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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9803525 No.9803525 [Reply] [Original]

Best remakes of retro games?

>> No.9803535

>Make REmake 2 as safe as possible, it succeeds
>Make REmake 3 as a quick cash grab, it sucks
>Make REmake 4 the best they can, it succeeds
Just like the originals.

>> No.9803546

I vill not buy ze same fucking games over unt over again

>> No.9803559 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9803569

>claiming a game is better than the original when the only people that have played it happily paid $20 more than even those who bought it day one in 2004

why even make a claim like this? everyone knows the original is better it will just take about a year or so for everyone's wallets to cool off so they can admit it openly

>> No.9803574

It’s a completely different game and not a remaster so it doesn’t constitute as retro

>> No.9803583

I wouldn't say it's completely different. FFVIIR is more of an example of that if the ending is any indication.

>> No.9803829

I will not eat ze bugs

>> No.9803832

Wait? Let me laugh even harder! Ahahahahhah!

>> No.9803840

REmake 4 seems like a 1:1 remake with modern graphics. At least REmake 2 you played the game from a different perspective

>> No.9803854

Fuck you. Resident Evil 3 was a great game.

>> No.9803862

Actually is not. It feels way too much different from the original even if the game "engine" looks the same. It's a clear case of how tweaking mechanics can completely change the way your approach and.. play the game. And it's much better than the original game too (for Resident Evil fans, at least), much more survival horror oriented.

>> No.9803883

>Utterly despise everything between Verdugo and the tower ascent to Salazar in the original, find it boring and the lowpoint of the game.
>Remake actually makes it enjoyable with Luis tagging along, and caps off with Krauser showing up early with an actual knife-based boss fight instead of a series of QTEs.
whoever decided to add a shitty gacha system to the shooting gallery deserves a kick in the dick though

>> No.9803994

Best blatant marketing threads?

>> No.9805262

This hurts to read

>> No.9805287

just beat it, it's definitely different enough to justify the price imo.

>> No.9805292

What even is the point of this game? At least the RE2 remake made sense.
Do people enjoy playing the same shit with better graphics and more censorship that much?

>> No.9805312

I agree it was pointless since the original is one of the most accessible games ever, but the remake is really fun and very different from the original in its own right.

>> No.9805315

I doubt that the difference is worth 60 bucks.

>> No.9805320

REmake 1, REmake 2, REmake 3 & Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes.

>> No.9805556

It's not, wait until the game is <20 bucks like a sensible person.

>> No.9805564

>zoomie gets btfo on /v/
>comes to /vr/ to shit it up

>> No.9805568

Get a job lol

>> No.9805573

If you worked for your money you'd value it more.

>> No.9805634

If you can justify spending full price for a sequel with completely new levels and enemies then you can justify spending full price for a remake with completely new mechanics and enemies.

>> No.9805656

+ $80 DLC lol for now ROFL

>> No.9805661
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As a famous metrosexual once said: "I will not."

>> No.9805684

>+ $80 DLC lol
That really irritates me, but it makes RE4 look better in comparison to it's REmake for being a complete fucking game for the most part, since content was so spread out between several ports. Sick of this dripfeed, piece-meal BS. Either do what Animal Crossing Nee Horizons did with its DLC or leave.

>> No.9805727

I make 6 figures cope and seethe poor boy

>> No.9807516
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I only can think on this ones.

>> No.9807524

I hate these comments so much, it comes off like they want to make you feel bad for enjoying the old version. The only RE4 version you could justify saying that is the Wii version since thats just an enhanced version of the original game, but even that is down to taste.

>> No.9807527

Nah the wii is the definitive version due to being able to use regular controls if you plug a GC controller before booting it up.

>> No.9807563

MGS1 2 and 3 are remakes of MSX games really

>> No.9807630

Actual scizos

>> No.9807648

Take your alien language to >>>/v/

>> No.9808485

I’ll say, I was pleasantly surprised with RE4make. The opening of the games atmosphere is all over the place, but right after the first chainsaw fight the atmosphere goes right back to the original and a lot of times the lighting even makes it look like an old ps2 render. About my only gripes are
>a lot of the personality of the characters has been toned down
>some really bad casting (Ada’s va claimed racism)
>if you’re good at parrying you really don’t need to take advantage of the arenas that the bigger fights take place in. It feels safer to just back into a wall and focus on headshots, parries, and kicks (this may only be an issue in hardcore and the easier difficulties)

>> No.9808506

Ada's voice was so unbelievably bad, I've seen shitpost steam games with better delivery. Even if it was decent, it does not match the character model in the slightest.

>> No.9809663
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I wouldn't say it'd necessarily better than the original, but at the very least, it reinvigorated life into the franchise after everyone gave up hope on seeing the GCN game and after SqSq was yet another NiDL asset repack, and it's still the best remake in the series (I know what I said). I really wish the assets were reused in an original game like how TAM was a pseudosequel to NiDL, but sadly I guess it was too late in the DS's lifespan and we got a shitty "Super Star 2" on Switch instead.

>> No.9809857

REmake, RE2make and REm4ke are all masterpieces. Shame about R3make.

>> No.9810952

>shills on /vr/
We're big now.