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File: 67 KB, 900x563, Jaguar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
983413 No.983413 [Reply] [Original]

What would have made the Atari Jaguar a success?

>> No.983424

third party support

>> No.983428


>> No.983430

Nothing. Hardware was shit, controller was shit, marketing was shit, price was shit...Jaguar was the proof that Atari should stop making consoles a long time ago.

>> No.983436

built in cd drive, easier to program, better controller. could have had modem, vr unit, cool stuff.

>> No.983456
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Anyone here actually buy one of these things?

>> No.983474

A friend of mine did in 1996-1997 because he said it was cheap by giving additionaly some magazine coupons. Since he couldn't afford a Saturn/N64/PSX he could at least buy a Mega Drive/SNES/NES bootleg.

>> No.983482

The marketing department not lying about the CPU architecture

>> No.983491

Nothing, I think. The thing in its entirety just seemed like a mess.

>> No.983504

How is that supposed to make it a success? Maybe they should have claimed it was a 128 or 256 bit system.

>> No.983507

Also forgot to say that games were shit (obviously).

>> No.983521

If it was actually 64 bit.

>> No.983528

>Nothing. Hardware was shit, controller was shit, marketing was shit, price was shit.
Pretty much this. The only way that the Jaguar could have succeeded would have been the sudden and complete disappearance of all of its competitors.

>> No.983638

Did 64 bits help the N64?

>> No.983786
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>> No.985083

This, which leads to
this. That was their only problem (as far as success. The Jaguar was designed and approved by chuckleheads, but that's for another thread). You didn't have to have a juggernaut of a console to compete: all you needed was good games, especially good exclusives.

>> No.985572

>Release a CD add-on for an already dead console

>> No.985769

Which, on top of that, doesn't work.

>> No.985774

It does work, but it didn't have any notable games. Even Sega-CD has some cult classic games.

>> No.985782

this person knows whats up.
indeed the jaguar wasn't a bad system hardware wise, but it just didn't get a huge library of good games. only a handful of jaguar games are decent. Not good enough to buy the system to play these games though

>> No.985941

Lie to the ignorant consumers about how many bits there are, Sega seemed to have a good thing going with the 16-bit shtick. If sales are still dropping we can have the guys throw up a CD add-on.

>> No.985980

DO THE MATH, /vr/!

>> No.987281

Sega CD was not as bad as some people want to people. It just got the bad reputation because of Sega of America's brilliant idea to heavily promote FMV crap that "make you feel like you are in a movie" instead of promoting CDs as a format which fit much more data than cartidges. Sega CD had its own gems like Sonic CD, Lunar 1 and 2, Keio Flying Squadron, Snatcher and so on.

>> No.987290

Tell me even one Jaguar EXCLUSIVE which was not crap. And don't tell me Tempest 2000, it was also released for PC, Mac, Saturn and PSX. Not to mention that it's just an Atari 2600 game with fancy graphics and soundtrack.

>> No.987303

strangely even in our next gen phase people are ignoring this.
every generation every one looks at the hardware and specs of what it could do and measures it by that, but time and time again, it's the killer apps that make it sell and it seems something that people just don't get.

>> No.987852
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>> No.988158

>Atari 2600 game
Plebbing around at the speed of sound.

>> No.988181

This. Shitty hardware, slow start, and bad marketing can be made up for in games, but Jaguar had none of it.

>> No.988195

Atari should have shelled out the bucks for two or three exclusives from major Japanese publishers. Capcom, Konami, or Square.

Games like Mega Man X, Castlevania, or Final Fantasy would sell systems.

It should have been a CD system.

It should have been cheaper.

The controller should have had a more standard design.

>> No.988207

It got the best installment of Bubsy. This fact alone proves the Atari Jaguar was the greatest system of the '90s. Anyone that disagrees has shit taste in platformers and/or needs to play this awesome platform game.

>> No.988215

0/10 not even a nibble

>> No.988306
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>> No.988312
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GOAT Jag game?

>> No.988358

Earlier release, better controllers, and games that are not Mortal Kombat rip offs. It's ridiculous how many of those were on that console.

>> No.988369
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I wish for a future where someone can tell a joke on 4chan and people will not think it is an attempt at trolling.

>> No.988379
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>> No.988708

Price is an issue as well. People think twice before spending $700 on a console.

>> No.989602

Why did the Jaguar fail?

Simple. Atari refused to get with the times. They ran their business intransigently since the '80s and got away with it until the '90s when penance was finally due. They withheld payments to at least one of their programmers, who in turn, spited them with shitty finals. This was the case with Fight for Life, where Francois Bertrand had a stronger Beta, but ultimately sent Atari an inferior version of the game for production.

>> No.991387


Even the Jaguar logo screams 80's

>> No.991429
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It all boils down to the fact that the console was a fucking nightmare to program for. This led to zero third party support, and (most of) the exclusives were shit as well, mostly due to the programming difficulty, but also because Atari couldn't lure big name developers to it.

Look at Alien vs. Predator though. It was really the only game that comes to mind that actually utilized the system to its full potential. It looks fucking amazing, I mean for 1994, that shit is insane. Literally the only games at the time that were more technically impressive were on the 3DO, and it was a much more expensive console using CDs.

>> No.991442
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I didn't get one, but my local toy store had one for demo. It just happened to be this game.

>> No.991458
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>> No.991490
File: 150 KB, 549x468, Sisko2375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was true then, it's true now and it's always been true, but funny enough most console manufacturers still don't get it. Hell, most consumers still don't get it, and wonder why X platform is sinking.

Games. A platform needs good exclusive games. That's ALL it needs to succeed. 80s, 90s, 2000s, or 2010+. Good games, exclusive games. This is what sold consoles, this is what sells consoles, and this is what will continue to sell consoles.

Everything else is unimportant. That includes the specs.

>> No.991542
File: 110 KB, 1280x800, 4chan Bonkers Yonkerz 2- Return of the Dingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'll give you nightmares too then.

>> No.991605
File: 109 KB, 1280x800, 4chan Bonkers Yonkers- The First.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonkers Yonkerz?

These are your images, so what game is this?

>> No.991618
File: 12 KB, 320x256, waxworks_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him, but it`s Waxworks

>> No.991642


I used to play that game A LOT when I was a kid.

The biggest problem is they have about 3 wall textures for an extremely long maze like game. Its virtually impossible to have any idea where that screen was taken.

>> No.993956

I guess it wasn't exclusive for long, but the original Rayman was first made for the Jaguar.

>> No.994380

I didn't know Eastern Mind had a Jaguar port.

>> No.994426


That Aliens game was good on Jaguar, was it exclusive? Made good use of the "phone keypad" on the controller atleast

>> No.994612
File: 190 KB, 635x915, iratan-supremacy-jaguar-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing that amazes me in Atari Jaguar is that it has so many, exclusive, shitty fighting games (expecially Mortal Kombat wanabee) and there were some of them in development but got cancelled for the good of humanity.

Of course, just like other shitty consoles from popular companies, Jaguar has its cult following (expecially from the Atari fandom) and there is a homebrew scene for it.

>> No.994617

I don't know about other countries but in Greece it was such a huge failure that you could buy it incredibly cheap. Heck, I even found it selling it at flea market brand new and you could also get one almost free by exchanging some coupons from a certain TV magazine.

If I knew back then how collectable it would be now I would buy a bunch of them.

>> No.994938

Alien vs Predator

>> No.995495

>Atari Jaguar
American console

>so many, exclusive, shitty fighting games (expecially Mortal Kombat wanabee)
American games

>> No.995541

It really didn't matter what the Jaguar did it would have failed.

Atari 2600 was godly in its day, but the 5200 had issues, the 7800 paled next to the NES badly, so by the time the Jaguar was heading to market they had no reputation left to stand on.

Its kinda like the Dreamcast and Saturn they did some really great things, but the failing years near the end of Genesis, the CD, the 32x, and their own bizarre adverts at the time cost them reputation.

Reputation counts for a lot in gaming, except Nintendo, they can get away with shit for some reason even though they pooped out as many dud consoles as Sega and Atari.

>> No.995763

>>Reputation counts for a lot in gaming, except Nintendo, they can get away with shit for some reason even though they pooped out as many dud consoles as Sega and Atari.
But Nintendo's only colossal failure was Virtual Boy. Atari was making only failures after Atari 2600 (excluded their computers) and Sega started making crappy marketing decisions from Mega CD and after despite making great consoles and add-ons (32X excluded which had no purpose being made).

>> No.995803

How do you exclude their computers? The 5200 was a modified 400 and the XEGS was a XE dressed up as a console.

>> No.995837


I kind of wish I had bought one back in the mid 90s when my mall's Kay Bee Toys was selling them off for dirt cheap.

>> No.995876

Virtual Boy, GBA's original screen was a blunder and a half it, N64 was a huge step down and its design decisions cost them games to not only PS1 but even to the Saturn, GCN was fairly lukewarm, WiiU is struggling, 3DS is doing well but nobody uses the damn 3D, etc. And then we have the disc drives, their localization policies, that satellite TV thing that was about as effective as Sega Channel.

Not everything was a complete dud I guess, but they make a lot of stupid decisions not too different from some made by Sega or Atari and get a pass on it. VB was just the only out right fail, but they've done some dumbshit too.

>> No.995895

>except Nintendo, they can get away with shit for some reason
The one thing Nintendo didnt manage to get away with is shitting on third parties.

>> No.995931

>Reputation counts for a lot in gaming, except Nintendo, they can get away with shit for some reason even though they pooped out as many dud consoles as Sega and Atari.
No bias here, guys!

>> No.995937

Sort of; it was a legitimate 64-bit CPU and it can help with 3D precision. But I don't know if any games used that mode because it uses double the RAM.

>> No.995942

Had an Atari then a NES then a Genesis then went Sony as a kid then went back and got the others when I got older. So no, not really. I don't feel any particularly love for faceless corporations or random collections of parts.

>> No.995953

>nobody uses the damn 3D
I do

>> No.995958


Ever since the Gamecube, they make a show at launch in an attempt to convince people that they're focused on getting third party support again. After a year or so, it's the same as always.

>> No.995965


The GBA's original design could hardly be considered a blunder. While I do agree that it should have had some sort of screen lighting from the start, I found the horizontal layout way more comfortable than the SP.

>> No.995986

I had friends with it and even as a kid I knew they would remodel it because that thing was fucking impossible to see well. Websites modding them were backed up with work with 3 month wait times.

I did like the layout better as well though.

Little did I know they remodel all their handhelds afterword to an insane amount, yet those damn hinges never seem to change.

>> No.995990

Screen visibility is a pretty big factor, though. I much preferred the original GBA's layout, but I ended up getting the SP because it was so easy to see.

A back/frontlight shouldn't have been that hard to implement in 2001.

>> No.996009

>Implying Tempest was on the 2600

Dude, do a BASIC research first. Tempest wasn't even on other Atari hardware besides the Arcade one.

>> No.996046

Hard to implement, no, but costly?

>> No.996063

Somehow I doubt the price of frontlights plummeted that much between '01-'03.

>> No.996070


Their main reasoning was conserving battery life I suppose. They hadn't yet adopted lithium ion battery technology.

>> No.996089

>random collections of parts
Maybe because that's all these systems boil down to for you.

Nintendo is a software company first and foremost. And they treat their products like toys. That's why they can "get away with" what they do. That's where their "reputation" comes from, and they are not exempt from anything that applies to every other console manufacturer. They just have something else going for them. Something more important.

>> No.996093

Publishers hate having to compete with Nintendo on software. But the reason Nintendo consoles have their installed base is Nintendo's software. It's a catch-22 for Nintendo; if they went the other direction and abandoned first-party software, people wouldn't buy their consoles and third-parties wouldn't want anything to do with them for that reason.