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File: 1.28 MB, 800x800, zelda 1 map in zelda 2 overworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9821265 No.9821265 [Reply] [Original]

Post some prominent examples of retro SOVL.

>> No.9821316

Fun fact: Dragon Quest II did the same exact thing.

Both games came out the same month of the same year, only 12 days apart.

>> No.9821330

And Pokémon Gold.

>> No.9821337

not really

>> No.9821341

It's a bit different in the final game but the beta was indeed similar to what Zelda 2 and DQ 2 did.

>> No.9821350

Post pics of your examples, bros.

>> No.9821358

What you don't know is you can actually play a full, tiny version of the first Zelda on that little map of Adventure of Link, you just have to be very careful.

>> No.9821375
File: 1.39 MB, 7810x4608, d4kbtia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9821376
File: 401 KB, 4096x4096, Dragon Warrior 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top left area of the map.

>> No.9821380

You can see Kanto was turned into a single town

>> No.9821391

That one is fucking bizarre looking, I can see why they decided against it in the end.

>> No.9821394
File: 6 KB, 579x522, FHfPv5fXMAISZYh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that corner in super mario rpg where you can turn 8 bit for a moment

>> No.9821407
File: 408 KB, 537x537, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously use to think the map from Super Mario RPG was meant to be in the center of the Super Mario World map. They both have the Bowser mountain and sunken ship.

>> No.9821410

man...imagine if each tile in zelda 2 was a screen from zelda 1. that'd have been massive

>> No.9821419

Yeah, they could have done a bit of a better representation of it with what they had available. Probably wouldn't have been that hard either, and there's plenty of map space for it considering how oversized Death Mountain is in Zelda 2.

>> No.9821740

wtf, it's like a completely different game.

>> No.9821862

So how did Hyrule expand that much between Zelda I & Zelda II considering such a short spawn of time?

>> No.9821902

Is that real? How the fuck did I never see this before. Looks almost like a shitty romhack for RBY

>> No.9821919

If my memory is correct, Zelda II's towns were always there—Zelda I takes place just in the foothills of Death Mountain where Ganon's forces were concentrated, which is why the game is populated exclusively by monsters and old people too stubborn to move out (see: Centralia)
>Why didn't Link just go back to town to rest in-between dungeons
Reaching Saria (the closest town to Death Mountain by a long shot) would require you to traverse three Zelda I overworlds' worth of caves and mountains. Even without this, carrying Triforce pieces around turns you into a walking target, and Link would probably want to keep his home kingdom as safe as possible.

>> No.9821943

this is bait.
the only part of zelda 1 map in zelda 2 is death mountain and graveyard

>> No.9821979
File: 1.25 MB, 800x800, thatsbait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is YOUR post bait? Or are you blind? An ESL that doesn't understand what is being said?

>> No.9821983

Based autistic headcanon

>> No.9822181

dude, this ain't it. no matter how much you try to force it being it, there's NO PROOF OF THAT BEING ZELDA 1'S MAP SHRUNK DOWN what in your retarded fucking mind would make you think it is, did your ecelb say it was? did someone tell you it was?

USE YOUR FUCKING EYES. it's missing EVERYTHING from the original god damn game. nigger

>> No.9822186

don't be a retard, its a clear reference

>> No.9822263

Drooling brainlet alert. You even acknowledged the graveyard and death mountain being in the same place (not to mention the place you get the Hammer in 2 being Spectacle Rock), how exactly would the rest of it not conform to the Zelda 1 map if you admitted to that? Is the location of the lost woods and the lake being the same shape really too much for you to handle?

What's it like having a bottomless pit inside of your skull?

>> No.9822283
File: 639 KB, 1080x1447, nintendopower1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't imagine being such a petty butthurt contrarian about something this obviously intended.

>> No.9822289
File: 607 KB, 1080x1383, nintendopower2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9822297
File: 518 KB, 1080x1382, nintendopower3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(And the rest of the map, because it's sovl)

>> No.9822302
File: 486 KB, 1080x1383, nintendopower4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9822310

tbf besides the two lakes this doesn't really scale at all. i would have never noticed.

>> No.9822320

Don't know how you missed it, the leak of the pre-"Iwata basically rebuilds the whole damn game from scratch" build of Pokémon gen 2 was massive news.

>> No.9822327
File: 475 KB, 1300x1001, map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9822329
File: 155 KB, 3128x2128, ZeldaIIMapOverworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty clearly the intention, even if the will at Nintendo to actually make this section conform perfectly to the original map wasn't all there.

The scale is definitely very fucked up but that's probably because you only come down here to get the hammer from spectacle rock, and smash open a hole into the neighboring rock for a magic container, so both of these had to be big enough for one tile entrances on the overworld.

A good way to tell that this area is intended to be the Zelda 1 area is not only the presence of spectacle rock, the graveyard, lakes, lost woods and death mountain being directly north of it, but also the fact that this is really the only place in Zelda 2 with so many tiny details and neighboring tiles being distinctly different for no discernable gameplay purpose, compared to the rest of the map where most things are just massively oversized (the gigantic graveyard, the gigantic swamps, long fucking roads, etc.)

>> No.9822342
File: 213 KB, 4352x1408, ZeldaOverworldMapQ1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What publication is this from? Looks like a Frankenstein's monster mashup of the two maps that probably missed the point. They added lakes, a graveyard and woods where there were none around spectacle rock.

>> No.9822343

the graveyard and rocks have me convinced but they clearly gave up for the east half and also the 'river' is connected to the lakes in the wrong spot

>> No.9822349

Valiant Comics, I just posted it because, even if it's quite Frankenstein-y, I find some soul in it.

>> No.9822358

It's definitely soul, don't get me wrong. I love old vidya map art like this.

>> No.9822395

>schizoid seething about ecelebs and screeching about niggers all of a sudden
takes talent to be this confidently incorrect

>> No.9822550

Isnt zelda 1 canonicaly north hyrule?

>> No.9822567

I still don't know what this stands for but thanks for posting it again so I can hide your posts.

>> No.9822587

How would that make sense if Death Mountain is the northernmost part of Zelda 1 and far south of Hyrule Castle in Zelda 2?

>> No.9822590
File: 16 KB, 480x320, Super Mario Advance 4 - Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA, Australia) (Rev 1)-230414-225926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 lets you explore a map of the "Mushroom World" for the first time.

>> No.9822591


>> No.9822594
File: 223 KB, 583x779, donkey kong SOULtry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9822760
File: 73 KB, 800x600, IMG_20210309_183319810.jpg.e3ad75de06578cdce62b34c3505865ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9822803

uh oh... earlier tardanon btfo with no chance to recover

>> No.9822836

Thats why i brought it up, unless the game is just flipped to the players perspective, as in the bottom of the screen is actually the north, but i cant recall if any npcs specifically mention any compass directions that would dispute that. Im just wondering if anyone has official proof of that claim since i remember it being "canon" since the nes days and i think the Hyrule Historia or one of the manuals or maybe a players guide confirmed that.

>> No.9822839

Burden of proof is on you for the source for Zelda 1 taking place in northern Hyrule, no?

>> No.9822868

No, im literally just mentioning it because for years i have heard people state zelda 1 is the northern wasteland of Hyrule, so i bring it up into the discussion to see if anyone else remembers hearing that same thing/the origin of that claim.

>> No.9822889

I've always found that autistic people have an incredibly hard time interpreting stylized maps.

>> No.9822932

I think my favorite part of going back to the original map from the first games is finding out that another one of your cousins (presumably the Dragon Warrior's first born's descendant) is the King, but is too chicken-shit to join the party in stopping Hargon.

>> No.9822941

Literally. That autist
>It doesn't contour exactly to the scale, dimensions and minor details of the original map so it CAN'T POSSIBLY BE A LOW DETAIL REPRESENTATION OF IT REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.9822961

We were robbed of a comfy gen 2 snowy area with snowy house roofs. It's not fair.

>> No.9823670

I don’t see it at all, is this an elaborate troll thread or am I retarded?

>> No.9823691

You been under a rock for the last 5 years? Prepare to have your mind blown.

>> No.9823793


>> No.9823817

I'm playing a romhack that tries to restore this map but it doesnt really feel like beta because a lot of shit they added to crystal seems to be in it kek https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5522/

>> No.9823826

Only the prototype did that

>> No.9823843
File: 24 KB, 256x224, bgb00025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super gold 97 is more "faithful"

>> No.9823979

interesting, have you tried both?

>> No.9824180

WELL WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR PROOF THEN? where is the statement from daddy Nintendo? where is it nigger?

you fuckers made it up, and you DESPERATELY WANT to believe it. it's not true. call me a retard or a schizo but i am calling you clueless tards out yourselves. it's not a fucking homage to the first game, like look at you >>9822263
>muh graveyard and death mountain are in the same place
proove that, AND where is the rest of the hyrule from zelda 1. it's not fucking there, idiot.

muh confidently incorrect, no i am just calling for straight facts and they are absent entirely. you retards wish it to be a call back, but it's just a random location in the sequel game. nothing about it has any relation to zelda 1 at all.

stay mad.

>> No.9824259

Dude >>9822760 chill

>> No.9824272

makes you realize how bleak zelda 2 is
link has multiple continents worth of monster armies literally roaming around looking for him
even most of the towns have ganons agents lurking among the populace

>> No.9824276

listen bro my uncle works at nintendo and he told me so

>> No.9824287

What a fucking loser

>> No.9824360

Too many similarities for it to be a coincidence.

You sound like those shitzos that would claim the core of the moon might be made out of cheese since we never drilled a hole there to prove otherwise

>> No.9824363

I rate your post 19/10 on the schizo scale

>> No.9824445

Being this confident in being wrong because you're a contrarian just proves you have a mental illness.
>Um actually, I haven't personally been to Antarctica so that means it doesn't exist

>> No.9824503

the core of the moon is made of nazis everyone knows this

>> No.9824512

Let's try to break this down to the point where even an autist who is devoid of the ability to recognize patterns or use his imagination to fill in gaps has to concede:
>We know that Zelda 2 is a direct sequel to Zelda 1, and takes place close enough in time to Zelda 1 that it has the same exact Link as the protagonist
>We know you travel through death mountain from the northern side where the town of Saria is, to the southern side, in order to get to the area in question
>We know that Zelda 1 takes place in the foothills of death mountain, on the southern face of it
>We know the place where you get the Hammer in Zelda 2 is Spectacle Rock, the location of Ganon's Lair in the first game, multiple publications confirm this, that is Spectacle Rock
>Spectacle Rock's size and scale is big enough on the overworld map of Zelda 2 that you should clearly be able to see where Zelda 1 took place, south of it
>the only place south of Spectacle Rock in Zelda 2 is a graveyard with no gameplay purpose (no secret item or encounter within), a little patch of woods with no gameplay purpose (no secret item or encounter within) and some lakes that generally (albeit lazily or somewhat inaccurately) match up with the location of lakes in Zelda 1 relative to the graveyard and lost woods
>if all this filled in junk space that is not used for any gameplay purpose south of Spectacle Rock in Zelda 2 is not in-fact intended to be at the very least a homage or easter egg roughly aligned to the layout of Zelda 1, then what is it ACTUALLY meant to be and why isn't the geography of this area consistent between the two games?
Occam's razor says that this area is meant to be a homage to Zelda 1, even if it's rough in places. If you still deny it at this point then you are either a schizo contrarian or just straight up baiting.

>> No.9824543

>>We know the place where you get the Hammer in Zelda 2 is Spectacle Rock, the location of Ganon's Lair in the first game, multiple publications confirm this, that is Spectacle Rock
Oh also, an NPC within the game itself calls the location of the hammer Spectacle Rock.

>> No.9824595

fight fire with fire
or in this case: autism

either way everyone except that one autist i guess knows its the Z1 map
i mean it was in nintendo power ffs

>> No.9824642
File: 2.10 MB, 317x238, 1677796721629769.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9824645

No, only super
I have 2 badges so far
I think it's alright

>> No.9824723

I like that and the descendant of the dragon lord in Charlock is just hanging around and no one cares.

>> No.9824726

It was just a fun thing they included. Why are you losing your shit?

>> No.9824839

Because autism, most likely.

>> No.9824883

One thing I just don't get about your generation is you flip out when something isn't fully explained to you, but you refuse to try to understand anything in the world that existed before you.

>> No.9824946

>but it's just a random location in the sequel game. nothing about it has any relation to zelda 1 at all.
Spectacle rock exists in both games and is named in both the games themselves as well as supplementary material. The rock and cave on the map in Zelda 2 isn't "theorized to be spectacle rock", it is CONFIRMED to be spectacle rock, the exact location of the dungeon in the mountains from the first game where you defeat Ganon.

>> No.9824980

>is this a stylized visual element that requires a level of imaginative extrapolation? OH SHI

>> No.9825006

huh, never realized the sages in ocarina were named after places in zelda 2

>> No.9825074

I can't believe the comfy thread was absolutely pozzed by some raging lunatic schizo over some minor detail in a video game.

>> No.9825089

Mido was also planned to be the sage of shadow in OoT before they decided to make it Impa. Has the name Kasuto appeared anywhere in the series since Zelda 2?

>> No.9825183

Somebody should reverse this. Expand the original to cover all the new areas from Zelda II.

>> No.9825194
File: 5 KB, 256x224, Koma_SM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9825208

Ummmm... sweaty, until I see a source of Sakamoto explicitly saying that this is the beginning area from Metroid 1 being featured in Super Metroid, I think I'm going to have to call you a lying nigger... it doesn't look anything like it after all, these graphics are 16bit instead of 8bit...

>> No.9825227
File: 213 KB, 496x543, 1679775318167255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> people get angry when you point out the map from zelda 1 is contained in the map from zelda 2

>> No.9825228

they look nothing alike

>> No.9825258

It's a low detail representation in a much smaller tileset from an overworld perspective, and even then they look close enough that you can actually tell what the intention is, don't be an obtuse contrarian.

>> No.9825268


>> No.9825293

It is truly some powerful autism, so much so that I'm almost entirely convinced the guy is just trolling, but it's also such a specific and minor thing to get so extremely heated about that it would make sense if the guy is a major schizo autist that has had this argument before and has "lost" the argument just as blatantly as here, yet he can't help but double down on being wrong.

The fact of the matter is that both games say that spectacle rock is there, and what is south of spectacle rock in Zelda 1 is the rest of that game's map, what is south of there in Zelda 2 would logically be a representation of Zelda 1's map, however low detailed.

>> No.9825453

Kasuto hasn't so far.

>> No.9825456

finding peach’s double-sided marital aide is very sovlful too

>> No.9825462

Interesting how Dark Land is between Ice and Sky Land, assuming that is Dark Land

>> No.9825787

You're such a schizophrenic virgin. Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.9825810

The first level in Rondo of Blood is a town from Castlevania II

>> No.9826269
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, prerdnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The prerendered backgrounds of FFVII in particular.

>> No.9826285

Open your eyes.

>> No.9826401
File: 1.25 MB, 800x800, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of right angles where the mountain range meets the rest of the area is exactly the same between the two games, and the shoreline is also exactly the same amount all the way until it gets to the top right and has some little overlapping problem with the gambler's den tree area.

>> No.9826428
File: 471 KB, 800x800, spec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I just noticed. The route to Spectacle Rock is also in the same place in both games. On angle 11, up into the mountains and then left. Really the only thing that is horribly misplaced (or dried up?) is the center lake, but the fact that it is at least a similar shape makes this pretty clearly the same place.

>> No.9826431

oh no anon you cant post more facts that prove this is the same area as zelda 1. the resident retard will sperg out and post more ramblings and beats his mommy after rants

>> No.9826474

his mom deserves it

>> No.9828198


>> No.9828408

You're stupid for replying to that guy. Learn to detect bait better.
You're stupid for replying to that guy. Learn to detect bait better.
You're stupid for replying to that guy. Learn to detect bait better.
You're stupid for replying to that guy. Learn to detect bait better.
You're stupid for replying to that guy. Learn to detect bait better.

>> No.9828418

haha bagu

>> No.9828429

Don't all the Paper Mario games have a spot where you can become 8-bit?

>> No.9828432

Link Adventure>Zelda 1> OoT

>> No.9828450
File: 128 KB, 352x361, 1680589843444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9828721
File: 209 KB, 3840x2400, GoldenAxeWarrior-SMS-Overworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you idiots don't realise is that Zelda II also contains the entire overworld of Golden Axe Warrior.

>> No.9828901
File: 31 KB, 122x131, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Link in 2 is a GIANT

>> No.9829280

You didn't realize it was a jrpg style overworld map?

>> No.9829330

>failing to mention zelda 2 includes the entire sky from After Burner

How did old nintendo have so much soul?

>> No.9829493

Never played this, is it straight up a Zelda 1 clone? Looks like it.

>> No.9829657

Are you the reply police? Go fuck yourself.

>> No.9829664

The reply police they live inside of my head

>> No.9829703

Can't really be anywhere else. Dark Land didn't have any of the castles with the appearance the other worlds did and one is not shown there.

>> No.9830059
File: 1.87 MB, 1267x794, 1616164303091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9830062
File: 2.82 MB, 1536x672, S O V L.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the game has so much SOVL in it that it can't all fit on the cartridge and they have to remove it for the final version

>> No.9830208
File: 58 KB, 684x1000, Judge NBT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Valkenvania

>> No.9830259

Reusibg the town names for Sage names (and Mido I guess)was the coolest shit.

>> No.9830270

More like

Link's Awakening > Link's Adventure > Zelda 1 >>> who the fuck cares about the rest

>> No.9830290

It goes like this:

>If it's not directly stated it can't be true
And then they feel personally offended and can't believe it because they're stupid and you just broke their ego, pride and brains by simply noy being retarded .
>How can I not know something about a whole ass thing I love?! How can I be wrong?! No one who made it told me it was true!?
Then they lash out like a baby caveman because they are so literal minded and can't make obvious connections.

>> No.9830294

what the fucking FUCK

>> No.9830307

So do any other games besidesZelda2 and DQ2 do this?

>> No.9830310

gen2 pokémon

>> No.9830339


>> No.9830365
File: 171 KB, 750x844, trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see your zelda 1 is in zelda 2's map, and i raise you zelda 1 takes place entirely in lttp's death mountain.

>> No.9830371


>> No.9830401

>Zelda 1 flute is reused in Mario 3's waro whistle with the same music
>OoT's menu is Zelda 1's flute music
>WW's Forbidden Woods has Zelda 1's flute music in it because it summons wind and it's a wind dungeon


>> No.9830403

kirby adventure has a level based on the entirety of the gameboy game

>> No.9830407

Hyrule Historia confirms it, nerds.

>> No.9830432

It wasn't Hyrule Historia, it was Encyclopedia, which should be disregarded since it got a lot of shit wrong and has a disclaimer at the start about how the writers made shit up for certain parts

>> No.9830884

Check out this zelda lore nerd.

>> No.9830919
File: 678 KB, 579x711, disbelief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the section.
If it's the "Archives" [3]: it seems relatively untouched from NintendoDREAM's fluff.
If it's the "Database" [2]: eh, a little iffy since English translation stole tons of things from Zelda Wiki like Dark Horse did with Mario Encyclopedia, but it's an -okay- reference if you look at the Japanese version I guess even though a few things could be organized better.
If it's the "Historical Records" [1]: that's the infected section in question, which is completely unsalvageable and needs to be throw it in the trash.

>> No.9830993

>The entire map
>"intact, whole, complete," figuratively, "untainted, upright," literally "untouched," from in- "not" (see in- (1)) + root of tangere "to touch" (from PIE root *tag- "to touch, handle").
Sure, it contains a few significant landmarks, but it's not the entire map. It's not complete. not whole, nor intact. It's missing too many details. Question is, why did the writer of the sentence in OP's pic use such an inaccurate word? Were they lazy, a non-native English speaker, dyslexic, incompetent or were they simply trolling?

>> No.9830998
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this nigga is still seething

>> No.9831008
File: 23 KB, 400x309, Image_race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peach castle in mario kart 64

>> No.9831017

Is he wrong though?

>> No.9831028

>no in game map
>very small viewing area
>most of the world is empty fucking ocean
>manual map is extremely sparse and unlabelled

the actual fuck were these faggots thinking

>> No.9831030
File: 9 KB, 320x224, S3&K_AIZSea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Knuckles' story in Sonic 3 takes place after Sonic's, the backgrounds of several zones change to remove certain elements.
Mostly this relates to removing the Death Egg from Launch Base/Lava Reef/Hidden Palace, but Angel Island Zone subtly changes the background to remove the ocean in Knuckles' version.

>> No.9831031
File: 10 KB, 320x224, S3&K_AIZNoSea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9831561

I remember wandering the ocean forever looking for that one square reef.

>> No.9831604

Honestly I think it was for the worse, having played some attempts at completing the Spaceworld Demo. the final kanto is pretty empty, with weird level scaling, and not many features. Building up a bigger "Johto"/Japan(since it was meant to be the whole country, not just the west to Kanto's east) with Kanto being shown as a tiny portion would've made a more engaging game. Johto feels way too short in the final game.

>> No.9831707

It's a nice animation, but it's disappointing that YI lacked the utter PRIMASOVL of the evolving world map from SMW.

>> No.9831712

Yes, he is. And what's worse, he's trying to weasel out of it with jewy pedantry, and still failing.

>> No.9831835

It is, and its quite good. Just the ticket if you want more Zelda 1 but are tired of actual Zelda 1.

>> No.9831898

Parents rented this once when I was really little and I still have the weirdness burnt into my brain.

>> No.9831901
File: 480 KB, 1600x1324, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manual map is extremely sparse and unlabelled


You have pic related +
+ another small map in the manual

What more do you need? A giant blinking arrow on the screen telling you where to go?

>> No.9832097

Concerned with unnecessary details? If only the creators of the Zelda 2 map had been more concerned with the necessary details of the Zelda 1 map when they referenced it, then the word "entire" might have been more accurately applied.

>> No.9832113
File: 283 KB, 960x960, ff5_map_compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9832563
File: 50 KB, 440x310, dq2_map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but the Japanese version had a pretty vague map in its manual. It had the towns labeled though.

>> No.9832574

Why not?

>> No.9832576

That's the MSX manual.

>> No.9832634

I always rented it, so I didn't even know it had a map.

>> No.9832783

The one in OP is infinitely more reasonable, verifiable, similar and obvious than this headcanon junk desu. There's a line and this ALttP/Zelda 1 area copium has crossed it, kinda like flat earther conspiracy theorists existing just to make other "conspiracy" theories look less reasonable by association.

>> No.9832795

Super Metroid literally has a part of the map of the original, which also proves that Samus came from Tourian in the original game which is located just above the starting point, in Super Metroid you literally see there is an entrance to the right that would connect to above the ground that was destroyed and is inacessible.

Also, Final Fantasy 8 map is the same as Final Fantasy 3 but older, with the research center and the floating continent being in the exactly same place, aside from the game directly mentioning the final boss of FF3.

>> No.9832841

its not the same as what OP was describing

>> No.9832849

>which also proves that Samus came from Tourian in the original game
not really, it's just a callback to the original. it'd make no sense for her to cross mother brain's room before the game starts. she'd be dead
zero mission makes it so she comes straight from the surface

>> No.9832859

It's not autistic if it actually makes perfect sense.

>USE YOUR FUCKING EYES. it's missing EVERYTHING from the original god damn game. nigger
Ever hear of the term "broad strokes", faggot?
It has the graveyard, Spectacle Rock, the woods, the same shaped lake in the middle, etc. What did you expect for it to "count"? A literal one-to-one translation?

>> No.9832875
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Explain this then

>> No.9832887
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Imagine being so autistic and gay that you need official written confirmation from Nintendo 35 years later to confirm what your eyes can already see.
I figured this out as a little kid for fuck's sake.

>> No.9832907
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Near the end of King's Field 3 JP (2 in US) you revisit the first level and a part of the last level from the first game in the series (King's Field 1 JP, unreleased in US).

God I hate this series' nomenclature.

>> No.9832940

This is what TikTok does to your brain.

>> No.9833075
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Hyrule Historia is not canon. It was a calumny to peddle more manga by Shogakukan because the games contradicted their stories. Yeah, Zelda Encyclopedia has a disclaimer of dubiety. So what? Zelda Master Works has the same thing. Nintendo didn't know Shogakukan would take it as far they did and went with Tokuma Shoten for the rest of the books. What's that tell you? Zelda 1 being contained within AoL is canon, sure. But this was already well-known >>9822327 back in 1987. People who don't know Zelda reading this thread could be led to believe it was some revelatory contribution by Historia.

Good find. I almost forgot about this.

Hrmm. What guide is this from? It's not the Collector's Guide. I checked. https://archive.org/details/TheLegendOfZeldaCollectorsEditionOfficialPlayersGuide/mode/2up

And Adventure of Link didn't get a Tips & Tactics book. WHAT IS IT?

>> No.9833129

>Hrmm. What guide is this from?
It's an official licensed by Nintendo publication from 1990 that contains maps and shit for a bunch of games, I forget the name.

>> No.9833372

>trying to weasel out of it
>with jewy pedantry
nigger stfu, tired of you faggot retards

>> No.9833380

>There's a line and this ALttP/Zelda 1 area copium has crossed it,
i dont see how though, does the first Zelda seem like it takes place in a kingdom like most other games, do the NPCs live inside caverns, and is the final dungeon called like death mountain or something? idk broseph, idk....
ask me and i say it seems cool that to the north is zelda 2 land, and to the south is link to the past land, it actually makes Hyrule seem like an expansive place

>> No.9833402

>should look similar
>actually doesn't
what did they mean by this

>> No.9833720

Zebes was remodelled in the time between Metroid 1 and Metroid 3.

>> No.9833809

The Famicom manual used the same map. I just use the MSX manual since that one is easier to view in the browser. Here's a link to see for yourself

>> No.9833893

stop posting, blind monkey

>> No.9833918

There is a spot in Lava Reef Act 1 where you can still see the Death Egg when playing as Knuckles.

>> No.9834729
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Found it

>> No.9834737

Didn't it come with an external map, on top of the one from the manual?

>> No.9835519
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>Hyrule Historia is not canon. It was a calumny to peddle more manga by Shogakukan because the games contradicted their stories.
Sure, that's why the bonus "take it or leave it" manga was never expanded upon or included in the book's timeline that everyone was covering before release.
>Yeah, Zelda Encyclopedia has a disclaimer of dubiety. So what? Zelda Master Works has the same thing.
The Breath of the Wild artbook? See pic.
>Nintendo didn't know Shogakukan would take it as far they did and went with Tokuma Shoten for the rest of the books. What's that tell you?
Nothing. Shogakukan had nothing to do with these books. Hyrule Historia was published by Nintendo of Japan directly, which is why it had a Wii U digital edition at some point. Hyrule Graphics and Hyrule Encyclopedia were both published by some company called Ambit Ltd. and had ex-fanmag staffers on board. Only Master Works was Tokuma Shoten so far.

>> No.9836934

>The book is the third and final book in Dark Horse's guide book series for The Legend of Zelda. Tokuma Shoten published the same book in Japan this past March.

>> No.9837037

Bruh just take the L

>> No.9837051

You're the one who keeps bumping this dead thread and doesn't know what he's talking about. Can't think of more L than that.

>> No.9837221
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>> No.9837339
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Yeah, journos notoriously got the name of the publisher wrong until some literal YouTuber opened a copy of the book for themselves. The state of gaming journalism, folks!

>> No.9837363

thank you benevolent loremaster anon

>> No.9837367

wtf i should kill myself

>> No.9837614

There’s no way that’s Peach’s castle.

>> No.9837687
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>> No.9839621

According to the manual for the first game, Zelda split the triforce into 8 pieces and "spread them throughout the realm". Why did she choose to spread them around Death Mountain, since that was the center of Ganon's power?

>> No.9839676

because she's a woman

>> No.9839773

Perhaps she did it once she got captured and was already taken to that area, and the triforce pieces can only spread so far

>> No.9840102
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>> No.9840275

This movies been Bader-Meinhoffing me hard lately. I was trying to explain how weird and unpleasant it is to someone and ever since its been popping up everywhere.

>> No.9840306
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Really surprised they didn't bury this mechanic into the ground across the series. Is it possible to learn every combination?

>> No.9840308

Read the manual. It says she wasn't imprisoned until AFTER she did this as well as sending Impa off to find help and Ganon got pissed off at her for doing both. If all of Zelda 1 takes place in that one small section of Zelda 2, then Zelda specifically went to Ganon's backyard to spread around the triforce pieces.

>> No.9840485
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>> No.9840579
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>Also, Final Fantasy 8 map is the same as Final Fantasy 3 but older, with the research center and the floating continent being in the exactly same place, aside from the game directly mentioning the final boss of FF3.
They don't mention the final boss of 3, they mention Hein/Hyne, who is a an incredibly minor villain who is a just a silly skeleton wizard. And they're really not all that similar.

>> No.9841058

This is retarded.