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File: 14 KB, 367x308, iu[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9810801 No.9810801 [Reply] [Original]

ITT, post shitty advice, misinformation, bad translations and other generally bizarre fuckery from gaming magazines and strategy guides. Pic somewhat related, though ironically enough I'm not actually sure that it's legit.

>> No.9810816

Cup the masterball while caressing the poké tip.

>> No.9810827
File: 117 KB, 571x792, Club Nintendo Año 03 Nº 02 (México) [Ver. 2]_0036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pretty weird one from my country's Nintendo Power equivalent. Apparently a reader sent them in a trick to unlock the boss characters and stages in TMNT Tournament Fighters for SNES that consists of nothing other than turning the SNES on and off rapidly, and they didn't believe them at first until someone else sent them the same trick and they went to the dude's house to verify it with their own eyes, at which point they were convinced and decided to print the so-called trick, with the caveat that they had a tough time getting it to work themselves and may be dependent on your particular SNES console. Immediately the next issue, they published the actual button code to accomplish the same thing.

>> No.9810832

cynical gen X writer just pulling two random names he has no reference for out of a hat

>> No.9810856

Does it actually work?

>> No.9810863 [DELETED] 

More like soulful

>> No.9810864
File: 1.05 MB, 1277x768, 1640201105889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother and I tried it ourselves back then, and I don't believe we got it to work, or at least I don't recall us getting it to work. In that one-month time span between when this went to print and when the actual code was published, I like to think thousands of us were furiously jacking off our SNES power buttons, and at least one poor motherfucker broke the damn thing.

>> No.9810897

Tentacruel isn't catchable in R/B, so Prima's even stupider than we thought.

>> No.9810964
File: 35 KB, 249x300, sonic3guide01-001-249x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a PDF of this, but the Sonic 3 Play Guide tells you the cave system in Angel Island Act 2 is "worth exploring". The problem?

This cave is only accessible as Knuckles, Sonic & Knuckles was not released at the time and even if it was you cannot access the cave as Sonic or Tales. Period. Even if you made it into the Act 1 boss area the game softlocks.

>> No.9810983
File: 12 KB, 400x220, 2351117-imposter_professor_oak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, that was me! What gave me away?

>> No.9811137

>cynical gen X writer
Unsessecary adjective. It's like writing "wet water."

>> No.9811142


>> No.9811143

If anyone has scans of Nintendo Power issues dealing with the pre-release era of Quest 64 or Mission:Impossible, I would love to see those articles again. Especially speculation on what Quest 64 would be like on the 64DD.

>> No.9811158

The entire Diablo 2 instruction manual.

>> No.9811161

you missed like a year of an anon posting each one

>> No.9811170

Dont mind me, I'm just having a little stroke.

>> No.9811271

I remember the Prima Starcraft/BW guides having some prime shit advice. One that sticks out to me is "be ready for the Firebat rush".

>> No.9811272

Strange. I wonder if something about spamming the power button on certain models sent signals that tricked the cart into thinking the cheat had been input. Or maybe the kid was just BSing and the magazine misunderstood what they saw.

>> No.9811283

Well, they added photos as proof that it did work, and I doubt they're doctored as they also mention that the trick also gives you a faster speed option, a 10 credit option, and the ability to use the ultimate attacks in story mode, all of which can indeed be enabled via button codes, so yeah, possibly some memory values can shift at random and trigger the flags that unlock all those things.

>> No.9811287

Prima guides are practically easy mode for the "give shitty advice" category. Their Breath of Fire 3 guide says an unwinnable fight early in the game is beatable if you're high enough level (it isn't-- the bosses literally have infinite HP)

>> No.9811304

Oh yeah that reminds me
The players guides that came with the World of Warcraft battle chest were written during the games beta so they were full of out of date information, and bewilderingly were never updated even when they were packaged in with TBC
I remember reading them while the game was installing and then wondering where the fuck you got plainsrunning on a Tauren

>> No.9811380

>Be me, like 12.
> Get masterball
> "It can catch any pokemon 100% of the time"
> Throw it at a trainers ekans (not available in my game).
> "LOL! Nope!"
> Wasted pokeball

Fucking hell man.

>> No.9811417

"Holding the B button when the pokeball flickers will ensure a capture"
I still instinctively do it years later.

>> No.9811423

Who doesn't? If nothing else, I can't help but need to do something with the buttons when hoping for the ball to lock.

>> No.9811442

Rayman 2 Revolution manual mentions the blue lums and the big yellow lums with the faces, but neither are in that particular version.

>> No.9811446

Wouldn't be surprised if that's how the guide writer figured it out. Held B down at the time he happened to catch one.

>> No.9811452
File: 1.19 MB, 1092x1526, 2ojY6gZ-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT, post shitty advice, misinformation, bad translations and other generally bizarre fuckery from gaming magazines and strategy guides. Pic somewhat related, though ironically enough I'm not actually sure that it's legit.
this is a 1999 prima guide I have. look at this shit. "hold A for more powerful attacks" and "hold up and B to catch pokemon" where the fuck did they get this shit?

>> No.9811486

Now, was that rumor already going around at the time of that guide's writing, or did it originate there? I can't quite remember if I had heard about that "trick" right when the game came out.

>> No.9811495

>If you hook it, use Safari Balls to catch it.
No fucking shit, dumbass!

>> No.9811507
File: 39 KB, 578x472, 1674924092335077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the FFIX manual mentioned something about an "ultimate synthesis artist" being somewhere out in the world, and then some magazine I bought a short time afterwards revealed the name of this ultimate synthesis artist as "Hardis". So there I was, looking all over the place for this Hardis, but he was nowhere to be found. Then I fought Hades, and was greeted with a synthesis shop that forges unique items, and it all clicked.

>> No.9811528

But did you know that this same technique works with other Pokémon in the Safari Zone, and not just with Dratini? Be honest.

>> No.9811546

Imagine if you knew how to do modern day red/blue catch any pokemon glitches, IVs, and brock skips back in the day. You'd be the COOLEST kid on the playground

>> No.9811548

Do instruction manuals count also? Because that bit from Sonic 3's manual about "inescapable traps" to lampshade the glitches that gets you trapped in the walls comes to mind here.

>> No.9811584

I'm pretty sure it was Sonic 3D Blast, but I remember there being a game on the Genesis that would sometimes crash if a certain input was done or if the cartridge wasn't quite inserted correctly. The developer couldn't fix the bug, so he just replaced the crash screen with a level select screen. If you managed to do whatever it was to crash the game, you'd just be taken to a level select and think it was a cheat code. This let the game get past certification and release.

Maybe that was something similar, and you could trigger the crash by the rapid on/off of the SNES.

>> No.9811589

Prima faggotry struck once again.

>> No.9811626
File: 94 KB, 837x321, Screenshot_20230410_232356_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prima guide for Spyro the Dragon did me well. If anyone remembers the confusing article in that one I'm all ears

>> No.9811860
File: 363 KB, 1017x1078, 1677948921935730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9811867

What the fuck

>> No.9811886

kek this one takes the cake, holy shit

>> No.9811905
File: 1.72 MB, 2560x1440, official guide cheats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prima's shittiness never went away. Their PMD Rescue Team guide was about as useful as Anne Frank's drum kit. It gave no advice on the hardest dungeons outside of "throw rocks", made zero recommendations, and even had evidence of cheating in the screenshots, like here.

>hp way too high
>level way too low at this point in the game for playing normally

>> No.9812256
File: 2.78 MB, 320x240, 1614233293167.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Their PMD Rescue Team guide was about as useful as Anne Frank's drum kit.

>> No.9812263

i remember borrowing that book from a friend and it told me to use fucking fire mons against agatha

>> No.9812290

i remember hearing about the mew glitch sometime around gold and silver being out so its not as unlikely as you think. and the SA goons used to have LP threads around then which show off quite a few glitches that were already known
i vaguely remember one rather popular one where a guy had a raichu named fatty, and then he went around catching glitchazard, and even used ditto to call in the ZZaZZ glitch. its fair to say that people who werent 2nd graders at the time were already well into de-constructing the pokeverse by the early/mid 00s

plus, ime, kids had gamesharks and were always doing dumb bullshit with them and trying to trick each other, so everyone wouldve probably just bullied you and called you a liar

>> No.9812312
File: 282 KB, 1876x979, 986451865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting past how they misspell LJN twice when referencing the Rare game, they also seem to have dreamt up another Spider-man videogame that was available in 1991 and published/developed by Enter Active, whoever the fuck they are.

>> No.9812363

Actually water is not wet, it just makes other things wet.

>> No.9812374
File: 2.68 MB, 1022x1339, K64p02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the classic

>> No.9812378

I was told up + b

>> No.9812380


>> No.9812385

Effective at making tings wet, although less than water, but with the benefit of making them delicious in many cases.

>> No.9812409

what a wild ride of things that are true, things that are complete bullshit, and things that work but can be done more efficiently

>> No.9812425

>Imagine if you knew how to do modern day red/blue catch any pokemon glitches, IVs
>You'd be the COOLEST kid on the playground

I knew about IVs. Of course I didn't know they were called "IVs", but
>NPCs tell you no two pokémons are alike
so with that information, I caught two mons at the same level. Checked their stats, and they were different.

From that point onwards I'd always catch at the very least 5 of the same mon before deciding which one to put in my team.

Also another NPC tells you mons you trained yourself were more powerful. It didn't take long to figure out that a late game mon capture at lvl 35-45 is weaker than the same mon you raised to that level. And if that wasn't clear enough already, I could also tell the difference between a missingno'd lvl100 and the same mon I trained to lvl100 myself, the missingno'd ones were the equivalent of a lvl 80-85.
And yeah, everybody knew about missigno.

so yeah there are a lot things that were already known as long as you weren't retarded and actually invested yourself in the game

>> No.9812435

>It didn't take long to figure out that a late game mon capture at lvl 35-45 is weaker than the same mon you raised to that level.
The manual for Pokemon Stadium has a disclaimer in the back about this, saying "Beware the Easy Route".

>> No.9812734

So that's why your mom calls me sauce
>my zoomie ass
That's what I thought

>> No.9812741

If your magazine was anything like the ones I bought at the time, the writers probably copy and pasted from an incomplete GameFAQs guide originally written by someone who was playing the Japanese version.

>> No.9812839

>up B
Everyone knows it was down B to increase the catch rate

>> No.9812961

>Had to make a fake prima page just to stir up outrage
For what purpose?

>> No.9812996

>just to stir up outrage
>for what purpose?
You answer your own question before you even asked it, retard.

>> No.9813059


>> No.9813214

you guys are all wrong
its A+B+up+down+left+left+right+start+select very quickly, while the ball is thrown but before it starts to shake and then HOLD B and down while its shaking
works every time unless you mess up the code
my uncle works at nintendo and told me

>> No.9813279

At least you didn’t save afterwards right? Right?

>> No.9813948


This wasn't a Prima strategy guide. It was from the UK's official Nintendo Magazine

>> No.9813967

I still have this stupid shitty guide....

>> No.9813991
File: 1.87 MB, 2000x2000, 1642086950918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9814910

is this really in the manual?? kek

>> No.9815139
File: 363 KB, 1020x678, KnuxChaotix-pg23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Knuckles' Chaotix manual pretends that the "Power Emerald" is a thing, but it's not. It also pretends that Dr. Robotnik is the final boss, but he's not (unless he's supposed to be in the giant Metal but the game was rushed so the transformation happens off screen). The Japanese manual came a little later and fixed a lot of things, but it doesn't explain who Heavy and Bomb are, and implies a more satisfying conclusion to the game by tying the carnival to the floating island for some reason. Sega never exactly ironed out the lore since it never got a good re-release, although Ian Flynn says that supposedly the giant Metal is Metal Sonic Kai in the current story, which was the name of normal Metal Sonic in the Japanese manual, so I guess the ideal version is closer to but not the same as the Japanese manual.

>> No.9815165

UK version of the guide that GAME put out said hold B.

>> No.9815256

No fucking way

>> No.9815340


>> No.9815350

How did they get such clear pictures???

>> No.9815359

Contrary to zooming beliefs, emulation was a thing in the mid/late 90's.

>> No.9815365

no$gmb existed in the 90s?

>> No.9815486

I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be referring to the Master Emerald, but the localizers erased all the plot's ties to S3&K and so they had to make something up to replace it.

>> No.9815646


>> No.9816062
File: 102 KB, 265x258, IMG_20230315_221435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ijidkijidk Sun

>> No.9816126

I've seen this kind of shit on bootlegs

>> No.9816292
File: 2.86 MB, 1048x1398, 06798295-32b8-4ecb-a6cf-b8bf27ab7e88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aha I promise its real my friend. here's ISBN and also a weird booby chicken


>> No.9816326

the rumor at my school was you had to mash the A button. the faster you tapped A, the higher your capture success would be. For years I would fucking strain my arm spamming the A button as fast as I could to try to catch pokemon. My arm would get so fucking tired trying to catch legendary Pokemon... Took years to break that habit once I found out it was a sham. I distinctly remember having to actively fight the urge to tap A while catching something, because it just felt so WRONG sitting there and not abusing the fuck out of my gameboy

>> No.9816371
File: 2.66 MB, 1648x846, gm 44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fade to black sees conrad hart, the hero of another world and flashback...

>> No.9816378
File: 2.92 MB, 1651x834, gm46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this oddity from the same issue of gamesmaster.

>> No.9816383

Being confused about Castlevania games was the norm in magazines

>> No.9816387

Which is why I spent my time playing day of the 10tacle

>> No.9816415

Wow I have not seen that guide in well over 20 years. I remember being frustrated with how shitty the Link's Awakening section was. Looking through it again, you could tell how little effort was put into everything but the Pokemon section and even that was pretty half assed.

>> No.9816530
File: 105 KB, 599x1044, Phantasy Star II Hint Book (1990)_0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The enemies are hard.
Blaster is a later foe put on an early dungeon that can fuck you up at that point.

>> No.9816707

>these fake Poke Tips keep circulating

I was the one who uploaded the PDF scan of this guide to /vp/ back in 2010/2011 and then some anon in the thread took the Poke Tip screenshots and made a whole series of fake ones, and they've been circulating ever since. Some of the actual Poke Tips in the real guide are pretty dumb, but not actively malicious like this one.

>> No.9816719
File: 573 KB, 562x612, Screenshot 2023-04-12 at 23.52.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the guide actually says about the Master Ball, you can see that it doesn't actually give shit advice.

>> No.9816721
File: 524 KB, 610x524, Screenshot 2023-04-12 at 23.55.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then you have ones like this which inaccurately states that Hyper Beam is a Dragon-Type move

>> No.9816734

link please?

>> No.9816742

Well, I did say I wasn't sure it was legit, and I suspected it precisely because there were far too many examples of such obviously terrible/malicious tips.

>> No.9816898


here ya go

>> No.9816950

I swear there was some sort of morphic resonance where every kid thought that holding B and a directional input increased capture rate. I don't think anyone even told me about it but I have fond memories of doing it

>> No.9817037

>you should buy the official FF9 strategy guide
I'm amazed playonline is still there, but it seems to be just an FF11 page now so I assume the guide is completely worthless

>> No.9817098

It just feels right and you'll notice it "working" more often than you'll notice it not working.

>> No.9817208
File: 39 KB, 400x400, 1625700517123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about as useful as Anne Frank's drum kit

>> No.9817252

The english manual story in general is weird
>Knuckles defends "Carnival Island"
>Stresses that Carnival Island's opening day is tomorrow in a game that has a day-night cycle.
>Doesn't mention the Dark Rings and why Robotnik is using them.
As for the Japanese manual tying the Newtrogic to the Floating Island, it was likely to tie it further into the previous games. Chaotix kinda plays around with the implied connection between the rings and the Chaos Emeralds, but it goes nowhere and Sonic Adventure dropped that angle entirely.

>> No.9817386
File: 1.28 MB, 2560x1440, shitty guides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's a puzzle anyways finish it and you get the item

>> No.9817487

Remember when Vector was trying to prove that God existed and saw the Chaos Rings' island being formed as a sign?

>> No.9817521

He's not wrong.

>> No.9817570

So is the idea that, the ESL bootleggers just used the first article they could find about the game as it's instruction manual and it happened to be an absolute hit job of a scathing review?
t. bit of a moron if im honest

>> No.9817583

It's a strange one, when you search up old copies of the Amazing Spider-man for the Game Boy on ebay or w.e there are two variants - one with Enteractive Video Games across the top of the box, manual, and cartridge and one without. Not really sure what the difference is, the Enteractive version is still branded as LJN and I can't find anything about Enteractive ever actually publishing it or any GB games. I also don't see any revised rom for it in any complete romsets so I don't know what the FUCK they're talking about the non Enteractive version being better... Really strange!

>> No.9817584

It's referring to the places where the giant rings hid

>> No.9817589

After playing on simulators, it's mind blowing that people are still catching pokemon to this day

>> No.9817659

that puzzle would be the number 1 reason someone would check a guide for this game too

>> No.9817661

Everyone at my school did pressing B rapidly or increase catching chance

This shit spread schoolyard to schoolyard somehow in an age before social media

>> No.9817663

For me it was Down+B

>> No.9817680

There's 3 of these in the game. 4 if you count the one in Linked Ages that is impossible without covering the final blue tile with a goddamned Cane of Somaria block.
Not only does it give no advice on any of these, it does not even make reference to the Linked Hero's Cave bonus dungeons.

>> No.9817734

thats fake, i literally owned this guide. It said the fearow one.

>> No.9817835
File: 551 KB, 1264x1644, TOSMDPTB3_Book_UK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these guide books, cant remember the one but it had a Street fighter 2 guide on how to beat the game as Ryu, dont recall it mentioning and special moves "Just throw" and how to "Beat" Streets of rage 3 and get the president is dead bad ending.

>> No.9818225
File: 1.87 MB, 9749x2172, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it was indicating the entire cave system in pic related. I remember trying to get into it with debug mode.

>> No.9818272

skill issue

>> No.9818950

MMBN4 is full of typos

>> No.9819883
File: 24 KB, 400x268, Cloud_Suggestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for want of a comma

>> No.9821053


>Hold A while attacking to do more damage

I forgot I used to do this. In pretty much every game until the DS because I used touch inputs for that

>> No.9821078

Putting pants on link was the best thing OoT did

>> No.9821080

"Oh well, I'll just buy another at the next town."

>> No.9822068

The best part is that there's unique dialogue for if Cloud is solo or Barrett is solo and they mangled it ALL THREE TIMES to convey the opposite meaning.

>> No.9822074
File: 201 KB, 1536x1280, Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (USA)_0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic 3's manual says that if you clip into the scenery that's not a bug it's a feature.