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9800950 No.9800950 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone knows Mario is cool as fuck but why, perchance? How was the red plumber able to beat the blue blur in the console wars? Were his games simply better or was Sonic too much of a tryhard?

>> No.9800959

He tagged out in the early 90s and let his 800 lb gorilla do the fighting for him.

>> No.9800975

Mario simply does his job without showing off, that's what actual cool guys do

Note that almost every mascot which was trying to copy him or Sonic was a visual attempt to look cool without doing anything worthwhile. They were all about big talking, trashing others and they have lost.

Mario gives a lesson to kids: be a man and live up to your own words

>> No.9800976

>Everyone knows Mario is cool as fuck but why, perchance? How was the red plumber able to beat the blue blur in the console wars?
By having a game on 5th gen hardware

>> No.9800983

People obsess too much about Mario as a character. The whole mascot platformer genre seemed to be built on some fundamental misunderstanding that the character sells the game, when I think in reality, most people don't really feel one way or the other about Mario as a character. People like Mario games because they're good games. The brand is synonymous with well made games that are fun, and it has remained that way, where a lot of other brands completely fell of after the first few games, or were never really that good to begin with.

>> No.9801015

This. Egos at Sega were too immature to cope with their rapid success, and they fumbled the easy win, by not sitting down and planning the next-gen Sonic properly. They got caught jackin' it with their pants down, and got plumber'd.

>> No.9801019

This. I've always liked the Mario games for their physics alone. I don't give a flying fuck about the characters. Could've been blank rectangles for all I care.

>> No.9801021
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<- This guy took Mario's advice.

>> No.9801046

>The brand is synonymous with well made games that are fun, and it has remained that way, where a lot of other brands completely fell of after the first few games
Then Mario should have fallen off because BOTH Mario 2's suck ass. Sunshine is nearly universally disliked. The NSMB subseries is pretty weak as a whole. Then there's a pleortha of shitty 90s Mario spinoffs, much like Sonic had. Also the whole Mario vs DK series quickly went to the shitter. Sonic spectactulary fails. Mario's bad games are "eh" at best and go forgotten and/or blend in with the rest of the series since Mario games in general are fairly bland and forgetable.

>> No.9801054

Even the weaker Mario games are basically only weak in the context of being Mario games. Mario Sunshine is still a really fun platformer. It's better than fucking Dr Muto or something.

>> No.9801065

you cant just say perchance

>> No.9801069

You can't just use perchance like that
F-, see me after class

>> No.9801071


He can't, but I can.

>> No.9801085

Those games sold gangbusters in their time, dude.

>> No.9801090

Mario is timeless whereas Sonic is stuck in the 90s.

>> No.9801106

I haven't touched NSMB, but I imagine they still play pretty good compared to your run of the mill "who gives a shit" tier platformer, like The Smurfs on Xbox 360.

>> No.9801123

Yes using that word is rather shallow and pedantic

>> No.9801174

he stomp a turty

>> No.9801185

They were pack in titles

>> No.9801289

I'm a huge Segafag but Mario's always had better games than Sonic. The only Sonic game that was arguably as good as the Mario game it was competing against is Sonic 2.

>> No.9801419

Sonic 2 vs Mario 2 is an easy win for Sonic.

>> No.9801438

Perchance some poetry before a fortnight

>> No.9801670

thank you for your service men

>> No.9801675
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Mario is a product, Sonic is a character.

>> No.9801820
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I think Mario has the same appeal as classic cartoon characters

>> No.9801850

>Everyone knows Mario is cool as fuck
He's not, who the hell thinks Mario is cool. Is this what zoomers believe now? He's just a bland generic protagonist in a hat.

>> No.9801865

Mario is Mickey mouse. Sonic is bugs bunny.

>> No.9801887

And none of them were cool as "cool" is often defined by it's era. 90s cool wasn't 00s cool, and so on. Cool characters often age like shit. No timeless cartoon character, which Mario is too by extend, has ever been cool.
They are familiar, inoffensive and just work for a wide audience. 4chan would call them "comfy".

>> No.9801895

I argue the MvDK games are worse than Sonic Labyrinth, just the fact the franchise can tank a major loss like that .

>> No.9801915

Having your gameplay revolve around going fast rather than jumping severely limits your options. This is the simple reason Mario beat Sonic. Why so few people see this is beyond me.

>> No.9801994
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Amazing he has so much traction considering his best mainline game is like a 7/10.

>> No.9802065
File: 205 KB, 1372x492, sonic-vs-mario - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so few people see this
fuck off, every game critic or poster trying to be 2deep4u says this. which is not even true in the games, 1-2 has lots of platforming segments.
>the game is about GOING FAST
They say this as a marketing strategy.

>> No.9802084

Sonic 3 and knuckles is better than any mario 2D platforner

>> No.9802129
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I think you're mistaking automated modern Sonic shovelware for classic Sonic.

OG Sonic was first and foremost a platform game with speedy sections.

>> No.9802138

>How was the red plumber able to beat the blue blur in the console wars?
Games were simply better. That's what it comes down to.

>> No.9802145

>Sunshine is nearly universally disliked.
fyi this is a meme and wasn't true at the time and still isn't true. There's just a very loud group that whines about it nonstop.

>> No.9802146

mario had good games so the character became popular organically. sonic had bad games so the character became popular through marketing and coping from kids who didnt have a nintendo.

>> No.9802168

>his best mainline game is like a 7/10
Literally what.

>> No.9802179

Hipster / contrarian.

>> No.9802198

Well, that's a terrible take. Mario VS DK is just a niche side series for people who really like the DK arcade. Sonic Labyrinth is awful. It's a Sonic game where you move slowly, and nothing is fun.

>> No.9802220

Mario didn't beat Sonic, DK did. Before DKC the Genesis was beating the SNES. With Mario getting his has handed by Sonic. It wasn't until DKC where the SNES started selling.

>> No.9802225

Sonic was a tryhard who became degenerate and cringe.

>> No.9802229

Mario VS DK is more based off the Game Boy Donkey Kong then the arcade.

>> No.9802230

Wario deflection thread.

>> No.9802463

The casuals won

>> No.9803049

Nintendo won the console wars because of Donkey Kong. Mario couldn't beat classic Sonic on his own. He mops the floor with Sonic now because the series shat out its organs all over the bed.

>> No.9803093

I mean, Sonic 1 came out shortly after Super Mario World, and Super Mario World is easily better than Sonic 1.
Sonic 2 and 3, debatable, but then Yoshi's Island is arguably better than Sonic 2 and 3.

>> No.9803112

Sonic was always all about presentation first. Character, music, and atmosphere. That's why the brand is still popular despite the games having been dogshit with few exceptions for 20 years. It's also why he lost. The classic gameplay was more of a fluke than anything else.

>> No.9803212

And that's a good thing. The world has less furry homosexual cocksuckers when sonic is dead

>> No.9804274

Probably because shills are spamming /vr/ with mario threads because of that shite movie

>> No.9804928

>There's just a very loud group that whines about it nonstop.
indeed, we call them "64-trannies" and "galaxy-trannies"
inferiority complex can do wonders to a naive child LMAO

>> No.9804975


>> No.9805283

Mario doesn't give a shit about anyone and does whatever he wants whereas Sonics sole identity was to try and be an edgier and more radical version of Mario. Sonic is by virtue just derivative and failed to understand the success they desperately tried to outdo.

And also Mario actually had good games.

>> No.9805330
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>Sonics sole identity was to try and be an edgier and more radical version of Mario
That was entirely a localization thing, even down to the art making him chrome-colored and his spikes sharper. Read the quote on pic related, sounds more motivational than edgy to me.

>> No.9805669

He's an Italian plumber who's addicted to Magic Mushrooms and the games as we play them are his hallucinogenic fantasies playing out in his mind as he trips.
The Princess is his ex-Wife who left him and his headcanon fantasy to cope with the loss of her is that she was in fact kidnapped by a terrible monster, not that she left him of her own accord as he was insufferable to be around anymore and he dives into the alternative reality of tripping out of his mind to escape his problems and into a fantasy world where he is the hero and gets his woman back.

>> No.9805704

Always has been

>> No.9805716

This is what movie critics wanted to happen

>> No.9805736

>this is your mind on jew

>> No.9805747

>bro what if Mario
>but EDGY??