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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9790485 No.9790485 [Reply] [Original]

Are you supposed to cheat in these games? There is no way to beat it all the way through with the finite lives you get.
>You have to be perfect and memorize every detail of it so you don't get a surprise death.
>This is a commitment that takes weeks, maybe even years.
>Not only that but each boss will require you to memorize their patterns too, only adding to the time that it will take to master them.
>There are no save states for you to actually utilize what you learned. You have to start over from the beginning and re-do all the things you already mastered.

I am just overwhelmed by what the game is expecting of me to be honest.

>> No.9790489

Not only that but when you finally get to the boss of the game, you will naturally die ten or twenty times, so you have to play the ENTIRE thing over again every single time.

>> No.9790491

Isn't there a password system?

>> No.9790494

These are some of the easiest games on NES

>> No.9790498

Only the first game is this way. The rest of the series tones down the difficulty in a number of ways by giving you carriable E-tanks to heal yourself with, more tools to make platforming easier, and a password system so you can take a break and pick up from where you left off.
In the first game, you get none of this shit. Your only reprieve is having unlimited continues.
It's a pretty brutal game, but you can do it if you have the patience. It won't take you years.
If you really can't stand it, though, you could try 2 instead. It's where things get more palatable.

>> No.9790503

First game has no passwords, you gotta beat it all in one go (or use save states if you're a cheating baby).

Super Mario Bros. and Kirby's Adventure are far easier. On the spectrum of easy-to-hard NES games, Mega Man is closer to the hard end than the easy end. You're retarded if you disagree.

>> No.9790504

>commitment that takes weeks, maybe even years
You can beat any of them in one sitting. If not, use the passwords (except for MM1 which has none).
If you want an easier time, start with Mega Man 5 and then move on to 4 or 6, by the time you beat at least 2 of those you should have learned to git gud. If I can beat any of these games while i'm drunk, you should be able to do it sober.

>> No.9790506

Mega Man 7 for an even easier time.

>> No.9790510

Mario is way harder than Megaman

>> No.9790513

In the first Mega Man, you don't really have to memorize any of the robot masters patterns. If you know their weaknesses, you can take out most of them in two or three hits, so it's about figuring out what they're weak to.

>> No.9790516
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Thanks for the laugh + outing yourself as being SHIT at games.

>> No.9790542

Bait thread

>> No.9790612

No, you're supposed to be ten years old with three games maximum and all the time in the world.

But you're an adult (presumably) with much less time to spare (hopefully). So use save states to practice the game until you learn it and can beat each level without using a continue, and then beat the game for real without save states. Or just move on with your life, what do I care?

>> No.9790665

Not shit.

>> No.9790668

>with much less time to spare (hopefully)
Why would you HOPE that someone has less free time?
You're kind of a dickhead, huh?

>> No.9790707

Well if you have the same amount of time to spare as an adult when you're a child, then you're a fucking loser. So I hope that he's not a fucking loser.

>> No.9790715

>if you have the same amount of time to spare as an adult when you're a child

Fucked that up, meant to say "amount of time to spare as an adult as when you were a child"

>> No.9790742
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>> No.9790768
File: 287 KB, 1024x1024, 5d0924ffec3f1d875bc82854f546bca7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no way to beat it all the way through with the finite lives you get.

>all the way through
>finite lives
Anon, you don't get sent back to the beginning of the game on game over.

>> No.9790778

If you're an adult and you don't make enough money that you can afford free time, then YOU are the loser. Fuck working for a living.

>> No.9790846

Everyone has free time. Adults who are responsible for themselves and others have much less free time than a child or a neet. I'm saying I hope he's not a neet.

How is this so hard for you to understand? Jfc.

>> No.9791094

Finished 1 since forever two weeks ago
>if for some reason you don't know about the magnet beam, u are fucked in wily1 (and need to replay a stage)
>Yellow demon is cancer but beatable
>the final gauntlet is a nightmare, the only way to win is to have at least one life left when you get to wily so you have a checkpoint.
>if you played on an actual nes you needed to leave it on till you finish it
Some of mm1 shit is really evil, almost beyond castlevania1 and Gaiden.

>> No.9791134

Okay contrarianfag

>> No.9791510

you're a retard and this is objectively false.

>> No.9791515

Mega Man becomes a lot easier when you realize they are not meant to be skill-based games (unless you are doing something really hard like buster only or no deaths or whatever), but basically just Simon Says trial and error with regard to proper level order, which weapon to use where, and cheese strats for bosses.

>> No.9791524

>infinite continues
>continue only resets you to beginning of current stage
Anon, you are probably too much of a pussy for retro gaming.

>> No.9791628

There are more games on NES than just Mega Man games, zoomy homos. Try beating Castlevania or Ninja Gaiden, for starters.

Have to agree. Even if you're far more familiar with SMB1 than with MM1, there's far less room for error in SMB1 than even in MM1. Yes, before you rage reply to this, I've beaten both.

>> No.9792514

Yep. Skill issues. Ninja gaiden and contra games on NES are actually hard. Imagine not knowing the right stage order. Kek

>> No.9792598

It's not that hard. You just don't want to take the time to practice and learn the game. You think you should be able to beat every nes game in an hour because all you know are let's plays.

>> No.9793235

Kill yourself with your bait thread