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File: 207 KB, 400x525, Kid_EDZ_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9794761 No.9794761 [Reply] [Original]

This whore isn't Schala.


>> No.9794780
File: 32 KB, 640x480, LMAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite the astute observation, Trigglypuff. It's her daughter-clone.

>> No.9794829

Why even connect this game to CT? It has barely anything to do with the original game.

>> No.9794916

anal sex with scharla 2.0

>> No.9795330
File: 110 KB, 510x301, NEWNEWNEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why "connect" the direct sequel

>> No.9795332

>Chrono Cross
>direct sequel
lol. it's a sequel, but not a direct one. it shares nothing with the first game

>> No.9795337

>Twenty years after the events in the time travel game
Oh does this mean this game isn't REALLY gonna have much of a time travel element...?

>> No.9795351

>yeah let me travel in time to save Zea.. whoops
>I guess just Schala will d.. oops
>Poor Cyrus! Let's travel ba.. oh ok
Wow nice time travel you got there LMAO

>> No.9795374
File: 2.68 MB, 1201x1610, __kid_chrono_cross_drawn_by_yawaraka_bear__687167640de6d95dd01b674f625ae9b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually it was unclear even for the devs what they were working on at first, FF7 wasn't decided yet which of all the projects was going to become. Is also why Kid felt so hamfisted into the plot.

>> No.9795429

Of course not. Schala died.

>> No.9795604
File: 105 KB, 1200x900, how-to-recruit-kid-in-chrono-cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kid arguably has the most perfectly shaped tits in gaming history.

>> No.9795607

It has quite a bit to do with it since the impetus to Cross's story is a consequence of what happened in Trigger. The connections are dumped on your head in the tail end of the game though in an especially confusing way.

>> No.9795617

yeah, IIRC you start getting some bit and pieces of infos about 2/3 in. Some scenes you might miss even. It's told in a confusing way where you might not quite make the connection and then you get a really weird info dump at the end

>> No.9795620

It's basically the kind of game where you go read on it after (Like on Chrono Compendium) for all of it to make better sense

>> No.9795686
File: 24 KB, 500x452, finger point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False accusation thread?

>> No.9795725

Chrono Trigger was made by The Dream Team(TM), the greatest collection of JRPG developers of the past thirty years.

Chrono Cross was made by whoever the fuck still happened to be in the office on a Friday afternoon.

>> No.9795851

Cross is pretty much the entire Dream Team minus Toriyama.

>> No.9795870

This anon speaks truth.

>> No.9795873

They got rid of dead weight.

>> No.9795876

minus yuji horii too

>> No.9795943

Honestly this is probably the biggest loss. Trigger is like what you'd get if you wrote a story that has the spirit of Dragon Quest but with the plot structure of Final Fantasy. Cross is like asking the remaining people to imitate the Dragon Quest influence rather than just have the guy there himself. And honestly it kind of adds up.

>> No.9795952

Right, it's her clone. She literally says that she considers herself a different person and has manifested an entirely different personality

>> No.9795958

>Cross is like asking the remaining people to imitate the Dragon Quest influence rather than just have the guy there himself.
It does nothing to imitate Dragon Quest because it hones down on the most kino aspects that were in Trigger as a result of Masato Kato working on it from the beginning. If anything Cross is much more kindred with Xenogears which also has a story and plot that literally blows any Dragon Quest shite out of the water

>> No.9795963

A girl like that would leave me looking like a shriveled husk every night.

>> No.9796902
File: 1.80 MB, 2011x1406, Chinatown_souvenirs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I prefer Trigger and it is perfect the way it is, I am not really a fan of the Toriyama artstyle in general, but it fits perfectly into the game. Cross has its character designs by Nobuteru Yuki which has a very cool look I liked in the Gunnm OVAs, Tenkuu no Escaflowne series, Shadow Skill OVAs, etc., so I don't consider him a nobody. The music has a very obvious dreamy theme to it and also well composed. The visuals of Cross is the culmination of all the experience Square accumulated working on the Playstation hardware with some very detailed pre-renders for backgrounds/cinematics and some strong texture work on the polys the hardware can generate. It is still very well made.

>> No.9797105
File: 488 KB, 570x567, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't Square have picked a less ugly music box to use for their stuff? Bloody hell.

>> No.9797125

This. CC is basically about the negative consequences of what the heroes in Chrono Trigger did.

>> No.9797139

I can't believe it's been almost two decades and people still don't get what happens in the ending.
Schala is freed outside of time. Since it happens outside of time, it means none of the events that are logically dependent on her being captured (the Time Crash, Wazuki becoming Lynx, the Dragon Gods being summoned to El Nido) happen. The Good Ending of CT reasserts itself. Guardia never falls, the Masamune is never stolen, as all of that depends on Lynx's interference. This means Chrono, Lucca, Marle and Robo don't die. It's not even complicated, Leena spells it out for you in simple terms.

>> No.9797458

Western audiences are inbred mouthbreathers. They won't even chew even if spoonfed. Intravenous injection of information is only marginally more effective.

>> No.9797536

Didn't they try to retcon half of that as being Dalton and not Lynx?

>> No.9797542

You know Cross is a shit game because it's fans feel the need to lash out and try to tear down everything about the first game in an effort to bring it below Cross's level. Because even they know, deep inside, that Cross can't be elevated beyond the mismanaged shit hole that it is.

>> No.9797860

>constant "Cross is shit boo you ruined my childhood" threads
It seems more like Triggerfags are bitter and angry that a sequel did something different

>> No.9797994

They're both bad games.
Cross looks nice, but it's a polished turd. At least the music is good.
As for Trigger, for a game about time travel, it's awfully fucking linear, which left me feeling like i was gypped of my money when i bought it back in the day.

>> No.9798027

>it's awfully fucking linear
>can finish the game at any point of the game after getting to the End of Time for the first time
Are you stupid or retarded?

>> No.9798326

The new Mother 3 autist. I guarantee you this retard will still be spamming this thread here and on /vrpg/ in 3 years time.

>> No.9798395

>cutting a length of yarn before you reach the end makes it no longer a length of yarn because... well... it just FUCKING doesn't, okay?
At least knit or crochet that shit rather than keep it fucking straight all the way through, lol

>> No.9798512

>ACTUALLY killing the giant space cockroach that's going to kill humanity and spread it's children all across the universe to continue the cycle was le bad
chrono cross was terrible and babbie's first "deep" story

>> No.9798525

Except Lavos being killed isn't the thing that fucks everything up, it's Balthasar's unwillingness to leave Schala behind. By trying to undo that, he unleashes the Time Crash and all subsequent nonsense, which luckily gets undone in the ending.

>> No.9798526

I didn't even play the game.

>> No.9798527

>babbie's first "deep" story
and yet you failed to understand it

>> No.9798624
File: 2.25 MB, 2016x1512, Chinese_bootlegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know since the ones SquareEnix sold seem pretty premium to me: https://youtu.be/cgcdEk3LWzM

The one for Chrono Cross just sounds so good too: https://youtu.be/KevA1MpJzSA

The kickstarter for the replicas of the Chrono Cross one delivered last New Years.

>> No.9798637
File: 3 KB, 92x71, Chronolavosa1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucking shit. She's the spawn of Scala. Or daughter clone as the game put it

>> No.9798643

These stupid motherfuckers need a suppository.

>> No.9798670

I dont care what anyone thinks but I absolutely loved this game its characters and world the first time I played it. Its just such a beautiful game.

>> No.9798693

That's incorrect. Development of CC started after the release of Xenogears, so saying "FF7 wasn't decided yet" makes no sense.

>> No.9798724

You fucking lying cunt Kato literally made Radical Dreamers as a sequel to the Schala shenanigans then rewrote and expanded it for Chrono Cross.

Oops my inner Aussie is coming out because of Kid.

>> No.9800302

>direct sequel
>no familiar characters
>no familiar places
>combat style completely different
>stereotypical jrpg randumb battles
>no combo techs / magic
>has 2 or 3 good songs vs an entire soundtrack of good songs
Yeah I never finished it so I guess I didn't get to the part where they shoehorn it into the CT universe.

>> No.9801629
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 44-orphanage22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>direct sequel
yes, it's literally about what happened to Schala and Lavos
>no familiar characters
Schala, Lavos, Lucca, Robo, Marle, Crono, references to characters and NPCs
>no familiar places
Because it's taking place in another location
>combat style completely different
A straight up improvement
>stereotypical jrpg randumb battles
The elements and stamina mechanic was literally a completely new system
>no combo techs / magic
Wrong again
>has 2 or 3 good songs vs an entire soundtrack of good songs
See an otolaryngologist

>> No.9801954
File: 890 KB, 900x1125, kid (chrono cross).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9802487

It's the most mature and interesting sequel to CT's story that could have been made.
It's a direct sequel but you don't know until later in the story, which is itself a vital element of the story.
Dimensional travel is a direct consequence of time travel. You would have made a game where Lucca, Crono and the gang get back together to travel through gates fighting Lavos 2. And it would have sucked and been nowhere near as good as CT.
And that's a good thing. You the player, in Serge's shoes, are a normal village boy who knows nothing about the events of CT. He would be as confused as you are. Or did you expect the intricacies of inter-dimensional time travel to be simple?
>For Trigger, Mr. Horii made the beginning of the plot, and then I did the whole thing.
>It was rewritten, and later sub-scenarios made in Mr. Tokita's and Mr. Kitase's colors were added.
>It's kind of messy.
>However, the ancient version is 100% my original. Or rather, after writing the story of the ancient chapter,
>From the royal palace to the dungeon, I made all the events by myself.
The confusion about its connectedness to CT's story is understandable as a teenager not knowing what to expect. Being an adult is recognizing that it's the greatest JRPG ever made.

>> No.9802497

Rinoa is NOT Ultimecia and Squall isn't dead. But Rinoa is such a shit character I really don't care if one day Square recons that shit.

>> No.9802514

Disingenuous post

>> No.9802613

You're comparing the Sankyo Orpheus music boxes which were produced in a limited runs over in Japan to the mass market ones you find on the Square Enix web shop today. Very disingenuous.
Also, nice bootlegs. Shave often?

>> No.9802626

they got evidence, tho

what u got? a big fat nothin.

>> No.9802814
File: 147 KB, 1151x1200, 1365857085794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't handle the facts
many such cases!

>> No.9803263
File: 1.76 MB, 1024x714, chrono_cross__serge_and_kid_4_by_narrioncosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kickstarter one from Wayo is also very nice. Found this video of it, it is a bit higher in tempo, it is the 2nd one played: https://youtu.be/4JVdbWvsxfI

There's also a cost reduced one which also seems to be well made: https://youtu.be/4CwvFRZYNYU

While it would be nice to have the real things, the bootlegs still have a charm to them and great that they are at a price where more fans could enjoy them. I get a bunch of the blades in a bundle at Costco and it takes a long time for me to run though the whole pack of the Mach3 blades they have.