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9779830 No.9779830 [Reply] [Original]

I'm interested in getting into the Digimon franchise. There are countless games and other media based off the series, and I have heard pic related is the best place to start. If any of you lot have any recommendations as far as general road maps go for this series, I'd be interested in hearing them.

>> No.9779837
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I always thought the Digimon anime had one of the most interesting worlds out of the Poke-likes. The contrast of empty desert and advanced human structures made for some interesting feels

>> No.9779850

>I'm interested in getting into the Digimon franchise.
Then don't play the games, they're all hastly made cashgrabs

It's not a video game franchise

>> No.9779969

The only game worth playing isn't retro
Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition
Rumble Arena if you have friends

>> No.9780113

in order:

Digimon Adventure (anime)
Digimon World (PSX)
Digimon Rumble Arena

Good job. You have now finished the Digimon franchise.

>> No.9780161

That's my favourite game of all time

>> No.9780192
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You have to play the holy quad of digimon fighting games.

>> No.9780213
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Only the game in your pic is worth playing. Only play the others if you're a hardcore Digimon fan.
But Digimon World is a lot of fun. I recommend using grindosaur.com if you need digivolution or item guides.

>> No.9780297
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I've been going through as many games as I can for the past few years, even most of those are pretty skipable

>> No.9780328

Digimon World is a strange, largely incomprehensible, and often frustrating game. You'd think it's a pokemon clone, but it seems like pokemon didn't really have that much influence on the game design. It's actually more like an evolution of the monster daycare digivice toys that were based on tomagachi toys, but mashed up with simple RPG mechanics. The training portion of the game is pretty boring, and you can have your progress halted in the 'action' sections for basically no reason when your digimon dies of old age.
The graphics and style are nice. It's worth checking out as an oddity. I don't really understand the people who really love the game.

>> No.9780369

the comparison to Pokemon has always been extremely shallow. Digimon is not Pokemon. You went into it thinking it was came out disappointed. Many such cases

>> No.9780383

The marketing for Digimon was so bad. All that it took was their brand name being '_imon' and the franchise to be about raising monsters and that was it, it was fucked. Practically every single kid I knew at the time thought Digimon was a gay knock off bootleg Pokémon series. Digimon could have been the greatest shit ever, but they shot themselves in the foot at mach speed making the series sound and look at first glance like a clone of Pokémon at the height of Pokémon's popularity at the time.

>> No.9780428
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You're just bad at video games. Pic related.

>> No.9780429


Yeah, this is true unfortunately. I still enjoy Digimon World, but that may be nostalgia talking. Then again I played 2 and 3 around the same time and I have no love or nostalgia for them. The fanbase acted like Cyber Sleuth was the best Digimon game, and it had its fun stuff, but overall it was mediocre just like every other Digimon game.

>> No.9780471

digimon world 3 from PSX plays similar to pokemon but be prepared to do backtracking, A LOT of backtracking.

>> No.9780490

>trying to make digimon badass
holy fuck america really is something else

>> No.9780545

If you want the Digimon experience, you need a few Vpets, preferably an original or the recent 20th or X. Then you can appreciate what World is trying to do as well as the other 2 earliest games, Version S on Saturn and Version WonderSwan. Understand that Digimon is not a Pokemon wannabe and never has been, it is a reboot/spin off of Tamagotchi, its a virtual pet raising simulator. There are more traditional rpgs like Pokemon (World 3), but if in general you want the "real" games, its the LCD Vpets and their continuations, Version S and Version WS, World 1 and the not retro continuations of World 1 style.

There are "generations" like Pokemon, but mostly tied to a new Vpet/gimmick and since its Bandai they usually have a planned out multimedia blitz associated with toys, anime, trading cards, comics, other games set around this new theme which also feels like they were trying to rebrand or reboot the ip all the time. This was more so the case in the 2000s when the brand was still stronger but the vast majority of these new lcd games were Japan only so the rest of the world just got the media scraps, hence many people thinking Digimon is only an anime series or not even knowing what it started out as.

Also know these games are very niche in their actual gameplay, from the lcd pets to the video games. They will not appeal to like 90% of modern tastes and they are the kind of things a real game nerd would be into or something one with an interest in heavily flawed and/or unique gameplay ideas would enjoy trying out. Do not under any circumstances expect a Pokemon style pick up and breeze through experience. There is a core concept to the ip, but i feel like even Bandai has forgotten what it is a lot of times and just sells it based on cool monster designs, which to be fair is probably why a lot of people enjoy the ip.

>> No.9780550

My problem with not retro is the fact that you have no attachment to your monsters when they can just turn back and forth into literally anyone. I actually would have preferred a hard cut off point where you cant de digivolve after a certain point to certain lower stages. There is very little point to raise more then 11 monsters to fill your party and even then you only need a few of those to unlock every evolution.

>> No.9780556

The west never got the vast majority of the vpets so that identity of what the ip is never took hold outside Japan and the success of the anime as the main export didn't help.

>> No.9780562

Digimon Digital Card Battle

>> No.9780572 [DELETED] 

Digimon is badass jusg look at that robot dinosaur wity satan horns, satans, titty satans, HERCULES MOTHERFUCKING KABUTERIMON

>> No.9780745

Based, you tell that nigger

>> No.9780768

are the game bricking and save destroying glitches because I "suck at video games"?

>> No.9780886
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I'll admit there are a few annoying glitches, like the jukebox glitch or the Devimon glitch. Those are legitimate criticisms. However, to say the game is "incomprehensible" is not valid criticism. The gameplay is extremely simple — you level up stats and your Digimon digivolves. Compared to JRPGs of the time, it's nowhere near "incomprehensible." That criticism is just zoomer brain being incapable of understanding numbers.

>> No.9780907

Is this the game where you can plop on the floor if you stay still long enough

>> No.9782479
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>> No.9783276

It's comprehensible if you have a FAQ/Guide to explain everything. Within the game itself, nothing makes sense, especially not the digivolution system.

>> No.9783316
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>> No.9784012

>small picture at the bottom of a turd throwing another massive turd at Greymon
>may not be suitable for people who suck at videogames
I love DW1. I played many times. DW3 is good enough but it's uneccessary long. Nothing complex about the combat mechanics, you can just attack -> get hit -> heal and repeat. 2 is just slow and tedious.
This. sometimes you don't even know where to go.

>> No.9784030

It's very unapproachable. Downright unplayable if you're too young of a kid, or you don't read english.
That said, I like that it's cryptic. It gives digivolutions that much more meaning and satisfaction.
It's a weird balance. It's the kind of game that just doesn't exist anymore. It's amazing that that PS4 reboot actually happened (even though it was streamlined)

>> No.9784126

I tried to play Digimon World, but dropped it really quickly. Can you give me a quick rundown on how to get into it and not ruin my playthrough? From what I remember, I didn't even understand how to fight that tutorial monster

>> No.9784732

I 100% this game a few years ago. The learning curve is pretty steep in the beginning but when it clicks it becomes a very fun game and actually becomes to easy when you progress and understand the system. To evolve your rookie digimon to champions through training they need to reach specific stats before they reach the age to evolve. (1 training session costs an hour.) it is tedious in the beginning but as your game progresses the gym gets upgraded, portable potties become available and it becomes much easier to train. Certain champions are also easier to reach in the early game like centaurumon:
Care Mistakes: 3 or less
(I believe these include shitting on the floor, going to sleep hungry, exhaustion)
Body Weight: 30 lbs
Parameters: Brains 100
Bonus Conditions: Discipline 60% or more

>> No.9784827

Nta, but I'm getting stomped by lv 3 red veggiemon. So I'm just supposed to spend hours of gameplay just in the gym?

>> No.9784951

Digimon world is the only one you want to play, rest is unnecessary. I really wished DW1 was much much longer. It gets super addictive after your first digimon dies in the middle of second evolution and you realize that you have billions of digimons you can explore. The game peaks when you realize that the fucking shitmon can actually turn into a godlike teddy bear by wearing its costume. It was toyland or something like that, I never had such adrenaline rush before.

>> No.9784967

Yes, stock up on meats, train your digimon, brain can get your digimon new moves sometimes but I would suggest attack, MP and HP. try to get palmon as soon as possible to join the village for big meats. It is recommended to do a bit of research on the various status bubbles and some other mechanics before hopping into this game blind. The start is the most difficult part of the game imo as it is a bit of a grind. I hope you make it through, I loved completing this game.

useful guide:
https://gamefaqs.gamespot.. com/ps/913684-digimon-world/faqs/8339

>> No.9784976

With hours I meant 1 hour in the digiworld day/night cycle.

>> No.9785030
File: 872 KB, 2181x2160, Clock_24_J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played DW1 a ton over the years. If you know where everything and you're comfortable with the mechanics you can breeze through the base game rather quickly. No-training runs are possible if you rely on stat chips. I managed to finish a no-item run once but holy hell was it difficult.

Digimon that have special conditions or require you to have specific digimon for recruitment are a complete pain in the ass.

I've always had trouble understanding the clock and in-game times. I've only just now realised it's because it's a 24-hour clock.