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File: 30 KB, 500x341, classic tomb raider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9781230 No.9781230 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's Tomb Raider III. I know people trash it for being too hard, but after playing 1 & 2 to death I was ready for a challenge. The graphical upgrade and the bigger levels are nice too.
Also, what are your favorite areas in the classic series? I pick London. There's just something about the feel of those levels that does it for me.

>> No.9781245

I only like 1 and 4.

>> No.9781249
File: 830 KB, 480x360, TLR.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9781259

I think TLR is probably the best game in the series but I prefer the self-contained levels of the first three. It's really the ultimate Tomb Raider game though.

>> No.9783174

For me first few levels from TR1 are ultimately the best. They are cozy and have everything in just the right amount.
Remaining games tried too much with various gimmicks and looong or strangely designed levels, with either boring or irritating results.

>> No.9783207

Either 1 or TLR. I remember how scary the Atlantean enemies were, they always made me uncomfortable. Lara's doppelganger is a very memorable moment. TLR is the one with the most actual tomb raiding, and it always felt like the definitive setting for the series. I don't mind the hub but there's a better sense of forward progress with self contained levels. It does have my favorite Lara model, I hate the lack of ponytail in 1's Lara, though there is charm in how quaint it is.
Defending your home at the end of 2 is also memorable.
I think my main point here is that TR is based, even with all their development problems I like them all Core games.

>> No.9783910

Most levels are only about an hour long.

>> No.9783916

2. I loved the Maria Doria levels

>> No.9783926

The sunken ship levels are some of the most memorable levels in a game ever. TR2 was such a step up from the first game.

>> No.9783993
File: 3.00 MB, 852x480, tomb raider 3d.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9784101


I thought those were great, but I wasn't a big fan of other levels in the first half of the game. I hated the human enemies since they could be above or below me and shoot straight ahead and still hit me. The second half was much better.

>> No.9784146


Kept waiting for him to honk her boob

>> No.9784157

based kid didnt even hover hand

>> No.9784262

I like the general concept, but I don't think it needed four levels dedicated to it. Makes that part of the game feel like a bit of a slog since most of its areas look the same.

>> No.9784358

Is that really Lara Croft? What’s the context?

>> No.9784421

Yeah, I'd go with TR3 as well. It has this scope to it and I think this is the first game in the series where those locations feel like real locations.
And I wouldn't call it difficult. Confusing at times (London) would be a better term.

>> No.9785574

I really find it hard to choose. All four games have a mixture of levels that either i like or don't like so much. And it seems like it's pretty subjective for everyone else too. London and Maria Doria (for example) seem to be the divders, people seem to either hate or love those levels, the factor being their convuluted design - like, you REALLY need to be paitent with those monsterous levels. Ive noticed over the years of discussion here, that people seem to critisize 2 and 3 the most. 2 for it's sudden flood of human enemies and inclusion of non-organic levels (Venice, oil rig) that seem an odd choice for a game called TOMB raider. 3 has that trauma factor of losing all your weapons at Area 51. That obviously pissed alot of first-time players off. I still really enjoy both games though, despite their irritating aspects. Actually, 4 had the warzone city and the train level which really bugged me. And i was pretty over the Greece levels by the end of them. I guess in terms of levels that piss me off, the first game had the least. So maybe that's my choice, based on that factor.

>> No.9785716

Yes 3dfx made her real

>> No.9785927

5 games. While Chronicles wasn't amazing it had some cool levels like that irish one.

>> No.9785982

This eurojank was never good

>> No.9786013

Based, this is the kind of shit Euros would play on their Amigas if the platform didn't die
>Hi we're Core Design. You may remember us as the developers of such janky turds as Chuck Rock, Wolfchild and Wonderdog

>> No.9786054

I know there's 5, but Chronicles is just a compilation, a bonus disc. I don't really consider it a part of the series. And aside from Rome, i didn't really like it all. Irish folk tale would have been okay if i didnt have to play as teenage Lara.

>> No.9786430
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>I remember how scary the Atlantean enemies were, they always made me uncomfortable.
This is the reason why the The Hive is one of my favorite levels. Fighting off the Atlantean is such a huge and fun challenge and it really helps that the hardest battles are usually when you have to be careful with your surroundings or just filled with traps. It's combat done right on platformers.

>> No.9787308

>watch playthrough of 2

>> No.9787323

2 was the first tomb raider I ever played but fuck maria doria levels with a cactus

>> No.9788207
File: 213 KB, 794x613, TRII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working through the series. So far the first is my favourite. I do have a soft spot for TRIII. IV I could not even get past go when it first came out so I'm looking forward to playing through it.

>> No.9788213

Great Wall of China is pretty good though.

>> No.9788249 [DELETED] 

when kids weren't faggots brainwashed by globohomo jewish media

>> No.9788325
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>> No.9788416

>6 hours
How does one

>> No.9788469
File: 164 KB, 500x375, mariadoria80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the part where you have to have pressed the button twice to close the doors to get the circuit breaker?

>> No.9788494

holy zoomer. imagine the amount of quick saves he spammed as well

>> No.9788703
File: 90 KB, 729x563, TRII (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a bad miss. Saw the golden dragon, jumped off the ledge. . . 'Uurk'.

>> No.9788712

>golden dragon
looks like a teratoma

>> No.9789078
File: 131 KB, 800x500, tr4-alexandra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still find TLR to be my absolute favourite, even with its glaring flaws.
It is the game that kickstarted my love for Egypt and its aesthetic, and while there's a lot of deserved praise for Nathan McCree, i feel Peter Connelly did it justice with the OST as well and deserves the praise too.
>what are your favourite areas in the classic series?
Alexandria's my absolute favourite, tho i also have a softspot for Karnak's sacred lake and the Mastabas as well.

>> No.9789106

An hour? Try less than 30 minutes.

>> No.9789672
File: 469 KB, 1920x1637, 1670872608716138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was stuck for like 3 hours on one of those levels just because one of the levers was so melded with the other textures that I couldn't see it when I passed by it.
The actual levels are really cool looking though, I loved those upside down rooms in the ship. They were really good with coming up with interesting visual concepts for the scenery

>> No.9789789


Came to say this. In general it's 1 by far.

>> No.9790136
File: 227 KB, 988x766, TRII (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you reach places that are fine. I can just stay here. There's no rush. Have a relax.

>> No.9791674
File: 116 KB, 594x462, TRII (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, this has been a nice place but I guess I better get moving.

>> No.9791685

I noticed a lot of recent fan level games are using AI to generate new voice lines for Lara, kek. This series may have turned into a bottom of the barrel joke but fans will keep its legacy alive.

>> No.9791702
File: 121 KB, 828x644, TRII (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we can see that she is being lured to her death.

>> No.9791707

4 impalements.

>> No.9791727

5 impalements.

>> No.9791804

> Tomb Raider
> Fantastic third person platformer that felt like a natural extension of the grid based Prince of Persia gameplay but in a 3D engine
> Interesting story, excellent exploration, so-so combat that can be cheesed 90% of the time by standing on top of something and blasting animals with your infinite ammo pistols while they run in circles

> Tomb Raider 2
> Adds new features to the engine (notable dynamic lighting demonstrated by Lara's flares)
> Starts off solid, but the developers thought the best way to "fix" the combat was to throw a shitload of bulletsponge human enemies with rapid firing hitscan guns
> Interesting levels, but the addition of the ability to save anywhere in the world (instead of at designated areas) caused the level designers to throw in a ton of ridiculous instant death traps and respawning/teleporting enemies
> New secret system, instead of finding weapons and ammo in secret areas you found statues, getting all statues in a level gave you a bunch of ammo or weapons, meaning you either got shit or got so much stuff the game becomes a cakewalk
> Game is literally called "Tomb Raider" but has 0 tombs

> Tomb Raider III
> Devs crank the difficulty into the stratosphere, more hitscan enemies, more instant death traps
> "Choose your own level progression" sounds neat but in reality the first two levels are set since doing Nevada takes away all of your weapons
> Lara Croft, internationally recognized world famous author/archeologist breaks into AREA 51, kills dozens of civilian bikers and military MPs, is viewable on dozens of security cameras, sets loose prisoners, steals an artifact from a UFO, escapes, and never faces any consequences somehow
4/10 (not canon)


>> No.9791810

> Tomb Raider Chronicles
> A "framing" sidestory set after TLR
> First mission is classic Tomb Raider, pretty good
> More Larson and Pierre being retards was fun to see
> The Russian base/sub one is shit, the engine is not capable of doing interiors at all
> The Matrix/Thief Lara episode is also shit (see above), adding "stealth" sections to a Tomb Raider game is retarded and does not work at all
> "Teen Lara" section is pretty decent, starting off the level with jailbait Lara's underboob was neat, having an entire part of the game focusing on exploration without weapons seems cool until you run into bats or those retarded rock throwing Irish baby demons
> All in all it was ok, but it's clear that this was the B game that was being shit out to make some quick cash to finance The Last Revelation
3/10 (play the first part and then stop)

> The Last Revelation
> This is the game Tomb Raider II should have been
> Entire game is set in Egypt, no running around modern Italy or oil rigs
> Pretty good story, pretty good gameplay
> Looks pretty nice, even on the PS1 (which by this point was aging hard), Dreamcast version looks really nice
> Carries on the spirit of the original while taking the few good things that TR2 and TR3 added

> Angel of Darkness
0/10 (makes me want to vomit and kill myself)

There you go, that's the ranking of the /vr/ TR games.

>> No.9791881

6 impalements.

>> No.9792948

>breaks into AREA 51, kills dozens of civilian bikers and military MPs, is viewable on dozens of security cameras, sets loose prisoners, steals an artifact from a UFO, escapes
Your forgot the part where she launched a rocket.

>> No.9792956

>out to make some quick cash to finance The Last Revelation
but chronicles came out a year after tlr

>> No.9793103

You're in for a treat. Have you seen this before?

>> No.9793106
File: 180 KB, 837x645, TRII (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's running animated this fucked up. Awesome.

>> No.9793258

Poor kid. No woman will ever live up to that. He peaked at, what, 14?

FML I'm jelly of a kid 20 years ago.

Love that she had to stand for the game to load, maybe install. What a professional.

>> No.9793442

It was a pretty good job wasn't it.

>> No.9793450
File: 93 KB, 597x464, TRII (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right so anyway you then end up here. It is possible to get that dragon by clearing the shards but how anyone worked it out, but you can do it.

>> No.9793675
File: 3.55 MB, 426x240, Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp (5).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The engine room levels are not that great but the passenger sections are stunning. Especially as you progress. How they programmed that ripple, how would you do that? I can't even imagine. The boat is an underwater tomb, ok?

>> No.9793819

>Your forgot the part where she launched a rocket.

Fuck that's right. What was the payload? Where was it aimed? Who the fuck knows or cares, launch it, baby. Considering it was in Area 51 it could have been the last stand nuke aimed at Moscow or London or who knows where. Lara may have killed millions of people just to get a piece of alien rock.

Just one more reason why TRIII is non-canon. I'm pretty sure the whole thing is a fever dream Lara is having while suffering from Malaria in some jungle hut somewhere.

>> No.9793856

tr1 8.5/10
tr2 7.5/10
tr3 7/10
last revelation 9/10
chronicles 6/10
angel of darkness ???

i'm fine with anniversary and even underworld to a degree but whatever. should i even play angel of darkness ay lmao

>> No.9794060

Are you playing with any mods?
TR2 fixes the fullscreen bug and you can customize it.

>> No.9794606
File: 376 KB, 1197x925, TRII (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not aware of mods to the game. The full screen bug? I didn't know there was one, I'm playing it windowed to keep the ratio right. Can I play it full screen and it not be stretched?
When I arrived here it's like 2001 space odyssey when the astronaut sees his older self in the white room. I get that the diving rig and parts of the ship and the opera house aren't that appealing to be in. But it's still got the magic.

>> No.9794646


>> No.9794705
File: 76 KB, 877x416, TRII (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very commendable and everything but 2 deep 4 me.

>> No.9794920

Enjoy king

>> No.9794928

1 = 4 > 2 > 3 = 5
>amazing, eternal classic, loads of great ideas
>more level variety, good new ideas like vehicles, fun new weapons. hitscan enemies don't bother me that much because lara is hitscan too
>levels too long and don't have any linear flow like TR2's. you can spend 5 minutes doing nothing but watching the slow animations as you traverse a level, only to hit a brick wall and realise you need to go all the way back. also, loads of instant-death and other "gotcha!" bullshit from the VERY BEGINNING right up until the end. aesthetically amazing.
>the real successor to 1: actual tomb raiding. less variety in environments, but small improvements to all aspects of gameplay such as navigation and use of music. hub areas are great too, apart from the last one, and give the feeling of an epic adventure.
>an unfinished game. i wish it was finished. has some great ideas and some terrible ideas. looks amazing at times. doesn't make me lose my mind with rage like 3 does.

>> No.9795105
File: 3.05 MB, 2560x1440, TR3 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The visual variety and batshit mazes of 3 really speak to me. It's a shame the game is rushed and buggy though.

>> No.9795885

Has anyone played the Sabatu version of Tomb Raider?

>> No.9796352

>the train level
This is honestly my favorite level in the entire series.

>> No.9796581

Never even heard of it.

>> No.9796632

What do you guys think of the fan levels/campaigns? I didn't realize there was 3000 of them on TRLE alone till yesterday where I saw some Doom youtuber playing through a few of the custom campaigns - they've modded the hell out of old TR. Added newer models/upgraded mechanics etc. Feels like I just found another massive rabbit hole to dive into.

>> No.9796669

I have a very soft spot for Angel of Darkness. Otherwise TR2.

>> No.9796678

>the model was Lucy Clarkson, who was only 17 at the time.

>> No.9796679
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>> No.9796687

Never tried them. I haven't finished the first four yet.

>> No.9796694

I wonder if you can still get the top? I'd give the outfit a go.

>> No.9797269

Don't forget the gold expansions. I think 3 gold is pretty cool

>> No.9797272

Is Legends considered one of the classics?

>> No.9797273

1-5 are the classics

>> No.9797537
File: 267 KB, 1242x909, 1677362381669768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trying to find a mod that would change Lara into a guy. Are there any? For legends or 2013?

I don't want to play as a chick.

>> No.9797554

Faggotry is not welcome

>> No.9797570

I am not gay, I just don't like to play as some weak ass girl. It's way too unrealistic... Mummies..dinosaurs? Alrighty... Bad ass chicks? Give me a break.

>> No.9798327
File: 627 KB, 2304x777, 154376570434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9798384

It's a rework of Tomb Raider using the level editor. Basically new level layouts with higher difficulty.
I really liked it because the levels look more and feel more lively despite the fact it uses the original assets.

>> No.9798392

The only one i didnt like is TLR. Too much tedious backtracking. Too many "samey" environments. I quit after 20 hours and should have quit earlier. 2 and 3 have their jank but at least it feels varied. 1 is clearly the best and it's not even close

>> No.9798764
File: 384 KB, 1198x918, Tomb Raider Saturn vs PS1 The Colosseum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> First game is a normal story
> Second game is a direct sequel
> Third game is a direct sequel
> 4th game is a direct sequel in the spirit of the original game
> 5th game is a sidestory/prequel/interquel to the first 4 games
> 6th game is a gritty reboot
> 7th game is a second reboot
> 8th game is a remake of the first game, but in the second reboot timeline
> 9th game is a direct sequel to the 7th game
> 10th game is a third reboot with the same name as the first game
> 11th and 12th games are direct sequels of the 10th game

The Tomb Raider franchise is pretty weird when you think about it.

> Sabatu version of Tomb Raider

Before I looked up what this was I thought you were having a stroke and trying to type "Saturn version" kek. For posterity it's got a better draw distance and no texture warping compared to the PS1 version, but the framerate chugs more often. The Saturn version has a better controller, but the PS1 version has better looking FMVs. The Saturn version also lacks the handstand animation.

A while back there was a dude who was working on getting the Unfinished Business levels working on either the Saturn or the PS1 (I can't remember), might be worth checking into.

>> No.9798803

Tutorial Lara from 4 is cute, or Chronicles ofc

>Irish folk tale would have been okay if I wasn't a prudish fucktard

>> No.9798810

What's the best way to play these games nowadays?
I used gog installer but the controls were a bit borked, and I didn't want to default to playstation for various reasons

>> No.9798887

The steam version worked fine for me, using a kb/m

>> No.9799110

Fuck you you homophobe.

>> No.9799114

On a PSX.

>> No.9799176

TRMain mods.

>> No.9800895

ok groomer

>> No.9801792

It's basically just like the first and second games combined. You get the cool ancient temples and tombs with the traps and puzzles, but when Set awakens you have Von Croy's mercs to deal with as human enemies. Shame the ending is abrupt and implies you fuck up and die trying to seal him.

>> No.9801804

>Shame the ending
Would have been great if the game actually stopped there and died as well.

>> No.9801897

It was intended to be the case, which is why it ends with Lara dying in an attempt to seal an evil god.
I also love the game because it was one of the few actual games my dad actually loved. These days he just plays mobile shit instead, I miss when I could play these games with him.

>> No.9803342

probably II, generic answer but

what the fuck happend with III its too fucking dark jesus christ its so god damn dark I need flares for everything and if I run out I might aswell finger my asshole because I cant continue

>> No.9804369

My hatred for TR2 is immeasurable but by god I do have to admit I loved these levels. Really awesome setting and it looked amazing in the gritty PS1 graphics, and Lara is barefoot during all of them. Such a shame TR2 was so shit because there's a lot of good stuff trapped in there. If it wasn't for those buggy hitscan wops that the devs just spam all over the game without any thought whatsoever the game might have been decent.

>> No.9804379

and yet here you are

>> No.9804437
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It's hard for me to call it a bad game when it has so many great levels. But yes the hitscan hotheads really bring the whole thing down.