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File: 37 KB, 400x308, sega-saturn-splash-screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
982849 No.982849 [Reply] [Original]

Tomorrow I'm buying a sega saturn! I already plan on buying an action replay and doing an s-video mod. Anything else Saturn related I should know about?

>> No.982852

Get a modchip. A lot of the games can be expensive.

>> No.982856
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For $40 I'm getting the saturn, 1 3d controller, 3 regular mk2 saturn controllers, cables, and a multi tap port. Also Datona USA. I'm going to host a bomberman party; 10 player mayhem.

I plan on doing that too. From what I hear disc swapping kills the motor, but im going to try that out first

>> No.982872

>s-video mod
People do this? Is the original cable rare? I have several Saturns and they each have their own Sega OEM S-video cables. I don't remember having trouble finding them, and that was only 10 years ago.

>> No.982875
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Well they're ~$30 with shipping now. I can easily make a 6 foot cable for under $5

What should I look for when I go to pick up this console?

>> No.982882

Also for japan only games you can burn discs if you want.

>> No.982894
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that's what I was planning on doing. How long does it take for the motor to die out from swapping?

>> No.982902

I don't think it's so much that it burns out like the Dreamcast is supposed to, but the repeated jerking of the spindle when you swap the disc can damage it.

>> No.982908

>From what I hear disc swapping kills the motor
It does. I'd definitely recommend against it

>> No.982937

Never bump the thing, the discs scratch very easily!

>> No.982950

What games are you planning to get?

I recommend Powerslave and Duke3D. They're the same game as the PC versions but with a new full 3D engine (showing that the saturn can have smooth good looking 3D with dynamic light effects if the developers knew what they were doing).

Also the port of Resident Evil is the best classic version of that game IMO especially due to its exclusive Battle Mode which is a lot of fun you can kill a zombified version of Wesker

If you like survival horror, Enemy Zero is one of the most hardcore survival horror I know (it was only ever released on saturn and PC). Deep Fear is also a Saturn exclusive Resident Evil clone with awful voice acting that's decent (not released in NTSC U though; but it almost got released so a NTSC-U version can be found on the internet).

The saturn version of D and Rayman are probably the best console versions of those games; and if you like FMV games like D I've played a game called Torico that's pretty good.

and of course get Guardian Heroes, saturn exclusive, considered b many as one of the best 2D beat-em ups ever. Lot's of multiple paths in it.

>> No.982995

>don't think it's so much that it burns out like the Dreamcast is supposed to,
I just bought a Dreamcast, could you tell me more about this? I tried disc-swapping with an Action Replay and the disc will stop spinning on its' own, so the spindle jerking you mentioned with the Saturn swap should not be a problem. Do the Dreamcast drives just have a poor lifespan?

>> No.982998

>How long does it take for the motor to die out from swapping?

Just get a mod chip. I am sure other people aside from Racketboy make them and they are pretty easy to install. Also for the love of god get a 5 in 1 Action Cart. This will save you a lot of money since Japanese Saturn games are usually cheaper than their American or PAL copies.

>> No.983016

Supposedly reading burnt discs wears out the laser or the motor faster, I'm not sure exactly.

>> No.983038


I've heard this, but my DC has been running burnt discs fine for 10 years. YMMV though. Still thinkung about doing an internal SD card mod for it though

>> No.983048

>For $40 I'm getting the saturn, 1 3d controller, 3 regular mk2 saturn controllers, cables, and a multi tap port. Also Datona USA
Shit, that's one good as fucking deal

>> No.983149

I had my saturn for a long time since I was a kid. A few years ago I found out about the swap method and it died out in a few months. I have no idea if it was already on its way out or not, all I know is that it died when I started using it.

>> No.983586

You can get an S Video mod on sega-style.com for like $15 the last time I looked.

>> No.983590

Get a mod chip scrub.

>> No.983659

There are people who've been using the swap trick ever since the machine launched and the machines still work.

I've went through 30-40 machines but I've yet to see a single machine that died because the motor was worn out, it was always the laser that was dead (or something that wasn't on the optical board).

>> No.983759

I know! I managed to haggle for the extra controllers. I'm picking it up later tonight.II'll make sure to tell you guys how it goes

>> No.983764
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OK, I'll try swapping first. I'm definitely going to buy a mod chip though. Looks like only 2 are around and they go for 30 bucks. Not too bad but kind of a rip

>> No.983770
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Out of stock!

>> No.984056
File: 84 KB, 510x510, Dark_Savior_SS_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get Dark Savior. You will not regret it. Especially if you're a fan of Landstalker.

>> No.985312

I love Landstalker like it was a love letter written just for me, but I found Dark Savior quite mediocre.

>> No.985435

I picked up the saturn, and it works! I ordered http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sega-Saturn-Svideo-/261248153767 and have the disc swap thing down. All in all I got the cables, saturn, 4 controllers, 3d controller, and that controller expansion for $40

I'm really excited, definitely going to get good at radiant silvergun

>> No.985842

Really? I found Dark Savior to be better in every way. The new combat and capture systems, a more detailed plot featuring multiple parallels, awesome soundtrack and much more replayability.

>> No.985868

Be CAREFUL about using SCART with the Saturn if you're in the US. The pinout is fucked, and I believe there's a voltage line set to what is normally a sync signal. Just do your research before you invest any money in such a setup.

>> No.985912

>and have the disc swap thing down

That's the fastest way to wear out the CD drive.

>> No.986416

Its only temporary while I wait for my mod to arrive

>> No.986510

If you use an official SCART cable (which were released in PAL land only) on a USA or Japanese Saturn, you'll end up using c-sync signal for the RGB selection pin.

It won't damage things... probably, but you are very unlikely to get stable RGB picture because the c-sync doesn't have a stable voltage.

Now, if you get an aftermarket RGB Scart cable designed for US/JP Saturns, chances are those will work in every console, but they will not auto switch like PAL cables in PAL consoles.

HOWEVER some US/JP cables also use "raw sync". DO NOT plug these into a PAL machine; if you do, you'll be feeding 9v into the composite input pin, and this CAN damage your set.

>> No.986534

Did you actually find any for sale around that price point? Because the only one I can find anywhere is the racketboy one, which is going for $75 right now.

My Saturn is coming in the mail today or tomorrow, and once I find out whether it even works or not, I am pretty sure I'm going to want a mod chip so I don't blow my bank on rare games, or burn out the motor with swaps.

>> No.986537


Be careful when collecting. US prices are ridiculous now

I got in to Saturn stuff near the end of high school when I was just saving up money. So around 2008

I got a copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga with some graduation money I had. Was about 140$. Most I ever spent on one game but it was pretty damn good.

Now the game has gone up even more. Just be patient and careful OP.

>> No.986574

I must have missed that, I dont remember it being that high. Fuck racketboy.

I found this one http://www.segastyle.com/store/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=76

for around $40

>> No.986586

Oh, excellent! I couldn't find the Universal V3 in stock anywhere when I looked last week, but it looks like they really have it here, and it's for about the right price too!

I just hope they don't sell out before I'm ready to buy one.

>> No.986608

The racketboy chip is a flimsy piece of shit and even 40$ would be grossly overpriced for one.

The consolegoods v3 chip works on all machines, except Sanyo models. For that, you have to use the EMSIC7-1 (the older consolegoods chip).

>> No.986628

he took that chip off his site. Can I still place an order for one?

>> No.986648

If you mean Consolesgoods, the chips are off the site because Paypal is bitching. They should be still available, just email him.

>> No.986651

Ok, that's what I thought

How much does he sell them for? Under 30?

>> No.986652

Don't remember but it's in british pounds so like a bajillion dollars probably.