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File: 292 KB, 940x720, Dracula II - Noroi no Fuuin (Japan)-230413-172225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9819203 No.9819203 [Reply] [Original]

I'm playing Castlevania 2 in Japanese it has the line about headbutting Deborah cliff.
It also has the line about adding laurels (the invincibility item) to stew for flavor.
My whole life i just assumed that the localization did a shit job.

>> No.9819209
File: 224 KB, 940x720, Dracula II - Noroi no Fuuin (Japan)-230413-173916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually the only useful lines in the whole game are the ones you get from the hidden books.
Picrel tells you what you need to do at Deborah cliff except it doesn't mention having to kneel.

>> No.9819473
File: 41 KB, 1008x618, Castlevania II - Simon's Quest Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't waste your time with the original versions, get the hacks that fixes the awful translation, adds a map and seamless day and night transition.


>> No.9819869

OP is playing the game in Japanese and discovered the translation wasn't actually bad like you memelords lie about, did you even read the post?

>except it doesn't mention having to kneel.
It's pretty obvious considering that's what you had to do with the blue crystal earlier.

>> No.9819902

nah its not the localization, the original japanese was know for villagers purposely giving you confusing or false information

>> No.9820110

For those interested in comparing the Japanese original, with the official localization: https://bisqwit.iki.fi/cv2fin/diff

>> No.9820240

tldr; the english lines are all more or less fucked, as is known.

>> No.9820293

>My whole life i just assumed that the localization did a shit job.
Nope. Welcome to the party.

The Graveyard Duck is real.


>> No.9820294 [DELETED] 

>get the hacks that fixes the awful translation
Shut the fuck up, you absolute pile of human garbage. Don't ever post again, no one cares about your zoomer tweenpinions. Shove your remakes and remixes and retranslations up your ass and fuck off.

>> No.9820342 [DELETED] 


>> No.9821162 [DELETED] 

>don't be based and play soul
>be a faggot like me
into the trash it goes

>> No.9821389 [DELETED] 

Here come the zoomers with their qol patches and hacks.

>> No.9821415 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 670x670, 1632329758494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch, get over yourself, the hack has quality of life changes that improve the experience.

There there, there's no need to be afraid of change.

>> No.9821554 [DELETED] 

You will never have a quality life.

>> No.9821574 [DELETED] 

>You will never have a quality life.
But I did, with that Castlevania II hack.

>> No.9821685 [DELETED] 

> nooo everyone should play shittier version because I did
Get a load of this fucker

>> No.9821990 [DELETED] 

>the hack has quality of life changes that improve the experience.
>implying it has a life
>shittier version
>homo zoomiens

>> No.9822987 [DELETED] 

Relax kid. No one cares if you cheat at games.

>> No.9822997

I'm actually interested to see how many more similarities and discrepencies there are between the Japanese and English texts.

>> No.9823054 [DELETED] 

> shittier
Is that how you calm yourself down after playing worse version of the game when people played the improved one?
> Hurr durr it's cheating ama true gaymah

>> No.9823091

The Japanese also makes it clear which NPCs are making declarative statements and which are spreading unfounded rumors.

>> No.9823117


>> No.9823125 [DELETED] 

I recommend playing that version if you want to enjoy it

>> No.9823146
File: 109 KB, 380x786, OfCriticalImportance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is buried in >>9820110 but I think it's the most important thing lost in translation/text constraints and helps you to understand at least a little why the game is how it is.

>> No.9823159 [DELETED] 

Homo zoomiens are shittier versions of Homo sapiens that don't know what words mean.

>> No.9823346

No, they really aren't. Also a bunch of the "accurate translations" on that website are wrong.

>> No.9823350

The fuck? No, that's not true. Maybe it's true in "le quality of life retranslation" because the "translator" added this "qoa feature", but it's not the case in the actual Japanese text.

>> No.9823364

the line about the death star in the original japanes is actually a reference to fist of the north star she is talking about the death omen star

>> No.9823365

no get butt fucked i'll play the original for the rest of my life

>> No.9823369

People need to wake up and play Maze of Galious.

>> No.9823374 [DELETED] 

>the hack has quality of life changes that improve the experience.
holy fucking shit please kill yourself tonight

>> No.9823389

>It's pretty obvious considering that's what you had to do with the blue crystal earlier.
its also how the secret treasure bags in CV1 worked

>> No.9823420

could you give some examples?
im actually interested in this. i dont doubt the nip version is just as vague as ours desu. the whole game seems like it was purposefully made to be as vague as possible in every aspect

>> No.9823425 [DELETED] 

Have you read the zoomie posts itt? Bunch of fucking pussies would never be able to play Galious.

>> No.9823440
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1920, andres-zambrano-andres-zambrano-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you educate us a little and prove it?
Just seems clear that you have an axe to grind against romhacks, and I can tell you some truly wretched romhacks, but this don't seem to be it chief.

>> No.9823442

Yeah no this finnish dumbass is making stuff up. The thing about シチュー meaning situation and not stew is also bullshit. Same thing for duck being slang for a person who waddles.
I got angry many times while reading his article. This retard is obviously looking for meaning where there isn't any.
But the shichousei being a reference to Hokuto no Ken is accurate, no wonder he couldn't find that one.

>> No.9823445 [DELETED] 

I’m disappointed in the brigade of man babies in this thread who threw a fit over someone posting a rom hack. You could have just let it be, but instead you had to autistically screech about it and hijack this guy’s thread in the process. You should be ashamed.

>> No.9823460

i think people misunderstand this game on a lot of levels desu
CV was a solid, standard, get-to-the-end affair. CV2 is the total opposite. you are supposed to get lost. i mean you could go left OR right. and the screen kept going. BOTH ways. crazy shit

knowing where to go, the game takes like 2hrs to beat. they obviously intended it to be longer than that or it wouldnt have had a save function and it wouldnt have had such a grindy exp system. so they made everything as cloudy as they could so youd end up just wandering around finding stuff.
bad game design in retrospect, maybe, but its pretty interesting by late 80s standards. i mean raiders for atari was a massive hit, and that makes simons quest look like it was being too on-the-nose

the games just about trying shit. which is exactly what kids on NES did whenever they got stuck. its what they were TRAINED to do, by the NES itself
>go in a store
>its empty
throw holy water on the ground duh u gay retard
>hold onto a rib bone
u get a shield wtf did u think would happen idiot?
>what happens if i actually kill that boss i always run away from?
u get a sick weapon obviously
>some chucklefuck on the street says something incomprehensible to you
prolly on drugs

>> No.9823462

First off, the only really big and awful mistranslation in the game is that ブンケン is mistranslated as "clues" instead of "a book" or "writings" or something along those lines.

The number one reason people get stuck in the game isn't that the hints don't make sense, but that they don't understand that when a characters says "clues to Dracula's riddle are in (x)" they mean there's at least one hidden clue book in that area that they should search for.

Which makes it pretty fucking ridiculous that the "qol more accurate retranslation that fixes all the mistranslations that made the original impossible to beat without muh Nintendo Power" has it as "clues" as well. Holy fuck you had ONE job.

As for stuff that's just wrong,
>That shit about "laurels in your stew" being a pun is just wrong, the line is straight forward unhelpful nonsense and not some super duper clever writing folded 100 times
>The shit about clever ingame lore explaining that you're looking through the white crystal to see a platform is wrong, "kazasu" means to hold up, not to look through.
>The graveyard duck line is correctly translated and can not be interpreted as the shit he says
>>9823146 is just straight of wrong, there's no such distinction in the text.

The dude is clearly obsessed with the idea of the script being much more cleverly written than it actually is and that the terrible English translators completely ruined all the genius hints. The actually truth is that while the English translation isn't very good and gets a bunch of shit pretty wrong, the only actual gameplay-harming mistranslation is that ブンケン one. WHICH HIS RETRANSLATION GETS WRONG AS WELL!

>> No.9823464
File: 44 KB, 685x653, しちゅう.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...No, it looks like you're the dumbass here, Japanese is a phonetic language and the game is rendered in katakana like many 8-bit games, and that is indeed a possible meaning of the word being used due to identical pronunciation. You've got me about the duck though, but that confuses literally everyone.

>> No.9823468

Stew is シチュー, しちゅう in katakana is シチュウ. Yes, there's a difference.

Also the "punny" line makes no grammatical sense, it's just a dumbass looking for hidden meaning where there is none.

>> No.9823482

Why is this issue so hard to straighten out? Has anyone in history ever actually been fluent in both English and Japanese? Reading about Simon's Quest seems to suggest that in fact no one has.

>> No.9823484

>Stew is シチュー
>死中 is シチュウ
Kek you're right. Welp that's that then. Finnish nigger is full of shit.

>> No.9823487

People that are fluent in both English and Japanese generally have better things to do than reviewing old official NES translations line by line.

>> No.9823495

>Has anyone in history ever actually been fluent in both English and Japanese?
unironically no. at least in practice
the two languages just str8 up dont fit 1 to 1 with each other so "translating it" just ends up being more of "interpreting it" for english-only speakers
so yea if YOU can read both well, and YOU play it in nip, then YOU could be like OP and realize, "wait this still doesnt make any sense"
but far more often than not, no one fucking does that cuz its kinda just autism no offense opie, i do find this intradasting and theyll just play a re-translation in their native language, or a romhack, then just automatically post that and that one finnish autists blog from like 2006 anytime they see a simons quest thread see above without even reading the thread

and thats providing anyones playing CV2 at all, which despite its memetic status in the modern day, isnt really that likely shame imo

>> No.9823498

>i mean raiders for atari was a massive hit, and that makes simons quest look like it was being too on-the-nose
Raiders of the Lost Ark has a complete walkthrough in the manual, you never have to figure anything out in that game.

>> No.9823502
File: 275 KB, 990x1723, iu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's at least true in the example given, o spastic one.
This. They toil in more necessary trades like weather warnings and usage instructions.

>> No.9823503

and the second issue of nintendo power had simon holding dracs head on the cover
atari was just too green to realize the marketing potential

>> No.9823515

>It's at least true in the example given, o spastic one.
When most of the lies DON'T follow this "pattern", it's pretty likely it's just a coincidence retard-kun jumped to conclusions about.

>> No.9823526

The thing is that people that are fluent in Japanese are generally just going to play the game in Japanese instead of sitting there playing it in both English and Japanese at the same time just to compare the two and check how good the translation is.

This is why mistakes in subtitles get caught so much more often than mistakes in text, anyone looking at the subtitles can hear the original audio and catch errors by just watching normally. With text you have to sit there with a translated and an untranslated copy of the work and compare back and forth, which you'd only do if you're extremely interested.

>> No.9823538

>Stew is シチュー (shichū)
>死中 is シチュウ (shichū)
...Yeah that's not a big difference at all guy, try looking up「シチュー 死中」and you'll get tons of Japanese results that are decidedly not stew-related. Why do you think「シチュー」shows up under「シチュウ」in dictionaries? Nonstandard spellings happen all the time in Japanese, and it wouldn't be unreasonable to expect such word emphasis in a sitch where katakana is the only available option.

>> No.9823549

I was always under the impression that the people talk to aren't always reliable pn purpose. I wish more games were like that.

>> No.9823557

NTA but thanks for explaining, genuinely interesting post.

>> No.9823564 [DELETED] 

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>> No.9823580

Yes, that's the point. The manual literally explains this.

>> No.9823603
File: 160 KB, 1080x912, StrategyWinner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah? Well if it's so wrong then why did StrategyWiki use it? CheckMATE, autist! https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Castlevania_II:_Simon%27s_Quest/Mistranslations_and_re-translation

>> No.9823607

Finnish nigger is that you?
>「シチュー」shows up under「シチュウ」in dictionaries
Literally false.
Also suppose you're right then the full line would be ケ゛ッケイシ゛ュハ シチュ-ニイレルト イイカオリカ゛ スル= "Adding laurels to perilous situations gives them a nice aroma".
>b-but maybe there's a double-entendre, a hidden meaning or or....
Please stop you're embarassing yourself.

>> No.9823610

>But the shichousei being a reference to Hokuto no Ken is accurate, no wonder he couldn't find that one
It's actually kind of embarrassing he couldn't find that one. Did he not know Google is a thing that exists?

>> No.9823626
File: 891 KB, 846x1047, 246138a-L5861O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy fuck you had ONE job.
Honestly, I can say the same about any of the following:
1) 'retranslating' the ENGLISH-ONLY cartridge release instead of the JAPAN-ONLY FDS ORIGINAL.
2) Casual of Life "improvements" letting you know that the author was afraid of his rewrites standing on their own scrutiny.
3) ridiculous "" current patch version number, because for some reason younger gamers are easily impressed by inflated changelogs when it really means you're an indecisive pos who can't let go.
Three strikes and you're out, Finland.

>> No.9823706

pretty cool how everyone can just accidentally lie to themselves and others for decades, even this far into muh innernet age
isnt that a goebbels quote?

anyways, as everyone knows, funland is one of the autistic cores of the multiverse, thanks to the devastating damage done during the hyper war
im surprised anyone of us took what some finnish autist said seriously in the first place desu, nevermind took this long to question it

>> No.9823709

People have been calling shit on him since day 1

>> No.9823719

>pretty cool how everyone can just accidentally lie to themselves

Dude, this happens all the fucking time. People are retards who just parrot memed opinions without checking up on it. Like "the best version of Resident Evil 2 is actually on N64" and "Dracula X is a shitty port of Rondo of Blood and you can't even walkmoon in it so that's why CV4 is superior"

>> No.9823756

Dracula X IS Rondo of Blood.

>> No.9823758

i mean in this case the prerequisite skills for actually checking up on it are things most people cant do. that is: understanding japanese. then theyd have to have played it in both languages
if not, the best they can do is google search it which brings up the finnish autists blog

reminds me of what happened with the ancient greece being gay meme
turns out it was just some fag who wrote a book in the 60s and was projecting really hard onto some pottery, but then everyone just cited his dumbass for decades and now ancient greece is some sort of pride parade lol

>> No.9823771

The bloodstained dlc for classic mode 2 that I totally am not supposed to have also does this. They intentional fuck with you in town.

>> No.9823782

He's on about the SNES version vs the PC-Engine version.

>> No.9823853

The original game is shit, and the hack doesn't change much to make it less shit. There are cryptic things in many games whereas knowing where the things are after memorizing the map makes it better the 3rd time through, but nothing about this game is worth the effort.

>> No.9823880
File: 258 KB, 850x1197, 1668148410315831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hack irons out its glaring issue, but I agree the game isn't particularly good. The dungeons themselves are really boring and they're supposed to be the highlight of the game.

>> No.9823897
File: 124 KB, 700x1196, 411c3ce17b41784c9a9afaaeb895f30f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The hack irons out its glaring issue,
That's not really the underlying problem, which is that the author should have been more honest about what kind of hack it is.

>> No.9823946
File: 975 KB, 1200x1600, 1597273961943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean glaring issues (my keyboard seems to be dying on me as certain keystrokes are not registering). That means seamless day and night transitions, a map and more coherent dialogue. These are all quality of life improvements that don't change the core experience, unless you're the type of person who thinks the original bad English translation is part of the core experience.

>> No.9824547

different fag but the way the map in that hack is implemented is clumsy as fuck imo
it basically resets the screen, and any enemies in it, every time you open/close it
this can be disastrous if you close the map on an enemy spawn, or the opposite, where it can be easily cheesed to grind out exp WAY faster than normal
i understand the limitations that come from hacking an old game like this, but it couldve been done a lot better
i also dont really think the map is that helpful to begin with, as its 3D perspective doesnt really translate very well to the in-game horizontal movement
besides the maps not that big anyways, you get used to it before too long

either way it definitely DOES change the core experience of the game imo
i feel like the point of this game, and most 8-bit adventure games, WAS to get lost, and all the QoL does kinda hamper that
in retrospect, such game design is definitely very questionable, which is why so many people prefer the hacks to vanilla.
but i do think it was their intention to make a game that didnt adhere to the whole "go to the right and dont die to win" formula that most of 8-bit games fall under, and being purposefully opaque was a huge part of that

>> No.9824563

There's a map in the manual anyway, you're supposed to reference that. This hack is just for retarded zooms that can't read.

>> No.9824606

Or the fact that NES cartridge games are no longer being produced and thus there's no physical manual. You're just criticizing for the sake of it at this point.

>> No.9824615

There are scans.

>> No.9824619

There's no point when the hack gives you a quality of life update of putting it in the game itself.

>> No.9824887

Wow. This fag is still crying about his cheats?

>> No.9824902

You act like it's some 40 hour epic worth spending the time to patch. It's a two hour game and kneel with the crystal is the only thing that even needs to be explained.

>> No.9824965
File: 4 KB, 250x218, 1508988802264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digitizing the map from the game's manual is a cheat?

>> No.9825039

It looks like you are pressing your head against it when you crouch down, how else are you going to make your head touch it, stupid?

>> No.9825231

Yes. The map wasn't detailed in the manual, so I'm sure it isn't just a digital picture of the manual. Even though the manual is all you need.

>> No.9825242

>Yes. The map wasn't detailed in the manual
Prove it.

>> No.9825519
File: 134 KB, 953x553, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks similar to me

>> No.9825846
File: 485 KB, 1080x609, kicking_kames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other words, Bisqwit's Quest joins the pantheon of bad yet overrated fanmade so-called "retranslation" hacks alongside:
>GhaleonUnlimited's Phantasy Star IV relocalization, as well as arguably the previous MD games (but I'm exempting MS due to the FM unit)
>Ryusui's Breath of Fire II rewrite
>ShadowOne333's Link to the Past redux
>DLPB's Final Fantasy VII Beacause
>Not a retranslation but holy crap Ben's Chrono Trigger Plus can scar you for life
>Anything Rodimus Primal touches
What other truly wretched text hacks out there can fit that criteria?

>> No.9826310

I thought everything written with hiragana was annoying; katakana only text looks even worse

>> No.9826338

Then you agree that you don't need the hack.

>> No.9826369 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 235x258, Hey hey people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how /vr/ still gets butthurt over romhacks that fix obviously broken shit, all with the boomer mentality of "I suffered therefor everyone else should suffer too".

>> No.9826384

Is there any English version of BoF2 that isn't total ass?

>> No.9826419 [DELETED] 

It's sad isn't it. They even try their damnedest to play down the fixes to the point their only defense boils down to playing the Japanese text version, as if that's anyway more convenient than the crap original English translation.

>> No.9826479 [DELETED] 

lol the thread wasnt even about any hacks at all desu. it was about the og jap version being just as retarded as it is in english
you guys just cant help but getting sucked into a slapfight, even when no ones having one

>> No.9827508 [DELETED] 

Was no one arguing about it for five seconds, you had to start your shit again? Stop ruining Castlevania 2 threads with your hacks bullshit. Use the fucking hack. No one cares.

>> No.9828449 [DELETED] 

yeah I don't get it
I played and beat them originally and like changes that are broken in them

>> No.9828495


>> No.9828558 [DELETED] 

This retarded bait again?

>> No.9829549
File: 257 KB, 940x720, Castlevania II English Re-translation +Map (v2.12.0.1)-230417-135055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked the hack. The translation is very hit-and-miss, but i like that the hidden tomes are collectibles and you can check the clues you found whenever you want.

>> No.9829630

Why are you playing at 3x scale with bilinear filtering lmao

>> No.9829641

Whats wrong with those retranslations, at the lest theyre better than the originals

>> No.9829874

Quality post.

>> No.9829918
File: 478 KB, 720x1208, Project Capture (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at the lest theyre better than the originals
Not really. In picrel the hack deliberately took off the words kneel by the lake that were in the Jap and US versions. There are many other mistakes. But most of them don't matter because they're from useless to useless text.
The only thing the hack fixed translation wise is the 2 clues about using Dracula's heart to reach the third mansion.
So yeah the og games are not as obsolete as you would want us believe.

>> No.9829924

I love unreliable NPC and Narrators, its "kino" as the kids say

>> No.9829946

Definitely makes a setting more fleshed out. Lots of people out there who are talking complete shit, or just have part of a story or idea.

>> No.9829978

I assume "sapphire hits the sand of a lake beach" is supposed to suggest kneeling while holding the blue crystal.
But yeah, it's kinda hilarious the version supposed to "fix this impossibly hard game by translating the obscure hints more accurately" made this blatantly straight forward "hint" a lot more difficult to parse.