gaming for me. There was no PC in my house, yet I managed to convince my parents to sign up for internet access, so Dreamcast was my introduction to online multiplayer. I was genuinely upset when the service got shut down and I was no longer able to play Alien Front Online.

>> No.9857018

False. Actual PS2 release in the U.S. was in October 26, 2000. Not March.

>> No.9857398

same exact boat my brother. im constantly picking the game up, losing files, restarting, almost making it to 200 across different platforms. yes to everything you said. i play gc more often out of preference but dc is always hooked up and ready to go if im in the mood.

>> No.9857470

>March 2000
Not everyone was living in Japan. Nice try.

>> No.9858749

Right before they announced the cancellation I knew it was in danger but I still thought there would be chance they could do a big push as the PS2 had come out and the graphics were well below expectations and the DC was way cheaper so I thought it could make a comeback. Like Nvidia says, if its something people want then you don't have to resort to cutting prices even if it is inferior.

Pretty annoying to read the magazines at the time saying PS2 had graphics never seen before because they were comparing it to the PS1, that was crap, DC had fairly similar graphics.

I remember the reaction to Luigis mansion was meh, not really much excitement for Gamecube.

I got mine and was just expecting PS1 or N64 but a little bit better, maybe just running at 640x480 would have been good enough for me. Was blown away by Sonic and saw no reason why this wouldn't be able to easily take on sony.

I remember showing DC to friends and them being impressed and they all had no idea this console existed.

>> No.9860076

Shut yo mouf.

>> No.9861018

I owned all consoles at the time I can say that in terms of power this is how it goes:


xbox had doom 3 and half life 2
DC and PS2 can barely play Half Life 1

>> No.9861072

Newest generation is fucking embarrassing they quite literally don't make games for consoles anymore (at the risk of sounding like a tendie, Nintendo does), it's insane and hilarious at the same time. How can anyone look at the situation with them and think it's normal

>> No.9861469

exactly. immediately after 9/11, three games, GTA III, Halo Combat Evolved, and Devil May Cry, set off the LE DARK AND MATURE GAMEZ FOR MATURE GAMURZ era. the 90s coziness was gone

sadly I don't think it was gone after the PS3/360 era. It just went from being edgy to being pseudo-intellectual and woke

>> No.9861484

>xbox had doom 3 and half life 2
easier to port as both are pc games, the xbox has pc hardware, which was more powerful than most people had in the pc's at the time.

>DC and PS2 can barely play Half Life 1
pretty sure the ps2 is the definitive version as people are literally ripping assets to mod the pc version, as vell as models from the DC version,


>> No.9861493

even europe was better at the time. and even in places were the 90s was shit, it was less shit than now since it didn't have wokeness and social media and the post-9/11 effect

>> No.9862147

My dad knew how much I loved sonic and sega and offered to buy the dreamcast at launch when.

Knowing what happened with the saturn I told him just to wait a year to see how it went. Sure enough in a year's time everyone was hook line and sinker into the PS2 hype machine and I just waited for the PS2.

>> No.9862151

Good post. Please in future don't soften your criticism for the Nintendo shitcube. Everyone knows dreamcast is on another level compared to that console.