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9809636 No.9809636 [Reply] [Original]

4th Quarter 2001

>Xbox launches their system with Halo, a game that redefines the 1st person shooter and is a multiplayer juggernaut.
>GTA III for the PS2 creates the first modern 3D sandbox game. Though rough around the edges, the game is ridiculously fun to play - engaging in crimes and causing chaos in a populated city was unlike anything people had seen at this point.
>Nintendo, who has a reputation of releasing an extremely high quality, if not outright era-defining Mario game with their system launches, choose instead to release picrel. A spin off Luigi game for babies that has maybe 8 dollars of gameplay.

Is it a wonder that the Gamecube was such a flop?

>> No.9809649

lel, ironically when I was in my early teens Luigi's Mansion was the one game I was salty I couldn't play.

>> No.9809661

that game has better lightning effect that the sequels

>> No.9809971

From a technological point of view, it was destroying the concurrence.
From a gameplay one tho...

>> No.9809978

GameCube also had Rogue Squadron II. It's clearly a game for adults as it's based on a movie from the 70's.

>> No.9809979

Luigi, Melee, the list goes on... (it really does: Pikmin, Rogue Leader, Super Monkey Ball, Crazy Taxi)

>> No.9809997

>Is it a wonder that the Gamecube was such a flop?
It wasn't just the lack of Mario at launch. By that time most consumers had outgrown Nintendo's family friendly titles and had moved on to Sony and Microsoft since they were marketed much more professional and mature

>> No.9810002

>By that time most consumers had outgrown Nintendo's family friendly titles and had moved on to Sony and Microsoft since they were marketed much more professional and mature
And now, in retrospect, it's funny to see how actually kiddy and immature games like Halo or GTA were, not to mention other popular titles on these consoles like Final Fantasy X (I still chuckle each time I remember a grown adult tried to tell me FF X was mature, I had tidus laughter video playing on my head).
But yeah, marketing alone is able to bend reality. You could probably convince normalfags that the Sega Pico is the most mature console ever if you marketed it right.

>> No.9810017

How exactly did Halo redefine the genre? I'm not shitting on the game by any means, genuinely curious

>> No.9810024

Being able to aim up and down, regenerating health, modern online play. It was call of duty like a decade before that shit took over the world

>> No.9810034

>Being able to aim up and down
>modern online play
You act like these things didn't exist before Halo. You know how popular games like Team Fortress, Counter Strike and Quake 3 Arena were? People always claim that Halo invented modern multiplayer shootan but this is just not true

>> No.9810062

Can't win. If Nintendo released a Mario game people would say they did the same old shit all the time. They try something new, people bitch it's not a Mario game. Really no way to win over gamers with anything.

>> No.9810075

I remember being a bright-eyed nintendo gamer coming from the 64 and all the recent classics it put out, seeing this lineup and my heart sinking as the gc got trashed relentlessly on techtv. Luigi's Mansion will always have that same sting the 3DS had with just pilotwings and street fighter. Delay your fucking launch if you dont have shit to put out. Wii U just had zombiu and nsmbu. What the fuck has nintendo been on since n64? They lose a single console war and then they just shit their fucking pants pissing in every direction

>> No.9810079
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>> No.9810135

>By that time most consumers had outgrown Nintendo's family friendly titles and had moved on to Sony and Microsoft since they were marketed much more professional and mature
Exactly. No children were born in the 90s, so the market for children's games just disappeared.

>> No.9810136

The switch is rather dominant in its own lane currently, but yeah both the N64 and the GC were pants shitters. GBA and NDS did well. Realistically both the N64 and GC were before Nintendo essentially gave up in the horsepower department. I hate nu-nintendo in a lot of ways but wish other companies were less focused on muh grafx and more on actual games.

>> No.9810164

I was 10 years old, playing with Star Wars Legos and wondering why people hate Jar Jar Binks when Rogue Squadron 2 came out.

>> No.9810195 [DELETED] 

Dedicated grenade and melee buttons, 2 weapon limit (forced you to be strategic), multiple AI allies in some missions, checkpoint based missions, smart enemy AI that forced you to approach encounter strategically, real dual stick control. I was as skeptical about the Xbox as much as anyone but Halo blew me away

>> No.9810236
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Here are the Gamecube North American launch titles. The ones that are crossed out weren't already available on another(system) before the gamecube version was released. They're also exclusives. Every single 3rd party games was released on at least one other platform before the gamecube got released. Tarzan was only released 3 days earlier on PS2. All Star Baseball, however, came out on ps2 like 3 weeks before the MLB season started, where as the Gamcube version came out like 3 weeks after the world series.

>> No.9810240
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Forgot to cross super monkey ball, doh

>> No.9810245

I've gotten to the point where I don't really hate Nintendo's approach anymore.
I think the Switch is easily their best system since the SNES since it's less heavily gimmicked than both the Wii and the WiiU. It's great for playing first party stuff, old games and the occasional indie title and that's all I really want. I don't need top of the line specs to play Mario Kart or whatever.

>> No.9810264

Wouldn't know. 2001 was the beginning of my gaming dry spell that ran until years later when my kids got old enough to want to play my old consoles with me. In '01, I was a college freshman and enjoying prime millenial pussy.

>> No.9810281

I love Halo but it didn't popularize Y-axis look, nor did it have online play until the PC port in 2003.
What it did revolutionize was gamepad controls for the FPS genre.

>> No.9810287

Yeah, before Halo, you had to cycle through your weapons to be able to use melee attacks or grenades in FPS games, which rendered both sort of impractical. The controls in Halo made both of these very useful and part of any standard strategy. Limiting yourself to two main weapons also made encounters a lot more strategic since you had to think about which weapons you'd be taking with you.

>> No.9810338

Some people think in terms of corporations when really 'Nintendo' is just the sum total of a handful of leading designers like Miyamoto, Tezuka, and Imamura -- when they're pursuing other projects, and the third parties are gone, Nintendo's gone. Luigi's Mansion is well liked of course but it's mainly a 3D adaptation of Clu Clu Land, and not a traditional Nintendo platformer. When Miyamoto retired from the flagship franchises after the N64, the company doubled-down by trying to appeal to the GBA market which was small and had no real buying power unlike the Gen X and Millennial demographics which were buying other systems.

>> No.9810361

Same, when I said I hate nu-Nintendo I was referring more to their business practices/shit discounts. I think they still care the most about fun games. I don’t play my switch much but I’m keeping it around in the hopes it can be easily jailbroken one day. I also agree it’s the best console since the SNES, I personally enjoy the DS library more but it’s not really fair to compare the two, and the switch or switch two or whatever May one day surpass it given that they keep bringing older titles to the system.

>> No.9810371

Halo brought FPS titles into the mainstream and single handedly created MLG. The story line was fun, especially in co-op mode but Halo 1 shined the brightest on multiplayer LAN. Playing 8v8 LAN was some of my greatest memories growing up. I used to host them almost everyday at my house in the summers. 20+ kids packed in with TVs, xboxes, controllers, and ethernet cables strung all over the place. I am in my 30's and I still have people bring up random events that happened during LANs that were 20 years ago.

We had counter strike and quake before Halo, but neither of those were digestible at the time because mouse/keyboard aim just hadn't been really dialed in yet. There was only one decent mouse I can think of that was usable for FPS, the Microsoft intellimouse. The overwhelming majority of mice used the ball which was awful for aiming with as it wasn't precise at all. Now there is 100 million different accurate mice to choose from so PC shooters are the standard.

>> No.9810382

I believe it just got hacked. Haven’t watched the video yet but saw an alert on my phone.

>> No.9810383

this is one of the worst case of false flags i've ever seen

>> No.9810436

I'm actually serious, no one gave a shit about any other shooter on console until halo. I know goldeneye and stuff. I know it didn't invent all of these things. I was including halo 2 too. But this is really what happened for console gamers at the time. Was Metroid prime letting you aim up and down? No. Why? It release too early relative to Halo. Xbox live, good controllers, first person shooter all came together with halo on Xbox. I love counter strike and team fortress but those games didn't make shit popular or start revolutions. That's more just like nerdy word of mouth stuff

>> No.9810448

This is the stupidest post on the stupidest board of 4chan

>> No.9810453

NHL Hitz is kino and it looks the best on Gamecube

>> No.9810457

As far as console shooters, he's right. The one exception being Goldeneye of course, but the genre could not compare at all to PC shooters until Halo.

>> No.9810467

Metroid Prime did let you aim up and down, and it released after Halo: CE. Halo didn't have any Xbox Live support whatsoever. I have no idea what Team Fortress has to do with the release of the Gamecube or the legacy of Halo: CE on the console shooter market either. I agree that Halo mastered the console shooter genre but that's got nothing to do with the content of his (your) posts.

>> No.9810492

>Xbox launches their system with Halo, a game that redefines the 1st person shooter and is a multiplayer juggernaut.
>GTA III for the PS2 creates the first modern 3D sandbox game. Though rough around the edges, the game is ridiculously fun to play - engaging in crimes and causing chaos in a populated city was unlike anything people had seen at this point.
Thanks to these shit videogames, videogames started to die

>> No.9810497

Since when was GTA 3 ridiculously fun to play? It was novel for the time but even in 2001 the gameplay was garbage.

>> No.9810498

That is a port, retard

>> No.9810571

Suoer Monkey Ball is a gamecube exclusive based off the Japanese only game Monkey Ball.

>> No.9810580

Star Wars is always relevant for all age groups.

>> No.9810610

Yeah, I bought a stuffed Vader doll for my 7 year old niece that's as tall as she is and she's been taking it everywhere with her since Christmas. She quotes him in this weird growl, creeps me the fuck out.

>> No.9810619

The Gamecube is a square piece of shit that only has two great games (Resident Evil and Resident Evil 4 lol).

>> No.9810681

>I have no idea what Team Fortress has to do with the release of the Gamecube or the legacy of Halo: CE
Team Fortress had multiplayer and let you aim up and down. Halo is literally nothing, there's nothing to this game. What fucking legacy of Halo? Dude literally no one plays shooters on consoles, the world exists outside of America. Yes, everyone played Modern Warfare 2 on PC, it's only in America that you see kids (with their shoes on while at home) play that shit on 360

>> No.9810697


Playing GTA III with a group of friends while we tried to get our wanted levels as high as possible is some of the most fun I've had playing games. The missions give you some creative leeway in how to accomplish them, the side missions (like vigilante mode) are really fun distractions
I was in college when MW 2 came out and everybody...I mean EVERYBODY I knew played it on Xbox.

>> No.9810703


Another GTA game, except this time they've stopped restricting their awful, janky 3D engine to a merely cosmetic feature and now have made it inherent to gameplay... another FPS, similar to every other FPS... and a unique, super-polished Luigi game. Give me choice #3 please, even if it's short and easy.

GTA 3 and Halo spread old types of gameplay that hardcore players already loved to a large audience of causals and kids who hadn't happened to fall in love with them yet. Nintendo invented new types of gameplay for casuals and kids (and sometimes the rest of us too), with stuff like Mario 64, Brain Age, and Wii Sports. That is the more respectable way to go. The GameCube mostly lacked that, though, yeah. I guess Pikmin is the standout in that regard...

>> No.9810710

Assuming you're talking about Team Fortress Classic that shit was only on PC, and a mod of Quake- which was much more popular of an online shooter. If you're talking about Team Fortress 2 that came out 6 years after Halo and has nothing to do with anything at all. What does Modern Warfare 2 have to do with the important of an Xbox launch title from 2001? What are your synapses doing right now dude? Is there any activity at all?

>> No.9810734

I'm talking about the original TF. And I'm using Modern Warfare 2 as an example of a popular shooter that literally everyone except for Americans played on PC. There's nothing wrong with playing shooters on consoles I'm just saying that you people among with modern Japanese that literally don't know it's possible to play games on PC. No one in their right mind would opt to use a controller instead of m+kb for a fucking FPS game. Halo is literally nothing, get over it, your last (you). Mentioning it with a truly groundbreaking game like GTA3 is just wrong. Also Luigi's Mansion is like 10 times more fun than Halo

>> No.9810807

>the gameplay was garbage
Then you didn't have much to compare it to. Free range motion, no tank controls, camera wasn't locked behind you or fixed in a certain position, you had missions and objectives but nothing was forcing you to do them, at the time the world felt alive even though it was the same characters doing the same thing, and it had decent arcade driving mechanics, with an open world that feels a lot larger than it is. Replace cars with a horse and the only thing I could easily compare it to would maybe be Ocarina of Time. Instead of puzzles though you have shoot outs.

>> No.9812103

Melee came out in Q4 2001...

>> No.9812113

>he never drove an Infernus in rainy Portland listening to Rise FM with friends and with S.W.A.T. shooting at him
GTA3 was great and still the best along with GTA2.

>> No.9812228

you say immature, but ackshually the tidus laughter is forced on purpose, he was trying to make Yuna happy (you can see them genuinely laughing afterwards)

>> No.9812359

Melee and Rogue Squadron II were the Gamecube's defining launch games. Luigi's Mansion and Pikmin were fun experiments too though.

>> No.9812364
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The gamecube's lack of quality games is why it failed. No, your internet revisionist youtubers are wrong, those games are terrible.

>> No.9812850

>shitting on Luigi's Mansion
The lightning effects are so insane they still look pretty great even today

>> No.9812998

>shitting on Luigi's Mansion

Everyone made fun of Luigi's Mansion for like, a decade, after it came out. It was widely derided as a glorified tech demo that you could beat in 3 hours. It was only after the sequel came out that revisionist history started to be written and people started to pretend that the first one was le classic.

>> No.9813039

Nobody shat on Luigi's Mansion, what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.9813042

ending still makes me taer up like a lil bitch

>> No.9813078

>Luigi's first solo excursion has flashes of brilliance and is fun while it lasts, but the short amount of time it takes to complete it makes it a hard recommendation.

>Exploring room after room and hallway after hallway only to suck up ghost after ghost becomes redundant. And the adventure ends abruptly five or six hours after it's started – with no replay value to be discovered. For that, I can really only recommend Luigi's Mansion as a buy for the hardcore audience and as a rental to everyone else.

>This may be Nintendo's internal flagship launch title, but it's certainly not the GameCube equivalent of Mario 64, as many of us were hoping for.

Were you even alive when this game came out?

>> No.9813095

I knew you shitter would post fucking useless game journos. Refrain from doing this retarded shit
>It's very short
Yeah, everyone knows this, retard

>> No.9813109


I got a Gamecube a month after launch. Luigi's Mansion was hugely disappointing for a launch title. The only people I knew who actually really liked the game were two kids my gf at the time babysat for. Everyone over the age of 8 rightfully saw it as a game for babies.

>> No.9813117

Nintendo were just kinda lost because those cutesy kinds of games they were making fell out of favor after 9/11. Halo and GTA were more in line with popular taste.

>> No.9813123

Agreed, feels like opinion has rubber banded back with a lot of people preferring fun and gamey to grimdark edgy, but tastes change over time that’s no surprise

>> No.9813130

>please refrain from posting people's opinions I dont want to accept
what a spoiled entitled faggot. those journalists count and their reviews count you underage retard

>> No.9813142

Game journos has been a plague and retarded as long as I remember. Nobody likes game journos, they always were lying bought cunts, they were at the forefront of the retarded "muh kiddy" shit, they were at the forefront of hating on 2D games pointlessly during the early 3D era, they were at the forefront of hating on a bunch of Japanese games for no reasons, they were at the forefront of the ridiculously paid for AAA push, they were at the forefront of pushing imbeciles like Pachter and the several Wii hot takes to the level where Nintendo had to invent the Nintendo Direct to bypass these idiots and they're currently at the forefront of pushing non-gaming shit into gaming
Game journos have been a fucking plague on every single era of gaming

>> No.9813213

>In '01, I was a college freshman and enjoying prime millenial pussy.
In 2001 almost all Millenials were still underage.
But nice try.

>> No.9813241

>ITT: jaded autists try to rewrite history vs zoomie larpers try to present their spotty knowledge and youtube hottakes as actual gaming history

>> No.9815532

not bad, but it needed a basketball game, a racging game, a football game and at least one fighiting game.

>> No.9817457

Turok and Alien Resurrection laugh at your assertions about controls.
Quake and GoldenEye scoff at your line about halo "revolutionizing" LAN parties.

>> No.9817458

Luigi's Mansion is unironically the best out of those three games.

>> No.9817470
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HALO CE has honest contention for the most overrated video game of all time.

>First to have dedicated melee and grenade controls, so you didn't have to switch weapons.
Tribes had this long before Halo
>Limited you to only two weapons.
Also Tribes
>Move/Strafe & Look being separate controls
PICREL controls from Goldeneye, which were also the same in Turok and some other Acclaim games
Alien Resurrection did it with the DualShock too
I won't even mention PC
>muh LAN parties
Halo CE didn't "revolutionize" the LAN party, nor did it invent taking your console to your friend's house.
This is just your [babby's first] bias.
>online multiplayer arena style FPS combat
Halo didn't revolutionize Quake Arena
>muh vehicles in multiplayer
Tribes had that too

Halo wasn't the first of anything. Didn't revolutionize anything that hadn't been done before. It's 90% hype.
Halo simply was [babby's first] of a lot of things for a lot of people.

>> No.9817609
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>> No.9817619

it let you aim up and down but in a weird and fucked up way. You couldn't move, and you were fighting a constant force to return your aim to center.

>> No.9817950


>> No.9817967

You bring up Halo, hordes of nerds cry about old boomer shooters that frankly weren't even close to as influential. It's like when you bring up ocarina of time and you get fatties talking about how it actually wasn't a massive deal because of a bunch of old crusty ass games that aren't even remotely the same thing. It's like a syndrome or something

>> No.9818193

Zoomies who either didn't live through the 6th gen, or were too young to care will never understand how bad game droughts were back in the day. Its easy to claim the GC had a good library in retrospect, but when you go through 3 quarters of a year with only 1 or 2 good games it feels like shit.

>> No.9818325

Not a surprise that it flopped.
Also not a surprise that it's fondly remembered and sought after today.
Nintendo makes timeless games.
FPS games and open world games are shit and you're a faggot.

>> No.9818342

I dunno man, I was a kid or in HS and had no jobs and wouldn't be able to afford most things releasing. There there was fucking college too. I was able to buy a bunch of things during the Wii, but it really was during the Wii U that I felt it badly, because the droughts here were really fucking bad. Thankfully I also had a 3DS

>> No.9818347

>when you go through 3 quarters of a year with only 1 or 2 good games it feels like shit.
american children grew so spoiled that 2 games per 3 quarters was not enough

>> No.9818368

I rented most of the games I played. Trust me, the Gamecube section of the video store was a complete wasteland most of the time, especially compared to the PS2 section.

>> No.9818995

>brought FPS titles into the mainstream
goldeneye did

>> No.9819002

Look at all these fucking quality posts, jannie.

>> No.9819035

This, fuck 'em

>> No.9819045

Sad but true

>> No.9819824

calm down bong go eat your bean toast

>> No.9819827

these threads always bring out the seething nintendo children

>> No.9819887

Never bothered me to be honest. How many games do you people get through? I probably played Smash Bros Melee at least once a week for years.

>> No.9819984

nice. fuck american pigs.

>> No.9819987

the only negative thing about this game i've ever heard is it's short.

>> No.9820008

lol i use a controller when i play shooters on pc. you have autism