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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9822080 No.9822080 [Reply] [Original]

Am I going crazy, or did a lot of people HATE Resident Evil 4 when it first came out?

>> No.9822089

I recall reading a lot of people complaining that RE4 is such a departure.
I still see a lot of people complaining that RE4 is such a departure.

>> No.9822091

RE4 is a great game, but also caused the third person virus...

>> No.9822103

I hate how every RE4 thread for the rest of eternity is going to turn into a pissing match about the shitty woke'd remake. When this game came out, everyone who played it fucking creamed. I was a huge RE 2-3 fan and RE4 was such a massive improvement in everything from control to graphics that you couldn't even try to be upset. It was RE, now with fun combat and better graphics and ridiculously good production values and content. Nobody gave a shit about dumb stuff like "BRO IT'S NOT RE WITHOUT TANK CONTROLS", we were just happy to be playing an RE game that felt good to play and immersed you in a fully 3D rendition of the universe. The beta male contrarian viewpoint of hating RE4 because it was some kind of "depature" from the originals is a recent invention. At the time, it was almost unanimously considered one of the best games ever made. Still is.

>> No.9822120

>Woke'd remake
Have you played it, or are you starting the next generation of contrarian viewpoints? Just instead of "RE4 bad because not RE" it's now "RE4 Remake bad because remake."

>> No.9822131

No, I haven't played it. I would never pay money for that piece of trash; but I've seen enough footage that I can summarize it as being a hollow, soulless husk of the original. Just watch the ending cutscene where Leon tells Ashley she's a stronk womyn and she doesn't even put her arms around him while riding a fucking jet ski, it'll tell you everything you need to know. That's to say nothing of the bullshit retarded redesigns like the BBW regenerator or Salazar turning into a grandmother. Don't even try to defend this shit you clown.

>> No.9822138

Not him but they neutered every single line that dared even slightly poke fun at female characters.
Meanwhile Ada is still as patronizing as the original.

>> No.9822141

Yup you are going crazy. Everybody loved it and it was one of the most fun games of 2005.

>> No.9822159

Then you guys are just the next generation of people getting booty blasted about RE4. Congratulations, you're getting older.

>> No.9822174

You're conflating two entirely unrelated concepts, and you're inventing a demographic rhat didn't exist. As already mentioned, barely anybody said RE4 was bad when it came out; unlike now when plenty of people see RE4R as the turd it is. Moreover, you're comparing a sequel to a remake. Calling a remake a piece of shit when it objectively fails to capture the essense of the work it was built off of is not the same thing as criticizing a new game for the sake of being different. I am so fucking sick of retarded faggots pretending that you can only hate something because it's new and different. RE4 was new and different, and I loved it. The remake is just shit.

>> No.9822175

>woke'd remake.
Stopped reading right there

>> No.9822179

watch out for this badass

>> No.9822180

I remember people being angry the Ganados weren't scary like the zombies and the gore being a downgrade from the PS1 gore, but I've always felt back then they got away with seemingly more violence due to graphic fidellity being lower.

>> No.9822182

You're the one seething about a game you haven't played

>> No.9822184

I thought you stopped reading? lmao

>> No.9822189

The internet was going nuts for it, but every longtime RE fan I knew irl didn't care for it. "Hate" is a strong word, more like "I don't see the big deal."

>> No.9822193

kek, oof. looks like we know who was really seething.

>> No.9822195

Watch Code Veronica not get a remake for a very specific reason.

>> No.9822196
File: 624 KB, 573x800, Foxfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got his ass

>> No.9822202

>TPS controls for handicapped people
>didn't even resemble RE
>story is a joke

>> No.9822204

yeah it got a fair bit of criticism for not letting you strafe or move and aim at the same time even back when it came out

>> No.9822205

>story is a joke
it's actually pretty fun, like watching an 80s action movie. sorry you're a humorless faggot with the tip of your uncle's dick stuck in your colon.

>> No.9822206
File: 670 KB, 710x674, 3DF266BC-1F23-409C-8580-96F526ED1DC7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hasn't played it
>Thinks he needs to pay to play vidya
Worthless opinions. Dis-fucking-carded.

>> No.9822207

I remember hate for the letterboxed aspect ratio and it being a departure from 1-3

>> No.9822209

>he pirates bad games because they're free
low IQ

>> No.9822210

You're going insane, every person on earth loved it and no one ever said anything bad about it.
Yes, I'm serious.

>> No.9822219

I don't mean this sterelized shit, you dumb retard.
>Leon narrowly loses control of a speedboat due to Ada hookshotting her way up a hill in the original game
>Cutscene end with a classic "Women..." joke
Thanks for starting with a youtube video though, free pass to retort with the obvious:

>> No.9822221

Lmao, there it is. I was waiting for some silly son of a bitch to post this /v/ tier nonsense. Get outta here anon you're just being a bamboozler.

>> No.9822236

Not him but you come off as one of those "uh true gamer" types that thinks everything boils down to gameplay and that small aesthetic touches can't have a huge impact on the experience. I don't give a fuck if the new game has "better" graphics or "better" controls, it's missing the attention to detail that made the original great. Like the other anon said about Ashley holding Leon during the jet ski end scene -- even if you remove the /pol/ element, it's fucking retarded that she'd be riding a jet ski while not even holding onto someone; especially the guy who just saved her life, that she flirted with. This boils down to both a compromise of artistry for political purposes, and also a failure to consider how this scene should be portrayed to achieve believability; in essence, a lack of talent and passion.

>> No.9822239

you didn't play it

>> No.9822242

you're here just to start slap fights, anon. Did you come from /v/? You sure act like it.

>> No.9822243 [DELETED] 

fuck off, phonefaggot zoomoid. demake4 is neutered dog shit

>> No.9822251

>smelly chodeling that cries about /v/ can't provide a coherent counter-argument to a completely reasonable reply
Every time.

>> No.9822254
File: 60 KB, 585x480, 00FD7C33-6C81-4574-BD8D-00CCD7480D04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They removed the some cheesy lines like "Ballistics", "Women...", "No thanks, bro!" and "Your right had comes off?", but hammed up the quipiness to where Leon throws around a few hammy remarks during gameplay every now and then, like "You see that??" after suplexing an enemy, while it's a full-on schlockfest during boss fights with Krauser and Sallazar you'd think you were playing Code Veronia. Ada's a bit colder towards Leon this time around yet still flirts with him a bit as does Ashley. These poser /v/nigger tourists don't play games so don't take whoever uses the word "woke" unironically.

>> No.9822264 [DELETED] 

>"cheesy lines"
>completely and transparently removing """problematic""" dialogue for the sake of political correctness
>yeah but bro they added more cheesy lines like when based Leon does a suplex and says "You see that??" haha see it's just as cheesy bro, it's just a different interpretation bro haha
please at least consider killing yourself.

>> No.9822270
File: 34 KB, 197x180, 2D408C64-D53B-4DD3-9D80-8DA897E47765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"This game BLOWS!"
>Have you played it?
>"No, but I watched it on Youtube."
>Then why should we take you seriously?
>You at this very moment

>> No.9822274

You're the one who got belligerent and defensive. No one is talking about /v/ except for you.

>> No.9822275 [DELETED] 

Take your "L" it to /v/, culture warrior.

>> No.9822281

>you have to play a game to know if it sucks
is this how you figured out you weren't gay?

>> No.9822286 [DELETED] 

Would you mind taking your friend >>9822236 with you too? I don't know who this /pol/ guy is, but maybe you both can work it out over there on /b/ 2.0

>> No.9822291 [DELETED] 

awkward comeback

>> No.9822295 [DELETED] 

If it helps, I'll make a thread over there just for you and him. You two will feel right at home, I promise.

>> No.9822296
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There's a longer version that covers all scenarios.

>> No.9822308

You're a nutjob, it was an insanely popular game and one of Capcom's all time best sellers. Even the contrarians that pretend the old shitty controls and fixed camera angles were better hadn't festered yet.

>> No.9822325

Everywhere you went people thought it was amazing. The only people who were upset were fans of the original and even then it was just a niche of those fans.

>> No.9822331

no, they sucked it off. hell, they even praised the QTEs.

>> No.9822397

/vr/ stands for vidya revisionism
>No bro RE4 was hated when it released
>no bro everyone liked MGS 2 when it released
>no bro Mario Sunshine was well received by all fans
>no bro FFVIII was unanimously well received by the fanbase
>No bro Sonic was never good
and so on

>> No.9822403

No that was 5. For some reason 4 got a pass for being action orientated.

>> No.9822414

>>no bro everyone liked MGS 2 when it released
This one is unironically true though. Even people bitching about Raiden still liked the game. The hype was unreal and for years it was the prime example of what a next gen game was.

>> No.9822416

5 is just 4 with streamlining and half as much soul. also the locales and general theme are boring as fuck and having the nigress with you every second robs the game of the same moments of solitutde that RE4 had. RE5 does not have one single moment that evokes the feeling of playing 4 and finding the fish in the bottom of the sewer. people didn't give 4 a pass, it was just a better game.

>> No.9822417

We had 6 old style games before 4 was released. It was a welcome change.

>> No.9822419

No it didn't. Why do people parrot stuff like this? Third person was completely standard for 3D gaming since 1995 unless you ONLY played RE and Quake.

>> No.9822426

>people didn't give 4 a pass
They did because my comment had nothing to do with quality but how it became action orientated. While a small minority complained about 4 not being survival horror anymore, that was the main complaint with 5 and its even common for people to blame 5 for the departure from the survival horror roots of the series.

>> No.9822427

Pretty sure he means the over the shoulder braindead dudebro shooters that have plagued the industry ever since RE4 came out.

>> No.9822429

Yeah I don't think it's incorrect to say that after the success of 4 a specific type of 3rd person shooter became standard

>> No.9822431

I specifically remember when 5 was coming out Capcom lied and said it was going to return to it's roots. Then they quadrupled down on the action stuff with no substance at all.

>> No.9822434

The guy who made Gears of War said RE4 specifically influenced him to make it.

>> No.9822436

Yes the reason why 5 doesn't get a pass is probably because it's not that great. While people said it was decent at the time it is not even in the same league as 4 and aged terribly. It probably needed a remake more than 4 but then it's so uninteresting that I hope they don't even bother

>> No.9822446

>They did because my comment had nothing to do with quality but how it became action orientated
I know what you meant, you're just wrong.
>Yes the reason why 5 doesn't get a pass is probably because it's not that great
Then you admit it here.

>> No.9822453

What? My point was that 4 gets a pass for being action orientated but not 5. I have no idea what you're trying to argue against.

>> No.9822459

4 at least made an effort to have some cool designs and great atmosphere. I genuinely don't remember anything from 5 other than the leech boss from 0 makes an appearance, there were zombies with guns and they readded the lickers for no reason other than fan service. It felt completely indistinguishable from the other schlocky dudebro shooters of the era where as 4 had tons of memorable things about it.

>> No.9822523 [DELETED] 

You're not crazy. RE4 sucked so bad, that RE classic fans left the series. Only zoomers & groomers love RE4.

>> No.9822528

You're crazy

>> No.9822531

It is full spectrum Conspiracy of Ugliness censorship plain and simple. It's not only about removing sexual tension between the characters by eliminating all flirtatious banter and making Ashley wear a jacket for half the game. It's the philosophy of deadening 'realism' where everything has to be flat and dull for no good reason. Like Salazar isn't a midget anymore. Why? I unno. The chief guy who's the boss of the village area had a moment where Ada shoots him through a window and he blindly crashes through it with a football tackle. Now he just stares contemplatively at her path of retreat. No reason for it except removing anything fun or exciting.

>> No.9822537 [DELETED] 

why post such a vile lie?

>> No.9822545

Hold the fuck on...RE4 Remake is woke? This is news to me. I need more details!

>> No.9822548

>a specific type of 3rd person shooter became standard
as bad as the stop and pop cover era was people really have a rosey view of the average lock on shitfest that was the norm before then. stuff like max payne and socom were the exception.

>> No.9822549 [DELETED] 

It's not a lie groomer.

>> No.9822553

Also untrue. RE4 isn't a cover shooter. Unless you literally think the shooter genre was Dead Space after RE4 then you're wrong. Third person shooters were very common before RE4.

Cliffy B cited several games, in reality it's obvious that RE4 didn't influence Gears much as much as the other games. Gears plays nothing like RE4, but it does play a lot like Kill Switch.

>> No.9822554

The fans of the original RE werent that happy with it for obvious reasons. When the COD-kiddies found about the game and more and more fo them came in it looked like it was very beloved. Just not by the OG fanbase

>> No.9822556

This and being a Game Cube exclusive

>> No.9822558

The undercurrent here is just how big of sheep a lot of people were for video game magazine takes as opposed to the internet. MGS2 comes out? 9s and 10s everywhere. The very next month, mailbag references making allusions to how girly and horrible Raiden was and nobody liked him and how the game would've been better without him. Same for FFVIII, 9s everywhere, within no time at all, consumer consensus was proven to diverge so mags started acting like it sucked all along.

As for RE4, which I'm guessing a bunch of people itt are basing almost entirely on reviews--yeah, near universal praise there. But there was absolutely a section of the fanbase online at the time, double-pronged. One side, old-style RE fans not happy with the new direction of the series, moving away from the horror. On the other side, "gun game" enthusiasts seeing RE4 as a "gun game" that didn't have dual stick controls. I'm guessing even /vr/ has its share of underages, especially for a series as wide-known as RE, who aren't aware that whatever they pull up on Metacritic isn't the actual gist of what everyone back then was saying, especially considering RE4 released well into the era of internet forums with outspoken opinions that they probably weren't alive yet to have seen for themselves.

>> No.9822564

RE4's Gamecube exclusivity led to some jadedness on the part of oldtime Playstations fans in the PRE-RELEASE era, but the intention to port it to PS2 was actually announced BEFORE it even came out on Gamecube. A bunch of people, Nintendo fanboys mostly, derided Capcom for "neutering sales" (of the Gamecube console itself) by doing it this way.

>> No.9822565

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.9822568

One thing memorable about 4 was the selection of guns. It had weird shit like the Red 9 and the Terminator 1 pistol as the Killer 7. The bolt action rifle was pretty plain but everyone remembered its cool reloading animation. Same for the revolver.
5's selection was practically the 2009 military shooter starter pack. I can't remember a single one besides the neat little 3 barreled sawed off. How do you set a game in Africa and not include an elephant rifle or one of those huge double barreled pistols they carried in Victorian times in case of lion attacks?

>> No.9822569

Bruh, you are autistic right?

>> No.9822571

No. You're wrong and any stupid claim that RE4 was a bad game or "ruined gaming" is retarded. You're wrong.

>> No.9822576

>a section of the fanbase online(2005)
so extremely distorted from the average fan

>> No.9822584

Forums in 2005 were 99.999% praise of RE4 with one contrarian who obsessed over the old trilogy writing a bible against the game in every RE4 thread.

>> No.9822585
File: 590 KB, 1360x768, kaede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It had weird shit like the Red 9 and the Terminator 1 pistol as the Killer 7.
It's literally Kaede's exact gun from the game that it's named after. And the Red 9 is a Mauser, it's a fairly well known gun. The name comes from the fact that a lot of actual examples of the gun would have a literal "9" engraved in red on it so that people knew to use 9mm ammunition for it.

>the average fan from 2005 is extremely distorted from 2005
so you obviously don't know what the internet was for or just how ubiquitous and popular the internet was by 2005, further proving my claim of how underage you are

>> No.9822609

>When the COD-kiddies
COD-kiddies weren't a thing till the late 2000's. The game was beloved the moment it came out.

>> No.9822615
File: 208 KB, 1280x688, Terminator Hardballer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, the Killer7 is based on Arnie's pistol from T1 right down to the huge antique laser sight.

>> No.9822618

cod kiddies were a thing very shortly after cod came out and infested the gaming scene

>> No.9822631

Was this stupid comment supposed to mean something? The post >>9822609 deflates your point just the same.

>> No.9822641

COD-kiddies became a thing with COD4 (but mainly MW2) with consoles getting a COD game. The first COD game was only on PC and the main PC FPS demographic was playing the first 2 CODs.

>> No.9822646

I mean, you could argue that Kaede's gun was inspired by it, but to think the gun literally named Killer7 wasn't based off the nearly identical gun in the game named Killer 7 (that Mikami worked on), you'd have to be mad.

And as for all this talk about CoD kiddies? They were there, even CoD wasn't big yet. Dudes who liked guns and played video games were very much a thing. I remember a friend who wrote RE4 off wholesale when he found out the shotgun reload animation only used two rounds no matter what your ammunition was. People demanding more realism with how guns were portrayed in video games were very, very much a thing by 2005. I mean, CS 1.6 had drawn those people in for years by then. And I don't know if many people realize just how big CoD was getting leading UP TO CoD4 which is what led to CoD4 being as big as it was. I don't think people get just how open and non-sectional the gaming fanbase as a whole was back then. The reason a lot of games after that timeframe all seemed the same? People were clamoring for it. And that's why, even in 2005, RE4 DID get its fare share of criticism far and wide, for having largely unrealistic gunplay. Before you (You) me bear in mind I was actually there and actually knew people in the gaming community, I'm not just some fanboy chomping at the bit to go all ree and say "no you're wrong" for deflating the narrative you grew up with from gaming magazines and reviews. Like, hell. People think the remakes have "paid reviews"? There's a pretty strong case for that happening in 2005 considering I'm the ONLY person in my friend group who got caught up in the hype for RE4 and literally nobody else I knew in high school back when it came out thought it was a big deal. Reexamine how old both the gaming medium as a whole and the concept of games journalism was by 2005. It wasn't as infantile as you might assume from not having been there.

>> No.9822648

There were maybe some early salty classictards around from the very start, but most people were sick of the classic formula by then and thought tank controls with fixed camera angles was woefully outdated and generally RE4 was considered an an amazing groundbreaking must play game that was extremely influential in the design of subsequent TPS games. Even the "press L+R to not die" QTEs were praised at the time for giving you something to do during cutscenes.

>> No.9822652

That's sorta not true, actually. CoD2's biggest fanbase was the 360 players, because CoD2 was literally the only reason to get a 360 over the OG Xbox. There might have been more people on PC who bought CoD2, I honestly don't know, but I doubt that, I think it was 360. But there's no doubt that 360 was where the vocal, committed fans were.

Either way RE4 had nothing to do with whatever boogieman that guy is trying to conjure and has nothing to do with CoD.

>> No.9822657

COD 2 was definitely more popular on PC. The main game people were playing on 360 launch was Perfect Dark Zero. But even then those that were playing COD 2 weren't "COD-Kiddies".

>> No.9822659

>The main game people were playing on 360 launch was Perfect Dark Zero
No it wasn't and you weren't there. The main game for 360 in its first year was CoD2. Like, in a very much no, ifs, ands, or buts manner.

>> No.9822661

I was there, and I was playing COD 2 on PC before the 360 was even out.

>> No.9822662

Like Medal of Honor was very, very big with PC gaming enthusiasts and it was helping shape informed opinions on how people wanted to see gun-based games play out in the future, and THEN CoD ended up taking the throne. It isn't as cut-and-dry as "oh yeah and then CoD showed up and changed everything and gaming as we know it." It was a bit of a tug-of-war for a while. Point being, there had long been a mainstream audience carved out for "gun games" by the time RE4 came out, and plenty of people derided RE4 for being unrealistic with its guns even when it first came out. Ironically the poster earlier who called out RE5 for having the "standard loadout" for guns or w/e is probably failing to take into the count the very reason they did that, which is also part of the reason it was the best selling RE game ever when it came out.

>> No.9822663

So you weren't there, is what you're saying. CoD2 was what everyone who bought a 360 at launch bought. Do you think that the reason CoD4 sold best on 360 was just "because"? When I went to go buy a Wii on launch day, people were camping out in front of the store all of the people who talked about shooter games brought up CoD2. On 360. This was after CoD3 had launched and 360 players were still just talking about CoD2.

>> No.9822674

COD4 was a hit because it changed FPS multiplayer gaming with addicting carrot on the stick gameplay with constant XP leveling. Most COD4 players had never played a COD game before, and thus COD-kiddies were became a thing. Also 360 got popular over the years not because of COD2, but Gears of War and the upcoming Halo 3. COD2 was definitely popular, but the multiplayer aspect on 360 was not as popular as PDZ, GoW, Halo 3. And shit, when COD3 came out I remember me and my dad being disappointed it wasn't on PC.

>> No.9822680

>COD4 was a hit because it changed FPS multiplayer gaming with addicting carrot on the stick gameplay with constant XP leveling.
No it wasn't. It was popular because everybody was hyped after the first two games, except in the case of 360 players (the people who bought more copies of CoD4) it was really just CoD2, which was overwhelmingly the most popular and influence 360 launch title.
>Also 360 got popular over the years etc etc
You can stop right there, that isn't a relevant argument and has nothing to do with anything. CoD2 was, at its core, most popular on 360 as opposed to other platforms. That's where the real fanbase was who ended up sticking with the series the most. That's the argument.
>And shit, when COD3 came out I remember me and my dad being disappointed it wasn't on PC.

>> No.9822721

COD Kiddies were a thing because of COD4 and beyond. The sales numbers over doubled with COD4s release and doubled again with MW2. This doubling of players is why this phenomena of COD kiddies became a thing, and the casualized gameplay with carrot on the stick mechanics are why FPS fans often shit on it. Luckily we got COD 4 pro mod on PC to make it more competitive. We are arguing what version of COD 2 had a higher multiplayer population which is irrelevant to COD kiddies. However I do remember PDZ being more popular online even though we don't have concrete numbers. But here is this to prove that PDZ was popular: https://web.archive.org/web/20060103084049/http://bestof.ign.com/2005/xbox360/13.html

And this: https://web.archive.org/web/20060103081803/http://bestof.ign.com/2005/xbox360/2.html
>Other than its underwhelming online functionality, COD2 is your one must-have Xbox 360 game.

>> No.9822740

Much of it was sour grapes that RE4 came out on the kiddie cube first and was optimized for it. The PS2 port runs like trash, the original PC port is an abomination, and it was never on Xbox until the 7th gen. Lots of pants shttting by the Sweet Home in the Dark crew that it wasn't a real resident evil game as they retreated into the impotent elitism of the Japanese Outbreak servers.

Time has passed the ports have been cleaned up, and we got the HD project on PC. The game is as imminently playable today as it was when it released, so its always going to be a target and make people seethe that it is an accessible, well made game that won't go away no matter how many bullet points are in their argument.

>> No.9822743

>The PS2 port runs like trash, the original PC port is an abomination
The PC port is better than the PS2 version.

>> No.9822750

The GC fanbse was far more bootyblasted that it got a PS2 port, especially when the PS2 port had more content AND their announcement of said port came before the GC version even came out, so there weren't people buying Gamecubes just to play RE4.

>> No.9822757

I think you're really reaching with all of those if you're not trolling. Ashley comes on hard to Leon throughout the whole game and yeah Leon's final line is kind of faggy but as far as modern sensibilities go that particular portion of dialogue is extremely tame. The gratuitous f-bombs and Leon angst as opposed to his determined but wisecracking self is the worst of the changes they made imo but even taking full exception to the dialogue and script changes the game that's there is a solidly worthy reimagining of the original.

>> No.9822759

PS2 version is the worst version of the game, though. Also nah, nobody was under any delusion that RE4 would remain exclusive by that point, Capcom had already ported everything else.

>> No.9822763

You've completely lost it

>> No.9822765

I can totally see why people would hate RE4 when it came out. The game when from survival to action game, the plagas arent as creepy as the zombies, and the game is way easier. Probably the only thing contrarians really liked at launch was getting rid of all the unnecessary backtracking the original trilogy had.

>> No.9822769

>PS2 version is the worst version of the game, though
It's the only release window version with all its content (Separate Ways), so no. While online communities tried VERY HARD to push the narrative that the GC version was definitive and the PS2 version was a meme-able joke--literal memes, about how the slowdown was "action timing" and making comparisons to The Matrix or whatever (and to think people believe there are "forced memes" NOW)--,and all the stuff about Shinji Mikami being betrayed and not being attached to it (again, while seemingly elusive knowledge to someone who's trying to insert themselves into the scenario after-the-fact, was READILY available knowledge in 2005, most people just didn't care)-- more people played it on PS2 regardless, with the ultimately sound argument that more content outweighed worse performance. I'm coming in this thread as someone who played it on Gamecube as a devout fan in 2005 with access and awareness of what both my peer group and online communities at the time were saying. Like yeah, you can comb a bunch of Metacritic reviews and say "okay obviously everyone loved this game on release and OP is crazy," but to have interactions with people in real life, both online and in-person about this game WHEN it came out, which you seemingly can't do? It was divisive. Like I said in another post, if you go by reviews? Yeah, universally liked. But again, you can say that about games like MGS2, FFVIII, games that within months if not A month had consensus shift in publications based on actual consumer response. And if we're being real here? This was a time in games where as long as you had good enough graphics and cutscenes that made you feel enough like you were really watching a movie, you were pretty much guaranteed a 9-10.

>> No.9822776 [DELETED] 

>no ashley upskirts
>no ballistics
>ashley 0.0125% less useless

>still gratuitous ada ass shots
Just your average coomer seething desu

>> No.9822782


i played the pirated PS2 version of the game because A. who the fucks gets a gamecube over a PS2 when GTA games were at the top of the world and B.the PC port came 2 years later and was full of bugs and downgrades even worse than the PS2
the game runs fine, and never had slowdowns besides some QTEs and FMV
also the PS2 controller feels better to play and had more buttons

>> No.9822784

>It's the only release window version with all its content (Separate Ways), so no.
So yes, it's the worst version. Separate Ways is the most forgettable aspect of RE4 and any of the PS2's issues singularly negates such a minor addition. The fact that the PS2 version's sound is the only way to experience how it feels to play RE4 while underwater is not a plus.

The rest of your post is pretty generic revisionism. I'm sure you had some Melee competitive group that had a few echochamber nonsense about the game, but nah the majority of people didn't give a fuck about what console it was on. They did care that RE4 was worse on PS2 once they actually got to play it.

>> No.9822785

>Like Salazar isn't a midget anymore.
>Why? I unno.
Because he is...?

>> No.9822786

There isn't a single downgrade or bug in the PC version as compared to the PS2 version. Once again, the PC version is better than the PS2 version. All of the flaws with the PC version are just from it being based on the PS2 version, but it has no additional downgrades.

>> No.9822791



>The game was released for the Nintendo GameCube on January 11, 2005, and despite originally being exclusive to that system, it was ported to PlayStation 2 on October 25 the same year. A PC port of the game was outsourced to SourceNext and was released on May 15, 2007, however, it was based off the inferior PlayStation 2 port rather than the superior GameCube version, with even more problems than the former.[1] The PC version initially shipped with none of the game's original lighting, lower quality textures, inferior pre-rendered FMV videos than the PlayStation 2 version, and introduced bugs and crashes that were not present in the previous console versions. Despite being released on PC, the game does not support mouse controls whatsoever, and in-game button prompts only references generic button numbers rather than actual keys from the keyboard or standard console controllers. A patch was eventually released to address the technical issues and the poor visual downgrades. In response to the poor state the 2007 PC version was released in, Capcom hired QLOC to develop another PC port, which was released through Steam in 2014 as the Ultimate HD Edition.

this is the /vr/ board, stop talking about a game about their current ports, and not the original ports when the game was new

>> No.9822795

>hmm gee how do I fit in on /vr/ without actually knowing dick squat
>I'll cry MUH REVISIONISM at anything that doesn't fit my narrative
Yeah because which version was "worse" totally mattered to people who only had one console or the other, or they totally had both and were willing to spend an extra 50 dosh on a copy of the same game just to play on the other console just to say "hah I told you so" and validate your argument almost 20 whole years later. Shut the fuck up, kid, don't talk to me.

>> No.9822796

>The PC version initially shipped with none of the game's original lighting, lower quality textures, inferior pre-rendered FMV videos than the PlayStation 2 version
No it didn't. Why does this misinformation keep getting parroted to this day?

Hey dumbass, there was a pirated version of the game that had problems. The actual version of the game you'd buy in a store was version 1.1.

>> No.9822798

I didn't say anything of the sort and you're clearly upset over something.

>> No.9822801


>No it didn't. Why does this misinformation keep getting parroted to this day?


maybe because you are a fucking faggot that cant google longer than 2 minutes
enjoy a 1hr video of people ripping off the 2007 pc port, dumbass

>> No.9822802
File: 29 KB, 1200x233, Ee9_trZWkAEWYIp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9822805
File: 187 KB, 1280x1024, Resident Evil 4_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO that's not what the PC version looks like.

>> No.9822812

I'm sure some people complained that it was too big of a change, but it would be pretty hard to put your hands on this game and not think it's amazing.

>> No.9822829

These threads always launch off in some misguided direction and end up going off on some tangent about whether or not the survival horror format was considered outdated after RE4 came out. The truth is, it was considered outdated BEFORE it came out. Were there people who were upset RE4 took a drastic turn in this direction? Absolutely. But were any of them SURPRISED? Fuck no. The average mainstream gamer was glad that it took steps to be less punishing to unfamiliar players and have less backtracking, and the people who would've preferred it stay the same? They were nonetheless shocked that it changed. That said, there were plenty of people who said, if you're going to go "gun game," go all the way "gun game," which is why it DID get flak for lacking the ability to strafe or have dual stick controls, or let you move and aim at the same time. These are the reasons RE4 was criticized upon release. None of this, "ohh they moved away from survival horror." Absolutely nobody was surprised they did that. CV and Zero made it patently obvious Capcom was out of ideas there. And all the, "no, everybody, EVERYBODY loved it, nobody criticized it except for weirdos, even my mom likes this game" shit? Probably late millennials who weren't old enough to have gamer friend groups or browse the web and only know what game magazines told them.

>> No.9822903

They took out all the good fun aspects of RE4. For example looking up Ashley's skirt...GONE. Salazar being a midget...GONE! The fun flirtatious convos...GONE! This remake got FUCKED by the cancer that is WOKEISM!

>> No.9822919

Sounds like old millennials were casuals bitches like they still are today.

>> No.9823053

I remember my school friends who played RE1-3 and didn't like it really like 4 and played through it several times. I liked it fine, but part of me missed some of the older RE aspects, like not being able to kill every enemy and having to manage your ammo and life, which led to more tension than RE4. I get that by reducing resource management to a room by room basis and forcing the player to kill everything you prevent them from soft locking themselves three hours into the game, but still.

Don't get me wrong, I still played it quite a bit, but I also played RE: Outbreak for entirely different reasons despite both games being REs. RE4 was more fun as an action game than anything else.

>> No.9823149
File: 716 KB, 1920x1080, Elyu3LKU4AE-Yf7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE was divisive upon release. I bought it anyway a few weeks after. Ended up hating it too. In retrospective the game was only made so shinji mikami could buy a ferrari.

>> No.9823168

Hate is a big word, people let down by the campy atmosphere simply didn't play the game and went on with life, or played silent hill and project zero/fatal frame.
I personally liked it a lot but keep in mind my first RE was code veronica.
The series was always evil dead-tier horror to me.

>> No.9823181 [DELETED] 

>even admits they censored it
just your typical virgin apologizing

>> No.9823341

>not being able to kill every enemy

Wasn't there some image around where somebody had added up all the available ammo vs enemies and concluded that in each game you had more than enough ammo to smoke every monster?

>> No.9823342
File: 39 KB, 720x360, wxULxAn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9823372

Sorry, classic-schiz, it was a smash hit and just about everyone loved it even though and BECAUSE it was different. There were 6 RE1 style games that were barely distinct from each other (including a remake) at that point and enough was enough.

>> No.9823384

The remake is shit

>inb4 seething
They hated him because he told the truth

>> No.9823385

You literally need to pay to play nuRE4 at the time of this post. It hasn't been cracked yet.
Am I seriously seeing someone defend the 2007 PC version? I'm getting too old for 4chan and this rampant contrarianism and you-fishing, or we're truly getting some shortbus riders now. Christ almighty.

>> No.9823387

RE4 haters are the same contrarians who pretend REmake or Code Veronica (two garbage games) are the peak of the series

>> No.9823390

I guess one could play it for free on PS4 but
>getting a cracked or crackable PS4 now
Not gonna be worth it for a lot of people.

>> No.9823395

>6 barely different games with countless clones built around shitty hardware limitations
>new and fun
What monsters and traitors Capcom were to shake things up, I tell ya.

>> No.9823398

>Silent Hill
was dead by then and there was never another proper Japanese sequel. SH4 was far more objectively and critically mixed in quality than RE4.

>> No.9823439

I still wanna play it. What else are we gonna play?

>> No.9823452

>Am I going crazy, or did a lot of people HATE Resident Evil 4 when it first came out?
In general no one gave a fuck about it it was late to the PS2 which was already aging and theXbox 360 was releasing and that's where the focus was. They had milked resident evil had with dead aim and outbreak and it was done. The fact that RS4 was late to port to a platform anyone owned and only did so the same year that the 360 hit shelves really made it a non event.
>RE4 is a great game, but also caused the third person virus...
Absolute bullshit fake history right there e.g duke nukem time to kill was third person as were many other titles and it was out in 1998 seven years before RE4. Stop echoing the really woeful state of gaming journalism and commentary spouted by people who were not even alive at the time. This board is a pile of absolute cunts shilling dead failed console fanboy crap and lies to each other. Pile of cancer.

>> No.9823463

>moving away from the horror.
Remake went far harder on the horror side than the original did

>> No.9823470

is anyone going to talk about how shit the gameplay is

>> No.9823497
File: 297 KB, 977x900, yeah ps2 was totally ded bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one cared about RE4
I hate this board so much imagine believing this lmao. Buddy. The GameCube was behind but not THAT behind, and the 6th gen had a lot of life left in 2005 and even 2006. Remember a little game called Guitar Hero? RE4 came out the same year (2005) on PS2, and the PS2 was still kicking and the default console for everyone til mid 2007. Hardly anyone bought or had a reason to buy a 360 for quite awhile after its release.

>> No.9823505
File: 104 KB, 912x1024, 1679645894432133m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason for that is because the RE4 remake has received one of the largest and most blatant shilling campaigns ever. This is naturally going to result in a backlash seeing as most people don't like being lied to. There is going to be a lot of negative energy surrounding these games for years because of this shilling.

>> No.9823531

>Posts youtube video
>Pretends someone else's evidence doesn't count
All the women in your lineage are whores and your dad takes it up the ass.

>> No.9823536

Hi Crowbcat.

>> No.9823545

REfags were mad because it played nothing like Resident Evil
Sonytards were mad because it was a GC exclusive

So yeah

>> No.9823550

I was fucking there at the time, pretty much every single positive review started off with one or two paragraphs about how god awful every earlier RE game had been because of their controls and that this was the first good game in the series ever.

THOSE were the people that liked it. Existing fans of the earlier games did not like the new direction.

>> No.9823590 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 632x992, 1612458532279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not crazy. The classic RE fans hate it, because 1) no zombies. 2) it was an arcade style action game, not survival horror. 3) QTE's. 4) it's not a real RE game. 5) it led to bad sequels.

The hate had nothing to do with the change of gameplay, that was made up by the nuREfags who never played the original games & just trash on it because they suck at those games. Funny thing, without the success of those previous entries there would be no RE4.

The only positive thing I can say about the original RE4 is that it's not ruined by wokeism, unlike REmake 4. I do not recommend REmake 4, stick to the original RE4. The Woke Cult hate the classic RE4 because you can see up Ashley's skirt, they call you a "coomer".

They praised the remake for removing this because the Woke Cult are groomers who don't want grown women in video games sexualized, while praising movies like Cuties for sexualizing children.

>> No.9823871

As a fan of old and new and being there, it was a welcome change. 6 classic games that were basically the same were e-fucking-nough. I, and most people who weren't psychopaths, weren't aghast with the genre shift and just appreciated getting another quality horror themed title with fresh gameplay. You can be a fan of classic RE and still like new shit.

>> No.9823879

>Remake is great and improves on the original in every possible way
>Shill campaign

This is the board contrarians go to die on

>> No.9823887

yes. even though it got sucked off by pretty much every publication ever, the hardcore RE fans absolutely hated how the game was action based and ditched all the fun creepy horror elements.
but then again Silent Hill sort of came around to filfill that role, so it wasn't the end of the world

>> No.9823904 [DELETED] 

>da hardcore fans
Most RE fans thought it was neat. If your train tier autistically obsessed prerendered item juggling puzzle house sims you might threaten to burn Capcom down but that was a small fraction. Most RE fans had experienced enough of that gameplay through the series and clones. Onimusha kind of expanded on the gameplay more meaningfully anyway.

>> No.9823909

>da hardcore fans
Most RE fans thought it was neat. If you're train tier autistically obsessed with prerendered item juggling puzzle house sims you might have threatened to burn Capcom down but that was a small fraction of fans. Most RE fans had experienced enough of that gameplay through the series and clones. Onimusha kind of expanded on the classic template more meaningfully anyway.

>> No.9823923
File: 518 KB, 375x600, 1677869756613176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there's 100% chance people like you will give them (you)s enough for long threads filled with better good faith arguments

>> No.9823927

>fun creepy horror elements
RE4 still has that with the plaga body gore and whatnot. RE was always supposed to be goofy B-movie horror, and that's why SH had its niche.

>> No.9823956

>Most RE fans thought it was neat
I never said most RE fans. I just said the hardcore ones. You probably were still a sperm in your absentee father's nutsack when this game came out.

>> No.9823957

Eh we hated Raiden, the overbearing amount of cutscenes, and the big shell being a little boring but it was a great game that ended fantastically.

>> No.9823990

>but it was a great game that ended fantastically.
Many didn't like that the game was a rethread of MGS 1, even though that was the point.

>> No.9823992

Sunshine's great it's just unfinished and the unskippable cutscenes and blue coins were ass. I don't see how anyone could really 'hate' it if they like 3D platformers. It looked (water tech WAY above par for several years) and played great overall and FLUDD made it a more nuanced game. It was reviewed and received well outside of those who *really* hated some of the above or couldn't git gud.
FF8 being unanimously well received is definitely questionable. Maybe it was in nipland. It was definitely not as appealing to people here, and more of a critic's darling than an everyman's game. Hated the cards, drawing, GFs, and concepts myself.
Sonic was never good is indeed a cringe take.

>> No.9823993

Maybe but most still enjoyed it overall and wouldn't write it off despite its issues.

>> No.9824018 [DELETED] 


Go back to >>>/v/ please

>> No.9824020 [DELETED] 

This. Use the proper term: Tikkun Olam.

>> No.9824027 [DELETED] 

>The hate had nothing to do with the change of gameplay, that was made up by the nuREfags who never played the original games & just trash on it because they suck at those games.

Holy shit you're right! I never saw one complaint about the gameplay for RE4. The complaints were everything you listed in your post. I think they get so triggered by legit criticism, that they end up making false allegations & blame the hate on those who like REmake. I think it might be one schizo though because he always refers to REmake as "REtrash".

>> No.9824029

>a lot of people HATE
take your meds grandpa

>> No.9824129

>Every complaint about the PC version is wrong, as usual
>"are you seriously defending etc etc"

>> No.9824156

Serious? Gee mister, you just saved me $60!

>> No.9824417

True in everything but the hardest difficult of Dead Aim. You have to be careful with your ammo, but you can afford to miss some and still get the job done. In Dead Aim, if you kill everything it's possible to run out of ammo on the final boss where even perfect shots render it impossible.

But my point is more that ammo is a finite resource, you can run out and softlock your game if you don't manage it. In RE4, the drops are scaled such that if you're low on ammo you get more and you get less when you have a full inventory. Because of how the game is set up, there's never any danger of you literally being out of ammo for the rest of the game because enemies will always drop more for you, plus your knife and combo is far better than your predecessor so it's a viable weapon to kill things without losing life.

Like I said, it makes sense from a gameplay standpoint to have it like that, you don't want someone to realize they just have to redo several hours of progress because they literally don't have the ammo to kill something anymore. But it does reduce the tension no matter how you slice it.

>> No.9824426

RE4 has tank controls you larping retard zoomer

>> No.9824429

I think you're overestimating how many people keep current with their console generations. A lot of people I knew didn't get the next gen console until a year or so into its life, and there were at least a few people who didn't even bother with the generation until very late. For example, out of my close group of friends, only one of us has a PS3 at release, everyone else didn't get one until the slim models started hitting.

>> No.9824471

>FLUDD made it a more nuanced game
I hated this shit. The best levels in the game are the ones where shadow mario steals your fludd and you actually get to platform like mario has done for years. I still think sunshine mario without the pack is the best controlling mario they've ever made

>> No.9824496

You're crazy, it was a smash hit and possibly the GOAT game.

>> No.9824498

I was in highschool at the time and I didn't know anyone with a PS3 at launch. We thought $599 was absurd. The kids at my lunch table made the comparison that you could get a Les Paul Studio for less than that. Which would've held its value much better.
Remember PS3 has no games? I remember.

>> No.9824562 [DELETED] 

Correct. These nuREfags think that RE4 is a perfect. It's not. It's like adding training wheels to a Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle, they think it's an improvement because they don't have to worry about falling. But the real thrill of riding one is without the training wheels & picking up a hot babe while riding one as she grasps you with her arms tightly.

>> No.9824569

You're welcome sir.

>> No.9825141

I picked up a Wii during its first year of release partially because it was hyped to the moon, but also because I didn't have a Gamecube and there was a lot of games I liked on it. I think the guy who got a PS3 early mostly did it for Metal Gear Solid 4 since he was a huge fan. Other than that, I can't remember any real games anyone played on it.

Even when I got one, it was mostly for Armored Core 4 and a couple of RPGs not on other systems that eventually came to PC. It still cost like $200 for an early model PS3 late in its life.

>> No.9825163

>No, I haven't played it
Opinion invalidated.

>> No.9825173

There was a small portion of the fanbase that didn't like it because it obviously steered away from "survival horror". Obviously there were downright haters but I think they were a minority. Overall this game was very much liked by everyone.

>> No.9825192


>> No.9825195

you see that bloom hes aiming at anon that is a literal SOUL
omg this game has literal SOUL I'm creaming my panties

>> No.9825249

i def hungry for it- the fact it was a gc exclusive with r.e.1 remake was such a freak power move by nintendo (r.e2 64 showed how determine they were to get a slice) and a r.e game on a clown console i loved for the few zelda line ups was a trip. it played like a wet dream of r.e horror/ zelda blade play, treasue and item shopping, fishing, save princess with a hint of mgs agent baby. it was fun, you had hectic panic moments and humor. graphically cool even if the prospect of super hi-rez pre-renders still had appeal but just can't go back to humor a weak consoles limitaions- my bro took some convincing to convert then he overtook me with 5 which i couldn't get into but he's a chris fan as he started on r.e1 and me on r.e2.

>> No.9825367 [DELETED] 

That's a good analogy.

>> No.9825390 [DELETED] 

>no way fag

>> No.9825505 [DELETED] 

>mad because less polygonal booba
>calls others virgins
Doesn't even need a response but here's your (You)

>> No.9825541

Kill switch might have come earlier but RE4 popularized it.
For developers kill switch and RE4 might be pretty much equally influential.

>> No.9825893

>implying any RE has an actual good story

>> No.9825910

I didn't hate it but I had already sold my game GameCube prior to its release and I wrote it off because I thought it was just another Resident Evil game, not that Resident Evil (specifically RE2) was bad but I thought a lot of people were just fans of the series and it had gone to shit with Code Veronica so only hangers on would be till interested in it.

>> No.9826168

>Salazar being a midget...GONE! The fun flirtatious convos...GONE! T
Both wrong.

>> No.9826180

>it was a welcome change

Not for fans of the original 3, it wasn't. the fixed camera was a defining part of the unique identity of resident evil even if the developers didn't originally intend it to be. It was something everyone associated with resident evil until 4 came along.

Reason 4 blew up was because there was a giant market for over the shoulder games waiting to be discovered by mouth breathing casual gamers who like it when effects and explosion go off on their screen constantly. Capcom was just ahead of their time and knew where the money was.

Re4 being and action packed game with laser wall jumping, roundhouse kicks, grenade spamming and less horror was what the series would naturally become and was foreshadowed as early as 3 and even more so when code veronica came out. In 3 the game already started to lean more towards the action aspects and code veronica had the semi-fixed cameras.

Re0 didn't do well not because of the fixed camera but rather the bland setting that was more or less of the same, the protagonists were boring, the lack of an item box (or even a better alternative) and the 2 character swapping mechanic that nobody liked.

And lastly outbreak (a great game imo) that had bad reception from journalists pretty much gave capcom the greenlight to do something more drastic to shift the game in a different direction.

>just appreciated getting another quality horror themed title

4 was probably the least scariest game in the series. The bright atmosphere, the action focused gameplay, the corny one liners and quick time events made me forget I was playing a supposed horror game.

>You can be a fan of classic RE and still like new shit.

I don't believe anyone who says they're a real fan when they seemingly first bothered finishing the original 1,2 and 3 games only to turn on them when the fourth one makes a giant change in design philosophy which turns it into something very different from a main line title.

>> No.9826184


To add to that

Fixed camera is such a big part of resident evil that its exclusion automatically prevents it from being one. 4 and sequels should have been a spin off or a different title altogether but its obvious they wanted it to be a main line title to help sales and it worked. Majority of people that liked 4 more than the originals very likely never played all the originals when they came out or just played one of them for a while without finishing it.

>> No.9826196
File: 978 KB, 1848x3280, 1661575831284602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was, is and forever will be hated. NOT a RE game. Forever RUINED RE.

>> No.9826256
File: 3.56 MB, 1830x1394, 1679083378456609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this retarded image again. please fuck off classic shitters

>> No.9826257

I remember people being upset that it was a GameCube exclusive for a time. That's about it.

>> No.9826390

It removed the spanish dude's comment about Ashley's ballistics, and for that it's already inferior.
Buyer's remorse tards need not apply.

>> No.9826408

this image is so old it amazes me people still uses it seriously

>> No.9826436

The fans of the older Resident Evils maybe.
But otherwise hell no it was a smash hit.

>> No.9826453

The series was also on a downward spiral at that point so it was either change things up or croak like Silent Hill did. The novelty of the fixed camera games wore off fast and that fad was long dead and buried by the early 2000s.

>> No.9826515
File: 79 KB, 640x960, 1661577902847548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fact in 2005
fact in 2023
fact in 2030 when you get another shitty rererereremake

>> No.9826538
File: 2.92 MB, 1920x1080, REvgoat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post more images like this

>> No.9826920

Nope, both are gone. Nice try REmake4 shill.

>> No.9826969 [DELETED] 

Very true. The idiots who love RE4, has never played nor finished any of the classic titles including REmake. They think complaing about "tank controls" would be enough evidence to claim they've played the originals. It's not. If they had played any of the originals, they would appreciate it more & "tank controls" aren't even an issue if you knew the basics of playing in a 3D environment. It was as easy to move the characters to the right direction as it was when playing any third person shooters like Splinter Cell or Metal Gear Solid.

>> No.9827179 [DELETED] 

Salazar is still short and Ashley flirts with you the whole game. Anti-remakechuds lost

>> No.9827192 [DELETED] 

Utterly false. No amount of lying is going to change the fact that REmake4 is woke garbage. The fact that you're no longer able to look up Ashley's skirt in Remake4 is proof that the original is better than REmake4.

>> No.9827228
File: 2.85 MB, 400x300, 68919f29d04c476c80ed505d3649bcae.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with the point you making but Metal Gear Solid movement never felt in any way similar to Resident Evil. You have more freedom to move around due to the lack of restriction imposed by tank controls. I don't think Resident Evil would benefit from the same kind of controls as Metal Gear Solid though. Its "magic" comes from mastering the way you manuver your character across the 3D dimensional plane and that feeling of satisfaction is rewarded when you sucessfully learn to evade enemies by paying close attention to their responses and understanding the proximity of their attacks.

>> No.9827230
File: 52 KB, 640x362, resident-evil-4-salazar-original-vs-remake-v0-xbqxkgcfe0w91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think this isn't short then I'd hate to see what kind of a disgusting manlet you are in real life

>> No.9827282 [DELETED] 

>Utterly false. No amount of lying is going to change the fact that REmake4 is woke garbage.

For fucks sake, why are you so stupid?

>> No.9827286 [DELETED] 

>The fact that you're no longer able to look up Ashley's skirt

Are you fucking 12?

>> No.9827561

I liked the remake and nothing about this is cheesy nor funny, just cringe and formulalic. I liked the old Leon better.

>> No.9827872

They might have been a decent number of complaints about the departure from the norm, but I recall it is praised as an excellent game.

I mean the last major release was Code Veronica, which wasnt well received.

Hell, I gave my friend a copy for their birthday because we all loved it.

>> No.9827930

RE4 is in fact more casual than the previous one and there's no doubt that the classic REs did the survival horror way better, but to be fair, the classic concept wouldn't have lasted much longer if they keep doing the same type of game.
And is not like RE4 was a shit game. It did a ton of great of things. The way in they managed to make a fun combat while facing a bunch of enemies (especially good in the village area), the way the game allow you to approach it in different ways depending on the weapons you use, most of the bosses are fun to beat and all of them are unique, over the top characters that were iconic. The game is also very dynamic through its duration, because while there are some meh parts, the game never feels repetitive, there's always something to keep things fresh. It was a great balance between making a franchise more casual but still fun to play

>> No.9827942 [DELETED] 

>Devs added an upskirt joke into the original game for males with normal testosterone levels to enjoy
>Years later this zoomie bitch thinks he has any authority
Fuck off.

>> No.9828017 [DELETED] 

Only PS1fags would find backtracking and having 8 slots as "complex game design".

>> No.9828218 [DELETED] 

>doesn't like sexy women in video games or unwoke video games in general
Groomers detected

>> No.9828717 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 1032x243, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woa here comes the NEW CONSOLE CREW
>remembering locations and inventory management is for oldfags
>railroading and shiny items and explosions for every button press is the new and hip way

>> No.9829502

Not playing this game. Fuck yourself. Luckily no one has any reason to play this version or waste time on your bullshit.

>> No.9829512

Okay psycho.

>> No.9829649

There's literally nothing woke about the remake. It's actually extremely faithful and works really well. Unless you're one of those "culture war" teens coming over from /v/ in which case you're already braindead so there's no use in conversing with you.

>> No.9829653

>duke nukem time to kill
What a weirdly precise game to choose as an example of earlier third person. There were tons more higher profile and earlier games than that.

>> No.9829660

nta its one that stuck with me. ive played much better but for some reason that specific title jumps to mind.

>> No.9829662

There's nothing woke about the 4 remake. The fuck you on about? I swear, modern people on the internet fighting this culture "war" are some of the most pathetic specimens of humanity.

>> No.9829670

I remember it vividly too but it's certainly not the prime example my mind jumps to when I think third person action. Tat'd be Tomb Raider, Syphon Filter, fucking Mario 64 or Zelda even. Christ, Fade to Black would fit the bill more than Duke Nukem as a historical example.

>> No.9829685

settle down bruv i feel ya my crackah

>> No.9829831 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 1024x1024, xi31O3z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who has actually played the remake, it is definitely woke. The woke cultists are defending the remake for the changes it made & call you weird or a coomer for wanting to see up Ashley's skirt or seeing her dressed in sexy form-fitting outfits. Woke cultists have a hate boner for sexy women in video games either because they're gay or they're so brainwashed to the point of dating fat ugly flat-chested hairy women with dyke haircuts, that they don't find traditional sexy women with huge tits hot.

>> No.9829863

This is pretty much how I remember it. The new fans were especially obnoxious towards the older fans/games back then too, telling anyone who was considering trying out the series to "skip the old games because they suck and nobody likes them, thats why they made re4." That was the moment I understood what Final Fantasy fans were talking about with FFVII fans when that first came out before the hype for that finally died down.

>> No.9829986

It has a better story than most of the series.

>> No.9830024

>People demanding more realism with how guns were portrayed in video games were very, very much a thing by 2005. I mean, CS 1.6 had drawn those people in for years by then.
Which is funny because Counter-Strike wasn't ever that realistic about its guns.

>> No.9830768

>Not playing this game
No shit, Sherlock, we already knew when you started lying about how the game is.

>> No.9832128

>tells her she's a strong womyn and doesn't need him
you're a fucking dork lmao. leon turns her down all game, seemingly due to protecting her from the danger of his job/life type of beat. if that's what you took from their ending exchange then god forbid you ever leave your house or get a job. like another anon said, there's nothing even remotely "woke" about the remake and you even using the term "woke" unironically paints a perfect picture of you

>> No.9832585

I have also played the remake and been playing the entire series since the relase of the first game. Anyone who considers the new game woke is an overly sensitive schizo.

>> No.9832608 [DELETED] 

wasnt she like 16 in the original so by all means that was a pretty fuckin weird comment?

>> No.9832612

its fun don't care lmao

>> No.9832618 [DELETED] 

Legal in civilized countries.

>> No.9832626

I'll play it when it's cracked and no sooner.
>tfw some hogwarts slop gets Denuvo figured out but RE4 might take half a year or so

>> No.9832629 [DELETED] 

seek help

>> No.9832648

good, with the way modern games are I'd rather the game gets cracked after inevitable patches and updates

>> No.9832686
File: 990 KB, 3138x1167, dayz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this

>> No.9832753 [DELETED] 

no she was 20

>> No.9832842

can we stop pretending this shitty game was ever good?

>> No.9832845

>rationing ammo
>in RE3

>> No.9832850

Resident Evil was never good, it was mere novelty that only continues to exist because of normalfaggot moviegame 'players'.

>> No.9832860

They even give you a fucking reloading press and components in RE3, lmao.

>> No.9832870

I don't think it did that, but it having QTEs was a big deal when it came out and it really started popping up everywhere after

>> No.9832950

You are wrong it was good when it came out at least the first couple. I don't remember the reaction to the third personally. Like silent hill they were groundbreaking and they were fucking good at the time. Its bullshit like Zelda that was never good.

>> No.9832981

Syphon Filter?
Armored Core?

>> No.9833084

syphon filter was poor man's MGS, wasnt that popular and was clunky
armored core wasnt even popular back then (never was outside of maybe 4answer cause of fromdrone miyazaki cocksuckers) and it took them until 2004 (!) to stop using digital controls and adopt a standard TPS control scheme with 2 analogs
max payne was far more critical in popularising it than any of those

>> No.9833189

Is that voiced by that faggot german pc guy? I can't stand his drawl and constant incorrect information

>> No.9833201

>Still mindbroken by a comparison video

>> No.9833258

That's as may be but there is also a massive shill campaign. Please don't offer opinions on things you know nothing about.
>C-convince me!
Your stupidity is not my problem

>> No.9833262

>We must let people spout retarded nonsense or they win

>> No.9833280

He clearly states in the video that it's the launch version which got patched soon after.

>> No.9833495

You had 6 classic games and countless clones in that style, schizo.

>> No.9833503

Good points.

>> No.9834130

i never had to in RE2 or 1 too,maybe its because i played the directors cut for re1 instead of longbox but RE was never about ammo conservation,the remake of 1 and also 2 did it but yea the originals were never like that.

>> No.9834357

>when it first came out
People still complain that it changed the series

>> No.9834384

There's always been a huge presence of classic re fans with a perfectly justified desire for the roots of the franchise to be more respected.

This has always been at odds with RE4 being genuinely one of best videogames ever made. It's a shame when a franchise changes directions, but some battles aren't made for winning. Doesn't help that they never actually managed to make a sequel as good as it, so no one wound up being happy about things.

>> No.9834603

And it's not even true, heads pop all the time and Leon dies a thousand gruesome deaths if you're not careful.

>> No.9834615

>Yes, Ashley is wearing a skort now and has no reaction for peeking
However, her boob and butt size was increased and you can tell in the regular costume (boobs) and the romantic one (butt).
>Salazar is still a midget
They only changed his old-man looks to be more explicit, however, there is no more mention of him being only 20 years old - instead, he harbors a grudge of being called "Pulgarcito" (thumbling) and "demon child" and projects it onto Leon during the final fight when he's no longer able to keep his composure.
>Flirtatious convos gone
Yes, mostly the overt flirting is gone. There's no flirting from Leon directed at Hunnigan, for example. However, now you get to observe Ashley falling in love with Leon and dropping hint after hint with Leon picking none of them up.

>> No.9834648

>There's no flirting from Leon directed at Hunnigan, for example. However, now you get to observe Ashley falling in love with Leon and dropping hint after hint with Leon picking none of them up.
That just sounds like they lent in on the "muh harmless precious himbo leon" fan stuff. It's a safer kind of sexuality.