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9791749 No.9791749 [Reply] [Original]

Graphically, was the Gamecube pushed to its limits?

>> No.9791753

I was baffled by Sonic Heroes graphics the other day

>> No.9791772

>graphically was the gamecube pushed to its limit?
>posts the modded PC version

>> No.9792950
File: 584 KB, 1256x964, GGSEA4_2022-09-23_23-53-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9793432

That would be Metroid Prime 2

RE4 did look mighty great tho

>> No.9793463

>posts PC HD mod
But yes, RE4 was a very graphically impressive game on the GCN

>> No.9793504

Gamecube was more powerful than the ps2

>> No.9793519
File: 150 KB, 1920x1080, gran-turismo-4-new-world-record.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a myth, easily disproven by the litany of PS2 titles with far better graphics than anything the GameCube could muster.

>> No.9793521
File: 60 KB, 1305x649, cubefags btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, incompetent devs?

>> No.9793527

Aside from the first level, Heroes is nothing special visually speaking.

>> No.9793534

GameCube had better raw specs but PlayStation 2 could perform a lot of unusual visual effects which were really tough to implement by an average programmer. If you knew how to use them, PS2 could perform miracles.

>> No.9793535

>If you knew how to use them, PS2 could perform miracles.
This. Water effects on some PS2 games have yet to be surpassed its nuts.

>> No.9793557

playing like this completely ruins the balance of the game

>> No.9793558

You gonna post one? All you did was post a generic screenshot with some nice alpha blending.

>> No.9793565
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x630, okami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already did. Gran Turismo 4 is well beyond what the GameCube was capable of. Pic related is another, which makes celda look like the kiddy joke of a game it is, by comparison.

>> No.9793570

This doesn't look any more technologically advanced than Viewtiful Joe. I'm sure it could have been done (and probably better) on Gamecube too.

>> No.9793571

A supposed Burnout 3 dev said the reason a GC port didn't happen was because it wasn't capable enough. To Quote:

>Even with VU0 running in macro mode, at 50% of the throughput of microcode, the results were better than what we'd get on the GC with hand tuned assembler. You could do more physics, more collision detection, more AI, more everything. Oh yeah...and more graphical effects on higher poly vehicles.

>> No.9793574

NTA but why are you acting like console wars are still going on? It's been 20 years, just let it go and enjoy both systems

>> No.9793580

>ported to Wii, which was basically GameCube

>> No.9793581


>> No.9793586

> port didn't happen was because it wasn't capable enough.
everytime you hear a developer say this its always bullshit

>> No.9793596

Valueless assertation without backing evidence.
The Wii is nearly twice as powerful as the GameCube. Quite pathetic they needed such an upgrade to be able to finally handle stock PS2 games.
Telling how you're insisting to me to "drop it", when I am merely responding to misinformation in >>9793504.

>> No.9793603

>Valueless assertation without backing evidence.
My evidence is that Viewtiful Joe is by the same devs and uses similar cel-shading techniques. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same engine.

>The Wii is nearly twice as powerful as the Gamecube.
The Wii is essentially just a Gamecube with a faster CPU. It's closer to something like the PS4 Pro vs PS4 or 3DS to N3DS than a generational leap.

>> No.9793606

>The Wii is nearly twice as powerful as the GameCube.
GCN is perfectly capable of Okami. So far everything you've said is wrong.

>> No.9793614

As has already been said dozens of times on this board, that wasn't really a Burnout 3 dev, that was just some random programmer who got hired in the last few months of Burnout 3 development. He had literally no function on anything he's talking about.

>> No.9793616

GameCube was the nogames console of its time but Wii mogged the next Gen as far as fun to play games that hold up, honestly not sure what Nintendo was thinking with Gc but they got out of their own way at least. Man n64 > GC was such a game volume drop off after the SNES, which still has a fuckhuge library. Switch also appears to be mogging just from a game count perspective.

It seems like Nintendo can’t ever combine strong hardware with a strong library, it’s been one or the other. Although now they’re fully on their blue ocean shit and better off for it.

>> No.9793627
File: 175 KB, 736x1033, carnival games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GameCube was the nogames console of its time but Wii mogged the next Gen as far as fun to play games that hold up
What a strange and obviously untrue thing to say.

>> No.9793629

I’m excluding shovelware, I don’t think including shovelware in the discussion of any console makes sense unless you’re discussing shit like financials or shovelware you played as a kid.

>> No.9793637

>I’m excluding shovelware
Doesn't matter, GCN's library is still better.
People bought the Wii and bought games like on this list:
Hence people made shit like that for the system. It's got some gems, but every system does and GCN honestly has more of those, too. Wii's best game is RE4, a GCN game.

>> No.9793640

GCN has good games, it’s nogames compared to the ps2. Also we’re just arguing opinions here, my favorite wii game is not RE4 but obviously there’s no objective way to settle that between us

>> No.9793642

No it isn't. If you can't find dozens of good GCN games to enjoy, you're just being a contrarian.

>> No.9793648

Ok I appear to be arguing with a tendie who cannot stand to have the honor of his beloved nuclear reactor powered graphics beast GameCube tarnished, I kneel at the library of Alexandria 2.0 known as the GameCube library.

>> No.9793649

Wow I didn't know GameCube could run 4k graphics!

>> No.9793653

You sound mad. You're retarded and anybody with any taste would rather choose the GCN library over the Wii library.

>> No.9793656

I said compared to the ps2 in the post above, are you doing ok?

>> No.9793671

>the Wii library
You mean Wii Sports and the VC?

>> No.9793674


I've always thought arguing for Nintendo console libraries is pointless. People have always bought them for the first-party games - yer marios, zeldas etc - and anything beyond that is kind of a bonus.

>> No.9793676

It’s all stupid on a retro board where anything can be emulated

>> No.9793679


>> No.9793682

See >>9793616
Your analysis fails on all fronts. PS2 having a better library than the GCN isn't material to whether or not the GCN has a good library in the first place. The GCN has lots of good exclusive games, and several multiplats that run much better on GCN than on PS2. This means that anyone who isn't a retard contrarian would find dozens of good games they'd at least want to play. Meanwhile the Wii got hardly any good games, it had TERRIBLE multiplats so even if you want the good games, you can only consider exclusives for the most part (or timed exclusives), and it was stuffed full of garbage casual games. People would just rant ad nauseam about Zack and Wiki or Madworld because by 2010, that was about it.

True enough, but at the same time, if you're someone who just buys Nintendo systems for Nintendo games, you're still going to prefer the GCN is my point.

>> No.9793684

mental illness, GameCube lost, and Nintendo isn’t gonna offer you a job. Also dozens of games kek, there probably isn’t 36 bangers on GameCube that most people on this board can list

>> No.9793689

You sound mad.

>> No.9793690

>GameCube was the nogames console of its time
GC was the final lesson for nintendo to realize that going for the most powerful hardware wasn't what would get people to buy your system.

>> No.9793691

>GameCube lost
Not that anon, but lost what? The GC made a ton of money and it can play pretty much all the golden, silver, and bronze age arcade games official and through emulation besides all their native flagship games, so how did it lose?
The GC is an entertainment powerhouse, but to be fair every game console of that era forward qualifies.

>> No.9793704

GCN wasn't an attempt to get the most power out of the system, though. Like, at all. Their marketing at the time wasn't even trying to claim it was super powerful, they tried to counter Sony's marketing blitz by just saying that they "weren't worried" about how powerful the PS2 was. When they were concerned about showing off the GCN's system capabilities before launch, they mostly just focused on showing a disc based system with low loading time.

>> No.9793727

I'd say it was pushed to its limits, it's just that the average person doesn't like the art style that lots of devs went with with the GCN. The water effects in Mario Sunshine are honestly top notch but virtually everybody seems to dislike tropical Mario as a setting and art style.

>> No.9793896

Yes, but actually no.
GameCube has a better GPU that the PS2, but the PS2 CPU is so stupidly powerful that can just brute force more polygons (Gran Turismo 4, Shadow of the Colossus) and shaders (Ridge Racer V, God of War)

>> No.9793901

baffled by how shite they were?

>> No.9794349

WaveRace BlueStorm on NGC or DoA3 / Splinter Cell CT on Xbox have the best water effects of gen6.
Nothing come close to it on PS2.
And no, despite my comment I still think the PS2 is overall a way better console than the gamecube, even graphically.

>> No.9794543

Twilight Princess
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
F-Zero GX (it still blows my mind how detailed the visuals are while still hitting 60FPS consistently, it looks more like something you'd find on OG Xbox)

>> No.9795619
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I am watching play John Wolfe the remake right now and somehow I like the old graphics better.

>> No.9795639

I wonder how many Wii games you could reverse engineer to run on a GC. Would Mario Galaxy run on a GC? It'd be interesting to see it, as an experiment.

>> No.9796226
File: 328 KB, 600x839, star-wars-rogue-squadron-ii-rogue-leader-cover.cover_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A gamecube launch title mogged anything else that generation, so yes.

>> No.9796243

Yeah, that game looked great.

>> No.9796647

SW:RS2 caused my pre order. SSBM was a happy find afterwards

>> No.9796649

Yes, indeed

>> No.9796653

Snoy killed this studio for meme controls that no one wanted. Snoy is the worst.

>> No.9796681

The Twin Snakes pic has much higher texture resolution and higher poly models. That's bad art direction. MGS2 is more stylized with a flatter look. They also made Otacon weirdly handsome in 2 and TS sticks with him being an ugly incel.

>> No.9796706

Rogue Leader was a truly-remarkable looking game.

>> No.9796817

Racing games as a benchmark for graphics on any system is so fraudulent.
Maybe it's because there's not much else in the game that isn't always in motion so it's easier to hide. But damn do racing games always age beautifully.
I guess that's why some sort of racing game is always around as a console launch title, so they can market it as
>see this is what you can expect the next SlavPG to look like!

>> No.9798414
File: 1.84 MB, 500x389, YAvra-.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luigi's Mansion I'd say had a lot of impressive visuals they squeezed in.

>> No.9798684 [DELETED] 

>A gamecube launch title mogged anything else that generation, so yes.

It's sequel Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike was released close to the end of the GameCube life cycle, and i would say probably pushed the GameCube hardware much harder than the first game did:

Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike

>> No.9798689


It's sequel Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike was released close to the end of the GameCube life cycle, and i would say probably pushed the GameCube hardware much harder than the first game did:


>> No.9799486
File: 2.64 MB, 360x640, 1600900736836.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9799495

>They also made Otacon weirdly handsome in 2
They had to make it believable that he cucked his step dad