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9797907 No.9797907 [Reply] [Original]

>playing dragon quest
>nearly have enough saved up for chain mail
>wandering around some underground area and I run into a dragon
>die, obviously
>half my money is gone
>"oh well, I'll just start saving the money back up again while I explore a different area"
>run into a golem
>die once again

I think I may be too impatient for this game. My brain can only handle pacing around in the same area to grind for so long.

>> No.9797914

I'm in the same camp, playing the new fan translation of the first game. Its been "fun" especially because I am taking notes and taking it in blind, but its getting pretty tiring pretty fast.

>> No.9797916

The grind is really part of the game. The thrill comes from killing Wolflords for 2 hours so you can finally afford an axe that lets you kill them in one hit. I always find myself vibing with it.

>> No.9797920

>playing dq if you don't like grinding

give up. that's most of the game.

>> No.9797921

I just beat it yesterday. You are going to die a lot, get used to the grind. I grinded with 300% speed and it still took me 6+ hours of cumulative grinding.

>> No.9797931

Dragon quest is great if you treat it as something to do while listening to a podcast or pretending the homeless man next to you on the bus ain’t jackin off

>> No.9797954

To be fair, where's he supposed to do that? It's not like he has a bedroom for privacy

>> No.9797962

Simply explore when you're low on money and you grind when you're close to a purchase.

>> No.9797997

I somehow completely forgot that speeding up the game is a thing I can just do on an emulator. I may start doing that.

>> No.9797998

he’s not homeless. he’s experiencing houselessness.

>> No.9798043

This is only really true of the first two DQ games and it's much less true of the second one than it is of the first one

>> No.9798108

I've got a bedroom and still can't find privacy, fuck open floor plans I wanna shut doors!

Also man by the time you grind out the gear in dq 1 you'll be so op that the golem and dragon and even final battle just zip by. Enjoy yr time playing dq, it's worth it.

>> No.9799164

Meaning you grinded for 18 real hours.

It's a 15 hours game. You grinded way too much. This is why fast forward is cheating, people tell themselves "I'd just have done the same thing with more time!", no, you wouldn't have. You would have grinded less and learnt to play the game instead.

>> No.9799493

The state of modern "gamers."
Why bother with it if you don't like it?

>> No.9799551

There's very little to learn in DQ1, tactics-wise, beyond knowing whether it's time to burn mp on hurt(more) or not. I wouldn't play the game sped up myself but you're not exactly losing something significant here.

>> No.9799769

DQ1 is a chore to play anyways, he didn't miss out on anything by grinding like that.
I was level 17 when I beat the game, had all the best equipment possible, but I was only dealing 1 damage to the Dragonlord because my name made my strength growth garbage. Instead of grinding more, I just used save states to put the Dragonlord to sleep successfully and then have him remain asleep for the rest of the fight. There's nothing to learn about how to play DQ1 unless you want to count learning RNG manipulation as learning to lay the game.

>> No.9799772

>Playing NES/FC DQ1 without the doubled gold/exp that puts it in line with 3 and 4

>> No.9799774

DQ1 is basically gambling and grinding. You decide when you turn back from exploring. If you wander too far and die, you made a bad bet. You shouldn't have to "grind" in DQ1, you just explore the map and slowly poke your way into dangerous territory as you gain levels.

>> No.9799823

You pretty much have to grind around Cantlin if you want to buy that flame sword.

>> No.9799843

I swear the autism on this board is off the rails

>> No.9799851

It's just a LARPer looking for something to criticize. The amount of time spent grinding is entirely reliant on where the player does it, when, how they play and how successful they were. Anon could have less EXP than expected or more. It's an empty criticism.

>> No.9799898

I've always thought JRPG was the genre filled with the most players that don't just cheat, they cheat and cope and tell themselves "it's not really cheating".
You're like That kid at recess in school who doesn't want to play by the rules just so he can tell himself he's better, and then when called out for his bullshit throws a tantrum. Everyone ends up letting him be and ignoring him.

>> No.9799932


>> No.9799967

That anon never said he disliked the game, tho? Are you just assuming things?

>> No.9800130

I didn't say it wasn't cheating, I said that there isn't really much to DQ1 anyway so it's not like you're getting a drastically different experience

I think this is what's supposed to happen, but if you play the NES version of the game there are definitely points in the game where you will have to grind. Even when people play randomizers on a greatly accelerated exp curve they invariably have to stop to grind for some time. You just don't have the numbers to buy the stuff you need if you don't grind.

Of course, it's not a ton of grinding, but over such a short game it ends up being like 80% of the total runtime.

>> No.9800161

Open question to all jrpg grind lovers & haters: Are you just playing the game, or are you also watching some show / podcast / music while grinding? For me, I just turn on whatever show I'm going to binge while I level up, then turn the show off to focus on the good bits. Its comfy, doesn't involve cheating, and kills 2 birds with 1 stone. What do you do?

>> No.9800165

Dragon Quest 1 is quite literally babby's first RPG. It's very basic, with a very simple gear system, no party members, proper leveling, or even classes. With that being said, grinding in that game is very annoying, but also mandatory. I remember the way I did it was by grinding metal slimes, there's a certain place on the map where they spawn semi-often.
If you used a fast forward to grind, there's nothing wrong with that because you didn't miss anything. As long as you tried to figure out the quest itself by yourself, you got the full experience.

>> No.9800226


I went with fully vanilla experience for a while for the NES but it got really, really dull after a while, so went to just reduce the grindy parts with a patch eventually.

Also had to get on whole podcast listening thing while grinding away.

Honestly I'd say the reduced grind is fine, even Enix caught on this as they ported the games on SFC onward

>> No.9800270

I listen to music.
I also use fast forward, I don't really see a reason why not use it when DQ8 on the N3DS and DQ11S have the option to speed up the battles.
Also DQ1 is not a 10+ hours game, you can beat it by the book (grinding to buy all new weapons) in around 8 hours.
Funnily enough is a one and a half game if you cut the grinding.

>> No.9800301

When grinding, I just go to YouTube and watch something with the game on mute.

>> No.9800586

Anon, I fought the Dragon Lord at level 19 3 times with the best possible gear and died 3 times. I grinded to 20 and beat him first try. It's a fucking numbers game, besides gear there is no possible way to mitigate the ratio of damage dealt/damage taken except grinding to gain levels.

Feel free to enlighten me with wisdom as to what I could've done differently on a boss that is completely immune to the only two damaging spells in the game and the sleep spell except tank and spank him.

>> No.9800590

How do you even kill metal slimes? I never killed one successfully, they only take 1 damage from seemingly every weapon, flee frequently and are immune to spells.

>> No.9800637

Get the flute, dummy.

>> No.9800651

Persistence and a lot of luck.

>> No.9801008

...you don't have a door? Geeze, man. You're effectively homeless yourself.

>> No.9801097

Is that spell that puts enemies to sleep ever useful? They seem to wake up immediately like 90% of the time

>> No.9801190

I can sum it up. Don't stray too far from a town. Buy all the best gear, THEN go to the next town. Repeat. Dragon underground is a boss (that they actually made harder in the Android version). Once you outgear a town, you're ready for the next area. The world is actually really small and the way combat is set up with a single character and enemy, it's not that difficult if you pace yourself.

>> No.9801208

>That kid at recess in school who doesn't want to play by the rules just so he can tell himself he's better, and then when called out for his bullshit throws a tantrum. Everyone ends up letting him be and ignoring him.
wow weirdly specific, were you that kid anon? be honest

>> No.9803434
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>> No.9804949

Lol, no.

How to beat DQ1/DW1.
>Buy the Oaken Club and Dragon Scale and Grind until you get Sizz
>Move to Galenholm walk south and kill red drakees and scorpions by the bridge until you have enough money to buy the Iron Axe
>Move next to Kol
>Grind until you have enough money for and a Chainmail and an Iron Shield from back in Galenholm
>Go collect stuff from the caves and towns and locked doors.
>You should have enough Levels to kill Gold Golems, and when you have enough for a Silver Shield and Fire Sword, ~25k total
>Go and kill the Golem with the Fairy Flute
>Buy that gear
>Kill the mook guarding the Armour of Erdrick
>Save the princess
>Raid Galen's Tomb
>Use the Rainbow Drop and go murder the Dragonlord as soon as you hit Level 18 and have found Erdrick's Sword.

>> No.9805061

I mean if you want to min-max, yeah.
Nobody's naturally doing Galen's tomb that late.

>> No.9805209

>300% speed to skip most of the game
You're right, he loved it. I shouldn't make assumptions.

>> No.9805214

I lose myself in thought. Like when I take a shit.

>> No.9805219

Yeah, I always thought 20 was the expected level to beat him. At 30 you don't even have to heal.