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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 227 KB, 1200x500, Wii_VirtualConsole_1200x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9831697 No.9831697 [Reply] [Original]

What's the verdict on the Wii's virtual console?

>> No.9831705

Imagine you wanted to emulate any game but you were too much of a retarded toddler. That's what the virtual console is all about.

>> No.9831710

Pretty shitty emulation that people still somehow insist that it's better than PC-based emulator.
Same with PS2-on-PS3 in this regard. You don't have to suck Nintendo or Sony's penis.

>> No.9831713

N64 at higher resolution than original, just as solid or more solid that Nintendo's NSO, and you can put it out to a CRT, so I'd consider it to be pretty good.

>> No.9831715

And don't neglect ease of use, or the fact they made new digital manuals for every game. It's honestly based as fuck.

>> No.9831720

Nothing special in comparison to emulation on PC at the time, but it was really neat to be able to play so many classic games on one console, even without softmodding.
The prices were pretty silly, especially considering iTunes had been going strong for a few years by that point. That said, the VC was still especially nice due to the Wii's high quality composite out and GC support, so the Wii is really the ideal emulation box for use with a CRT.

>> No.9831731

A "Steam" you invest money on which eventually kicks you in the butt

>> No.9831739

As stated, technically speaking it's nothing special.

However, the cultural impact it had was of great importance. During the 5th and 6th gen, gamers were made to believe to anything even 2 years old was outdated garbage. Yes collections of old games and re-releases existed, but they were rare and didn't exactly sell well.

The virtual console changed all that. Suddenly some 20+ years old games were selling hundred of thousands of copies again. It heavily contributed in re-shaping the gaming landscape and the "recent technology is everything" status quo.
The only reason Mega Man 9 was made because MM2 was a best seller on VC, a new "NES" game by a major publisher would have NEVER been made in the 5th and 6th gen. Then, MM9 showed everyone you could make a small game in an old style with a small budget and sell a million copies.

The VC was one of the main tools that put "retro gaming" as a thing and resulted in things like this very board existing.

>> No.9831762

>impossible to play N64 games without some kind of controller that would have rumble (gamecube controller, the wiimote you plug your classic controller into)
>no rumble pak support

>> No.9831764

imagine using proprietary solutions when most emulators open source and compile on freedom os

>> No.9831797

What game is: "impossible to play N64 games without some kind of controller that would have rumble"?
Great criticism though, collecting all those skullta tokens in OOT to only be able to not use my reward was absolutely rage-inducing.

>> No.9831803

imagine wanting to waste your time setting up an emulator then hooking up a custom-built PC or overpriced raspberry pi-based device, to only then configure each emulator, hunt down roms, and box art, and manuals to then enjoy essentially the same thing.

>> No.9831810

And then imagine buying a desk to put your PC on and then you would need to have electricity and then you would need to own a house and then you would need to go back in time to make sure your parents fall in love so you can be born, all of this just to play TMNT3 on a Pentium III.

>> No.9831834

Ah yes, PCSX2 in 2007-2012 was certainly better

>> No.9831838

>Emulated Mario Tennis in 2007.
Yeah I'm thinking it was based.
Also, injecting the .wads into the home menu to have a shitload of VC gaems at ya disposal was fuckin' hype, too.
Saw my cousin play Comix Zone for the first time on Wii VC, cool moment.

>> No.9831847

I agree that the market impact was substantial, like you say.

You could get by with a shitbox computer for emulating 3rd and 4th gen consoles, and the GBA. I was emulating Pokémon Red before Pokémon was launched in my country, and that was with a machine which would break out in fucking sweats trying to play Baldur's Gate, it had no trouble with Super Metroid or Shining Force.
Just about any functional PC you could find around the time of the Wii and Virtual Console would be able to emulate your SNES and Genesis with pretty much zero issues, even one that isn't very good. They'd all have USB ports by then, too, so you could chase down whatever cheap (but functional) Playstation or SNES imitation pad and you were good. The only configuring you'd have to do is set up your binds, and even if you were too slow to pull that off, you'd just try random keyboard keys until you found the default ones, I've seen that in person.

Emulating old games was somewhat popular in the schools I went to, I'd occasionally see kids lament that they wish they had more games, but they didn't have any money, or their computer was shit, and others would bring up how they could emulate old Sega and Nintendo games for free, blew a lot of people's minds. And again, Pokémania got a bit of a headstart with some kids.
It gets a little more complex with Playstation and Nintendo 64, but some kids figured it out, or they had older brothers (or even dads or uncles) who'd help them set it up. PSX was dirt cheap once 6th gen got going though, so frequently the approach there was to just get an actual console, if you wanted a game but couldn't find it, piracy wasn't exactly hard, I knew of less than smart kids who talked about how nice it was to have a chipped Playstation and XBox, and they'd recommend to others how they knew a guy at a store who'd chip your console for cheap.

It wasn't everyone, but it was far from rare, and it wasn't hard.

>> No.9831947

The service was alright I never bought many games for it but back then I thought the prices were pretty bad. The nes games didn't really make much sense since shitty black box games cost as much as Megaman and games with actual content. My biggest problem was the shitty black filter they put over the games that made them look really dark and there was no way to disable it.

>> No.9832061

The quality of emulation varies a lot. NES emulation has colors that aren't quite right. SNES and Sega Genesis emulation is quite good, actually. N64 would be based if it supported 240p.

>> No.9832062

I don't like savestates in games that can save
And there isn't an option to disable it

>> No.9832082

now you just subscribe for it all lol! another subscription service I love that, nintendo always looking out for the little guys

>> No.9832084

>for it all lol
Yeah, for 10-30 games for the most well known systems like the NES and the Mega Drive which you lose access to once you stop paying

>> No.9832087

uh oh fun hater detected, why dont you obsess over nintendo some more!!!!

>> No.9832106

The VC didn't have save states you gigazoom.

>> No.9832109 [DELETED] 

doesn't exist
also not retro kys

>> No.9832117

>tfw it's your first year on /vr/
Stop trying so hard for the love of god this is not /v/

>> No.9832127

Because you have closet feeling towards Bowser and Spyro, not prejudice or nothing.

>> No.9832130
File: 32 KB, 467x384, 1681822006199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling other people zoomers when you yourself are too young to remember the Wii

>> No.9832134

I’m not sure if the quality is as good as modern emulation but the Wii VC got me into retro games as a kid that wasn’t allowed to install weird things on the family computer. It also brought some consoles to my attention that I wouldn’t have played otherwise like the PCE, Genesis, and Neo Geo. It was cool being given a $10 weekly allowance and buying the coolest looking game out that week

>> No.9832136

Suspend points aren't save states, you turbo retard. The Wii VC would created a temporary "save state" if you exited the game through the menu, then load and delete it the next time you started the game. It's the equivalent of leaving the game running in the background while doing something else, not emulator save states you can load at will.

>> No.9832138

Nigga just reset the game every time you launch it, WiiVC didn't let you savescum anyway, like you couldn't manually create your own suspend point like on the 3DS/WiiU. That anon is correct, there were no save states

>> No.9832145

>goal post moving
Temporary save states are still save states

>> No.9832147

I thought you just didn't like the idea of save scumming. Otherwise I don't see a problem really

>> No.9832148

That's nice sweetie, now explain why anyone would dislike temporary savestates in games that can save and think there weren't a way to "disable" them.

>> No.9832149

> Suspend points aren't save states, you turbo retard.
>The Wii VC would created a temporary "save state”

>> No.9832185

I get you my brother. Same with fast forward and stuff. Keep that shit out of my vidya.

>> No.9832197

Lol I remember buying mario kart 64 on there but I couldn't even play it because I didn't have a classic controller for years. the selection was good I guess.

>> No.9832198

It outputs native 240p if using the right cable, so it has at least one redeeming point.

Forcing the player to buy a classic controller when you could use a gamecube one, or even PSX to GC adapter, is absolute bullshit.

PAL 50 versions for europe is like rubbing salt on the wound, eating mexican food and shitting over the wound.

>> No.9832206

They literally did.

>> No.9832230

>It outputs native 240p if using the right cable
It could output 240p over all cables, even component.
>Forcing the player to buy a classic controller when you could use a gamecube one
You could use the GC controller on every game, it just wasn't ideal for many of them, particularly SNES games.

Are these issues over in euroland or something?

>> No.9832316

ive been here since 2015, you need to leave you newfaggit retard

>> No.9832386

>Forcing the player to buy a classic controller when you could use a gamecube one, or even PSX to GC adapter, is absolute bullshit
why do you get mad at things you made up?

>> No.9832430

So don't fucking use them? Do you get an overwhelming compulsion to use and abuse them just because they're there? Do you avoid playing any game which has cheats too?

>> No.9832431

That's not a long time.

>> No.9832432

>thinking 2015 means you're not a newfag
oh shit

>> No.9832442

Fuck off obnoxious moron, go back

>> No.9832445

I don't know about it from a historical perspective as I only got a Wii a couple years ago. But with homebrew emulators today, there's no point in using the Virtual Console.
Except for N64; the homebrew emulators for that are not great. But it's a pretty limited library: no Conker, no GoldenEye, no Banjo, etc. Basically just first party titles plus Ogre Battle 64.

>> No.9832448

I thought it was pretty cool. I was in middle school around the time the Virtual Console dropped and was the only one of my friends that knew how to emulate games or really cared at all about video games that came out before 2005.
The Wii's shop introduced a couple of my other friends to these old games they had already heard me talk about and also got me to try some new ones that I probably wouldn't have found out about as quickly. I doubt I would have gotten as into the Genesis or TG16's libraries as early on as I had if it weren't for the Virtual Console.

>> No.9832450

>newfaggots don't know /vr/ has only been around since 2013
and you weren't here then, either. you probably don't even remember the playstation shit-rat memes or the "best console version of id software shooter" wars. get the fuck off my board.

>> No.9832452

I've been here since 2006 and am still a newfag. Embarrassing!

>> No.9832457 [DELETED] 

assmad samefag newfag
>inb4 ms paint (You) edit
back to redd*t

>> No.9832463

I can't get over 5 dollar nes games. I can't get over the no rumble in oot. I can't get over the business model in general. The stupid classic controller. What the fuck were they thinking. That being said I did nab paper Mario, Zelda 2, and Majora's mask back in the day. And Kirby. Come to think of it I played a lot of great games through that. And to make up the costs, I later pirated everything I wanted because they made it so easy. I guess it was pretty cool and can be forgiven for being early to the scene. Closest thing to it at the time would be those little joystick boxes that had dig dug or pacman on them. Or shit like gametap that has... Uhh psyconauts and stuff on it

>> No.9832472

I was here the day /vr/ opened, great times. 2015 still isn't all that long, I was on 4chan in 2009 and that still isn't very long.

>> No.9832475 [DELETED] 

>I was here the day /vr/ opened, great times
no, you weren't. go back.

>> No.9832476

>And to make up the costs, I later pirated everything I wanted because they made it so easy.
This was the move. Piracy was so easy on the Wii, and it was available so early on too. I also only bought a handful of games (Super Mario World, Galaga '90, Sin & Punishment and The Legend of Zelda) but played hundreds of ROMs on mine.

>> No.9832484 [DELETED] 

>he is still at it
Keep dancing fucking retarded ape. Fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out of

>> No.9832485 [DELETED] 

>tranny becomes upset when found out
a tale as old as time

>> No.9832487

As far as I have seen and OSSC registers it, when using a component cable it will display the game as 480, So I can't use Line5x with it.

I tried that, and I got a nice "classic controller required to play" on Snes games (at least with Donkey Kong Country 2 and 3)
Mario 64 is the only one that has allowed me play with a Gamecube controller, and the disc release of Super Mario Collection

>Are these issues over in euroland or something?
I will try to check some US-NTSC titles later to confirm it. Not to self: remember to patch the wad's region

>> No.9832493 [DELETED] 

AHHSADHASHD you forgot to mention reddit you braindead loser. Fuck off back to /v/ you fucking piece of shit, no one is entertainted by your ape dances and screeching anymore

>> No.9832496
File: 218 KB, 600x600, startropics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It even gives you the Startropics code which is not provided in any way on the Switch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_g_u4KUlW9A

>> No.9832497 [DELETED] 

are you okay?

>> No.9832502

>I tried that, and I got a nice "classic controller required to play" on Snes games (at least with Donkey Kong Country 2 and 3)
Different guy, but that's bizarre. I didn't own either of those games but distinctly remember playing Super Mario World on my Wii with a GameCube controller. I think I remember a similar disclaimer screen that advertises the controller to you, but I could still play with a GameCube controller.

>> No.9832503

Stop using the word "turbo". My late father was a boy racer to the end, and he would turn around in agony inside his coffin, if he ever heard you lot spouting words without knowing the emotional luggage they carry. Know at least how to start an engine before using "turbo" ever again.

>> No.9832505 [DELETED] 

Your last (you), get lost seriously

>> No.9832507 [DELETED] 

or what? you'll dilate again?

>> No.9832519

I will check later when I get back home to confirm, but unless something is wrong with the GC ports or the GC controller itself, it would not recognise the Gamecube controller when I tried to play snes VC games last weekend. I had to plug an snes mini controller.

>> No.9832527

>And when Adam saw the forbidden, he pondered himself: "Shan't I, the first one, be able to savor the sweetness of this elusive fruit?"
>That was when, as the roar of the thunder, God's voice echoed through Adam's spirit: "lurk moar fag!!!1"
>Embarassed, Adam spouted words like "Girugamesh!" and "the consequences will never be the same!". Alas, it was too late, for he had already fallen from the Lord's grace.

>> No.9832528


>> No.9832531

Definitely not "ehh". Stop lying.

>> No.9832532

The Super Mario Collection disc version has no issues, but VC cocblocked me. Unless I was a full blown retard and used port 4 instead of 1 (the one next to the memory card sockets) because I was counting them from left to right as if it was a gamecube.

>> No.9832535

okay. it was cringe asperger's humor, sorry.

>> No.9832540

I'm the guy you replied to. I gave your post a sensible chuckle.

>> No.9832543

>>9832540 (me)
And I misread the reply chain. I'm going to take my Geritol and log off now.

>> No.9832547

Wait! Are you trying to embarass me in front of all my friends on 4chan? For real? Think seriously about that.

>> No.9832556

It was and still is god tier. Well, when it was pirated for free. You can have the entire Nintendo library on the console from NES to the Wii on it. As long as you forget the N64 existed, which to be honest, many people do. I know some people whine and cry the emulation of some games isn't perfect, but I replayed the Donkey Kong Country series on the Wii and it looked and played identically to the SNES versions. Hell, people on /vr/ thought I was playing the games off a Super Nintendo.

>> No.9832560

If you're bored enough to post a pic of this later I'll probably look at it because I swear I remember playing the VC release of Super Mario World on a GameCube controller. I do remember the Classic Controller disclaimer screen, though, so I'm wondering if I'm genuinely just misremembering this.

>> No.9832575

I'm having some mandela mindfuck, because now I remember that 10 years ago they lent me a model 1 wii (I have the first revision that made the exploits a bit harder) with Street fighter 2 and I was able to boot it, but I definitely did not have a classic controller back the.
- the nagging screen could have been skipped if I had pressed buttons?
- Used the wrong port
-I need to try a different game. Nintendo mentions that some VC titles won't support the GC controller


But I do hope you guys can prove me wrong and it can be used with all titles, withouth patching the wads.

>> No.9832581

It introduced me to retro games when I was little. It may not be as good as an emulator running on PC, but I didn't know any better at the time. To bad this is when virtual console peaked. Today's children are better of emulating on their mobile devices than putting up with Nintendo's bs.

>> No.9832584

I like the IDEA of it, but bro, I knew how to pirate and emolate back in 2006.

>> No.9832607 [DELETED] 

>do not eat this letter
Do burgers really

>> No.9832632

Probably a liability thing; the invisible ink might be more toxic than normal.

>> No.9832649

It was cool to see them put out games every week, especially when they did import stuff like mario 2 or sin and punishment. You'll never see effort like that from nintendo again considering how shitty their services have been since the wii.

>> No.9832656

It was okay. The emulation wasn't terrific but the games were cheap and there was a good variety.
>Master System
>Neo Geo
>Commodore 64 (outside of Japan) / MSX (Japan)
>misc. arcade
I never had an extensive library or anything, but there were many games I played for the first time through it that aren't even available on modern platforms at all.

>> No.9832659

Pretty cool at the time, and still pretty decent to use as a limited little emulation device because of its good CRT output. I had been using PC emulators for a few years at that point but having I never liked it as much as playing those games on a big TV, and back then it was a lot tougher to just connect your laptop/desktop to a television than it is now. So the idea of having it all in one place in your living room was appealing.

Fun times with the Wii on Christmas day, playing Wii sports with my whole family and then settling down with Twilight Princess once everyone was off doing their own thing. Got the classic controller and a few points cards and bought a few NES games and Mario 64. Good times.

The N64 library was pretty limited bcus no Rare, but I still played Sin & Punishment and Paper Mario 1 for the first time ever through there. The double resolution was nice but it would have been good to play in 240p too, like you can with NES. I think the picture is slightly darker than a normal N64 but I never noticed at the time.

Looking back it definitely wasn't perfect but I admire Nintendo for putting PC Engine, Master System, Genesis and even NeoGeo games on there. It was a pretty impressive offering by the end of the Wii's lifetime.

Although I don't really use it, I do wish the Switch's NSO wasn't as much of a mess as it currently is. I actually do like how it's a subscription fee rather than re-buying all those roms again, but the input lag on N64 games is just unacceptable, and I hate those ugly grey borders.

>> No.9832716

Thread inspired me to get my Wii hooked back up to a spare TV and get some VC going on it.

>> No.9832725

Wii VC is hit or miss - I'm too lazy to list everything but SNES and Genesis output in the proper resolution and look fantastic. The input lag is also very low. NEO geo has some games running in 240p but some don't. NES looks awful due to a dark image. N64 runs great but outputs in 480i making it look worse than it should.

>> No.9832754

Never used it myself, but even back then I found the idea of paying for roms just silly.

>> No.9832765
File: 2.37 MB, 968x1936, Photo_2023-04-18_07-19-03_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, pretty much not only I'm wrong, but I'm fucking retarded.

Even after this time having a guess what was going on , I still plugged the GC controller on the leftmost port as if it was a gamecube, out of fucking habit. And again I got the message, which is "You need a classic controller" rather than " a classic controller or a GC one on port 1".

The mappings make SMW a pain to play, As the direct button mapping means screw jumping with the big button

Now, to check the cables and confirm how I ended in 480i rather than 240p. I'm going to subject myself to some punishment if I fuckup twice in a row. Either making myself drink Cruzcampo, or something worse enough that I think twice before posting next time. God damn it

>> No.9832803

They force it on you
see >>9832130
I like seeing the title screen
That's annoying

>> No.9832810

It was okayish, but underfilled in its catalog, nintendo stopped releasing games constantly, not enough JP exclusives for its US counterpart, reggie preventing Earthbound to be released in the US VC so they could slap it on the Wii U to save that piece of junk, no 240p for n64 games.


>> No.9832820

You just gotta turn the wii off during gameplay to avoid it.

>> No.9832839

Nigga they "force it on you" so little they have to write a full screen's worth of text just to explain how to activate it.

>> No.9832867
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It was kind of stupid like everyone says, but, I can't help but really like the design of the shop

>> No.9832879
File: 27 KB, 895x503, picard-facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9832901

>ridiculously catchy tune for something as mundane as an online shop
based totaka

>> No.9832906

Haha, at least it ended up working after all.

>> No.9832932

This brings me back to when I downloaded Mega Man 9.

I bought a Wii *for* MM9. I didn't have a modern console at the time. I was hyped as fuck and not disappointed, it's still one of my favourite games ever.

>> No.9832949

Your Wii is upside down. That's why your player 1 controller port is on the right instead of the left

>> No.9833114


Looks like I have been reading stuff with glaring misconceptions.Second error or the day. 240p is possible.

It seems like I had the VC set to 480i on one of the tests. The A+1+Z. Apart from that, the wii tends to change from 240 to 480i when you resume a game to display the menu, which added to my confusion.

I have been testing all the cables and video modes.
Kinda shitty of Nintendo to set all the VC console games to pal. I was getting 312p and 50 hz even with US version, and the OSSC hates those signals. After changing the video mode to NTSC and installing US/JP wads, everything is much better. real 240p/280p, no slowdown or black borders, and the OSSC can do Line5x with slight cropping to 1080p.

There's a small downside that I am noticing just now: All the snes games are displaying at 240p, regardless of the original resolution. While with Snes the OSSC can optimize for 8:7 224p, It can't do that with Wii due to always outputting 240p.

Still better than Switch or Snes mini, though. I need to get the adapter for tor plugging it to the Amstrad monitor.

>> No.9833196

Nigga both the GC and Wii have one dot by the player one port, two dots by the player two port, etc

>> No.9833228

I would've used the Virtual Console but I simply got one too late, it's the only subscription model which interests me. The Wii console itself has become underrated to be honest.

>> No.9833246

The VC was not a subscription service.

>> No.9833251

that's right you just bought those coupon cards online?

>> No.9833252

You have to set the Wii to run at 480i in the settings menu for 240p to work.

>> No.9833278

You pay for games with Wii Points, which you can get either by purchasing them outright in the shop with a credit card or by purchasing physical point cards and then registering them on your shop account.

>> No.9833465

Massive balls

>> No.9833508

The later VC they had on 3DS was overall better, emulation seemed better, and the games were much cheaper (I paid maybe $3 or $4 for Wario Land). Of course, they then did that thing where they cucked you out of SNES games unless you got a New 3DS (great name for marketing btw), which soured me pretty hard on the whole thing, and that subscription thing they're doing now is just AIDS.

>> No.9833518

Ironically, most SNES games run just find on an old 3DS via homebrew thanks to Snes9X (Even Street Fighter Alpha 2 and Tales Of Phantasia). So Nintendo's marketing move was 100% bullshit

>> No.9833523

Even by late 2000s standards the emulators were crap.

>> No.9833597
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I had someone tell me that the 3DS "really wasn't powerful enough to run Super Metroid," and I have no idea if this was something about autism emulation like ByuuSNES, which apparently is resource intensive, or if he was just fucking with me.
I've seen people homebrew fucking Doom on the regular old 3DS, the Crysis of 1993, so to say, and it ran pretty damn smoothly, I see no reason why a far less graphically and computationally intense console game from the same year should be a problem.

>> No.9833612

I think this just comes down to people parroting information that's been out of date for a really long time.
I remember trying SNES emulation via blargSNES around the time of the release of the 3DS XL and unfortunately being pretty disappointed in it. I also want to say that early on in the New 3DS's life (god, those names really are the fucking worst) that SNES emulation still wasn't 100% there on the old model but was on the New one.

>> No.9833614

An accurate emulater wouldn't be possible at all, even less so on DS and PSP, but you can achieve full speed with some sacrifices. Still, don't expect to play Super FX/Super FX2 games flawlessly on the old models, I've tried myself and they run like shit

>> No.9833620

Snes9X is the go-to homebrew emulator nowadays, both for old and new 3DSs. It still lacks modern stuff like MSU1, but who the hell needs that anyway?

>> No.9833636

that's because doom isn't running emulated, the code has been ported over. we don't have the snes have code, we emulate it's hardware

>> No.9833665

skill issue

>> No.9833713

Started strong, but ran out of good material after the first year or so and started scraping barrels hard for anything.

>> No.9833749

Dark filter makes it unplayable.

>> No.9833754

soulful and convenient but the quality of the emulation wasn't anything special
as another person said, its real impact was the "cultural shift" it caused, making it clear that people were interested in playing old games

>> No.9833773

>"NOOOOO! Le epilepsy! We can't let our kids play in a well-lit room and at adequate distance from the TV."
The sad part was that Pikachu was responsible for the epilepsy, but they would NEVER admit to it and so they blamed Porygon instead.

>> No.9833898

At least now on the switch the emulator is bright and all the games are romhacked so they don’t have any flashing in them

>> No.9834587


Wait, the reason NES VC games look so dark compared to other platforms is to lower the risk of triggering an epileptic seizure? I always though they simply did not care about how games looked.

I need to look into that.

>> No.9834627

It's two unrelated things. Some games had their flashes removed; but for the colours they just chose a bad palette.

>> No.9834632

i regret transferring all my wii VC games to the wii u

what a slow ass piece of no game dogshit the wii u was