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File: 109 KB, 1742x960, knub2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9807731 No.9807731 [Reply] [Original]

CRT thread. show how you get comfy

>> No.9807792

waiting for my local retro game con to happen, Feel like I'll be able to get my PVM fixed since the only people who can fix it are too far away

>> No.9807805
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yeah pretty good chance you'll find somebody to help you there.
i recently ordered some RGB cables for my genesis but I can't get a signal with them. Not sure what's up with it

>> No.9808179

I know some tv's need a weird breakout cable to even output RGB, could be wrong though.
in terms of comfy I want 2 for my personal setup, and if I can ever get my own house I plan on having a gameroom with at least 4 moderately sized CRT's for people to play on

>> No.9808939

Can some sony wegas have their second rgb inputs enabled with a modchip? I want to know if the 20fv12 can be modified to add another rgb port using one of the existing chips out there.

>> No.9808962

How the fuck do you guys maintain a CRT with dandruff? There’s no way you guys are actually wiping it off every hour. Is there a way to make the tube not so staticy?

>> No.9808970

oh shit i have this same monitor. It was sold as not working because the controls are easy to fuck up so they did not test it properly. H/V splits, underscan, and int/ext sync can be set to different things and you'll never get a proper signal sometimes. Easy to reach color killers are pretty cool though

>> No.9809009
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fucking captcha god damnit.

Same, I have three half broken ibm monitors I want to try to repair but am putting it off. And my 14" pvm is acting a little weird, probably just needs new caps though.

Also hoping I can find a nice vga crt when vcf happens here. I've got a dell trinitron but it has a scratch on the glass ;-;

Try holding the screen away from your face. Maybe put it on a shelf or something instead.

>> No.9809014

I can't seem to find a CRT anywhere, how do you guys do it? Better yet, how do I know I've found a good one?

>> No.9809042

How about just dont have dandruff retard

>> No.9809095

look for the size that suits you best, I usually aim for anything 20 and under. I use offerup, facebook and craigslist for certain offers as far as 30 miles, other than that I occasionally pass by garage sales and look for CRT's or monitors

>> No.9809104

>look for the size that suits you best, I usually aim for anything 20 and under.
If I said I wanted something that's a good fit for an N64/PS1/PS2/GCN, what would you recommend?

>> No.9809110


just look for one with the connections you need. Since you're buying a used thing that you probably don't want to ship, it's easier to start with more broad requirements and widdle down based on what's available, instead of searching for a specific model

>> No.9809131

AsoBased, I see you are a CRTbro of taste.

>> No.9809145

Pledge, or any discount anti-static surface cleaning spray. Just don't put it on coated glass, or bare plastic, if your cleaner contains ammonia (it shouldn't).

>> No.9809205

well that depends still, but if its for something you think youd have next to you or on your desk get a 14 or 13 incher, anything far away from you i'd say 20 or above so you can see it.

>> No.9809210

i own this magnavox and you shouldn't stack on top of it or else it'll start to whine when you play tapes. i know you want to shove everything into a single corner or most it all in a screenshot to look super cute on the internet but i promise you ur gonna fuck it up. it's not going to like having that weight on it.

>> No.9809219

it's not a lot of weight, it's just a PVM right now. and that cassette player didn't weigh anything when I had it up there. It's in a metal housing, it would take a lot more than that to mess it up nerd.
your mom looks cute on the internet lol fuckin nerd

>> No.9809231

Why is it so hard to find a 480i crt that supports component for $100 or less? Everything is fucking marketed as "retro gaming" and costs way more than anybody would ever pay for it. I guess people just leave it listed for an exorbitant amount of money and are in no rush to sell it?

>> No.9809260

just search for "free" tv. I will take a while but I got my most recent crt for free on CL. Its a mid 2000 panasonic black crt with component input. It depends where you live but in my area they are pretty common. Yes there are idiots trying to sell consumer tvs for $100+ but nobody ever buys that shit. The CRT market is getting scalped just like games.

>> No.9809275
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uh huh

>> No.9809321

fine how about I move the mag on top of the pvm

>> No.9809336

Based real CRT owner.

>> No.9809352
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>> No.9809353
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>> No.9809472
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>> No.9809479

Is that a fuckin cookie sittin on your desk you disgusting fat fuck?

>> No.9809485

>guy continues to rest CRT on top of a mechanical object that has specific requirements to be used.
Bet you don't even use the VCR let alone know about the VHS picture angling trick.

>> No.9809489

that is a 1/6 scale cat bed sir
why are all of you so mad about everything?

>> No.9809494

you guys just don't get how comfy it is to have everything right in front of you. the bottom of the PVM is flat so the weight is distributed evenly over the four corners of the VCR. I agree it isn't ideal but to assume it's affecting the performance of the machine is a little impetuous.
I'd be more concerned about running the laserdisc player where it is. That's how i know ur both retards

>> No.9809501

Show me a tape from your VHS collection then.
Also the picture angle trick is to lick part of the magnetic VHS tape before you stick it in the player. Gets the angling like when the picture pulls to the side and the sound goes all wonky. Think it has to do with uneven pull on the tape after that. Just wind it back and wipe the spit off after that. It'll dry in the machine if you give it a bit without any issues. Haven't had a VCR since I was a kid but it'd be cool to see it and it's cool to share stuff like this.

>> No.9809514
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>> No.9809554

>no picture angling
boring af. no one cares about jap cooch

>> No.9809567

@ crtbros are there any shaders especially suited to give you the "scanline" look at 640x480 res on a crt? running at 320 is not feasible on my setup

>> No.9809602

>nostalgia goggles lifestyle
get a load of this dweeb

>> No.9809603

>04/10/23(Mon)05:32:48 No.9809472 Anonymous 04/10/23(Mon)04:32:48 No.9809

>> No.9809946

Lads, I'm presented with an opportunity to purchase a Jvc TM-H150CG without the RGB card for around $250. Should I pull the trigger? I already have a PVM-1350 but supposedly this has a higher TVL count, is it worth it?

>> No.9809959

Personally I'd go for it but I don't have a 14 inch pvm and I like that slot mask look. Third party RGB cards are easy to acquire on ebay.

>> No.9810117

Nice CRTs!

>> No.9810932

what modchips? is it to change an I2C register?

>> No.9810954
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Finally found a crt pc monitor, I'm so happy bros. Found it at a thrift store; It's a dell but it only cost $10. They were gonna throw it out

>> No.9810979

Go to thrift stores. They're still worthless on local markets so you can sometimes get one. Ask if they have any in the back, or in the garbage/electrical scrap. It costs them money tonthrow it out so they'll be glad to sell it to you dirt cheap.

>> No.9810981

Yes, it's an i2c register somewhere that enables the external RGB inputs for a PiP circuit. I was thinking of using an Lt1675 pixel switcher if using the extern. RGB wasn't possible.

>> No.9810986

I think the degaussing isnt good for the tapes id move the recorder away

>> No.9811162

the only modchips i know of are by pcbjunkie on youtube. his most recent rgb modding video has him trying unsuccessfully to enable the pins on a CXA2133S, which has the same pinout as your KV-20FV12's CXA2131AS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaKiQTjjI28 there's no datasheet available online for either, but the pinout is also the same on the CXA2061S and CXA2060BS, which do have datasheets available. the RGB SEL register is in the same place for both. if you're able to program your own modchip using that address, then you could try that. in the comments section of pcbjunkie's video, even knowing that the CXA2061S has the same pinout, he says it's a pain. i don't know if that means it doesn't work or what.

>> No.9811187

Yeah any place that isn't Goodwill will likely still pick one up from time to time, looks like Savers or Value Village given the tag... I've also found a few EDTV LCDs that do surprisingly well for specific consoles. also don't worry that it's "just a Dell", for the typical /vr/ resolutions you might use it for like a Dreamcast or fucking about with a super resolution they do just fucking fine, you should even be able to do something like 1280x960

>> No.9811208
File: 45 KB, 390x280, NTSCfags BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, you need more?

>> No.9811371
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Been using it just for general games to test it out and as long as I don't sit too close the quality is phenomenal, esp with the 85fps at 1280x768.
Haha, yeah... who needs more than scart haha... cause i totally have it...

>> No.9811403

Lower the brightness or use limited RGB anon
That black looks too bright

>> No.9811489

I'll take a look but keep in mind cuphead has significant post-processing so it's not a good indicator of accurate colours or black levels.

>> No.9812026

Best connector. As a kid I always wondered why the manufacturers bother putting those yellow RCA sockets on everything when nobody ever uses them (and rightfully so).

>> No.9812134

the ones in the front are mainly there in the front for when you bring a console to your friends house and dont want to fiddle around in the back of the TV, atleast thats how I used them

>> No.9812175

Yeah, they were often described as inputs for camcorders, etc. I used them very rarely, mostly experimenting with different connections. But it looked much worse than via RGB SCART, so I dropped composite fast.
It's a shame SCART was rare on AV receivers. Most of them had composite and S-Video, with component (that we never used here until HD LCDs) in some higher models. Personally I've never come across one with SCART. I wonder if it would be possible to just break out RGB and sync and use the component ports of the receiver, with composite as sync to act as a switch or if there's some additional processing going on that would break it.

>> No.9812591
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>> No.9812601

wtf does that have to do with SCART?

>> No.9812650

what is the yellow cable for on my RGB cable?

>> No.9812692

filename, tourist

>> No.9812703

Yes, RGB is better than NTSC.

>> No.9812750

>it thinks NTSC means 60hz
>it calls others tourists
zoom. not even once.

>> No.9812884

likely composite sync

>> No.9812981

Pic? What console? Might be a sync passthrough for lightguns, my PS2 RGB cable has something like that.

>> No.9814038

I’m guessing it’s not an RGB cable but a component cable with an optional composite plug

>> No.9814112

Where should I plug that in?

>> No.9814748

>have a 27-inch Panasonic I've been using for a few years now
>randomly the image will go dark and/or be super warped and flipped vertically
>if I smack the TV enough times then it fixes itself
It seems fine for now but I'm sure eventually I'll have to deal with whatever the actual problem is or use another TV.

>> No.9815047

most likely cracked solder joint somewhere

>> No.9815048

I meant cold, but same deal

>> No.9815395

I bought a 50 hz trinitron. Did I fail? The guy who sold it to me was very nice.

>> No.9815440

I dunno, does it only play 50hz?
Or is it just 50hz power

>> No.9815465

>Did I fail?
You failed at understanding and describing what you bought. Can't say anything for certain about the device until you stop failing at that.

>> No.9815472

Let me guess, it says "50Hz" on the back? Or rather "220-240V 50Hz"? That's just what the power supply was made for. You know, mains.
It doesn't indicate what signals it supports at all. In fact, your TV almost certainly supports 60Hz RGB and there's a very good chance it can even decode NTSC color via composite.
The best way of course is to plug something in and test it. Post some pics of your find btw.

>> No.9815478

What keyboard is that?

>> No.9815580

Most PAL trinitrons support NTSC as well as RGB. My KV-21X4D from 1997 works fine at 60Hz.

>> No.9815601

refresh rate is 50hz

>> No.9815889

inb4 your zoomie ass

>> No.9815982

every euro Trinitron I've seen supported 60hz.
what happens when you play an NTSC game on it?

>> No.9816175

stop samefagging, samefag

>> No.9816231

I only own pal, im a yuropoor

>> No.9816512

>get laughed at for being retarded on the internet
>u-u-ur samefag
Back to le tiktok kiddo
You're wealthy enough to have access to the largest repository of knowledge in history. There's no legit reason for you to be so ignorant other than mental problems.

>> No.9816980
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I picked this up a month ago for free, had this discoloration on it. i tried putting a PC crt near it and using the degaussing function and that didnt help. is it fucked?

>> No.9817070

does it do that in every location/orientation you've tried? it might be fixable with a degaussing coil

>> No.9817078

yeah, it seems to not matter where it is.

>> No.9817104
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There are ring magnets around the neck of the tube that control that. Pain the in ass to get right but it can be fixed.

>> No.9817136

>i tried putting a PC crt near it
lmao. The discoloration looks suspiciously straight. But fuck around with a magnet and see what happens.

>> No.9817187
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>suspiciously straight.
This is a better pic, it is.

>> No.9817306

you can get a cheap degaussing wand for $16 on ebay right now. start with a wide circular motion and then back away while tightening the motion.

>> No.9817308

although >>9817104 may be right and it's a color purity issue, which in that case I think you end up basically redoing the entire convergence setup.

>> No.9817469

to be clear on orientation, you tried turning the set to different North, South, East, West directions? If turning the set does not work, you could try opening it up and looking for magnets that have come loose. I don't think wegas used glued magnets, that's something you would need with cheaper sets but it's worth seeing if something is knocking around inside.

>> No.9817915

just get a stick of rare earth magnet discs and degauss it

>> No.9817963

Yes. Very unlikely this is cause d by something you can do by simply waving a magnet around, but that'd be the first step diagnosing.
>you can get a cheap degaussing wand for $16 on ebay right now
No, he can't. eBay didn't launch their transporter delivery service until the early 22nd century.
He can get a cheap magnet for a buck at a local store today.

>> No.9818042

I have a PVM 20M2MDU and it looks fantastic. Very vivid picture. The only thing is that the phosphor persistence is much more noticeable than I've seen on my other crts. Is this just normal variation? Turning down the contrast can reduce it a little. Otherwise in great condition, so I'm guessing that's just how it is.

>> No.9818191

phosphor is kino tho

>> No.9818253

Common problem on flatscreen CRT's for some reason.

>> No.9818976


>> No.9819453

That's why CRTs are a pain in the ass.

>> No.9819462

mine just werks

>> No.9819625

The imperfections are part of the charm

>> No.9819797

Someone is selling a Sony kv 30hs420 near me. It's an HD CRT with no input lag if fed a 540p HDMI signal through my Retrotink 5X. I feel that having the end result being an interlaced signal kind of defeats the purpose of "perfect motion clarity" though. For watching TV shows — Can the end result be displayed as a progressive signal instead?

>> No.9820159
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Charmed living

>> No.9820163
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>> No.9820196

Cigarettes are disgusting even if they smell good before they're smoked. Only reason I ever buy a cigar is for the smell. I don't even light them anymore

>> No.9820491

someone close to me is selling a Trinitron PVM-1380, but since it only does composite im not sure if its worth driving to pick it up

>> No.9820527

if the price is good it's worth it

>> No.9820557

My own personal experience, particularly with Sanyo TV's but I no-longer own one so I can't show a specific example.

>> No.9820563
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>> No.9820568
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>> No.9820767

source on no input lag at 540p? that's a progressive signal btw.

>> No.9821972

>my zoomie ass
>my uncle was sanyo

>> No.9822045
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>vertical collapse
is it over?

>> No.9822058

>low radiation
into the trash it goes

>> No.9822059


>> No.9822060

Nothing that can be done?

>> No.9822072

You can hail mary it by adjusting the yoke but that's not guaranteed and requires some experience.

>> No.9822075

yoke adjustment, are you sure? I assumed the first step would be testing components on the deflection board.

>> No.9822076


>> No.9822081

that's textbook capacitor failure, although it could be other things
retard alert

>> No.9822087

nobody smokes cigs for the "smell" you virgin faggit. you smoke them because they improve your buzz when you're drunk or high.

>> No.9822090

That's what I figured. But of course the issue now is that even if I resurrect it, will 480 lines of resolution all hitting the same line of phosphors over and over again, even for a few seconds before I turned the fucker off, leave a burn in mark. Won't be able to tell until it's fixed.

>> No.9822095

CHecking for bad caps is fucking standard for every miscellaneous issue. That should go without saying.

>> No.9822451

Cool posters, but dust that shit, anon.

>> No.9822684

I bought an Ikegami 14-17R online for probably too much but it's my money I'll throw it away if I want. I just hope it gets here in one piece, I've got a 9 inch Ikegami that it could be friends with.

>> No.9822820
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crt and plants

>> No.9823860

It's going to warp that box over time

>> No.9823876

Weird controllers

>> No.9824115

I've found a crt shader that I like (xm29plus color corrected), but I want to run it through a component or svideo shader to make it look more accurate. How do I do that?

>> No.9824130
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My CRTs are small and black and white. How do I add color tubes?

>> No.9824134
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New to using CRTs for gaming, how shit is a Panasonic AG-500? I want to give dip my foot into CRT gaming and there is a AG-500 near me in good working condition. I really like its case design but I am aware these are not exactly high fidelity.

>> No.9824139

If you don't buy that TV for the aesthetics alone then you're gay.

>> No.9824163

Yeah but aside from looking pretty how does it hold up functionality wise?

>> No.9824213

get a color set

>> No.9824221

Unless you are trained with hardware electronics don't even consider it. Its not a simple case of swapping one tube to a another, you will also need to rebuild and rewire the electronic drives to process a color signal.

>> No.9824250
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What you can do though which will be less hardware intensive is color sequential devices. These are rotary disks that go in front of a tv set and spin at high speeds from red to green to blue tinted clear plastic and give the illusion of color. Here's an example of some guy doing for a micro CRT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRdkIzKK49I

>> No.9824285

I was shit posting, but this is actually actually interesting. I think I recall seeing something like this in a YouTube video ages ago.

>> No.9824296

how do i connect snes mini to crt tv

>> No.9824315

What sort of input does your CRT accept?

>> No.9824372

You can just get a hdmi to (whatever) converter but you'll get 480i output on the tv.

>> No.9824381

actually you probably shouldn't even bother. it will look like shit since the snes mini does 16:9

>> No.9824443
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I bring chaotic energy to this thread

>> No.9824467

Autists are bound to get mad. Either add an s-video shader pass, or use a Blargg NTSC video filter on top of it.

>> No.9824747

>all a single controller
no excuse to be this cluttered

>> No.9824781

You are correct about this. And yet, it persists. I'm having my wife look for some shelving units for me while shopping. the closet in here is pretty full of vidya shit with my current storage capabilities.

>> No.9824817
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Not that great relative to newer sets. If you don't mind a fuzzy RF set, the aesthetic is the only thing it really has going for it besides the VHS utility.

>> No.9824937

It has composite, or at least my one does.

>> No.9824949

Actually, thinking about it, there wouldn't be a version with RF input as it lacks a TV tuner.

>> No.9825061

Anyone ever had a daewoo? Model number dtq-20u4sc.

>> No.9825062

Adding a shit shader won't be "more accurate". XM29 has RGB input and it's its main use case, good signal quality is accurate here.

>> No.9825081

I've been playing MGS VR Missions on both a PS1 and PS2. It looks flickery on PS2. Is it because it should be 240p but it's running at 480i? Any way to force the PS2 to output 240p?

>> No.9825107

Anyone know how to fix a "blacked out" rf input on a Sony wega? Nothing appears, no static, no output from an rf modulator. I really want to play Atari.

>> No.9825161
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Good evening.

>> No.9825275

>it thinks NTSC means 60hz
It does?
NTSC spec is 60hz

>> No.9825374

Most pal region crts made in the 90s onwards could support ntsc signals anyway.

>> No.9825515

PS1 games on PS2 output 240p normally, just like on PS1. PS2 literally has PS1 hardware inside. On later PS2s the graphics are emulated though, maybe that's what's causing your flickering. What model PS2 do you have?

>> No.9825524

>underscan wasting screen space and size
why do this?

>> No.9825531

Are curved CRTs better than flat for retro gaming? Flat screen CRTs with SCART are more commonly accessible in my area but supposedly they may or may not have geometry issues. Should I search for a curved one or it doesn't really matters and I could go for either? I'm planning to get a 21" Trinitron if that matters.

>> No.9825535

retro fighters

>> No.9825537

doubt so

>> No.9825542

not really a difference for games, curved screens still display flat image
it's just flat screens more often have geometry issues around the edges because of how CRT's work

>> No.9825639

I like the curved ones, but it doesn't really matter. Flat ones are heavier too.

>> No.9825735
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Thought as much, but it being composite seems interesting enough to try with the the whole pseudo-anti-aliasing meme some guys like to talk to high heaven about. That or I do a RGB mod but I have a feeling that is going to be risky. Now I just need to find a decent downscaler for composite that won't cost as much as the tv itself

>> No.9825761

PS2 fat, 39001. Using composite into a PVM.
I tried googling it and everyone parrots what you just said. But my eyes aren't lying. The menus and the explosions flicker on PS2 and not on PS1.
My PS2 is also in great shape. The disc drive works flawlessly. And yes it's a legit copy of the game.
Maybe I can catch in on camera somehow because I don't expect you to believe me.

>> No.9825767

Not flicker, it's just interlacing, sounds like your PVM doesn't handle interlacing well
try moving the vertical position up or down one number in the geometry service menu to see if that helps

>> No.9825768

also I definitely recommend component for PS2

>> No.9825778

It handles interlacing just fine on PS1 and every other console. But I suppose you could be right about the vertical centering being slightly off on PS2, because the horizontal centering is always shit on PS2s.
I have a component cable but I don't use it. Guess I could try it to see if it lessens the flicker.

>> No.9825782

>just fine on PS1
PS1 doesn't use interlacing except for a few games
PS2 mostly outputs 448 instead of 480, which often causes the flickering you're most likely seeing

>> No.9825793

Now THAT sounds like an answer. You're talking about North America, right?
So much for "it's a PS1 inside it's exactly the same." There's a difference, my eyes aren't lying to me.

>> No.9825797

the PS1 will still output 240p though
It's not completely a PS1 inside but it does use the PS1 CPU and SPU which is pretty much makes it the same console

>> No.9825804

All I know is some very minor shit looks flickery. Most people would never notice.
I'll get it on camera someday. The internet wisdom says different so I don't expect anyone to believe me without proof.

>> No.9825942

My trinitron just went.
It turns on for a second, squeals and then shuts off.

Any ideas? Going to take it to a repair place this week. Heartbreaking lol

>> No.9825946

sorry dude

>> No.9825951

no such thing as a repair place that works on CRTs
find another one

>> No.9825964

I live in Japan, maybe there is

>> No.9825982

something in the power circuit, most likely a cap if it squeals

>> No.9825984

Then maybe. I thought they don't like old technology though?

>> No.9825995

PS1 does 480i too. Chrono Cross for example uses 480i for all of its menus.

>> No.9826003

yes, I said that here >>9825782

>> No.9826006

Check the caps near the power supply first. Probably fixable.


>> No.9826148

The PS2 rendering resolution and underscan quirks wouldn't have any effect on a PS1 game. It switches into PS1 mode and runs the game like a PS1.
I'm genuinely curious what the reason for your flickering is. Try to catch it on camera, maybe we'll be able to get to the bottom of it. Also check out different connections, maybe there's something wrong with the composite encoder on your console.

>> No.9826186

Because it doesn’t matter.

>> No.9826381
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>> No.9826961

This screams the exact opposite of comfy. This seems to be the reality of a lot of /vr/bros. Retro console, old games and even the warmth of a crt. But yet despite all of that...things still seem so distance and cold. For those doing it for nostalgia they can't seem to relieve those moments and emotions that sparked their cathode glowing childhood. And for those who didn't, they had hoped that the games of previous generations would fill the void that modern games couldn't. Despite our setups, our curated gane libraries and our time to spend with it all...do we really smile at that fuzzy screen? Or is it escapism failing to provide us with the same warmth that the TV screen produces.

>> No.9827159

>CRT thread. show how you get comfy
I got comfy by throwing away my crt's and enjoying the extra desk space so I could put my feet up on it
tl;dr glad to see the back of crt 2bqh

>> No.9827343

Do you at least use shaders?

>> No.9827594

I'm worried about opening it up. I have no experience with it.

>> No.9827797

No, I'm pretty comfy. Thanks, though.

>> No.9827924

Is there a canadian equivalent for offerup or craigslist? trying to find a crt anywhere else hasn't brought any good results.

>> No.9828032
File: 784 KB, 2185x1638, got-a-admiral-goj-12321-tv-vcr-combo-today-for-20-usd-v0-w0p8ic77uwaa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got a crt. The only "retro" console I have however is N64. Will games played off of a homebrew'd wii via emulators have the same visual effects as playing them on the actual system? I plan on playing Super Mario Bros and Zelda for the first time this way with the but I wanna know how good Snes/Mega Drive/Sega CD will look. The AV cable is the stock Wii cable btw.

>> No.9828091
File: 357 KB, 452x332, neat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NES Pro Wrestling Star Man vs The Amazon poster on the wall, VWA logo and everything

>> No.9828534

The Wii is great for Gen 4 and earlier.

>> No.9828845
File: 3.54 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20210705_102750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about EU Trinitrons

>> No.9829268

Don't open it up if you don't know what you're doing.

>> No.9829409

Yeah, just going to hard off tomorrow for another one

>> No.9829667

That CRT doesn't look deep enough.

>> No.9829679


>> No.9830698
File: 17 KB, 322x321, 1651326950427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying out a used CRT I bought. I had it hooked to my PC with an adapter and I was trying it out, testing some vidya and stuff. After about an hour of use it suddenly gave off this loud as fuck CRTUNK sound. It scared the shit out of me and my cat. It seemed to work fine despite this so I continued using it for about 30 minutes but the TV was now giving off a lot of heat out the back and a musty smell. I've unplugged it and the smell is gone and it's not giving off heat anymore. Can anyone tell me what happened? Is the TV fucked?

>> No.9830724

>Can anyone tell me what happened?
Sounds like some tard hooked it up with some retarded adapter.
Honestly don't know what kind of advice you were expecting when you provided more details about your fucking cat than your setup.

>> No.9830730

It was an HDMI to SCART adapter I bought off Amazon. 100-240v, 50/60Hz.

>> No.9830765

Why don't you open it up and look?

>> No.9830775

I was going to but I read online that taking the back cover off can be dangerous. I don't know if it's true or not but it just made me kinda worried and I didn't want to take any chances.

>> No.9830797

Use your brain, anon. It's not dangerous to remove a plastic shell from a monitor.

>> No.9830806

Someone stop me from buying a 15" Trinitron

>> No.9830825

Alright, I'll pop it open.

>> No.9831032

you may have just heard the plastic case expanding, and the heat and smell are normal for an old tv. If there was something frying in there it would mess up the picture almost certainly

>> No.9831034

also your pc adapter is probably inadequate, anything that scales your image is fucked up

>> No.9831056

I have a crt that makes noises like that after a while. Most likely it's the plastic cover expanding. Does it make a similar noise after being turned off (as the case is cooling)?

>> No.9831076

Get a bigger one.

>> No.9831081
File: 3.20 MB, 3468x4624, biohazard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn I wish I could read :(

>> No.9831082

buy every crt you find

>> No.9831102

>not knowing Japanese in current year

>> No.9831106

baka desu ka

>> No.9831107
File: 323 KB, 960x1280, CBB171A7-E0B2-4CE0-BB82-A410386A24FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m stuck as well. Are you playing PS1 or Saturn?

>> No.9831112
File: 2.77 MB, 3468x4624, 1676987835747657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS1. I've just been fucking around, running around and trying to do things from memory.

>> No.9831116

The light format is engraved?

t. doing WaniKani anki deck

>> No.9831179

>light format
The first kanji is 兜 (kabuto), kinda hard to read in low res. 形 means shape.
Anyway you have the translation here >>9831107

>> No.9831336

popped capacitor maybe. crts generally give off a lot of heat and popping/clanging noises are normal, but the smell is unusual. electrolytic capacitors can smell if they pop.

>> No.9831369

Ah, good old expansion and contraction
Use to love being woken up in the middle of the night from the TV settling

>> No.9831396
File: 72 KB, 720x960, 327168046_5897461583706063_710610429391874407_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what kind of crt this is?

>> No.9831446

And he never posted again. RIP brother

>> No.9831464

Does it help to push in the power button after unplugging the crt to drain capacitors?

>> No.9831538
File: 2.46 MB, 464x480, 3F3EC112-AD51-47C2-8CC1-B4345DC3352F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my Philips I got for free. It’s not as fancy as others in this thread, but it gets the job done. 101%’d Donkey Kong 64 for the first time last night on it. Debating on whether to play Mega Man Legends or Ape Escape next. Can’t post a webm for some reason, so here’s a less flattering gif.

>> No.9831807

Not really, you got to leave it unplugged for at least a week or manually discharge them
But you should know this if you’re messing with capacitors

>> No.9831840
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Based AF actually.
Don't listen to those thugs, what do they know.

>> No.9832258
File: 199 KB, 1091x1027, tv1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still alive, my man. I popped the cover off while the TV was unplugged. Nothing seems broken but then again I have no idea what CRT insides are supposed to look like normally.

Sometimes it makes a plastic-y 'thunk' but it was not as aggressive as that CRTUNK sound I heard. I remember the CRT I had in my room as a kid made those same plastic thunks.

>> No.9832261
File: 177 KB, 1026x1004, tv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the front of the TV's backside.

>> No.9832283
File: 3.69 MB, 4032x3024, D4A3A6A8-6274-469C-BB17-9CC01C9E4D1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I take a good screenshot of a CRT?

>> No.9832286

set shutter speed to 1/60th

>> No.9832301

>Will games played off of a homebrew'd wii via emulators have the same visual effects as playing them on the actual system?
it will generally look a bit sharper even at 240p, since the wii has better video output than most SNES or mega drive consoles did.
you won't get the effects of nearby pixels blending together that the mega drive's composite output had. but if you play at 240p, pretty much everything will look good enough that you won't care, unless you really nitpick details.

>> No.9832307

Thanks anon!

>> No.9832324
File: 1.14 MB, 3024x4032, 4954E338-0FB6-4EB1-801B-40609C7E6B89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another one.

>> No.9832328

Way too many europeans here lately. You people;
>play games at an objectively inferior 50 hz
>use an ugly connector
>obsess over the shittiest consoles like Genesis, PS1, and worst of all the ZX Spectrum
I can't relate to you at all and prefer when you're out of sight, out of mind.

>> No.9832341

We play Japanese imports at 60Hz just like everyone else (and PAL games that support that mode, too).
BUT with a cool and sturdy all-in-one connector that gives a beautiful RGB signal to our TVs that are free and plentiful.
PS1 is great and that Sega thing is called the Mega Drive. Speccy is only UKfags. We C64&Amiga everywhere else.
Americans play mostly via composite with the absolute shittiest color encoding that is NTSC. It's you guys that deserve pity (or ridicule), not EUbros.

>> No.9832392

Hello anons, is it possible to use a crt monitor to play retro consoles?

>> No.9832504

I have mistaken with 光
Thanks for the help, Japanese is hard

>> No.9832578

SCART is good actually

>> No.9832623
File: 47 KB, 1000x667, 1663610707885291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have this weird problem of connecting my NES to the CRT via composite and if I play more than 10 minutes the game starts to have random inputs and sometimes will freeze. Same thing for the SNES. If I connect them to any other TV the consoles play normally. Is my CRT haunted?

>> No.9832750

That's a weird issue. If it was me I'd start with checking the wall outlet and checking the capacitors in the composite input line. You're not putting the consoles on carpet, right?

>> No.9832921

Needs a cap change

>> No.9832927

>100-240v, 50/60Hz
You talking about your cat again? Jesus. People like you are why the first question on Pajeets script is "is it plugged in"

>> No.9833014
File: 48 KB, 513x540, Screenshot 2023-04-18 121813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a Sony PVM 8045q I could buy for $415, should I pull the trigger or is the screen too small/not worth the trouble/money?

>> No.9833030

Not worth that much money.

>> No.9833171

too smol. At that size you won't even get a good TVL count. 8" is a meme, it's not even good for a desk setup. Especially not for $400 dollars + tip

>> No.9833236

50Hz might not be ideal. But at least we did not have to suffer through the utter trash that is NTSC. Seriously, I have no idea how you people tolerated it, it looks so bad.

>> No.9833304
File: 85 KB, 1064x834, harry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CRTUNK anon here. Decided to give the TV another go and it was a smashing success. Loaded up Silent Hill on an emulator and played for about two and a half hours with no issues. I also think I found the cause of the CRTUNK sound. If I set the TV as my main display and load up a PC game, when exiting the game I'll get the "PAL NO SIGNAL" screen with the colored vertical lines all over it. It only lasts for a second before returning to my desktop but immediately after the TV made the CRTUNK sound again. It sounded more static-y this time kinda like a degaussing sound. TV still works perfectly fine but I'm never setting it as my main display again lol. Thanks for all the help, anons.

>> No.9833794

Can someone explain why light gun games need a CRT, but the wii pointer works on both CRT and LCD?

>> No.9833808

The wii pointer's position is determined by the relationship between the wiimote and the IR bar. Technically you could play with no display at all since it has nothing to do with the wiimote

>> No.9833832

Is that lament of innocence?

>> No.9833836

No cap?

>> No.9833856
File: 263 KB, 2000x1412, shinobi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold my CRT when I moved in with my GF. I want another but I know it'll absolutely create a massive fight if I do. Do I break up with my GF for a CRT bros?

>> No.9833857

>supposed life partner
>makes an ultimatum
>you literally cannot enjoy things
This must be in America

>> No.9833901

Most lightgun games work by blanking the screen, then flashing the screen white and checking the timing of when the lightgun picks up the white light with where the scanline on the crt is. LCDs don't work like this, and even if they did there's the added lag to contend with. The NES zapper lights up only the target and checks by frame, so theoretically on an LCD screen with low enough latency it could work.
Apparently there's a lcd mod for nes games, but it doesn't work with the original zapper. https://neslcdmod.com/

>> No.9833952

How many do you have? If you have none and decent space, then she's probably being unreasonable.

>> No.9833961
File: 1.23 MB, 1271x3168, lightgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LCDs don't work like this, and even if they did there's the added lag to contend with.
LCDs can be made to be zero lag as proven by ZisWorks
The problem is that modern displays update in rows

>> No.9833964

>That pic
>High TVL causing blank scanlines and making the image look jagged
>dithering is not blended due to using RGB instead of Composite/RF

>> No.9833982

You can emulate lightguns in wii using the wiimote. It's not as fun as using a real lightguns, but it's still a fucking blast on a projector. So it emulates nes, All sega from sms-cd, snes and you can play GameCube and Wii lightguns games. I'm not sure if mame on Wii has lightguns support but that would be pretty cool.

>> No.9834148

Those lines up the top mean the deflection circuit has a voltage issue

>> No.9834167 [DELETED] 

Only the shitty nes zapper works that way. Proper light guns detect the CRT raster scan and as such can only function on a CRT.

>> No.9834169

What the fuck are you talking about you moron?
If anything newer light guns are much easier to make work on modern screens
The NES Zapper is the hardest one due to how it works

>> No.9834173

Emulating CRT raster scan would require a frame rate in the millions.

>> No.9834219

Yes, thanks for saying what the image I posted literally says
It has nothing to do with "raster scan" however, it's a timing thing
Modern Displays update in rows which screws with the timing

>> No.9834702

>You dumb fucking cretin, you fucking fool ,absolute fucking buffoon, you bumbling idiot. Fuck you

>> No.9834717

Thanks, American elitist. We finally know how to avoid the likes of you assholes just by reading your comments on 4chan

>> No.9834862


>> No.9834876

Hell yeah it is.

>> No.9834896

Hello fellow user of that particular chinese a/v switcher. I say more N64 games but if you have to choose between those two my vote is for Ape Escape.

>> No.9834902

>having "fights" with your gf
>wants you to abandon your interests without a good reason
i'm sorry but if this is normal to you then you guys are not compatible most likely.

>> No.9835372

Yes. The question is could you understand it if someone did.

It has everything to do with raster scan because that's how the "timing thing" works. That's what the image you posted literally says. You just don't understand what your own source even says. lmfao

>> No.9836129

I just got mine incidentally and I think it looks pretty good. The '44q and '45q are 450 tvl vs the 250 tvl of other 8 " models. I also incidentally paid $450 so I might have to agree on that being too much for the size.

>> No.9836526

should I be using glass cleaner like windex on my old tube tv?

>> No.9836547

Yeah its good, it's just glass in the front

>> No.9836756

Not if there’s a anti-glare coating

>> No.9836869

Fair point, i just assumed since anon said old tv it wouldn't have it

>> No.9836892

How common is that coating on TVs? I don't recall my family's TVs ever having that sort of thing. My 90s Trinitrons don't have it, either. Is it only a monitor thing?

>> No.9836979

It’s more common on monitors

>> No.9836983

Just use a wet cloth with water and then dry it
Then use a micro fibre cloth to shine it up nicely
Same thing you should do with all TV’s

>> No.9836998

I have a tv that has a small mark where the coating was wiped away, any way to fix it?

>> No.9837085

If the screen is black, it's got some sort of coating on it. If it's gray, no coating. Some CRT TVs use a pane of tinted glass, set in front of the screen, instead.

>> No.9837283

Are you sure about that?
I thought the glass was treated to make it black, anti glare is usually easier to tell because it diffuses light when you shine a torch on it

>> No.9837383

>Not all tinted CRTs use removable film. Sony is a good example: most Sony tubes do not use any external tint film - even the dark ones. The dark tint is infused with the glass and has to be sanded off as a layer.

>> No.9837404

this is my exact model monitor, the jvc DTV17", it has a spot where the tint is off, I guess I'll have to remove it and put it back on

>> No.9837414

>find sony trinitron
>$200 asking price

>> No.9837494
File: 241 KB, 690x268, 1680829449554732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these people are smoking crack

>> No.9837496


>> No.9837520
File: 1.62 MB, 2000x1331, 325143235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That piece of shit was probably made in the late 70s. It's older than you, son. I know what I've got.

>> No.9837551

You get one and stick to one, don't collect a bunch of garbage. That said you had one and should have been able to keep it, so you're kinda already fucked. Hash your shit out

>> No.9837564

>looks at my pile of crts

>> No.9837838

>VHS picture angling trick.
I have several VCRs and collect tapes, but have never heard of this. Please explain because I'm really curious

>> No.9837847

Please refer to this post

>> No.9837863
File: 577 KB, 2274x1279, IMG_20171028_141143194_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got this Panasonic BT-H1390Y monitor on my desk that looks incredible, but honestly I find myself rarely using it ever since I got my Retrotink 5X. I love my CRTs but playing on my OLED with the RT5X has really become my primary method of retro gaming these days.

I've thought about selling it but I just can't force myself to part with it yet.

>> No.9837923

sell it asshole

>> No.9837932

I put a lot of work into recapping it and fine tuning the geometry, I'll wait a few more years and see if I can get 10 times the price I paid for it.

>> No.9837935

okay good idea

>> No.9837939

i have 10 crts and my gf doesn't say shit. she thinks I'm cute.

>> No.9837959

that's your problem right here.
try those games on composite or at least s-video, then you can see the difference

>> No.9837964

Be honest, you just want him to go back to the OLED faster and have a chance to buy the PVM. Most people would never bother with CRTs if composhit was the most they could use with them.

>> No.9837990

no. i have enough televisions, monitors, and computer screens. im beginning to dislike this hobby.

>> No.9838002

you're beginning to dislike games because you've got too many screens?
what a weird thing to say

>> No.9838013

the screens are one thing but being told that i want to convince someone to sell their TV so i can buy another one is nonsense is what made me say that i'm beginning to dislike this hobby. the games are fine but the idea that i want to fit in isnt why i like games.

>> No.9838020

I'll tell you why you're going to your OLED
because you have a 13" PVM
you really should've gotten a consumer set around 30" if you wanted something usable beyond a novelty

>> No.9838026
File: 981 KB, 500x281, 1390162076625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have me completely confused with the wrong anon

>> No.9838046
File: 65 KB, 270x285, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to let them know they're on crack. A small message may snap them back to reality

>> No.9838143
File: 260 KB, 1285x1561, darkplaces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my CRT monitor (that I got a refund for lol) up and running. Haven't played quake on a CRT in maybe 23 years.

The bodywork is a bit busted thanks to DPD's finest. Anyone have any experience with fixing up bodywork? I feel I might need a 3D printer for some of this.

>> No.9838146

just get some car body double sided tape to stick that back on

>> No.9838172
File: 3.28 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230420_120204_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly some of the damage is a little more than just a glue together job, bits broke off, I effectively need to rebuild some of the casing somehow. Thankfully it's just the control panel and not the tube.

>> No.9838306

You can’t really
I still recommend doing that tape
You could also get some aluminium angle or wood to hold the speaker in and if the looks bother you you could cover it with some filler and then paint it

>> No.9838690
File: 210 KB, 1017x568, adapter_rgb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone used one of these or am I just asking to be chinked? Seems more viable for me than using a vga to scart cable to hook up a computer to a 70 dlls retrotink adapter that's out of stock.

>> No.9838725

Do I have to do a lot to play emulate games on my modern pc to a crt monitor? I have a CRT but I don’t want to pay an arm and a leg for PS1 and PS2 games, whereas I have flashcarts for older consoles and my GameCube has the Swiss mod

>> No.9838728
File: 1.70 MB, 4096x2304, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked online and read that 1/60 shutter speed makes for good CRT photography.. but for me, that seems to have come at the cost of clarity. Such a low quality, fuzzy photo now, even if the display shows up well.

>> No.9838735

Put an HDD in the PS2, load PS2 games off the HDD via OPL, load PS1 games off a USB via popstarter. People will bitch and whine about popstarter because it doesn't work with every PS1 game, but for the vast majority it is completely playable, and some of the more popular games that don't work out of the box with popstarter have specific cheats you can input that make them work well. I've beaten a dozen PS1 games on my PS2 with popstarter with no real issues other than a little slowdown here and there (which is present on many of those games originally). But this board doesn't really play games so they'll tell you it still doesn't work.

>> No.9838764
File: 2.69 MB, 2016x1512, 20230420_104658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a better camera
They work, but the colors will be off slightly, especially purples, reds and greens

>> No.9838790

>those shitty black bars
Someone fell for the pvmeme, huh?

>> No.9838805

Nigger I've had this for 12 years now and got it off the local university here for $40 , I don't give a shit what your poor ass thinks or what the latest youtube craze is, I play games on it and it looks great. I'll let you keep being an insufferable faggot in these threads, here's your (you).

>> No.9838827

No, its either capacitors on the deflection board or the Vertical deflection chip.
Not that hard of a fix

>> No.9838848

I am very incredibly new and retarded to CRTs. If I get a CRT monitor and emulate on it via my PC is the picture still fucked?

>> No.9838864

Getting this defensive over such a harmless jab.. someone definitely fell for the meme and overpaid.

>> No.9839021


>> No.9839221

I'm a bit of a boomer, so excuse my tech illiteracy. Do HMDI to composite wires exist? Or something like that? I'm wondering if a computer display can be displayed live on a tube television. But now that I think of that, the aspect ratio would probably be a mess.

>> No.9839292

I always recommend the PS3 as a better option for this. It has a built in media player that can read off a regular USB drive without jailbreaking, can play disc based media, and can still stream YouTube and a few other services (these no longer work on the Wii). It is in my opinion the best media box for SD televisions/monitors, and if you spring for a backwards compatible model then it can double as your all-in-one retro hub.

>> No.9839385

i checked the sold listings in my area and found that some people are willing to pay over 100 USD for crts sometimes, but usually 50 seems to be the cutoff, with half of them being free anyway.

>> No.9839409

No but it won’t be in native resolution without gimmicks

>> No.9839436

RCA to HDMI converters are commercially available but legitimate HDMI to RCA converters are not.

>> No.9839656

No. You need digital to analog conversion - some sort of transcoder device between the digital and analog cables.

>> No.9839673

this is the television set i had in high school. not the best ever but i loved it. made clicking sounds while something inside warmed up in the morning though.

>> No.9839745

Eventually I’d like to get my hands on other Rareware 64 games since the only ones I’ve played are DK64 and both Banjos.

>> No.9839758

diddykong racing is really good imo. goldeneye is also pretty interesting and not as bad as you might think. Different mission objectives per difficulty level make replaying levels fun. However, it also dips to like single digit fps.

>> No.9839856

Do you have any examples of the kind of conversion device I would need?

>> No.9839862
File: 1.58 MB, 3072x4096, HU88KL22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9839876

I don't have much experience with this stuff but you'll need something like this:

>> No.9839924

Keep in mind that this will look like shit and introduce input lag.

>> No.9839940

NTA but you can get these for a loooooooooooooot cheaper. (I assume this works as well as yours, I don't know much about this topic either)

>> No.9840084

time to change grandpa

>> No.9840095
File: 325 KB, 1956x2887, IMG_20220128_164526774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have an HP Pavilion MX70
>got it a year ago
>worked awesomely for a couple of months, but eventually, it stopped turning on
>fast forward to now
>when I try to turn it on, it will make the typical *FWEEE crackle crackle* start up sound
>but I'll get no picture, and the power light is VERY dim
>then it will all shut down within seconds after
>tried googling it, nothing
>even called a specialist who said it's probably a lens issue (but, to my untrained eye, it seems more a power issue).
Anybody have any ideas what the problem might be?

>> No.9840097

Oh, and by specialist I mean someone who specialized in /vr/ cart battery/pin replacements and stuff like that, not an actual CRT specialist. (so I don't seem like an ass who just blew off the advice of someone who specialized specifically in CRT's)

>> No.9840105

it sounds like something's broken such that something is getting too much power or is getting too hot so the safety shutoff is triggered. Perhaps a bad transistor somewhere or something like that. Probably impossible for a novice diagnosis

>> No.9840113

either that or the power supply simply can't supply enough voltage consistently, in which case a novice repair would be dangerous

>> No.9840119
File: 34 KB, 1000x1000, yung-li-yung-li-yp-12-yc-12-netzkabel-amerika-usa-typ-b-auf-c13-awg18-18m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes sense. On that note, I don't have the original power cable. I had one of these lying around and plugged it in, it's rated for 10A-125V. I have a very limited knowledge of electronics, but these numbers mean the cable itself is rated UP TO that voltage right? Or is it an all or nothing thing? I know these things suck up power like nobody's business, could it be that the cable can't give enough?
I was afraid it might be something like that. I know it's sketchy cracking these things open, which is why I haven't done so yet, but if it's as dangerous as you say, I think I'll cut my losses if I can't find another solution.

>> No.9840152

game name?

>> No.9840161

You're joking, right?

>> No.9840174

You realize this site is mostly zoomers and south americans now, don't you?

>> No.9840180

the cable could only be an issue if it's broken in some way. If you want to open it up and try and fix it you could, just be prepared to not be able to. Also be prepared to discharge the monitor and proceed with caution. the tube itself has the most dangerous voltage, which you discharge with the anode (look up how it's done), but the large capacitors in the power supply can hurt you, too. Leave it unplugged for a week at least to let those dissipate a little

>> No.9840184

You don't need to discharge jack shit to replace caps.

>> No.9840205

he's not replacing caps, retard, that's almost definitely not his issue

>> No.9840208

is the power light green? i have the mx50 and it does that when you turn it on with no signal being sent to it, but the light turns orange instead of shutting off

>> No.9840236

It's almost certainly bad caps in the power supply.

>> No.9840237

I'll have to look into the process, and see if I'm comfortable with it.
Ah yes, it is green, very dim, it never gets to orange before dying, and at that point it's proper dead. Even unplugging it, plugging it back in, then hitting the button again can start it back up until I wait a day or two (haven't tried sooner though)

>> No.9840241

I had one of those around 2000. My cat slept on it and it broke pretty quickly. First it turned green and purple, then later it went back to normal, then it wouldn't turn on and smelled burnt.
After that I had a trinitron PC monitor that I loved dearly. I used for years, used to watch netflix on it when they first started streaming. That thing was absolutely beautiful and I miss it constantly. Halo CE just hasn't looked the same on anything since.

>> No.9840261

do any game consoles output secam?

>> No.9840310

sorry I haven't played every single video game ever made
you sound like such a zoomer

>> No.9840346


>> No.9840349

I like the crisp look of my pvm personally. No knock on consumer sets or composite, they can look great too, better in some instances.

>> No.9840432

Not too small, IMO, and great for desktop use. 450TVL is really crisp, and looks amazing at that small size. But that's pretty damn expensive for one.

>> No.9840701

Nigga 8 inches is only slightly bigger than a phone screen and less than a quarter of the monitor you're probably sitting in front of right now. 13-14 is an absolute minimum for reasonable desk use.

>> No.9840704

great collection anon, is that autographed too?

>> No.9840707
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Based dell bro

>> No.9840890

8 inches is totally fine for me for a desk setup. I've got a 27 inch consumer and 20 inch pvm to compare it with. Sometimes I even prefer it.

>> No.9840916

to convert vga to scart, there's all sorts of methods for combining sync, ranging from tying the pins together to using an extron device. other methods include using a single transistor or a microcontroller. what's actually necessary?

>> No.9840931

If you want to be sure you won't damage your devices then the transistor method is a minimum.

>> No.9841173
File: 17 KB, 465x316, crt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much is too much for a CRT?

>> No.9841282

What should I play on my new CRT monitor

>> No.9841406
File: 124 KB, 1024x576, steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Citadel. CRT monitors are still the absolute best for shooters. Flat panels are still too blurry and BFI destroys mouse responsiveness.

>> No.9841575

rapha doesnt think so, he's on the 480hz gang

>> No.9841661
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>> No.9841665
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>> No.9841669
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>> No.9841673

Cozy, my dad used to have that tv

>> No.9841691

If you're looking for tips, his image is a tad overexposed IMO (still a cool pic tho)

>> No.9841695

Nice, I've always liked the look of these Olympus PVM's

>> No.9841702

I love this tv. It doesn't have perfect geometry, but it has a beautiful picture and I only payed $40 for it.

>> No.9841707

>It scared the shit out of me and my cat
This made me lol. Wholesome.

>> No.9841712

>Panasonic AG-500
I want one of these so bad, but prices on them have exploded. Can I ask what you paying for it anon?

>> No.9841736
File: 3.70 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost forgot I have this one. I eventually plan to pull it out of the closet and RGB mod it.

>> No.9841762
File: 594 KB, 1920x982, 1637424882521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, the gang of horrible contrast with 480hz that looks worse than a 60hz CRT in motion

>> No.9841909

Just saying, he's arguably the best quake 3 player in the world and he doesn't miss CRTs at all.

>> No.9842457

They're paid shills, I'm sure a high-end 180hz/200hz CRT would blow him away.

>> No.9842570
File: 78 KB, 550x550, 1652128244366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I have unironically met dudes that told me they could not tell the difference between 30 and 60hz sooooo
Not saying they are not shills because they totally are, but some people just cant see as fast I guess

>> No.9842620
File: 858 KB, 4032x3024, FJIMG_20230421_172417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This finally arrived and in one piece. But the fucking flyback popped intermittently for the first hour that I had it on. I couldn't see an arc. It's been totally fine for the last 2 hours though so I'm gonna be stupidly optimistic and hope it was just dust or something.
I need to make some adjustments to the geometry and grey balance as well. My attempts at photographing it suck.

>> No.9842631
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x943, 341283548_972548430408538_7320325551353157808_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been using my old daewoo tv from the 90's hooked with my wii, ps2 and ps1, been also watching a lot of old anime on it, love this guy like you wouldn't believe

>> No.9842664

I don't like things looking too fast makes it feel unnatural.

>> No.9842704

>they could not tell the difference between 30 and 60hz
That sounds fucking surreal. I thought the difference between 60 and 120 wasn't THAT noticeable, but after playing a lot of GT7 in the 120Hz/resolution mode (which gives you essentially around 100 FPS with VRR, so not even full 120) I can't go back to 60. I switched to the 60Hz mode for a bit and couldn't play that way, felt like I've gone back to 30 or something. That's on OLED CX with BFI disabled.
Of course that big of a difference is mostly because I kept switching back and forth between 120 and 60. Running the game at 60 after taking a break probably wouldn't have such a strong effect on me. Also in less dynamic games, even though the difference is there, you don't notice it as bad. For example in GOW Ragnarok I prefer the 60Hz mode, because unlike the framerate, the resolution difference is noticeable in that game.
That said, I've never used anything faster than 85Hz on a CRT. Wonder if playing at 120 would blow me away. I'll have to experiment with my old monitor someday.

>> No.9842714
File: 1.50 MB, 4032x3024, FJIMG_20230421_181402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marvel Super Heroes on Saturn via composite.

>> No.9842737
File: 91 KB, 800x598, 1681743768928521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I *was* going to buy it for $250, but some lucky fuck scored it for $310 instead. So I have gone back to searching for another CRT. There is another AG-500 I have spotted for around the same price but the screen is fucked as it appears to display "sparkly" artefacts and has weird colour balance when playing video. All the other listings I can find are $600 - $1000+ which in my opion is not at all worth it for a composite only 12" CRT which it's biggest draw is the case design and nothing else. So I am now considering getting a PVM-9L3 as its the cheapest HR Trinitron available and I can invest in a RGB card clone for it. Only 9" but the AG-500 is 12" itself with less TVL and no RGB input, so I don't think its too bad of an alternative.

>> No.9842784
File: 3.62 MB, 4608x3240, 1653143192448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often play older games (and Minecraft) at 150hz and its pretty crazy.
I tried the jump to 200, but that didnt really give huge improvements anymore

>> No.9843116 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9843121 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9843125

whatever the market doesn't pay for of course

>> No.9843130

HOLY SHIT I HAD THIS TV GROWING UP. many good memories

>> No.9844736

anyone have a link to a good BNC to VGA cable?

>> No.9844761

Retro-access can build a good one. It'll cost you though.

>> No.9844867

I've not really had problems with random ones, but you could always buy some old extron ones off ebay or something. No reason to fuck with Retro-access for that.

>> No.9844873

Normalfag here from V....This is mental illness, this is junk...you all need help

>> No.9844887
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>anyone from /v/ thinking their opinion matters
nice bait though

>> No.9844941
File: 124 KB, 1001x985, 1668735850068621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from software emulators, are there any hardware based crt filters? I am thinking of making a small lcd monitor in the style of a crt. I am thinking of making one in the style of something like a PVM-9041QM or BVM-14F5E, but would like to have the unit not be dependent on outside software. I know scan line generators like pic related exist but is there anything else?

>> No.9844956


>> No.9844974
File: 1.35 MB, 4032x2268, drtuavybo8v51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

480hz comes close to an FW900 in motion

Wrong, these guys probably played on 180hz/200hz CRTs before you were even born
480hz is better for input lag
I'm guessing they use the 480hz Zisworks LCD which has CRT-tier microsecond latency

480hz + Zisworks Panel(microsecond latency) >>>> CRT in terms of lag
CRT can't reach 480hz
The closest they can do is some high-end CRT monitors can do 420hz at a really low res of 240p

>> No.9844990

you mean like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDg5c_-eUr8&t=532s
I wanted it too but since I have a PVM now I dont really need to worry about it

>> No.9845047

If you emulate you can run 640x480 and then play at 1x full screen this way you get 240p but with borders on the sides and top and bottom
You can alternatively run at 320x240@120hz with our without software BFI but you'll get really thick scanlines on Monitors

>> No.9845062
File: 796 KB, 854x1280, 1668301938835571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. But I am going to make the case myself. I am planning on sourcing an lcd with driver and then connecting a scan line generator within the case itself and rewire its controls to buttons/knobs/sliders on a front panel so it can be adjusted live like a control panel from a pvm. But as I said I am looking to see if there is anymore hardware filters I can use to add to the look

>> No.9845376

Lol what is even the point of this post, to get (You)'s? Well here ya go

>> No.9845417
File: 7 KB, 225x225, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got this bad boy today along with a free snes. Currently enjoying some SimCity.

>> No.9845446
File: 20 KB, 800x600, ct13r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you NEED a HR trinitron? Pretty sure that AG-500 is very low TVL. Why jump from low to high? Just find any old 13"/14" and use that. Or a PVM-M2 or L2 if you can get one for $300 or less.
I have a $5 Panasonic CT-13R that goes toe to toe with my M2 in overall image quality. More soul with less TVL. PVMs are just good for the reliability and multiple inputs. But still, anything ever goes wrong with my Panasonic I'm going to put in the effort to fix it, because it really does have soul.

>> No.9845660

>Why do you NEED a HR Trinitron?

I dont NEED it, but if I am going for a PVM Trinitron I might aswell choose the models with the higher TVLs. I prefer the picture quality that high TVL counts provides

>Why jump from low to high?

Because there are no PVMs larger than 9 inches that are local or less than $300. Yes I can get a non-PVM at a larger size but I want RGB acess that wont require hard modding and build quality beyond a plastic case

>Anything ever goes wrong with my Panasonic I'm going to put in the effort to fix it, because it really does have soul

More power to you, I am sure its great to game on but I personally would like to have my first CRT to also be my "endgame". Because I know I will always have that thought in the back of my head saying I am missing out on X or Y quality/feature if I went for something less to play on

>> No.9845848

Based. american watching british red dwarf. i had series 1-9 on vhs, wish i didnt throw them out.

tvs cool as it looks like a microwave, also never seen one with a vhs on the side, cant be many of them about.

>> No.9846623

There is the AG-550 that also uses a side loading VCR, but it is pretty much a commercial version of the AG-500 that was pictured playing red dwarf. Beautiful set but as previously mentioned over priced and poor image quality

>> No.9846628
File: 119 KB, 720x488, Screenshot_20230423-104905_eBay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what fuck it. Whats wrong with this CRT screen, can it be fixed and is it worth $250?

>> No.9846629
File: 145 KB, 720x522, Screenshot_20230423-105344_eBay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pic for reference

>> No.9846730

It looks like your brightness is way high and your vhs tape is fucked

>> No.9846741

Looks like the vhs player might be fucked (or just the tape). The tube's probably fine. But no, not worth it, as cool as it looks.

It's old, only ten inches, only does PAL, and only 280 TVL. You'd be better off with any consumer crt on FB marketplace.

>> No.9846752

The screen looks "fine", this is a VCR issue.
Ask the seller to provide an image with a different source then the built in VCR.
As for if its worth 250$ no way, it may look cool but you can get a small trinitron that size for 5$ and hook it up to an old VCR and have the same features.
It does look really cool though I admit, id like to have one
>endgame this endgame that
No 13" shitbox is "endgame" even if its a BVM or something playing games with that size just isnt fun.
Get a big tube TV if you have the space you wont regret it.

>> No.9846768

Get a large consumer set with component inputs, along with an RGB-to-component transcoder. There you go, no modding required

>> No.9846787

Smaller crts are fine, just don't sit across the room from one. I have a panasonic 14 inch crt on my desk that works great for 2d games.

>> No.9846887

This is just a microwave

>> No.9847047
File: 144 KB, 443x960, 339795123_6072069019535615_922460606367286143_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone identify this TV ? Someone has it listed for free on FB market place but I'm not sure if I want to make the drive

>> No.9847103

If I would have to guess, judging purely on the fact it has a stand, it’s an older B&O beovision

>> No.9847183

looks kino, you should get it anon

>> No.9847716

unless you're attached to the fuzzy tv look that is probably too old to appreciate. It probably looks like shit

>> No.9847758
File: 149 KB, 1024x764, 1655936421689533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, if I had to tear out a hair follicle for each time I have seen someone online say that the crt looked like a microwave, I would loo like this by now

>> No.9847764

Have some wooden cupboards or matching bureaus next to it and you can rock a 70's style "hi-fi" battlestation aesthetic

>> No.9847770
File: 1.26 MB, 4032x3024, crt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BEHOLD! Just picked this bad boy up

>> No.9847821
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>> No.9847852

Noice, what specs/inputs?

>> No.9848471

She looks to be in solid condition

>> No.9848493
File: 89 KB, 540x960, ports.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It supports up to 1080i. It's a KV-32HS510. Just have a hacked Wii hooked up to it and it looks and sounds amazing.

Yea other than minor scuffs on the plastic it seems good as new

>> No.9848564


>> No.9848850

>up to 1080i
wew lad

>> No.9848874

It’s kind of perfect for me because I’ll have a modded wii and ps3 hooked up to it so it provides a good solution for retro and some non-retro without either looking bad

>> No.9848895
File: 187 KB, 820x849, 1657556332229653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank god just the thread I was looking for
any tips on beating this fucker?

>> No.9849028

>only does PAL
For the version released in PAL territories, sure.