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9789170 No.9789170 [Reply] [Original]

Which one was the better Villain?

>> No.9789208 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 864x760, aeris_0hp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seph, although not that twink rendition in your image

>> No.9789229

How many eyes does Aeriff have?

>> No.9789251

That's likely the White Materia popping out of her left eyesocket.

>> No.9789254

Kefka, because clowns are scary and he purposely utilized that look when he became a villain. Seph is just an emo with mommy issues.

>> No.9789267

>Seph is just an emo
He's a goth, twelve years too early for emo. Nomura made two full legitimately emo/scene games, TWEWY and NEO.

>> No.9789269

Kefka really isn't much of a character, so Sephiroth wins.

>> No.9789310

>Kefka, because clowns are scary
I will never understand why burgers like bragging about their irrational phobias

>> No.9789313

Clowns that were in circuses in the 1800s wild west are totally different than your pussified mime clowns of Europe. Way more hardcore, they packed revolvers.

>> No.9789321

He's not a clown though, he's just a foppish noble with too much make up.

>> No.9789326

His last name means clown.

>> No.9789332

Remind me again which one actually succeeded in destroying the world and becoming a god?

>> No.9789341


>> No.9789345


>> No.9789382

Sephiroth is just Jenova's bitch.

>> No.9789391

Sephiroth succeeded at wiping out all of the humans which is close enough

>> No.9789417

He literally only succeeding in kill one (defenseless) person.

>> No.9789419
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Both are good, but people remember Sephiroth way more and even normies recognize him. If you ask a normie who Kefka was, best case answer is a "who?" and worst case is people saying "the guy that did the sonic.exe laugh".
It doesn't help that Kefka fans are some of the most annoying contrarians on the planet.

>> No.9789440
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In FF6, the empire is the villain the entire game.
The system that allows someone to fail upwards and everyone else pays the piper.
It barely matters exactly who it was, because it only produces the wrong result.
Kefka is just the object moving through that passage at that catastrophic moment.
He's an exhibitonist, a bitch, and a bully.

He's haunting precisely because of how many real Kefkas there are.
Shameless people whose redemption is well behind them.
And for some reason, they're perfectly meshed in the cogs where people are either unable to unwilling to do ANYTHING about them.

Everywhere I've worked, there have been angry lesbians in management positions. Nobody likes them, and they like nobody.
They just make people miserable. Years after I've been gone, they remain.
And what's more, it started happening everywhere. In entertainment, in government.
This shit is everywhere now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkKHupWzB-g
Kefkas, all.

>> No.9789443

No they didn't. Clowns aren't scary there a turn on. Kefka is the hottest villain because he's a clown

>> No.9789446

Recognition is immaterial to the discussion and you're a goddamned dullard for bringing it up.

>> No.9789451
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Ah I'm sick of hatin.

>> No.9789453

Wrong everyone is dead at the end of the original game director even says so.

Because they helped everyone on the airplane turned into nanaki wolfcats.

Marlene also turned into a wolfcats

Dirge of Cerberus And Advent children are fake and don't exist in the same timeline as the original

>> No.9789459


>> No.9789460

Kefka had severe brain damage he's not a real villain he was fucked by the crown like terra only his entire personality was fucked up.

Celes even said he used to be a nice guy and helped her. Until he was blasted by too much crown magic.

>> No.9789461

I would like to see a work where they show what Kefka was like before he got experimented on and lost his mind. He was probably a cool guy before all that.

>> No.9789462 [DELETED] 
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>Kefka had severe brain damage he's not a real villain
... Care to reword that in some way? Picrel

>Celes even said he used to be a nice guy and helped her.
Bullshit. You're misremembering something. What did she say and when?

>> No.9789464
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>Kefka had severe brain damage he's not a real villain
... Care to reword that in some way? Picrel

>Celes even said he used to be a nice guy and helped her.
Bullshit. You're misremembering something. What did she say and when?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.9789465

Sephiroth was dead after he fell in the mako.
The whole entire game it's litterally jenova in clouds mind as he deteriorated and summons meteor himself.
Jenova is a sentient mimic it's why he uses sephiroth.

>> No.9789469

Celes twice mentions it in game.
Leo even mentioned it
He was normal before they used super juice on the crown he had that broke and then he was totally different.
The research gestahl did on kefka made sure they didn't fuck up on terra. And only entirely mind wiped her not made her insane

>> No.9789470
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>Sephiroth was dead

>> No.9789471
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>Celes twice mentions it in game.
If she did, you would've cited what she said, and when. Like you were just asked.

>> No.9789476

Has this series ever had a good villain? Seeing you guys choose between an emo and a literal lolrandom clown makes me glad I've only played these 2 FFs.

>> No.9789489


>> No.9789516

FF7 has a purposefully ambiguous ending as to whether or not the Planet decided that humanity was a threat to it. to say that humans definitely survives means that the devs made it purposefully ambiguous for no reason whatsoever when the clear intent is for it to be ambiguous

>> No.9789518


asshole tree is based

>> No.9789674

Seph had a real cause and effect origin. That's nice. But he never really got "connected" in personally with the players. The real summary is "Everyone underestimated Jenova, even the ancients. Everyone messed up understanding the ancients. Hojo is an evil dick. Sephiroth was the specter left in the wake."
In the end, what did Seph really do? Oooo mystery, bust out jenova parts, kill the president, puppet cloud, ninja. Nothing is personal about it. Compare all that to Barret's story and Dyne, for example- it's significantly better. Dyne is twisted up and his connection to Barret couldn't be any stronger. And so many characters had similar stories all connected to Shinra as a villain- not Hojo, not Jenova, and certainly not Sephiroth. Maybe if they hadn't breadcrumbed forever into Zach/Cloud reveal, and Seph had more complicated reasons for his goals because of Zach, we could have had a real top notch villain.

Kefka, in comparison, immediately gets points for succeeding. BIG. He's shown immediately in the game- completely deranged, a bully, insane. It's a bigger machine than Kefka- the machine of human conflict, and Kefka is just the cog of ruin inside that machine. The machine gets too worked up, and that cog gets too spun up and flies off. This helps theme FF6 much better- Kefka just becomes a way to assign the world's ruin to an individual, and when the survivors come together and proclaim that there's still things to live for, and hope and love overcomes ruin. So while Kefka has less body to him than Seph, he works as a much better plot vessel for the theme of the game- and that's where the theme of FF6 really works.

>> No.9789679

that goes by Advent Children shit which also made Cloud an emo. Seph is a goddamn schizo in the OG. he even goes on to monologue like a psychotic anime villian even after he stabs Aerith

>> No.9789692
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>here's your traumatized mentally ill effeminate villain
Yawn. Give me a proper bad guy

>> No.9789769

Sephiroth. He's used to drive the narrative and themes much much better. The only thing Kefkafags can say about Kefka are feats of power (oh he actually did destroy the world. He actually did become God therefore he is better), but that's a nonsense argument. What makes a good villain isn't their powerlevel, but how they are perceived.

>> No.9789881
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everybody gives points to Kefka since manages to destroy the world but nobody acknowledges that Mateus brought it to its knees from the START. too bad his game was pure shite

>> No.9789906

>dude Kefka ACTUALLY destroys the planet
>get to that part in the game
>no one actually dies aside from some old guy after he eats too much fish

>> No.9789946
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>> No.9789956

Kefka. He feels like an extension of the Empire's brutality and the way imperialism elevates eccentric soldiers into nigh-unstoppable madmen. He's engaging and fun to watch as a player, but you understand how this fucker would make you shit yourself if he was real.

Sephiroth never feels like a natural product of Shinra or Hojo's fuckery, and of course he's portrayed as cool and pretty in a way that spawned a whole generation of fujoshi. He was a schizo with mommy issues whose main tie to the party is triggering Cloud's PTSD.

Sephiroth is the power fantasy of an eccentric godlike super-soldier. Kefka is what that guy would actually be like.

>> No.9790002

Sephi on account of being an antichrist figure, Kefka is just some gay jester

>> No.9790008

Emperor Matheus? Exdeath? Yu Yevon? Fucking Garland?

>> No.9790016

Sephiroth was nice pre-Nibelheim. Not Kefka

>> No.9790045
File: 707 KB, 656x1000, FF2_Emperor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emperor is very underappreciated
>Unleashes the forces of Hell on the world
>Bombs cities, with NPCs explicitly saying people died
>Forces the rebels to fight in his arena for his amusement before duping them.
>Unleashes a cyclone that wrecks cities so hard you can't even visit them anymore.
>Becomes Emperor of Hell after dying
>Factor in the GBA/PSP versions, his light half was able to go to Heaven, but he's so evil that his theoretically nicer half conquers that too.
>Even on a personal level, he ensured that Maria's family would never reconcile, at least until her brother gets over himself.
It's actually kind of absurd just how much shit the Emperor ended up doing in comparison to how little he comes up in these debates.

>> No.9790098
File: 204 KB, 1539x1259, 050D2DFB-7D47-4E24-8524-2D796874653F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Kefka because he cracks jokes and devolves into petty manchild behavior despite being a powerful villain committing atrocities.
He’s kind of a JRPG Patrick Bateman. And desu since most of us started playing jrpgs as angsty depressed teenagers, we naturally love the villainous psychopath manchild characters

>> No.9790295

The fact you say Kefkafags says something about your bitterness, which also speaks to your taste.
You can't really be trusted.

>> No.9790298

I like that he looks like Jareth from Labyrinth.

>> No.9790354

The one with a personality.

>> No.9790484

I love how when he's calm and collected and seemingly in control, he comes across as menacing and sometimes even brooding, but the second he becomes annoyed, inconvenienced or even scared, he falls the fuck apart and lashes out in the most violent way possible. Bitch stabbed me with my own sword and made me bleed my own blood? Time to destroy the whole fucking world! A whole party shows up and starts babbling words words words words words straight out of a self-help booklet? Time to bust out the Light of Judgment!

>> No.9790582

There is really no overstating how big that movie was in Japan.
It's crazy.

>> No.9790589

another final fantasy thread where people plainly misunderstand ff7's plot

>> No.9790603

elaborate or go away

>> No.9790607

>brown bricks

>> No.9790608

And the majority of NPCs are all still alive and well and openly saying that they'll rebuild in defiance of Kefka as much as possible.

>> No.9790630

>all adults of said town are completely dead
>2 locations are completely destroyed or empty
>Damage death demons and destruction everywhere
and yes NPCs are used to convey a theme with dialogue, what thought

>> No.9790634

I like Kefka, even though the novelties of "goofy henchman is actually the most terrible threat" and the creepy clown aesthetics probably worn off a long time ago.
Sephiroth kinda sucks beyond his edgy look that stops being appealing past middle school. His rivalry with Cloud is probably the most interesting he gets, which is probaby why Square kept focusing on it even though a lot of hardcore FFVII fans hate it.

>> No.9790635

ExDeath is interesting because you don't even know what the fuck his motives really are until well over halfway through the game. Even the original Dawn Warriors didn't know exactly what he was trying to accomplish. Also cool that he feels like a real threat in the 2nd world, with armies and everything, shit goes from light-hearted generic "Save the Crystals!" to an actual war with ExDeath. Good stuff.

>> No.9790676

>and the creepy clown aesthetics probably worn off a long time ago
Well they haven't gotten sick of accosting you. >>9789464

>> No.9790714

Only one town out of many others where everybody's still relatively surviving and even thriving. The whole point of Kefka's big breakdown before the last battle is that everybody's telling him that he hasn't truly destroyed ANYTHING.

>> No.9790727

>Poison Ivy
>a guy in a gimp suit

>> No.9790925

IX in particular took a lot from it, Garnet looks like Jennifer Connelly and Kuja looks like a fusion of Jareth and Sephiroth.

>> No.9790952
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I like how his biggest impact is restoring the world to its complete state, considering he wanted everything to return to nothing. Would be funny if he was remembered by some as a benevolent figure.

He does quite a bit of damage to the planet. If he wants to be feared, killing off too many people isn't really a good idea.

>> No.9790963

Which translation of Kefka's game should I play? I've been saving it for most of my life so I don't run out or retro kino too soon, and I feel the time is coming soon, but this question gives me further pause. Everyone I talk to gives me a different answer between all the fan patches and whatnot.

>> No.9791000

I kind of liked how you get to repopulate Narshe in FF6 T-Edition. Sure, you help out the world by killing various threats, but this felt more direct and hands-on.

>> No.9791018

The original SNES version first and foremost. You can mess around with patches and retranslations afterwards.

>> No.9791032

Pretty sure nearly all of Narshe got wiped.

>> No.9791056

The original holds up well, but I also highly highly highly recommend the Brave New World romhack using the purist translation patch. It keeps the more charming english woosley translation quirks that are memorable while cleaning up any shakey translation errors- being essentially just being a pure of an experience of an experience it's supposed to be. Otherwise, the romhack is a beautiful, seamless improvement of the core vanilla JRPG
combat experience, entirely accessible to someone who's never played the game before. I can't give it enough praise.

>> No.9791061

If it's your first time, just play the original. There's really not that much wrong with the translation other than some censorship and a couple of obscured plot points. At least the graphics censorship can be reverted without touching the dialogue with this patch if you want:
There's still some in-game text censorship, but IMO all of the retranslations go a bit too far in messing with the text. Ted Woolsey Uncensored is maybe closest to the original translation script, but it too keeps mixing and matching bits and pieces from the GBA and other translations, so it's kind of all over the place.

>> No.9791086

I probably will just play the original and tinker with alterations on future playthroughs. I'll keep your recommendations in mind, thank you.

>> No.9791154

Was it? I don't remember anything being destroyed, just that it was abandoned without explanation.

>> No.9791214

If they've abandoned Narshe, and they're also nowhere else in the world, that means they're fucking dead.

>> No.9791241

They all look like any other NPCs anywhere, so who can say whether or not they escaped. The only one that was unique was Banon.

>> No.9791254


>> No.9791256

Yeah that’s what’s relateable about him. His power vastly exceeds his maturity level- it’s a kind of evil that is all too common. How common is it these days, to see people who have managed to worm their way into a position of power and influence, act in the most immature, destructive, childlike way once their ego is bruised. Somehow the more unhinged and unstable he gets, the closer he comes to becoming a God.
It reminds us of people we know, and our own darker nature

>> No.9791267

Sephiroth since he wasn't a one-note silly clown man.

>> No.9791280

They joined the cult of Kefka

>> No.9791282

... What?

>> No.9791285
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>The only one that was unique was Banon.
Am I a fucking joke to you?

>> No.9791302

Sephiroth had less notes than the clown. He's a whole lot of nothing. Jenova, Hojo, and Shinra were all much better villains than Seth E. Roth in his own damn game.

>> No.9791313

I just replayed FE6 and Kefka really falls off a cliff after the floating continent, and he's pretty mediocre as a final boss. His big moment of becoming the main villain might be good enough to carry though. On the other hand I dunno if you should give Sephiroth any credit for the Evangelion Cloud sad boy stuff or if he's just a catalyst. All his dumb appearances taunting Cloud are pretty lame on a replay.

>> No.9791341
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They're both insane guinea pigs but to Kefka's credit, he did exponentially more damage. The world's pretty fucked and might not recover. Magic's also gone. Sephiroth on the other hand achieves.. medium structural damage on Midgar. I also found his delusion about his mother pretty weird, he was merely injected with cells, but he still has human parents. Being injected with cells also wasn't exactly exclusive to him either.

>> No.9791350
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>> No.9791806

>Edea looks like a flat girl
>Jecht instead of Yu Yevon

>> No.9791879

Such a shame FFII didn't have alternative endings and you can't accept his offer in Hell.

>> No.9791985

Their both pretty overrated, but not terrible because I'm not just a contrarian faggot. The Emperor is the best villain of the FF games I've played.

>> No.9792148

Why did they give him a mouth in the PC version?

>> No.9792278
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In any case that's not your real opinion.

>> No.9792348

The fact Kefka is held on the same standard as Sephiroth, prooves he's the superior character.

Sephiroth counts with the good looks from his 3D renditions and was (and is) promoted to oblivion. Final Fantasy VII was also a financial success far beyond VI.
Meanwhile, Kefka only had his gba sprite, from a handheld game selling like 1/4 of the VII. He wasn't promoted and fellatio'd by companies. Never known for his looks, all he had were his antics and story ingame.

Kefka is much better than Sephiroth.

>> No.9792359
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>Meanwhile, Kefka only had his gba sprite, from a handheld game selling like 1/4 of the VII
I don't know what you're doing and I don't care.
Just as long as nobody falls for this shit.

>> No.9792425

Makes sense since FF6 is much better than FF7.

>> No.9792486

FF7 is directly responsible for ruining the franchise forever, even though FF7 itself was still a great game. We're lucky they were able to make 9 as a final farewell to what the series was supposed to be.

>> No.9792517
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FFIX is love

>> No.9792529

Sephiroth is iconic for good reasons. He's cool, intimidating, and his true nature is elusive because it's tied into the mysterious plot of FF7.
Kefka is more powerful and impressive as an individual. His final battle is better. But he's not cool or interesting as a character.

>> No.9792552

Kefka is a better villain than Sephoroth, but Exdeath is cooler than both.
>B-but he doesn’t have a le tragic backstory he is just evil for the sake of being evil!
Yes, that’s badass. Muh multilayered deviantart-user villains is a lame pseudointelligent attempt because the writers were too scared of embracing a classic good vs evil story.

>> No.9792563

FF7 probably had that ending too originally.

>> No.9792578

i love that origin story

>> No.9792589

I like FF6 a lot but it's not better than FF7 in the end. It's just not verbose enough compared to FF7. The short quips that you get to read from each of the FF6 characters are just too short and limited.

>> No.9792683

Are there any version differences to be aware of with his game or can I just get the SNES rom and go?

>> No.9792738

SNES rom and go

>> No.9792871

I used to play FF7 a lot but in hindsight the game is plain ugly and bloated, the major flaw is lacking the lightness that characterized every FF before it.

>> No.9793059

There's a single Narshe guard in Kohlingen.

>> No.9793076

I remember that voice to text youtube video where they settle their differences and play Madden, I think it's lost media now.

>> No.9793078

Everyone has mouths in the PC version for some reason. Sometimes they're a simple line, other time they're open like in that shot. I first played the game on PC, so at first I was put off by the lack of mouths when I went on to play the PS1 version, but honestly, they add nothing and in fact look silly at times.

>> No.9793208

>We're lucky they were able to make 9 as a final farewell to what the series was supposed to be.
The worst most garbage entry in the series was the final farewell
Thank god that shit underperformed.

>> No.9793221

I thought I was on /v/ for a second. What the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.9793392

>If you dislike this shitty garbage there's something wrong with you

>> No.9793416

I’m pretty sure Cloud and company all have mouths in the PSX version, it’s the NPCs like Scarlet and The Turks that don’t have them.

>> No.9793459
File: 149 KB, 423x333, tumblr_9ad35b4900528fc7c6a0e6e7e8f2a8f7_3be22706_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, they usually don't have mouths, with a few exceptions in a few scenes, such as this one.

>> No.9793467

Fucking newfags I swear

>> No.9793491

Shut up fucknut.

>> No.9793498
File: 1.97 MB, 4096x1839, __tina_branford_celes_chere_and_cefca_palazzo_final_fantasy_and_2_more_drawn_by_oju_ouka__6964ef790e5df8349f1f503202d65243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dancing mad.

>> No.9793531
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>> No.9793668
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>Dancing mad.

>> No.9794037

>The worst most garbage entry in the series
I see you haven't played FF15.

>> No.9794575

She’s dressed as Ultimecia, not Edea.

>> No.9795143

You're right, it's actually Kefka in my opinion. Not even much of a contest really.

>> No.9795748
File: 304 KB, 814x1596, DhAHHBDU0AAdPx0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best villain is the one you can sympathize with at some level despite everything. When you defeat Sephiroth you're just glad you got rid of the threat. Kefka's mental deterioration and death on the other hand feel genuinely tragic, because it could've easily happened to Terra or anyone else. This is so effectively conveyed in both games you can tell just by listening to their respective boss battle themes without knowing anything about either character.

>> No.9795760

Kefka and FFVI in general are only held on a pedestal by contrarians who didn't want to be on the bandwagon when FFVII exploded, or long after the fact.

>> No.9795794

found the zoomer

>> No.9795801
File: 383 KB, 704x678, 1652487626985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The best villain is the one you can sympathize with at some level

>> No.9796060

You know I'm right. Look at the image you posted. It's spooky but also inherently relatable. That's a great villain right there.

>> No.9796108
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More like all the FF7ers at the time wouldn't admit they had hopped on a bandwagon and were not savvy to the rest of the series and couldn't conceive that there was a better entry just before it.

>> No.9796149
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>> No.9796284

The Emperor not being bought up is just a sign of people's shit taste

>> No.9796293

There was no bandwagon until 7 came along, 6 sold like dogshit, not a single one of you fuckers played it before 7

>> No.9796298

Sephiroth is the more interesting character overall, but Kefka is cool because the second half of the game really makes you feel his presence. It's not just that he destroyed the world, but that he's still around lording over it. Throwing his Light of Judgement at people whenever he feels like it, having a cult worshiping him, etc. It's cool seeing all that, especially compared to what he was in the World of Balance. So I associate him with the whole vibe of the World of Ruin. I guess you get a similar effect with Meteor in the sky in FFVII.

Kefka is also a fun villain from the start, good comic relief (sand on boots, etc.) and the laugh is unforgettable. I'd say I prefer him over Sephiroth as a villain by a hair, but I love Sephiroth too. Sephiroth has a cooler backstory and more interesting connections with the characters (Cloud, Hojo, etc.).

I also like Dancing Mad a bit more than One-Winged Angel.

>> No.9796304

your underage is showing

>> No.9796316
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I'm 34 and played VI before VII, I was hyped as fuck to play VII. I read every preview I could find, tried to catch the commercial when it first started airing, etc. It lived up to my hype, I loved it about as much as 6. FFVI sold plenty for an RPG at the time, the series was already successful just nowhere near on the level of FFVII. RPGs in general got much more popular after.

>> No.9796368

I don't care how well a title sold.
Why did you assume I'd care?

>> No.9796374 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9796378
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>> No.9796414

Now you posted a shitty villain. I'm disappointed, anon. What you're describing is a Disney cartoon tier villain, what is even their motivation? You don't explain.
>well he has a dark resolve and shit
That means nothing. You need to be able to understand their motivation in the first place to judge whether they're right or not. And understanding their motives is what makes them relatable to any degree.
Who'd care about a brute psychopath who manages to kill the hero simply because he was stronger, more resourceful or, worse, just luckier? That's a run-of-the-mill, dime a dozen, Saturday morning show, monster of the week bad guy. Even 1980s slasher film villains are more nuanced than that. You know your villain is shit when Jason Voorhees is better written than them.

>> No.9796714
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Good points
This is the official tier list btw

>> No.9796717
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>> No.9796720

>putting the tree in shit

>> No.9796725

What was the deal with Edea/Ultimecia again? I played FFVIII years ago but don't remember a single thing about the plot.

>> No.9796742

Feminism unironically
>Witches had to pass their powers to successors because men kept hunting them
>Ultimecia has the brilliant idea to fuck up with time to solve her female plight
>Ends up stuck in a time loop where she can never change her situation and close the wage gap
She also talks like a man in Japanese

>> No.9796746
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>> No.9796810

From what I understand, it's
>Knows she's gonna die
>Tries to kompress all of time into her or some shit to deny her fate
>Unwittingly sets into motion the events that end with her getting killed to begin with
But I haven't actually played VIII so I dunno.

>> No.9796915

>this is what zoomers believe

>> No.9796957
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>What was the deal with Edea/Ultimecia again?
being cute in dissidia

>> No.9796962

She definitely has a cool design, reminds me of Maleficent.

>> No.9796964
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>filtered by the tree desiring nirvana
What a fucking pseud list

>> No.9796970

>when you are so shit tier you don't want to exist anymore
Although that was post-Void absorption Neo Exdeath but still.

>> No.9796976

While it's unclear whether he's overtaken by the void at this point, it can be argued that it adds depth to his character, considering his origins.

>> No.9796990
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Plants are very sensitive.

>> No.9797097
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Also deep and complex (morons can't see it tho)

>> No.9797992

Sorceresses are feared and renown for their natural ability to use magic. Nobody is born a sorceress, but when a sorceress dies their sorceress power is transferred to another. The sorceress Adel is ruler of the nation of Esthar, and they attack the nation of Galbadia. This creates orphans, and Cid and Edea, a sorceress from an unknown source at 5 years age, run an orphanage. Adult Squall comes through a time portal and tells Edea that he and his friends defeat a powerful sorceress, and that Edea forms SeeD. The defeated and dying Ultimecia comes through the time portal and dies, passing her power to Edea. Squall leaves back through the time portal. Edea realizes one of the orphan boys is Squall, and her and Cid create SeeD, who use para-magic through GF that cause memory loss so they would be capable of fighting a powerful sorceress, to have Squall and friends be trained to be able to fight a powerful sorceress. Ultimecia learns of her destined defeat to a legendary member of SeeD, and comes up with a plan to obtain the necessary power to use compression of time and space to become a living god and change fate. After 12 years, Ultimecia possesses Edea, most likely from the future, and uses her abilities to ally with Galbadia to achieve her goals. Squall and Co, including Rinoa, who was not at the orphanage, go to assassinate Edea. Upon her defeat, the sorceress powers go into Rinoa, making her a sorceress. For reasons, Squall brings her to Adel's tomb, and Ultimecia possesses Adel. Another Sorceress, Elone, uses her power to tap into Ultimecia's time compression to send Squall and friends to Adel/Ultimecia's time compression nexus point, making she opened the door to her own demise in the apparent attempt to prevent it. After Squall and friends defeat Ultimecia there, Squall is sent back in time to Edea at the orphanage as earlier described, starting the cycle over.

>> No.9798054

I do wish there were more skeleton villains in media. FF3 had that cool skeleton wizard in the fancy clothes, but he was a minor boss.

>> No.9798151

I prefer Kefka being a more constant and direct pain in the ass to the party throughout most of the game over Sephiroth's "i'm stuck in north crater so i'll fuck with cloud's head and toss some jenova parts around every once in a while" approach.

>> No.9798176

Like I said, Jenova, Shinra, and Hojo were all better villains than Sephiroth in his own damn game. I can't fathom why anyone who's not a fujo would elevate him as much as he is.

>> No.9798264
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He may be minor, but Hein was certainly memorable.

>> No.9798296

It's the
He'd have been nothing at all without it.

>> No.9798371

I recognize that Kuja doujinshi.

>> No.9798462

Kefka poisons a village
Build a giant penis tower to fag over the world

Seph kills areis
Fucks with cloud
Stomps Zack and neibeheim after sperging

Seohiroth may or may not be totally cucked by jenova

Seph (at least in the original) seemed to be a man with a plan

Kefka seemed like a 2 dimensional troon.

Nomura has fagged everyone up in his kh and ff7 remake

Let's not forget- ff7 was about eco terrorism and advent children had Barret find oil fields... Fuck jap fucks

>> No.9798491

The problem with kefka is he has no character development. He's the same character throughout. Granted ff6 was made when (Japanese) RPGs sucked even more than they do now, therefore didn't have any real depth to them

Sephiroth is compelling because he is given appropriate character development. He isn't even introduced properly until you leave midgar, this constant build up really gives him an ominous vibe.

Sephiroth was the equivalent of Tom Brady being in the seals and single handedly being the hero of the Iraq war. He is beloved by everyone living in midgar and around the world. He doesn't start out as an asshole, he is a bishi loner, a man of few words but his actions and admired by all.

Hes basically an incel who doesn't relate to anyone. He tries to fit in a world he doesn't understand, so he's looking for a reason why... And he finds it at the nibelheim reactor. A few days later, alot of reading about the jenova project and sephiroth is completely mind fucked.... Is it mass effect style control ? We are never really told.

What we know is that seph decides to go full white incel at high school on the entire town.

Zack gets bodied, tifa gets bodied... Sephiroth considers cloud so insignificant he doesn't even bother killing him. Cloud suprise butt sexes him a sword, causing the main events to be put into motion

Ff7 gave everyone time to breathe in their skin.

Maybe if better (western) writers were given ff6 and a chance to flesh everyone out, ff6 and kefka could be allowed to shine.... Although, it's equally true that in the hands of a lib, terra would be written as a tranny- which no body wants

>> No.9798520

>Sephiroth is compelling because he is given appropriate character development
Stopped reading there.

>> No.9798528

>ff7 was about eco terrorism and advent children had Barret find oil fields
You are a fucking idiot. Corel was an oil town in 7's backstory, which Shinra burned down so they could build a Mako reactor there.

>> No.9798552

The story is too convoluted in 7 for Seph to be an effective villian.

Kefka is better from a narrative perspective. I would even venture that thematically Kefka is a better villain because he drives the abuse of technology (mahitek) in disregard of nature (espers) theme whereas isn't Seph just bad and his fusing with the alien jenova doesn't alter that at all unless I'm mistaken?

>> No.9798661

I don't know if that theme of FF6 really happened. After all, you only need/get 3 to reach Kefka in the world of Ruin; Edgar (technology King), Setzer (Airship technology), and Celes (protagonist).

>> No.9798682

I agree that Shinra (corporatism/eco-thugery) and hojo (science Uber alles) are the actual villains of 7. I think the narrative of 7 is such a jumbled mess that people mistake it for profundity. Meanwhile people think the simplicity of Kefka character is his detriment. Simply confusing complexity for substance. Seph/jenova dont even support that narrative or themes, admittedly i dont ever contemplate these games so maybe someone could enlighten me how they work in the narrative. Many retards in this thread don't even realize that the themes of 7 are just a rehash of 6's just with more edge and convulsion for the sake of that same edge.

>> No.9798685

Well said. Always felt that way.

>> No.9798686

Lol alright dude.

>> No.9798692

Meant to say convolution, not convulsion

>> No.9798707

The fuck do you mean mediocre as a final boss. He's playing God literally. You get to strike down the false God and what he represents returning balance to the world.

>> No.9798708

Fearing clowns is not irrational.
Rent free. Cope and seethe.

>> No.9798709
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>> No.9798718

I would argue that for all intents and purposes, Kefka is literally God in the fullest sense of its meaning in that universe. There's nothing above him after the power of the Warring Triad was at his whim.

>> No.9798721

I don't disagree with you. I chose the words, maybe poorly, because it fit the theme of the empire "playing god" (why I used false) with magitek. He is, although an abomination, a true God.

>> No.9798726

Rinoa aka Ultimecia

>> No.9798731

My mom thought I joined a cult as a kid because I used to go to a Geocities fan site called The Cult of Kefka

>> No.9798734

I feel like /v/ is spilling over here because that board is complete trash at the moment. It went for degenerate d4 threads to mario movie princess peach fetishization. Truly a wretched place.

>> No.9798741

This boss art in conjunction with dancing mad is such a perfect amalgam of the themes.

>> No.9798742

I fully support r=u since without it the whole story feels hollow and disjointed.

>> No.9798749
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We must go further.

>> No.9798753

People recognize sephiroth because he's in a lot of media: kingdom hearts, smash, advent children, remakes of 7.

>> No.9798757
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Hot take: Birth of a God > One-Winged Angel

>> No.9798759

Good analysis. I also fear our modern empire and the symptomatic Kefkas it's producing.

>> No.9798762

I think Rinoa is to Ultimecia as Squall is to Seifer. They're parallels of each other, but not the same entity.
However, due to time shenanigans, I don't think this precludes Rinoa from being Ultimecia. To be perfectly accurate, the developer who said that Rinoa is not Ultimecia was not the only story writer who worked on FF8. The intense connections between those two characters was not an accident, and Rinoa = Ultimecia could have very much been what one of the writers did intend.

>> No.9798769

Is there a translation error in the English of ff8 that refers to hyne as he depite being the progenitor of the sorceress lineage? Is there significance to his gender or why his lineage is witches?

>> No.9798770

They will take the magitek and be happy.

>> No.9798771

As far as I know he's always referred to as male.

>> No.9798772

It's a funny parallel because it seems to suggest if Rinoa goes astray she could become a time bending all powerful sorceress and if squalls is lead astray he could become... a douche.

>> No.9798773

Is there a reason why it's a sorceress lineage rather than a sorcerer?

>> No.9798774
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>> No.9798779

I don't recall the entire legend but he hid a part of him in women who became the first sorceresses who in turn could only pass their magic to other women. They're basically the FF take on Dune's Bene Gesserit.

>> No.9798790

Not quite.
Squall = pessimistic/negative
Seifer = positive/optimistically pursues a dream
Ultimecia = pessimism
Rinoa = optimism

it also matches the symbols, rinoa has white wings on her outfit and ultimecia has black wings, seifer is blonde with a white outfit and squall is dark with dark clothing. I'm 100% certain that these two mirrors were 100% intended.

>> No.9798816

I was just joking. Maybe I glossed over Seifers motives but I remember him just being a foil to squall. Whereas squalls shortcoming could be a lack of confidence Seifers arrogance(?) A result of his confidence. I couldn't tell you what seifers dream is nor did he ever come off as positive or optimistic. But once again I think I really glossed over his character when I played this game, I was pretty young.

>> No.9798821

Sorceress's Knight

>> No.9798829

Does he have a motive for the dream? Does he sympathize with the witches plight?

>> No.9798868

He was groomed by Ultimecia as a child.

>> No.9798883

He doesn't sympathize with the witches plight but he enobles the idea of the loyal Sorceress's Knight to an extreme. He basically carries out a mission throughout the game that makes him the protagonist of his own JRPG story, one that, with a few tweaks so he wasn't with the "bad guys", could have easily been an earlier FF game. With Squall as the antagonist. He also bisects Odin at one point and ends the game smiling with friends without any hate in his heart for Squall at all. Seifer is pure gold.

>> No.9798898

Exdeath is the best because he's a non-character/obstacle with a great theme song in a solid title and the default go-to ironic/meme/contrarian choice for people who think they're too good for a debate. This makes him genuinely vile by unfortunate association, which is all I'd ever want from a villain: someone to be disgusted by.

>but hes like wacky tree isnt that so random xD
>FF5's story is SUPPOSED to be lighthearted and stupid!!!

>> No.9798905

I'm not disgusted by Exdeath.
Maybe his castle. That was kinda new.
But overall he was like Diet Shredder or Diet Lord Zed.
He's not thrilling.

>> No.9799021

People make houses out of wood, only makes sense a tree makes his house out of human flesh.

>> No.9799127

flawless reasoning

>> No.9799557

>Maybe if better (western) writers were given ff6 and a chance to flesh everyone out, ff6 and kefka could be allowed to shine....
That's more or less what actually happened. The Kefka everyone remembers and likes is purely a Western creation written over what the nips made. An actually faithful translation of the original game reveals he's just as bland as Sephiroth personality-wise, and without the menace factor he has, either.

>> No.9799713
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Damn it's like a completely different person

>> No.9799741

Anon...the GBA version is a faithful translation. I'm talking about the SNES version, which is a Woolsey translation rife with embellishments.

>> No.9799759
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That's the SNES on the right. What you're saying also happened both ways.

>In this line, Kefka speaks about Edgar in a sarcastic way in each script, but the Japanese version also has him using an overly reverential Japanese speech style that enhances that sarcasm even more. The GBA translation is definitely the closest in this extra regard.

>> No.9799768
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The one line that made an impact was this one which everybody knows. But saying that it was what made everybody like him is pushing it.

>> No.9799771

I hate all this, which one am I supposed to play?

>> No.9799784

The Google one.

>> No.9799792

If you want the memes pick SNES, if you want to understand the dialogues better pick the GBA.

>> No.9800036

Why did they change sandworm to submariner? There are sandworms in the game, but no submariners.

>> No.9800058

GBA. Not all fan scripts are the same; for the most part the ones that use the GBA but make sure it's uncensored and tweaked is the best.

>> No.9800068

The castle submerges itself is likely the joke, even though that doesn't happen at that point.

>> No.9800254

Does it even matter at the end?

>> No.9800263

Go back to your tower, Kefka.

>> No.9800265

In the eeeend, it doesnt even maaatteeeerrrr

>> No.9800348

Is the pixel remaster fine? I'm on the board that shat their colon out the last time it was relevant, though.

>> No.9800361
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>> No.9800406

>I haven't played FF6, nor have i watched all of the cutscenes from the game demonstrating Kefka's character development, so I'm gonna go with the Sephy bishie because it's more poplar, hyuck.

>> No.9800486

I don't like the pixel remaster version of FF6. It's the only pixel remaster I don't like, too.

>> No.9800652

Coldest take ever. Birth of a god is FF mystic quest levels of awesome

>> No.9801020
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>> No.9801025

My favorite SMT demon!

>> No.9801035
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>> No.9801556

Kuso means shit.

>> No.9802118

Like in English it's usually not literal.

>> No.9802915

>Jecht instead of Yu Yevon
That's because Yu Yevon is a fucking bitch.
["Otherworld" starts playing.]

>> No.9803197

Narratively, as a final villain he's fine, and the atmosphere of the final battle is kino. The fight itself, though, is way too easy and sort of undermines him. You're fighting God - he should present the greatest challenge in the game, and make you work for your victory. But nope, let's give him half as much HP as Zeromus in FFIV and have his ultimate attack be a nothingburger if you have even halfway decent equipment on.

>> No.9803207

Kefka is extremly hard if you just play straight through. Everything character collect is side quest except the required three, although Sabin is basically an automatic fourth.

>> No.9803235

You mean a CES playthrough where you go straight into Kefka's Tower after gaining the Falcon? That would definitely be more challenging, although you still get some really good gear in the tower itself. I might try that sometime - my last playthrough ended with my highest leveled character at level 22, and I still stomped Kefka by abusing Wind God Gau, Bum Rush and Morphed double-casted level 3 spells and shit. He was a bit harder using a less busted team.

>> No.9803869

I'm going to be a huge nerd and suggest that Kefka being easy post world of destruction is the point. After the side quests are done you've not only gotten the band back together but also solved all their inner turmoils. Your gay ass power of love should obviously shit stomp Kefka's nihilistic ass. and going in with less members with stories not finished makes them sad and unable to care bear stare hard enough

>> No.9805134

I remember curb stomping most of the game with Sabin and then throwing some legendary sword you gained after 100 battles or whatever at him.

>> No.9805172

>flash back with sephiroth
>cloud does barely any damage to the dragon
>sephiroth one shots it
>midgar zolom terrorizes the map forcing you to avoid it
>sephiroth laters leaves its corpse impaled
Square did a lot of good storytelling with the whole "show, don't tell" approach to impress upon you just how powerful Sephy is, that and you slowly uncover just how fucked he is. Kefka is more in your face, poisoning a village, taking power, destroying the world and becoming god. Kefka has the better resume but Sephiroth was presented far better, first third of the game is like a mystery game of whodunnit then you spend the rest of the game chasing after him as he tries to destroy the planet.

>> No.9805278


Really apt analogy. As a kid you see the scary psycho clown, as a grown up you see the blue hair middle manager.

>> No.9805291

>You can one-shot the final boss
>But only with a character that is actually possible to kill off and never recruit
>and with an item you can only get in a side quest and by making a choice that gives up access to the most powerful spell in the game
>and then gambling that item away in more side quest content in a battle that regularly screws you over
>then by having a thought to literally THROW AWAY your hardest to obtain and strongest item instead of using it normally

yeah totally

>> No.9805301

I'm pretty sure he's citing some comic or something that isn't represented in the events of the game at all, but some anon like to pretend it's retroactively canon to the game itself somehow.

>> No.9805308

There is an NPC in Vector that absolutely says that the in the operation that gave Kefka his magic (like Celes) that caused something to snap in Kefka's mind. About the rest of it, I'm not so sure.

>> No.9805793

Thanks to GameFAQs I didn't have to be that creative.

>> No.9806631

You can't actually one-shot Kefka by throwing anything at him. I remember there being a rumor about the Atma Weapon one-shotting him when thrown, but you can't even throw that weapon, period. Throwing the Ragnarok or Illumina also doesn't kill him. You CAN Joker Doom him with Setzer, though, and there's an elaborate glitch where you can take a ghost from the Phantom Train to the battle and Possess him for an insta-kill as well.

>> No.9806680

>You can one-shot the final boss
Wind God Gau?
Sabin with the genji glove and offering?

>> No.9806683

I just never cared that much for seph to begin with so I'll say Kefka just cause he's funny clown man. Never liked most "character" FF baddies to be honest, Kefka may be the only one i kinda like and maybe Ultimecia. Generic as they may be, i prefer the cosmic destroying tier ones like Chaos, Cloud of Dankness and Xdeath.

>> No.9806690

For me it's Locke with Genji Glove and Offering - Valiant Knife + Atma Weapon

>> No.9806692

>Wind God Gau
Can't one-shot him since he can only attack four times and Kefka has 62,000 HP, unless you use Quick, but that's kinda cheating since it's a whole other turn.
>Sabin with the genji glove and offering
He'd have to literally be at level 99 with max Vigor and dual Tiger Fangs to achieve this, and even then probably not due to random variance.
This right here could do it, but again, only at a really high level.

>> No.9806724
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Never mind, just redid the numbers, and even in the extremely unlikely scenario where you hit the max possible damage on every hit, Sabin would fall just short of one-shotting Kefka by a few hundred HP. However, Morphed Terra could possibly do it around level 71 if you were to dual-wield Illumina and a stolen Ragnarok from the third-tier, again assuming max Vigor. Or you can dual-wield Atma Weapons (again, using a stolen one from the third tier) at around that same level with any of the four characters that can equip it and that would work as well.

Yes, I'm insanely autistic about this shit.

>> No.9806828

Ah interesting, I really need to play it again at some point, it's been a very long time.