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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 77 KB, 624x669, Link_crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
981781 No.981781 [Reply] [Original]

>Playing through LoZ for the first time
>Save is suddenly gone
I hate my life.

>> No.981793

you can beat the game in like an hour anyway

>> No.981798

If you die over 255 times your save disappears, did that happen to you?

>> No.981802

No but does that really happen?

>> No.981805

Replace the battery.

>> No.981806

I thought it did but I looked and I think it just stops counting at 255...

>> No.981810
File: 73 KB, 714x691, gigglecat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone didn't hold Reset while turning the power off

seriously though that sucks, it's one of the reasons I emulate these days

>> No.981830

>not emulating your games
>not saving in at least two saves and making two savestates before you quit

>> No.981839

If you were really far in, you might as well start the second quest?

>> No.981845

>second quest
The second quest will make him cry even harder.

>> No.981847

the randomly deleting your saves can happen in emulation too actually

>> No.981856

That's why you savestate

>> No.981892

yeah, but I do like this guy:
and make a couple savestates just in case

I don't abuse savestates and only save when I would be able to save in the game, though.

>> No.981908


my emulator was weird. i got jnes. and it doesnt seem to save on its own. i need to create a save file/savestate. i thought it would be like project 64 and just save like normal but nope. every time i try, there's no files at all

am i doing something wrong. do i have to adjust certain settings.

>> No.981987 [DELETED] 


>> No.982036

>muh authentic retro experience

>> No.982053

Use fceux, nestopia, or cores with Retroarch.

>> No.982067 [DELETED] 

everyone who emulates is a douchebag that thinks they are too good to buy old crap and spends their money on stupid shit like clothes because they are all vain assholes who know a video game collection would stop them from getting laid. Its for all the fucking nerds that think they are too cool to be nerds

>> No.982082

Or they're just, not consumerist whores who would rather not waste money on what is essentially nostalgia.

>> No.982153 [DELETED] 

Nice try, kid.
You emulate cause mommy won't buy you a NES. Probably broke your old consoles when you got an Xbawks. Maybe if you ask mommy and daddy nicely they might think about it. But be sure to take out the trash for at least a week.

>> No.982163


>Replying to obvious trolls

>> No.982169
File: 91 KB, 400x388, 1370836794067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know enough English as a kid.
I didn't know until a few days ago that you were supposed to hold down the reset button while powering down the console in order to prevent data loss.
I always thought my copy of The Adventure of Link had a defective battery.

>> No.982191

Or having portable versions of console games for those of us who ride the train a lot to get to work and play on our ride in and home.

But yeah, go with your angry opinion instead of a common sensical one.

>> No.982197


>> No.985046

Bind a controller button to quicksave if you're using a gamepad, or a phone/tablet with physical buttons. You have to get into the habit of using savestates, otherwise it will completely slip your mind.

>> No.985065

> have emulator
> save in game for ffv
> gee i wonder where my save state last left off
> lose hours of progress