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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9805271 No.9805271 [Reply] [Original]

This and its sequel are the definitive peak of SMW hacking
It only goes down from here

>> No.9805363

>first level
>already munchers everywhere

>> No.9805424

Yeah, bit of a poor impression, imo, but it gets way better after the first world, trust me
Sequel's better with the difficulty curve

>> No.9806260

Depends on what you ant OSE or Marina are much less gimmicky, are great for mindless working out material. JUMP is too much stop and go, too much thinking and custom control schemes.

There's plenty more good romhacks though. Some made after JUMP. And there's 2 sequels so to me it looks like you haven't beaten that 2nd one yet OP

>> No.9806426

no that would be mario goes to brazil.

>> No.9806802

Will JUMP work on a real console without any extra chips? I wanted to try some hacks years ago but was disappointed when none of the ones I wanted to try actually worked.

>> No.9806814

Yeah, it should. To my knowledge it doesn't use shit like SA-1 or any of that

>> No.9806854
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>and its sequel
I prefer the first JUMP. When I played JUMP 1/2 I felt there were way too many gimmick levels that overstayed their welcome. Also I hated YUMP, but I guess that's supposed to be shitty.
Now Super Mario /v/orld 2? That's the real king of collab hacks.

>> No.9806998
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so modern romhacks for older games are allowed to be discussed on /vr/? does it mean mods like new horizons for a game released in 2003 also allowed for discussion?

>> No.9807034

Thought it was a SNES mario party port.
That would be cool

>> No.9808018

>Super Mario /v/orld
Come back when it doesn't use Denuvo-tier DRM halving my FPS

>> No.9808292
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>> No.9808304

Sea dogs is such an underrated gem

>> No.9808317

Not a fan of collab hacks. Feels like watching TRL when watching a one-man hack is like playing a rock opera. Something with a vision.

>> No.9808329

yeah denuvo works on millions of pcs, good argument

>> No.9808558
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>he can't run a SNES game

>> No.9808590

Again, false.

>> No.9808637
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What's false? You can't play /v/orld because you either emulate on a toaster or rely on weird some meme thing like run-ahead.

>> No.9808676

Read >>>9808018

>> No.9808737
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>> No.9808767

Okay. You jsut want to dump your porn. If you ever want to discuss the topic at hand feel free to reach out.

>> No.9808840

I fuck em all and cum inside

>> No.9808898

>discuss the topic at hand
/v/orld 2 is the best collab hack.
Plumber For All Seasons is easily the best "feels like a sequel" hack.
Other good hacks that come to mind: Princess Rescue, Spesh Planet, VIP 3-5, JUMP 1 and 1/2, Mario Forever, TSRPR, Super Mario Odyssey (probably nostalgia talking because it was one of the first hacks I played), The Treasure Hunt, Brutal Mario, Luigi's Adventure

Right now I'm going to check out the Sicari hacks. Afterwards I'll likely be in the mood for a more vanilla styled hack.

>> No.9809167

>buried treasure
Such a good hack, back then I've never thought they would make a piano puzzle in a Mario romhack.
I'll also add Mushroom Kingdom Under Crimson Skies, Second Reality Project and Yoshi Strange Quest

>> No.9809749
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I wanna add Super Mario Omega to that list. Its very old but holds up well imo as a potential sequel. Pretty graphics and good level design.

Are any of you anons working on your own hacks?

>> No.9809759

>emulate on a toaster
other romhacks dont have this problem

>> No.9809776

TSRPR is still the best SMW hack ever made and it's better than all of nintendo's own 2d mario games. unbelievably kino

>> No.9809798
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>Are any of you anons working on your own hacks?
Not him, but i do!
I just doing it out of hobby though. It's really fun messing around old games with my autistic fanfiction.

>> No.9809824


>> No.9809862
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DRM is good in romhacks okay; no matter if obfuscated code makes the romhack plays at half the frames it should.

Luigi's OSE's are great. Binge'd like all 4 of them. They're good straight forward non-gimmicky. I've been out of the game for a while. Marisa Adventure World filtered me hard. I'm at world 5 or so.

Play Alyssa's Unlikely Trap. All the demos, are good and different enough and the level design makes you want to go over the differences. It's been a demo for years so don't expect it to finish anytime soon

>> No.9809895

>Luigi's Adventure
probably the most overrated standard hack in existence. Luigi's Misadventures however, it's pure memefuel and I can enjoy them for that reason alone

>> No.9810141

What drm?

>> No.9810143

Care to elaborate?

>> No.9810146

/v/ world's

>> No.9810170
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>Luigi's Misadventure
I just saw the guy has a testing thread for a 5th game. How on Earth do people like him and Bandicoot have time to make so many full-length hacks in the past few years? I've been working on mine for over 3 years and am still not finished

>> No.9810171

/v/orld has strange anticheat that makes it unplayable if you emulate on a potato or use run ahead.

>> No.9810175

or if you overclock the cpu

It adds nothing however.

>> No.9810176

Once you have an idea you want to put it out there. You want to write it down before you forget it. That's how they produce so much more.

>> No.9810181

To add to this. Once your brain is empty of the idea you have just written down, since you no longer need to remember it, you can allow new ideas to take its place much more frequent.

And I can't play Mario World without Run Ahead. Playing it at 74fps, OC'd and with RA -4 the game is just that much more fun to me. I'm not going to struggle through a game without it.

>> No.9810269

You're retarded

>> No.9810270

lol thats hilarious

>> No.9810412
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